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Safety is first and foremost visibility. In the rain, you must admit, it is much more pleasant to drive along the highway in a car, the wipers of which easily brush dirt and water from the glass, leaving no streaks. Which brushes are better for cleaning the windshield at high speed: regular frame, so-called winter (in a rubber case), frameless or trendy hybrid? To answer in the final part of the resource tests, we brought Solaris and Camry under the tedious autumn rain on expressway polygon and consistently installed all four types of wipers.

The main advantage of a conventional wiper blade is its low price. In a Moscow chain hypermarket, such a wiper costs about half the price of similarly priced winter, frameless and hybrid brushes of the same size from the same renowned manufacturer: 250-300 instead of 500-700 rubles for a 60-centimeter driver's brush for Solaris.

In the case of a hybrid, you pay extra for design and aerodynamics. The rubber tape (what directly cleans the glass) there is exactly the same as that of the frame wiper. Structurally, the hybrid brush differs from the usual one only in a less high frame and a developed aerodynamic body kit that hides the fittings and hinges, which reduces the turbulence of the air flow and reduces the lifting force that tears the wiper from windshield... The advantage should theoretically manifest itself precisely at high speeds! By the way, in winter, the case of the hybrid brush, which covers the frame hinges, including from snow, reduces the likelihood of their immobilization due to freezing.

Due to the low frame of the hybrid brush, the number of pressure points is less): there are six of them on the 65-centimeter Camry wiper instead of eight in the regular frame. Therefore, hybrids are less versatile: they work worse on glasses with a large curvature.

But this problem was radically solved only by a frameless wiper: there is nothing to immobilize there! A frameless brush will only leave wide, uncleaned stripes as a result of ice formation on the rubber band in contact with the glass. And of course, the frameless is even better with streamlining: it is lower and more aerodynamic than other types of brushes (with the exception of the massive attachment point on the leash).

The difference in the height of the brushes is visible to the naked eye: the frame ones will most of all obstruct the view. But they are better than others to clean the lower right corner on strongly rounded glasses. And the worst of all to cope with this task ... frameless wipers. Because the elastic metal plates in them are strongly curved in the middle, and closer to the tips they are almost straight

But at the winter wipers rubber cover, which protects the hinges from freezing, has a huge windage. The lifting force is such that cleaning defects appear at 90-100 km / h, and at 140 km / h the janitor literally hovers over the glass, barely touching it, - this is in the wind tunnel of AvtoVAZ on the example of the Togliatti “ten” in 2007.

Winter brushes have a special rubber band. Firstly, it is significantly higher in order to reduce the likelihood of freezing of the cleaning edge. And secondly, the rubber itself is used softer and more elastic at low temperatures.

But that was on the VAZ-2110 with its convex glass. Maybe on Solaris (not to mention the Camry, where the glass is even flatter) things will be different?

To minimize the impact of rubber band quality, three of the four brush types we had were from the same manufacturer, the Federal-Mogul Champion brand. At the end of September, only the Champion winter wipers were not found: they did not have time to be delivered to the retail network. Therefore, we bought no less high-quality Alca case brushes, which are also popular in Russia.

The renowned Champion makes all four types of brushes. The Easyvision series are inexpensive frame wipers, Aerovantage - both frameless and hybrid wipers, and Winter - winter in a case. The latter have not yet been delivered to stores, so we replaced them with similar brushes from Alca.

At city speeds (up to 80 km / h), three of the four types of brand new brushes did the job perfectly: perfectly clean glass. Only frameless ones left one or two thin capillary strips. Moreover, four out of four wipers, which can be explained rather by the differences in the quality of the rubber bands than by the design of the brushes. Although, in theory, the rubber bands for all Champions - wireframe, hybrid, and frameless - should be the same. However, one or two thin threads of water impair the visibility insignificantly.

Quite a lot of articles have already been written on the topic of windshield wipers, millions of pages have been written on various automotive forums. Car enthusiasts are trying to find out if frameless wipers are effective or whether it is better to purchase ordinary frame brushes. Somewhere they say one thing, somewhere - quite another. It is necessary to understand this issue and find out which is better. In order to draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of certain brushes, you need to consider frame and frameless, and only then evaluate the advantages of some brushes over others. This is what we will do in today's article.

