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Six for its time was a real breakthrough in automotive technology. But today, the performance of her motor is not at all impressive. Its power is only 75 Horse power... Maximum acceleration to hundreds - as much as 16 seconds! And the speed threshold is 150 kilometers per hour. Naturally, modern motorists think about how to tune the VAZ 2106 engine. Reasonable questions arise:

  • Will the improvements to the motor on the six be useful?
  • What are the ways to modify the VAZ 2106 engine?
  • What will be the consequences for the rest of the system?

Let's consider these questions in order.

Is there any benefit from engine modifications?

The benefits are undoubtedly available. Even such old models of power units as the VAZ 2106 engine lend themselves well to modifications. Depending on the specific manipulations, several goals can be achieved:

  • Increase in engine power, which is expressed in acceleration dynamics and speed characteristics;
  • Reducing fuel consumption or maintaining it while increasing dynamic performance;
  • Increased cross-country ability in difficult conditions;
  • Increase the service life of the unit by 70-80 percent.

Of course, you have to choose what the work is done for: to reduce fuel consumption or to improve the driving performance of the car. To achieve both at the same time, and the other will not work. But due to the fact that during tuning, engine parts are cleaned, they are replaced with newer and more advanced ones, the service life inevitably increases.

You also need to evaluate how profitable the planned work is for you. After all, the revision power unit may require considerable material investment. Wouldn't it be better in some cases to just buy yourself a newer and better car? This also needs to be thought about before starting work.

Six engine tuning methods

Forged pistons

The factory usually installs cast pistons. In order to reduce the load, you can put forged instead of them. They are lighter. Moreover, at high speeds, casting begins to work less efficiently than forged metal.

You can also replace the connecting rods with H-shaped forged ones, which have a slightly longer length than their relatives. This will improve the compression of the combustible. It must be remembered that with an increase in the length of the connecting rod, it is necessary to install pistons, the compression height of which is less than the native one.

At the output, we get a more boosted engine.

Boring process

This method can significantly increase engine power. The classic version has 8 valves. Each cylinder of the engine is 400 cm long. For boring, a small layer of steel is removed from the wall of each cylinder. This work is carried out on special machines. In principle, you can remove as much layer as the cylinders themselves will allow. But remember that this will reduce cylinder mileage by thousands of kilometers.

After boring, it becomes possible to install an enlarged piston. As a result, we get an increase in engine power by as much as several tens of horsepower.


Thanks to the installation of a more perfect camshaft you can significantly increase the engine torque. For example, you can add up to two thousand revolutions to the motor. As a result, the car will accelerate at first speed much better than with a standard engine.

Introduction of the 16-valve cylinder block

This is a rather complex procedure that requires deep knowledge of the structure of the six motor. The old block is completely removed, and a new block is put in its place in a disassembled state. It has not yet installed a head, gears, belts, etc. Before completing the assembly, the new sixteen valve must be connected to the gearbox. And only after that the assembly is completed to the end.

Naturally, after this procedure, it will not be possible to use the classic Zhiguli gasoline pump. Some put a pump from the Volga in its place.

Also, for a 16V engine, you will have to install a more powerful generator. For example, the generator, which is in the "Niva", is perfect.

Other parts will also need to be replaced: these are belts and camshaft chains, flywheel, crankshaft, release cylinders, ECU, nozzles, combustion chambers.

Yes, there is a lot of work. But without all these modifications, you won't be able to feel the full power of the 16-valve engine.

What else will have to be finalized?

The car is an engineering marvel. It's tricky technical system, in which all elements interact with each other and depend on each other. And the engine is the centerpiece of this system. Any brand was designed in such a way that everything in it is sharpened for the operation of the installed unit. If you change the characteristics of the motor in better side, be prepared for the need to make improvements to other mechanisms to achieve the lost balance. Let's list the most important points:

  • The brake system of the VAZ 2106 is not designed for strong motors. We'll have to put on more efficient brakes.
  • The gearbox also needs to be modified to maintain a new engine performance.
  • The exhaust system will need to be recycled.
  • If a carburetor is installed on the six, it will need to be replaced with an injector.
  • The suspension will also not be able to cope with more strong engine, so you will have to change the springs and shock absorbers.
  • To increase the rigidity of the body, additional spacers will need to be installed.

