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Cars that do not use for a long time are put on storage. Mothballing is understood as the maintenance of technically sound, fully equipped and specially prepared vehicles in a condition that ensures their safety and putting them on alert as soon as possible.

Conservation can be short-term (up to three months) and long-term (more than three months). An order is given on putting cars for conservation, in which they indicate the period of conservation, the number, models and numbers of cars.

When preparing cars for short-term storage, the next Maintenance, and before long-term storage - a second maintenance, and then carry out the following special work.

They clean all unpainted surfaces from dirt and corrosion and cover them with varnish, paint or special grease.

Individual places are tinted, and, if necessary, the car is completely painted.

Lubricate the leaf springs with graphite grease.
They remove the wheels, dismantle the tires, wipe the chambers and inner walls of the tires with talcum powder, clean and paint the wheel rims, mount the tires and install the wheels on the car.

Having installed the car in a storage place (garage, shed, playground), you need to unscrew the candles and turn several times crankshaft to remove residual exhaust gases from the cylinders.

Without allowing the engine to cool down, pour 40-50 g of dehydrated engine oil heated to 70-80 ° C into each cylinder, then turn the crankshaft 10-15 turns and replace the spark plugs. and seal the muffler with oiled paper.

Cover the windshield of the cab with a cardboard or plywood board painted white.

To protect tires from aging and cracking, their sidewalls are covered with a mixture of 75% chalk, 20% casein glue, 4.5% slaked lime and 0.5% soda ash. Tires are covered with covers from the harmful effects of sunlight.

The coolant from the cooling system is drained, cleaned and the radiator cap is wrapped in oiled paper, fixed about filler neck radiator, and the latter is also tightly covered with oiled paper.

Raise the car so that the wheels are at a distance of 8 - 10 cm from the ground (floor), substitute the tragus under the frame and reduce the tire pressure to 1/2 of the norm.

Lever arm hand brake set to full release position.

Seal the cab doors, engine hood, fuel tanks and tool boxes.

During the conservation period, cars are periodically inspected and serviced, while performing the following work.

Every day they clean cars from dust and snow, check seals, the condition of protective coatings.

Once a month, external inspection of units and mechanisms is carried out, corrosion is removed, and these places are lubricated or painted. Check for leaks of oil, fuel, brake and shock absorber fluids. On vehicles with a hydraulic brake drive, fluid is pumped by pressing the brake pedal 5 to 10 times.

Every two months, turn the crankshaft by the handle by 5-10 turns to restore the oil film on the cylinder walls.

Every six months, 30 A of dehydrated oil is poured into the cylinders and the crankshaft is turned.

Once a year (with prolonged storage), the car is subjected to a 20 - 25-kilometer test run and again put into storage.

The removal of cars from storage is announced by an order, which indicates the reason for removal, the number of cars, their models and numbers, for how long and for what purposes the cars are removed from storage. The removal of vehicles from storage is noted in the passport of each vehicle.

Control questions

What units are there in the troops for the evacuation of vehicles and what means do they have?

What is the order of evacuation of damaged vehicles?

By what means and how are stuck, filled up and overturned cars pulled out?

What is car preservation and what are its types?

What is the preparation of vehicles for conservation?

How are mothballed cars serviced?

Tell us about the procedure for removing cars from storage.

"Car", under. ed. I.P. Plekhanova


Cars that are not planned to operate within two months must be mothballed. Mothballing allows you to keep technically sound and fully equipped vehicles in a condition that ensures their safety.

Conservation includes preparation of vehicles for storage, as well as maintenance and monitoring of the condition of vehicles that are in storage /
As materials for preservation, universal preservation oil, preservative fuel mixture and passivation solution are used.

Universal conservation oil prepared by adding to engine oil, filled into the units and systems of the car, a protective additive-inhibitor AKOR-1 (GOST 15171-70) in the following ratio of the total amount of the mixture being prepared:

  • 10% for vehicles operating in temperate climates;
  • 20% for vehicles operating in hot and humid climates.

Before preparing the mixture, it is necessary to heat the oil to a temperature of 70-100 ° C, and the protective additive to a temperature of 60-70 ° C. Then add the additive to the diesel oil, intensively stirring the oil until a homogeneous mixture is obtained (the homogeneity of the mixture is determined by the absence of black or dark -brown stains in the stream of oil flowing down from the mixer, as well as due to the absence of sediments on the bottom and walls of the container).

