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In this article, we will look at the various classification systems for motor oils. During the existence of engines internal combustion a huge number of oils have been developed, differing both in quality and in scope and features of use. All this diversity required some sort of ordering, for which different automotive organizations and standards were created to classify oils according to their properties and purposes. Using this information, you can easily select the right oil for a specific engine, based on the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer.

Here are the main classification systems for engine oils:

  • first, of course, SAE J300 - the classification of the viscosity of engine oils
  • API - classification of quality, or rather, performance characteristics of oil
  • ACEA is a European classification that includes information on both the scope of application of the oil and its quality
  • ILSAC - Japanese-American Oil Performance Assessment System
  • OEM approvals - OEM requirements for oils
  • GOST 17479.1-85 - born back in the USSR, but the Russian standard for motor oils still valid to this day

As you can see, there are many different specifications, but the main ones are three of them: SAE, API and ACEA. Let's figure out what they are.

SAE viscosity classification

This classification of engine oils (by the way, transmission oils too) is described in detail in the article about. Here I will briefly say that it regulates (as it probably already became clear :)) the viscosity of the engine oil in its three main states: when the engine is started (cold oil), during its normal operation (heated oil) and at high revs and shear loads, the so-called HTHS (superheated oil). On canisters, this classification has the form of writing xxW-yy (for example, 10W-40), where the first number characterizes the minimum necessary conditions for starting the engine in the cold season, and the second means the viscosity during normal operation. Subsequently, the requirements for work in the "forced" mode were laid down in the second number. So to speak, two in one. In some cases, it is possible to use these numbers separately, for example, oil with a viscosity of 20W and oil with a viscosity of 30. Such oils are called seasonal (conventionally, "summer" and "winter"). The letter W means just winter, "winter" in English. As I said, for comprehensive information on this classification system, read the article at the link given above.

API classification

This system characterizes differences in the performance characteristics of engine oils. It was invented by an organization called the American Petroleum Institute, which is reflected in the abbreviation. This classification contains two sections, according to the types of engine oils. Oils for gasoline engines marked with the letter S (Service), and for diesel engines with the letter C (Commercial). It is believed that the letter S stands for spark, that is, ignition from a spark, and C stands for compression - ignition from compression. This version seems to me more reasonable, but the materials on the official website of the API unequivocally hint at the first option. It's a pity.

Next comes the letter denoting the corresponding performance characteristics(for example, SJ, SL, SM, or CD, CE, CF, and so on). The second letters change depending on the adoption of more stringent requirements for the quality of the oil, the closer to the end of the alphabet a letter, the better the oil. This is quite consistent with the chronological order of the development of oils. The first oils after the appearance of this classification of motor oils were marked as SA and CA. They did not contain additives, therefore, they had extremely low characteristics and were suitable for cars until approximately 1930 release (just in 1931, additives began to be added to oils). By the way, you can read more about additives in the article about. It will become clear what constitutes high oil performance in operation.

As new standards are developed, the previous ones are considered obsolete. For example, today (2015), gradations for gasoline engines:

  • SN - the most modern gradation, presented in October 2010. Provides the best protection today against high temperature deposits on pistons, sludge formation, compatibility with seal materials. Provides fuel economy and engine life savings, compatibility with emission control systems and protection of engines running on ethanol fuels up to E85 (a grade of such fuel containing 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline). By the way, if anyone is not aware of what the oil in the car does, I recommend reading the article about.
  • SM - for cars made in 2010 and older.
  • SL - for cars made in 2004 and older.
  • SJ - for cars made in 2001 and older.

A more modern graduation step can be used instead of the previous ones.

For diesel engines:

  • CJ-4 - the most modern gradation, also introduced in 2010.
  • CI-4 - for cars made in 2002 and older. Satisfies the 2004 emission requirements.
  • CH-4 - for cars made in 1998 and older.

All other gradations are outdated and can be easily replaced with actual ones in old cars.

Mainly produced engine oils are versatile and can be easily used both in gasoline engines and diesel engines. In this case, the oil label indicates both gasoline and diesel API grades through fractions (for example, API SN / CF), and in the first place the gradation of the main purpose of the oil is indicated - gasoline or diesel. Accordingly, if the oil is designed for only one type of engine, then the specification is written only for this type.

On oils certified by the API, you can see the following icons, which indicate the class (or you may not see it, this is an optional attribute).

Yes, someone is probably interested in the question, but what is the number 4 in the designation of СI-4 and others? This means that the oil is suitable for a four-stroke diesel engine. Accordingly, there are oils for two-stroke diesel engines, however, they have only one class - CF-2 (well, he also had a predecessor CD-II, but this is already a topic for a separate "chewing" article on API classification, for those who are "keen", so to speak:)).

