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There is a great risk of being the culprit of an accident if you do not know how to properly rebuild. Consider tips for maneuvering in heavy traffic.

Traffic rules

The regulation on rebuilding is in chapter 8 of the SDA. Clause 8.4 states: a driver wishing to change lanes must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing the direction of travel. When changing lanes of two cars at the same time, the driver on the right side has the right of priority maneuver. Let's consider the rule with specific examples.

  • The car in front of you changes into your lane, you do not change direction. According to the traffic rules, you are not obliged to yield to him. You can do this of your own free will, but you will not be the culprit.
  • You want to take a lane along which a car is moving in a straight line behind you. In this case, you must give way to him or increase the distance so as not to interfere with him when changing lanes.
  • You change to the left lane. A car in this lane indicates with a turn signal that it wants to occupy your lane. In this case, you have the upper hand.
  • You move into the right lane. If at this moment the driver from this lane is changing into your lane, you must give way to him. The rule is “interference from the right”.

In general terms, clause 8.4 can be expressed in the following theses:

  • if you do not want to rebuild, then you are not obliged to give in according to traffic rules;
  • when changing lanes to the right, you must in any case give way ("obstacle on the right");
  • when changing lanes to the left at the same time as the driver who wants to take your lane, you must be allowed to pass.


Stages of changing the direction of movement:

  • assessment of the traffic situation;
  • turning on the turn signal;
  • control look in the rear-view mirror;
  • lane change, turn off the direction indicator.

Many drivers believe that it is dangerous to change lanes only in heavy traffic. The mistake is that excessive relaxation when driving on unloaded roads dulls concentration. There is an increased risk of not noticing a motorcycle walking behind or leaving a vehicle unattended in the blind spot. Therefore, changing lanes in any situation requires the driver to maximize concentration and confidence in the maneuver being made.

How to make sure the maneuver is safe

The main difficulty when changing lanes is the correct assessment of the traffic situation. You must make sure that when you change lanes, there is no other vehicle in the area you are occupying. To do this, it is often not enough just to look in the rear-view mirror just before starting the maneuver. First, there is a possibility that there is another car in the blind spot next to your car.

A blind spot is a situation in which an object has disappeared from the side mirror but has not yet appeared in the side window. This area is always wider on the side of the passenger mirror.

Secondly, with a cursory glance, it is impossible to estimate the speed of approach of the car following you. When you look in the mirror, there really is enough distance to lane. But already by the beginning of the maneuver, the car will have time to approach you at a distance unsafe for maneuver.


To avoid an accident, you need to prepare accordingly for rebuilding:

  • if there are no cars in the rearview mirror, you need to look through the side windows. This should be done so as not to lose control over the vehicle control and be able to react to the maneuvers of the vehicle in front. It is necessary to make sure as much as possible that there are no cars in the dead zone;
  • in case of heavy traffic, you need to use "pockets" to change lanes (there is enough space for maneuver between densely moving cars). To do this, you need to wait until the car, after which it is possible to rebuild, is ahead of you. Such a maneuver can be considered safe, since you will make sure that another vehicle does not follow a specific car, and therefore an unpleasant surprise will not await you in the dead zone;
  • if you notice a car walking along the lane, be sure to look in the mirror after 2-3 seconds in order to adequately assess its speed. It is impossible to do this with a single glance, and if you focus on objects in the rear-view mirror for a long time, you lose control over the situation in front of you. Remember that the traffic situation in heavy traffic changes every second;
  • when changing lanes, the flow of which is moving at a higher speed, the maneuver must be done ahead of time. After you have occupied the lane, your speed should match the flow rate. In winter, with rut and slippery road surfaces, you need to accelerate only on your own lane. Otherwise, there is a risk of skidding. With a sufficient coefficient, the grip can be accelerated even when changing lanes.

To reduce the blind spot, the rear-view mirrors must be correctly adjusted. When properly adjusted to the near edge of the mirror, you should see a small protruding part of the stern. Balance must be observed when setting the vertical tilt angle. If you tilt the mirror too low, the blind spot will decrease, but you will lose sight of the cars in the distance. The situation will worsen even more when descending the slope.

Never change 2 lanes in one go, as you will not be able to adequately assess the traffic situation. The lane change should be smooth. Now you know how to properly rebuild in order not to get into an accident.

Experienced drivers do not even think about changing from row to row. Their maneuvers take place automatically. But many of them violate the rules of the road, and one of such rearrangements can, at best, result in a fine, at worst -.

