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Invincible cars do not exist, no matter what advertising inspires us. Each mechanism has problems and shortcomings, specific "sores". A car is a combination of a huge number of mechanisms and everything that turns, rubs, switches, rotates, comes into contact with the external environment - is subject to deformation and potentially vulnerable. The Nissan X-Trail is no exception. In fairness, we note that Lexus, Porsches, Mercedes are no less vulnerable and have their own disadvantages, pros and cons.

Until 2009, all Nissan were imported from Japan. After the opening of an assembly plant at a plant in Shushary near St. Petersburg, the flow of imported vehicles in the European part of Russia dropped sharply, and supplies of locally assembled Nissan appeared. Deliveries from Japan are relevant for Siberia and the Far East, there are often even right-hand drive versions.

Versions and improvements

When buying a used car, especially one that is not cheap like the Nissan X-Trail, you need to understand that many components are worn out, and no one will replace expensive parts beyond the necessary pre-sale preparation. Consider the Nissan Ixtrail pros and cons in order to navigate secondary market.

Weaknesses of the Nissan X-Trail were consistently worked out by designers, engineers and designers. The disadvantages of previous versions are eliminated quite quickly. Only a car completely cast from titanium and launched into orbit outside the atmosphere can be invulnerable.

Ikstrail has an incredible amount of improvements and restyling. Cars Nissan X-Trail T30: 2001, 2003; : 2007, 2010; : 2015 - differ from each other quite significantly. The car of the first wave was progressive for its class, but the interior trim from the inside was frankly simple. Restyling 2003 was carried out according to the requirements of consumers, for whom a line of wishes was specially opened. In 2007, the shortcomings of control systems were eliminated, variators, interior, trunk were improved.

The most popular on the secondary market was the 2007 version,. This is due to the relatively low price and the presence of major technical innovations. Besides everything that could break has already been broken and replaced, accordingly, with a skillful choice and a certain amount of luck, you will not have to invest in expensive repairs immediately after purchasing a car.

Modern shortcomings and shortcomings of the Nissan X-Trail T31 according to car owners:

Washer fluid reservoir - a simple plastic container with tubes

1 No washer reservoir level indicator

It is possible to understand that the liquid has run out only by the absence of splashing on the glass ... And this can lead to the fact that the pump that pumps the washer will deteriorate - it is not intended to run "dry".

2 Unreliable fuel level sensor

Ixtrail has two of them. One on fuel pump, the other - separately. Usually the “separate” sensor is to blame. Constant contact with our "quality" fuel oxidizes contacts with all that it implies. Can be cleaned with a simple "cotton swab + solvent" set.

Illumination of buttons on the driver's door in the dark

3 Driver's door buttons are not illuminated properly

In particular, power windows are not illuminated. It would be possible to make the backlight not side, but "from the inside" ...

Luggage compartment cover Nissan X-Trail

4 Inconvenient trunk curtain

Class "tablecloth". Something more practical could have been done.

Gas stop of the fifth door Nissan X-Trail

5 Weak stops of the fifth door

Gas stops Nissan X-Trail do not always cope with a heavy fifth door. This is especially noticeable in cold weather and frost.

Operational problems

The relatively serious problems of the Nissan X-Trail begin after a year of mileage. Rust appears on the 5th door, which was famously slammed several times. There may be problems with the paintwork on the roof, especially if you have a chance to travel through the bushes and do not notice the small scratches that appear. Problems associated with insufficiently accurate handling, testing of extreme modes of the car, testing of capabilities come out.

Wiring problems and abrasion of the loops

It is clear from operating practice that all moving parts are subject to increased wear. As for the wires and loops laid in moving mechanisms, they also wear out, wear out, the insulation deteriorates, the wiring closes, the wires break and fray, the microcircuits fail.

Traditional problems of cars with electronics; this is abrasion of control wires, loops, breakdown of controllers and buttons. What can I say, if even in old VAZs, stop signals and turn signals fail, and on the left side, where the driver's door provides an additional mechanical load on the wires. So, in the Nissan X-Trail, part of the control wired systems, buttons and cables are located on the steering wheel. The loops of the audio system, cruise control, and speakerphone located on the rotating elements are subject to abrasion.

Front right door wiring

In the hands of a competent electrician, the problem with loops is easily eliminated. If there is no competent electrician, or the abrasion of the loops is catastrophic, that is, not a bit of insulation, but in tatters, repair and replacement of control loops will cost tens or two thousand rubles.

Electric seat adjustment Nissan X-Trail also weak spots due to increased mobility. This is especially true for the driver's seat. Deterioration of electrics and loops is inevitable. And in the case of the Nissan X-Trail, a significant part of the electrical system is located in the moving parts, which increases wear and tear many times over.

In addition to direct mechanical action, there is a problem of condensation of excess moisture, difficult temperature conditions, strong heating near rubbing parts of the mechanism, unreliable protection of some units from dirt.


Incorrectly transmitting sensors, these are serious shortcomings of the Nissan X-Trail from the very first to the latest models. Quite often, this is a problem for a car owner who does not want to spend extra money on replacing a combined unit. By the way, the combined nodes in the Nissan X-Trail are decent.

Open type resistor sensor: contacts constantly float in the fuel

Fuel sensors. Ixtrail has two of them. The contacts of the fuel gauge stick, clog up and oxidize, for this reason the sensor readings are not very accurate. It is pointless to measure the pros and cons of the car in this case.

Fuel level sensor, which is combined with a petrol pump

The problem can be solved in the usual way by simply cleaning the boards. The "right" filter is no problem, but the "left" one is combined with the fuel pump. Replacement will cost over 10,000 rubles. For this reason, many drivers limit themselves to cleaning the right one, which does not contribute to the efficient operation of the level gauge.

In extreme conditions, which, according to the Nissan X-Trail regulations, refer to subzero temperatures, replacement of components should be carried out more often.

The same applies to the oil filter.

Expensive components

Cheap repairs for the Nissan X-Trail are impossible in principle. Considering the pros and cons of the Nissan X Trail, expensive components should be noted, for which replacement at the end of their service life is recommended.

