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If you want to strengthen your cellular connection and speed up your mobile Internet on your own, then you will need a VEGAtel signal amplification kit. Typically, such a kit includes the following equipment: repeater, outdoor antenna, indoor antenna, coaxial cable, connectors, fasteners, bracket, power supply.

A characteristic feature of the recycling program at the present time is the differences in the offers and duration of the programs of individual automotive manufacturers. The revived large-scale event operates throughout the country. For example, very recent news: at the beginning of 2018, old cars.

The period of the program at VAZ in 2017 lasted until December 15, in which A variety of vehicles were able to participate. The amount of the discount under the standard recycling scheme was 50,000 rubles, and under the trade-in program - 40,000 rubles. GAZ also prepared a profitable offer for our compatriots, the size of the discount in this case directly depended on the weight of the car (minimum - 120 thousand rubles, maximum - 350 thousand rubles). According to domestic companies, the functioning will help the country get rid of the outdated fleet of light trucks, heavy vehicles and buses.

It is noteworthy that the drop in sales in last years observed in the commercial transport sector. The car recycling program in 2018 will revive the economy, increase the level of demand and contribute to the renewal of the country's car fleet.

List of vehicles for recycling

Model Trade-in, up to, rub Discount amount, rub.
Ford Focus 50 000 50 000
Ford Mondeo 50 000 50 000
Ford S-Max 50 000 50 000
Ford Galaxy 50 000 50 000
Ford Kuga 2.5 Trend 100 000 100 000
Ford Kuga FWD 50 000 50 000
Ford Kuga AWD 75 000 90 000
Ford Edge 100 000 100 000
Ford Explorer 100 000 100 000
Ford Ecosport FWD 50 000 50 000
Ford Ecosport AWD 90 000 90 000

The recycling program in 2018 is also valid, it started on January 16. handing over old car, which is at least 10 years old, you can buy a new one at a good discount, although the choice of new cars under this program is limited, that is, it will be possible to purchase only those makes and models of cars that participate in the recycling program. If in the first years of such recycling events it was possible to take only new VAZ cars, now foreign cars can also be taken.

How to scrap a car

Car recycling is the destruction of a vehicle for a certificate in the amount of 50,000 rubles, depending on which car you buy. Recycling will be done with minimal harm to the environment, the body will not be buried in the ground and rot there.

Employees of recycling companies first dismantle the old car, they can take the good parts for themselves or sell them, and send the bad parts for recycling, glass separately, metal separately, lining separately.

Before sending the car to a recycling point, you must:

  • remove transport from the register at the traffic police department;
  • conclude an agreement with a recycling company and take the car.

As a rule, at the points of collection of old cars it is not required to pay for the return of a car, but some write that they can ask if the vehicle weight is less than 800 kg.

To remove a vehicle from the register, you need:

  1. Passport of the Russian Federation.
  2. Vehicle registration certificate, registration certificate, number.
  3. Sample statement.
  4. Vehicles do not need to be shown for inspection.

Conditions for the delivery of the vehicle for scrap:

  1. The state recycling program is active.
  2. Aging, wear and tear of the vehicle. The car is at least 10 years old.
  3. You have been the owner of this machine for at least 0.6 years. There used to be a requirement to be the owner for at least one year.
  4. Are you going to buy new car according to the provided list.
  5. Your age is at least 18 years old.

After the car has been deregistered by the traffic police, it can no longer be driven. We'll have to take it to the tow truck. Although, if the pick-up point is not far away, many people take it on their own.

How to hand over a car for recycling in 2018:

  • Submit an application to the traffic police for disposal through the State Services portal and wait for the appointment of time.
  • Fill out an application.
  • Get help.

It is not necessary to provide the car to the traffic police.

After receiving a certificate from the traffic police, you need to independently deliver the car to the collection point for old cars. There are requirements, the car must have batteries, wheels. Unnecessary parts can be removed, such as a sports seat, radio, etc.

Employees of the car recycling point will require a certificate from the traffic police.

Sample Application

The following items must be completed on the application:

  1. The exact name of the traffic police department where you will apply.
  2. Underline the reason for deregistration of the vehicle. In this case, emphasize "in connection with disposal."
  3. Fill in the data on the car: make, model, VIN number, state registration number, year of manufacture of the vehicle.
  4. Fill in information about the owner of the owner, passport data.
  5. Fill in the vehicle details.

