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Many heavy work cannot be done without a ZIL 131 truck. The vehicle is specially designed for the transportation of heavy loads over long distances. Drivers have to not only drive vehicles, but also perform renovation work while moving. It is important that the transfer case on the ZIL 131 car is always fixed. To understand how it should function correctly, what problems are possible and how they should be eliminated, you need to find out how it works and how it works.


The ZIL 131 car has a two-stage transfer case. The front axle is electropneumatically activated. The gear ratio is 2.08 in first gear and 1.0 in second gear. The box is attached with rubber pads and four bolts, which are also attached with rubber pads to the frame cross member brackets.

In general, the transfer case on the ZIL 131 car consists of:

  1. Pneumatic chambers;
  2. Signal lamp;
  3. Switches;
  4. Stock;
  5. Lock device;
  6. Retainer housings;
  7. Drive shaft;
  8. Gears of the first transfer;
  9. Rear bogie drive shaft gears;
  10. Rear bogie drive shaft;
  11. Second gear clutches;
  12. Drive shaft front axle;
  13. Shaft ring gear;
  14. Crankcase covers;
  15. Front axle engagement clutches;
  16. Second gear gears;
  17. Carter;
  18. Rod;
  19. Traction;
  20. Lever;
  21. Electro-pneumatic valve;
  22. Switch;
  23. Relay;
  24. Inlet valve;
  25. Exhaust valve;
  26. Control and filler plugs;
  27. Drain plugs.

The main parts include such as: crankcase with covers, input shaft with a gear, a clutch with bearings, a front axle drive shaft with gears and couplings. Equally important is the gear shifting mechanism and the front axle engagement control.

The box crankcase itself is made of cast iron, it is detachable, the back part is closed with a lid. The top hatch is also closed with a lid and a power take-off is installed on it. The top cover is equipped with a breather. The drain hole and control-filler are located on the back cover, and there is a magnet on the drain plug. The shaft outlets from the crankcase are thoroughly sealed. An oil squeeze washer is attached to the front axle shaft.

The first gear gear is installed on the key. The direct or second engagement clutch moves freely along the shaft splines. For ease of use, the gear is made directly with the shaft. There is a worm between the shaft bearings (this is the speedometer drive), the drive gear was placed in the bump of the rear shaft bearing cover. The same cover is the support bracket on parking brake... The intermediate gears rotate on needle bearings. The first gear clutch is located on the gear hubs. The front axle engagement clutch is also located there, where it is also connected to a gear rim made directly on the shaft.

An important mechanism on the transfer case on a ZIL 131 car includes: a lever with an earring, rods, a tension spring, a pair of rods with forks, latches, a locking device.

Transfer case operation

The front axle is switched on by an electro-pneumatic device. It consists of:

  • Electric air valve;
  • Pneumatic chambers;
  • Two microswitches;
  • Relay;
  • Switch;
  • Signal lamp;

It is important to know that the transfer case in the ZIL 131 car will work normally if an electric air valve is installed on the frame cross member, and a pneumatic chamber is attached to the front wall of the crankcase. The microswitch is located on the retainer body and on the pneumatic chamber body, and the switch and warning lamp are located in the cab, and under the hood there is a relay.

When switching on occurs, the transfer case of the ZIL 131 car gradually connects all other mechanisms to work. The driver moves the lever forward and immediately it turns around the attachment point on the upper link and the lower end through the link. With the help of a rod and a fork, the coupling moves back and at this moment the gears are connected to each other. When the stem moves, the microswitch immediately starts to work, thanks to it the relay circuit is closed, which immediately closes the circuit on the electric air valve. The armature of the electromagnet is lowered downward, the inlet valve opens and the outlet valve closes.

In order for the transfer case on the ZIL 131 machine to work completely, compressed air from the pneumatic system must enter the pneumatic chamber, and it must move the coupling back through the stem and at the same time be connected to the gear ring of the shaft. The drive shaft transmits torque through the gears, which is evenly distributed between the gear and the shaft, and then goes to the rear bogie axles and then, through the clutch, goes to the front axle drive shaft.

When the shutdown occurs in the first gear, the transfer case on the ZIL 131 machine works as follows:

  • The electromagnet circuit opens;
  • The inlet valve closes tight;
  • The outlet valve opens;
  • The front axle is automatically disengaged with a return spring.

To turn on the second gear, the transfer case on the ZIL 131 car works like this:

  • The lever pivots around the attachment point on the lower link;
  • Through the rod, the rod and the fork, the clutch moves back and all mechanisms are connected to the toothed inner rim of the gear;
  • From the drive shaft, due to the torque, the action is transferred directly to the drive shaft of the rear bogie axles.

If the movement takes place on slippery road, then you need to turn on the bridge in forward gear, and the electromagnet circuit should be closed forcibly. To do this, you need to use the switch. The torque is transmitted directly through the gears, the clutch, directly to the drive shaft on the front axle.

In all other gears, if the front axle is engaged, the torque will be distributed in direct proportion to the loads that fall on the rear bogie axle and the front axle.

When the front axle is on, the microswitch will automatically close the circuit and the warning light in the driver's cab will come on.

The transfer case on the ZIL 131 machine is lubricated with a special sprinkler. Oil (in this case, its brand Tap-15v) is poured into the crankcase. Its usual rate is 3.3 liters.