ACEA classification

The standards discussed above were "born and raised" in America, which may seem strange, because cars were invented in Europe. So the Europeans at some point (namely in 1972) had the idea to create an organization that would regulate the automotive industry by issuing various standards. This organization was hiding behind the abbreviation CCMC (from French Comité des Constructeurs du Marché Commun- a committee of car manufacturers of the common market, something like that). The logic of issuing oil standards was the same as that of API, with each improvement in the various qualities of engine oils, a new digit was added to the letters G (gasoline engines), D (diesel engines) and PD (diesel cars). And the old ones were gradually becoming obsolete. All these legends of deep antiquity are of interest to us insofar as it was on the basis of this organization that the association of European car manufacturers was born in 1996 (again from French Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobiles- ACEA). It is the classification of this organization that interests us, since any oil producer that monitors its reputation will undergo certification of its products in ACEA and mold the corresponding designations on the cans, which, by the way, look, for example, like this: A3 / B4, A1 / B1, C3 , E6 and so on ...

So, the ACEA classification of engine oils includes four sections, denoted by different letters:

  • A - oils for gasoline engines
  • B - diesel oils passenger cars and small commercial vehicles
  • C - oils with a reduced content of ash-forming elements
  • E - oils for heavy commercial trucks

The letter A in 1996 replaced the letter G from the CCMC standard, and the letter B replaced the PD classification ( diesel cars and small trucks, remember?). Until 2004, these letters (and the oils they classified) existed separately, but since 10/25/2004 they have been combined into several combinations of the Ax / By type, which implies their universal application. I will give the actual designations of 2012 (there are specifications of 2014, but at the moment they are not posted on the official website of ACEA, respectively, they seem to be not there :)):

A1 / B1 are multigrade oils with extended drain intervals for gasoline and diesel engines, whose design provides for the use of low-viscosity oils with an HTHS parameter of 2.6 mPa * s for a viscosity of xW-20 and from 2.9 to 3.5 mPa * s for all other viscosities. The possibility of using such oils must be directly indicated in the documentation for the machine / engine, otherwise their use is fraught with engine damage. If someone does not understand what kind of HTHS is, I recommend reading the article on the viscosity of engine oil (). Everything is detailed there.

A3 / B3 - multigrade oils for highly loaded gasoline and diesel engines and / or with the possibility of an extended replacement period, where provided by the engine manufacturer, and / or year-round use of a low-viscosity oil, and / or severe operating conditions in accordance with the recommendations of the automaker. As you can see, the wording is rather vague (remember, this is a translation of the text from an official document). If translated freely and briefly, then this is ordinary oil that is poured into cars that do not have recommendations for the use of other classes.

A3 / B4 - almost the same as the previous point, plus use for direct injection diesels. Accordingly, it easily replaces the previous point and is more preferable than it. Not everyone clearly understands whether they have diesel with direct injection or not :).

A5 / B5 are multigrade oils with extended drain intervals for heavy duty gasoline and diesel engines, whose design is designed to use low viscosity oils with an HTHS parameter from 2.9 to 3.5 mPa * s. In some ways it has something in common with A1 / B1 - there is indicated the HTHS viscosity for xW-20 oils (the least viscous for today), and here it is possible to use it in highly loaded engines. Same as A1 / B1 the applicability must be clearly indicated in the vehicle / engine documentation otherwise ... you know :).

Here is a picture of the interchangeability of these classes.

If necessary, A1 / B1 can be replaced with A5 / B5 or A3 / B3 / B4 (with increased fuel consumption). It is strongly not recommended to replace A5 / B5 with something else.

Now, what did not exist before ACEA, namely a separate section of "low ash" oils, marked with the letter C with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Low ash oils have a reduced content of sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulfur (the so-called LowSAPS oils, where SA - sulphated ash, P is phosphorus, and S is sulfur, but Low is their low content). We needed these oils after it turned out that unburned ash particles in the exhaust gases very quickly disable catalysts (TWC - Three Way Catalyst, three-way catalyst) at gasoline cars and particulate filters (DPF - Diesel Particulate Filter) for diesel engines. So those who have such devices in their cars need to use low-ash oils (again, we look at the documentation for the car).

  • C1 - multigrade oil for highly loaded gasoline and diesel engines equipped with a catalyst or particulate filter, requiring the use of low-viscosity low-ash oils with an HTHS parameter of at least 2.9 mPa * s. Extends DPF and TWC life and saves fuel. Sulfur content - 0.2%, sulfate ash - 0.5%, phosphorus - 0.05%. These oils have the most low level ash content may not be suitable for use in some types of engines (that is, in those where such an oil is not prescribed in the documentation).
  • C2 - exactly the same as C The only difference is in the amount of ash elements. There is more sulfur (0.3%), phosphorus (0.09%) and sulphated ash (0.8%).
  • C3 - differs from the first two in the minimum HTHS-viscosity at the level of 3.5 mPa * s, sulfur and sulphated ash as much as in C2, phosphorus 0.07 - 0.09%.
  • C4 - HTHS viscosity is also 3.5 mPa * s, sulfur 0.2%, phosphorus - 0.09%, sulphated ash 0.5%.