Authorization for disposal

If the owner of the car cannot or does not want to visit the traffic police department to deregister the car, then he writes a power of attorney in which he trusts a certain person to perform all actions on a trusted object.

A power of attorney from a legal entity includes the following items:

  • number, date of writing;
  • full name of the organization, address;
  • position and full name of the principal;
  • Full name, address, passport details of the authorized person;
  • The number of the traffic police department where you will apply;
  • vehicle data: VIN number, brand, model, year of manufacture, chassis number, body number, engine number, vehicle number.
  • vehicle registration certificate, registration certificate.
  • validity period of the power of attorney (1 year).
  • signature of the authorized person and the principal.

A car owner who wants to hand over the vehicle for recycling can only provide a passport and an application for recycling. But, if the owner wants this trustee to do it for him, then the power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

The power of attorney for individuals includes the following items:

  • place and date of writing;
  • Full name, address of residence and passport details of the owner and authorized representative;
  • number of the traffic police department;
  • car data;
  • registration number and vehicle certificate number;
  • validity;
  • signatures of the parties to the agreement.

State program for recycling

The first launch of this program started in 2010. At first it was supposed to launch only on one go, then on one more, and so it has been operating so far.

The program was invented to reduce the number of old cars that can still be found on the roads (Muscovites, Zhiguli, UAZ, Niva, etc.) and, no less important, is the maintenance of domestic automobile plants. Therefore, they offer instead old car a certificate in the amount of 50,000 rubles if a person wants to take a new car.

A mandatory recycling requirement is that the certificate can only be spent on the purchase of a new car that is on the list. That is, if, for example, you want an Audi, and it is not in the list of cars that can be taken under the program, then the certificate will not work for it.

Purchase subsidy for some vehicles new car was doubled. This, for example, was, if you buy a UAZ Patriot, then they give you a certificate in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

New conditions for car recycling in 2018:

  • must be the owner for at least half a year;
  • the age of the car is more than 10 years;
  • must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the car can be handed over for recycling only through the dealer. The cost of the service is about 10,000 rubles.

Depending on the type of car, passenger car, truck, jeep, bus (), the cost of the certificate provided can be from 50 to 350 thousand rubles. If you hand over passenger car, receive a certificate for 50,000 rubles. If cargo, then 350 thousand rubles.

The program managed to sell more than 130,000 vehicles. You can buy only some brands and models of cars: VAZ, GAZ, UAZ, some models of Volkswagen, Opel, Nissan, Ford, Sang Yong, Renault.

Sell ​​your car through a dealer

All Required documents issued and submitted by the dealer. The dealer also enters into a contract with the customer for the purchase of a new car.

An employee of the dealer company draws up a discount on the provided certificate. You should contact those dealers who are definitely participating in the recycling program for old cars.

When contacting a dealer, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Issue a power of attorney for the disposal of the vehicle to the dealer.
  2. Sign an agreement with the dealer that you transfer the car to the dealer for deregistration in the traffic police and for further disposal.
  3. You leave the car at the dealer, draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the car.

How to return a car if there is no number and documents

The owner of the car must have only a passport. Other documents are provided if they are available.

If you received tax on a sold car, that is new owner did not re-register the vehicle, you can contact him so that he registers it for himself, if he does not want to, then you can write an application to the traffic police for deregistration and scrapping. Traffic cops, or as they are also called, gays, will find the car indicated in the application and send it to a fine parking lot, remove it from the register.

Once deregistered, it cannot be re-registered.

State Services Portal

In order to apply through the State Services portal, you need to register in it, fill in your passport and other data, go to the category menu and select "Vehicle registration", then "Deregistration", then "Deregistration due to disposal ".

Enter all the required data in the application of the electronic form:

  • Russian passport;
  • a certified power of attorney if you are not the owner;
  • technical passport of the vehicle;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • ownership document.

car recycling cost

Do I have to pay state duty for the disposal of the car? Answer: no. The service is free. But, after removing the vehicle from disposal, you will have to spend money on a tow truck, if ordered.

Buying used cars under the recycling program

Can I take a used car for recycling? Answer: No, only new cars participate in the program. It is precisely because of the high cost of new cars for most citizens of the country that many do not use the recycling program for old cars, because they do not want to take a new car on credit and continue to drive the old Kopeyka, Moskvich, etc.