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To avoid unpleasant consequences, the maneuver must be performed according to the rules, which you will learn about later.


A lane change is a maneuver that involves leaving an occupied lane or lane while maintaining the original direction of travel.

In simple terms, a lane change is a lane change performed to overtake, turn or other maneuver.

In this case, the maneuver should be carried out taking into account the road markings, which becomes problematic in bad weather conditions.

So, on a snowy road, it is impossible to see the markings, which leads to violations and doubts about the correct performance of the maneuver.

The main road markings that prohibit lane changes are the solid line. On the lanes of passing traffic, it is rare, mainly in tunnels and on the bridge. But still, you should pay attention to the solid lines so as not to lose your rights for several months.

Where prohibited and where not

Most minor accidents occur due to incorrect vehicle lane changes. Drivers do not make a wrong maneuver, allowing a collision with another car.

To reduce the number of accidents on the roads, rules for changing lanes in different situations have been included in the traffic rules so that drivers can change lanes without risk.

At the crossroads

One of the most frequent questions among drivers is whether changing lanes at intersections is allowed. The bulk of the prohibitions apply specifically to this section of the road, since there is a very high risk of collision with cars moving in a parallel direction.

In the traffic rules there is no prohibition on changing lanes at the entrance to an intersection. Moreover, this section of the road is considered to be omnidirectional, therefore such concepts as main and secondary roads are excluded, except for those sections where signs are installed.

Of course, it is better to think about changing lanes in advance, having determined the lane for yourself. If this is not done, then you can rebuild already at the intersection.

At the same time, it is important not to forget that the cars on the right are always a priority. Therefore, first of all, you need to skip them, and then maneuver.

But when changing lanes, it must be borne in mind that, according to paragraph 11.4 of the SDA, overtaking is prohibited at intersections. And it is quite difficult to do without it after rebuilding.

Therefore, the only correct solution would be to maneuver to the desired lane in advance:

At the pedestrian crossing

As in the situation with an intersection, there is no prohibition on maneuvering at a pedestrian crossing. But it is not allowed to overtake everything according to the same rule No. 11.4.

However, the issue of rebuilding at a pedestrian crossing should be considered from a logical point of view. The passage is rather narrow, therefore, with all his desire, the driver will not be able to complete the maneuver without stopping the vehicle on the "zebra".

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the traffic police inspectors, it is worth maneuvering after the transition.

On the bridge

Another common problem for drivers is whether it is possible to change lanes on the bridge. Turning again to the specified point of the traffic rules, you can understand that overtaking is prohibited on the bridge. But there is not a word about rebuilding.

However, it is allowed to rebuild only if there are no markings prohibiting this maneuver.

On the ring

A similar rule applies to the ring. If there is no solid line, then you can change lanes, be sure to skip cars that are moving in the lane where the driver plans to change lanes.

You need to make this maneuver before leaving the loop, so that you do not have to stand in the right lane in order to turn left.

In the tunnel

When driving in tunnels, you can see road markings. The solid line means that it is forbidden to rebuild. This rule is associated with the difference in temperature conditions.

So, when the outside temperature is below zero, when entering the tunnel, it rises sharply, which worsens the adhesion of the wheels to the road.

The situation is similar in the summer version. And this creates a high risk of collision with a car that is moving in the same direction.

Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine. But it is even worse that such a maneuver threatens with serious accidents, since the speed of vehicles on such a section of the road is usually above average and it will not be possible to get off with small scratches on the body.

Rebuild rules

In order to properly rebuild without violating traffic rules, several rules should be taken into account:

  1. When planning to rebuild, you need to make sure that there is no solid line prohibiting this maneuver.
  2. Before the start of the lane change, the turn signal must be turned on. Drivers need to know which way the car is heading.
  3. When rebuilding, you need to let all cars that move in their lane without maneuvering.
  4. If several cars are being rebuilt at once, then you need to skip only those who are driving on the right.
  5. The vehicle speed is reduced and the distance to the vehicle is calculated to avoid a collision.
  6. Be sure to take into account the speed of a car that is moving in an adjacent lane in order to get on the other side and prevent a collision with a car that will be behind.

Do not use emergency braking if cars are moving behind. The speed decreases smoothly, and then you can rebuild. It is important to think about the maneuver in advance, starting the change in advance.

Drivers of other vehicles are notified of the planned maneuver by turning on the turn signals.