It can be seen that C2 and C3 are distinguished by a higher content of ash elements, therefore they can be called "average ash". C3 and C4, in turn, have a higher HTHS viscosity. Nowhere is it written about an extended drain interval, unlike sections A and B, so low ash oils need to be changed more often. Obviously, the additives responsible for extending the life of the oil contain ash elements. They removed them and lost one of the advantages.

Moving on to commercial vehicles, that is, engines on large mainline trucks. Why they need a special oil, you can read in the article about. So:

E4 is a multigrade oil with excellent control of piston cleanliness, wear, soot contamination and stable lubricating properties. Recommended for engines from Euro 1 to Euro 5 inclusive, for operation in harsh conditions, for example, significantly increased mileage between oil changes (according to the recommendations of the car manufacturer). Suitable for diesel engines without DPF, some engines with EGR system (re-combustion exhaust gases) and some with SCR (nitrogen oxide reduction). In any case, we look at the recommendations of the car manufacturer.

E6 - differs from the previous paragraph in that it complies with the Euro 6 standard, is suitable for engines with EGR, with or without particulate filters (aka DPF) and with an SCR system. Highly recommended for vehicles with particulate filters, as it is specially designed for use with low-sulfur fuels.

E7 is a multigrade oil with effective control of piston cleanliness and cylinder liner polishing. It also has excellent anti-wear properties, neutralization of soot particles and viscosity stability. Recommended for engines with tolerances from Euro 1 to Euro 5 inclusive, for operation in harsh conditions, for example, extended intervals between oil changes (according to the recommendations of the automaker). Suitable for engines without DPF, most EGR engines and most SCR NOx engines. More specifically, we look at the recommendations ...

E9 is a multigrade oil with effective piston cleanliness control and liner polishing. It also has excellent antiwear properties, very good soot neutralization and viscosity stability. Recommended for Euro 1 - Euro 6 engines, for harsh conditions, such as extended oil drain intervals. Suitable for cars with or without particulate filters, for most engines with EGR and SCR. Highly recommended for use with particulate filters, specially formulated for use with low sulfur fuels.

To summarize, E4 and E7 are suitable for cars without DPF, differ from each other in recommendations for use with EGR and SCR. The E7 has a lower minimum TBN (Base Number), and therefore lower piston cleanliness and liner polish rates, since generally a lower TBN means fewer additives in the oil. The E4 can be driven longer before replacement, all other things being equal (also a consequence of the lower amount of additives in E7).

E6 and E9 are suitable for DPF (Diesel Particulate Filters) and therefore meet the Euro 6 standard. They differ among themselves by the possibility of an extended drain interval. E6 "magnifies significantly", E9 simply "magnifies". The E9 also has lower standards for piston cleanliness and liner polishing, but less wear on liners, rings and bearings.

ILSAC classification

The Americans, together with the Japanese, developed an API-based system of standards for passenger cars (that is, an analogue of category S in the API classification), which is called ILSAC (as usual, after the name of the issuing organization - (International Lubricant Specification Advisory Committee, International Advisory Committee on technical requirements To lubricants). They have so much in common that they even have one badge of oil compliance with the current (that is, not outdated) ILSAC / API standard, the so-called Starburst.

In alphanumeric notation, ILSAC classes look like this: GF-1, GF-2, and so on. At the moment (2015), the most modern and the only one that is not obsolete is GF-5, which corresponds to SN according to the API classification. As in the API, the most modern level of gradation includes the requirements for all the previous ones, respectively, it can be used instead of them.

Car manufacturer approvals (OEM)

In addition to the general standards designed to unify the requirements for oils to improve interchangeability and simplify the selection, there are requirements of automakers (Original Equipment Manufacturers). It is logical to assume that common standards have grown precisely on the basis of these requirements, otherwise they would not make sense. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, an oil that has the appropriate ACEA classification is also suitable for OEM requirements. So, in many ways, getting a separate approval from the manufacturer is a kind of marketing ploy, and very effective, because despite all the theoretical calculations about the identity of oils, I will be the first to recommend pouring oil with an OEM approval, if this is indicated as a prerequisite in the technical documentation :). Here, by the way, it would be appropriate to say that automakers, as a rule, do not produce oils themselves, but order their production from premium oil brands, so a can of oil, for example, Ford or GM (or any other OEM name), most likely contains in itself Castrol or something else from the top five.