The government of the Russian Federation subsidizes only in the case of the purchase of new cars. This is both an increase in sales and an increase in tax collections.

Checking a car before buying

Before, you need to check it for recycling. To check if the car has been scrapped, you can:

  • on the official website of the traffic police;
  • via autocode;
  • through third party internet services.

May request:

  • VIN code;
  • body number, chassis;
  • TC number.

List of cars that can be bought under the program in 2018

Here is a list of brands and models that can be purchased with a recycling certificate and the amount of the discount:

            1. VAZ. You can buy any sold model. Discount 50000 rubles.
            2. UAZ.
              • You can buy Patriot (Patriot). They will give a certificate in the amount of 90,000 rubles.
              • Hunter (Hunter). Also, a discount of 90,000 rubles.
              • Pickup (Pickup). Discount 120 000 rubles.
              • Cargo (Cargo). Discount 120 000 rubles.
              • Commercial vehicles. Discount 120000 rubles.
            3. GAS.
              • Simple commercial models. The discount will be 175,000 rubles.
              • Trucks. At the time of buying cargo gas, discount - 350,000 rubles.
            4. Opel.

                Corsa (Korsa). Discount 40 000 rub.

                Antara (Antara). Discount 140 000 rub.

                Astra (Astra). Discount 80 000 rub.

                Mokka (Mocha). Discount 100 000 rub.

                Insignia (Insignia). Discount 40 000 rub.

                Zafira Tourer (Zafira Tourer). Discount 80 000 rub.

                Astra Family (Astra Family). Discount 130 000 rub.

The program for the recycling of old cars in Russia has undergone numerous changes over the past five years, improving every year, it has made it possible to achieve current conditions for the exchange of vehicles for a discount when buying new cars for both consumers of the service and manufacturers. Despite the relevance of the topic, most people who want to scrap a car have a lot of questions about where and how to dispose of a car.

The effectiveness and relevance of the car recycling program leaves no doubt among any of the participants in the automotive market. However, every year dealer centers, which are in partnership with car manufacturers, offer more and more profitable terms and car models available for purchase.

The process of recycling an old car

A dismantled vehicle for recycling enters a special commercial institution that receives and then dismantles the car for its transformation into secondary raw materials. A car owner who wants to scrap a car does not need to look for a company specializing in such technical actions. The terms of the program stipulate that the dealership, for a fixed fee, assumes the responsibility of selecting a recycling company and facilitating the conclusion of contractual relations between it and the owner of the car.

To know how to rent a car in 2020, read the instructions below.

At the same time, it is clearly regulated that the transportation of a scrapped car to the place of its direct disposal is carried out at the expense and means of the dealership.

The meaning of the program for the owner of an old car is that he is invited to scrap and receive a discount certificate for the purchase of a new vehicle.

The dealer disposing of the car, in accordance with the requirements of the state program and the internal regulations of the dealership, checks compliance technical base delivered vehicle. The car must have complete package necessary for its movement, including seats, battery, wheels, dashboard, steering wheel and other units.

After this procedure, the car owner is issued a valid certificate for a discount determined by the dealer, using which he can buy a new car. The issued certificate is not a document that implies the ability to cash it into real money, but a certificate of compensation, which can only be used to purchase a vehicle.

Where to dispose of the car?

At the stage of submitting documents, only documents are required to obtain a certificate for scrap. Those. you need to dispose of the car without a car in the traffic police. A dismantled car must be deregistered with the traffic police, unlike a car purchased through the Trade-in system, where this is not necessary.

List of required documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen applying to the traffic police.
  2. PTS on an old car. It must be at least six months after its acquisition.
  3. State license plates.

Instructions and procedure for scrapping a car

A sample of filling out an application for disposal to be submitted to the traffic police.

You can download the application form to the traffic police for car recycling 2020.

  1. First of all, you need to contact the traffic police and arrange for recycling due to the impossibility of using it. To do this, you need to drive to the nearest traffic police department and submit a completed application for disposal in the official form.
  2. Further, the state is attached to the application. numbers and pts. Everything, this is quite enough to obtain a certificate for the scrap of your car. From this moment, the accrual of transport tax on the scrapped car is terminated. If there are no license plates on the car or TCP, you can write an application for their loss in the same place to the traffic police.
  3. Next, with the received recycling certificate, you need to proceed to any recycling point that is available in your area or directly to the dealer where you plan to buy a new car. We recommend that you contact only certified points.

