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8 best wiper blades

What criteria do drivers use to rate their wiper blades? Well, firstly, by the way they perform their main function - to wipe glass. Good brushes do not leave a thin film of water or streaks on the glass that obstructs your view. The ability of the brush to clean frost and icing is very important, while not shaggy and not stiff in the cold. Another important factor is the resistance of rubber to chemicals that are included in the glass washer fluid, as well as to those chemicals that are used road services... Based on all these factors, as well as taking into account consumer feedback, this rating was compiled.


These brushes are marked by more than one respected edition for motorists precisely because of their low speed. Even after several months of operation, they slide on the glass without a squeak or characteristic rustle. The manufacturer claims that this low speed is achieved thanks to the use of a proprietary rubber compound and careful calculation of the angle of attack of the edge.

TO disadvantages Insufficient brush rigidity can be attributed to it, which becomes especially noticeable in winter - at the slightest frosting, the middle of the wiper about 5 cm long rises and stops cleaning the surface.

Typical review of Heyner All Seasons wiper blades:

“There is no film left, they work quietly - this is a plus, but there are stripes in the winter from the very first time - this is a minus. The glass is clean, and the stripes on the hike are not rubbed washer fluid. "


Soft rubber cleans the surface well at any time of the year. During long-term use, not the slightest scuffs or scratches appear on the glass. The successful design of the frame, well-chosen attachment points and articulated joints ensure full adherence of the brush to the glass of any car model.

Main flaw- fragility of rubber. After winter, the brushes start to squeak. True, this does not affect the quality of glass cleaning for a long time - the brush continues to work properly. According to the majority of users, rubber changes its properties under the influence of winter reagents used by our road workers.

Typical feedback on Denso NDDS wipers:

"I am very satisfied, they do not creak, they clean well over their entire width."


The only winter brushes that make it to this rating are the frameless Alca Winter. Rubber of medium hardness perfectly withstands many hours of work in conditions of strong freezing, frost, low temperatures. During the night, the brushes do not lose elasticity, and in the morning they start working immediately, without requiring lengthy defrosting and cleaning.

Flaw- the need to have some summer brushes in addition to Alca Winter. The best winter brushes in summer, with heat and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, very quickly become completely unusable. Another disadvantage - appearance... Of course, on an SUV, such brushes look completely natural, even give it a more severe look. But on some elegant model, massive wipers visible from afar are hardly appropriate. Although elegance can be sacrificed for the convenience and safety of the ride.

Typical review of Alca Winter brushes:

“We did a great job winter season, no comments! They do not freeze as much as the others in the snow, and in the morning there are no problems! "


Perhaps these brushes are the most versatile. The hardware included in the kit allows you to install them on any car without any additional adapters. And they are also universal because they work equally well in winter and summer, in a light rain and tropical downpour, coping well with any dirt. Even glass splashed with wet clay was cleaned in one pass.

The brushes are equipped with plastic pads that protect against freezing and ingress of dirt into the hinge joints of the frame. The rubber is coated with graphite, which significantly reduces the coefficient of friction. You can appreciate this quality in light rain, when part of the glass is covered with drops, while the other part is completely dry. The brushes do not make the slightest sound even under these conditions.

Featured by users flaw- with a small amount of freezing, the quality of cleaning deteriorates sharply. Reverse the brush begins to smear the previously wiped off dirt.

Typical review of SPARCO SPC-10xx wipers:

“They are doing an excellent job with a nice price. Tested in low temperature and heavy snow - work great. No need to beat, the rubber bands rub well. "


According to the results of a test drive carried out by VProbke magazine, these brushes do their main task better than anyone else. The glass they wiped looks like a new one, just left the factory. No streaks, no blind spots, no thin rainbow film at all - that's the result of using the Denso Wiper Blade Hybrid. Even after 100 hours of continuous use ( standard conditions European consumer tests) the quality of "cleaning" with these wipers did not get worse.