Who should give to whom on the lanes on the track

The driver of the car who plans to change lanes must yield. He first skips all the cars and only then rebuilds. At the same time, it is important to choose a safe trajectory in order to avoid collisions.

When changing lanes, you need to look in the mirrors so that other drivers do not have to use emergency braking when maneuvering.

To the left lane

Rebuilding to the left lane is carried out according to the general rules. First, the driver must skip all cars that move in the left lane, having previously turned on the turn signal. And only after the lane is safe for maneuver, you can rebuild.

Many believe that the one on the secondary road should yield. In fact, the type of stripe does not matter. Whoever plans to change lanes will let other cars pass. If you miss it, then please - you can safely change the lane.

When the road narrows

Drivers will know that the road will narrow thanks to the signs. This means that you need to change lanes in advance so that you do not have to apply emergency braking at the last moment.

The picture shows that the lane along which the red car is moving is narrowing. The blue car continues to move in the set direction. In this situation, it is the red car that should give way, since it needs to change to another lane.

Between the rows

It is necessary to rebuild between the rows according to the general rules. On a multi-lane road, there is another requirement - a gradual realignment.

For example, a car is driving in the far right lane on a three-lane road. And he needs to be in the extreme left lane. In this case, you cannot cross two lanes at once.

First, the car is rebuilt to the middle lane, and then to the extreme. Traffic safety is ensured with every maneuver.

When maneuvering in each lane, you should not sharply reduce the speed or, conversely, put pressure on the gas. In terms of speed, you need to catch up with the cars that are moving along the same lane.

Driving along the lanes in the city with the subsequent rebuilding is the most dangerous. It is rather difficult to maneuver in heavy traffic, so many drivers make fatal mistakes.

For example, when changing lanes from the rightmost lane to the middle of the road, the car is allowed to pass. Hoping that they will be allowed to pass in the leftmost lane, the driver boldly rebuilds from two lanes at once. But you can't do that.

First, the car levels out in the middle lane, then the turn signal is turned on again, and only after a safe distance between the cars appears, you can change lanes.

Public transport

Public transport is being rebuilt according to general rules. For him there is no special priority in movement, unlike special vehicles with flashing beacons on.

If public transport moves along the lane allocated for it, then it is destroyed by ordinary cars for turning left. The lane in this case is necessary for a safe lane change.

But it should be borne in mind that as soon as the car has occupied the allocated lane, it must leave it without interfering with public transport.

Before the traffic light

Moving in a given direction, many drivers decide to change lanes before the traffic lights. This happens, for example, when the outer lane is already occupied, and a green signal is on at the traffic light.

If you need to rebuild in front of a traffic light, then you need to act according to general rules and taking into account several features of maneuvering:

  • it is forbidden to rebuild without a turn signal, even if there are no cars in passing traffic;
  • you need to stop in front of the traffic light if the extreme rows also do not move (pedestrians may cross the road);
  • you need to rebuild at medium speed, without deceleration, but you cannot exceed the set mode.


One of the most difficult maneuvers is a mutual changeover. It means that the car from the right lane plans to change lanes to the left lane, and the car from the left lane plans to change to the right.

The situation is common, but many drivers do not know the rules for maneuvering in this case and allow a collision.

When changing lanes at the same time, both cars must have turn signals on - this is a basic requirement. Thanks to the signals, drivers can see a diagram of the further movement of the vehicle from the adjacent lane.

According to clause 8.4 of the SDA, the car that makes the maneuver must yield when changing lanes.

If two cars from different lanes are rebuilt at the same time, then the car on the right takes priority. She must go first, the car from the left lane must pass.

But in practice, it can be very difficult to carry out a lane change, since it is not always possible to understand the intentions of the other driver if the cars are moving in heavy traffic. In this situation, it is important to ensure the safety of maneuvering.

To do this, you need to slightly ahead of the car from the adjacent road and quietly start moving to the left side.

At the same time, the behavior of cars moving in the adjacent territory is necessarily monitored. Only after the driver starts to pass from the left lane, it is possible to change lanes.

It is important not only to remember about your rights, but also to respect other participants in the movement. In a collision of two vehicles, the truth will be on the driver's side from the right lane.

He will receive compensation for and restore the car free of charge. But is it worth requiring you to comply with traffic rules at the cost of your life?

Rebuilding from the left lane to the right with a simultaneous maneuver should be as careful as possible. To begin with, we pass the car on the right, slowing down.

After completing the maneuver, you can rebuild yourself, after making sure that this maneuver is safe.

