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The weather can be unpredictable. Car drivers are increasingly faced with the need to fill the engine with a universal type of oil. It is intended for use in hot or cold weather. In order for the unit to work efficiently both in frost and heat, oil is used 0 W40.

This consumable is produced by many large companies. The presented standard has a number of special characteristics. What features the presented oil has, it is necessary to consider in more detail.

general characteristics

0W40 is designed to protect the motor from abrasion and premature failure. It removes excess heat from rubbing mechanisms. This product also covers all metal surfaces with a thin film. It provides good sliding of the rubbing elements, prolonging their operation.

Also, the presented materials protect the motor from corrosion. They remove carbon deposits, dirt and soot from the engine system. These particles are suspended in the oil. They build up over time. The grease changes its color to a dark, dirty shade. In this case, a replacement must be made. Otherwise, the grease will no longer be able to retain dirt in itself. They will settle on metal surfaces, causing microscopic damage to parts.

It is from the right choice engine oil depends on the easy start of the engine in cold weather, as well as the absence of overheating in the summer. Previously, manufacturers supplied the market with oils intended exclusively for the warm or cold seasons. Today, vehicle owners are purchasing versatile products. They are designed for use in both hot and cold weather.

For each specific operating conditions, certain lubricants are suitable. The full operation of the motor, as well as its durability, depends on the correctness of their choice.

For the engine of your car, you need to use only the oil recommended by the manufacturer. If you need to change the lubricant to another variety, you should choose a composition with a similar set of additives. Products from different manufacturers may conflict with each other. This will cause abnormal motor performance.

Viscosity index

One of the most important indicators oils 0W40, characteristics which is taken into account when choosing, is its viscosity class. Most often, this parameter is specified in accordance with the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standard. It was this association that first proposed the classification of oils in terms of the viscosity class. It releases only 6 winter and 5 summer lubricants.

In accordance with this technique, three types of viscosity are distinguished. There is winter, summer and all-season oil. The first category has the letter "W" in its labeling. Number, standing next to with it, indicates the permissible limit at which the product is operated.

Summer greases do not have a letter in the marking. They only have a number. It denotes the upper viscosity limit. For universal formulations, the lower viscosity limit is indicated first, and then the upper one. fluid enough that the engine can be started at very low temperatures. Its upper viscosity limit indicates the ability of the engine to operate at high thermometer readings.

In other words, the oil of the presented viscosity grade is suitable for harsh winters and hot summers. For a hot southern climate, it is necessary to purchase products with a high level of viscosity. This will keep a thin film of grease on the parts, even in extreme heat.


Motor oil 0W40, 5W40 is intended for use in the climatic conditions of our country. It can withstand severe frosts. This is a fairly liquid lubricant. Thick varieties are designed for high temperature applications. Under these conditions, the lubricant becomes more fluid and can completely fly off the mechanisms and parts. In this case, dry areas are formed, which will collapse during friction.

Oil of viscosity grade 0W40 can ensure normal engine operation in winter at temperatures down to -40 ºС, and in summer - up to +35 ºС. This indicator also depends on the manufacturer. Each company uses a specific set of components for the manufacture of oil. Therefore, the main characteristics may differ slightly between manufacturers of different formulations.

However, the main benefits are retained in each type of oil. This class lubricants are manufactured in accordance with the highest requirements of the world's automotive manufacturers. Such a product has good performance characteristics... It allows you to save gas mileage. High performance depends on the composition of the oil and the additives it contains.


Manufactured using a specific technology. All such products are conventionally divided into several categories according to the composition of the base. A special set of additives is added to it. The base can be mineral, synthetic or semi-synthetic.

In the first variant, oil is processed by distillation and refining. Such a basis is used for the manufacture of cheap varieties of oils that will need to be changed quite often. It is used for older engine systems. For viscosity class 0W40, the mineral base is not used in its pure form. It is combined with synthetics. This increases the cost of the product, but also improves its performance.

Synthetics are created on the basis of artificial components. Such products allow for high fluidity of the oil. Synthetics 0W40 ensures stable motor operation even at very low temperatures. The product has a low evaporation rate. This is what ensures the ability of the lubricant to perform the functions assigned to it, even in the heat.

Synthetics are also resistant to oxidation and waxing. The listed characteristics can significantly extend the period of oil use. This type of lubricant is the best suited for the loaded operating conditions of the engine on the roads of large cities.

Semi-synthetics combine the qualities of both types of lubricants. This base is chosen for the manufacture of lubricants for medium engine loads.

Shell oil

Experts have experimented with a variety of metrics that characterize popular motor oils. Such brands as Mobil, Castrol, Shell, etc. took part in testing.