If you do not complete all these work, then the car will simply not be able to cope with the new sharp engine, the control will become dangerous, and the walker may simply crumble to pieces.

Crankshaft. Since the pistons and connecting rods have become lighter, the balance in the system is imbalanced. This means that it is necessary to restore the balance with the clutch basket, with the pulleys and with the flywheel. The best solution to this problem is the installation of a full-counterweight crankshaft... It has a heavier weight, its strength is much higher. If you do not replace the crankshaft, then tuning the engine will not bring the desired result - after all, all elements of the system must work in concert with each other.

Camshaft. Modifications to the engine will inevitably lead to replacement of the camshaft. Moreover, you can put one of two types, depending on the driving style.

If the car enthusiast prefers to drive on high revs, then the machine needs to install the top shaft. It allows the revs to be increased in the red zone, allowing the engine to get the best torque in that zone. This effect is possible due to the use of wider and more powerful cams. They push valves more efficiently, their opening process takes longer and they open more. However, there are problems in working on idle... We have to update the program of the controller of the ignition system. And the ignition system itself must be replaced with a more modern one.

If the car owner prefers to drive at medium and low speeds, then the bottom shaft is best suited. At low revs, it gives increased torque, which improves the car's cross-country ability on difficult road sections. It also provides a reduction in fuel consumption.

Chassis. Unable to retrofit the engine and receive good result without making any changes to the hodovka. The chassis must be brought in line with the new motor specifications.

First of all, the improvements affect braking system... Ventilated discs should be placed on the front wheels. And on rear wheels instead of drums, disc brakes are installed. The caliper must now be installed from the VAZ 2108. It should be remembered that you will have to adjust the axle shaft to fit the new bore diameter of the brake disc. The caliper is installed in the same way as it is installed on the front brakes. The semi-axle bearing is also changed to SKF. It is necessary to replace the main brake cylinder more reliable, foreign-made.

You cannot do without installing shock absorbers of increased rigidity and reinforced springs.

To increase the rigidity of the body, you will have to install new spacers. One of them is installed under the hood, which increases the rigidity of the space between the side members and the attachment points of the front struts. The second spacer is attached to luggage compartment, which allows you to fix the location of the attachment points of shock absorbers and springs.

Steering system. A faster engine in combination with a standard steering wheel is not the best idea: the car becomes almost uncontrollable on the road. We'll have to make the steering wheel more rigid. To do this, you will need to work on strengthening the stabilizer. lateral stability... For this, the standard stabilizer is shortened and individual mounts are made. This procedure is long and unpleasant, but it allows you to improve the car's behavior on the track.

So, if you want to get more dynamic acceleration, reduce fuel consumption, improve cross-country ability on difficult road sections and make the behavior of the VAZ 2106 more manageable, then tuning the engine will help you with this. However, keep in mind that you will have to modify many other elements of the system to achieve balance.

The "classic" of the Soviet, and later the Russian car industry, was equipped with only the most necessary options, since in the absence of competition, the manufacturer had no reason to provide for many configuration options. That is why the car was simple, and all its mechanisms were extremely functional.

The revision of the VAZ 2106 is designed to modernize the components and mechanisms of the car, to enable them to work more efficiently. Consider a couple of ways to breathe new life into the units of your favorite car.

Engine tuning

At one time, the engine of the "six" was an excellent unit, powerful, reliable, high-torque. However, these indicators were excellent in the 70s of the last century. Now the power unit, and indeed the car itself, is more an anachronism than a modern means of transportation. However, it is still too early to write off the "sixth" available in your garage. The revision of the Zhiguli engine will allow the car to survive its second youth, to make money with renewed vigor.