With a hindrance to the right

Right hand impediment means a vehicle driving on the right side. There is an opinion among drivers that in any case it is necessary to yield to this very obstacle.

But when it comes to rebuilding, this rule must be taken into account, but with some reservations:

  1. The driver is driving on the right side and plans to change lanes to the left. In this case, there is no hindrance, you need to give way to the driver on the left and only then rebuild.
  2. The driver is driving on the left side and plans to swerve into the right lane. Here he has an obstacle on the right and he really should let cars pass from the adjacent lane.
  3. The driver is moving on the right side, he plans to take the left lane, and the driver from the left lane plans to take the right. Again, there is no hindrance, but the car on the right side takes priority.
  4. The driver is driving on the left, the driver on the right is planning to change lanes. And this is where this rule applies. You need to skip the obstacle to the right, and then readjust yourself.

8.1. Before starting a movement, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver must give signals with direction indicators of the appropriate direction, and if they are absent or faulty - with his hand. When performing the maneuver, there must be no danger to traffic, as well as interference with other road users.

The signal of the left turn (turn) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The signal for the right turn corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The braking signal is given by raising the left or right hand.

8.2. Signaling by direction indicators or by hand should be made in advance of the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (the signal by hand can be ended immediately before the maneuver is performed). In this case, the signal should not mislead other road users.

The signaling does not give the driver an advantage or absolve him from taking precautions.

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road - to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

8.4. When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the way without changing the direction of travel. At the same time changing lanes of vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

8.5. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver must take the appropriate end position on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction in advance, except for cases when a turn is made at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

If there are tram tracks on the left in the same direction, located at the same level with the carriageway, the turn to the left and the U-turn must be performed from them, unless a different order of movement is prescribed by signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or marking 1.18. This should not interfere with the tram.

(see text in previous edition)

8.6. The turn must be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of carriageways, the vehicle does not turn out to be on the side of oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.

8.7. If a vehicle, due to its dimensions or for other reasons, cannot perform a turn in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the Rules, it is allowed to deviate from them, provided that traffic safety is ensured and if this does not interfere with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning left or making a U-turn outside the intersection, the driver of a roadless vehicle must give way to oncoming vehicles and a tram in the same direction.

If, when making a U-turn outside the intersection, the width of the carriageway is insufficient to perform a maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed to perform it from the right edge of the carriageway (from the right shoulder). In this case, the driver must give way to passing and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases when the paths of movement of vehicles intersect, and the sequence of passage is not stipulated by the Rules, the driver, to whom the vehicle approaches from the right, must give way.

8.10. In the presence of a braking lane, the driver intending to turn must promptly change to this lane and reduce speed only on it.

If there is an acceleration lane at the entrance to the road, the driver must move along it and rebuild to the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

Such a seemingly ordinary maneuver, like a lane change, is perceived ambiguously by drivers. In practice, some of them get confused, not knowing who should give way to whom.

The rules for rebuilding vehicles are spelled out in section 10 of the SDA. Let's recall them. Before starting a movement, changing lanes and any change in direction of movement, the driver must make sure that he will not create obstacles or danger to other road users. To inform about a change in direction of travel, it is necessary to give warning signals with direction indicators.

Leaving the road from residential areas, courtyards, parking lots, gas stations and other adjacent territories, the driver must give way to pedestrians and vehicles (TC) moving along it in front of the carriageway or sidewalk, and when leaving the road - to cyclists and pedestrians, the direction of movement which it crosses.

When changing lanes, you need to give way to vehicles moving in the same direction along the lane into which the driver intends to change lanes. When changing lanes of vehicles moving in one direction at the same time, the driver on the left must give way to the vehicle on the right.

If there is a braking lane at the exit point from the road, then the driver who intends to turn onto another road must promptly change to this lane and reduce speed only on it. If there is an acceleration lane at the exit to the road, you should move along it and join the traffic flow, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

Rebuild rules

Right hand rule

Based on the foregoing, rearrangements on a straight road should not cause difficulties. If there are two or more lanes for movement in the same direction, the driver who intends to change lanes to the adjacent lane must give way to the vehicle moving along it. And it doesn't matter if they are to the right of it or to the left (see Fig. 1).