When conducting research in winter period it was found that Shell 0W40 oil has the approvals of almost all modern vehicle manufacturers. It provides excellent protection against all kinds of debris. There is no other oil in this category that would clean the engine so well. This is achieved thanks to a unique set of additives.

Thanks to its balanced viscosity characteristics, Shell 0W40 can save up to 1.9% more gasoline than other lubricants. It protects moving parts from corrosion and wear. The highly scientific formula of production allows the engine to start even at the lowest temperatures.

The presented oil is designed for gasoline, diesel and gas engines. It is also used for engines that run on biodiesel or gasoline-ethanol mixtures.

Negative reviews include opinions about the high cost of such products (4 liters costs about 2,200 rubles), and car owners also cite frequent fakes.

Lukoil oil

Motor oil "Lukoil 0W40" also receives many positive feedback from motorists. This high-quality composition is made on a synthetic basis. Therefore, its cost is quite high (4 liters will cost about 1900 rubles).

This product has excellent performance characteristics. According to expert reviews, the oil has good detergent properties. It does not need to be changed often. It is ideal for high loads of conditions in a big city. The engine starts in winter even at -40 ºС. At the same time, the motor works stably and efficiently. Its power is increasing.

The oil contains special additives that protect the car system from corrosion and destruction. Thanks to its low burn-out rates, all parts are reliably protected. Dirt and soot can be suspended for a long time.

Due to its special characteristics, this product is recommended for use by many car manufacturers. It is more suitable for new foreign foreign cars. It is not recommended to use this product for old domestic cars.

Oil "Mobile 1"

Motor oil "Mobile 1" (0W40) characterized by a fairly acceptable cost. A standard 4 liter canister will cost about 1,700 rubles. It is allowed to be used for both foreign and domestic new cars.

During testing, it was found that the oil solidifies at a temperature of -49 ºС. These viscosity characteristics allow the engine to be started in Specifications, incorporated by the manufacturer into this product, allow it to be used even in northern latitudes.

It is a versatile lubricant. It allows you to provide sufficiently good cooling of the system during hot periods.

The product demonstrates good detergent properties. However, when opening the engine after testing, some carbon deposits were found on the pistons. At this cost, users expect better cleaning performance.

Oil "Motul"

The above motor oil "Mobile 0W40" in many respects it is similar to the product of the same viscosity class called "Motul". This lubricant is versatile. It is suitable for use both at low temperatures (-48 ºC) and in hot weather.

The product is available in 5 liter cans. Their cost is about 2500 rubles. Affordable cost makes the product popular with drivers. It can be poured into the engine of both foreign and domestic cars.

Its energy-saving and detergent qualities are also noted. This grease has shown good results in almost all areas of testing. At high engine heating temperatures, the amount of deposits on the pistons is negligible. This makes the product in demand, especially in the loaded conditions of movement on the roads of the metropolis.

Some drivers claim that the cost of the presented vehicle is high. However, the amount of oil in the canister will be more than that of other manufacturers. In terms of the price for 4 liters of oil will be acceptable.

Castrol oil

European-made Castrol is also known to domestic consumers. This product is available in 4 liter canisters. Price consumable is about 1,750 rubles.

At affordable price this tool has high performance indicators. This oil solidifies at a temperature of -52 ºС. This figure is a record among the lubricants participating in the test. This indicates the high quality of the base.

An effective set of additives allows Castrol oil to provide a high-quality detergent effect. After testing the product under high engine load, high piston cleanliness could be observed. Also, the presented agent protects the metal elements of the system from oxidation.

Many drivers choose this type of grease due to its reasonable cost and high European quality. However, in terms of energy saving, the presented product is slightly inferior to other test participants. This speaks of more high flow fuel when the engine is running.

Liqui Moly Oil

The most expensive among the considered products of well-known manufacturers turned out to be oil. It is sold in five-liter canisters. The cost of such a product is 2700 rubles. The manufacturer of the presented lubricants is Germany.

Liqui Moly has approvals from many major engineering concerns. Its performance remains high. The oil allows you to quickly start the engine in low temperature conditions. This provides really reliable lubrication of rubbing mechanisms.

Also, the presented tool allows you to significantly save fuel costs. An insufficient level of detergent properties is recognized as a disadvantage. A sufficiently large amount of soot and carbon deposits is determined on the cylinders after the tests. Piston rings fail faster than with other types of products.

Liqui Moly is known for the longest aging period. It can be operated for a long time. The oil will not burn out.

Having considered the features that characterize the 0W40 oil, as well as reviews from experts and experienced drivers, we can conclude that it is necessary to use such a composition in the engine of your car.