Frame wipers

So, the frame brush is a kind of skeleton on which a special rubber band is fixed. The latter is the cleaning element. In other words, the rocker arms extend from the wiper arm. There can be from 2 to 4 of them, depending on which model is installed. A rubber cleaning band is attached to these rocker arms. In this case, the tape can quite easily move back and forth. Each brush arm is movable. This results in a better fit to the windshield.

Thanks to this design, the frame brush does not need to be completely changed. To return to its former efficiency, it is enough to replace the cleaning gum. And this is a serious advantage, since the price of the tape is significantly different from the cost of two new brushes.


Frameless wipers differ in that this very skeleton frame is not here. This design is a special tape. Clamping elements are installed inside it. Most often, manufacturers use a steel plate in this capacity. Unlike frame solutions, such solutions have a more effective appearance. The car with them looks very aesthetically pleasing. Often frameless wipers, and especially those that are the most budgetary models, are produced for certain car models. Manufacturers use this approach to ensure that the profile of the brush completely repeats all the curves of the windshield of the car. Premium models are manufactured using special technologies. In this case, it is not necessary to know the model and make of the car. You only need to remember the required length of the brush.

What's better?

Which wipers are better - frame or frameless? This is a topic of controversy for many car enthusiasts.

Let's try to figure out which is better of the two options. In fact, it is very difficult to say which is the best fit. There are simply no unequivocal answers to this question. To get answers, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of wireframe and frameless options.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame solutions

Such a wiper blade is significantly inferior in design. However, due to the design based on rocker arms, the force of pressing the brush to the surface of the windshield will be much greater than in frameless counterparts. The efficiency of cleaning the glass of the car and the number of smeared stripes depend on how high this pressing force is (ideally, they should not be)

However, the rocker arms are quite complicated, and this is already a drawback. What is the problem? In winter, in snowfalls and frosts, snow is packed in them. Then it melts (since there is a warm windshield nearby), freezes, and the brush becomes practically stationary. Naturally, this does not in the best way affect the quality of glass cleaning. To solve this situation, motorists will need to warm up the brush structures, stand outside and clean the ice from the wipers until the brush can move freely. Not everyone will like it. For winter season engineers and marketers have created special frame solutions, the rocker arms of which are completely closed. In other words, the entire structure, frame and skeleton of the mechanism are in a plastic case.

No moisture or snow can get there. Therefore, such brushes are always mobile and clean glass well. However, this system has a drawback: when driving at high speed, due to the special profile and structure, the pressing force of the wiper to the glass is noticeably reduced. This negatively affects the quality of cleaning. Frame brushes have one advantage over their counterparts. Frameless wipers do not allow replacement of the cleaning element. They simply do not have this tape. If the brush is worn out, it is replaced completely.

Frameless wipers: what are their pros and cons?

The design and appearance of these devices will be very harmoniously combined with any cars, especially when it comes to modern foreign cars. They really look much better than their frame cousins. As you know, models of economy-class brushes must be selected and purchased strictly for a specific car. As noted above, each car has its own, special windshield profile. On inexpensive options, it often happens that dirt on the passenger side is practically not cleaned off due to a weak pressure or a mismatch in the profile. This significantly impairs visibility in bad weather. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this - the brushes can only be replaced with more expensive ones. Frameless wipers on a VAZ "tenth family" of a more expensive level will work perfectly. The most important moment when choosing is correct selection length. As for the cost, it is best to purchase models at a price of 1000 rubles. and higher.

Another advantage is the absence of any difficulties in the process of cleaning these products in winter. To remove the ice, the structure is bent several times, and it falls off by itself. Another plus is the increased aerodynamic performance. This means that at high speeds the downforce will not fall. So, we examined both types of brushes, and now we need to decide which wipers are better - frame or frameless. The conclusions are clear. Below we give a small rating of frameless solutions.

