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Traffic police radars and cameras

In that brief overview we will try to list all the main speed meters used in Russia and in service with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and means of video recording violations of the rules traffic, and also give some specifications and functionality of these devices.


Moscow, Friday, evening. Endless and many-kilometer traffic jams do not allow thousands of drivers and their passengers to leave the metropolis. And so, when all the music discs in the car radio have already been listened to, the body is unpleasantly exhausted from sitting at the steering wheel for many hours, and only one thought glimmers in my head - to quickly get to my favorite dacha and finally take a break from this madhouse - we break out onto the free route . It would seem that everything is behind us and nothing else can darken these few kilometers to the destination, where a delicious dinner, rest and more rest awaits! The right foot instinctively presses the gas pedal to the floor, causing the car to move faster and faster. And now the “60” sign rushed past us somewhere towards Moscow... and then... “Hello! Inspector so-and-so! You exceeded the speed limit...”

A familiar situation, probably to every driver! We are shown a radar on which the treasured numbers of our speed record are shown, and we are asked to go into the traffic police car to draw up a protocol. Our delicious dinner is forced to wait some more time while the inspector writes out everything necessary for collection administrative fine documentation.

And everything is as always - we waste our nerves, our own time and, of course, money.

To avoid fines and not get into such unpleasant situations, there are two ways. The first is to follow the traffic rules and not exceed the established speed limit. The second way is to buy a radar detector and remember about the traffic police inspectors only when your device gives an alarm.

Everything is fine, of course, but only recently a neighbor in the garage was swearing that he bought himself a radar detector, spent a lot of money, and still ran into a fine! So what should you do then? Should I buy or not? If you buy, how to choose a radar detector? We will try to give a definite answer to this question by first considering the most popular traffic police radars, and only then, in the next review, automobile “radar detectors”.

First, let's arm ourselves with information.

Traffic police radars

Currently, traffic police inspectors are armed with an impressive number of different speed meters (radars). Each device has its own characteristics and its own operating principle. In addition, some models are relatively inexpensive, so they are the most common and can often be found on Russian roads. Other models cost several times more than their counterparts, so they are very rare, but, as they say, they shoot accurately.

There are also mobile speed meters, which are installed on a police car, on the side of the road, or intended to be operated “by hand,” and stationary ones, the location of which does not change. The latter, as a rule, are measuring systems mounted above the road surface on a special rod and transmit information about traffic violations to the traffic police server or a stationary post, where it is processed, manually or automatically.

Speed ​​meter "Iskra-1"

Emission range 24.15 GHz (K-band)
- Speed ​​measurement time 0.3 - 1 sec
- Range of measured speeds from 30 to 210 km/h
- High accuracy of speed determination (error 2 km/h)
- Work in manual mode or from a moving patrol car
- Pulse mode of operation (emits electromagnetic waves for only a fraction of a second)
- Work in rain or snow

- Two memory cells for working with two violators simultaneously, storing speed and time values ​​from the moment of measurement for 10 minutes
- Effective range of at least 700-800 meters

Radar "Berkut"

- Determination of the fastest/closest target
- Pulse operating mode (Stealth technology)
- Work "by hand" or from a moving patrol car
- Separation of driving directions
- Effective range of at least 400 meters
- Not released since 07/01/2009

Mobile radar "Radis"

- Can work in conjunction with the video recorder "KADR-1"
- Effective range of at least 300, 500 and 800 meters (three operating modes)
- Range of measured speeds from 10 to 300 km/h
- Data storage time in memory 10 minutes
- Measurement speed no more than 0.3 sec
- Determination of the fastest target (if the difference in speed between objects is more than 3 km/h)

Mobile video recorder "Binar"

BINAR is a hand-held speed meter with video recording, designed to control the speed of vehicles and video record traffic violations. An exclusive feature of the device is the presence of two video cameras that provide simultaneous recording traffic situation: general plan (for a wide view of the road and analysis of the situation) and close-up (to obtain an image of an intruder with a visually distinguishable license plate at a great distance). Having two simultaneous video recordings (combined with speed measurements) greatly simplifies analysis traffic conditions and increase the reliability of identifying the violator.

Operating frequency 24.15 GHz (K-band)
- Range of measured speeds from 20 to 300 km/h
- Maximum speed measurement range up to 300 m or more
- Visual license plate recognition range up to 150 m
- Simultaneous recording from two cameras (close-up and general plan)
- Determination of the fastest target in the stream

Mobile photoradar complex "Chris"

The photoradar mobile complex "KRIS" P is an operational and technical means of automatic speed control and is designed for photo and video recording of traffic violations. It is possible to transmit data and frames to a mobile post via a radio channel and/or to a central post server using a flash drive. The photoradar sensor is equipped with software and hardware for automatic recognition of state vehicle registration plates and checking them against various federal and regional databases.