The most common manufacturers' tolerances are Mercedes (looks, for example, MB 229.1), Volkswagen (VW 503.00), BMW (BMW Longlife-01), General Motors (GM-LL-A-025) and Ford (Ford WSS M2C913C). The bracketed tolerances are not the only ones, they are just an example. In addition, Renault and Fiat have their own requirements, many (if not all) manufacturers of commercial vehicles (for example, Man, Volvo and others), even brands that produce tractors and special equipment (JCB, CAT, John deere other). From a technical point of view, approvals from different manufacturers often copy themselves, having the same or similar requirements with different designations, although this does not exclude any exclusive requirements in some cases. Describing all the tolerances is a thankless task, since the volume of the text will turn out to be outrageous. Perhaps later I will post information separately for each manufacturer, but for now, here is the ratio of the main tolerances of leading manufacturers in terms of the use of oil


It will not be possible to pass by our native Soviet-Russian system of classification of oils. Despite the fact that the current designation system was introduced back in 1987 (GOST 17479.1-85), it is still in effect, and oils from domestic manufacturers marked according to this GOST are quite cheerfully leaving the shelves of auto shops.

GOST is notable for the fact that both viscosity (analogue of SAE) and quality (analogue of API) are described within the same designation. The oil marking is as follows: M-5z / 12-G, where "M" means engine oil, 5z - winter viscosity (the letter "z", like W in SAE classification means "winter"), 12 - working ("summer") viscosity, G - an indicator of the level of operational properties of the oil. The most in demand are seasonal (that is, not specifying viscosity at negative temperatures) oils M-10G2 (k), and M-10D (m), since they were once developed for KamAZ (the letter "k" in the name), and MAZ ( the letter "m"), and it seems that they are still quite satisfied with the users of the corresponding truck fleet.

I will not give viscosity values, I would rather indicate the approximate correspondence of the GOST marking and SAE:

The same compliance with the performance properties of GOST and API:

It can be seen that, in addition to the letters ABVGDE, the designation contains numbers 1 and 2. From the correspondence of the values, it is clear that the number 1 indicates the use in gasoline engines, 2 - in diesel engines, and the letter without numbers implies the universal use of engine oil. For example, the same M10G2 (k) is intended only for diesel engines, and M10D (m) is universal, despite the fact that it is mainly poured into turbocharged diesel engines.

In the end, I will say that these are not the only existing classifications of motor oils, for example, there are Japanese JASO standards for two- and four-stroke motorcycles, there is an NMMA classification that regulates the quality of oils for water-powered vehicles, and there is much more. However, I have more or less described here all the systems that are widely used in our country.

, . .

This is the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association. This organization was created to lobby the interests of car manufacturers. One of the activities of ACEA was the issuance of requirements for the use of motor oils in engines of companies belonging to this organization.
Today the composition of its members is very impressive: BMW, DAF, Daimler-Crysler, Fiat, Ford, GM-Europe, Jaguar Land rover, MAN, Porshe, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, SAAB-Scania, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo.

The last revision of the ACEA motor oils classification was adopted in 2004. From this year on, motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines of passenger cars have been combined by ACEA into one category. But, due to the fact that not all the latest motor oils, which are classified according to the new edition of ACEA, can be used in engines of earlier years of production, manufacturers of motor oils still often write on the packages of engine oil the previously assigned quality classes according to the previous edition of 2002 ...

Please note that any car oil manufacturer that uses ACEA standards in their advertisements and packaging must carry out the necessary tests in accordance with the requirements of the organization responsible for the quality of motor oils ACEA standards.

What do numbers and letters mean in ACEA classes?

In the latest edition of ACEA (2004), motor oils are divided into three categories:

A / B- motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines. This category includes all previously developed classes A and B (until 2004, A - motor oils for gasoline engines, B - for diesel engines). Today there are four classes in this category: A1 / B1-04, A3 / B3-04, A3 / B4-04, A5 / B5-04.

WITHnew class- motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines that meet the latest toughened Euro-4 emission standards (as amended in 2005). These engine oils are compatible with catalysts and particulate filters. Actually, it was the innovations in the European environmental requirements that became the reason for the reconstruction of the ACEA classification. Today there are three classes in this new category: C1-04, C2-04, C3-04.

E- motor oils for heavy duty diesel engines loaded. This category has existed since the very introduction of the classification (since 1995). In 2004, cosmetic changes were made, 2 new classes E6 and E7 were added, and two other, obsolete classes were excluded.