Conservation mixture b the fuel with the AKOR-1 additive is prepared at the rate of 30% of the protective additive from the total amount of the mixture.

To obtain a mixture, an additive heated to a temperature of 60-70 ° C is added to diesel fuel. By intensive mixing of the fuel,
homogeneous mixture. Then the mixture is heated to a temperature of 70-100 ° C.

Passivation solution prepared from the following components (in g / l):
Glycerin ................... 30
Soda ash ............ 5
Potassium chromium peak .............. 0.5

A weighed amount of pre-crushed dry components must be dissolved in a small volume of water heated to a temperature of 40-50 ° C. After complete dissolution of the components, the solution from the vessel must be poured into a bath, added glycerin, add water to the required volume and mix. V winter period before using the solution, it is heated to a temperature of 50 ° C. When the solution is reused, it is filtered from the sludge.

Car storage can be short-term or long-term.

When preparing vehicles for short-term storage(two to three and a half months) the following must be done:

1. Carry out the next maintenance, drain the liquid from the cooling system, heater radiator and glass washer reservoir, loosen the tension of the alternator drive belts

2. Lubricate unpainted metal surfaces with a thin layer of technical petroleum jelly or grease.

3. To clean with sandpaper or a metal brush the parts with a coating of rust (except for sanded surfaces) and wipe them with a cloth soaked in gasoline. Restore the damaged paint layer of vehicle components and assemblies.

4. Lubricate the clamps of the electrical system with a thin layer of grease, avoiding contact with grease on the insulation of the wires, clean the wires from dirt and wipe dry.

5. To protect the cylinder liners from corrosion, remove the injectors and put 65-72 ml of conservation oil in each cylinder. To evenly distribute the oil over the entire surface of the cylinder liners, turn the crankshaft by briefly switching on the starter, turning off the fuel supply using the manual control handle of the engine stop lever.

6. Wrap with waxed paper and tie the air intakes and muffler with twine.

7. Wrap the breathers of the engine, gearbox and axles with insulating tape; seal the gearbox and axle housing with oiled paper.

8. Cover the engine with a tarpaulin, waterproof cloth or synthetic film to protect it from dust and moisture.

9. Flush the fuel tank and then fill it completely with fuel.

10. Check that spare tools and accessories are available and in good working order. Clean tools and accessories from dirt and rust, fill up the tool, paint non-working surfaces without anti-corrosion coating with black enamel, lubricate working surfaces with grease (except for files and files). After processing, wrap the instrument with waxed paper and put it in place.

11. Clean the springs from dirt and dust, lubricate with graphite grease.

12. Paste over with opaque paper or cover the cab windows with shields from the outside.

13. Remove rechargeable batteries and prepare for long-term storage according to the battery manufacturer's instructions.

14. Place the car on stands, placing them under the front and rear axles so that the wheels are above the ground at a height of 8-10 cm. The springs must be unloaded, tires and other rubber parts are protected from direct sunlight.

When preparing vehicles for long-term storage for a period of up to one year, in addition to works carried out during short-term conservation, the following must be performed:

1. Carry out a second maintenance.

2. If a car that has been in operation for more than two years after leaving the factory is subjected to conservation, disassemble the suspension and check the condition of the parts (replace unusable, paint non-working surfaces, lubricate workers). Assemble the suspension and lubricate its components and assemblies.

3. Remove the wheels from the car and dismantle the tires; remove rust and paint rims, hubs and wheel rings; clean tires from dirt, wash and wipe dry; wipe the chambers and inner cavities of the tires with talcum powder; mount the tires on the wheels, inflate them and put the wheels in place.

Crank mechanism:

    Drain the oil from the engine crankcase and fill with a preservative mixture.

    Drain the coolant from the cooling system and fill it with a passivation solution.

    Start the engine, let it run for 2-3 minutes with an average crankshaft speed with the first gear engaged; to stop the engine, gradually reduce the speed.

    After stopping the engine, drain the preservation mixture and screw the plug, then drain the passivation solution and blow the cooling system with compressed air for 30-40 s.

Transmission. The preservation is carried out together with the preservation of the engine crank mechanism. This requires:

    Drain the transmission oil.

    Fill with conservation oil, fill in five-speed box gears 18 l; in ten-stage 24 liters.