This applies to scheduled work with a CVT gearbox. Most CVTs use a special CVT Fluid NS ‑ 2, which is more expensive than usual transmission fluid... The oil filter, which needs to be changed at the same time as changing the oil, has additional functions and is decently worth it. It is recommended to change the oil 2 times a year, which is about 32 thousand annually. In case of problems with the variator, and they arise due to improper actions by the user, belt change and pulley grinding can be added to an unscheduled oil change.

Technical flaws

The small sores of the Nissan X-Trail, especially those bought in the secondary market, are very unpleasant for the driver - these are plastic rattling parts in the cabin, as they are called "crickets". The driver's problem is that by getting used to not paying attention to small clicks and squeaks, you can miss a serious nuisance. The howl of the variator, of course, cannot be confused with anything, but it is easy to miss the clicking and tapping of the steering rack.

Let's list the most vulnerable spots of the Nissan X-Trail in terms of unexpected squeaks:

  • Outside there is a panel above the wipers. By the way, if the cold is approaching, it is advisable to replace the regular wipers immediately, they are often made of rubber that is not frost-resistant enough. A disgusting grinding on the glass instead of a soft glide can be an unpleasant surprise.
  • Center console.
  • Heating system. A motor whistles and clicks in it, which will eventually have to be replaced.
  • The seats, though the latest sample and stuffed with electronics, but after 2-3 years they creak almost like a spring grandmother's sofa. This is, in principle, normal. None of the drivers complain about the seats and everyone finds the adjustment system very comfortable. And they just get used to the creak and are surprised when strangers, for example, when selling a car, pay attention to rather loud creaks.

Nissan X-Trail is not the cheapest car and requires considerable investment in monthly maintenance, filters must be changed in accordance with the maintenance schedule, regardless of the cost.

With proper driving and regular maintenance, new nissan X-Trail won't be a problem.

Disadvantages of Nissan X-Trail video

Tuning Nissan X-Trail is an event that requires a lot of money. Regardless of what kind of car you want to get in the end - a solid city car or a powerful all-terrain vehicle, you still have to spend money. How to save on tuning without losing the result - let's figure it out on the example of modifications t30 and t31.


Many experienced specialists, and just drivers who know a lot about car improvement, will say with confidence that there is always a method that is much cheaper for every expensive way of modifying a car. And the first example of such a statement can be safely called chip tuning - an event that will worthily replace the purchase and installation of a turbine on a Nissan engine. The latter, for a minute, will cost you at least 60 thousand rubles.

Nissan x trail

Some owners of Nissan t30 and t31 models will ask with bewilderment: "How will chip tuning affect the characteristics of an SUV, because in most cases this method is used to passenger cars? ". The answer is quite simple, and it lies in the versatility of this method of revision. After all, replacing the standard firmware has long been not only an increase in the power of T30 and T31. Re-flashing today means stabilizing the operation of the transmission, increasing the reliability of the suspension and braking system, improving the exhaust and It is these and other advantages of chip tuning that make this method one of the most popular in the Russian and world car services market.

You can talk for a long time on the topic of flashing, but it is best to take and start preparing for work. First of all, you need to make sure perfect condition engine. We strongly advise you to check each of the components of the SUV's power unit, replace filters and engine oil, tighten the pipes and. Only then can you buy hardware and software for chip tuning. Once you have put the t31 power unit in order, you can start buying equipment and downloading programs for chip tuning. Regarding the first, you need to purchase the original K-Line adapter and 1 USB adapter to it. We also need a laptop with Windows XP pre-installed, as other operating systems do not allow chip tuning.

As for the software part, here, first of all, you need to download the new firmware. This is best done on the official website of the company. Keiko which supplies the control units of the t30 and t31 models from Nissan. It is worth choosing the program that appeared on the site no earlier than 2014. Older programs have a bad reputation due to the large number of errors that the on-board computer issues after chip tuning. In addition to the new program, for the ECU, you need to download a utility that will help you correctly configure the work of Nissan parts. In the case of the t30 and t31 models, it is best to download the program Chiploader 2.22.0... We advise you to download the paid version, as it has more functions for calibration.

So, after preparation, you can get to work. We open the hood of the car and see a black box under the wiper blades. It is necessary to unscrew the 4 fasteners holding the box lid. Under it is the ECU of the SUV. We turn the block with the connectors towards ourselves and connect the K-Line adapter to the OBD connector. We connect the other end of the adapter to the laptop through the adapter. We start the car and wait for a folder with ECU information to appear on the laptop display. We minimize the folder and proceed to the installation of the Chiploader program. Next, open the last one and also collapse it.

The next step in chip tuning is to unpack the new firmware. We open the utility archive and enter the ECU as the final folder. Which folder to choose - take care of this in the case of t30 and t31 Chiploader... Press "Ok", after which a window will appear on the display in which you will be offered to configure the operation of the off-road vehicle elements.


Calibration of Nissan parameters is a very responsible process that requires attention and patience. It is best to start tuning with the motor. Select the "Engine" section and move the slider to the right. On the side of the display, you will see that the program Chiploader shows how the operation of this element will change after chip tuning. So if you move the motor slider too far to the right, the transmission and suspension will turn red. This means that the latter will succumb to a strong load. Your task is to customize the operation of each auto system as efficiently as possible, but without harming other parts.

Tuning Nissan X trail

At the end of the calibration, click "Ok" and wait for the installation of the new firmware to be completed. On average, this will take 5-10 minutes. Do not worry if during this time the motor of your T30 or T31 starts up and stalls itself several times - it should be so. After the running load line turns green, you can disconnect the adapter and put the ECU in place. We fasten the lid of the box in which the unit is located and close the hood. Next, we check the result of the performed chip tuning. Provided you did everything right, your t30 will have an extra 35 hp. with. The torque of the car will increase by 25%.

In addition, the car will lose roll on sharp turns, braking will become smoother. A separate word should be said about control - the steering wheel will become much more sensitive, and the car will react faster to your commands. In the case of the t31, the results will be even better. Power and torque will increase by 25% and 35%, respectively. The operation of the transmission will also change. You will no longer notice the shifting glitches that worried you before. The t31 exhaust will also work better due to the use of more air by the injector. With all this, fuel consumption will decrease - you will save about 1 liter. for every 100 km.


