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Today, road traffic participants are not only adults, but also children and newborn babies. According to the rules road traffic(SDA) both the driver and passengers must be wearing seat belts while driving. Failure to comply with the requirements entails the imposition of a fine on the offender.

Wherein, standard equipment The lashing system is designed exclusively for adult passengers. Until 2014, children and infants were transported in vehicles with a risk to life and health. the updated legal framework made it possible to introduce into the practice of transportation the term child restraint - child restraint.

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With its help, minors are securely fixed in their place during transportation. This innovation has a well-established regulatory framework.

Normative base

The placement of imperfect persons in the passenger compartment is regulated by Article 22.9 of the SDA. It indicates the age at which a child can be transported in the front seat with or without a child restraint, and the types of vehicles on which minors can move.

The penalty system of measures is regulated by such articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as:

For each of the listed offenses, an administrative penalty is provided in the form of a fine.

In case of transportation of a child in violation traffic rules, a fine is imposed on:

  • the driver of the vehicle in cases where he specializes in the transportation of minors (a representative of a law firm), or is a relative of the child;
  • parents, or accompanying persons in cases when the child is transported in public transport, or a taxi without using a child restraint.

The absence of special fasteners in the car interior is not a reason for the withdrawal of a driver's license.

At what age is it allowed

The Traffic Regulations indicate several categories of vehicles suitable for the transport of children:

  • cars;
  • freight vehicles;
  • two-wheeled transport.

Each of these vehicles becomes available to minor passengers only upon reaching a certain age in the regulatory framework. Thus, persons under the age of 12 cannot be transported in a passenger seat on any two-wheeled vehicle: mopeds, scooters, motorcycles, motor scooters.

Upon reaching the established age, the child has the right to ride in a passenger seat if he has the necessary equipment - a motorcycle helmet. The right to drive a two-wheeled vehicle becomes available only upon reaching the age of 16.

When transporting children to trucks mobiles a child's fastening system will be required for passengers under 7 years old, regardless of the space occupied. Persons aged 7 and over must wear a seat belt.

The use of child restraints for minors in light vehicles will depend on the pickup location. For example, a child under 12 years of age in the front seat is transported only using a car seat or other remote controls.

Persons under 7 years old are transported in the back seat using a remote control system, after 7 years old using a seat belt.

No age

Children of any age can be transported in the front seat of trucks and cars. As mentioned earlier, in light vehicles, children under 12 are transported in the front seat using an appropriate car seat.

In trucks, the age limit for child restraints is reduced to 7 years. Newborn babies from the hospital are also transported using a car seat or infant carrier.

In the minibus

It is allowed to transport a child in a route gazelle in the front seat from the age of 7, provided that a minor passenger is accommodated and fastened in accordance with the traffic rules.

This is due to the fact that route Gazelles belongs to the category freight transport(22.9 article of the SDA), for which the age threshold of passengers has been reduced to 7 years. In this case, the equipment of the car does not matter. It can be either a passenger version with rear rows of seats, or a Farmer-type cabin.

Rules for the carriage of children in the front seat

In accordance with the updated regulatory framework, minors under the age of 12 can only be transported in the front seat using the fastening systems.

The following are used as DUU:

  • car seats, car seats;
  • boosters;
  • adapter system - FEST.

On rear window cars where the child regularly drives, the sign "Carriage of children" is not required. This sticker is required for special vehicles that transport minors on a regular basis.

It is legally prohibited to transport a child under the age of 12 in a car without using a seat belt. Vehicles without seat belts in the cabin are legally unsuitable for transporting children.

Passengers under 12 years old cannot travel without being accompanied by relatives or a guardian.

How a traffic police officer can determine the age of a child

The traffic rules do not prescribe an inquiry procedure, according to which the driver is obliged to provide documentary evidence of the age of the minors being transported.

In accordance with the regulatory framework, the traffic police inspector has the right to demand the following set of documents:

  • driver's license;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • technical passport for the vehicle used;
  • identity card (in some cases).

The car owner is not required to have a child's birth certificate with him.

In disputable cases, the traffic police officer has the right to "punch" the driver on the base and find out the number and age of his children. Another way to identify yourself is to check your passport. If the inspector requires you to prove that you are right, you have the right to refer to article 1.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (clauses 3 and 4).

In accordance with it, all doubts about the driver's innocence are interpreted in his favor, and the driver himself is not obliged to prove his innocence and innocence.

What is the punishment for violation

The penalty is a universal punishment for any violation in the transport of small children.