The salvaged car itself does not need to be transported to the traffic police department!

Important! The condition of the car can be any and it can be delivered to a recycling point, as well as it can be disposed of even disassembled into parts, but all its details must be present.

The answer to the question: “Where to dispose of an old car?”, Like the similar question: “How to dispose of an obsolete car?”, Has one common answer. Recycling companies are engaged in car recycling, but many want to hand over the car for scrap on their own and do not know where to turn. You just need to choose a dealer center, where he will be provided with all the necessary assistance in organizing the process. As mentioned above, the dealer independently delivers the vehicle to the place of its processing.

The choice of a dealership that operates exclusively within the legal framework is the concern and responsibility of the owner of the salvaged vehicle.

Vehicles for recycling

In 2020, a car owner, when scrapping his vehicle, can count on a discount on the purchase of the following types of cars:

  • cars all types of body;
  • SUVs;
  • light and medium duty trucks;
  • heavy trucks and truck tractors;
  • minibuses and buses;
  • special equipment.

The discount received under the certificate directly depends on the class and type of the vehicle being handed over. The dealer center reserves the right to impose its own requirements on the scrapped car, which also affect the amount of compensation and admission to special promotions that provide for especially favorable conditions for exchanging old cars for new ones.

The motorist goes for recycling.

The period during which the certificate will be valid directly depends on the extension of the recycling program. Under the terms of the federal project, the discount for the purchase of a new car is valid for the current year, when the vehicle was deregistered by the traffic police due to disposal.

The certificate for compensatory compensation under the old car recycling program is personalized, it belongs to a specific person. The terms of this project do not provide for the opportunity to take a certificate from a friend and, using it, buy a car for yourself.

Based on the foregoing, for a conscientious car owner, the process of recycling an old car is not difficult, being simple and accessible to everyone.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Any vehicle eventually becomes unusable, and its further operation becomes impossible due to heavy wear. You can’t throw it in a landfill, so the question of how to hand over a car for recycling is relevant for car owners. It is important to perform this procedure correctly in order to get rid of the need to pay transport tax and at the same time receive the due compensation, which can be used to purchase a new vehicle.

Disposal methods

You can get rid of an old car in different ways - turn it in as ordinary scrap metal or use the state program. If the car is disposed of according to the first scenario, the benefit of its owner will depend on the tariffs of the collection point, according to which the cost will be calculated taking into account the weight of the vehicle. This method is suitable for very old cars that are not fully preserved or have already been deregistered by the traffic police.

The best option to get rid of an old car is to participate in a state recycling program. In this case, you will receive a discount certificate up to 350,000 rubles for the purchase of a new vehicle, the amount of which will depend on its category, brand and model.

It can only be used to pay part of the cost of a new car, as well as a down payment when applying for a car loan.

Terms of the recycling program

At the scrap metal collection point, your car will be accepted in any form, but must be observed when participating in the state program. They are aimed at preventing cases of fraud on the part of car owners. The state recycling program is aimed at stimulating sales of cars produced in Russia and cleaning up roads from auto junk. In this regard, a certificate (certificate) with the right to a discount can only be obtained for machines that meet certain requirements.

So, in order to sell a car for scrap, it must:

  • be owned by the same owner for at least a year;
  • be on the move or fit for towing;
  • be complete - all components and assemblies must be intact, including the battery.

Cars that have been in a serious accident cannot take part in the program. Small dents are allowed. State disposal of the car without buying a new car is not performed.

Required documents

To hand over the vehicle for recycling, the following documents must be submitted to a specialized collection point:

  • owner's passport;
  • PTS and .

Points of acceptance for recycling

You can write off the car for recycling in order to receive compensation for the purchase of a new vehicle on your own at licensed points or through car dealers participating in the state program. As a rule, these are car dealerships that sell cars made in Russia. The procedure is somewhat similar. The only difference is that instead of resale, the vehicle is sent for recycling.

The procedure for handing over a car for recycling

When the old car is still on the move, but it is no longer possible or difficult to sell, the state recycling program can become a solution to the problem. However, in order to use it, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions, briefly discussed above, and the procedure for handing over the vehicle.

Can I get money for a scrapped car?