It just so happened that tuning the Nissan X-Trail cannot be imagined without the use of a kengurin. The only problem is that many owners of T30 and T31 simply do not dare to hang additional structures on their cars, because, as they say, give our inspector just a reason. But we hasten to reassure you - for installation on SUVs, which includes your Nissan. Moreover, the manufacturer has provided for the possibility of mounting the structure, having provided the X-Trail front bumper with all the necessary holes and struts in advance. Having dealt with the legality of the kenguryatnik, you can proceed to buying it.

The bumper guard on the Nissan X trail

The first thing to look for in a store is the manufacturer and the authenticity of the product. If you find company kangarines TCC- you are in luck, but you also need to make sure that you are looking at the original item.

If you are offered a fake, then it will last you no more than six months. And when it falls off, it will also tear off part of the bumper. Another manufacturer that we advise you to pay attention to is a domestic company Technotech... If you find the original protection of this company, you can forget about dents on the bumper and broken headlights for a long time. It is very easy to determine the authenticity of the products of the above companies. To do this, just look at the country of origin. Goods TCC are produced in Germany, and kangarines from Technotech- in Russia. As for the size of the part, everything is even simpler here. On the packaging of kenguryatniks, manufacturers indicate a list of cars for which these designs are suitable.

After purchasing a kenguryatnik, you can proceed to installation. First, we dismantle the standard bumper and clean the body under it. Next, we inspect the t31 bumper itself. If there is rust on it, be sure to remove it and clean the surface of the part. We apply a degreaser to the element and wait for the bumper to dry. After that, we proceed with the installation of the kangarin on the part. We put 2 elements one on top of the other and screw in the pins from the kangaroo kit. Observe the correct installation, read the instructions carefully! Next, we apply the connected parts to the body. It is best if your friend can help you with this.

While he is holding the structure, you must screw on the bumper, and then immediately start screwing in the pins in the front of the car's underbody. The last step will be to fix the element above the radiator grill. After installation, you need to carefully check the reliability of the fasteners. All pins must be screwed in all the way, otherwise, when driving, the kengurin will swing on the t30 and t31 bumper and may fly off with the latter.


Many of us have heard about applying a carbon film to various elements of the car interior. But not everyone knows that this material has not only outstanding aesthetic properties. In addition, carbon also reliably protects interior parts from scratches and harmful effects ultraviolet radiation. And this is exactly what the owners of the t30 and t31 need so much. V standard equipment instrument panels these models are made of fairly high quality plastic. However, doubts are caused by the paintwork of the latter, which loses its color and protective properties a year after the purchase of a new car.

Dashboard tuning

That is why it is best to use carbon to refine the dashboard, and the more details you paste over now, the fewer elements you will have to repaint later. The carbon film itself and its quality have a very big influence on the final result. On sale you can find products that have the effect of a ribbed structure only visually. In fact, this carbon is completely smooth. In large car stores, you can find 3D film on the surface of which there are thin stripes of different tones. Such products are already a little more expensive, but they are most often chosen by car owners.

When buying a carbon film, it is worth considering the dimensions of the t30 and t31 interior. Both models have a fairly spacious cockpit, so it is best to buy a little more material to spare. In addition to the carbon itself, you will also need to work:

  • flat and Phillips screwdriver;
  • masking tape;
  • roller;
  • soap solution;
  • stationery knife;
  • Super glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • degreaser.

First you need to dismantle all the small parts of the cabin. We take them outside, wash them, dry them and degrease them. While they are drying, you can start working on the larger elements. To do this, we measure the dimensions of the spare parts and transfer them to carbon. We cut off the pieces of material we need. We apply a soapy solution to the interior parts and remove the paper lining from the film. We wet the latter and gently apply it to the wet element of the Nissan cab. Without waiting, you need to start expelling soap bubbles from under the film. To do this, take a roller and drive it from the center of the film to its edges.

In places where the product has not adhered to the surface, you can use a little super glue. We carry out a similar procedure with each t30 and t31 interior element of a large area. It will take a little longer to "tinker" with small details. Due to their rounded shape, it will be necessary to ensure that the film fits correctly into place and grabs everywhere. All parts must dry completely after application. This will take about a day. After that, you can install all small parts in place and continue to operate the SUV.

(factory index T31) was created on a platform called the Nissan C. The car turned out to be very popular, which is not surprising: for a little over a million they offered a mid-size SUV with a huge trunk. But is it worth looking for a "cunning", as owners often call him, in the secondary market?


Most appearing on Russian market"X-Trails" were delivered official dealers... Until 2009, all the cars we sell were of Japanese assembly. Later, they set up production at the Nissan plant in St. Petersburg. It is gratifying that absolutely all modifications, both diesel and gasoline, were officially sold with us. This is good, because there is a great chance of saving all service documentation. We also have right-hand drive versions, but mostly beyond the Urals.


The X-Trail has a masculine appearance, but the body paint is surprisingly delicate. Within a few years the varnish begins to grow cloudy and rub off - like all external chrome. And chips on the paint remain even after light blows with small stones. Worst of all, if they appear on a non-galvanized roof: the places of "combat contacts" quickly rust.

The main source of unpleasant sounds outside is the rattling plastic panel under the wipers.

The interior is also not without "crickets". The chief of them settled in the cup holders of the lower part of the center console. Seat upholstery, be it fabric or leatherette, does not differ in durability and after two years it is rubbed out, losing its presentation. Usually by this time the steering wheel rim is also peeling off. But the heater upsets even more. Three years later, his motor starts to whistle due to the wear of the brush assembly and the collector, which promises an early replacement of the complete part (10,000 rubles).

Do not be surprised if at one "fine" moment the audio system or cruise control stops responding to the buttons on the steering wheel, which means that the loop is out of order. If you can't restore it, a new one will cost 10,700 rubles.

For cars in expensive trim levels, it will not be superfluous to check the serviceability of the electric drives of the seats, especially the driver's one, otherwise you will have to fork out for a couple of tens of thousands of rubles. The frame of the driver's seat creaks, regardless of the configuration: the sounds of an old sofa are made by many copies older than three years.