It is rather difficult for a person who independently decided to select oil for their power plant to make the right choice. Choosing an oil manufacturer does not mean that the car owner did the right thing, because a competent approach implies correct selection characteristics of the lubricant, and this is a completely different matter.

For these purposes, it is necessary to have at least basic knowledge and understanding of what kind of information is displayed on the product label and what it communicates and sometimes warns a potential buyer.

The main function of the oil is to protect the power plant from wear due to frictional forces, prevent corrosion on the surface of parts, remove excess heat, remove waste particles from the mechanism, seal connections, transfer energy, etc. As you can see, the liquid has a lot of tasks, it would seem, take with the largest set of characteristics, or the most expensive, in fact, everything is completely different.

Whether the oil is suitable for the engine or not depends on the conditions in which the installation will be used, the characteristics of the installation itself and the level of load on the unit.

All this information is indicated on the canister label, the main thing is to be able to correctly decipher data that is not written in plain text, but in the form of all kinds of codes. Considering that there are a large number of oil manufacturers, in order to avoid confusion, it was decided to classify and standardize all products according to certain criteria, however, certain difficulties arise here too.

According to the marking, one of the most suitable lubricants for extreme conditions is 0W40 oil. This is evidenced by the characteristics and decoding printed on the product packaging. Let's try to understand the characteristics of this liquid, because if you want to use it in your power plant many questions may arise, having received an incorrect answer, you can render the unit completely unusable.

Grease base

Before talking about a specific oil, you need to understand: "What exactly is this product?" First of all, its base can tell about the liquid, then, on the basis of which the lubricant is made.

Based on their base, oils can be divided into three categories:

  • Mineral;
  • Semi-synthetic;
  • Synthetic.

Mineral oils are a product of the distillation of petroleum fractions. The production method is relatively inexpensive, so the final liquid is not expensive when compared to synthetics. The lubricant is of high quality, effective, but thickens strongly at very low temperatures and burns out when used in elevated conditions.

A semi-synthetic liquid is obtained by mixing synthetic and mineral bases of oils in a certain proportion. Each manufacturer sets the proportion value himself. Semi-synthetic oils well protect engine parts from harmful environment, oxidation and friction forces. The advantage of semi-synthetic products is their price, which is much cheaper than synthetics.

The classification of oils 0W40 mainly speaks of their synthetic origin, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

Synthetic lubricant is a liquid obtained artificially, due to the fact that the base of the oil is mixed with different kinds additives. The appearance of this type of fluid was caused by the need to maintain the stable characteristics of the lubricant, regardless of the operating conditions of the power plant.

The viscosity of the oil should be the same when starting the engine in a cold north and in a hot, southern climate. In addition, during the operation of the motor itself, the conditions under which the oil is exposed to various influences change.

The mineral and semi-synthetic base of the oil could not cope with such stringent requirements, so scientists developed a new type of lubricant that coped with the tasks.

The main advantages of a synthetic lubricant:

  1. Consistency of the base of the oil. The synthetic oil base is resistant to external factors and processes taking place inside the power plant. Its structure consists of stable components that perfectly protect the parts and mechanisms of the unit, creating an equally stable operating environment inside the engine.
  2. Low content of all kinds of additives. Since the main functions of stability and durability are assigned to the oil base, the amount of additives in synthetic fluids is minimal.
  3. The period during which the additives retain their original properties is longer. Oxygen, as an oxidizing agent, has little effect on a synthetic oil, therefore, the properties and characteristics of all components and additives last longer.
  4. Stable when working under high temperature conditions. Due to this, the use of grease is possible on engines with high turnover, as well as on forced installations.
  5. Contribute to less heat generation, good heat removal from the heated surfaces of the rubbing elements. Thus, if you drive on a synthetic base oil, the service life of the unit will be longer.
  6. The protective oil film on the surface of the parts is more durable, which makes it possible to maximally protect the rubbing elements and increase their service life.
  7. Cold starting of the engine is much easier, since the viscosity of the material remains the same, and the unit does not need to spend additional energy to turn the parts.
  8. Good flow capacity allows, in conditions of negative temperatures, to quickly penetrate to heavily loaded parts that need protection and provide them with a sufficient level of lubrication, preventing early wear.
  9. The synthetic base works well to remove dirt and deposits from the inside of the engine, ensuring the engine a high level of cleanliness.

Motor oil 0W 40 belongs to the class of synthetic multigrade materials, with the ability to work in extremely low ambient temperatures and perfectly perform its functions in the summer.