Description of classes and categories

A1 / B1 Oils for use in gasoline and light diesel engines Vehicle, in which it is possible to use oils that reduce friction, oil-viscous at high temperatures and high shear rates (from 2.9 to 3.5 mPa · s).
These oils may not be suitable for the lubrication of some engines. It is necessary to follow the instruction manual and reference books.
A3 / B3 High performance oils resistant to mechanical degradation, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles and / or for use with extended oil change intervals in accordance with the recommendations of engine manufacturers, and / or for use in particularly severe operating conditions , and / or multigrade application of low-viscosity oils.
A3 / B4 High performance oils resistant to mechanical degradation, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines with direct fuel injection.
A5 / B5 Oils resistant to mechanical degradation, designed for use with extended oil change intervals in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles, in which it is possible to use oils that reduce friction, low viscosity at high temperatures and high shear rates (from 2.9 to 3, 5 mPa s). These oils may not be suitable for lubricating some engines. It is necessary to follow the instruction manual and reference books.
C1 Oils resistant to mechanical degradation, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in high-performance gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-way catalysts. They are suitable for engines where the use of oils that reduce friction, oil viscous at high temperatures and high shear rate (2.9 mPa · s) is possible. These oils have the lowest sulphated ash and the lowest phosphorus and sulfur content and may not be suitable for lubricating some engines. It is necessary to follow the instruction manual and reference books.
C2 Oils resistant to mechanical degradation, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in high-performance gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-way catalysts. They are suitable for engines where the use of oils that reduce friction, oil viscous at high temperatures and high shear rate (2.9 mPa · s) is possible. These oils extend the life of the particulate filters and catalysts and provide fuel savings. It is necessary to follow the instruction manual and reference books.
C3 Oils resistant to mechanical degradation, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-way catalysts, increase the service life of the latter.
C4 motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines that meet the latest toughened Euro-4 emission standards (as amended in 2005). Resistant to mechanical degradation oils, compatible with exhaust gas aftertreatment units, intended for use in high-performance gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles requiring SAPS (reduced content of sulphated ash, phosphorus, sulfur) and minimum HTHS viscosity (3.5mPa.s), equipped with DPF particulate filters and TWC three-way catalysts increase the service life of the latter.
E6 Resistant to mechanical degradation and aging of the oil, ensuring high piston cleanliness, low wear and preventing the negative effect of soot on oil properties. Recommended for use in high-speed diesel engines operating in especially severe operating conditions, meeting the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3 and Euro-4 for the emission of toxic substances, and operating at significantly extended intervals between oil changes in accordance with the recommendations of the car manufacturers ... They are applicable with or without particulate filters and for EGR engines with a nitrogen oxide reduction catalyst system. Oils of this category should be used in combination with low-sulfur diesel fuel(sulfur content is not more than 0.005%).
E7 Resistant to mechanical degradation and aging of oils, ensuring high piston cleanliness, low wear and preventing the negative effect of soot on oil properties. Recommended for use in high-speed diesel engines operating in particularly severe operating conditions, meeting the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3 and Euro-4 for the emission of toxic substances, and operating at significantly extended intervals between oil changes in accordance with the recommendations of car manufacturers ... They have high antiwear properties, resistance to aging, prevent the formation of deposits in the turbocharger and the negative effect of soot on the properties of the oil. They are applicable in vehicles without particulate filters and in most engines with exhaust gas recirculation and a nitrogen oxide reduction catalyst system.

The ACEA engine oil classification allows motorists and professionals to navigate the market and choose the right products from tens of thousands of offers. Each quality oil is being tested for compliance with the international standard.

ACEA (Association des Constracteuis Europeen des Automobiles, Association of European Automotive Engineers) is a large organization composed of the most reputable car manufacturers in Europe. ACEA standards are international. Oil tolerance (ACEA C3, C2, A2, B3, etc.) indicates the applicability of the composition to components with certain characteristics.

About the standard

Initially, there was an API (American Petroleum Institute) specification in the world. However, different operating conditions for cars in Europe, the constant development of technologies, structural differences from American cars forced manufacturers to create their own tolerances for motor oils. In 1996, the first edition of the European Association standards was published. The standard soon became international.

In 2004 the classification changed. If earlier the standardization took place separately for diesel and gasoline engines, then starting from 2004 the oil brands were combined. The approvals of ACEA A1 / B1, ACEA A3 / B4, etc. have appeared. The first pair of letters / numbers means the level of characteristics of a gasoline engine, the second - of a diesel one. Oils suitable only for diesel engines or only for gasoline internal combustion engines (for example, ACEA A3, ACEA A5 or ACEA B5) are not available today.

ACEA specifications are divided into 4 groups:

Each group has 5 categories, designated by numbers from 1 to 5. Lubricants from them differ in operational properties, compositions.

Markings and their meanings

The 2012 edition highlights:

  • 4 categories of lubricants for gasoline internal combustion engines and diesel engines of passenger cars / light-duty vehicles (ACEA A3 / B4, A1 / B1, A3 / B3, A5 / B5);
  • 4 categories - for heavy equipment diesel engines (from C1 to C4);
  • 4 classes - for engines with exhaust gas cleaning systems (E4, E6, E7, E9).

Below you can find a transcript of the ACEA specification for different engines... For convenience, the descriptions are divided into groups by purpose.

Class A / B: for gasoline internal combustion engines and light duty diesel engines

A1 / B1 - compositions for gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines which have an extended oil change interval. Provides low friction at high temperatures and shear rates up to 3.5 MPa / s.