A rechargeable battery usually can withstand no more than three to four years in our climate. There are no particular problems with a generator, and its breakdown is the exception rather than the rule.


Range power units the "X-Trail" does not shine with variety - only in-line "fours". In the engine range, the 2.0-liter (140 hp) MR20DE petrol engines (140 hp) and the 2.5-liter QR25DE (169 hp) are adjacent to the two-liter M9R turbodiesel in two power versions (150 or 173 hp). ...

More than half of the cars on the market are equipped with two-liter gasoline - and they break down most often. Moreover, the owners of "X-Trails" produced in 2008 turned out to be in a worse position: on some machines, the engines had a defect piston group and suffered from increased oil consumption. The piston was changed under warranty, so when choosing a 2008 car, it would be nice to check the service history.

In addition, after 140,000-150,000 kilometers, some engines have piston rings and oil consumption exceeds a liter per thousand kilometers. Decarbonization does not always help, and then cook 4500 rubles per set piston rings and valve stem seals. Plus - what did you think? - five times more for work.

Be sure to inspect the engine from below. After 60,000–70,000 kilometers, the sealant, which acts as a gasket for the pallet, begins to allow the lubricant to pass through. Broaching the pan bolts often helps, but sometimes you have to reapply the sealant.

Engine oil isn't the only fluid that X ‑ Trail is actively losing. If the level of antifreeze drops regularly, check the expansion tank for leaks. Leaking at the junction of the upper and lower parts is a trademark of the two-liter unit. Less commonly, fluid seeps out from under the thermostat gasket. If the antifreeze goes away and you can't see any leaks from the outside, it's a bad thing. The MR20DE motor has thin walls of candle wells, and it is enough to slightly overdo it when screwing in for the threads to crack and antifreeze to enter the combustion chamber. Therefore, make it a rule to tighten the candles only with a torque wrench.

The rest of the two-liter unit is very similar to its older brother with the QR25DE index. If the car suddenly refused to start (this happens, as a rule, after 120,000-130,000 kilometers), then it's time to change the stretched timing chain (4,600 rubles).

Regardless of the type of engine, the fuel gauge is lying. Fortunately, a clogged and, as a result, a sticky fuel level sensor is replaced separately (5600 rubles). But the fuel filter can be changed exclusively as an assembly with a gasoline pump (10,900 rubles). In order not to spend money on an expensive unit, for preventive maintenance, clean the filter mesh every 30,000- 35,000 kilometers.

After 100,000-110,000 kilometers, the valves will have to be adjusted. You heard right: the clearances for all engines are set in the old fashioned way, by selecting the thickness of the pushers (adjusting washers are not provided). Not the most stable engine mounts require replacement even up to 100,000 kilometers (6500 rubles for the front and 2400 rubles for the rear).

There are few diesel cars on our market - about 5% of the total volume. It's a pity! After all, the two-liter turbodiesel M9R has almost no weak points. Is that the return highway fuel system... Her pipes often burst (5400 rubles), and the O-rings begin to let the diesel fuel through.


The X ‑ Trail was equipped with “mechanics”, “automatic” (6-speed) or a variator.

The traditional manual transmission is very tenacious. Perhaps her only ailment is that in 2010 cars, the clutch had to be changed for 30,000-40,000 kilometers because of a defective disc.

The six-speed "automatic" Jatco JF613E is found exclusively in tandem with a diesel engine, and this unit is not a frequent visitor in our market - although six out of ten diesel cars are equipped with an "automatic". But in terms of reliability, Japanese hydromechanics is almost as good as conventional “mechanics” - provided that the oil is changed every 50,000–60,000 kilometers. Of course, the solenoids in the valve body are not as reliable as those of Jim's GA6l45R automatic machine (it is familiar not only to American car owners, but also to BMW fans). However, thanks to a competent control program, they live no less, like the whole box as a whole.

Modifications with the Jatco JF011E variator must be recognized as the most expensive to operate. Not only repair costs a pretty penny, but also routine maintenance... For example, replacing an expensive Nissan oils CVT Fluid NS ‑ 2 (every four years or every 60,000 kilometers) and oil filter will cost about 16,000 rubles with work. A pushing belt, which requires replacement every 150,000 kilometers, will cost 20,000 rubles. But saving on maintenance can be even more expensive. If you miss the oil change, wear debris will jam the oil pump pressure relief valve (13,000 rubles) and oil starvation of the unit is ensured. The belt will close the variator cones (52,000 rubles). Together with the cones, the valve block (45,000 rubles) and the stepper motor (6800 rubles) will suffer. The failure of the latter is usually accompanied by a freeze in one gear.

The driveshaft joints and CV joints are reliable, just be sure to monitor the condition of the anthers (5600 rubles per set). And don't forget that the X-Trail is a SUV, not an all-terrain vehicle. Long forays into serious off-road conditions and frequent slippage can condemn the electromagnetic clutch for connecting the rear wheels (43,000 rubles).


The X-Trail suspension is similar to the Kashkaya suspension both in design and in problems. The weakest link is the thrust bearings (1000 rubles each). Dirt and sand that gets into the bearing will wear it out over 20,000–30,000 kilometers. But this applies to cars of the first three years of production. Later, the assembly was modified, extending the life of the bearings to 100,000 kilometers.

The struts (2,000 rubles per set) and anti-roll bar bushings (1,100 rubles) serve a little longer than 40,000 kilometers. To replace the latter, you will have to remove the subframe, on which, at the same time, it would be nice to change the silent blocks. They are not sold separately for versions with a 2.5-liter engine, but similar parts from a two-liter version will do. Silent blocks and ball joints of the front lower arms (6400 rubles each) last up to 80,000-100,000 kilometers. On this run, a series of wheel bearings are suitable, which are changed only together with the hub (6400 rubles each).

The rear suspension is the most hassle with the lower shock bushings, especially on early-model cars. After restyling in 2010, the bushings were finalized, and the sore was left behind. Knocking on the supports and plastic covers of the front shock absorbers? This feature is easier to come to terms with than trying to eliminate it.