Operating frequency 24.15 GHz (K-band)
- Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
- Maximum speed measurement range up to 150 m
- Visual license plate recognition range 50-100 m (depending on lighting)
- Photo recording of traffic violations
- Data transfer to stationary or mobile posts
- Recognition of state registration plates and checking them against federal and regional databases

Mobile complex "Arena"

Operating frequency 24.15 GHz (K-band)
- Installed on a tripod on the side of the road, 3-5 meters from the controlled roadway
- The width of the control zone is no more than 10 m, the length is no more than 8 m
- Speed ​​measurement range from 20 to 250 km/h
- Battery powered
- Automatic photography of all objects exceeding a specified speed threshold
- Data on violations are accumulated in the device’s memory or transmitted via radio to a mobile traffic police post at a distance of up to 1.5 km in the direction of vehicle movement
- Possibility of hidden installation (in bushes, in the trunk of a car, between dividers, etc.)
- Possibility of night work in combination with an IR illuminator

Video recording speed meter "Vizir 2M"

Operating frequency 24.15 GHz
- Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
- Maximum speed measurement range 400 meters
- 10x optical zoom, HD recording (1920x1080 pixels)
- GPS coordinate determination module with shooting overlay function
- Visual license plate identification from a distance of 150 meters
- Working with oncoming or passing traffic

Radar "Falcon"

Operating frequency 10.525 GHz (X-band)
- Control of counter or passing flow
- Range 200-350 meters
- Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
- Measurement time 0.4 sec (Stealth technology)
- Not released since 01/01/2008

Stationary Speed ​​Control Post "PKS-4"

Operating frequency 24.15 GHz (K-band)
- Range of measured speeds from 40 to 220 km/h
- Control of only one lane
- Detection of a single target or the fastest
- Transfer of information about the violator to stationary traffic police posts

Laser speed meter "LISD-2F"

Laser speedometer LISD-2F is designed to measure the speed of vehicles (vehicles) and photograph the fact of vehicle violation of traffic rules and speed limits. Structurally, the LISD-2F device is made in the form of a monoblock, which can be installed on a tripod next to a patrol car.

Type of radiation - narrowly focused laser
- Range of measured speeds from 0 to 250 km/h
- Legibility of the license plate on the device screen - from 50 to 200 meters
- Measurement time 0.45 sec
- Maximum range 999 meters
- Range to a Zhiguli type vehicle is 300 meters
- Photo shooting speed 6 frames in 8 seconds
- Time-lapse recording of traffic violations with overlay of speed, time, etc.

Let's draw the line

Having looked at the characteristics of radars (speed meters) used by traffic police in Russia, we make a small summary:

1. Speed ​​meters operate at 24.15 GHz, 10.525 GHz and laser frequencies (910 nm), and accordingly they emit electromagnetic waves in certain ranges. Here is a table of correspondence between frequency ranges and frequencies:

2. There are two modes of radiation from speed meters: constant and pulsed.

Constant mode - the device continuously operates and emits electromagnetic waves, which can be easily detected by a radar detector (K-band, X-band).

Pulse mode (“Stealth” technology) involves the operation of the device when the target’s speed is measured by sending an ultra-short pulse of radiation (Ultra-X or Ultra-K ranges).

3. Most speed meters provide the ability to work as part of a video or photo recording system for traffic violations, which provides traffic police officers with irrefutable evidence in court.
At night, an additional infrared spotlight can be used to obtain a high-quality photograph (or video recording) of the intruder.

4. Speed ​​measuring radars allow the possibility of working either “hand-held” (when the inspector holds the device in his hand) or with a stationary installation in a patrol car, and it is possible to measure the speed of the observed object from a moving patrol car.

5. Most speed meters can measure the speed of cars moving both in the same direction and in the opposite direction (the radar is directed towards the departing car).

6. Each specific device has its own effective range - a certain distance beyond which it is not possible to measure the reliable speed of the car. Weather conditions such as fog, rain or snow can significantly reduce this distance. On average, according to radars, this distance is about 200-300 meters.

14th February 2011

Police radar- a device for determining and recording the speed of a vehicle. Radars are actively used to control speed limits in almost all countries of the world. There are two types of police radars: radio frequency and laser.

Radio frequency radar (Doppler radar) emits a high-frequency X-, K- or Ka-band radio signal in the direction of the vehicle. The frequency of the reflected signal changes in proportion to the speed of the object. Having received the reflected signal, the radar measures the frequency deviation and calculates the vehicle speed. The resulting speed value is displayed on the radar display or transmitted to the situation center if the radar is stationary. The speed value is displayed on the meter display in the format traditional for each region (km/h in Russia).

The second type of police radar is laser radar (lidar) or, as it is often called, optical. Lidar emits short laser pulses outside the visual range, at a fixed time interval, in the direction of the car. These impulses are reflected from vehicle and are received by the laser meter. The lidar records changes in the distance to an object based on the delay time of each reflected pulse. A digital lidar device calculates a vehicle's speed using range data over a fixed period of time. The speed value is displayed on the meter display in the format traditional for each region (km/h in Russia).