Troubleshooting and solutions

Very often breakdown transfer case can be foreseen, for this you should only inspect the car and listen to the sounds occurring during the operation of the mechanisms before driving on the track.

The following problems are possible:

  1. Loud noise in the transfer case. This is an indicator that some parts are destroyed: gears or bearings. In this case, the transfer case is disassembled, and the failed parts are changed;
  2. Transmissions turn off by themselves, involuntarily. Most likely, the teeth of the carriages or small toothed rims on the wheels are worn out. Such a breakdown is possible when the gear shift forks are worn out. It is necessary to change the damaged parts;
  3. Oil leaks and diaphragm ruptured. If oil is found to be leaking through the seals, inspect them carefully. If the inspection reveals signs of wear on the edges, they must be replaced. If the membrane in the pneumatic chamber is broken, then it must also be changed;
  4. The control rod adjustment is broken and the fingers in the rod forks are worn out. In such a situation, the rods should be re-adjusted and the fingers changed.


In order for the car to serve for a long time and not let down on the way, it is necessary to carry out preventive work correctly and in a timely manner.

Always check before starting how the transfer case is attached to the bracket and beam. The beam itself should not be ignored; it must also be attached securely and firmly. If it is found that the fastening is not at the proper level, then all the parts must be tightened at once.

It is necessary to clean the breather on the crankcase hatch cover in a timely manner. If there are blockages on it, then the pressure in the transfer case will increase and in the future oil will flow through the sealing cuffs.

For the transfer case to be durable, reliable, you need to lubricate on time. At maintenance the oil level is always checked and if it is not enough, then it is necessary to top up to the check plug.

The used oil is drained, the magnet on the drain plug is cleaned, and new oil is poured up to the level of the control box. For the transfer case, use the same oil as for the gearbox. If the air temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius, then TM-3-9 (or TSp-10) oil is used.

Pay attention to the nuts on the input and output shafts. They should be numbered on the transfer case in the same way as on the gearbox.

When the disassembly and assembly of the transfer case is completed, it is necessary to install the pneumatic chamber. For this, shims are used. It is important that the distance is sufficient and is 174 and plus or minus 0.1 mm from the end of the camera body to the holes from the locking bolts on the rods. This is necessary for the subsequent installation of the plug.


Transfer cases for ZIL 131 cars are manufactured according to the following schemes:

  • With differential drive;
  • Locked drive;
  • Mixed drive.

Each assembly option has its own characteristics. The transfer case of the second type ensures synchronous rotation of all axles. Thanks to this scheme, the torques are distributed evenly to the resistance force.

In transfer cases, where the drive is made differential, the torque is transmitted by the differential. Thanks to this arrangement, the output shafts rotate at different angular speeds. Such a differential has another name - interaxle.

In transfer cases where the drive is mixed, half of the driven shafts have the same angular velocity, and the other is connected by a differential. The "mixed" type also includes boxes with limited slip differentials.

From this classification, we can conclude that the power flow from the main transfer case is distributed to:

  • One front and one or two rear axles of cars;
  • Two front axles and two rear axles;
  • On the drive wheels of the left side or right side cars.

The conclusion is as follows. Transfer cases for ZIL 131 cars are:

  1. Interwheel;
  2. Intercarrier;
  3. Inter-board.

The main functions of the transfer case

The main task of this element is to transmit torque from the engine to the driving axles of the car. In addition, the transfer case increases the number of gears in the transmission. Also, their purpose is as follows:

  • Distribute the torque between the driving axles, this allows for better vehicle cross-country ability;
  • When the torque on the driving wheels increases, then the "swing" of the wheels is immediately overcome while driving on bad roads, on steep climbs and off-road terrain;
  • Ensure stable movement of the vehicle at low speed when the engine is running at maximum torque.

That is, the main purpose of the transfer case is to provide Good work car.

Comparison with other car models

The transfer case of the ZIL 131 car has many advantages. If we compare it with the ZIL 175K car, then the main difference will be in the suspension of the box. The advantages are as follows:

  1. On the suspension of the ZIL auto box 131, the support points of the elastic elements are spaced apart. This distributes and reduces the load;
  2. When removing the box on the ZIL 131, it is not required to disassemble all the elastic elements, you just need to unscrew the nuts of the bolts with which the transfer case is attached to the rest of the longitudinal beams;
  3. If the nuts on the transfer case of the ZIL 131 car break, then it will be easy to replace them.

In addition, if the pins on the ZIL 157K box suddenly break, they will need to be drilled out of the case, they can be easily unscrewed from the ZIL 131.

There are many more advantages to the transfer case of the ZIL 131 car.

  • On a ZIL 157K car, the suspension rests on four studs, which are thoroughly screwed into the crankcase and passed through the holes in the frame cross member. To ensure the elasticity of the suspension, rubber pads are installed. The design is somewhat complicated and therefore it will be a little difficult for the driver to make repairs on his own. While the suspension on the ZIL 131 is made on two longitudinal beams that rest on the frame cross member. The beams are equipped with an elastic suspension, therefore they are reinforced with bolts, which have rubber cushions made on both sides of the support.
  • The transfer case on the ZIL 131 is suspended from the beams with four bolts that pass through the holes on the longitudinal beams. All bolt nuts on the longitudinal beams, as well as the bolt nuts themselves, intended for the transfer case mountings, are split.