    Start the engine and engage first gear in the box.

    Stop the engine after 2-3 minutes of operation.

    Drain the transmission oil, screw in the plugs.

Supply system:

    Disconnect the inlet pipe at the fuel priming pump.

    Connect the fuel intake and immerse it in a container with a well-filtered fuel-conservation mixture.

    Pump the power system with a fuel priming pump until a clean mixture (without air bubbles) comes out of the tip of the drain tube.

    Turn the crankshaft 2-3 turns, while the regulator lever should be in the position corresponding to the fuel supply.

Preservation of the injector drain line should be done as follows:

    Unscrew the bolts securing the drain pipes of the injectors of the 1st and 4th cylinders by one and a half to two turns.

    Pump the fuel-preserving mixture through the drain connection until it appears without air bubbles from under the unscrewed bolts.

    Then tighten the bolts.

For conservation air filter:

    Lubricate it from the outside with a protective grease \ "NG204, MRTU 12N No. 69-63

    Lubricate the inner surface of the dust collector (after removing the filter element) with conservation oil.

  • Let the oil drain.

Engine cylinders... The cylinders are preserved immediately after stopping the engine, while it has not cooled down.

    After stopping the engine, the crankshaft is cranked with a starter without fuel supply to remove combustion products from the cylinders.

    Pour 65-72 ml of conservation oil heated to a temperature of 70-100 ° C through the holes of the nozzle sockets into each cylinder.

    The crankshaft is checked without fuel supply by two or three short-term starts of the starter.

Car maintenance in preservation.

The necessary operations should be performed within the time (and scope) indicated below.

Once a month should check:

    position of the car on stands;

    safety of fillings;

    condition of the outer surfaces of units and mechanisms;

    the condition of the sealing stickers;

    the condition of the batteries;

    in addition, it is necessary to clean the car from dust (moisture), in winter from snow.

Twice a year required:

    charge the batteries, bring the electrolyte density to a value corresponding to the season;

    lubricate all points according to the lubrication chart;

    fill the vehicle systems (fuel, coolant and oil);

    and also check the condition of pipelines and seals, spare parts, tools and accessories.

After a year of conservation:

    start up the engine;

    warm up to normal temperature of the coolant and oil;

    listen to its operation in different modes (prepare and start the engine as indicated in the section "De-preservation of the car or chassis");

    check the operation of all instrumentation;

    check the operation of transmission units and mechanisms with the engine running, including all gears alternately;

    after completing the specified work, the car must be mothballed again.

De-preservation of a car or chassis.

The car de-mothballing work must be performed in the following order:

    unseal the car;

    remove from stands;

    remove preservative grease from metal parts, remove the pasting from the cab windows, engine breathers, gearbox and axles, air intake and muffler;

    install batteries, check for the presence of current in electrical circuits;

    fill the car with coolant, fuel and lubricant;

    check for sludge in the engine crankcase, transmission units, oil and fuel tanks;

    if sludge is found, drain it through the drain holes until clean lubricant or fuel appears;

    perform control works;

    prepare the engine for start-up, check the engine crankshaft manually by making four to five revolutions, then turn it with the starter without fuel supply for 10-15 seconds (turning on the starter 2-3 times), then bleed the power system;

    start the engine, having achieved its rotation with a frequency corresponding idle, warm up the engine and check its operation in different modes;

    carry out a control run of the car for 20-25 km;

    during the run, check the operation of all units and mechanisms.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain specific instructions for the transfer of fixed assets (PPE) to conservation. Therefore, your organization independently decides on the need to transfer the OS object to conservation.

If the organization decides to transfer the fixed asset to conservation, then this is reflected in the following way.


The procedure for the conservation of fixed assets accepted for accounting is established and approved by the head of the organization (clause 63 of the Methodological Instructions for the Accounting of Fixed Assets, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 13.10.2003 No. 91n, hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Instructions).

For accounting purposes, an asset transferred to conservation continues to be accounted for as part of an asset (clause 4 of PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets", approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n (hereinafter - PBU 6/01); p. 20 Methodical instructions).

In our opinion, to account for fixed assets transferred to conservation, it is advisable to open a separate subaccount "Fixed assets for conservation" to account 01 "Fixed assets" .2000 No. 94n).