Radar is often incorrectly called a device with the opposite principle of operation - radar detector— a passive receiver of police radar signals, warning the driver of the need to comply with the established speed limit. Police radars are installed mainly on dangerous sections of roads: a radar detector, which warns the driver about the danger in time, mainly helps to ensure the safety of the driver, his passengers and pedestrians, rather than simply helping to avoid another fine. This article is devoted to a review of the most popular models of police radars in Russia.

- a reliable and efficient speed meter operating in the K-band. For 15 years now, radar has been successfully used by road patrol services to control speed limits on Russian roads. Iskra-1 operates at double the K-band frequency, which significantly increases the reliability of measurements in adverse weather conditions. Distinctive feature models "Iskra-1" is a monopulse method of measuring speed. This mode ensures high performance of the device: the radar calculates vehicle movement parameters in just 0.2 seconds. At the same time, the radar is practically invisible to all those not adapted to Russian conditions radar detectors foreign production: They all perceive the short-pulse signal from the Iskra as interference.


The lineup

  • "Iskra-1V" designed for operation in stationary mode, predominantly in one direction. The radar makes it possible, in almost any conditions, to identify the vehicle with the highest speed in traffic flow, exceeding the speed of the flow by only 5 km/h.
  • "Iskra-1D"- the first Russian radar capable of operating in all directions in a moving patrol car. In one second, the radar manages to measure its own speed and the target’s speed five times, eliminate possible errors, process the measurement results and display them on a display that sequentially displays the target’s speed, its own speed and the time since the start of the measurement.

Feature "Binara" is the presence of two video cameras: the first serves for a wide overview of the traffic situation, the second takes a close-up shot of the offender’s car with a visible license plate at a distance of up to 200 meters. The device is capable of operating stationary or while a traffic police patrol car is moving. The presence of two video recordings in addition to radar readings simplifies monitoring the situation on the road and increases the reliability of identifying traffic violators. "Binar" is equipped with a non-volatile memory card in SD format, is lightweight, and can be charged from on-board network car and can be synchronized with a computer. The radar is controlled using a remote control remote control or touch screen.


Police radar "Berkut" designed to control the speed of single vehicles or cars in heavy traffic. Has the ability to select the closest or most fast car. The radar is equipped with a backlit indicator and buttons, allowing the traffic police inspector to record the speed of the vehicle in dark time days. "Berkut" can operate for 10 hours without recharging and measure speed both stationary and in patrol mode. The radar is convenient to use and can be easily mounted on dashboard car. Depending on the situation, you can attach a handle, bracket, or video clip to the device.


During speed detection Vizir radar carries out photo and video recording of the violator’s car, which helps the traffic police inspector in resolving controversial situations. The results of speed measurements, as well as the reference date and time, are entered into the picture taken by the Vizir. The device takes measurements in all directions and is capable of operating both stationary and in a patrol car. The radar is equipped with a built-in LCD display and a simple menu with conveniently located control keys. The device has a function for automatically measuring speed and recording traffic violations. The “visor” can be connected to an external monitor and transfer data to a computer.


Photoradar complex "Chris"

Photoradar complex "Chris" is designed to automatically record traffic violations, recognize vehicle license plates, check them against federal or regional databases and transfer data to a remote traffic police post. The device is equipped with an infrared camera, which allows it to work at night. “Chris” is installed on a tripod near the edge of the roadway and measures the speed of only those cars that are in the frame.


The lineup

  • "Chris-S"— standard model of a photoradar complex.
  • "Chris-P"— an improved model with a new photoradar sensor.

Designed to measure speed and distance to various objects, it uses narrowly directed light radiation to highlight a specific vehicle in a dense stream of vehicles. The lidar is made in the form of binoculars with an optical sight; it works only stationary, but measures speed in all directions. There is a shoulder strap and the ability to mount the device on a tripod.


The lineup

  • "Lisd-2M"— standard lidar model.
  • "Lisd-2F"— an improved model, equipped with a photo recording unit.

Mobile radar "Sokol-M"- an autonomous radar speed meter operating in the outdated X-band. The device is designed to determine the speed of oncoming vehicles only. Dimensional, easy to use, the radar is capable of monitoring the speed of both individual vehicles and those moving in traffic at a distance of 300-500 m. It is perfectly recognized by “white” radar detectors of any price category. The Sokol-M radar was discontinued in 2008, but due to its high reliability, ease of use and relatively low price, it is now very widely used in Russia and the Commonwealth countries.


The lineup

  • "Sokol-M-S" designed for stationary speed control and has an adjustable range. All Sokol-M models operate in the Ultra-X pulse mode, which makes these radars difficult to detect for radar detectors of the lowest price category and models not adapted for use in Russian conditions.
  • "Sokol-M-D" designed for measuring the speed of oncoming and passing vehicles in a moving patrol car.
  • "Falcon-Visa"— a mobile speed measuring and video recording system is a Sokol-M radar operating in tandem with a digital video camera. The system operates in stationary mode (installed primarily on a stationary patrol car) and can only measure the speed of oncoming vehicles. The Sokol-Visa complex records on video not only violations of the speed limit, but also driving at red lights and crossing solid lines - it is almost impossible to challenge such an accusation of violating traffic rules.