SAE classification

The type of marking was developed in the United States of America, based on the viscosity level of the oil and the temperature range at which the fluid was operated. Initially, the fluids were divided into eight winter and nine summer, depending on the behavior of the viscosity at different temperatures. The mark was introduced by the Association of Automotive Engineers and was named SAE, an abbreviation for (Society of Automotive Engineers). The following types of lubricants are distinguished:

  • Summer;
  • Winter;
  • All-season

Summer lubricant, a seasonal fluid that must be used in the power plant only for the period for which it is designed. This means that such a lubricant will need to be changed every six months, so that it can be operated only in the summer. The product has a high viscosity, which makes it possible to envelop the protected parts and mechanisms with a denser layer of lubricant, and to ensure their better safety from friction.

It is advisable not to use this oil during the winter, as it can disrupt the operation of the entire motor. At low temperatures, the liquid becomes very thick, which does not allow the parts of the installation to rotate well and wears them out and loads them a lot.

Winter grease should also be used strictly during the period for which it is designed. The liquid has a high fluidity and low viscosity, which allows it not to solidify at negative temperatures and to provide quick access to all rubbing elements during a cold start of the engine. It cannot be operated in the summer, as this can lead to failure of the motor elements.

The low viscosity of the fluid in summer will result in it not being able to adhere properly to the surfaces of parts and leaving the unit without proper lubrication.

Multigrade grease is one of the most popular types of fluids. The advantage is that there is no need to change it with the arrival of the season, the service life is limited only by the mileage vehicle... The product copes well with both low and high temperatures, combining the qualities of winter and summer material.

Decoding of marking in SAE classification:

  • For better understanding, winter greases were designated by a number that indicated the viscosity of the material, followed by the letter "W" (winter-winter) as an example of a winter designation, SAE 0W. The number, this is the low-temperature viscosity, by the index you can also find out the approximate limiting temperature at which the grease can be used. In our example, this is "-40 ° C". For correct definition temperature it is necessary to subtract the numerical index from 40;
  • Summer liquids were simply marked with a number. Example: SAE 40. The number spoke of high temperature viscosity. The numerical indicator characterizes the maximum temperature value at which the grease can be used without changing its properties and characteristics (in our case it is "+ 40 ° C");
  • Multigrade oils are labeled with two indices, which indicate low-temperature and high-temperature viscosity. Example: engine oil 0W40.

Choosing a lubricant based on engine characteristics

The selection of lubricant according to the parameter of the characteristics of the car is carried out on the basis of the recommendations made by the manufacturer of the power plant and indicated in the technical documentation. When buying a new car, it is advisable to find out what kind of lubricant was poured into the engine and then use the same type of fluid.

Choosing according to the characteristics of the car, the following data are taken into account:

  • Engine type, its type, year of manufacture;
  • Unit operating conditions;
  • The level of wear of parts of the power unit;
  • Compatibility of the grease with other materials present in the motor;
  • How justified is the use of this or that oil, is it possible to replace it with another.

API classification

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a standard that consists of 2 characters, the first of which characterizes the type of power plant ("S" - gasoline, "C" - diesel), the second, design features and the condition of the engine.

Petrol power plant designations:

  • SC, SD, SE - engines up to 1972.
  • SF - motors from 1973 to 1988.
  • SG - units from 1989 to 1994, harsh working conditions.
  • SH - power plants manufactured in 1995-96, tough working conditions.
  • SJ - motors manufactured in 1997-2000.
  • SL - modern units up to 2004 release.
  • SM - new motors produced since 2004.

Diesel power plants:

  • CB - engines up to 1961, fuel with a high sulfur content.
  • CC - units up to 1983.
  • CD - power plants from 1983 to 1990.
  • CE - engines manufactured before 1990, there is a turbine.
  • CF, CG-4 - motors produced in 1990 - 1998, there is a turbine.
  • CH-4 - units since 1998, US standards.
  • CI-4 - modern engines equipped with an EGR valve.
  • CI-4 + - modern motors, equipped with an EGR valve, there is a turbine, US standards.

ACEA classification

This classification takes into account the wear resistance of the grease. So, during the operation of the power plant, the operating temperature range varies in a very wide range (from 80 ° to 150 ° C). If the oil used is not persistent, then upon reaching a high temperature, it will simply begin to lose its viscosity and roll off the parts of the power plant, which it was supposed to protect.

ACEA classification provides for the use of a two-digit index: letter ("A" - gasoline, "B" - diesel engines); number (placed after the letter, speaks about the properties of the oil). The larger the number, the better oil, markings A1, A5, B1, B5 - energy saving; A2, A3, B2, B3, B4 - for use on conventional vehicles.