And now - drop of tar into this barrel of honey. The brushes are manufactured at Denso factories in Japan and now also in Korea. If Japanese hybrids serve well for years, then this cannot be said about their Korean counterparts. Their service life clearly corresponds to the warranty obligations - they have worked for 2 months, and in the trash can. Although you can ride with them for a couple of months, if you are not embarrassed by the stripes on the glass. And since it is almost impossible to distinguish the “Koreans” from the original, the rating points are set to be average for both types.

Typical review of Denso Wiper Blade Hybrid wiper blades:

“Good brand. Natural Japanese Denso runs for 1.5-2 years without any complaints! If korean assembly and components, then after 2 months they begin to strip and fly into the trash can. "


Winner of the test drive of the magazine "Za Rulem", the leader of the rating of the magazine "Dunst". Among positive qualities simple and reliable fixation on the levers is noted. They practically do not suffer from high temperature and ultraviolet radiation. Streaks and films do not appear even after prolonged continuous use.

And now about sad... In practice, these brushes are good in summer, but with the onset of winter, constructive flaw- the absence of a cover at the point where the brush is attached to the lever. The articulated joints are very quickly clogged with ice and the brush "freezes" in one position. Naturally, not narrow strips of dirt appear here, but on the contrary - only one clean strip above or below, throughout the rest of the length the brush simply does not touch the glass. Having calculated the average points given to this brush in the summer (10 points) and winter (6 points) periods, we get

Typical review of Heyner Hybrid windshield wipers:

“It cleans well without snow, but in winter I stopped cleaning in the snow altogether, and the ice inside was also hardened.”


Many car manufacturers use this brush as a factory-supplied brush. Denso has patented a number of technical solutions present in the frameless but rather rigid Retrofit. So, the material of the gum differs in composition from all other Denso models. The rubber cut is perfectly flat, for which the advanced processing technology is applied. Low-profile insert maintains a carefully calibrated angle of attack. The profile of the brush was rolled in a wind tunnel for a long time, due to which its resistance to the oncoming flow is the lowest among all famous models brushes. Provides good aerodynamics and a built-in spoiler.

Aerodynamics and quiet operation are good, but the Retrofit brush wipes the glass not always perfect... Flaws come up mainly in winter, when the brush is most susceptible to sticking. Some specimens leave behind dirty stripes in sub-zero temperatures and snow, on some - snow sticks under the spoiler.

Typical review of Denso Retrofit (LHD) wiper blades:

“A relatively inexpensive brush, it works perfectly when warm. But in the winter on the C grade. "


Very well thought out metal frame with anti-corrosion coating. A fairly stiff rubber brush. The frame presses the rubber to the wiped surface absolutely evenly along the entire length, and at the same time provides a minimum lifting force, pressing the brush. And with all this, it is clearly a budget model. Such a price for a high-quality frame brush is a rarity. It is not for nothing that the international magazine-catalog "DUK" recognized them as the product of the year in terms of price-quality ratio.

In tests carried out by the magazine "Za Rulem", these brushes turned out to be the most "tenacious", or, as the journalist wrote, "long-playing". The rubber edge successfully withstood all the bullying - a heat chamber, ultraviolet light, in general, fire and water, without losing at all working qualities.

When buying Bosch Eco, you should be careful - all the charms of this brush are inherent only in the original product, the Chinese variations on the Bosch theme do not stand up to criticism. As for the original, one small flaw- it is difficult to install it on some car models. I have to fiddle with the hook, calling on the pliers to help.

Rating- 9.9 out of 10.

Typical review of Bosch Eco:

“Bosch he is Bosch. I bought it for a penny, I have been using them for five years now - and no complaints. "


The most common question is which brushes are better, frame or frameless? There is no definite answer to this question. The rating includes both those and others. In addition, hybrid models are on the list of the best. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Most importantly, it is best to use only the wiper blades recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.

1 year

The most common question is which brushes are better, frame or frameless? There is no definite answer to this question. The rating includes both those and others. In addition, hybrid models are on the list of the best. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Windscreen wiper blades are one of the most frequently changed consumables in a car: they often have to install new ones even on cars that have just left a car dealership; on many "state employees", regular wipers are not enough for drivers. Well, let's try to figure out how this simple object works and by what principle you need to choose the best set of wipers.