Has high accuracy and fast measurement speed with the ability to select the closest or the furthest fast car from the traffic flow. The device is capable of measuring speed in both oncoming and in passing directions, is equipped with two displays with bright backlighting and has simple operation using an on-screen menu. The radar is capable of measuring speed by charging from the vehicle's on-board network. The weight of the device is only 450 g. “Radis” can be installed in the passenger compartment, as well as on the hood or roof of a patrol car using a magnetic stand. Using a remote control, the radar can be controlled remotely.


It accurately measures the speed of all vehicles within its coverage area (500 m from the installation site), regardless of the traffic density. The Strelka camera records exceeding the established speed limit at a distance of 350 to 50 m from the installation site and photographs the violator’s car with clearly visible license plates. The received data is processed by a computer and transmitted to the information processing center via a fiber optic line or radio channel.


The lineup

  • "Strelka-01-ST"- a stationary device installed above roadway and transmitting information to the control center via fiber optic communication.
  • "Strelka-01-STR"- a stationary device installed above the roadway and transmitting information to the control center via radio communication.
  • "Strelka-01-STM"mobile option device that can be placed on a patrol car.

Radar complex "Arena"

Hardware and software complex "Arena" designed for automatic speed control on a certain section of the road. Preparing the complex for operation takes about 10 minutes. “Arena” is installed on a tripod 3-5 m from the edge of the roadway. Cars that exceed the speed limit are automatically photographed, and data on violations is transmitted to the traffic police post or stored in the device’s memory. The radar complex is powered by a battery located nearby in a special box.


It is used only for stationary measurement of vehicle speed; it can work separately or as part of various hardware and software systems. The radar is installed at a distance of 4-9 meters above the road at an angle of 25° and allows you to determine the speed of the car in a narrow control zone.


Capable of accurately measuring the speed and distance of vehicles and recording traffic violations using photos or videos. The device operates on the basis of a laser speed meter, which allows you to reliably identify the car the traffic police inspector needs from a dense traffic stream. The Amata lidar is equipped with a target mark, which on the device display or in a photograph coincides with the direction of the laser beam and is proof of measuring the speed of a particular vehicle.


Latest publications

All series of Stinger radar detectors are one more exotic than the other, they are not only reliable assistants on the road, but also an element of style, one might say - the status of the owner, his lifestyle, for example.

6 p.s. 2014

Life experience has taught our compatriots that an inexpensive purchase will most likely turn out to be bad. Therefore, when choosing a radar detector, Russian motorists are often distrustful of “budget” and middle-class devices.

22nd February 2014

How to choose the best among the best? Both devices launched with a similar set of important qualities. Let's see which of them will come out on top! Find out the result from the colorful spread of Autopanorama magazine for September 2014.

15th anniversary 2014

Experienced motorists often feel nostalgic for the times when drivers warned each other about traffic cop ambushes by flashing their headlights. Today we only have to remember this, because strict traffic police inspectors have now been replaced innovative technologies, such as photo and video recording cameras, and about which, in fact, there is absolutely no one to warn about them, due to their invisibility, and it is useless. The motorist only has to guess about where they are located, and sometimes a radar detector can be a bad help. Below in the article will be a list of the most “harmful”, from the point of view of motorists, photo and video recording cameras.


This unique complex is capable of simultaneously recording 6 violations of traffic rules:

Wrong parking;

Ignoring traffic light signals;

Crossing the stop line;

Driving through an intersection and then turning left/right in a place where this is prohibited;

Disrespect for people at a pedestrian crossing,

Speed ​​limit violation.

A system such as “Azimuth” easily recognizes reckless drivers from a distance of five kilometers, and it does not matter at all whether the road section is flat or winding.


The purpose of the Odyssey system is to automatically record traffic violations on video and camera and monitor vehicles crossing the control zone:

Record violations road rules;

Determine the speed of vehicles.

Although the potential of the photo-video recording system is wide, usually only one function is used: to detect a car with a driver not wearing a seat belt, a car running a red light, or speeding.


LISD radar detects short laser pulses reflected from an object.

It has the following advantages:

Its narrow beam focus makes it possible to highlight the desired vehicle in the general traffic;

Measure its speed;

Identify the offender;

Take a photo from a 200 meter distance;

And it is not affected by the weather.

This device looks like binoculars.


You can see such a radar on poles. A highly sensitive 11-megapixel camera easily recognizes vehicle license plates and the face of the driver sitting behind the wheel from a distance of 1000 meters. The camera is capable of recording wrong parking, driving into oncoming traffic and passing through a prohibiting traffic light.

Design feature of this device in what he sees roadway in two "eyes". Such complexes are very common and work very successfully.