Lubrication 0W40, decoding, advantages

Motor oil 0W40 is a consumable all-season material that has characteristics that allow it to be used in any season, both in summer and in severe winters. According to the SAE classification, the meaning stands for:

  • Synthetic oil, all-weather;
  • The temperature at which the oil ceases to meet its characteristics and further operation of the power plant will border on the risk of its failure, especially during a cold start: "-40 ° C";
  • The maximum temperature at which the oil will not lose its characteristics: "+ 40 ° C", which characterizes it as a liquid for hot climates.

The SAE 0W40 engine oil test showed that the product meets the stringent requirements for modern power plants, and has the following main advantages:

  • Has recommendations for use in power plants of most car manufacturers, which testifies to the successful testing carried out at test sites and laboratories of companies;
  • Possesses excellent performance characteristics obtained thanks to the latest innovative developments;
  • Easy start of the motor regardless of the ambient temperature;
  • High economic performance achieved due to minimal friction losses;
  • The most effective protection against motor wear is ensured high quality the basis of the liquid and the presence of high-level additives;
  • Good detergent properties keep the power plant clean;
  • Resistance to oxidation processes is provided by a high-quality base, neutral to the effects of oxygen on it.
  • Low ash content of the product, which prevents the formation of a large amount of soot.

Motor oil 0W 40 is an excellent product that can be used in any climatic conditions in our region. It is perfect for any power plant, thanks to its high-quality base, which makes the fluid universal for any operating conditions and the presence of good additives and components.

Nevertheless, when planning to purchase this type of lubricant, it is necessary to weigh all the features that may be encountered during its operation. So, using oil in new motors, the fluid will show itself perfectly and will reveal the full potential of the unit. Whereas in a worn out engine, or in a motor of an old modification, its use will be undesirable.

Today we will consider 4 main and popular products that are suitable for admission for the turbocharged Porsh Cayenn. Will be relevant for both diesel and gasoline engines.

Let's say you have another MOT, and you need to change consumables and fluids in the engine, German manufacturer recommends to use the purest 100% PAO synthetics for the engine with a viscosity of 0w40. It is the most fluid and durable engine oil among all oil viscosities. Here we have decided.

Everything is clear here, but which brand to choose, which is more preferable Mobile, Motul, Liquid Moli, Castrol ?!

Usually, the manufacturer fills in the original Castrol 0w40, made in Germany, which is usually produced only in liter packaging. This product differs significantly in quality from what is supplied to our Russian market... In general, by the way, if you go to Europe, then be sure to buy a local Castrol for comparison, you will feel the difference from the first minutes of starting the engine, not to mention the operation of the car.

Castrol Edge 0w40 in a Porsche Cayenne motor

Nevertheless, let's look at the Katrol that is officially supplied to our market and is suitable for Cayenne, with A40 approval. Updated Titanium line with improved formulation of extreme pressure and antiwear additives, compatible with turbocharged engines.

Sufficiently stable engine oil, pumpable well at low temperatures, tested at "- 34C ", provided an excellent start of the engine. During normal operation, the car showed nice results... The oil provides permanent lubrication, withstands normal heating temperatures without overloading. But as we know this is a Turbocharged Porsche, and it is simply impossible without pressing the accelerator pedal all the way, otherwise why take this car at all.

Castrol FST 0w40 Turbo - Test

In this operating mode, we also checked the oil for wear. And here the results are already slightly different. That is, when driving in a mode close to the red zone, the oil already needed to be replaced by 8 thousand km. Plus, I had to add up to 3 liters of engine oil.

At higher revs, the oil worked less efficiently than when driving normally. The oil burnout affected the quality of the oil film, and when inspecting the motor, the surface of the parts was in a small black soot, which suggests that this product cannot cope with elevated temperatures and burns out a little, it is not critical, of course, for such an operation, but that's all. the same. Plaque suggests that the oil will not provide good lubrication of the parts, which will lead to increased wear, and therefore, the engine will collapse faster than we would like.

If you like this brand and you pour Castrol 0w40 in a Porsche, then it is advisable to flush the engine with SAE 40 oil or long-term flushing before changing, so that the newly filled oil works efficiently and the parts remain as clean as possible. In the case of aggressive operation of the car, it is advisable to make a change once every 8-10 thousand km. And do not forget to check the oil level and top up, it is absolutely impossible to leave the turbo engine without lubrication.

However, for example, castrol, which is sold in Germany or in the European Union, shows excellent results, so if you have the opportunity, be sure to buy and try it.

Mobil oil (Mobil1) for Porsche Cayenne application results.

Now consider the following product with an A 40 tolerance. This Finnish product has proven itself quite well as inexpensive oil in the segment of flagship viscosity.