So, what can you do for this:

  • Rebore and grind the intake and exhaust ports and the intake ports of the cylinder head. This will allow the mixture to fill the combustion chamber more completely and faster at the first strokes of the power unit and leave it at the last. The revision of the VAZ 2106 cylinder head will increase the engine power up to 10% of the nominal.
  • Replace the standard camshaft with a "sports" one. The new part will allow to open the valves more fully and change the valve timing so that the highest torque is optimally matched to a certain engine speed. In addition, a special split gear is installed on the camshaft, with the help of which the phase adjustments can be carried out most accurately.
  • To bore the cylinders to the maximum size, and cut the mating plane of the cylinder head by 1-1.5 mm. This will allow for a smaller compression chamber and, accordingly, use gasoline with a higher octane number.
  • Replace the factory crankshaft with a "tuning" one, and the connecting rods with improved ones. This revision is intended to increase the engine displacement, bringing it to almost 1800 cm3. As you know, the power of the power unit directly depends on its working volume, so one can expect an increase in engine power by another 20-25%.
  • Balance all engine parts, use lightweight pistons with a reduced skirt, reduce friction of units by using special additives to engine oil... This procedure will remove unnecessary vibrations from the engine and facilitate the rotation of its mechanisms.
  • Install a dry sump lubrication system. The oil in the sump will no longer be able to brake the crankshaft during lateral vibrations.

Modification of the carburetor and ignition system

In addition, tuning the VAZ 2106 cannot be imagined without modifying the carburetor. An increased engine displacement with a smaller compression chamber will simply force you to increase the flow areas of the jets and the performance of the accelerator pump. The ignition system cannot be ignored either.

If you decide to leave the standard one, check the stiffness of the springs in the ignition timing mechanism with a stroboscope and, if necessary, adjust it to the factory values. Of course, it is best to put electronic system... It will allow you to more accurately set the ignition timing and provide a powerful spark that will allow the engine to start "half a turn" even in severe frost.

If you do at least half of the activities described above, you will see that refining the VAZ 2106 engine with your own hands allows you to significantly increase its power.

Refinement of the standard heater

I would not like to disregard the standard car heater. Despite the fact that in the cold season, the heater radiator does a pretty good job of heating the air passing through it, the blowing system is not at all happy with its work. You can blame the factory designers for this all your life, or you can simply eliminate leaks at the joints of the air ducts.

Most owners of "sixes" probably remember the squeak that appears over time from the factory heater fan motor. The reason for this annoying sound is the bushing on its output shaft. For some reason, the engineers, developing this unit, decided that installing a ball bearing was a great luxury for such an irrelevant part and instead installed a sleeve bearing. However, as soon as the lubricant dries up in it, friction "on dry" begins, hence the squeak that emanates from the brain.

Modification of the Zhiguli stove can be carried out by replacing the standard fan motor with that used in Samara (VAZ 2108-09). The installation of a new unit may be hindered by a comb that directs the air flow to the legs, so it is dismantled. By setting new part, you can leave the old impeller. To do this, you will need to slightly (up to 7mm) drill the bore hole, since the shaft of the Samar motor is slightly thicker than the Zhigulevsky one.

Installation of a "eight" fan motor will not only eliminate the source of noise, but also use the stove much more efficiently - the new unit has not only increased power, but also higher speed.

Of course, the methods described above are only a small fraction of what can be done. Confirmation of this is the revision of the VAZ 2106, filmed by people in love with their car. Start small. Maybe your old "Zhigul" will be able to catch the admiring glances of passers-by at the end of his career.

Many motorists wondered how to increase the power of the VAZ 2106 engine. design features the power unit is quite simple, then the process of finalizing the motor is also not complicated, and a motorist with average knowledge of the design can handle it. But, before you start to paint the process itself, you need to know what technical characteristics the 2106 engine has.