Rating of the best frameless wiper blades

Denso flat blade

These are the products of the Japanese brand. These brushes are in the first place in the price rating. Despite their low cost (up to 600 rubles), these products have excellent aerodynamics due to their shape and base. Due to its special shape, the working part of the brush adheres well to the glass, even at high speed. The base is flexible enough and the edge works efficiently. These are the best frameless wipers.

In the summer, these brushes are able to quickly remove any dirt. They also easily cope with water, and there will be no stripes or gaps on the glass. For the winter season, this is also a good choice. Manufacturers have not forgotten to add special adapter adapters to the kit, which facilitate the fastening process. They are mounted on a special bracket. Replacement frameless wipers from this brand - a very easy process that even inexperienced car enthusiasts can handle.

Bosch Aerotwin

The frameless brushes of this series are distinguished by their very high quality and strength of adhesion to glass. Under the influence of the air flow when driving at high speed, the pressing force only increases - the company's engineers have well thought out the shape of the plate. As for the characteristics of elasticity, then everything is in order here. The wipers will not lose their elasticity even in severe frost. You can also note the ease with which these products slide on the windshield. The resource of the working edge is quite high. The cost is up to 800 rubles.

You can also highlight the universal mount. One of the supplied adapters is attached to the brush bracket before mounting on a leash. Using adapters, you can install Bosch frameless wipers on any car. The disadvantages include slightly protruding metal parts on the mounting platform. The problem is that with heavy wear, these teeth can rest against the windshield. But the elements can always be squeezed deeper, and the problem will be solved.

Valeo Silencio X-TRM

These products of the French manufacturer are only slightly inferior to the Japanese product. There are no adapters included and the product has a higher price. However, it is impossible to find fault with the constructive performance. This model is crafted from high quality materials to ensure the smoothest operation possible. In winter, the brushes fully retain their efficiency and high performance. The high resource of the working part pleases me.

The brushes themselves are made in a very interesting way - in addition to the aerodynamic protrusions, the edge is slightly shifted towards the top. When driving at high speeds, this feature improves water drainage. During operation, the brushes do not squeak, even if they are badly worn. The fastener is compatible with a hook leash. However, the installation of this model is also not difficult. If the high cost is not scary and there is knowledge about how to install frameless wipers, then this is probably the most the best choice.

  • The older and worse the brushes, the higher the consumption of expensive windshield washer fluid.
  • Remove the brushes from the machine periodically and wash them with warm water and soap - the swivel joints will last longer.
  • Make sure that the wiper's leash keeps it perpendicular to the glass all the way. In frame models, the hinges begin to play strongly as they wear out. It is better to replace such a brush.
  • When installing the brushes, make sure that they do not knock on the bottom and side of the glass seal.
  • Lubricate the wiper lead pivots periodically. Corrosion can be so severe that the downforce is reduced.
  • If the glass is frozen, it must first be freed from ice crusts, and only then turned on the cleaners. Otherwise, the wipers will quickly fail.
  • When choosing new brushes, do not deviate significantly from the manufacturer's recommended standard length. A longer wiper has a lower contact force. In addition, such brushes can cling to each other. A short wiper will not provide the required field of view.
  • If the glass is badly scratched, visibility will almost certainly be poor, even if the brushes are brand new. Such glass is necessary at least

Wiper blades are of great importance to the motorist in any weather. "Wipers" installed by the manufacturer undoubtedly do their job well, but they are not eternal, and therefore sooner or later you will have to think about replacing them.

In such a situation, when your own windshield wiper suddenly breaks, you need to know exactly how to replace it. All the more options on the market car parts more than enough.

In this case, you have two options: supply the original wipers from the manufacturer, or add some money and buy the best wiper blades available in any store.

There are 3 types of brushes:, and. For the past 10 years, manufacturers have preferred frameless and hybrid models because they are more efficient and safer. Frameworks are mainly used due to their low cost and durability.

The best wiper blades 2017 - TOP-10 rating

When it comes to buying good windshield wipers directly, there are some things to watch out for. In addition to the obvious fact that you need to know about the compatibility of a particular model with your car, you need to make sure that the brush is good enough, and whether there positive reviews buyers.

There are hundreds of variants of different brands on the market that will differ only in price. In order not to get confused when choosing the right wiper for the car, we have compiled a special TOP-10 rating best brushes for the windshield.