This is a unique automatic control for parking and other violations of road rules. The basis of this technology is a video module that is installed in a police car and a station for processing the resulting video image.

Parkon's purpose is to identify:

Vehicles that violate parking rules;

Stopping or parking on a road where there is no parking;

Parking on the sidewalk;

Prohibited parking;

Stop at the zebra crossing;

Parking at bus stops, lawns, playgrounds and sports grounds.


This device differs from its predecessors in its high fixation accuracy. The information received by Cordon is sent via wireless channels to a computer center, where the information received is analyzed. Such a radar complex is capable of simultaneously monitoring four road lanes.

Here are its main features:

Auto-generation of 2 images;

Automatic control for speeding and driving into oncoming traffic;

Recording violations with subsequent transfer to the computer center;

Full compliance with the specific speed limit of each vehicle in the control zone;

Availability of GPS/GLONASS;

Remote setup.


This modern complex is equipped with a video recording camera and is capable of monitoring violations up to 1 km. It should be noted that this device does not track any specific car, but the entire flow of vehicles moving along the road.


The task of this photo radar complex is to fix automatic mode traffic violations. In addition, the device is capable of reading vehicle license plates and tracking them through databases.

Information is transmitted to traffic police posts by telephone, GSM and radio. The data transmitted by the sensor is very reliably protected by the security system built into it.


The task of such a stationary car video monitoring system is to record traffic violations and carry out searches. This complex determines the speed of the vehicle using video frames.

“Avtouragan” has the following characteristics:

Reading numbers in daytime up to 97%;

Recognition of dirty or damaged registration numbers;

Monitors road traffic;

This complex cannot be “seen” by radar detectors;

Records other violations in addition to speeding;

carries out automatic searches in databases.


This system exercises control over speed limit via GLONASS/GPS with photo recording option. Avtodoria uses two recorders. The first is installed at the very beginning of the controlled area, and the second at the very end.

Avtodoriya records the moment a car passes, records at what time and place it entered and left the controlled area. The received information is transmitted to the server, where the average speed of the vehicle is calculated.

If the speed is exceeded, then a resolution is automatically generated indicating the time and place at which the vehicle committed the violation.

What devices are used by traffic police to detect exceeding the speed limit.
...or how they will measure your speed. ;)

Speed ​​meter "VISIR". Description, photo.

The battery and built-in LCD display ensure the inspector can work without being tied to a patrol car.

Ergonomic design, simple menu and convenient location of control keys make working with the device easy and intuitive.

— Automatic speed measurement in CONTROL mode
— Automatic violation recording
— Entering the measured speed value, time and date of violation into the frame
- Video recording at 12, 6 or 3 frames per second
— Photography mode
— Recording violations without speed control
— Photographing accident sites
— Ability to save data about violations in the archive
— Quick transfer of information to PC
— Expansion of functionality due to an external monitor, IR remote control, computer

Data about the measured speed, date and time of the image are entered into the frame.

The photographic image is instantly transmitted via radio to a computer located in the patrol car.

Registrars can be combined into a single network and connected to a single information processing center.

Additional features
— Automatic license plate recognition.
— Obtaining statistical information about the intensity and average speed of traffic.

Speed ​​meter "SOKOL-M".

Available in two versions:
"Sokol M-S" (hospital)
"Sokol M-D" ("movement").
Stealth technology - the pulsed operating mode of the microwave transmitter makes the device practically invisible to radar detectors.

— The battery cassette built into the handle does not change the center of gravity of the device, you are not tied to the car with a cord and can choose the most comfortable position.
— The operating time from the battery cassette built into the handle in the “all-inclusive” mode is at least 12 hours. — New ergonomic shock-resistant plastic case, backlit indicator and control buttons in the dark.
— Planar installation, digital processing of information by a signal processor. Built-in sanity test.
— The possibility of stepwise adjustment of the range significantly increases adaptability to specific conditions (working within the coverage area of ​​a speed limit sign).
— The ability to simultaneously measure and record the speed of two cars (or fast car and flow).
— Selection of controlled direction of movement. Complete absence of interference from cars moving in the opposite direction.
— Control of oncoming and passing traffic from a moving patrol car (only “Sokol M-D”)

Type Handheld Doppler radar
Transistor generator, stabilized
Receiver balanced mixer
Horn antenna with circular polarization
Operating frequency 10.525 GHz + 25 MHz
Microwave power flux density<10 мкВТ/см2 на расстоянии 1м от антенны в луче
Controlled direction of movement approaching or moving away
stationary mode At least 350 m (typical 600 m)
patrol mode counter e.g. — not less than 350 m (typically 500 m)
passing - at least 200 m (typically 300 m)
Speed ​​measurement range:
stationary mode 20-250 km/h
patrol mode 40-250 km/h
Measurement accuracy
stationary mode 1 km/h
patrol mode 2 km/h
Selectivity (at a speed difference of 5 km/h) 1:10
Measurement time<0,4 с
Supply voltage 6.6 - 16 V
Power consumption no more than 1.5 W
Overall dimensions 260x260x110 mm
Weight 780 g (no more than 1 kg with battery cassette)
Operating temperature range -30…+50° C
Average service life of at least 6 years

Speed ​​meter "ISKRA-1". Description, photo.