But when it comes to using it in Cayenne, here the product has shown itself to be insufficiently effective. During normal operation, the oil drain was up to 2 liters per 10 thousand km, which exceeds the permissible rate indicated by the manufacturer. The product is, of course, compatible with a turbo, but under heavy load, close to the red arrow, the burnout was up to 0.8 liters per 2000 km, which is a lot. On the engine parts with a mileage of 38,000 km, a black coating was observed, which indicates that the oil did not effectively cope with the task at an increased engine heating temperature, and therefore protection of the Porsche Cayenne biturbo engine.

Analysis of spent Mobile 0w40

Having collected a little used mobile phone, the analysis showed an excess of the index of chips and carbon deposits in the oil, which indicates that the additives do not cope with the work, and exhaust their limit earlier than intended. The waste also affected the throttle response of the engine, the power dropped significantly during acceleration. When running the car on the slipway, diagnostics showed a power loss of 10 hp.

If you use a mobile 0w40, then it is advisable to use it with an additional antifriction additive, and flush the engine with oil, washing away carbon deposits and sludge that are formed during combustion and are deposited on the parts. Keratek will additionally provide better chain lubrication properties, which will reduce engine wear and engine oil waste.

When to change Mobil engine oil in Porsche

Make a change with a mileage of no more than 10,000 thousand km in mixed mode. If the operation of the car is constantly in the mode close to the red zone, then replace it by 7-8 thousand. As for the pumpability of the mobile in frost to -33C, then everything is fine here. Finnish product 0w40 provided an excellent engine start without a hitch. That is, the oil remained sufficiently fluid and did not thicken in frost, which speaks of good quality.

In general, the Finnish product is good and a turbo is possible for use in Porsche, it corresponds to its price and the declared quality.

Continued see two of the most effective products for porshe motors. Very interesting results on the use of German and French oils.

You will not surprise us with the whims of the weather. How can you help your car adapt to unpredictable weather? In the same Moscow in winter it can be minus thirty-five, and plus five. And in the summer and in the sun - already over forty! What kind of oil to pick up so as not to flinch from the weather forecast, and every winter start-up would harm the motor as little as possible? The recipe seems to be there: there are canisters of 0W-40 oils on the shelves.

Very tempting! Gurus assure: the smaller the first number, the easier it is to start the engine in the cold. But then you remember that modern oil serves for a long time, nursing more than 15 thousand km. I will not change it just because winter has changed into summer or vice versa! But will the motor like to work in the summer on oil, which was selected for cold winter? Let's check it out. So, the expertise of engine oils for extreme climates!

The names of the participants are loud: Motul X-max, Castrol EDGE, Mobil 1 New Life and Liqui Moly Synthoil Energy. All oils are expensive, quality groups according to API SM, and Mobil 1 even SN / SM.


What are we going to check? It is necessary to catch all the parameters that affect the operation of the motor both in a terrible cold, and when there is hell around. To do this, we had to modify our method of resource testing.

The limiting temperatures of cold start will be determined by the pour point and conditional cranking temperature crankshaft... The latter is indirectly influenced by the viscosity index. Comparative costs of starter power during cold start allow to estimate the moment mechanical losses engine.

To make the engine start easier, the oil must be less viscous. But after all, both the wear rate and friction losses depend on the viscosity ( ZR, 2008, No. 3). Therefore, it is important to know what "zeroes" will bring at equally extreme positive temperatures: we will artificially raise the temperature of the oil in the sump, specially heating it. To do this, we will embed the nozzles that wash the pistons into the oil line. Control measurements of the temperature showed that it increased by 15 ... 20 ° С.

That's not all! Both cold and heat increase the rate of deposit formation. Frost contributes to the growth of low-temperature deposits in the oil channels, and high temperatures increase the level of contamination of the combustion chamber, including the most dangerous variety - varnishes deposited on the side surfaces of the pistons and on the valve guides. They interfere with the normal operation of the rings and can lead to stuck valves, which is equally unpleasant. We will also check the level of these deposits in the course of a long service life test.

In order to have something to compare the “greats” with, ordinary semi-synthetics 10W-40 of a weak quality class SJ were allowed to participate in the test. The results are in tables, see and compare. Note that to measure the physicochemical parameters, we did not take fresh oils from cans, but those that had worked for a given time at the stand.

All tables open in full size by mouse click.


All "zeroes", as expected, showed very good low-temperature properties. But what is interesting: the two main parameters that characterize the starting conditions in the cold are the pour point and the conditional crankshaft cranking temperature, as it were, in antiphase! See for yourself: Castrol EDGE has a record pour point: as much as -52 ° C, but it also has the highest conditional cranking temperature: “only” -25 ° C! Liqui Moly has the opposite picture: the first indicator is worse than the others, but the second is better. Perhaps the most balanced are Motul 8100 X-max and Mobil 1. And their freezing point is not bad: -48 ° С, and the cranking temperature is quite low: -29 ... - 28 ° С. For middle Russian latitudes and even for the North, this is optimal. By the way, the viscosity index of these oils is the highest: 190. Well, the Motul 8100 X-max also distinguished itself by the lowest power required for the starter to spin up to starting speed.