A placeNameBrush typeLengthManufacturerOur ratingPrice
(Editor's Choice)
frameless24-80 cmBelgium
2 frameless24-80 cmFrance
3 frameless56-70 cmChina
(Editor's Choice)
hybrid35-70 cmSouth Korea
5 hybrid35-81 cmChina
6 wireframe34-70 cmChina
7 frameless28-70 cmChina
8 wireframe46-65 cmBelgium
9 wireframe28-80 cmMexico
10 hybrid35-70 cmBelgium

Driving a car (or other vehicle on which wipers are provided) without brushes can be dangerous. Every time you go out on the road, you need to make sure that they are in good working order, since rain or snowfall can start suddenly, and moving in such weather without means for cleaning the windshield can lead to an accident.

Best frameless wipers

This type of brushes appeared in the distant 80s. Many motorists have noticed unusual windshield wipers without a metal frame. Instead, an evodium plate was used, which, under the action of a spring, evenly presses the blade against the glass.

1. Bosch AeroTwin - the best choice according to the editorial board

Bosch is a company that has been involved in the design and manufacture of many amazing products, even though it started out by making electrical equipment... When we heard that they make car wipers, we were glad that another competitive brand had appeared on the market.

The model we are considering now is called AeroTwin. For those wondering about the size, Bosch supplies its wipers with a length of 24-80 cm. Thus, the manufacturer has taken care of the availability of most of the popular sizes.

When it comes to choosing a specific option, buyers always want an objective reason to buy the more expensive model (Bosch AeroTwin is not among the cheapest). Below we want to discuss the most important advantages of this option over the rest.

According to technical specifications The AeroTwin is equipped with two-component rubber, which will give the driver a perfectly clean glass and will do it completely silently. This innovative technology is based on the use of soft rubber as a base and hard wear-resistant rubber as a work surface. You can forget about the creak of brushes in the rain or snow forever.

The popular car club ADAC, located in Germany, rated Bosch AeroTwin 5+. This is the only model to have received this rating. The brushes were tested at various temperatures (-8 ° C to +20 ° C), artificial aging, wear tests, and the like. It should be noted that 10 models of the most popular brands took part in the tests.

The excellent quality of Bosch products, modern aerodynamic design and innovative technologies have allowed this model to rise to the first line of our rating. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages below.

  • Excellent build quality
  • You can install it yourself, plus there is an instruction
  • Cleans glass perfectly
  • Made with high quality materials
  • High wear resistance
  • Not found

2. Valeo Silencio X-TRM - with proprietary wear sensor

Now we are going to take a look at a really amazing glass cleaner from the renowned company Valeo. This company has long established itself as producing premium wiper blades.

This model also comes in a huge selection of sizes (24-80 cm). Thanks to this, Valeo Silencio X-TRM can be installed on almost any vehicle. The process of installing a wiper is extremely simple, and a novice motorist can handle this.

A special feature of the Silencio X-TRM is the presence of a special wear sensor. When the device requires replacement, an orange exclamation mark will light up. This proprietary technology will allow you to timely replace the wiper with a newer one.

The innovative design and aerodynamic spoiler will give its owner crystal clear windows. Unlike other similar models, the noise level emitted by the Valeo Silencio X-TRM when cleaning the glass is much lower. Resistance to icing will allow you to clean the windshield without any problems, even in the most severe frosts.

Overall, the Valeo Silencio X-TRM is an option for those who want to make the journey by car more pleasant and comfortable at any time of the year and at any speed. Let's move on to the advantages and disadvantages that we have seen.

  • Large number of sizes
  • Perfectly cleans glass even at speeds of 200 km / h
  • Low level noise
  • Wear indicator
  • Not found

3. Heyner Super Flat - premium cleaner

Tired of changing your windshield wipers every month because they start to creak and don't clean the glass well? Then check out the new premium Heyner Super Flat.

The HEYNER company has been delighting customers with quality windshield and rear window brushes for a long time. If you need a frameless wiper for all occasions, then choose this brand.