Modern brushes were invented almost a hundred years ago - in 1923. Since then, their device has changed little: the working element is an elastic strip with a sharp edge, fixed in an elastic bracket for attaching to the leash. The elasticity of the brush is its main quality, which directly affects the cleaning efficiency, since when moving, the edge of the brush should adhere as tightly as possible to the curved surface of the glass.

Depending on the type of suspension in the bracket, the brushes are divided into:

  • Wireframe- in them the supporting structure itself is the elastic element. The brush frame connects to the cleaning pad at several points, tending to bend it. Hence and main drawback frame brushes: they adhere most tightly to the glass at the points of connection with the frame.
  • Frameless brushes use a metal plate embedded in the brush itself as an elastic element. Technologically, their production is more complicated and expensive, but this is justified by a much better fit and, accordingly, effective work. A distinctive feature of frameless brushes is a laconic appearance: the mount is located on the very plastic frame of the brush.
  • Hybrid the brushes have both a supporting frame and an additional elastic element in the plate. For glasses with a large curvature of the surface, they, perhaps, will become the best choice... It is easy to distinguish them by a plastic casing that covers the frame and at the same time serves as an aerodynamic element.

The brush itself can be made of a variety of materials, the requirements for which are simple: elasticity, low coefficient of friction (this will ensure not only the absence of squeak, but also reduce abrasion of the edge), resistance to deicing agents, solvents (the main component of the "washer" is isopropyl alcohol ) and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Initially, the rubber used for this is not very suitable for the specified parameters - in the cold it becomes harder, which is especially sensitive for frame brushes, quickly cracks, and due to the high coefficient of friction it is prone to creak. Modern silicone-based materials allow you to create more best brushes windshield wipers capable of working both in summer and in severe frost.

When choosing brushes, it is worth considering the peculiarities of car operation - in the summer, budget frame brushes will be no less effective than hybrid models of the premium segment. But in the northern regions, in cities where deicing reagents are actively used, the quality and material of the brush and its design require more careful attention: here expensive "hybrids" unambiguously win in all respects.

During the cold winter months, snow, slush, and deicing agents on the windshield can cause problems while driving. If you have used wipers in the past six months, now is the time to check and possibly replace them with winter wiper blades... Which one is better to choose?

To answer this question, we looked at the reviews on various specialized sites, studied the results comparative tests and selected the best winter windshield wipers for the car, which earned the highest marks with relatively few complaints. The ranking also took into account such criteria as the popularity of the manufacturer on Russian market and the price of the wipers.

5. Horse Acrobat

  • Price - from 408 rubles.
  • Length - from 41 to 65 cm

These all-season wipers from the Russian manufacturer are suitable for both left-hand drive and right-hand drive cars. The creators have adapted the brushes as much as possible for the Russian winter. There are no hinges and cavities in them where ice can linger, which increases the performance of the product in frost and high humidity conditions. The acrobat is resistant to deicing agents due to its anti-corrosion properties. The wiper frame is protected by a silicone spoiler. You can buy replaceable rubber bands for the brushes.

Disadvantages: When changing the direction of movement of the wipers, a click sometimes occurs, possibly due to the fact that they are too tightly pressed against the glass. Many reviews have complaints about dry glass creaks. When driving at speeds above 120 km per hour, the brushes are pushed away from the glass.

4. Alca Winter

  • Price - from 483 rubles.
  • Length - from 33 cm to 65 cm.

Continues the top of the best winter wiper blades of 2016 by the Chinese model of the German brand in rubber boot designed for passenger cars.

Advantages: thanks to the protective cover inside the brushes, the ice does not get clogged, so you do not have to constantly beat it off. In snowfalls and severe frosts, the wipers do not "freeze" much. They cope with adhered snow effortlessly, which reduces the consumption of anti-freeze. In most reviews, the low price of brushes is also noted.

Disadvantages: modest appearance, at a speed of more than 100 km / h, they do not cope well with the task, which threatens an accident. So if you are a fan of driving in the snow on the track, then this model is not for you. At positive temperatures, small streaks can be left on the glass.