From the information presented above, we can conclude that the transfer case on the ZIL 131 car is more convenient, the constructive solution is more profitable, it is easier to repair.

You should not go out onto the road without inspecting the car. It is necessary to carefully check the operation of all elements. Experts advise to spend a little time on preventive work than to repair the car on the way later.

The front axle of cars of the ZIL family of models 431410 and 133GYa is steerable continuous with fork-type steering knuckles. Beam 21 of the bridge is steel stamped I-section, with holes at the ends for connection by means of pins with steering knuckles. The structural difference between the axles of ZIL cars of models 431410 and 133GYa is in the track width of the front wheels (due to the length of the beam): for the ZIL-431410 car - 1800 mm, for the ZIL-133GYa car - 1835 mm.

Due to the increased load on the front axle in the ZIL-133GYa car (large mass power unit) the cross-section of the beam on this vehicle is 100 mm. The cross-section of the beam on the ZIL-431410 vehicle is 90 mm.

The pivots of the steering knuckles are fixed motionless in the lugs of the beam by wedges entering the flat on the pivot. Taking into account the one-sided wear of the pivots during operation, in order to increase the service life, two flats are made on them. The pivots are located at a 90 ° angle, which allows them to be rotated. Lubricated bronze bushings pressed into steering knuckles, ensure high durability of the unit.

The steering knuckle (trunnion) is a complex in configuration and responsible for the purpose of the front axle part, is the basis for installing the wheel hub, brake mechanism and swing levers. The fist is made with high precision geometric dimensions for fastening mating parts.

The load from the car for each front wheel transferred to a support bearing, which has a lower washer made of graphitized bronze and a steel upper washer with a cork collar that protects the bearing from contamination and moisture. The required axial clearance between the beam eyelet and the steering knuckle is provided by shims. If the gap is correctly selected, the 0.25 mm stylus does not fit into it.

The thrust bolts of the steering knuckles allow you to set the required angle of rotation of the steered wheels: for the ZIL-431410 car - 34 ° to the right and 36 ° to the left, and for the ZIL-133GYa car - 36 ° in both directions.

Two levers are attached to the left steering knuckle in tapered holes: the upper one for the longitudinal and the lower one for the transverse steering rods. On the right steering knuckle, there is one control rod for the track rod. The 8x10mm segment keys fix the position of the levers in the tapered holes in the knuckle, and the levers are secured with castellated nuts. The tightening torque of the nuts should be within 300 ... 380 Nm. The nuts are secured against rotation with cotter pins. The connection of the pivoting arms with the transverse steering rod forms a steering linkage, which ensures the coordinated rotation of the steering wheels of the vehicle.

The steering wheel drive includes steering knuckle levers, longitudinal and transverse steering rods.

In the process of moving the car along uneven road sections, turning the steered wheels, the parts of the steering drive move relative to each other. The possibility of this movement both in the vertical and in the horizontal planes and the reliable transmission of forces at the same time ensures the articulated connection of the drive units.

The design of the hinges on all ZIL cars is the same, only the lengths of the rods and their configuration are different, which is due to the layout of the hinges on the car.

Longitudinal Tie Rod made of 35 X 6 mm steel tube. At the ends of the pipe, thickenings are made for mounting hinges in them, consisting of a ball pin and two crackers, covering the ball head of the pin with spherical surfaces, a squad with a support. Retaining rivets secure the crackers from turning. The spring support is at the same time a limiter for the movement of the inner cracker. The parts are fixed in the pipe with a threaded plug, secured against turning by a cotter pin 46, and are protected from contamination by a cover with a gasket.

The hinge spring ensures constant clearances and forces, and also dampens the shocks from the steering wheels when the vehicle is moving. A bolt, a nut with a cotter pin secures the thrust pin in the bipod.

The unit operates normally if the requirements specified in the operating manual are observed by tightening the threaded plug to the stop with a force of 40 ... 50 Nm with the obligatory unscrewing of the plug (until the cotter pin groove coincides with the holes in the rod). Compliance with this requirement provides the required torque of the ball pin of no more than 30 Nm. With a tighter tightening of the plug, an additional torque will act on the ball pin, which occurs even with the smallest relative rotations of the hinge. Bench tests of a hinge with a tightly tightened plug have shown that the endurance limit of the ball pin is reduced by a factor of six compared to the endurance limit of a hinge adjusted in accordance with the instruction manual. Improper adjustment of the track rod joints can result in premature failure of the ball pins.

The transverse tie rod of ZIL cars of models 431410 and 133GYa is made of a steel pipe measuring 35 x 5 mm, and for a ZIL-131N car - from a steel bar with a diameter of 40 mm. At the ends of the rods there are left and right threads, onto which the tips with hinges placed in them are screwed. The different direction of the thread ensures the adjustment of the toe-in of the steered wheels by changing the total length of the rod - either by rotating the rod with fixed tips, or by rotating the tips themselves. To rotate the tips (or pipes), it is imperative to loosen the tightening bolt that fixes the tip to the rod. wheel axle trunnion car

The ball pin is rigidly fixed in the tapered bore of the pivot arm, and the castellated nut is secured against turning by a cotter pin.