The question of whether it is possible to hand over a car for recycling for money often arises from car owners. However, the state does not intend to simply buy auto junk from the population at a high price. As already noted, the recycling program should encourage citizens to purchase new Russian cars, to support domestic producers and ensure the competitiveness of their products in the domestic market.

Thus, it is impossible to scrap a car and get money for it, since it is unprofitable for either the state or automakers. No one will give you the amount of compensation for handing it over to the scrap. It can only be deducted from the cost of a new vehicle in the form of a discount or used as a down payment when applying for a car loan. Currently, only these two options are provided.

Termination of registration

Until 07/10/2017, it was impossible to scrap a car that was registered. First, it was necessary to apply for deregistration of the vehicle at the nearest MREO traffic police. But at present, in order to deregister due to disposal, it is necessary to provide a confirming document that the car is really scrapped.

Delivery of the car to the reception point

The state recycling program provides that the car must be in a fully equipped condition, be on the move or suitable for towing, have the necessary technical fluids, that is, there must be all signs that the car has been used. Delivery to the collection point is carried out by the owner.

If the car is not on the move, and you do not plan to buy a new vehicle, you can use the services of companies that provide free removal of cars for recycling in any form. In this case, you will not receive compensation, but the car may even be in a semi-disassembled state. If necessary, employees of such companies themselves will get a vehicle that has become unusable from hard-to-reach places, and will also issue a recycling certificate for the traffic police.

Disposal procedure

To get rid of the old car according to the state program, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Hand over the car to the recycling point and get a certificate (certificate) of recycling.
  2. To issue a deregistration in the traffic police.
  3. Select the appropriate model at any participating car dealership, show a scrappage certificate that entitles you to a discount and pay the difference in price.

Another option is also possible: first select a dealer participating in the program, provide him with your car, conclude an agreement with him for the purchase of a new one and issue a power of attorney for him to turn over the old one for scrap and deregister with the traffic police.

Recycling certificate

After the safe return of the old car, you should be issued a (certificate) of disposal, granting the right to purchase a new one at a discount. It is issued only in points that have a license. They can be either public or private. As mentioned above, this document must be submitted to the car dealership where you intend to purchase a new domestic-made car.

The certificate does not expire, but after the completion of the state program, it will no longer be possible to use it. Therefore, the purchase of a new vehicle should not be shelved. The government annually extends the program, but no one knows how long this will last.

The cost of the disposal procedure

Despite the fact that the program is state-owned, it is not always possible to scrap an old car and get a certificate for free. At the car pick-up point, you may be required to pay a recycling fee if it has not been paid earlier. How much it costs to dispose of a car depends on its age, place of production, engine power and the person who issued it for import to Russia. You will not have to pay a disposal fee if the Title “Special marks” indicates: “Disposal obligations have been fulfilled”. All vehicles assembled by Russian factories have such a mark.

In addition, if the car is rented to a private recycling center, they can take an amount from 3 to 10 thousand for services. In state points, services for disposal and issuance of a certificate are free of charge.

Take a sociological survey!

The largest domestic manufacturer cars is AvtoVAZ, which has gained popularity in the country and abroad since Soviet times. Any LADA car, if it meets all the requirements of the state program, is accepted for disposal by the majority official dealers factory. The received certificate can be used to purchase most modern models that came off the AvtoVAZ assembly line, regardless of the configuration. But the recycling discount for buying new LADA models in 2020 is only 10,000 rubles, and only 20,000 for the Largus van.

How to scrap a truck

A truck for recycling is accepted in the same manner as a passenger car. The difference is only in the amount of compensation under the certificate. The amount of the discount that you can get today when buying a new truck under the recycling program is from 90 to 350,000 rubles.

The program includes any trucks– from low-tonnage to heavy-duty models, including those equipped with special equipment and commercial ones.

The state program for the recycling of old vehicles can be used not only by individuals, but also by legal entities. The conditions are the same for everyone, except for the payment of a recycling fee. For companies, a higher rate is provided. Consequently, the price of disposal of cars imported from other countries for legal entities will be much higher. The program participant can also use the amount of compensation after the return of the old car to purchase any domestic commercial vehicle.