3. TRICO Ice

  • Price - from 590 rubles.
  • Length - from 40 to 70 cm

The third position in the list is occupied by brushes made in Mexico. They clean well and silently, require a minimum of anti-freeze. A thoughtful move by the manufacturer: TRICO Ice comes with adapters, which allows you to install them on various mounts. And in frost and wet snow, they do an excellent job of cleaning the glass.

Cons: There are user complaints that the right brush leaves an uncleaned area. This is due to its loose contact with the glass. In heavy snowfall, the adhering snow melts and ice forms, which is why the brushes begin to clean the glass with a pass.

2. Champion Winter

  • Price - from 430 rubles.
  • Length - from 41 to 60 cm

The second number of the ranking are winter wipers made in the European Union. Thanks to the sealed waterproof case, put on the frame, snow does not adhere to them. The very soft rubber adheres perfectly to the glass and cleans it.

Cons: with the arrival of the second season of operation, the cover can begin to let moisture through, sometimes in cold weather you have to "knead" the brushes. At a speed of 120 km per hour, cleaning is poor, which does not contribute to safe driving. And do not leave Champion Winter for the summer, because they stop cleaning well and leave an ugly "fan" on the glass.

1. Bosch Aerotwin

  • Price - from 670 rubles.
  • Length - from 34 to 80 cm

And in the first place among the best winter wiper blades was a Serbian-made model. How does it outperform its competitors? Firstly, a wide range of sizes. Secondly, it completely repeats the bends of the glass and does not stiffen in frost (up to minus 10 degrees). Thirdly, it serves for a very long time, from 2 seasons or more.

It also has some drawbacks: high price, squeaks, some car owners complain about thin stripes on the glass after Bosch Aerotwin work.

A good wiper should smoothly remove water, snow and slush from the glass, without squeaking, rattling or rattling. If you notice these shortcomings, or if the wiper regularly leaves streaks or streaks of water pass through, it's time to replace it with a new one.

Our rating of wipers for winter is designed to ensure that you don't end up in an unpleasant situation. For example, they did not get stuck on the side of the road in a blizzard, because the windshield wipers were unable to remove the ice formed on the windshield.

Advice: If you notice that the wipers are not working well, try cleaning the rubber blade first. Sometimes that's all it takes to achieve a few more weeks or months of wipers' service. Dampen a clean paper towel or cloth with a little water, washer fluid, or alcohol and wipe along the edge of the wiper. The edge should be sharp and smooth, without chipping, chipping or gaps, and the rubber should be pliable and free from cracks.

In winter, carefully scrape the ice off the windshield before using the wipers, as the ice can peel off rubber or damage the edge of the wipers.

In contact with

When winter comes, most car owners are limited to that. Despite the fact that this is the main procedure, do not forget about changing the wipers. They are divided into 4 types, each of which is best suited for certain conditions:

  • Wireframe;
  • Frameless;
  • Winter frame;
  • Hybrid.
Each type of wiper blade has its own pros and cons.

Frame wiper blades

Provides a base on which a cleaning rubber band is worn. Rocker arms in the amount of 2–4 pieces depart from the wiper's leash, each of which is supplied with a tape. This design fits snugly against the glass, moving freely up and down and clearing the surface of rain, snow and dirt. This system is collapsible, which allows you to replace rubber parts without purchasing a new frame. Thus, this type of wiper is an economical choice.

The disadvantages of frame cleaners include the fact that their rubber band, when worn, causes the skeleton to rub against the glass surface with a characteristic unpleasant sound, leaving scratches. The aluminum base makes the structure lightweight, but deprives it of a margin of safety. It can be concluded that frame wipers are suitable for use only in the warm season.

Winter frame cleaners

An improved version of simple collapsible wipers, which is suitable for frost. The metal frame is covered with silicone, and the working coating consists of several layers, which allows use in winter. In addition, this option has a fairly long service life and high strength.

The disadvantage of this model of wipers is the high price. Despite the fact that they successfully clean glass from any contaminants all year round, it is more profitable to use specialized cleaners for each season.