The ball surface of the pin is sandwiched between two eccentric bushings. The compression force is created by a spring that abuts against the blind cover. The cover is fixed to the handpiece body with three bolts. The spring eliminates the effect of hinge wear on general work node. During operation, adjustment of the unit is not required.

The steering rod joints are lubricated through grease fittings. Sealing cuffs protect hinges from blowout lubricant and contamination during operation.

In connection with the increased vehicle speeds, reliable stabilization of the steering wheels is important for ensuring safety, i.e. the ability of the car to stably maintain straight-line motion and return to it after turning.

The parameters affecting the stabilization of the steered wheels are the lateral and longitudinal angles of inclination of the wheels relative to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. These angles are provided in the manufacture of the front axle beam by the ratio of the position of the axis of the holes for the pivot pins relative to the platform for attaching the springs, the steering knuckles - by the geometric ratio of the axes of the holes for the pivots and for the wheel hub. For example, the pivot holes in the beam lugs are made at an angle of 8 ° 15 "to the spring platform, the pivot holes in the steering knuckles are made at an angle of 9 ° 15" to the hub axis. Thus, the inclination of the pivots at the required angle (8 °) is ensured and the necessary camber of the wheels (at an angle G) is taken into account.

The lateral inclination of the king pin determines the automatic self-return of the wheels to rectilinear motion after turning. The tilt angle is 8 °.

The longitudinal tilt of the pivot helps to maintain the rectilinear motion of the wheels at significant vehicle speeds. The pitch angle depends on the base of the vehicle and the lateral elasticity of the tires. Below are the caster values ​​for the various models.

During operation, longitudinal and lateral slopes pivots are not regulated. Their violation can be in the case of wear of the pins and its bushings, or deformation of the beam. A worn king pin can be turned 90 ° once or replaced. Worn bushings must be replaced, and a deformed beam must be straightened or replaced.

One of the parameters of the provision best conditions the rolling of the steered wheels of the vehicle in the vertical plane is the toe-in of the wheels, equal to the difference in distance (mm) between the edges of the rims in front and behind the wheel axle. This value should be positive if the back distance is greater.

Toe-in is adjusted during operation by changing the length of the tie rod. For vehicles of the ZIL-431410 family, it is set within 1 ... 4 mm, for vehicles ZIL-133GYa - 2 ... 5 mm. The factory is set to the minimum value.

Since the steering linkage is not an absolutely rigid structure and there are gaps in the joints, a change in the loads acting in the linkage leads to a change in the toe-in of the wheels.

The use of modern methods for installing the front wheel toe-in and the accuracy of measuring it during operation is of great practical importance, since this parameter significantly affects the durability of tires, fuel consumption and wear of the steering drive hinges.

Measuring the toe-in of the front wheels is a fairly accurate operation, since the distance is measured within 1600 mm with an accuracy of 1 mm, i.e., the relative measurement error is approximately 0.03%. For measurements, a GARO ruler is usually used, which gives a lower measurement accuracy due to the gaps in it between the pipe and the rod and the inability to install the ruler at the same points due to the design of the tips.

The best accuracy when measuring wheel toe-in is obtained when measuring on optical stands "exakta" and electrical stands, in which cathode-ray tubes are used.

When checking and installing the toe-in of the steered wheels, it is recommended to carry out preliminary preparatory work:

balance the wheels of the car correctly;

adjust the wheel hub bearings and wheel brakes so that the wheels rotate freely when a torque of 5 ... 10 Nm is applied to them.

To adjust the toe-in of the wheels, it is necessary to loosen the tie bolts of the tie rod ends and set the required value by rotating the pipe. Before each control measurement, the tightening bolts of the handpieces must be screwed in until they stop.

Front wheel hubs and brake discs are installed on the steering knuckles.

The hubs are mounted on two tapered roller bearings. For trucks ZIL uses only bearing 7608K. It features an increased thickness of the small inner ring shoulder and a reduced roller length. The outer ring of the bearing has a barrel shape of several microns on the working surface. To protect the inner cavity of the hub and bearing from contamination, a collar is installed in the hub bore. The outer bearing is covered by a hub cap with a gasket.

When carrying out assembly and disassembly work with the hub, care must be taken not to damage the lip of the seal.

The hub is the supporting element for the brake drum and wheel. On the ZIL-431410 car, two flanges are made on the hub. Studs for the wheels are bolted to one of them with bolts and nuts, and the brake drum is attached to the other. On a ZIL-133GYa car, the hub has one flange, to which a brake drum is attached on one side on pins, and a wheel on the other.

It should be borne in mind that brake drums are processed assembled with hubs at the factory and can only be disassembled if absolutely necessary. Moreover, it is necessary to mark the relative position of the drum and hub (for their subsequent assembly without disturbing the balance and centering).

The hub is installed on the trunnion as follows. Using a mandrel resting against the inner ring, press the inner bearing onto the trunnion shaft, then carefully install the hub on the trunnion until it stops in the inner bearing, slide the outer bearing onto the trunnion shaft and press it onto the shaft using a mandrel resting on the inner ring of the bearing, then screw the nut-washer onto the shaft. Attention should be paid to the need to thoroughly impregnate the bearings before installing them on the shaft with grease.