The presence of a special adapter allows the device to be matched to a large number of vehicles. 8 types of fastening are supported, including "hook". The quality of the rubber used is confirmed by the Detroit Testing Laboratory, which tested it through 1 million movements.

Overall, it is a solid glass cleaner. made in China... For a relatively low price, you get an effective glass cleaning. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the Heyner Super Flat.

  • Suitable for summer and winter
  • Waterproof coating
  • Does not leave streaks even after prolonged use
  • Quality materials
  • Cleans even at high speed
  • Few sizes

4. Alca Super Flat

The Alca Super Flat frameless wiper comes in a wide choice of lengths: 28-70 cm. The main advantages of this model are closed metal parts and a compact design. Thanks to this, the device does not lend itself to corrosion and freezing, and the driver's view is significantly increased, which has a positive effect on safety.

The modern design provides a snug fit of the elastic to the glass, which contributes to a more thorough cleaning of the glass, even at high speeds. The gum material is designed to work effectively in severe frosts and hot summer days.

Additionally, graphite spraying is applied to the gum. This greatly reduces the chance of slippage and gives the impression of a smooth brush stroke. To make the Alca Super Flat fit your car exactly, a special adapter is included in the kit.

  • Large selection of sizes
  • Cleans well at high speed
  • The kit includes an adapter for different types mountings
  • Does not corrode
  • Not found

Best Frame Wiper Blades

This is a more classic version, which was previously installed on almost all cars. Its feature is the presence of a metal frame.

1. Bosch Eco - rubber made from natural rubber

Don't want to spend a lot of money on something as small as a windshield wiper? Then choose frame models that can be changed several times a year without hitting the wallet. Now we will take a look at Bosch Eco, which impressed us not only with its low price, but also with its high quality.

First of all, it is worth noting that the Eco car wiper is the budget series of the popular brand. Despite this, the quality has remained the same.

A feature of this model is an elastic band made of natural rubber... This is done by casting, so there are no irregularities on the working surface, and the quality of glass cleaning increases significantly. The metal frame itself is powder coated to protect the structural elements from premature failure due to corrosion. For a smoother glide, the blade is graphite-coated.

Considering all the features, Bosch Eco is one of the best frame brushes on the market. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages in more detail so that you can make the final choice.

  • Low price
  • Good performance
  • Elastic band made of natural rubber
  • Elastic band can be replaced separately
  • It is not advisable to use in winter

2. Bosch Twin

Unlike the previous one, this model assembled at factories in Belgium, Germany, Romania. The Twin range has long established itself as quality car wipers that do the job perfectly.

A special feature of Twin is the presence of two-component rubber. This technology will give the driver a clean glass in any weather, and will also significantly reduce the noise level. The base of the rubber band is slightly thinner and softer, and the working edge is made harder, which allows you to thoroughly clean snow and other dirt from the windshield.

Another pleasant advantage is the ability to quickly remove and install the brush due to the convenient "hook" attachment.

  • Closed all-metal frame
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Hook type
  • High quality materials
  • No adapters

3. Trico Exactfit - the best value for money

The Trico Exactfit wiper series was released back in 1995. Since then, many drivers have appreciated the quality and affordability of this range.

In general, these wipers are no different from the previous ones. High-quality assembly and materials, graphite-coated rubber band and special slots in the metal ensure maximum cleanliness of the windshield at any speed. The whole structure is quite lightweight, therefore it emits a minimum of noise during operation. Securely mount your device to protect it from theft. And if you have any problems with the installation, you can read the instructions that come with the kit.

ExactFit frame brushes not only do the job well, but are also made from very high quality materials. Judging by the reviews of numerous buyers, they serve without interruption from 8 to 16 months.

  • Adheres well to glass
  • Will last more than one season
  • Secure mount protects against theft
  • Not found

Best Hybrid Wiper Blades

This option combines the advantages of the two previous options. But due to the high price, it is not very popular.

1. Denso Hybrid - Editor's Choice

Denso Hybrid began its journey back in 2005, when renowned car manufacturers became interested in their products. Denso products hit store shelves a little later, but almost immediately won the trust of customers.