Hybrid brushes

The design of the mixed type wipers consists of a classic frame with a compact plastic cover. These cleaners are highly aerodynamic and adhere well to the glass for good cleaning performance. They retain their elasticity and geometry for about a year, which is 3-4 times longer than the life expectancy of ordinary ones. Despite the fact that their lifespan is quite long, the price of $ 50 to $ 100 makes you think better.

Frameless wipers

This type of cleaners does not have a separation between the skeleton and the working surface. Inside the rubber-coated tape is a steel plate that presses the structure against the glass for better cleaning.

They have many advantages when used in winter:

  1. When the car is parked on the street, in the cold, there is no need to raise such wipers. Their coating does not freeze to glass, which allows you not to worry about tearing off the cleaners in the morning.
  2. In addition to the first point, ice accumulated on the wipers can be easily removed by bending it in several places. They have no joints. The whole structure is solid.
  3. Better cleaning due to the fact that the structure is tight and completely adhered to the glass. This is achieved by uniform pressure over the entire length of the brush.
  4. Good aerodynamic properties. These cleaners do not creak or slip at high speeds. The integrated spoiler directs it in such a way that the windscreen wipers better adhere to the glass in the event of strong oncoming airflow.
  5. The low profile without protrusions allows this type of brushes to increase visibility compared to analogues. In addition, their design blends seamlessly with any type of vehicle.

How to choose frameless cleaners

The purchase of such wipers includes. Each model of the machine has its own configuration of frameless brushes. This diversity is dictated by the difference between the windshields of the cars. Installing an unsuitable cleaner will lead to the fact that it will not be able to cope with its function, as it does not fit well. Windshield will get dirty, obscuring the view.

This principle is mostly relevant for budget wipers. Manufacturers of premium-class models assure that their devices will "sit" well on glass with any curvature.

Rating of the best frameless wipers

First place

Alca Winter. The rubber of these brushes is highly durable and can withstand many hours of work even in severe frost. High quality fully reveals such advantages of frameless cleaners as protection against freezing and maintaining the elasticity of the working surface.

The downside of this model is its narrow specialization. Ideal in winter, in summer they quickly lose their shape due to exposure to heat and ultraviolet radiation. This drawback forces car owners to have a spare set of wipers for the warm seasons.

Alca Winter is highly rated by users for its excellent winter performance. Some report that the design of this model does not fit all cars, negatively affecting the appearance of graceful cars with its massiveness.

Second place

Heyner All Seasons. Plenty of car publications and drivers for a quiet ride. After several months of operation, these wipers do not emit a single squeak or rustle, providing a comfortable movement. The manufacturer assures that the silence in work is achieved by using a special rubber recipe and fine adjustment of the working angle.

The disadvantage of this model is its low rigidity. In winter, this can lead to the fact that when freezing, the windshield wiper rises in some places, allowing dirt on the glass to pass through.

Heyner All Seasons owners complain that windshield wipers leave streaks of anti-freeze fluid. In general, quality does its job.

Third place

Denso Retrofit (LHD). This brush has proven itself both with a smooth cut of the working surface, as well as high technologies. Denso has a number of patents applied to this model of purifiers. Among them - a progressive way of processing and modern functionality. An integrated spoiler ensures high aerodynamics by resisting oncoming airflow.

The disadvantage of this model is that it does not always perfectly cope with the main task - glass cleaning. Some specimens tend to accumulate snow on themselves, leaving dirty streaks on the glass.

Most users find that this brush performs best in warm conditions. Efficiency in winter is most often rated at 3 points out of 5. Buyers are satisfied with the low price.


In order to have best view in winter, you should take a closer look at the frameless wiper blades. Tests show they perform better in cold and snowy conditions, and do a good job of cleaning glass. In general, such wipers are praised for their excellent adhesion to the surface of the car, combining elasticity and density. It is worth choosing this type of brushes based on the characteristics of the car - the bend and the size of the glass.

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Mas Motors

Every little detail counts for safe driving. Even such an ordinary thing as wiper blades play an important role on the road.