Speed ​​meters "ISKRA-1" are supplied in three versions:
“ISKRA-1″B - stationary operating mode without target direction selection;
"ISKRA-1" - stationary operating mode with target direction selection;
"ISKRA-1″D - stationary mode of operation with selection of target direction and operation in motion against oncoming and passing targets.

Main advantages:
— Selection of direction of movement: oncoming, passing or all targets;
— Adjustment of measurement range (three sensitivity levels);
— Work while moving, monitoring oncoming and passing targets;
— Identification of the fastest target from the stream, with an object ratio of more than 1:100;
— Pulse mode of operation, providing secrecy for most radar detectors;
— Operates in the K-band, which reduces the harmful effects on personnel and increases stability in adverse weather conditions (rain, snowfall);
— Work in manual or automatic modes;
— High accuracy in determining vehicle speed, even with a reduced reflective surface;
— Two memory cells, with storage of recorded speeding up to 10 minutes;
— Setting the speed threshold in increments of 1 km/h;
— Bright two-color indicator, brightness adjustment;
— Sound alarm for exceeding the speed threshold.
— Has uniquely low weight and dimensions.

Main technical characteristics
Type Doppler radar
Gunn diode generator
Antenna Circularly polarized conical horn

Microwave power flux density 25 mW - norm (50 mW - maximum)
Beam width 10 degrees
Controlled direction of movement* approach, distance, all directions
Operating mode: manual pulse, automatic (periodic pulse radiation)
Highlights the fastest target when the group speed exceeds 10 km/h
Number of memory cells 2
Information storage time is at least 10 minutes.
Indicator type: two-color LED with brightness adjustment
The operating mode setting time is no more than 3 seconds.
Detection range 500-800 m
Speed ​​measurement range 30-220 km/h
Measurement accuracy ±2km/h

Selectivity 1:100
Measurement time no more than 1 second.
Supply voltage 11 - 16 V
Power consumption no more than 8W
Overall dimensions 265x180x65 mm
Weight 900g.
Operating temperature range -50…+55° C
Average service life 5 years

* — For models Iskra-1, Iskra-1D

The lineup
Iskra-1 is the basic model of ISKRA radar speed meters. The model has been supplied to traffic police departments since November 1997 and has managed to prove itself well on Russian roads.
Compared to traditional domestic radars, ISKRA-1 series meters operate at double the operating frequency of the K-band (24.15 GHz). This frequency range increases reliability of operation in adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, etc.), and is also less harmful to personnel.
A distinctive feature of ISKRA-1 models is the monopulse measurement method, which ensures high performance.
The ISKRA series radars use super-bright Kingbrigth indicators, which are clearly readable in any lighting conditions and are resistant to frost and heat. The brightness of the indicators is easily adjusted.
When turned on, the threshold is automatically set to 72 km/h, which can be easily changed in any direction.
It can be operated by hand or from a bracket, in automatic or pulse modes.
Since August 1999, the production of ISKRA-1 meters has been reoriented to the production of the most advanced models - ISKRA-1″B and ISKRA-1″D. The production of the basic model of ISKRA-1 meters has been discontinued.

Iskra-1V - model with advanced capabilities
This model is a further development of the basic ISKRA-1 model and differs from it in a different way of signal processing. This method allows you to identify the target with the highest speed in almost any conditions in traffic.
Almost no different from the base model in appearance and retaining all its main characteristics, the ISKRA-1V model is capable of identifying a target exceeding the flow speed by only 5 km/h. The radar accurately detects a fast-moving target, even if it is significantly smaller than neighboring cars (the area ratio can be at least 1:10). This means that an offender who has exceeded the speed limit cannot hide in the traffic behind large vehicles.
Starting with this model, all ISKRA-1 radars have a panel covered with a special rubber hood that protects from direct sunlight and dirt. The lens hood is combined with convenient large control buttons.

Iskra-1D is the first domestic radar capable of operating while in motion
The latest development of Scientific and Production Enterprise "SIMIKON". The ISKRA-1D radar speed meter is designed for road control when a patrol car is moving.
In addition to all the capabilities found in previous models, this device is capable of operating while in a moving patrol vehicle. Thanks to the latest achievements, the ISKRA-1D radar completely destroys the previously established idea of ​​devices of this class as bulky, very difficult to operate and incredibly expensive devices.
The features of the ISKRA-1D radar distinguish it not only from similar devices from other manufacturers, but even next to its predecessors - the ISKRA-1 and ISKRA-1V radars.
A convenient new product is a two-color display that consistently displays the target’s speed, its own speed, and the time since the measurement in minutes and seconds.
In a little more than one second, the radar manages to make a five-fold measurement of both its own speed and the speed of the target, eliminate possible errors and inaccuracies, statistically process the measurement results, and display them on a two-color display!