What is the reason for their success? The hybrid model combined the advantages of frame and frameless brushes, which was previously not possible to achieve. The low-profile metal frame ensures that the gum is pressed evenly over the entire surface, which allows the glass to be cleaned to a shine. Thanks to its aerodynamic design, the device produces a minimum of noise, even at high speeds. The elastic is made of natural rubber, which is less affected by the sun and moisture. Also, rubber is more wear-resistant than ordinary synthetics.

Denso Hybrid can be installed on most vehicles, made possible by the universal hook-type fastening. The length of the device varies from 35 to 70 cm.

  • Aerodynamic design
  • Cleans glass well
  • Universal hook mount
  • Virtually no noise
  • Difficult to clean when water gets inside

2. Heyner Hybrid

We gave the Heyner Hybrid the second place among the hybrid models. This is a versatile brush designed for summer and winter use.

In principle, this device is no different from the previous one. All the same aerodynamic design, increased contact force with the glass and rubber band. All these characteristics contribute to the highest quality cleaning of the windshield from dirt, dust, snow and water. Due to its resistance to corrosion and icing, the Heyner Hybrid can be used safely in summer and winter.

Overall, this is a great option for those who don't want to change their wiper every season. Heyner has a safety margin of 1,500,000 repetitions, so it will last you more than one year.

  • Aerodynamic design
  • Cleans glass well
  • Supplied with adapter
  • Virtually no noise
  • Not found

3. Trico Fit Hybrid

Trico Hybrid wipers are a premium line. They will provide perfect glass cleaning in any weather and at any speed (tests were carried out at speeds up to 190 km / h).

Need a versatile brush that won't get bored with its squeaky sounds? Then take a look at the Trico hybrid series.

  • Adheres well to glass
  • Does not creak, makes a minimum of noise
  • High-quality assembly
  • Not found

Buyer's Guide - How to choose auto wipers?

Despite the fact that this would seem to be a small trifle in the car, it can significantly affect the comfort while driving in snowy or rainy weather. Are you going to buy windshield wipers for your car? Then you should choose the most best model so as not to change them every month.

Now it is very easy to get confused in the bazaar or in the online store, picking up a good janitor for yourself. There are a bunch of models, and appearance it is rather difficult to determine whether it is good or not. What to look for when choosing a brush? Let's figure it out in order:

  • Brush size: Not all options are suitable for your vehicle. Length options can start at 28 cm and end with 80 cm. In most cases, it will be enough to tell the sales assistant the model and year of manufacture of the car, and he will select the necessary options himself.
  • Wiper design: choose which one is more suitable for your needs (frame, frameless, hybrid). We will talk about this in more detail below.
  • Manufacturer: the quality and service life of the product depends on it. German, Belgian, Korean and French are of high quality, but you have to fork out. Although Chinese fakes are cheap, they will have to be changed several times per season (we are talking only about fakes, some popular brands collect wipers in China and are of good quality).
  • Mount type: Cunning auto makers have been making unique brush mounts for a long time. On the one hand, this is good, since all the features of the model are fully taken into account in the mountings, so the wipers will fit perfectly. On the other hand, not every model will fit a particular car. There are 9 types of mounts in total. Also, some devices are equipped with universal adapters, but they are attached with a small error.

Take into account each point, and then the purchase will be successful for you!

It is a key element of the system for cleaning car windows from road dirt, dust, insects. The quality of the brushes depends on final result... The fact is that not all of them fulfill their main purpose the way they should. This is due to many factors, which we will talk about in this article. In addition, we will consider the rating of wiper blades and decide on the choice of a quality product.

General information and concepts

High-quality brushes do not leave traces of dirt and streaks on the glass. This, in fact, is the main criterion for choosing. But besides this, there are many other factors. Some rubber bands squeak, others tan in cold weather. All this is inherent in low-quality brushes or those that have already worked out and must be replaced immediately.

The rubber used for the manufacture of brushes must be High Quality... This is due to the fact that the unit is operated all year round, regardless of weather conditions. It doesn't matter if it's mud, snow or frost. In any case, the brushes must work correctly and provide good visibility to the driver while driving. If you do not change the rubber bands, then even if they are of the highest quality, the efficiency of their work will gradually decrease. When the time comes for replacement, it is advisable to buy only high-quality products, but this is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

What to be guided by when choosing?