The accrual of depreciation is suspended (clause 23 of PBU 6/01, clause 63 of the Methodological Guidelines):

  • for fixed assets transferred by the decision of the head of the organization to conservation for a period of more than three months;
  • during the recovery period of the OS object, the duration of which exceeds 12 months.

Tax accounting

In order to tax accounting a fixed asset transferred to conservation for more than three months is excluded from the composition of the depreciable property. When the object is deactivated (paragraphs 3, 5, clause 3, article 256 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • depreciation is charged on it in accordance with the procedure in force until the moment of its conservation,
  • the useful life is extended for the period of the fixed asset being mothballed.

In addition, in our opinion, when transferring an OS object for conservation, internal documents should be drawn up:

  • order of the head of the organization to transfer the fixed asset to conservation;
  • the conclusion of the commission on the conservation of the OS object;
  • the act of transferring the OS object to conservation. The unified form of the act is not approved by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, so your organization has the right to develop it independently. The act is approved by the head of the organization.

You can get more information about the accounting of transactions with fixed assets and their registration in "1C: Accounting 8" in the Directory of business transactions. 1C: Accounting 8 of the section "Accounting and tax accounting" on ITS

The ITS information system is updated every day and contains ready-made consultations on accounting, tax and personnel accounting. It is quite possible that the answers to the specific practical questions that you are looking for now are already in the section

114. Storage of automotive equipment is a stage of operation in which a vehicle that is not used for its intended purpose is kept in a place specially designated for its placement in a predetermined state, ensuring its preservation for a specified period.

All machines that are not planned for use for three or more months are subject to storage. Depending on the mode of use of machines, two types of storage are established for them - short-term and long-term.

Automotive equipment is subject to storage:

short-term - if the use of machines is not planned for a period of three months to one year;

long-term - if the use of machines is not planned for a period of one year or more.

115. Responsibility for the storage of vehicles is assigned to: the commanders of the units to whom they are assigned; officials who accepted the vehicles for storage; for the period of service and repair.

116. The statement of vehicles for short-term or long-term storage is announced in the order of the unit commander.

The order indicates:

brands and registration plates of cars, type and places of their storage;

the volume and terms of preparation of storage sites for machines in accordance with the requirements for storage conditions;

terms of preparation of machines for storage;

the forces and means involved in the performance of preparatory and special work, the organization of the training of the personnel involved in the work;

measures for fire and environmental protection of equipment and parks;

officials responsible for preparing machines for storage and their storage;

the composition of the commission to check the readiness of storage places and machines for storage (if necessary).

The same provisions, in terms of preparation for storage of automobile base chassis, are set forth in the order on setting for short-term or long-term storage of weapons and equipment.

117. Preparation of storage areas for cars includes:

selection of storage facilities or sites of the required capacity, their release from weapons, equipment and property that are not subject to joint storage with machines;

repair of storage facilities and creation of conditions in them to ensure the specified temperature and air humidity;

site planning, arrangement (restoration) of their cover and fencing;

arrangement of lighting, fire and lightning protection means.

118. Preparation of machines for storage includes:

control inspection of machines and their maintenance in the prescribed amount, elimination of the identified deviations from the technical requirements for machines;

special conservation work;

placing cars in designated storage areas, sealing and shelter (if necessary);

surrender of premises or sites with cars under protection, and in the absence of prepared premises and sites - surrender under the protection of the machines themselves.

Preparation for storage of general purpose vehicles is organized by the head of the automobile service of the unit and his immediate superior.

119. Work on preparing vehicles for storage is carried out by the personnel of the units (warehouses, bases) in which the vehicles should be stored, under the leadership of the commanders of these units (chiefs of warehouses, bases, unit technicians).

By the decision of the unit commander or higher superiors, personnel of other subunits (units) may be involved in the work.

120. An entry is made in the passport of the car about the staging of the car for long-term storage.

121. The storage of emergency stock machines shall be formalized by an act of laying material assets in the manner prescribed by the relevant regulatory documents.

These machines are stored separately from other machines, and when kept in the same room with other machines, they are separated by partitions. Partitions must exclude unauthorized access to machines, and their entrances (gates) must be securely closed and sealed.