Main advantages:
The ability to effectively determine the speed of oncoming vehicles (up to 250 km/h) when a patrol car is moving at a speed of up to 100 km/h.
A two-color display sequentially indicating the target's speed (in red), its own speed (in green) and the time since the measurement in minutes and seconds.
A special rod that allows you to easily and reliably mount the radar in the interior of any car or minibus. Installation takes no more than 2 minutes and does not cause any damage to the interior of the patrol car. The device installed using a rod does not interfere with movement and is accessible for control by both the driver and passengers.
The fully rubberized working part protects both the device itself and surrounding objects from mechanical damage (the radar can be placed on the hood or roof of a car without fear of scratching the paint), eliminates solar glare and gives the entire device an elegant, modern design.
An additional advantage of the ISKRA-1D radar is the increased reliability and reliability of the results.
Of course, as in previous models, it is possible to display either the speed of any target, or only one that has exceeded a set threshold. Speed ​​fixation is accompanied by a sound signal.
The ISKRA-1D radar is capable of operating in motion or in a stationary position, in manual or automatic modes.

Speed ​​meter "ARENA". Description, photo.

The Arena recorder is designed for mobile and stationary installation:

— mobile installation — on the side of the road, at a height of 1 to 2 meters above the traffic surface, at a distance of 3 to 5 meters from the edge of the nearest lane and at an angle of 25 +/- 1 degree between the axis of the recorder and the direction of movement of the vehicle (angle in the horizontal plane). The number of controlled traffic lanes is 1 or 2.
- stationary installation - above the vehicle lane, at a height of 5 to 8 meters, and at an angle of 25 +/- 1 degree between the axis of the recorder and the direction of movement of the vehicle (angle in the vertical plane). The number of controlled traffic lanes is 1.

Technical characteristics of the Arena recorder:
— range of measured speeds: 20 — 250 km/h.
— limits of permissible absolute error in speed measurement: no more than 2 km/h.
— operating frequency of the recorder radiation: 24.15 +/- 0.1 GHz.
— photo format: JPEG, resolution 640x480 pixels (color, with illumination less than 100 Lux - black and white).
— the range of the radio channel to the mobile traffic police post is 1.5 km.
— operating temperature range: from -40 to +60 degrees C.
— degree of protection: IP65

Speed ​​meter "KADR-1"

The video recorder "KADR-1" is a modern, complex device that uses the latest achievements of microprocessor technology. At the same time, “KADR-1” is easy to operate and control.


Registration of facts of traffic violations, provision of documentary information for informed decision-making. Used in conjunction with ISKRA-1 meters (for speed control) or independently (control of intersections, crossings, etc.)

Main functions

"BROADCAST" - image of the traffic situation.
“MEASUREMENT” - measurement of target speed with display in real time. Color indication of exceeding the speed threshold. Record still images, measured speed and current time.
“FIXING” - viewing any of the last 16-64 frames, recording it in archive memory; viewing part of the frame with 2x or 4x magnification.
“ARCHIVE” - transfer of selected frames or the entire archive to an external device (printer, computer, TV).

Control and Compatibility

The video recorder is controlled intuitively and is carried out from a remote control that looks and functions like a VCR remote control. KADR-1 is fully compatible with the ISKRA-1 speed meter. From the video recorder it is possible to transfer data to a computer, printer and TV. In combination with a video recorder, you can make long-term video recordings of the traffic situation, while the recorded data on the speed and time of events is imprinted into the image.

Main technical characteristics
Maximum photo recording range: 50 - 200m (depending on lens type)
Processing unit with display
Memory Real-time storage of up to 16 frames (optional up to 64). Archive - 84 frames
Monitor 6.8 inches, color LCD TFT
Resolution 384x234
Overall dimensions 165x130x45 mm
Weight no more than 0.7 kg
Video camera type CCD Matrix: 1/3″, SHARP, 570 TVLines
Sensitivity threshold 0.02 lux
Shutter speed 1/50 - 1/30000 sec.
Noise level 46Db
Focal length 32 mm (optional - 70 mm)
Sensitivity modes day/evening
Overall dimensions 40x40x80 mm
Weight 0.4 kg

Contents of delivery
— Processing unit with display;
- Camcorder;
— Lens (1-2 pcs.);
— IR remote control;
— Tripod for installation in a car;
— Set of fastening fittings;
— Set of connecting cables;
— Software (floppy disk);
— Packaging containers;
- Technical documentation.

Speed ​​meter "RADIUS-1".