When installing the hub, it is necessary to ensure free rolling of the rollers in the bearing, which is achieved by the conditions for tightening the inner nut-washer 3: tighten the nut until it stops - until the bearings start braking the hub, turn (2-3 turns) the hub in both directions, then turn the nut -washer in the opposite direction by V4-1 / 5 of a turn (until it coincides with the nearest hole in the lock ring pin). Under these conditions, the hub should rotate freely, there should be no lateral vibrations.

For final fastening of the hub, install the lock ring with a washer on the trunnion and tighten the outer nut with a wrench with a lever of 400 mm until it stops and lock the nut by bending the edge of the lock washer by one edge of the nut. The protective cap with gasket is attached to the hub using bolts and spring washers without the use of significant forces. The hubs from the trunnion are removed in the reverse order with the obligatory use of pullers mod. I803 (see 9.15), providing uniform movement of the hub and the outer bearing on the shaft, which has a fit from a clearance of 0.027 mm to an interference fit of 0.002 mm.

The inner bearing is seated on the shaft with a clearance of 0.032 mm and an interference fit of 0.003 mm. If necessary, it is compressed using two mandrels.

It is strictly forbidden to hit with a sledgehammer when removing the hub from the trunnion. Impacts applied to the end of the brake drum, or to the outer flange (for ZIL-431410 vehicles), the fastening of the wheel studs deform the flange and destroy the brake drum.

On the hub, it is necessary to inspect the outer rings of the bearings and, in case of wear, replace them with new ones. The rings are installed into the hub with an interference fit: for the inner bearing 0.010 ... 0.059 mm; for external 0.009 ... 0.059 mm. Taking into account this preload, the rings are easily removed from the hub using a bit and a hammer using special cutouts in the hub in the area of ​​the rings.

Produced by the Likhachev Moscow Automobile Plant since 1986. The body is a wooden army-type platform with a folding tailgate, folding benches for 16 seats are mounted in the side walls gratings, there is an average removable bench for 8 seats, the installation of arches and an awning is provided. The cab is three-seater, located behind the engine, the driver's seat is adjustable in length, height, cushion and backrest tilt.
The main trailer SMZ-8325 (army).

Car modification:

- ZIL-131NA - a car with unshielded and unsealed electrical equipment;
- ZIL-131NS and ZIL-131NAS - HL version for cold climates (up to minus 60 ° С).

On request, ZIL-131N vehicles can be produced in the form of a chassis without a platform for mounting various bodies and installations.

From 1966 to 1986 the ZIL-131 car was produced.


Mod.ZIL-5081. For basic data see vehicle ZIL-431410. To heat the engine, a P-16B heater with a heating capacity of 15600 kcal / h is installed on the car.


Clutch - sealed, single-disc, with peripheral springs and damper, mechanical drive. Gearbox - for data see. ZIL-431410 vehicle, additionally equipped with a ventilation system to overcome the ford. Transfer case - Two-stage, with a front axle clutch, transfer numbers: I-2.08; II-1.0. Gear shifting - with a lever; front axle engagement drive - electropneumatic. Power take-off from the transfer case - UP TO 44 kW (60 HP). The cardan transmission consists of four cardan shafts: gearbox - transfer case, transfer case - front axle, transfer case - middle axle, middle axle - rear axle. The main gear of the driving axles is double with a pair of bevel gears with helical teeth and a pair of spur gears with helical teeth. Ratio- 7.339. The front axle is with constant velocity joints.

Wheels and tires.

Wheels - disc, rim 228G-508, fastening - 8 studs. Tires - with adjustable pressure 12.00 - 20 (320 - 508) mod. M-93 or 12.00R20 (320R508) mod. KI-113. Air pressure in tires with a weight of the transported cargo of 3750 kg: nominal - 3 kgf / cm. sq., minimum - 0.5 kgf / cm. sq.; with a weight of the transported cargo of 5000 kg - 4.2 kgf / cm. sq.


Addicted; front - on two semi-elliptical springs with rear sliding ends and shock absorbers; rear - balancing on two semi-elliptical springs with six reaction rods, the ends of the springs are sliding.


Working brake system- with drum mechanisms, (diameter 420 mm, lining width 100 mm, unclamping - cam), single-circuit (without separation along the axes) pneumatic drive, Parking and spare drum brake is installed on the secondary row of the transfer case. Mechanical drive. Trailer brake drive - single-line.


Steering gear - a screw with a ball nut and a piston-rack, engaging with the toothed sector of the bipod shaft, with a built-in hydraulic booster, transmit. number 20, oil pressure in the amplifier 65-75 kgf / cm.

Electrical equipment.

Voltage 12 V, ac. battery - 6ST-90EM, generator - G287-B with voltage regulator PP132-A, starter - ST2-A, ignition system - "Iskra", shielded, contactless transistor.


Drum-type, with a worm gear, drive - by a cardan shaft from a power take-off mounted on the gearbox, Maximum tractive effort - 5000 kgf, working cable length - 65 m. Fuel tanks 2x 170 l, gasoline A-76;
cooling system - 29L;
engine lubrication system - 9L, all-season up to minus 30 ° C - oils M-6 / 10V (DV-ASZp-YuV) and M-8V, at below minus 30 ° C oil ASZp-6 (M-4 / 6V,);
power steering - 3.2 l, all-weather grade P oil;
gearbox (without power take-off) - 5.1 l, all-season oil TSp-15K, at below minus 30 ° C oil TSp-10;
transfer case - 3.3 l, see gearbox oils;
main gear housings of drive axles 3x5.0 l, see gearbox oils;
winch gearbox housing - 2.4 l, see gearbox oils;
shock absorbers - 2x0.45 l, liquid АЖ-12Т.

