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Which mainly specializes in the production of exclusive and sports cars.

Ettore Bugatti (Ettore Bugatti) - it is with this name that the birth is associated car brand Bugatti (Bugatti). Ettore had two specialties - a cartoonist and a mechanical engineer. Most likely, thanks to both specialties, Ettore Bugatti was able to design cars that were able to amaze people with their design and driving performance.

He founded the company in 1909. Creating new models, Bugatti paid special attention to the weight of the body, and to the introduction of cars with the advanced achievements of the technology of that time. As a result of adhering to these principles, the constrictor was able to achieve the fact that already the first cars developed a speed of 100 km / h, and it was very easy and convenient to drive them.

On 23 July 1911, the Bugatti Type 13 finished second in the French Grand Prix. All Bugatti models were produced on this car's meringue until the Bugatti Type 59 was born.

Especially popular and famous, the Bugatti brand became in the 1920s, when the Type 35 GP was released. More than 1,500 victories have been won by this car in car races, making the Type 35 GP famous as the most successful racing car in the Grand Prix class.

The appearance of the Type 35 GP car indicated that this model was made only in order to reach high speeds.

The car was well balanced, so it was very stable on the racetrack.

In 1927, the extravagant Bugatti Type 41 was released, with a long wheelbase of over 4.27 meters. The model was called Royal, and in the city streets it turned out to be very maneuverable. The car received the name "Royal" due to the type of wheels. The wheels were spoked, assembled from piano strings.

The Bugatti Bug was the name of the cars that Bugatti introduced at Le Mans 24 Hours in 1930. The machines were based on the Type 40.

The Type 50 was born in 1931. This model was fundamentally different from the cars that took part in Le Mans 24 Hours. On this model, Bugatti installed an 8-cylinder engine with a volume of 5 liters and a capacity of 250 horsepower. For those times, this engine was considered perfect. It was one of the first twin-head engines. The car looked similar to American racing cars, but was not a copy of a particular model, since it was designed from scratch at Bugatti.

From 1931 until the Type 57 won the Le Mans 24 Hours in 1937, Bugatti cars were not successful in all races.

However, in 1937, the lowered chassis and 3.3 liter engine they said theirs. Bugatti Type 57 took the first two places, leaving behind Alfa Romeo, with a 3-liter engine, Talbot with 4 liter engine, and Lagonda with 4.5.

The most popular car enthusiast of the time was the luxurious Bugatti Type 57, popularly known as the Mini Royale.

The Atlantic was designed by the son of the company's founder, Jean Bugatti. This model, for which Jean used the Type 57SC chassis, featured in all well-known automotive catalogs for many years, but only three were produced.

The tragic death of Jean Bugatti, as well as the outbreak of World War II, in 1939 were the main reasons for which the Bugatti brand ended its sports activities.

Although in the post-war years, Bugatti tried to apply new technologies, however, sales of luxury cars after the war dropped sharply, and Bugatti was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The new Type 73 was shown by Bugatti at the 1947 Paris Motor Show. The car was equipped with a 4-cylinder engine with a working volume of 1.4 liters. However, this model did not get into serial production, since the founder of Bugatti Ettore Bugatti died in August of the same year. Members of his family were unable to organize the production of cars, and as a result, the company became uncompetitive.

The Hispano-Suiza, which did not deal with automobiles, acquired Bugatti in 1963.

Until the 80s, Bugatti did not produce anything new. The 80s became the rebirth years for the company, as a completely new model Bugatti EB110 was born, which in design had nothing to do with the classic forms of Bugatti cars. In those years, not every car was capable of speeds over 300 km / h. The sporty Bugatti EB110 SS has overcome this limit.

At the 1993 Geneva Motor Show, the company introduced the EB112 sedan, with 4 doors.

The French company Bugatti, known all over the world for its expensive exclusive cars, has more than a century of history. It all started in 1909, when engineer Ettore Bugatti founded his own company, which was specialized in the development of the latest advanced technologies with the aim of the greatest mechanical efficiency and the lowest possible design.

As a result, a unique car for that time was produced, which was guaranteed to accelerate to 100 km / h and had a pleasant control at the same time. This model received the name Type 13 and was one of the most serious developments before the outbreak of the First World War. The equipment of this car remained basic for many more years.

Company after the war

After the war, Bugatti received a new wave of fame due to new car Type 35 GP, which won around 1500 car races. The appearance of this car showed that its only main goal was speed. The successful design of the body and good balancing of handling characteristics allowed the car to pass the difficult stages of the Grand Prix races at a fairly high speed, which very few competitors could boast of.

Then followed in 1922 new car- 4-cylinder Type 40, which possessed not only external grace, but also a highly comfortable interior.