The steering rack is quite reliable and does not start knocking earlier than 140,000-150,000 kilometers. When you turn the steering wheel, the steering shaft gimbals often make a sound (4400 rubles) and its rubber seals creak. Silicone lubrication has already become a ritual for the owners of X-Trail.

The braking system is also reliable. In some cars, the ABS unit failed - most often after storming fords and other mud baths.

Despite childhood illnesses, the X-Trail T31 series has become a true bestseller among crossovers. It is very tempting to get a lot of car for relatively little money.

For the price, only the Mitsubishi Outlander is comparable to it. Korean competitors Kia Sorento and Hyundai santa Fe is even more expensive by 40,000-50,000 rubles.

The X ‑ Trail loses in value less than 9% per year. And if you decide to buy it, it is better to aim at the version with "mechanics" and a 2.5-liter engine.

The ideal option is a diesel engine with a classic "automatic", but you will not find such cars with fire in the daytime. And the more affordable automatic version with a variator, even in good condition, can require considerable operating costs.


Artem MELNICHUK, director of used car dealership

With the sale, not everything is clear. I cannot say that the X-Trail is a slow-moving car. Buyers love it for its large trunk, spacious interior and good crossover cross-country ability. Cars with "mechanics" are bought up the fastest. The electromagnetic clutch and especially the variator are alarming for many: possible repair will cost a tidy sum (although the variator does not necessarily require repair).

Another great advantage of the machine is that over the years its resale value decreases very slowly, if not almost does not drop at all. But if a car has an opaque service history, it is almost impossible to sell it at an affordable price.


Lev TIKHON, owner of the Nissan X-Trail crossover (2011, 2.0 l, manual gearbox, mileage 46,000 km)

This is my second X-Trail. The main criteria for choosing a car were a spacious interior, high ground clearance and a low price.

The first X-Trail, produced in 2007, lived with me for four years, during which I wound 200,000 kilometers. The biggest trouble happened in the 63rd thousand, when the rear gearbox collapsed. It was changed under warranty, but it had to go 250 kilometers to the dealer. The rest of the car was very reliable. In addition to the gearbox, I only changed the support bearings and the stabilizer struts. And the clutch at the manual box did not go away at all 200 thousand!

When it came time to change the car, there were no questions - only the X-Trail! Therefore, in 2011 I became the owner of the updated "cunning". Like the previous one, a two-liter engine and a manual transmission. And the equipment is the same. But the assembly is already Russian, and, in my opinion, it is worse than the Japanese one: they obviously saved money on materials and some little things. But I still think the car is good, especially on long journeys. A voyage to Greece only strengthened my opinion.


Stanislav OLYUSHIN, master inspector of the "Flagman-Auto" technical center

Like most crossovers, the Nissan X-Trail is complex and expensive to maintain. The biggest problem with a two-liter gasoline engine is the short timing chain resource. I recommend changing it every 100,000 kilometers. For work, excluding the cost of spare parts, you will have to pay about 12,000 rubles.

The diesel engine has problems with the rear circuit of the vacuum pump and the pressure relief valve of the injection pump.

The suspension is too stiff, which affects its reliability. The stabilizer struts and ball joints travel an average of 30,000-40,000 kilometers. But you won't be charged much for repairing the suspension. For example, a complete rear suspension bulkhead will cost 7,000 rubles (excluding the cost of spare parts). MOT also cannot be called very expensive - on average 5,000-7,000 rubles, including all consumables.

Good afternoon. In today's article we will talk about the weak points of the Nissan X-Trail of various modifications. Traditionally for our site, the article will contain a lot of photos and videos.

The history of the model.

Nissan x-treil has been produced since 2001 by Nissan in Japan, Canada, Russia and the UK. During the release, the car changed 3 generations, each of which differed in platform, and went through several small restyling. Since the platforms are different, each generation will have their own weaknesses, and we will consider them separately.

Separately, I would like to emphasize that Nissan X-trail, of any generation, is not an SUV, it is an ordinary parquet floor and its place is on the asphalt!

The main drive for this machine is front, the four-wheel drive is connected automatically when one of the wheels slip and, by and large, is a driver assistance system. T. n. hard blocking center differential, connects the rear axle with a multi-plate friction clutch, and operates at speeds up to 30 km / h, and then the system switches to automatic mode.

In general, the car wins in cross-country ability Subaru forester, Toyota RAV4, Honda SRV, but hopelessly behind the Land Rover Freedlander and (the point is in the lowering range in the transmission).

The first generation Nissan X-Trail (Nissan X-Trail T30).

The first generation of the car is based on the modernized Nissan FF-S platform, previously Nissan Almeria and Nissan primera... Produced from 2002 to 2007. A distinctive feature of the car is the inconvenient arrangement of instruments (in the center of the panel).

X-Trail T30 meets with gasoline engines volume of 2.0 liters. (140 hp), and 2.5 liters. (165 hp), as well as with a 2.2 liter diesel engine. (114 hp)

If you come across an export X-Trail from Japan, it's a little more interesting - the 2.0-liter naturally aspirated petrol engine develops 150 hp. 150 h.p. and 280 hp. with turbocharging.

In 2003, the first generation was restyled, while the bumpers, interior trim were changed, and the engine power increased slightly.

In the case of Russia, the optimal choice of a mechanic car with a 2.5-liter engine. Its fuel consumption is practically the same as in version 2.0 (and in the urban cycle it will often be lower), and the transport tax remains at an acceptable level. Spare parts are also common.

Diesel is more economical than gasoline versions, but it has problems with maintenance, there are few diesel specialists.

And, moreover, in any of our studios, the work will be carried out exactly as described in this photo report. All these works are carried out in one day and in your presence. If you cannot be present in our studio all the time of work, we will provide you with a full-fledged photo report about our work!

The price of full soundproofing of the Nissan X-Trail cabin for the "Premium" option is 39,000 rubles.

The price of interior soundproofing for the "Premium" option without a roof (panorama) is 33,000 rubles.

Front panel noise insulation price Nissan x-trailwith withdrawal - 10,000 rubles.

The price of soundproofing one pair of wheel arches and wheel arches is 6,000 rubles.