Many of us pay attention to cost first. In the background is the brand. The more famous and proven he is, the better. This approach can be called correct only partially. The thing is that a high price does not always indicate high quality, although this is often the case. As well as a well-known manufacturer does not guarantee that the brushes will work efficiently both in summer and in winter.

Today, almost all groups of goods that can be attributed to automobiles are counterfeited. In particular, this applies to spare parts, car oils, coolant, etc. Wiper blades are no exception. That is why the purchased "Bosch" for a lot of money does not always bring joy and satisfaction with the result, because it may just be a Chinese counterfeit wrapped in a beautiful wrapper. And since it is about safety on the road, it is better not to joke here and shop only in trusted places.

Rating of winter wiper blades

For winter period characterized by low temperatures and the presence on the frontal and rear window ice. The composition of rubber for brushes used in winter is somewhat different from the usual one. The fact is that with a large minus, rubber dubs and ceases to fulfill its immediate task. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to choose the right brushes.

Many people prefer a frame structure. But this is practically meaningless, which is what experts focus on. The fact is that the frame structure contains a larger number of metal and plastic elements. They have the property of freezing in frost. Therefore, until everything thaws, they will not work or will, but not very well. Although today there are manufacturers who offer us a frame structure that is of high quality.

The best manufacturers of frame wiper blades

I would like to note right away that high efficiency is achieved by adding rubber to rubber. This gives a plasticity that does not disappear even at low temperatures. At the same time, such brushes have an impressive price tag, so not everyone will take them. The leader in our rating is the company Maruenu Gyraless Snow Blade. The key feature is that the frame is completely sealed and galvanized. Therefore, moisture does not get into it and there is at least some kind of protection against corrosion. In addition, the gum itself is made of rubber with a slight addition of tourmaline. This approach ensures high quality in all weather conditions, even at high subzero temperatures.

Another worthy contender for leadership is the Avantech Snowguard Polar. Quite sturdy brushes with graphite coating and a reinforced frame, which is also sealed. More affordable, however, they serve no more than 2 winters, although this indicator is better than many. It is worth paying attention to the company Alca Winter. True, there is nothing special here, but the brushes are fully compatible with various car models. We can talk about a good assortment.

Frameless brushes

From the name you can guess that the movable system of the rocker arms in this case is absent. A metal bar is responsible for pressing the elastic to the glass, which is located along the entire length of the elastic and holds it in the correct position. The advantages of such a solution include:

  • attractive appearance;
  • ease of replacement of brushes;
  • even distribution of pressure;
  • high reliability.

Experiments have shown that such brushes work better at high vehicle speeds, since there is no wind effect, as with frame brushes. Are achieved optimal values aeroacoustics and aerodynamics. For the winter period, models equipped with a spoiler (Flat Blade) are more suitable. This is due to the fact that the spoiler, with the oncoming air flow, creates additional pressure on the brushes, pressing them even more against the glass. Now let's look at the rating of winter wiper blades that do not have a frame.

The best among the best

After testing, where such characteristics as elasticity at a temperature of -20, cleaning quality and pressure were put forward as the main requirements, 5 manufacturers were among the leaders. First place went to brushes Maruenu AS. The elastic band in this case is made of rubber and impregnated with graphite. It is worth noting that in budget models, spraying is almost always used, which wears off rather quickly. Immediately there is a full-fledged impregnation, which ensures efficient operation in all weather conditions. There are no vibrations and slippage on the glass. Also, such brushes are resistant to ultraviolet light and the aggressive environment of the washer fluid. In general, an excellent choice, however, such a pleasure will cost a lot (3000 rubles).

Bosch Aerotwin is in second place. The brushes are made of composite rubber with the addition of rubber. Everything is done with high quality, there is no hint of squeakiness and poor fastening. The set includes a special adapter for non-standard connections. Denso DF closes our rating of wiper blades 2016. Acoustic comfort is ideal thanks to the fit to the windshield profile.

Do you need heated brushes?