Unit weight

(in kg):
Complete power unit - 650;
gearbox - 100;
transfer case - 115;
driving axles: front - 480, middle and rear - 430 each;
frame with buffers and a towing hitch - 460;
springs: front - 54, rear - 63;
complete wheel with tire - 135;
winch with a cable - 175;
cabin - 290;
plumage (facing, fenders, mud flaps, steps) - 110;
platform (without arches and awning) - 720.


The figures below are given for a car with a gross weight of 10185 kg and a road train with a trailer with a gross weight of 4150 kg.

Max, vehicle speed 85 km / h
The same, road trains 75 km / h
Acceleration time of the car up to 60 km / h 50 s.
The same, road trains 80 s.
Car run-out from 50 km / h 450 m.
Max. climbable rise by car 60 %
The same, by road train 36 %
Braking distance of the car from 50 km / h 25 m.
The same, road trains 25.5 m.
Control fuel consumption, l / 100 km, at a speed of 60 km / h:
car 35.0 l.
road trains 46.7 l.
Wading depth with a hard bottom at nominal air pressure in mud:
without preparation 0.9 m.
with preliminary preparation (car ZIL-13 1N) lasting no more than 20 minutes 1.4 m.
Turning radius:
on the outer wheel 10.2 m.
overall 10.8 m.

ZIL-131NV 6x6.1 vehicle

The truck tractor has been produced by the Likhachev Moscow Automobile Plant since 1983 on the basis of the ZIL-131N vehicle. Designed for towing special semi-trailers.
Modification - ZIL-131NVS version HL for cold climates (up to -60 ° C).


Weight per fifth wheel:
3700 kg.
4000 kg.
5000 kg.
Unladen weight (without winch) 5955 kg.
on the front axle 2810 kg.
on the cart 3145 kg.
Full mass 10100 kg.
Including: 6870 kg.
on the front axle 3230 kg.
on the cart
Permissible full mass semi-trailer:
on all types of roads and terrain 500 kg.
on improved pound roads 1000 kg.
on asphalt-concrete roads 1200 kg.
Max, road train speed 75 km / h
Saddle-strap device semi-automatic, with three degrees of freedom.
Semi-trailer brake drive single-wire

ZIL three-axle drive axles

The ZIL -131 car is three-axle, with a drive on all axles, a sequential drive of the rear driving axles is used with a through drive shaft in the first axle.

In the rear axles, a double main gear is used, located in the crankcase, cast from ductile iron. The main drive housing, which has a side hatch covered with a cover, is bolted to the cast banjo-type rear axle housing using a horizontal flange with bolts from above. A puller bolt is screwed into the crankcase cover, which is used to press out the reaction rod pin of the rear axle suspension. The lower opening of the rear axle housing is closed with a cover welded to the crankcase. The rear axle crankcase cavity communicates with the atmosphere through a breather.

In the first rear axle, the main drive shaft with a small bevel gear attached to it is made through and is installed in front on a cylindrical roller bearing in the crankcase tide, and on the back on two tapered roller bearings, the body of which is fixed in a flange in the crankcase and closed with a cover. On both outer ends of the shaft, the universal joint flanges are fastened to the splines with nuts. cardan transmission drive axles. The shaft ends are sealed with self-tightening seals and mud guards are welded on the hinge flanges. At the second axle, a spacer sleeve is installed instead of a flange at the rear protruding end of the drive shaft and the shaft is closed with a blind cover. Otherwise, the design of both rear axles is the same.

To adjust the meshing of the bevel gears, spacers are placed under the flange of the rear shaft bearing housing, and to adjust the tightening of the tapered bearings, adjusting washers are installed between their inner rings.

The small bevel gear meshes with the large gear, which is pressed into a key on the countershaft, which is manufactured together with the small spur gear. The shaft is installed in the inner bulkhead of the crankcase on a cylindrical roller bearing. The outer end of the shaft rests on a double-row tapered roller bearing, the housing of which, together with the cover, is bolted to the flange in the crankcase wall. Spacers are placed under the housing flange for adjusting the meshing of the bevel gears, and for adjusting the tapered roller bearing, shims are supplied between its inner rings.

A small spur gear with helical teeth meshes with a large gear, bolted with differential cups, installed in the seats of the final drive housing on tapered roller bearings. The bearings are secured in their seats with stud caps. From the sides, adjusting nuts are screwed into the seats to adjust the tightening of the bearings. The nuts are secured with stoppers. On the differential crosspiece, four satellites are installed on bronze bushings, engaging with half-axle gears mounted on the splines of the inner ends of the driving half-shafts. Under the supporting surfaces of the satellites and half-axle gears, thrust washers.

Fully unloaded drive axle shafts are connected with their flanges by means of studs and nuts with tapered bushings, with drive wheel hubs, cast from steel. Each hub is mounted on two tapered roller bearings on a tubular trunnion, the flange of which is bolted together with the brake shield to the flange of the tip welded to the semi-axial sleeve of the rear axle beam. The bearings are secured to the trunnion with an adjusting nut 44, secured with a lock washer and a lock nut. On the inside, a self-tightening oil seal is installed in the hub and the hub is covered by an outer felt oil seal fixed in the oil deflector.