We look at the table of low-temperature deposits: they will grow in winter in the first place. Here, as for any dirt, the principle “less dirty - clean up” works. The amount of contaminants is determined by the composition of the base oil, and the quality of their cleaning is determined by the structure and volume of the additive package. Here Motul 8100 X-max looks better than others.


On the base mineral water, wear in hot conditions turned out to be quite noticeable: the motor obviously had a hard time. The masters, on the other hand, performed much better: this is clearly seen in the amount of wear piston rings and bearing shells. The parameters of power and fuel consumption, periodically measured during the tests, also confirmed the observations. top scores showed oils with the highest viscosity index - Motul 8100 X-max and Mobil 1. With an equivalent viscosity in cold weather, these oils have a high-temperature viscosity that is closer to the optimal universal high-temperature viscosity, which ensures stable formation of lubricating layers that protect against wear and reduce friction. And the lowest level of high-temperature deposits was shown by Castrol EDGE and the same Motul 8100 X-max.


So, we can say that even a new ice age will not prevent us from starting the engine. If, of course, 0W-40 class synthetics are filled in there. And there is no need to change it before the summer heat: with this oil, the engine feels confident even when overheated.

But, of course, the selection good oil- this is only half the battle. The spark plugs, the battery, and a reasonable steering-to-seat gasket shouldn't be forgotten as the season changes.


Motul 8100 X-max 100% Synthetic, France


Price: 2500 rub. per canister 5 l

Approvals: approved Ford WSS M2C 937-A

Balanced engine oil that performs equally well at all stages of testing. Demonstrated high protective, energy-saving and low-temperature properties. Has a very high viscosity index. An insignificant amount of low and high temperature deposits found during engine opening indicates a high-quality, stable base oil and a good additive package.

Good protective, low temperature, detergent and energy saving properties.

The price is biting.

Mobil 1 New Life Fully Synthetic

SAE 0W-40, API SM / SN, ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4

Price: 1700 rub. per canister 4 l

Approvals: approved MB 229.5 / 229.3, VW 502 00/505 00, BMW LongLife 01, Porsche A40, Lada cars

We have a quality product at a reasonable price. The only one in our group has officially risen above the SM group's API requirements. Showed balanced starting properties at low temperatures, good protective properties. But upon opening the engine, the pistons were a little dirty.

Reasonable price with very decent quality.

More was expected from detergency.

Castrol EDGE Fully Synthetic, EC

SAE 0W-40, API SM / CF, ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4

Price: 1750 rub. per canister 4 l

Approvals: approved MB 229.5 / 229.3, VW 502 00/505 00, BMW LongLife 01, All Porsche vehicles except Cayenne (V6)

The well-known brand tuned in for a high result, and the expectations were justified. The lowest pour point indicates a very good base oil. After testing, the pistons were practically clean - another confirmation of the quality. At the same time, the price is quite affordable.

The lowest pour point, high detergency with a decent level of protective properties.

The energy saving parameters are worse than those of other oils.

Liqui Moly Synthoil Energy, Germany

SAE 0W-40, API SM / СF, ACEA A3-04 / B4-04

Price: 2700 rub. per canister 5 l

Approvals: MB 229.3, VW 502 00/505 00, BMW LongLife-98, Porsche A40, Ford WSS-M2C937-A

The most precious thing. It proved to be quite worthy: the lowest conditional crankshaft cranking temperature, good energy-saving properties. However, the protective function for cylinders and rings is lower than for other oils, possibly due to the lower high-temperature viscosity. But the lowest rate of aging!

Long service life, good starting properties at low temperatures

Price! And a higher rate of piston ring wear, revealed in a cycle of long-term tests.


- For what reasons does the car manufacturer recommend a particular brand of oil for a particular model?

Based on the database of testing a specific oil on their engines. No manufacturer will test all oils that exist in nature, it makes no sense.

- How justified is the use of tested cool oils in everyday life?

From the test results, it follows that the transition from a simple mineral water to such synthetics guarantees 3 ... 4% reduction in fuel consumption, reduced wear and longer periods of major repairs, as well as easier winter start-up, and a general increase in engine reliability.

- Is the use of seasonal oils of the "winter-summer" type justified in modern Russian conditions?

This division makes sense, say, for commercial vehicles with big runs, when during the season the oil has time to work out its resource and must be replaced. Moreover, with frequent replacements and large volumes of refueling, the price of oil becomes an important factor in savings. True, today you will not find seasonal oils in the afternoon with fire.