Rating of wiper blades 2016-2017 - we studied the forums of motorists and compiled a list of the most popular models that were highly appreciated and praised by consumers. Prices are indicated not for a set, but for one wiper blade.

Wiper Blades Rating:

# 10: Valeo First Covertech

Valeo First Covertech wipers open the rating of the best wiper blades of 2016. This is a hybrid wiper model with a durable edge and universal attachment. Wipers work flawlessly in any conditions. The only drawback of the model is the high price.
The cost of the model is from 500 rubles.

# 9: Champion X51E

Advantages of the model:

  • acceptable price;
  • excellent quality of glass cleaning;
  • in cold weather above -15 ° C, the rubber blade of the wipers remains elastic.
The main disadvantage of brushes is that after a few months of use, squeaks appear.
The approximate price of the model is from 270 rubles.

# 8: Trico Hybrid

  • natural rubber blades;
  • graphite coating;
  • reliability of the design.
The American company Trico is known for being the first in the world to launch wiper blades on the market. This historic event took place in 1917. In the USA, the company's products are extremely popular. Since brush mounts are not only suitable for American brands, Trico wipers are highly regarded by car enthusiasts in many countries.
The price of the model is from 650 rubles.

Brush # 7: Denso NDDS

Advantages of the model:

  • silent work;
  • the design of the frame allows the brush to adhere firmly to the glass of almost any car model;
  • high-quality and fast glass cleaning without annoying streaks and streaks;
Denso NDDS brushes also have a drawback - the fragility of rubber. But the point here, most likely, is not in the quality of rubber, but in the destructive effect of winter reagents. The disadvantages of the model include the high price.
Estimated cost - from 800 rubles.

# 6: Valeo Silencio X-TRM

Advantages of the model:

  • high-quality material that ensures excellent operation of the brushes in winter and maintains elasticity;
  • the design of the wipers helps to effectively remove water from the glass;
  • simplicity, convenience and reliability of fastening the brushes;
  • soft move without jerks and squeaks;
  • fast and high-quality glass cleaning.
The Valeo Silencio X-TRM wipers are most effective when used on the motorway.
Estimated price - 580 rubles.

# 5: Ween Shimo

Ween Shimo frameless wiper blades are ranked 5th in our ranking. The model is easy to install and is securely fixed on the leash. The profile of the wipers is made using modern technologies, thanks to which the brushes perfectly cope with cleaning glass at any time of the year. The original shape of the cleaning band allows water to drain away and prevents ice formation. With intensive use, Ween Shimo wiper blades will last at least 12 months.
The average cost is from 500 rubles.

# 4: Bosch eco

The advantages of this model:

  • natural rubber blades;
  • a good range of mounts and brush lengths;
  • excellent work at low temperatures;
  • affordable price.
Since this model of wiper blades is quite popular with car owners, it is often faked by Chinese craftsmen. When choosing Bosch eco wipers, you should be careful not to become the owner of counterfeit products.
Estimated price - 300-500 rubles.

Janitor # 3: Heyner Hybrid

On the 3rd place in the ranking of the best car wipers - Heyner Hybrid. These are hybrid brushes that combine the convenient design of frameless models and the excellent job of removing dirt from classic frameless car windscreen wipers. Heyner Hybrid is good because it is designed for all-season use and is resistant to aggressive environmental influences.
The approximate price of the model is 430 rubles.

# 2: Heyner Exclusive

Ranked second the best wipers 2016 occupied by Heyner Exclusive brushes. These are inexpensive frame wipers that can be installed on any type of leash. Another advantage of the model is that a failed build plate can be replaced. Heyner Exclusive perfectly cope with their function in summer, in winter they perform a little worse when freezing.
Estimated price - from 250 rubles.

Brush # 1: Alca Super Flat graphit

Topping the rating of the best wiper blades of 2016 frameless wipers Alca Super Flat graphit. They got the maximum amount positive feedback car enthusiasts and showed the best value for money. They clean the brushes almost perfectly and do not leave streaks. It is best to use Alca Super Flat graphit wipers at temperatures up to -5 degrees, because in severe frost they become clogged with snow, begin to creak and leave streaks.
Cost - from 320 rubles.


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