A cast iron brake drum with a wheel disc is attached to the hub flange on studs with nuts. To the fitting, wrapped in a trunnion, is attached an air supply hose 49 from the centralized tire pressure control system. The fitting is connected by means of a sealing sleeve 35 with a channel drilled in the axle shaft. The sealing sleeve for the air supply consists of an annular body to which two covers with self-tightening rubber seals are tightly attached, tightly enclosing the polished neck of the semiaxis on both sides of the outlet of the air channel, providing, when the semiaxis rotates, air flow into its channel from the hose. The clutch is closed in the trunnion groove by a stamped cover attached to the trunnion with bolts. The axle shaft in the flange of the half-axle sleeve tip is sealed with an oil seal. The inner cavity formed by the flanges communicates with the atmosphere through a breather.

The body of the tire valve is wrapped in the end of the axle shaft, which is connected with a hose to the valve tube of the tire chamber of the wheel. The valve and the hose are covered with a protective cover.

Oil is poured into the crankcase of each rear axle through the hole closed with plug 6 on the upper wall of the main gear housing. The same hole is an inspection hole and is used to check the meshing of the bevel gears. Oil is poured up to the level of the control hole. The oil is drained through the lower hole on the rear axle beam cover and through the hole on the rear wall of the final drive housing. All openings are closed with plugs. The oil level in the rear axles during operation is checked with a special dipstick supplied with the tool. The dipstick is inserted into the crankcase hole after unscrewing the rear bolt securing the main gear crankcase flange.

The main gear of the front drive axle has the same structure as the main gear of the rear axles, but its shafts are located in the same plane with the axle shafts, and therefore the main gear housing has a different shape and is attached to the front axle casing with a flange located in a vertical plane.

Rice. 1. Leading axles of the car ZIL -131

The outer end of the drive shaft with a small bevel gear is mounted in the crankcase on two tapered roller bearings, and the inner end on a roller; cylindrical bearing. Oil is poured into the crankcase of the front drive axle through a control hole located in the front of the beam cover, closed with a plug. The oil is drained through the hole located in the lower part of the front axle beam.

The outer end of each axle shaft is connected by a ball-type hinge of equal angular velocity to the drive shaft of the wheel, mounted in the pivot pin on a bronze bushing. The hinge knuckles are manufactured in one piece with the axle shaft and drive shaft. Thrust washers are placed under the fists. A flange is installed on the splines of the end of the drive shaft, which is connected by studs with nuts to the wheel hub.

The front wheel with hub, bearings, seals and air supply to the tire has basically the same structure as the rear wheel.

The stub axle flange is bolted to the split body. The body is mounted on tapered roller bearings on pivot pins welded in a spherical tip, fastened on studs with nuts to the end of the half-axle sleeve of the front axle beam. On the inside, in the tip, there is a double self-tightening axle shaft seal with a guide cone. Shims are supplied under the journal bearing caps. For filling and draining oil into the housing, the spherical tip has holes closed with plugs. On the body of the pivot pin, a stuffing box sealing device is attached from the outside, which encloses the spherical tip.

The ZIL-157 and ZIL-157K cars have three-axle high cross-country ability, the rear axles are similar in design to the central part of the drive axle of the GAZ-63 and have a single main gear consisting of two bevel gears and a differential with four satellites. The main gear is installed in a crankcase with a connector in the longitudinal vertical plane.

The tapered roller bearings of the small bevel gear shaft are adjusted with spacers or washers installed between the inner rings of the bearing. The gear meshing is regulated by gaskets installed under the bearing housing flange.

Each driving axle shaft is flange-mounted on studs with nuts to the hub cover. The cover, together with the wheel disc and the brake drum, is attached to the hub flange with studs. In addition, the cover is attached to the hub with screws.

The hub is mounted on a trunnion on two tapered roller bearings, reinforced with an adjustable nut, a locked washer and a locknut. An inner rubber self-tightening seal and an outer felt seal are installed on the inner edge of the hub.

The trunnion with the bushing pressed into it is attached to the flange of the semi-axial sleeve. In the wall of the trunnion there is a channel to which the hose of the centralized tire pressure control system is connected from the outside. A sealing sleeve for air supply is fixed in the hub cover, consisting of a housing in which two self-tightening oil seals are fixed with covers. The pipe is equipped with a shut-off valve; the valve body is fixed to the wheel disc.

The final drive, differential and front drive axle housing have the same arrangement as those of the rear axle. The end of each half-shaft of the front axle is connected to the drive shaft of the wheel by means of a ball-type equal angular velocity joint.

Leading axles of cars ZIL-157 and ZIL-157K

The drive shaft is mounted in a trunnion on a bushing and is connected by means of a flange on studs to the hub cover. The design of the trunnion, hub with bearings, air supply ducts to the tire is the same as the design of similar devices of the rear driving axles.

The trunnion flange is attached to a split housing mounted on tapered roller bearings on pivot pins fixed in the spherical tip of the half-axle sleeve. Shims are installed under the bearing caps. A stuffing box sealing device is fixed on the outside of the journal body.