Bugatti's next luxury model, the Type 41, came in 1927 with a completely new long wheelbase, making handling much easier. Many did not expect that such a high-speed car could maneuver so much on city streets. The main distinguishing feature of the refinement of this car was the rims, which were made by hand from piano strings.

In 1931, the Bugatti company impressed with its new brainchild - the Type 50, which was completely different from other cars. In those years, many well-known companies were chasing to make the most powerful engine with the maximum number of hp.

Bugatti introduced everyone to the car, which had a double cylinder head and a super powerful 5-liter engine producing 250 hp. Built this model according to the schemes of racing cars from America, but did not copy their designs at all, but, on the contrary, improved them.

In the mid-30s, Ettore Buggati's son, Jean, personally designed the Type 57SC model, which was released in only three copies and appeared in all Bugatti's catalogs for several years. All 3 cars of the Type 57SC have survived to the present day.

Jean Bugatti died in 1939, and then the Second began. World War After these unfortunate events, the Bugatti company ended its participation in sports car races.

For obvious reasons, after the war, the demand for expensive cars, which were produced by the Bugatti company. The global financial crisis took its toll on the firm, which nearly collapsed.

Bugatti after World War II

In 1947, Paris was presented new model Type 73, which had a 4-cylinder engine and a volume of 1488 cc. But troubles did not leave the company alone, Ettore Bugatti died, and his relatives could not organize the production of this series of machines.

Only in the early 50s, several cars appeared under the Type 101 model, which were more similar to the Type 57 and, due to their outdated technologies, were not interesting. At this era, Bugatti temporarily ceased its leadership among the automotive industry. True, in 1963, the company went to the Hispano-Suiza company, which at that time had already stopped dealing with cars.

The revival of Bugatti

The Bugatti enterprise received a revival in the late 1980s, when a new EB110 car appeared on the world market, not at all similar to the previous generations of Bugatti. Its power and extravagant appearance made a huge impression on people. In 1993, an improved model EB110 was shown in Geneva and was now called EB112.

After 6 years, the Bugatti company was acquired by the V.W. After that, the first car that came out under their leadership turned out to be a fiberglass coupe EB118, designed by ItalDesign stylist Fabrizio Giugiaro. At the same time, the EB218 sedan was also presented, which differed from all cars in that its body was completely made of aluminum with the addition of ASF technology.

Also, in 1999, a luxury car, the EB 18/3 Chiron, which had four-wheel drive and was made on the basis of the Lamborghini Diablo. This vehicle became a worldwide sensation. Manufacturers claimed that the car can reach speeds of 300 km / h.

Literally a month later, Bugatti amazed the whole world again, presenting to the public in Tokyo their new super-powerful car Bugatti Veyron EB 18 / 4. The appearance of this car was developed in its own design center, which was closely watched by Harmut Varkussa. A distinctive feature of this car is that high air intakes made of aluminum were installed in the rear area of ​​the car.

21st century of the Bugatti company

The most important event in the history of the Bugatti brand can be considered 2005, it was then that the mass production of the most powerful car in the world began - Bugatti Veyron 16.4. This machine is the most expensive and fastest in the world, which is officially allowed to drive on ordinary city roads.

The maximum speed was 407 km / h, acceleration to 100 km occurs in 2.5 seconds. These results make this machine special. It should also be added that another record for this car is fuel consumption. For 100 km, 125 liters are required.

Bugatti is a French automobile company that has specialized in sports, racing and exclusive cars... Even during exhibitions of exclusive cars, legendary Bugatti always have a special place. At one time, the founder of the company was able to amaze the public with his new products so much that they began to talk that no one had repeated his success to this day.

Bugatti was founded by engineer and artist Ettor Bugatti in 1909. In an era of widespread popularization of advanced technology, Bugatti chose the path of maximum lightweight construction and increased mechanical efficiency. As a result of his efforts, mobile cars began to enter the market, capable of accelerating to a "mind-blowing" 100 km / h. Thus, the Type 13, proposed by the chief engineer of the company Ernest Frederick, was able to finish in second place at the French Grand Prix at the end of July 1911. In fact, this car was the biggest achievement of the brand on the eve of the First World War. The technical stuffing from the Bugatti Type 13 in various variations formed the basis of all Bugatti, right up to the Type 59 model.

In the 1920s, the Type 35 GP brings French brand worldwide fame. For all the time of its stellar existence, this car has won more than one and a half thousand victories and was even recognized as the most successful model of the Grand Prix class, which predetermined the high demand for new Bugatti.

In this car, everything served a single purpose - maximum speed... The model was characterized by excellent roadholding and a brilliant combination of performance with technical elegance. Another successful sports car of the time was the Type 40, released in 1922 and nicknamed "Bugatti's Morris Cowley".