The cost of revision of door openings for 4 doors is 3,000 rubles.

Popular crossoverNissan x-trailcame to us for soundproofing with complaints about a rather noisy engine and variator, especially during acceleration, "empty" and clear doors, an abundance of extraneous sounds in the cabin and a high general noise level in the cabin when driving on rough asphalt. Since the car is used for frequent long-distance trips, the owner of the car chose the maximum soundproofing option. "Premium", and also ordered additional services for gluing the front panel with the removal and soundproofing of all wheel arches.

Let's start our photo report with a story about soundproofing the roof of a carNissan x-trail.


Soundproofing the roof allows you to significantly reduce the hum in the cabin when driving at high speeds, because the roof constantly vibrates while the car is moving, creating a low-frequency noise that spreads throughout the cabin. In order to remove this hum, it is necessary to exclude the vibration of the metal, which we do by applying the first layer - the STP AERO vibration isolator. And the second layer on the roof - the sound absorber STP Biplast Premium 15 mm thick, will absorb those noises that have already entered the cabin and "wander" around it.

Naturally, in order to carry out work on the soundproofing of the roof, we need to disassemble it. Moreover, disassemble it carefully, without staining or breaking anything. After all, you will clearly not like it if new spots or creases appear on the roof of your car. And we would not like that either, so we work extremely carefully, wearing white (not gray!) Gloves and a clean instrument. We do not take the headliner out of the passenger compartment, but lower it onto the reclined seat backs, because if you take it out of the passenger compartment, the chances of damaging or staining the ceiling are significantly increased. And we have already decided that neither you nor we absolutely do not need this! Therefore, we dismantle everything that fixes the ceiling lining and lower it down, gaining access to the ringing metal of the roof ...

The factory vibration isolation is present only at the rear of the roof, and at the front, thermal insulation material is glued directly to the metal, which is not particularly useful in terms of sound insulation. It only reflects back into the cabin all the noises that are in the cabin. Therefore, we need to remove "standard solutions" ...

The bare and ringing roof - like a stretched membrane, like a speaker diffuser - with vibrations of the entire body begins to vibrate and create a hum in the cabin. That is, it is not only not an obstacle to noise, but also amplifies this noise by its own vibrations. To correct this misunderstanding, we apply a plastic vibration isolator STP AERO with a thickness of 2 mm to the metal of the roof. The small thickness and special composition of the mastic allows the material to remain light, which is very important. After all, heavy material with vertical vibrations with its mass can additionally "swing" the thin metal of the roof, because of which you will not receive a decrease in hum, but its amplification at a lower frequency. That is why it is necessary to use the lightest materials on the roof and other thin-walled elements. What are we doing! We carefully roll the AERO to the metal, since if air remains under it, the effectiveness of vibration isolation will drop sharply, which is unacceptable!

After we have removed vibrations from the metal of the roof, it's time to take care of reducing the noise level in the cabin. To do this, we will apply a modern, lightweight and porous material with an embossed front surface of STP Biplast Premium 15 mm thick under the ceiling sheathing! We do not use any dusty felt and other materials from the century before last, because in order to compare in efficiency with Biplast, the density of the felt must be extremely high, about 1 kg / m2, and you will not find such synthetic felt in any studio that uses such materials. The embossed surface eliminates direct reflection of sound waves from the surface of the material, so under the thin and light headliner of your Nissan X-Trail there will be a real noise trap! Due to this, the noise level in the cabin will be significantly reduced, and a long trip will be much more comfortable.

Now the roof of your X-Trail has finally ceased to be a ringing tin can! With our lightweight yet highly efficient and environmentally friendly materials, the roof has become a major obstacle to street noise, as well as a reliable trap for noise wandering in the cabin. According to the reviews of our regular customers, after soundproofing the roof, you will not only feel a comfortable decrease in the noise level in the upper part of the cabin, you will no longer strain your voice when talking with the rear passengers or on the speakerphone, but you will also feel an improvement in the sound quality of the acoustics, even the standard ones.

After carefully assembling the upper part of the cabin, we move on to soundproofing the bottom and trunk of your Nissan X-Trail!


Soundproofing the lower part of the passenger compartment is just as important as the roof treatment. After all, the main noises that disturb the driver and passengers of the car come to you just from the bottom of the car: the hum of the wheels, the noise of the road, the howling of rotating components and operating units - all these sounds clearly cannot be called comfortable and pleasant for our hearing. And they are all localized precisely in the lower part of the car interior. Let's see what is under the standard carpet of this car, and why the rumble of the wheels is so well heard in the cabin, especially when driving on uneven, rough asphalt ...

Careful disassembly of the lower part of the cabin allowed us to see what Nissan's designers position as a factory solution for vibration isolation of the thin metal of the bottom and trunk. Hard material applied in small patches.

Despite the presence of factory vibration isolation, the hum of the wheels and the noise of the road in the cabin are so clearly audible, and every pebble along the arch is given a bell ringing!

To remedy this situation, we need to do the following: 1) Remove vibrations from the thin metal of the bottom, trunk, arches and fenders, so that this metal itself does not create a hum in the cabin; 2) Ensure the isolation of the cabin from the noise coming into it from the external environment; 3) Ensure the absorption of noise that has entered the passenger compartment and is inside it. It's easy to do! To solve the problem of vibration isolation of body panels, we use plastic foil-clad vibration isolators StP Aero 2 mm (on the thin metal of the rear fenders, StP Aero + 3 mm (on the thin but embossed metal of the bottom and floor of the trunk) and StP Profi + 3.5 mm (on the most vibration-loaded elements such as the rear arches).

Naturally, for effective operation of vibration isolators, they must be applied only to a clean and degreased surface, and carefully rolled with rigid rollers for a snug fit and maximum adhesion to metal!

The coverage area of ​​vibration isolators is about 80%, which is slightly more than optimal, while we do not load the body of your car with excessive weight and non-working material! We care about the durability of the car and its long-term normal operation, therefore we apply as many materials as necessary for their effective operation, guided by knowledge of the physical processes and the basics of acoustics, and not the principles of “you won’t spoil porridge with oil” or “the thicker and heavier the better. "!