Rice. 3. The first drive axle of the car ZIL -133

The ZIL-133 three-axle car has rear drive axles with a through shaft, which eliminates the need to install a transfer case and simplifies the design of the cardan transmission. The main gear in both driving axles is hypoid.

In the first drive axle, the drive shaft (Fig. 3) is connected to the drive shaft of the second axle through an inter-axle differential, the blocking of which, if necessary, can be carried out using a clutch. The clutch is controlled using a pneumatic diaphragm working chamber located on the main gearbox housing and controlled by a special valve from the general pneumatic system car. The crane handle is located in front of the driver.

Rotation from the drive shaft to the lower shaft with a small bevel gear of the hypoid transmission is transmitted by gears. The upper gear is mounted on the shaft freely and is connected to it through a mechanism center differential... The lower gear is firmly attached to the lower shaft. The transmission takes place through an intermediate gear mounted on bearings on an axle fixed in the crankcase.

The large bevel gear of the hypoid gear is attached to the differential box, which is mounted on bearings in the seats of the final drive housing. From the differential with the help of fully unloaded axle shafts, the force is transmitted to the drive wheels, the hubs of which are mounted on the ends of the axle sleeves of the rear axles on tapered roller bearings.

TO Category: - Car chassis

Mechanisms of the driving axles of the ZIL-131 car

The main gear is double, one pair is bevel gears with helical teeth, the second pair is spur gears with helical teeth, the total gear ratio is 7.33.

The main gears of the middle and rear axles are the same in structure and location, their housings are attached to the axle beams with horizontal flanges. The main gear of the front axle has the same device, but is attached to the axle beam with a vertical flange.

Rice. 1. Hinges of equal angular velocities:
1, 2, 8 - fists; 3 - leading balls; 4 - finger; 5 - centering ball; 6 - outer semiaxis; 7-fork; 9 - disk; 10 - inner semiaxis

Rice. 2. Diagram of the device and operation of the gear differential:
a - the car goes in a straight line, the satellites do not rotate, the drive wheels rotate at the same speed; b - the car moves along a curve, the speeds of the driving wheels are different, the satellites rotate around their axes; 1 - driven gear; 2 - driving gear; 3 - satellite; 4 - semi-axial gear; 5 - semi-axis

The main gear consists of a crankcase with a cover, an input shaft with a bevel gear and bearings, a driven bevel gear, a driving spur gear with a shaft, a driven spur gear.

The crankcase is bolted to the axle beam; two of them are located inside the crankcase (they can be accessed through the side cover). The filler hole closed with a plug is located on top of the middle and rear axle housings, a drain hole with a plug is in the axle housing, an additional drain plug is located in the main gear housing. Checking the oil level is carried out using a special indicator available in the driver's tool kit; this indicator is inserted into the hole for one of the bolts securing the final drive housing to the axle beam. The oil level during filling can also be checked through the inspection hole in the axle housing. The crankcase is ventilated via a breather. At the front axle, the control filler hole is located in the back of the bridge beam, and the drain hole is in the lower part of the bridge beam.

The drive shaft rotates on one cylindrical roller and two tapered bearings. Metal gaskets are installed between the flanges of the bearing cup and the crankcase.

Rice. 3. Rear axle car ZIL -SH:
1 - breather; 2-semiaxis; 3 - driven bevel gear; 4- shaft of the driving cylindrical gear; 5 - leading bevel gear; 6 - filler plug; 7, 31 - driving and driven cylindrical gears; 8 - main gear case; 9, 34 - shims; 10 - bearing glass; 11 - bearing cover; 12 - differential cup; 13 - semi-axial gear; 14 - block of stuffing boxes for air supply; 15 - brake drum; 16, 17 - hub seals; 18 - lock washer; 19 - lock nut; 20 - tire crane; 21 - semi-axle flange; 22 - adjusting nut; 23 - screw; 24 - hub; 25 - hairpin; 26 - support disk; 27 - pin; 28 - brake drum; 29 - drain plug; 30 - satellite; 32 - primary shaft; 33 - adjusting washers

Rice. 4. Lubrication of the main gear of the car ZIL -131;

The spur gear is made integral with the shaft, which rotates on cylindrical roller and double row tapered bearings. Spacers are located between the bearing shell and the crankcase. The driven spur gear is a ring gear that is attached to the differential cups.

When the main gear is operating, the torque changes in both pairs of gears in magnitude, and in the bevel pair, in addition, in direction.

The main gear is lubricated by spraying; there are channels in the crankcase walls for the passage of oil to the bearings. 5 liters of oil are poured into the crankcases of the final drives of all axles.

Adjustment of the tapered bearings of the drive bevel gear shaft is carried out when an axial clearance appears in them and is carried out by selecting shims of the required thickness located between the inner rings of the bearings. The correctness of the adjustment is checked by the force required to turn the shaft in the bearings. This force, determined using a dynamometer meshed with the shaft flange, should be in the range of 1.3-2.7 kgf.

The double-row tapered bearing of the driving spur gear is installed with a matched adjusting ring and does not require additional adjustment.

The lateral clearance between the teeth of the bevel gears should be 0.15-0.45 mm at the wide part of the tooth, which corresponds to the rotation of the input shaft flange by 0.18-0.54 mm when measured at the radius of the bolt holes and with a stationary driven gear ... The specified clearance is adjusted by moving the drive and driven gears by changing the number of shims.


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