Legally, it is enshrined in article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which says that violation of the requirements of traffic rules entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of 3,000 rubles - for individuals, 25,000 rubles - for representatives of official organizations and 100,000 rubles - for legal companies specializing in the transportation of children.

  • lack of a seat belt on the child;
  • lack of a car seat for a child under 7 years old;
  • transportation of minors in the front seat up to 7 years old - in cargo vehicles, or up to 12 years old - in a car;
  • transportation of minors under 12 years old on a two-wheeled vehicle.

A complete list of violations is indicated in article 22.9 of the traffic rules. After the traffic inspector records the violation of traffic rules, he undertakes to issue a fine to the driver of the car.

The traffic police officer may require immediate elimination of the error during transportation of the child (transfer to the back seat, buckle up, install the car seat), or allow the driver to continue driving in order to troubleshoot (send for a purchase fastening system for transportation of minors).

According to the law, a police officer cannot keep the owner of a car for a long time, as this is contrary to traffic rules.

The carriage of minors in the front seat is allowed from the age of 0. In this case, persons under 12 years of age are transported using restraining devices.

Some parents are interested in the question: "Why are the requirements for transporting children in the front seat much more stringent than in the back?" This fact is associated with an increased risk of accidents. A loose or poorly secured child can fly from the front seat into the windshield if the vehicle gets into an accident.

You can be fined for transporting a child if the car seat is not used. The fine for sitting in front of a child without a car seat says (paragraph 3) of the RF Code on administrative offenses:

  • The amount of the fine is 3000 rubles if an individual is driving.
  • The situation is more difficult for an official. These are senior officials and government officials. For them, the fine is 25,000 rubles.
  • Legal entities - representatives of organizations are subject to the most serious punishment - 100,000 rubles.

Children transportation rules

Traffic rules do not prohibit transporting a child on front seat, they prohibit doing this without special devices.

This requirement is justified for security reasons. Sitting in a car, everyone hopes for the complete safety of the trip, but the rules are spelled out, among other things, to protect life and health as much as possible in a possible accident.

Mothers can rely on their instinct in the car, thinking that holding the baby in hands is the safest way to transport... However, in the event of even a minor accident, holding something in your hands is problematic; holding a child in your arms is a potentially dangerous way of driving for many reasons. A special chair allows you to fix the child in a certain position and to minimize the risks in an emergency.

Features of transportation by age

Children can be transported in a car at any age.

  1. Up to 1 year old, a child can sit in a car seat with his back to the movement.
  2. Upon reaching the age of one year, children are seated facing forward, adjusting the length of the seat and the location of the airbag.
  3. After reaching 12 years of age and 150 cm tall, the child can sit in the front without a seat, while wearing a seat belt.

Important! If the child is 12 years of age and less than 150 cm tall, you should continue to use the seat as it is not safe to fasten the seat belt.

Car seat requirements

The chair should be matched not only by age, but also by the height and weight of the child. Indeed, in the presence of a car seat that does not coincide with the standards, the driver can be fined. Car seat markings allow you to choose a restraint, because there is a division into groups:

  • Zero - up to 10 kg.
  • Zero plus - up to 13 kg.
  • The first is 9-18 kg.
  • The second is 15-25 kg.
  • The third is 22-36 kg.

It is prohibited to use a car seat that does not fit the weight category of the child.

Of course, the traffic police representative is unlikely to put the child on the scales, but the discrepancy between the size of the chair and the height and weight can be noticeable visually. That's why the chair needs to be changed every few years.

Carrying your child in the front seat is convenient because you don't have to constantly look back and watch what he is doing. Buying a car seat will cost significantly less than fines. A comfortable seat not only ensures the safety of the child, but also allows you to control his behavior in the car.

Front passenger seat passenger car considered the most dangerous place in the event of an accident. Carrying a child on it is quite risky, but according to the current legislation for 2016, it is not prohibited on condition that certain requirements are met. Such transportation must ensure the safety of the child, taking into account the design of a particular vehicle. To do this, parents are obliged to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of installing a child seat in the front seat, as well as take care of the quality of the product and its reliable fixation.

How can you carry your child in the front seat

The main law containing the requirements for drivers and passengers of vehicles on the road is the traffic rules. The procedure and norms for the transportation of children in the front seat of a car are spelled out in clause 2.29, namely:

  1. It is allowed to transfer a child under the age of 12 years on the passenger seat of the car in front with special restraints. Thus, the law does not contain the term “chair”, which means that other restraining means can be used for restraining.
  2. According to the Rules, special requirements are imposed on such devices, among which the main thing is compliance with the weight category of the child.
  3. Passengers 12 years of age and older are allowed to use seat belts in the front seat.