A3 / B3 - lubricants for high-performance gasoline engines, diesels passenger cars... Designed for extended drain intervals, year-round use, and normal conditions ICE operation in difficult operating conditions for him.

ACEA A3 / B4 - for engines with direct fuel injection. Change A3 / B3 oils. ACEA A3 / B4 class products are energy efficient and reduce fuel consumption.

ACEA A5 / B5 - for high-performance diesel engines, gasoline engines. Provide a low coefficient of friction at high temperatures, high shear rate. Can be used instead of ACEA A3 / B4 greases.

Class C: for internal combustion engines with particulate filters and catalytic converters

C1 - composition for engines with particulate filters, three-way catalytic converters. Extends the life of the exhaust aftertreatment system. Provides normal operating conditions in difficult operating conditions: at high temperatures, shear rates up to 2.9 MPa / s.

C2 - oil for high-performance diesel engines, gasoline internal combustion engines. It differs from the previous type in the content of various substances.

C3 is a low sulphated ash grease. Possesses low viscosity at high temperatures, shear rate up to 3.5 MPa / s.

C4 - lubricants with low sulphated ash, low sulfur and phosphorus content. They have a minimum viscosity at high temperatures and shear rates up to 3.5 MPa / s.

Class E: for powerful diesel engines of special equipment

E4 - Piston cleanliness compounds. It is recommended to use it for diesel engines that comply with Euro-1 - Euro-5 environmental standards, operating in difficult conditions (high loads, long continuous operation). Substances are applicable for equipment in which an extended service interval is provided. This engine oil specification does not imply compatibility with particulate filters. The compatibility with the recirculation system must be clarified for each specific car model.

E6 - greases compatible with particulate filters, exhaust gas recirculation systems. Recommended for vehicles running on low sulfur fuels.

E7 - compositions for internal combustion engines without particulate filters, but with exhaust gas recirculation systems, reducing the level of nitrogen oxide.

E9 - products with a similar previous scope of application, but with more stringent compositional requirements. It is used on the most modern machines.

Other standards: differences and similarities

The ACEA classification is not the only one in the world. API and ILSAC regulations are also generally recognized. In the CIS countries, lubricants are brought into compliance with GOST. But this standard is not used when choosing an oil, relying on international classifications.


The American Petroleum Institute divides all the bases on which lubricants are made into 5 groups. They are shown in the table below.

IMineral oils obtained by removing paraffins, sulfur, aromatics from oil. The base contains less than 90% saturated compounds. The viscosity index ranges from 90-100 units, the sulfur content is less than 0.03% by volume.
IIProducts with a low aromatics and paraffin content. They are characterized by increased oxidative stability - they retain their properties even at high temperatures. The viscosity index ranges from 100-120 units, the sulfur content is less than 0.03% by volume. Contains over 90% saturated compounds
IIIBase with a high viscosity index. Created using modern technology - catalytic hydrocracking. Viscosity index - more than 120 units, sulfur content - less than 0.03% by volume. Contains over 90% saturated compounds. Provides a more durable and temperature-resistant film than previous types of products.
IVSynthetic bases created by mixing polyalphaolefins (PAO) with polyethylene glycols (PAG). They are distinguished by oxidative stability, a wide range of application temperatures, and high viscosity.
VNaphthenic, ester, aromatic, vegetable and other oils not included in the previous groups.

S - quality categories for gasoline engines; Depending on the base and the additive package, conclusions are drawn about the applicability of the finished composition to cars of certain years of production. ACEA classification divides all lubricants into 4 categories, API - into 2:

  • S - quality categories for gasoline engines;
  • C - standards for diesel engines.
An additional class, EC (Energy Conserving), has been introduced relatively recently. This label designates energy-efficient products.

Each standard contains 2 letters. The first denotes the group (S or C), the second - the year of manufacture of the car to which the oil is applicable.

API is an American standard, but it is recognized all over the world. Therefore, a class according to this standard can be given to European oil.


ILSAC (International Lubricant Standartization and Approval Committee) is an organization created jointly by the American and Japanese associations of automobile manufacturers (AAMA and JAMA). From the name it is clear that it deals exclusively with motor oils, in contrast to the associations described above. The committee is tightening existing oil tolerances based on its own research.

Increased requirements are imposed on the following characteristics:

Today, the classification of oils divides all formulations into 5 categories:

The classification of oils ACEA, API, ILSAC is an important criterion for choosing a composition for a car. It is always necessary to compare the requirements of the car manufacturer with the brands of lubricant indicated on the packaging.