Is it possible to restore the vehicle registration

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to deregister a vehicle with the traffic police, there must be a reason - export outside the Russian Federation or disposal due to wear and tear. Until July 2017, when the car was not used for a long time, some car owners, in order not to pay transport tax, deregistered it for disposal. But the car was often not destroyed, but kept by the owner in the garage or in the yard.

In such a situation, it is quite possible to return a recycled car to a “full life”. To do this, it is enough to collect the necessary documents for the traffic police, pay duties, and also provide a vehicle for inspection and verification of numbered units.


It is not always possible to sell an old car, and this is a rather troublesome business. On the other hand, there is not always enough money to buy a new one. Therefore, the state program for the recycling of used cars is a good opportunity to get rid of the old vehicle and get a solid discount when buying a new, domestic assembly. It is quite simple to hand it over to the scrap according to the program. The main thing is that the documents are in order and all requirements are met.

Reading time: 3 minutes

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the state program for the recycling of cars has been operating for eight years. According to its provisions, every citizen, subject to certain conditions, will be able to hand over his used or non-working car for recycling. More than 10 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project last year. There is a good chance that this program will be extended into 2020. What is a vehicle recycling project and who benefits from it?

What is a state recycling program

A large number of Soviet-era cars, as well as old models, move on Russian roads. foreign production. Some machines are out of order and simply rot in garages or outdoors. Many owners are looking for legal ways to get rid of obsolete vehicles, because they have to pay an annual vehicle tax.

In addition, such vehicles are considered unsafe for human health and have a negative impact on the environment.

To make life easier for car enthusiasts, since 2010, car recycling has been introduced under the state program. By participating in the project, each owner can hand over the old vehicle for recycling to a specialized company that prepares various vehicle materials (glass, plastic, metal, rubber, automotive fluids) for reuse.

Dismantling takes place at special points. After dismantling, most of the parts are sent for grinding. Some elements are burned, while others are buried in specialized landfills. The metal parts of the machines are pressed and then melted down.

Until 2010, owners were not always interested in handing over their vehicles for recycling. Now the state has provided for them the opportunity to benefit from this. So, car owners can hand over their car for recycling and at the same time receive a discount on the purchase of a new domestically assembled car.

Having handed over a car under the recycling program, it is quite realistic to purchase a modern vehicle with a significant amount of money, while supporting the Russian auto industry.

The terms of participation

What is needed for car recycling under the recycling program: this question is of interest to many motorists who own vehicles older than 10-20 years old.

In 2020, return the car for recycling and receive a voucher for the purchase of a new car Russian production only citizens and residents of the Russian Federation (individuals or legal entities) are eligible.

Anyone who is interested in the procedure for recycling a car in 2020 under the recycling program should be aware of the following mandatory requirements:

  • The car must be fully equipped and owned by the owner for at least the last six months.
  • The machine has been in operation for at least six years from the date of issue.
  • The vehicle can be disposed of through a dealership (by proxy) or handed over on its own, but always to a specialized point that can issue a disposal certificate, which is necessary both to receive a discount and to deregister with the traffic police (from 10.07.17).

Before you hand over a car under the recycling program in 2020, you need to find out which dealerships are participating in the project. The car owner must understand that he will only receive a discount (certificate) for the purchase of a new domestic car rather than real money.


At the start of the program - in 2010-2011. it did not receive an active response from the Russians. Since 2014, the conditions have been optimized and more Russian citizens have received the opportunity to participate in the program. Funds for the project were allocated from the budget quite actively, as the owners of used cars willingly handed over their vehicles for processing, acquiring new domestic models in return. Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade promise that the recycling project will operate throughout 2020; it is more realistic to expect that it will expire when the funds allocated from the 2018 state budget are exhausted.

Where to go

The very process of car recycling in the Russian Federation is carried out by several large companies, as well as dozens of small private enterprises. Of course, if the owner intends to return the car under the recycling program in 2020, without counting on a discount when buying a new car, he can contact the nearest specialized recycling center directly.

To participate in the project, you need to find a dealer who will represent the interests of the car owner and be responsible for the car.

What car can be bought under the program

When planning to become a member of the recycling program, every car owner should know that in 2020 the lineup from which it will be possible to choose a new car is limited. To date, the program allows the purchase at a discount of cars manufactured by the concerns IzhAvto, GAZ, Lada, UAZ. Also, motorists will be able to buy some models Volkswagen brands, Opel, Toyota, Ford and Huyndai assembled at Russian factories.


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