Carrying a child in the front seat and airbag

Parents carrying a child in the front seat must be aware of the role of the airbag in front of him. Many are convinced that it is able to protect a small passenger in the event of an accident without using additional devices... But in fact, you need to know the following facts about the front airbag:

  1. Airbags, falling out in an accident or in a critical situation, often do not save, but harm the child sitting in the front seat.
  2. When installed in the front seat of a child car seat, the cushion ejection mechanism is turned off. This is especially true for those who place the front of the cradle for infants, which is installed backwards.

Is it possible to put a child seat in the front seat of a car

It is not forbidden to install a car seat for a child on the front seat, but this should be done only in case of an emergency or unforeseen situation. Passenger seat- the most dangerous zone in a car in case of an accident, and whenever possible, to put a child in the back, you need to use it. You can minimize the risk of transporting your baby in the front seat by following these guidelines:

  1. If you decide to transport children in a chair in the front seat, be as careful as possible, more accurate and more attentive when driving than usual.
  2. Before driving, check that the front airbag is deactivated so that when emergency she did not harm the child.
  3. Before installing the chair on the front seat, it is pushed back as much as possible.
  4. When moving, never take the child in your arms, as this increases the risk of injury, primarily for the child.
  5. Do not use the carrycot of a baby stroller, as it does not have the necessary fasteners and seat belts. When a traffic police officer stops and finds an unsuitable seat with a child in the front seat, he has the right to issue a fine.
  6. Do not exclude the possibility of attempts by the traffic police to write out a fine for a child seat installed in front, despite its compliance with the rules and necessary standards. Usually, the inspector refers to the "special supporting devices" specified in the SDA, without referring to the chair. You need to be ready for this, and in advance print out the decisions of the courts in which such cases were considered.

Requirements for a child car seat

When buying a car seat that can be installed on the front seat of a car, you need to make sure that it can be securely fastened in this place and that the product is in accordance with the age and weight category of the child. Car seats are classified as follows:

  1. Child less than 1 year old, weighs less than 10 kg. For this age, there is a special infant car seat, where the baby is in a horizontal position.
  2. Child less than 1.5 years old, weight up to 13 kg. This category corresponds to a cocoon chair, which is attached with the back towards the movement.
  3. Age 9 months-4 years, weight 9-18 kg. This category is suitable for a universal car seat that is suitable for installation both in the front and in the back of the car.
  4. Age 3-7 years, weight 15-25 kg. A car seat designed to be installed in the direction of travel.
  5. Age 6-12 years old, weight 22-36 kg. Car seat with the ability to use car seat belts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Carrying a Child in the Front Seat

Carrying your baby in the front seat has the following advantages:

  1. The driver controls everything that happens to the child and can influence his behavior.
  2. The kid sees one of the parents next to him, and behaves more calmly. For an older child, the front ride seems more fun.
  3. A child who does not tolerate the road is less likely to get seasick in the front of the car.
  4. The front seat is the only seat on which the seat can be installed, which does not have seat belts and anchorages compatible with.

Disadvantages of positioning the child seat in front:

  1. The child's ability to influence the controls of the car, which can provoke an emergency.
  2. The front seat is the most dangerous area in the car in the event of an accident.
  3. The child is able to block the side-view mirror and create an emergency.
  4. The child distracts the driver from driving.

Installing a child seat in the front seat

Before installing the chair on the front seat of the car, carefully study the instructions for the product. The machine must be equipped with three-point inertia belts. Two-point will not work, since in the event of an impact, they can aggravate the injury. The front airbag must be deactivated, if this option is not provided, you should not put the seat and risk the child's life. The rules for installing a child seat on the front seat of a car are as follows:

  1. The seat must be firmly fixed: do not ride on the seat or wobble. Before each boarding of the child, the reliability of the fastening is checked.
  2. For babies, the chair is installed with the back to windshield... This avoids injury to the cervical spine during sudden braking.
  3. Closer to the age of 12, when the child grows up, the inside of the seat, together with the fixing belts, is pulled out, and the car seat belts are used to hold it.
  4. The upper part of the belt must necessarily go along the chest, and the lower part along the thighs.
  5. Even when transported over short distances, the child must be fastened.