Distinctive features and capabilities:
— high accuracy (±1 km/h);
— extended range of controlled speeds (10-300 km/h);
— exceptional measurement speed (less than 0.3 sec)
— uniquely light weight (450 grams with battery) with carefully adjusted mass distribution by volume;
— two displays (super-bright LED and backlit LCD);
— on-screen menu system — for simple control of a complex device;
- built-in flashlight with a timer - for illuminating the offender’s documents and indicating the charge;
— electromagnetic speaker — for clearer recognition of sound signals;
- built-in USB port and radio channel - for data exchange with external devices;
— a convenient removable handle with a lanyard on the wrist — for ease of operation “by hand” and installation in a car;
— self-testing and complete electrical and thermal protection of the built-in battery;
— selection of the direction of movement of targets (oncoming/passing);
— the ability to select the fastest and/or closest target from the group;
— saving settings and results in memory when the power is turned off;
— the ability to take measurements while charging the battery;
— the ability to use an on-board power supply with an extended range of input voltages;
— indication of the state of the power supply;
— indication of microwave radiation, current time, timer;
— the ability to use one remote control to simultaneously control two radars (on the windshield and on the rear window in the cabin or on the roof of a patrol car) Basic technical.
Type Doppler radar with digital signal processing
Operating frequency 24.15 + 0.1 GHz
Microwave power flux density 10 μW/cm2
Information storage time is 10 minutes.
Detection range 300-500-800 m
Speed ​​measurement range 10-300 km/h
Measurement accuracy ±1km/h
Speed ​​threshold discreteness 1 km/h
Measurement time is no more than 0.3 seconds.
Supply voltage 6 - 16 V
Power consumption no more than 2.5 W
Overall dimensions 154x59x138(48) mm
Weight 450(230)g.

When working on the move:
— own speed 20-220 km/h
— target speed 20-280 km/h
— total closing speed when working on oncoming targets — 300 km/h
— the minimum difference in speed between a patrol car and a passing target is 2 km/h

Speed ​​meter "BERKUT".

The Berkut radar speed meter is designed to monitor the speed of both single vehicles and vehicles moving in dense traffic. Provides accurate speed measurement both in “stationary” mode and when working from a moving patrol car - in “patrol” mode.

Traffic police speed meters

Police road radars use several standardized carrier radio frequencies, the most basic of which is the frequency of 10525 MHz, called the X-band. The main traffic police radars are Barrier, Sokol, etc., which are easily detected by radar detectors over a fairly large distance. At the moment, it has practically become obsolete and is not used in the Russian Federation. More often used in the CIS countries.

Newer range for traffic police radars, frequency 24150 MHz. The most important range for Russia.

The frequency has shorter duration, higher energy potential, detection range, and much less interference compared to X-band.

Traffic police radars using this frequency: Berkut, Iskra-1 and their modifications and photo and video complexes built with the participation of the location parts of these radars. Also easily detected by detectors. Almost all cameras and speed meters operate in this range. Including Strelka ST/M.

The newest range for police radars, frequency 34700 MHz. Detection range up to 1.5 km with high accuracy in a minimally short time. The most promising range due to the shorter period and high potential. Radar detectors are also detected. Not used in the Russian Federation at all. Busy with the military. Can be found in the CIS countries and Europe.

One of the rare bands used in some European countries. In Russia, satellite television operates on this range, so in Russia there is no such traffic police radars. Although there are plenty of them in Europe and even in the Baltics.

In almost all European countries and some American states, local legislation prohibits the use of radar detectors.

To ensure the capture of an illegal device, there are several special highly sensitive radars operating at a frequency of 13000 MHz, called VG-1, VG-2, VG-3 and similar.

The essence of the technology is this: the car is irradiated by this radar. A radar detector, overwhelmingly based on a superheterodyne, will process this signal.

During the process of amplifying this signal and before it is processed in the radar detector, the radar detector will broadcast this echo signal on the air. That is, the usual and inevitable emission of an amplified signal will occur for a heterodyne amplifier. The VG-2 radar detects this echo and indicates that there is a high probability of a radar detector in that place.

To protect yourself and the owner’s wallet, nowadays almost all radar detector manufacturers have taken care of this and have various masking technologies from intruders. Removed from service in 2012. Replaced by Specter. In Russia, radar detectors are allowed. Therefore, if the radar detector has this function, then you can safely turn it off.

Since the beginning of the 90s, laser rangefinders and speed meters based on the reflection of a narrowly directed laser beam from an obstacle first appeared.

The speed was calculated using simple algorithms, by delivering several short pulses after a strictly defined period of time, measuring the distance to the target from each reflection of this pulse. As a result, a certain average component was obtained, which was displayed on the screen. The principle is simple and has not changed from then to the present day, but with each new round of evolution of such rangefinders, the pulse frequency and the length of the laser beam have changed. Almost all modern radar detectors have built-in sensors for receiving laser range. The accepted wavelength of which ranges from 800 nm to 1100 nm.

There are also disadvantages inherent in devices used in the laser range - they do not like dispersive obstacles (precipitation, fog, etc.), as a result of which these devices are used only in dry weather. The presence of reception in this range is important for the most part only in megacities, where traffic police officers have expensive equipment for monitoring speed limits.

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