The VAZ 2106 engine has standard technical characteristics that are inextricably linked with all representatives of the "classic" line. From a constructive point of view, all engines internal combustion VAZ 2101-2107 on a carburetor basis - similar to each other. Before proceeding directly to the revision, consider what technical characteristics has a power unit marked 2106:

Increase in power

Increasing the power of the VAZ 2106 engine is carried out in several stages. Of course, it is possible to catch up with the power characteristics superficially, but if we talk about full-fledged tuning, then it is worthwhile to understand that the power unit is being refined entirely. This process takes more than one hour or a day, so be patient. Why increase the power of the engine - of course with boring.


The power unit of the VAZ 2106 is being bored on a special boring stand. But, first, it is worth deciding on the spare parts that are installed in the cylinder block. The best recommendation is piston group with a diameter of 82 mm from the API company.

At the same time, the pistons are 160 grams lighter than the standard ones, which makes it possible to reduce the weight of the power unit. So, for these pistons kits will be needed oil scraper rings, also produced by this company.

As for the crankshaft, it should be understood that in order to achieve the maximum power effect, it should also be replaced. Of course, the part itself costs a lot, so most car enthusiasts who carry out tuning on their own leave the old crankshaft.

But, nevertheless, if the motorist decided to go to the end, then you can install the crankshaft, which is offered by the Polish manufacturer DDT. It should be understood that it must be pre-machined before the first repair, since the main journals will not fit into the yoke.

Another improvement is the replacement of the camshaft and valves. The inlet and outlet valve can be purchased from API, but the seats for them will have to be machined standard. The camshaft can be installed new, native production, or lightweight from DDT.

Installation of ignition

The next stage of improvements is the installation of contactless ignition. Today, it can be found freely on any automotive market at an affordable price. Thus, it will be necessary to replace not only the lock, but also the candles, as well as the ignition coil and high-voltage wires. The best and most budgetary in this case are Tesla wires.

Coolant circulation system

The cooling system is also worth replacing. At the same time, it changes completely. There are several companies that manufacture cooling system tuning kits for classic cars WHA. These include such well-known manufacturers as Mastersport, Brembo, AWD, Intenzo and others.

Cooling system tuning kit consists of:

  • Water pump increased power(in some cases can be found with a forced electrical start function).
  • Thermostat.
  • A set of silicone pipes for the cooling system.
  • Extra large aluminum radiator.
  • Electric fan.
  • Coolant sensor with wiring.

If you install such a kit, the engine will be better cooled even at high speeds, which will protect the motor from overheating.


As a rule, to increase power, an additional carburetor is installed on the VAZ 2106. This is done in order to increase the amount of fuel in the cylinders, but at the same time it is impossible to do without additional air injection.


Since an additional carburetor was installed on the engine, it will be necessary to restore the air and fuel balance. This is achieved by installing a turbocharger. Of course, the easiest way to supply a turbine is from an MTZ tractor, but a lot will have to be redone. Therefore, there are already on sale monoturbines designed specifically for installation on cars of the "classic" type. The average cost of such a ready-made kit is about $ 500.


If we are talking about increasing the power characteristics of the VAZ 2106 engine, then it is imperative to change the clutch kit. It includes the following elements:

  • Release bearing.
  • Clutch drive disc.
  • Clutch disc or basket.

The best option for installation is considered to be a clutch kit manufactured by Sachs, which ideally fits into the mounting points, and the transmission of torque is significantly improved.


The final improvement can be considered an improvement in the air supply to the cylinders. For this, motorists on cars, instead of the standard air filter, install the filter element of "zero" resistance. Also, along with this revision, it is recommended to additionally upgrade the carburetor damper, but not everyone does this.

In addition to modernizing the carburetor, you can improve the injection systems in another way - installing a mono-injector, but you will have to replace the cylinder head and mount an electronic engine control unit. This procedure is quite expensive, so the owners of "sixes" stop at the installation of a two-carburetor system.


It is quite simple to modernize and increase the power of the VAZ 2106 engine, therefore even a motorist without technical education can handle this procedure. There are several options and methods for finalizing the power unit. So, it all starts with boring and ends with replacing the air filter. All of the above recommendations will increase the power of the power unit by 50-80 horsepower.


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