Gasoline engine service classifications


Canceled due to lack of antifriction additives


Introduced in 1993, repeats the SG class, but with higher requirements


Meets the requirements of car manufacturers 1998-2000


Meets the requirements of car manufacturers 2001-2004


Meets the requirements of car manufacturers from 2004-2011. Engine oils of type XW-20 and XW-30 (low temperature limit) have increased requirements for the standard


Meets the requirements of car manufacturers from 2011. Differs in limiting the phosphorus content for compatibility with exhaust aftertreatment systems and integrated energy savings. Similar to ILSAC CF5 (low viscosity oils will be classified together)

Diesel engine maintenance classification


Canceled as obsolete


Suitable for diesel engines of off-road vehicles with indirect injection, as well as for engines used with fuels with a high sulfur content. Can be used to replace API CD oil


For 2-stroke diesel engines manufactured since 1994 and operating in severe conditions


For the operation of four-stroke diesel engines manufactured since 1988, operating under severe conditions and reducing emissions.


For heavy duty four-stroke engines manufactured since 1994 and meeting emission standards (less than 0.5 sulfur in fuel)


For high performance four-stroke engines manufactured since 1998 and meeting emission standards (less than 0.5% sulfur in fuel).


For high performance four-stroke engines equipped with EGR cooled (December 2001 release) and used with low sulfur fuels.

ACEA - specifications of engine oils for gasoline (A), diesel (B) passenger car engines, as well as engines equipped with an exhaust gas aftertreatment system (C).

- A1 / B1: engine oils for gasoline and diesel engines with a lower coefficient of friction and low viscosity.HTHS ( stability of the viscosity characteristics of the oil under extreme conditions, at very high temperatures) with a viscosity of 2.6 to 3.5 mPa.
- A3 / B3: low-viscosity engine oils for gasoline and diesel engines with extended drain intervals for year-round use.HTHS viscosity ≥ 3.5 MPa. Outperforms A1 / B1 and A2 / B2 in piston cleanliness and oxidation resistance.
- A3 / B4: engine oils for gasoline and diesel engines with direct injection.Higher requirements for direct injection diesel engines (designated B4). HTHS viscosity ≥ 3.5 MPa.
- A5 / B5: Engine oils for high performance gasoline and diesel engines with oil change intervals. Designed for low friction and low viscosity oils. HTHS ≥ 2.9.

-C1 : High performance engine oils for use in gasoline and diesel vehicles equipped with a particulate filter. Low friction, low viscosity, Low SAPS (sulphated ash, phosphorus, sulfur) and HTHS 2.9 mPa.

- C2: High performance engine oils for use in gasoline and diesel vehicles equipped with a particulate filter. Low friction, low viscosity and HTHS 2.9 mPa.These oils help extend catalyst and filter life.

- C3: High performance engine oils for use in gasoline and diesel vehicles equipped with a particulate filter.These oils help extend catalyst and filter life.

Specification for Diesel Truck Engines

E4 Recommended for diesel engines that meet Euro I - IV emissions. Working under very severe conditions, or highly extended oil change intervals. Suitable for engines without particulate filters.
- E6: High performance engine oils with excellent cleaning properties to prevent wear, soot formation.Recommended for diesel engines that meet Euro I - IV emissions. Working under very harsh conditions and highly extended oil change intervals. They are suitable for engines with and without exhaust systems. Recommended for engines with diesel particulate filter and low sulfur fuel (<50).
- E7 : High performance oils with excellent piston cleanliness control.In addition, they must meet the requirements for a high degree of protection against wear, turbocharger deposits and soot formation. Recommended for diesel engines complying with Euro I - IV, operating under very severe conditions or with very long oil change intervals. E7 oils are recommended for engines without particulate filters, for most EGR engines and most engines with SCR NOx systems.
- E9 : Engine oils for engines with / without particulate filter, most EGR engines and most SCR NOx engines.Sulphated ash content max. 1%.

ACEA- an association created by the largest European manufacturers (Alfa Romeo, BMW, Citroen, Peugeot, Fiat, Renault, Volkswagen, Daimler Benz, British Leyland, Daf).
It was founded as a result of the merger of CCMC with ATIEL. The CCMC specifications, which have now been superseded by ACEA, classify products as G for gasoline, PD for light and D for heavy diesel engines.
ACEA specifications have been developed to improve quality, productivity and environmental friendliness.
Acceptance of ACEA specifications implies:

  • Commissioning of new innovative materials in comparison with currently used
  • Analysis and certification of quality levels of each formula used
  • Manufacturers' commitment not to change approved formulas
  • Plant certification ISO 9001/2
  • Compliance of manufacturers with ATIEL standards, the organization, together with the CCMC, defined the methods and parameters for the basis of ACEA certificates

The tests required by the ACEA specifications are added to the formulated CCMC and make them more stringent.