Now that we have removed the vibrations from the body panels, we need to protect the interior from noise tending to get into it from the outside. At the same time, the material that we use as the second layer should not absorb moisture (it appears on the bottom for a number of reasons) and be sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress (especially important at the feet of the driver and passengers, and in the trunk). As an effective protection against wheel and road noise, a two-layer construction made of two materials is excellent. The first is a gas-filled polyethylene StP Barrier 4 mm thick, and the second is a heavy soundproofing membrane StP Neusblock 2 mm thick. As a result, we get a very effective soundproofing layer in a wide frequency range, which with a total thickness of only 6 mm effectively protects your car from low-frequency hum, provides a significant increase in the thermal insulation properties of the interior, and does not absorb moisture at all!

But the material that we apply in a second layer to the rear arches and rear fenders will provide the third function on our list - to absorb the noise that has already entered the car interior. It will be a 15mm thick StP Biplast Premium embossed sound absorber, just like the one we used on the roof of your Nissan X-Trail! Now the noise of the wheels will not be freely reflected and re-reflected, "walking" in the cavities of the rear fenders! The only drawback of this material is its hygroscopicity, but after all, water cannot physically accumulate on vertical surfaces, so here we safely use Biplast Premium!

Also in the cavities of the rear fenders we place parts made of the unique sound-absorbing material StP Noise block panel 50 mm thick! This material is a real noise killer, these 5 cm of silence, which were previously used only for soundproofing cinemas and recording studios, will now be in your car thanks to the specialists of the ANTI-NOISE studio!

We will install parts from this unique material in the cavity of the rear fenders and rear pillars, that is, where it is physically impossible to apply our other materials and carefully roll them in. Parts from StP Noise block 50 mm will prevent the free propagation of noise along the body of your Nissan X-Trail!

As we said above, we apply a third layer to the front of the bottom - this is a heavy soundproof membrane based on high-density polymer STP Noiseblock. With a thickness of only 2 mm, this material has the highest density, due to which it perfectly isolates the interior from low-frequency hum, which is beyond the power of any other material!

Now the lower body of your Nissan X-Trail is a truly reliable barrier to noise! The vibration isolator drowned out the thin metal and now it will not vibrate, creating a low-frequency background, soundproofing materials will detain external noise and provide thermal insulation of the passenger compartment, and sound-absorbing materials will pick up noise that has already entered the interior. After applying all the necessary layers, we carefully assemble the salon. Through the use of modern and efficient materials, we achieve a tangible reduction in noise with a minimum layer thickness and a minimum weight gain, which, after the X-Trail is completely soundproofed, will be only about 40 kg! The salon will be assembled at the factory, no floating carpets and protruding material, which lovers of materials "thicker and heavier" sin, no traces and stains from the material that are often found after the work of offices, heating their outdated materials in ovens. No extraneous odors, because our materials fit into strict European standards for safety and environmental friendliness and have certificates of the corresponding sample! Everything is clean, prompt, neat and efficient! After assembling the interior and checking the operation of the opened electrical circuits, we move on to soundproofing the doors Nissan x-trail !


Soundproofing doors - important stage our work. Not only because the sound quality of the acoustics and the sound of door closing, which you hear dozens of times a day, depend on the door processing. All the doors of your car in total form a very considerable area, and the metal from which the doors are made is usually very thin and sonorous. That is why the noise of the street easily enters the cabin through this thin metal and the same thin plastic of the upholstery. If we apply several layers of our effective and environmentally friendly materials on the door, the amount of street noise entering the cabin will be noticeably reduced, the acoustics will play an order of magnitude better, and the sound of closing the door will become deaf, noble and much more pleasant! To do this, we carefully dismantle the trims of all doors and remove the standard plastic wrap covering the openings for access to the volume of the door.

In principle, the soundproofing of doors differs little from the soundproofing of other elements. It is necessary to perform the same tasks: vibration isolation, sound insulation and sound absorption. But due to the design of the doors and the frequent presence of moisture inside them (during rain and washing), there are some peculiarities here. The first thing we do after disassembling the doors of your Nissan X-Trail is cleaning and degreasing the outside metal. There are several pieces of factory vibration isolation here, and we will not remove them. The material is tough and sits “dead” on the metal, so the thin steel of the doors can be damaged when removed. Therefore, if there are no air bubbles on the standard vibration isolation, we apply our materials on top of it. As the first layer, we use a light and plastic vibration isolator StP Aero with a thickness of 2 mm. Material of greater thickness and weight is useless here, well, unless you plan to set records for sound pressure ...

The second layer in the doors is a unique moisture-resistant sound-absorbing material StP Accent Premium, 6 mm thick! It has a moisture resistant adhesive layer and does not absorb moisture thanks to a special coating on the front side!

Then we close all openings that were not used when assembling the doors with a layer of the StP Aero vibration isolator already familiar to you! Here it will provide reliable vapor and moisture insulation (the role of which was played by the standard plastic film we removed), so that moisture from the volume of the door will not be able to get onto the door trim and into the interior. Also, this material will become a much more serious barrier to noise than factory polyethylene.

This completes the work with the door itself and it remains to work with its lining. This is how it looks after dismantling and applying vibration isolation.

Slightly weight the flat areas of plastic with a vibration isolator, and then apply a soft and porous sound absorber and antiskrip StP Biplast Premium 15 mm thick to the entire plating area! It will provide reliable sound absorption and prevent squeaks and bounces that form when plastic comes into contact with door metal, electrical wiring and door lock cables. Now there are no extraneous sounds, only a dull and pleasant bang when the door is closed!

All that remains for us is to carefully install all the skins in their places and check the operation of all electrical circuits that were turned off during the work. We carefully assemble the doors, wipe the plastic and move on to soundproofing the final elements: the hood and tailgate of the Nissan X-Trail.


This is not to say that the sound insulation of the tailgate plays a decisive role in this car, however, if a complete treatment of the salon is done, then leaving it intact would be wrong! At least for the sake of eliminating existing or potential extraneous sounds, as well as getting a normal sound when closing the fifth door! The only caveat is that on the Nissan X-Trail, the tailgate is made of multilayer plastic, so it does not need vibration isolation.