Next year, the luxury Bugatti Type 43 will be launched with a turbocharging system and other technical solutions inherited from the Type 35B. Although the car was not positioned as a sports car, the manufacturer released a carefully balanced version of the Type 44 on its basis.

Another stage in the technical improvement of Bugatti cars was the deliberately extravagant Type 41 (aka Royale), released in 1927. Thanks to the extended wheelbase, the model received unprecedented handling: the car surprised with its maneuverability in the city and on the highway. Steel work of art wheel disks with spokes made of piano strings.

The 30th year was associated for Bugatti with great sporting achievements and the debut of two cars at once at the 24-hour Le MANs race. The seemingly unpretentious Bugatti was based on a Type 40 design, which allowed them to gracefully and relentlessly follow the leaders of the race.

The next year became even more significant for the brand: the Type 50 was released, which was completely different from the competition for 24-hour racing. While other sports car manufacturers only designed more powerful engines, Bugatti already had a 5-liter 8-cylinder engine with 250 hp at its disposal. Although this car used developments from American racing cars, it turned out to be completely exclusive.

Despite these advances in engine design, the next six years were unsuccessful for the sporty Bugatti. The series of failures ended with the victory of the Type 57 at the 24-hour Le MANs race. Two cars at once took the first and second places, beating the flagship from Alfa Romeo, Tablot and Lagonda.

The most modern car those years has become a luxurious mini-Royale. Later, Ettore Bugatti's son, Jean Bugatti, who personally designed the Bugatti Atlantic based on the chassis from the Type 57SC, got used to the production of cars. For several years this model was included in all catalogs of the company. Despite this, the car was sold in a scanty circulation of three copies. It may sound like fantasy, but every exclusive Bugatti Type 57SC has survived to this day!

After the tragic death of the company's founder in 1939 and the ensuing World War II, Bugatti practically stopped its sports career. But Ettore Bugatti's name is engraved in gold in the chronicle of the 24-hour Le MANs races.

After the end of the war, luxury cars were unclaimed in the global market, which resulted in a financial disaster for Bugatti. Only in 1947 was the company able to present at the Paris Motor Show standing model- Type 73, which received a four-cylinder engine with a modest 1.5-liter displacement. But the sudden death of Ettore Bugatti led to the fact that his family could not cope with production tasks and the model did not go into production. Although Bugatti produced several Type 101s in the 1950s, as a mere facelift of the Type 57, it was unable to compete with other vehicles on the market. The car had an uninteresting design and frankly outdated. technical equipment... In fact, these events were the sunset for Bugatti.

The brand's rebirth falls only at the end of the 1980s. From this moment on, Bugatti begins to glorify its name again. During these years, supercars are fighting for life and death for the championship in overcoming the speed barrier of 322 km / h. Bugatti releases unique car EB110, which has nothing to do with competitive designs. The new Bugatti becomes the basis for sports modification Bugatti EB110 SS.

On the crest of success, Bugatti continues to conquer the market with the introduction of the EB112 four-door sedan, based on the EB110 platform, at the 1993 Geneva Motor Show.

In 1999, the Bugatti brand was taken over by the VW Group. Immediately after the purchase, the German concern initiated the development of the EB118 fiberglass coupe, which became best project Fabrizio Giurgiaro from the ItalDesign tuning studio. In the same year, Bugatti arrives in Geneva with the EB218 sedan, which was built in an all-aluminum body. The car uses technology from Audi - ASF.

The next stage in the revival of Bugatti series production was the prototype EB 18/3 Chiron, presented in Frankfurt in 1999. The car received the Chiron prefix in the name in honor of the famous racer Louis Chiron. Inheriting an all-wheel drive platform from the Lamborghini Diablo VT, the supercar became the biggest sensation at the auto show. The coupe easily accelerated to 300 km / h.

A month later, Bugatti arrived at the Tokyo Motor Show, where it unveiled its EB 18/4 Veyron supercar under the VW Group stand. This time, the design of the novelty was carried out in Volkswagen's own design center, and the entire project was managed by Harmut Warkuss. Interestingly, the Bugatti Veyron was able to "get" to the conveyor only by the fall of 2006!

The generation of Bugatti supercars with the Veyron prefix in the name in various variations is produced to this day. The car was repeatedly recognized as the most powerful in the world and even confirmed this title in practice, hitting the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest mass-produced car for roads general purpose... The Bugatti Veyron is inextricably linked to the history of supercar building in the 2000s. Bugatti Galibier 16c is the last major project of Bugatti, the start of sales of which motorists all over the world are eagerly awaiting. This model won the 2010 Geneva Motor Show. The four-door luxury sedan, worth about a million euros, is capable of accelerating to a maximum of 350 km / h, and the start of its serial production is expected by the end of 2013.