The following letters classify the engine types:
[A] - gasoline engines
[B] - light diesel engines
[C] - engines with devices for reducing the amount of exhaust
[E] - heavy diesel engines
The numerical categories indicate the different applications associated with a particular class of motor indicated by the letters. The last update of the ACEA specifications took place in February 2002.
It is the responsibility of the engine manufacturer to select the correct ACEA category.
Oils belonging to a certain category may also meet the requirements of another, but specific engines must be filled with oil of a certain category and class.
The reference to the year serves only for industrial purposes, giving information about the level and quality of the materials used. More recent revisions of the specifications mean that new tests have been performed or new requirements have been introduced into a category. At the same time, the editions retain backward compatibility, the new ones will always fully support the level of the old ones, except for the cases when a new category is introduced.

Petrol engines

A1 Gasoline engine oil with low viscosity, friction and high temperature. These oils are not suitable for use in some engines. For more information, see the car's service book. Fuel economy oils are described.

A2 Canceled

A3 Stable oil for use in high performance engines with extended oil drain intervals, where manufacturers also recommend oils with low viscosity and wide temperature range

A4 Not used

A5 Stable oil with constant viscosity for engines with extended oil drain intervals requiring low viscosity and high operating temperatures. May not be suitable for some types of engines, for more information see the car's service book.

Light diesel engines

B1 Oil for light vehicle diesel engines that require low viscosity and friction oils and high operating temperatures. This oil may not be suitable for some types of engines, for more information, see the car's service book.

B2 Canceled

B3 Stable oil for use in high performance diesel engines for light vehicles with extended oil drain intervals, where manufacturers also recommend oils with a low viscosity and a wide temperature range

B4 Same as B3 specification but for direct injection engines

B5 Stable oil with constant viscosity, for diesel engines of light vehicles with extended oil intervals, which require oil with low viscosity and high application temperature. May not be suitable for some types of engines, for more information see the car's service book.

Diesel Engines with Emissions Reduction Devices

C1 Stable oil formulated for use in diesel engines equipped with particulate filters that also require a low viscosity, low ash and HTHS over 2.9 oil. These oils extend the life of the particulate filter and maintain fuel economy. Attention. These oils support the lowest requirements for reduced ash content and may not be suitable for all engines, for more information see the car's service book

C2 Stable oil formulated for use in diesel engines equipped with particulate filters, which also require an oil with a low ash content and HTHS above 2.9. These oils extend the life of the particulate filter and maintain fuel economy. Attention. These oils support the lowest reduced ash requirements and may not be suitable for all engines, for more information see the car's service book

C3 Stable oil formulated for use in diesel engines equipped with particulate filters. These oils extend the life of the particulate filter and maintain fuel economy. Attention. These oils support the lowest requirements for reduced ash content and may not be suitable for all engines, for more information see the car's service book

C4 Stable oil formulated for use in diesel engines equipped with exhaust particulate filters, which also require an oil with a low ash content and HTHS above 3.5. These oils extend the life of the particulate filter and maintain fuel economy. Attention. These oils support the lowest requirements for reduced ash content and may not be suitable for all engines, for more information see the car's service book

Heavy diesel engines

E1 Deprecated.

E2 Oil for general use in diesel engines, including supercharged ones, designed to operate under normal and extreme conditions, with normal oil change intervals.

E3 This category of lubricants provides effective care for cleaning pores, reducing friction and carbon deposits, and increasing lubricant stability. This category is also recommended for engines meeting the emission requirements of EURO-I or EURO-II in severe operating conditions. Also suitable for extended oil drain intervals.

E4 Stable oils that provide effective care for cleaning pores, reducing friction and carbon deposits, and increasing lubricant stability. This category is also recommended for high-performance engines meeting the emission requirements of EURO-I, EURO-II and EURO-III in severe operating conditions, such as strongly extended oil change intervals.

E5 Stable oils for effective cleaning of pores. It also provides control of friction and the amount of deposits on the supercharger. The level of soot control and lubricant stability meets the E3 specifications. Recommended for high power motors

E6 Stable oil for excellent piston cleaning, sludge control and lubrication stability. Recommended for the highest efficiency engines meeting EURO I-IV emission requirements and operating under the most severe conditions such as significantly extended oil change intervals as recommended by the manufacturer. Suitable for engines with exhaust gas recirculation with or without particle filters, as well as engines equipped with catalytic converters. The E6 specifications are especially recommended for engines equipped with particle filters and are designed for use in combination with low sulfur diesel fuel. The recommendations may vary depending on the engine, therefore, if in doubt, refer to the service book.

E7 Stable oil providing excellent piston cleaning and cylinder polishing. Provides reduced wear, sludge control and lubricant stability. Recommended for the highest efficiency engines meeting EURO I-IV emission requirements and operating under the most severe conditions such as significantly extended oil change intervals as recommended by the manufacturer. Suitable for engines with exhaust gas recirculation with or without particle filters, as well as engines equipped with catalytic converters. Recommendations may vary depending on the engine, therefore, if in doubt, refer to the service book.


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