So we jump straight to the plastic cladding of the fifth door, which has a factory-made piece of thin batting-like material. However, there is a lot of free space here, and we can supplement the standard solution!

We applied a layer of 10 mm thick layer of porous sound-absorbing and anti-squeak material StP Biplast on the cladding!

After assembling the fifth door, we move on to the soundproofing of the hood. This procedure allows you to reduce the engine noise level in the cabin, because this noise reaches the cabin not only and not so much through the shield of the engine compartment, but also through the thin metal of the hood and the same thin windshield. And if we manage to limit the spread of ICE noise within the engine compartment, you will feel a decrease in the level of this noise in the cabin too!

To achieve this goal, we need to apply two layers of our materials to the degreased metal of the hood. The first of these is the StP Aero vibration isolator, which we apply to all available external bonnet metal.

And as the second layer we use a unique sound-absorbing material StP Accent Premium, 6 mm thick, resistant to moisture and special liquids.

This completes the soundproofing of your Nissan X-Trail according to the "Premium" option and we just have to inspect the interior for perfect assembly, wipe the plastic, if necessary, vacuum the regular carpet and check the operation of all controls in order to exclude any surprises for you and surprises in the future! Only after a complete check of the car, we prepare for you a package of documents about the work performed by us and we can safely say that the sound insulation of the cabin car nissan X-Trail Premium Completed!


Since the start of work, about 7 o'clock, and full interior soundproofing has already been completed, and your Nissan X-Trail has become a much more comfortable car! The doors close with a dense dull sound, the interior has become more solid and collected, extraneous sounds disappeared when tapping the door trims and interior, and the standard acoustics began to play much more interesting! Frequent trips and long journeys are now much more enjoyable for both driver and passengers. At speed you will not have to raise your voice to talk to the rear passengers, and now you will listen to the radio with pleasure at a much lower volume, because from now on it will not have to shout over the noise of passing cars and the noise of the engine.

The thermal insulation of your car's interior will also improve, and now the air conditioner will be able to cool the interior of the car that has heated up in the parking lot much faster in the summer, and the heater will warm it up in the winter.

At the same time, your car has gained only about 40 kg in weight and the interior is assembled in the factory form without a single trace of disassembly! All materials used by us for noise insulation are odorless and environmentally friendly, which is confirmed by numerous certificates of the European standard!

All the time you work, you can be next to your car, we will be happy to show you the whole process of sound insulation from and to! If you don't want to watch the soundproofing process, you can use our cozy lounge, where you will have a comfortable sofa, TV, wi-fi, a selection of car magazines and hot tea / coffee! We will make for you a full-fledged photo report about all the work done!

The price of the specified works on noise insulation of the Nissan X-Trail cabin according to the "PREMIUM" option was 39,000 rubles. This cost is full and final, and includes all the material and our work. The price for full noise isolation Nissan X-Trail is relevant in all ANTI-NOISE studios in , , , , , , and.

You can find the addresses and contact information of all ANTI-SHUM studios in the section!

You can read the real reviews about the noise insulation of the Nissan X-Trail car in our studio below:

Review of the noise insulation of the Nissan X-Trail in the studio "ANTI-NOISE" in Bronnitsy (2015)

"ANTI-NOISE "In Bronnitsy (2015)

Review of noise insulation of the car Nissan X-Trail in the studio"ANTI-NOISE "In Bronnitsy (2015)

Review of noise insulation of the car Nissan X-Trail in the studio"ANTI-NOISE "In Bronnitsy (2015)

You can find hundreds of real reviews about noise isolation in ANTI-NOISE studios in the section!

In addition to interior sound insulation, you can order soundproofing of wheel arches and wheel arch liners(6,000 rubles per pair), noise isolation of the front panel with removal(10,000 rubles), revision of door openings seals(RUB 3,000) or replacement of acoustics(from 2,500 rubles).


The process of soundproofing wheel arches using the vibration isolation mastic StP NoiseLiquidator is described in detail in the video.

The price of soundproofing one pair of arches (front or rear): 6,000 rubles.

Working time: 3 hours


On most cars (especially Japanese and Korean), door seals are a hollow thin-walled rubber tube, which, after a while of operation, crumples and can even "cackle" under constant pressure from the door.

Obviously, if the headwind does not whistle through such a seal, then it certainly will not provide reliable fixation of the door in the doorway. And reliable fixation of the door in the doorway is needed primarily to reduce the vibrations of the door, its glass and metal part. The more rigid the structure - the less vibrations, the less vibrations - the less noise. To implement our plan to increase the rigidity of the standard seal (replacing the seal with something else was not even considered for aesthetic reasons), we selected cords of various diameters. Exactly corpulent cords, not tubes, since tubes under variable loads quickly deteriorate (sag or crack). And the rubber cord remains resilient. So, we pull the cord inside the hollow part of the seal.

We leave a small margin in length, since when pulling the cords stretch, and after a while they return to their usual state, slightly decreasing in length. After installing the seal in the opening, we cut the cord in place or "loop" it, if this allows us to make a gap between the opening and the door.

It is the studio "ANTI-NOISE »In 2015, we were the first in Russia to offer you the revision of seals, thanks to which we have accumulated extensive experience in the implementation of this solutionon different makes and models of cars!We've already implemented this tweak on a variety of vehicles and the owners are very positive about the effect. The doors close more tightly, sit in the opening more rigidly, with a slight preload. The level of aerodynamic noise is reduced and extraneous sounds of friction of the seals disappear. However, some studios, lacking the proper experience, make mistakes even in such a seemingly simple revision., as a result of which the doors of your car will simply stop working normally. acres without applying great force, which leads to premature wear and failure of the seal. Trust only the realexperience and professionalism, not imitators!

The price of revision of the 4 door seals: RUB 3,000

Working time: 1 hour

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the specialists from the nearest studio. ANTI-NOISE, phones and addresses of all studios are listed in the section. We will be happy to help you!

If you think you have found a better offer for soundproofing your car - check out the section of our website where you will find reports on our work with cars that have visited other soundproofing studios.



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