Penalty for transporting children without a seat

Violation of clause 22.9 Traffic rules by drivers transporting a child under 12 years old without a car seat or in the front seat in a chair that does not correspond to the height or weight, as well as transporting an unfastened child and failure to comply with other requirements of this paragraph of the rules, are punishable by a fine. So, in 2016, its size for incorrect transportation of a child sitting in the front seat, according to Art. 12.23, h. 3 of the Administrative Code, is 3 thousand rubles. The same violation, which applies to officials, is punishable by a fine of 25 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - 100 thousand rubles.


I have a lock in my car that disables the front passenger seat airbag specifically for transporting children. But familiar drivers almost in a voice say that the traffic rules prohibit transporting children under 12 years in front. Is it so? Anna, Moscow.


No not like this. Your acquaintances, most likely, rely on long-outdated rules, when even in the traffic rules nothing was said about the obligation of child restraints (chairs, pillows, and so on).

In fact, the Rules do not prohibit the carriage of small passengers in the front seat. This is directly stated in clause 22.9 of the SDA: “Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts ... and in the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of child restraints».

The instructions for the cars clearly state how to fasten the seatbelt correctly. For example, when positioning the bassinet for infants, it is important to deactivate the airbag deployment mechanism, if it is present and it is intended to be deactivated.

It is possible to transport children in the front not only in child seats (the words "child seat" are not in the rules at all), but also with the help of other restraints that comply with the special GOST R 41.44-2005.

On branded devices, an orange sticker is glued with the indication of the European standard R44 / 03 (it corresponds to the Russian GOST) or R44 / 04 (it is even more strict - it corresponds to the current European standards).

There are many such devices - various straps, buckles, head restraints, etc. It is very common, for example, the "Fest" device - it also complies with the standard. But pay attention to the compliance of the child's weight and height with the characteristics of the device - straps and buckles for babies will not work, take only a chair. And vice versa, it is inconvenient and unsafe to squeeze a strong man into a small chair.

It is possible, but not necessary

So children can ride in front. Another thing is that the place next to the driver is not the safest in the car. A study by the American publication Pediatrics showed that more than half of the injuries and deaths of children under three years old in cars during an accident could be avoided if child seats were installed on back seat... Moreover, not to the left or to the right, but in the center. Employees of the publication found that the risk of a child being injured in the left side of the back row (behind the driver) is 31%, on the right side - 41%, and in the center - 28%.

So, although traffic rules do not prohibit this, it is better to carry the child in the back in the center. And it's always correct to fasten.

With the advent of a small child in the family, a car becomes simply a necessary thing, because to get to the right point with a baby in your arms using public transport extremely difficult, and constantly calling a taxi is very expensive.

However, a car is a very unsafe form of transport. Caring parents, who often drive with their child, give great attention safety crumbs. That is why motorists often have a question whether it is possible to transport a child in a car in the front seat. Let's try to figure it out.

From what age can a child be transported in the front seat?

Most people believe that a child can only be put in the front seat of a car when he is 12 years old. In reality, this opinion is erroneous. Clause 22.9 of the RF SDA states that the transportation of children in the front seat is possible earlier, but only with the use of special restraints.

Consequently, a child of any age can be seated in the front seat, having acquired the necessary adaptations corresponding to his height and weight. Another thing is that the greatest safety in the car is achieved from behind, and each parent must decide for himself what is more important for him, and where it is better to put his child.

Rules for transporting children in the front seat of a car

To transport a child, the following rules must be observed:

Children over 12 years of age can be seated in the front without using car seats or similar devices. In this case, the child must be fastened with a seat belt. The only exception is children who have reached the age of 12, but have a height below 140 cm. In order for a child of this height to ride in the front in relative safety, it is necessary to turn off the front airbag, and in case of impossibility, to transplant the child back.

To transport children under 12 in the front seat, you need one of the following accessories:

It should be noted that a Category 0 car seat is not suitable for front placement. It is designed to transport babies up to 6 months old and should be positioned at the back, perpendicular to the movement of the machine. A category 0+ car seat can also be installed in the front, but not with an active airbag. All other variations of restraints are allowed to be used without any restrictions.

Penalty for transporting a child in the front seat of a car

The penalty for transporting a child without the use of special devices in Russia is about $ 55. In Ukraine, even less - for the wrong transportation of the baby you will have to pay from 2.4 to 4 US dollars. For comparison, in Germany and other European countries the fine for such a violation can be up to 800 euros.


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