Recently, special kits have appeared that are equipped with heating. For this, an elastic heating element is installed. Such a system serves to maintain the elasticity of the elastic even in severe frosts. This is a useful feature, but this kit is not cheap and can cause problems during installation.

Now popular manufacturers of heated brushes are Burner and Consul Winter. In the first case, upon purchase, you will receive a thermostat with a fuse and a power button. Additionally, you can purchase a special remote control for remote starting the system. The second set is more budgetary, but does not lag behind in quality. The installation can be done independently, although it has its own peculiarities.

About hybrid brushes

We have reviewed with you frame and frameless structures. Each species has its own strengths and weak sides... Recently, hybrid brushes are gaining more and more popularity. They are practically devoid of flaws and have all strengths frame and frameless wipers. Structurally, they have a hinge-lever system. This is inherent in wireframe brushes. But the system is designed in such a way that the possibility of moisture or dirt getting into the hinges is completely excluded. This is achieved through the use of a sealed fairing. Thanks to this solution, it was possible to increase the downforce, regardless of the configuration of the windshield. In fact, these are universal brushes. Secondly, the fairing allows you to evenly and with the necessary force to press the elastic to the windshield.

Anyway rating automobile type we'll consider. But first I would like to say about small flaw such a design. It lies in the cost of the kit. This is usually 1.5-2 times more expensive than normal frameless brushes. In this case, the service life is about one year.

Rating of hybrid wiper blades-2016

Denso stands out among the most popular manufacturers of this type of brushes. The organization has been manufacturing since 2005 and is famous for its high quality products. The hinge-link mechanism is hidden behind a stylish, sealed housing that is almost invisible. At the same time, the assortment is simply huge and includes all standard sizes. The matte black finish makes the design unique. This is not surprising, because the brushes from this manufacturer are installed as standard on many premium cars.

If we consider the rating of the windshield wiper blades for the winter of the hybrid type from the Denso company, then in the first place is the Denso Wiper Blade. The elastic is made of natural rubber with graphite coating. The frame is low-profile and finished in matt black paint. Reviews of professionals speak of the highest quality of the product and a relatively affordable cost. The kit will cost about 1000 rubles, which is not so expensive compared to competitors. Good feedback and about the Trico Hybrid. As in the previous case, natural rubber and graphite spraying are used. They work silently and keep the windshield clean even at speeds over 180 kilometers per hour.

Top manufacturers

For a long time of operation different types wipers from manufacturers from all over the world, motorists have formed a rating of wiper blades-2016. These are firms that control the quality of production at all stages and produce consistently good brushes. For example, if the rating of frameless wiper blades puts one firm in the first place, then the situation in the general list may change somewhat.

The German company Bosch has occupied the first place for a long time. It pleasantly surprises not only with the quality and range of products, but also pricing policy... The cost of the kit, depending on the size, usually does not exceed 1,500 rubles. The second place is taken by the French company Valeo. The company has been manufacturing brushes for a long time and focuses on the reliability of products. In third place - Heyner is from Germany. A large assortment allows you to choose not only the length, but also the required type of fastening. Of course, the rating of the best wiper blades and their manufacturers does not end there, which is a little lower.

Cheap and angry

Often we try to buy something more budgetary, and at the same time we want high quality. If we are talking about wiper blades, then there are no special problems. Again, in this case, it is better to avoid Chinese products for the simple reason that there is big choice European brands and the cost does not differ much.

At the same time, you can be sure that the Japanese Denso will work for a long time and will not creak after several hundred kilometers. This is especially true for hybrid type brushes. If we are talking about frameless, then it is worth looking towards the American manufacturer Champion. Excellent budget brushes of good quality. Often they run for more than 2 years, although there are cases of squeaks occurring immediately after installation. Therefore, here you can stumble upon a marriage. But "Alka" from Germany is a budget solution and is practically not counterfeited. The optimal choice for those who value their money and value German quality.

There are many more manufacturers, in particular from Europe and the USA, where they make noteworthy brushes. These are Italian "Sparko", American Trico, etc. In any case, you need to be able to do right choice... For example, some manufacturers are included in the rating of winter wiper blades in 2016, but others for all-season use.


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