At the same time, in practice, simultaneous rearrangements are sometimes perceived ambiguously. It is important to remember that in this case it is necessary to be guided by the so-called right-hand rule - that is, the driver who is closer to the right edge of the carriageway has an advantage in such a change of lane. And it doesn't matter if both cars are opposite each other or one is slightly ahead. Even when the driver of the vehicle moving in the left lane is ahead of the car driving to his right, he has no right to change lanes if this maneuver forces the other driver to resort to braking or changing the direction of travel (see Fig. 2).

The places of the exit or the entrance to the bridges also cause contradictions - who has the advantage on them in movement? In most cases, drivers entering the bridge are obliged to give way to vehicles moving on it (see Fig. 3). In addition, the road sign 2.1 "Yield" can also indicate this. This applies to both ordinary arrivals and exits, and road sections on which additional lanes for acceleration and deceleration are organized, indicated by the appropriate road markings: a wide dashed line with a short interval between each stroke (according to traffic rules type 1.8) and signs 5.20.1-5.20 .3, 5.21.1-5.21.2, 5.22 and 5.23 (see fig. 5). In the event of a simultaneous rearrangement of the vehicle at the exit or entry points, drivers must be guided by the "right hand rule" (see Fig. 5). In metropolitan areas with a high traffic volume, when there are frequent congestions, we also recommend using the so-called stitch rule, which is widely used by Western European drivers. That is, drivers of vehicles moving slowly in a traffic jam, regardless of their location on the road and the advantages of cars that are closer to the right edge of the carriageway, can change lanes one by one - first the car traveling on the left changes the lane, and then on the right and further in the same order ... As foreign experience shows, thanks to such a culture of behavior, it is quite possible to overcome congestion on the road faster than with the strict observance of traffic rules, including the “right hand rules”.

This is the name of this subtopic in the collection "Thematic examination problems", according to which you are now studying in a driving school. Although, in fact, we are talking here not only about the beginning of movement and rearrangements, but also about other specific maneuvers, namely: exit to the adjacent territory, exit from the adjacent territory, exit to the deceleration lane, exit to the acceleration lane, as well as cases , which are not specified in the Rules.

The beginning of the movement.

The driver of the white car is going to start moving after a deliberate stop, and the driver of the blue car, on the contrary, intends to park.

Who should make way?

When performing a maneuver, there must be no danger to traffic, as well as interference with other road users.

Now both maneuver at the same time and if you are guided by paragraph 8.1 of the Rules, then the situation is stalemate - both must simultaneously give way to each other.

So why, in reality, a beginner movement necessarily gives way to everyone else, including those who make other maneuvers?

Here's the thing. The "White", having made a deliberate stop, left the Transport World for some time. Starting the movement (that is, returning to the Transport World), figuratively speaking, he must "take off his hat, press it to his chest and ask everyone for permission to enter."

In order for his actions to qualify as a maneuver, he does not even have to rebuild now. The very fact of transferring a vehicle from a stationary state to a mobile one is already a maneuver. And, therefore, the driver does not have the right to move away as long as it can interfere with other road users.

Where does this come from? This is not explicitly stated in the text of the Rules, and clause 8.1 looks like this in full:

Rules. Section 8. Clause 8.1. Frontstart of movement , changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with direction indicators of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty - with his hand. When performing the maneuver, there must be no danger to traffic, as well as interference with other road users.

As you can see, the Rules refer to the following actions as maneuvers - starting a movement, changing lanes, turning, turning and deliberately stopping.

But the same Rules do not disclose what a "start of movement" is. Let's take a look at the "Comments to the traffic rules" (authors A.Yu. Yakimov, SN Antonov, MB Afanasyev and others) under the general editorship of the Chief Inspector of the Road Traffic Safety Department, Lieutenant-General V.N. Kiryanova - "The beginning of the movement meansstarting moment a vehicle from a parking place or stopping place with or without changing lanes to an adjacent traffic lane. "

That is, "Start of movement" is a special maneuver, it does not take place in motion, but consists in starting off , and that is why the Rules already in the title of Section 8 highlighted this maneuver.

The rules are not a textbook, they are the Law. And the Rules are written, like any Law, with the use of special legal vocabulary so that sometimes it is not easy to understand some of the requirements of the Rules. But you and I are not writing the Law, but the Textbook.

And, therefore, nothing prevents us from stating this requirement of the Rules clearly and specifically:

The beginning of movement, that is, the transfer of a vehicle from a stationary state to a mobile one, is a maneuver and, therefore, it is possible to start movement only on the condition that it does not create any obstacles to anyone.

Otherwise, the driver must keep his vehicle stationary.