122. In the process of storing machines, the following is carried out:

maintaining the specified storage conditions;

control of technical condition and maintenance of machines;

testing of long-term storage machines;

re-preservation of machines after the expiration of the established periods of validity of the protective properties of preservation materials or, if necessary;

replacement (refreshing) of pneumatic tires, batteries, fuel, oils and special fluids after their expiration date for further storage *;

control over the maintenance of machines in storage;

elimination of deficiencies and deviations from technical requirements identified during inspections, testing and maintenance of machines.

123. The specified storage conditions for machines are provided:

maintenance of covering and protective materials in good condition,

storehouses, sheds, fences, locks of gates and doors, site coverings;

timely cleaning of premises, platforms and the territory where the machines are located, clearing the territory and access roads from leaves, snow, mowing the grass and removing the mown;

maintaining preset temperature and humidity conditions in heated storage facilities;

keeping in readiness for the use of fire extinguishing means and evacuation of machines.

124. In order to maintain the stored machines in the specified condition during the established storage period, their technical condition is monitored, maintenance is carried out in the manner specified in section 4 of this chapter.

125. Testing of machines kept for long-term storage is carried out in order to determine the technical condition of units, systems and mechanisms, to check the effectiveness of their conservation. Testing of machines is carried out by starting the engine and testing the units at the storage site or by test run.

126. The schedule of maintenance and testing of machines kept for long-term storage (Appendix 6) is developed in part for 12 years and is annually adjusted taking into account changes in the composition of stored machines, the timing of setting and removing them from storage and actually performed work during storage ...

127. Re-preservation of machines is carried out in order to restore the protection of units, mechanisms, devices, systems and parts from corrosion and biological damage during storage.

The frequency of re-preservation is determined by the storage conditions of the machines, as well as the duration of the protective properties of the preservation materials used. Reconservation is also carried out in case of damage to the protection revealed during the storage of machines.

Reconservation includes:


checking the serviceability of units, mechanisms, devices, systems;

removal of moisture (ventilation, drying), other sources of damage to protective materials, as well as the consequences of damage;

replacement of damaged parts if it is impossible to eliminate the consequences of damage without violating the dimensions, surface quality and mates of parts;


128. The decision to remove cars from short-term and long-term storage is made by the officials who gave the order to put them in storage, or their superiors.

The decision to remove cars from long-term storage with their exclusion from the inviolable stock is made by officials within the limits of the rights granted to them by the relevant regulatory documents.

The removal of vehicles from short-term and long-term storage is announced in the order of the unit commander, and the removal of vehicles from long-term storage is also marked in the forms (passports) of the vehicles.

129. The scope of work on placing machines for short-term and long-term storage and removing them from storage, as well as the procedure for testing machines during storage, the time norms for putting into storage and removal from storage of machines are indicated in the regulatory documents of the GABTU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The time standards for performing individual operations for storing vehicles and removing them from storage are specified by the unit commanders, depending on the conditions of maintenance of the vehicles, the availability of equipment and materials, the availability and training of personnel involved in the work, and for removing vehicles from storage - also with taking into account the time allotted for bringing the unit to a higher degree of combat readiness.

130. It is prohibited to admit anyone to the vehicles in storage without a subunit commander or an official responsible for their maintenance and safety.

The order of admission to emergency reserve vehicles is established by the unit commander and announced in his order.

131. Inspection of the maintenance of machines during storage is carried out by officials of the unit during the control and technical inspection in accordance with their duties. At the same time, the following are checked:

availability and correct placement of machines, compliance with the order of their maintenance, protection and access to them;

order and cleanliness at the places of storage of machines, ensuring the specified storage conditions, the condition and reliability of covering and protective materials, storages and fences;

timeliness, completeness and quality of work on the maintenance of machines in a given condition;

the presence, condition and safety of the property kept in the warehouse, removed from the machines;

condition of machines;

the availability of conditions for bringing the machines on time to the highest degree of readiness for use;

compliance with fire and lightning protection measures.

The results of inspections are entered into the book of inspection (inspection) of weapons, military equipment and ammunition of the company (Appendix 12 to the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

The organization of the storage of vehicles is also checked during inspections and final checks of troops, audits of the production, financial and economic activities of units.

132. Putting into storage, monitoring the technical condition, maintenance, testing, re-preservation of automobile base chassis, checking their content, as well as removal from storage are planned and carried out simultaneously with similar measures provided (performed) for weapons and equipment mounted on them, under the leadership of the corresponding chiefs of the combat arms (services) with the participation of the motor service of the unit.


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