- Why, in the presence of several developed oil quality systems - API, ACEA, etc. - are manufacturers' approvals also required?

This is, in general, a common conflict of interests between the manufacturer (oiler) and the consumer (engine operator). All accepted quality systems - API, ACEA, ILSAC - in one way or another contain requirements for the physicochemical parameters of engine oils. And minders need the oil to work conscientiously in the engine all their lives - from shift to shift. Therefore, such parameters as the level of high and low temperature deposits, protection against wear and energy saving, compatibility with catalysts, oxidative stability, tendency to sludge formation are important for them. And this is all purely individual, in different motors the same oil can behave differently. Therefore, automobile firms test oils in their engines and issue tolerances based on the results.

By the way, the requirements of the approvals of automobile companies are much stricter than the requirements that oil manufacturers impose on their products - this is humanly understandable.


- Kinematic viscosity- the most important parameter of the oil, which determines its performance and applicability to different types engine. Determined according to GOST 33–2000 at temperatures of 40 and 100 ºС, as well as at 20 and 150 ºС using the SPbSPU method. Further, the obtained values ​​were approximated for the entire temperature Range using special methods.

- Viscosity index- the most important parameter of the viscosity-temperature characteristic (VTX) of engine oil, calculated from the values ​​of the kinematic viscosity at different temperatures. It characterizes the degree of "flatness" VTX, that is, the difference between the viscosity values ​​at low and high temperatures.

- Conditional cranking temperature- the temperature at which the viscosity reaches 5000 cSt, conventionally taken as the crankshaft cranking limit. Determined by calculation - by interpolation of the measured VTX for low temperature conditions.

- pour point- the one at which the oil loses its fluidity. Determined according to GOST 20287-91.

- Low temperature deposits- are formed as a result of decomposition, polymerization and oxidation of oil at temperatures of about 90 ... 120 ºС. Determined by precise weighing of the control weight elements - the oil pump fungus and the oil separator mesh in the valve cover.

- High temperature deposits- formed during the decomposition of oil in the work area piston group... They were determined similarly to the ELV method using an expert assessment of the amount and color of deposits on the side surface of the piston after long-term tests of a full-scale engine.

MANUFACTURER: NK "Select", Russia.

STATED CHARACTERISTICS: kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C 14.0-15.0 mm 2 / s, viscosity index 185, base number 8.7 mgKOH / g, density 873 kg / m 3, dynamic viscosity according to ASTM D5293 at -35 ° C 6100 , pour point -50 ° С.

SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS: complies with SAE 0W-40, API SL / CF, ACEA A3 / B3, meets the requirements of MB 229.3, VW 502.00 / 505.00, currently undergoing tests to obtain approvals for MB 229.3, BMW Longlife-98.

DELIVERY TYPE: 1 l, 4 l.

PRICE: RUB 900 (4 l).


STATED FEATURES: fully synthetic, multigrade engine oil for gasoline and diesel engines, developed according to the most modern technologies using the latest multifunctional additive packages. Provides guaranteed starting and lubrication of the engine in winter at significant negative temperatures (up to -40 ° C), as well as reliable protection against overloads and high temperatures. Possesses excellent anti-friction properties, which leads to reduced friction and wear. Tested for catalyst compatibility. Developed using a "trisynthetic" formula based on high quality polyalphaolefins and esters with a multifunctional additive package. Application of oil in modern engines ensures compliance with the Euro-2 and Euro-3 requirements for the level of toxicity of exhaust gases.


Kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C 14.41 mm 2 / s, viscosity index 182, base number 8.95 mgKOH / g, density 856.6 kg / m 3, dynamic viscosity according to ASTM D5293 at -35 ° C 5102, change kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C -28.48%, pour point -45 ° C, acid number after oxidation for 5 hours 1.65, contamination factor after oxidation 14.2.

PECULIARITIES: for all parameters measured during testing, this sample fully complies with the current standards. A sufficiently high value of the base number makes it possible to assume a sufficiently high saturation of the multifunctional additive package. The results of high-temperature tests indirectly indicate a large reserve of base oil resource. A rather low value of the acid number indicates the effective operation of the additive package in terms of neutralizing the products of high-temperature oxidation, and in addition, it allows us to conclude that the oil components are resistant to high temperatures. In terms of dynamic viscosity, this participant also fits into the standards with a fairly large margin. That is, at negative temperatures, the required cranking of the engine is provided. The value of the contamination factor also turned out to be one of the lowest, which may indicate good stability of the base oil. But the pour point was not the best, although it is quite acceptable.


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