Some of you will get the task shown below on the exam. Keep in mind - even though the road in this direction has two lanes, the correct answer is not easy "Can", namely "Yes, if this does not interfere with the truck."

The authors of this puzzle want to find out if you know the requirement of paragraph 8.1 of the Rules. And they expect such an answer from you: "Yes, I know that the driver can start moving only on condition that he does not create any obstacles to anyone."


So, starting the movement after a deliberate stop, we give way to everyone, including those who make other maneuvers. But now, finally, we got under way, and how will events unfold now? Indeed, in the process of movement, you will inevitably have to rebuild. How, in this case, do drivers understand the order of travel? The principle is very simple:

The maneuvering gives way to the non-maneuvering.

This principle is absolute and always valid, regardless of whether the driver rebuilds of his own free will, or because the carriageway narrows, or because the driver rebuilds, completing overtaking. Always and everywhere maneuvering should not interfere with non-maneuvering.

When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the way without changing the direction of travel.

Well, it's good if one is being rebuilt, and the other is not, everything is clear - the one who is rebuilding is inferior. And if both are rearranged at the same time, then how? The answer to this question is very simple and logical:

Since they both want something, then their status on the road is the same. And, therefore, their right to travel is equal.

And if the right to travel is equal, the general principle of "interference from the right" always comes into play.

Here's how the Rules say about it:

Rules. Section 8. Clause 8.4. At the same time changing lanes of vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

Here's how you will be asked about it on the exam:

Driving off the road into the adjacent territory, drivers cross the trajectory of pedestrians and cyclists, and regarding this situation, the Rules in paragraph 8.3 spoke out quite specifically:

When leaving the road to the adjacent territory the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

The drivers of both cars intend to drive into the courtyard. Which of them should give way to pedestrians and cyclists?

1. Only the driver of the black car.

2. Only the driver of the blue car.

3. Both must give way to both pedestrians and cyclists.

Rules. Section 8. Clause 8.3. When leaving the road from the adjacent territory the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it.

Have you noticed! - The rules did not specify which vehicles should give way. And, therefore, it is necessary to yield to everyone - both mechanical and non-mechanical vehicles. And, of course, pedestrians.

We already got acquainted with this situation when we passed the horizontal road markings. It remains only to repeat what has been passed.

Just now, everyone was flying at a speed of under a hundred, and suddenly the direction indicator of the car in front turned on and a second later the brake lights flashed - the driver brakes, preparing to fit into the turn.

Now you need to brake, and to those who are behind you, and it's good if everyone keeps a safe distance, and this unexpected braking will remain without consequences.

The problem is completely removed if you add another lane before the exit - a deceleration lane and at the same time oblige the drivers:

First it is necessary (without slowing down!) To change to the deceleration lane, but now, please - you can brake, fitting into the turn.

Here's how the Rules say about it:

If there is a deceleration lane, the driver intending to turn must promptly change to this lane and reduce speed only on it.

A similar problem occurs when entering the road. To ensure adequate safety, road entry can also be equipped with an additional lane - the acceleration lane.

In this case, drivers are not allowed to enter the road directly, they must first move along the acceleration lane:

Rules. Section 8. Clause 8.10. If there is an acceleration lane at the exit point on the road the driver must move along it and change to the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

Cases of maneuvering not specified in the Rules.

So, the Rules specifically stipulated the following cases of maneuvering:

The beginning of the movement.


Exit from the road to the adjacent territory.

Exit to the road from the adjacent territory.

Leaving the road into the deceleration lane.

Exit to the road from the acceleration lane.

In relation to these cases of maneuvering, the authors of the Rules have developed various requirements that we have just got acquainted with. And all that remained unconfirmed, the Rules were united by one requirement:

Rules. Section 8. Clause 8.9. In cases where the trajectories of vehicles intersect, and the sequence of passage is not specified in the Rules, the driver who is approaching the vehicle from the right must give way.

And this is logical - if the interests of drivers intersect in places where there is no main road, no secondary road, no traffic lights, no traffic controller, they must set the order of passage on their own according to the principle of "interference from the right".

Here's how you will be asked about it on the exam:

How should you proceed when leaving the parking lot at the same time with another car?

1. Make way.

2. Go first.

Explaining the drawing. Leaving the parking lot to your left (you have the left "turn signals" turned on - a green arrow on the instrument panel is flashing).

The oncoming one is also going to leave the parking lot.

Now the trajectories of cars will intersect, and this is exactly the case when the sequence of movement is not stipulated by the Rules.


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