The four-door sedan Bugatti Galibier 16c. 2010 prototype

The history of the brand of fashionable menswear bugatti originates in 1978 in the fashion capital of Milan. The German concern Brinkmann needed a sonorous Italian name for a new clothing line. The head of the marketing department, Klaus-Jürgen Müller, found him almost instantly, barely picking up the Milan telephone directory. The company's management immediately approved this sonorous, memorable loud name, despite the fact that under this name an automobile company with more than a century of history already appeared in the world.

As soon as the brand was registered, the first batch of men's quilted coats was released at a factory in the German city of Herford.

Over the next few years, the brand strengthened its position, first in the leisurewear segment, and then in the travel clothing segment, including trousers, belts, travel bags and umbrellas. By 1994, the company had granted licenses to partners for the production of almost all types of men's clothing, footwear, accessories, as well as bags, small leather goods, luggage, underwear, and lines of household products such as bedding and home textile fabrics. Thus, the company's image changed from “bugatti is men's clothing” to “ bugatti is a lifestyle”. By the end of the 90s, the brand had all the marketing rights almost all over Europe and, through an agreement with the Volkswagen Group, which already owned all the rights to Bugatti cars, was able to further expand its export markets in France and Italy.

Despite the consonance with the famous brand of Italian cars, the company has nothing in common, except, perhaps, the desire to be the best among equals and worthy. Thus, the company implements all innovative scientific developments that can be used in the production of clothing and footwear almost immediately. An example of this is the 1988 contract with Gore-Tex, the implementation of the Outlast temperature regulation system, which has its roots in space technology, the successful launch in 2004 of nano-processed garments that provide effective oil protection , dust, dirt. The jacket with built-in heating and an “Active AirCondition” system was especially resonant. For more than 30 years of existence, bugatti has earned an excellent reputation in the fashion world. Today this brand is represented by a network of branded boutiques in more than 60 countries around the world on all continents. Myself bugatti brand using best materials and excellent workmanship, classifies itself as an upper middle class, and deliberately does not try to acquire the laurels of premium and luxury. The bugatti style is beyond flashy momentary fashion. It is both classic and modern, elegant and distinctive. Each model of the collection emphasizes the appearance of a relaxed and self-confident person.

Bugatti leather goods suits equally well to a business suit and to a casual style. All of the above advantages of this brand are complemented by another important factor - affordable price... Wide the lineup, highest quality, individuality is all that attracts buyers to bugatti. No wonder the logo bugatti has text "Europian brand", and the company's slogan is Relax. You're dressed.

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If you have little interest in automotive, then you may not have heard of the Bugatti Veyron. It is the coolest supercar to date. Here are just a few facts about him:

Engine 16-cylinder, 8 liters, 1001 hp.
- acceleration to 100 km / h takes 2.5 seconds, top speed - 407 km / h
- the price is more than 1,500,000 dollars, in total a couple of hundred copies will be released

But even at such a price, the project will remain deeply unprofitable. For Volkswagen (the group that owns Bugatti), creating such a car is a way to show their capabilities.

However, this article will not be about Veron, but about the place where this most advanced supercar is made. It is located in the French town of Molsheim.

The founder of the company, Ettore Bugatti, bought the whole Saint Jean palace there, built back in 1857, in the 1920s. By this he wanted to show all the grandeur of the new brand he created. But after the Second World War, hard times came and the castle became empty.

This concludes the story about the past of the brand and step into our time. Today, Bugatti's headquarters are located in the same palace as 80 years ago. It has undergone painstaking restoration but retains the same charm and a sense of nostalgia. Now it is the main administrative point on the territory of the manufactory. This is the headquarters of Bugatti.

There are 2 more buildings on both sides, each with its own purpose. The first is residential apartments for guests and buyers. The second is a special studio for clients, where they can try options for seating, choose options for painting the body (there is a special website for these purposes), etc. Each customer has the right to take a tour of the manufactory. You will be picked up by a special charter flight and transferred to the palace in a luxuriously decorated minibus.

After getting acquainted with the historical heritage of the company, you will be invited to look at what you came for after all - how the Bugatti Veyron is made. One of the most modern car assembly buildings is located near the Saint Jean Palace. It is designed and built in a way that looks like a company logo.

Its aluminum box rests on a massive concrete platform, as if hanging in mid-air. The interior space is subdivided into 3 sections. The most important one is reserved for the final assembly of the car. You won't see super modern robots there. On the contrary, everything is done by the hands of highly qualified specialists. The room has been designed to be as illuminated as possible by the natural rays of the sun.


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