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In this article we will give you a series useful tips, which should be taken into account when installing the radio station in the car. So, in order for a car radio to work well, it is extremely important to install it correctly, connect it to the antenna and power. Most often, there is no space for a radio station in a car. Therefore, each car radio includes a special mounting bracket and mounting bracket. Since any vibration is harmful to the radio, the bracket must be mounted on a hard and level surface.

Installation of a walkie-talkie.

We must not forget that the back panel of the radio must be ventilated, and the panel with the speaker cannot be pressed so as not to muffle the sound. The CB radio is installed in the car in such a place that it does not interfere with or distract from driving. Most often they are installed in the receiver socket, on the side of the driver's seat, and sometimes on the instrument panel. In a CB truck, the radio is mounted above the glass.

Power connection.

First of all, to avoid a short circuit, disconnect the electrical system from the battery. Next, we connect the black “negative” wire from the radio to the “ground” of the car. Red "positive" goes directly to the fuse box. In order for the radio to turn off automatically when the ignition is turned off, you need to connect the power cable to the ignition switch contacts.

Antenna installation.

The most popular are CB antennas with vertical polarization and a circular radiation pattern of the Ground Plane type (used for mobile objects). The minimum antenna length should be equal to a quarter of the operating wavelength. However, you don’t want to mount a long antenna on your car, so manufacturers shorten its size and compensate for it with an extension coil, which is located at the base or in the middle of the whip.

Antennas are available on a magnetic base and embedded. The advantage of an antenna on a magnetic base is that it can be easily hidden inside the car while parked, and the magnet will ensure reliable fastening during fast driving and shaking. It is best to install the antenna at the highest point of the vehicle in the center of the surface (middle of the roof) that is selected for installation.


All that remains is to tune the antenna using the SWR meter. To do this, we change the length of the pin (shortening or extending), achieving a standing water coefficient (SWR) close to unity. After this, we check the SWR on adjacent channels. If it changes, then the antenna is working.

The following guide to installing a CB radio in a car concerns not those who use radio communications daily and professionally, but those who need it for occasional use, mainly on long trips. In this case, most drivers will prefer not to mount the radio permanently in the car, spoiling the interior and provoking parking thieves, but will want to attach it temporarily in a suitable place: between the seats, between the seat and the side pillar, or in a tray for small items under the dashboard, as is done, for example, in the photo of the Chevrolet Lachetti:

We've installed a walkie-talkie - connect power to it! There is an opinion that the radio station in the car must be connected with a separate wiring from the battery, but this solution is more suitable for daily use. In our case of occasional use, this is completely unnecessary - it is much more convenient to take power from the cigarette lighter connector. This is the simplest, fastest, and at the same time, we especially emphasize, a completely correct connection. Not a hacky compromise, as some people think, but meeting all the requirements - both in terms of the power unit and in terms of the direct operation of the radio station on the air.

This connection is absolutely safe for electrical wiring and can be completed in half an hour. And most importantly, it is optimal in the case of a new car and harmful warranty providers who are just looking for a reason to refuse a warranty for far-fetched reasons.

For a radio station with an output power of 4-5 watts, the maximum current consumption does not exceed 2-3 amperes, and for a radio station with a power of 8-10 watts - less than 5 amperes, which is at least two to three times less than the current of the fuse protecting the cigarette lighter connector.

To connect the radio to the cigarette lighter, we extend the two power wires coming out of the radio - black and red - by soldering or twisting to a length of 1-2 meters (depending on the intended installation location of the device). At the end of the attached wire we solder (the center is plus, the side contacts are minus) a standard male connector into the cigarette lighter, which is sold in every car store.

The plug of the radio's power cable must be inserted into the cigarette lighter in the dashboard; it is undesirable to use splitters, the quality of which is often disgusting!

If there is only one cigarette lighter socket, but you need to power your phone, recorder, and other gadgets on the road, and the warranty period has already ended, and your skillful hands are not afraid of the need to drag the wire from the engine compartment into the cabin, then you can connect the radio directly to the battery. Although I will note once again in parentheses: such a connection does not have any advantages over power supply through the cigarette lighter - neither from the point of view of electrical safety, nor from the point of view of communication quality.

In this case, you will have to buy a three-meter (approximately) piece of ordinary electrical wire with a cross-section of 2x1.5 mm, pack it along its entire length in a plastic corrugation and drag it from the battery into the cabin through some kind of rubber seal on the engine shield. Terminals for M6 bolts and a 10-amp fuse are crimped or soldered onto the ends of the wires near the battery (the fuse is placed in the positive wire next to the battery), and the “tail” of the radio’s power supply is connected to the two opposite ends of the wires, observing polarity. The junction of the wires is carefully insulated with adhesive tape or heat shrink.

Antenna installation

The station is installed and connected, now we install the antenna. Let's assume that ours is quick-detachable with a magnetic sole, which will not require damaging the body for installation. Therefore, we will give only a few general theses - without delving into unnecessary theory.

  1. Antennas with a length of about a meter or even less are functional, but extremely ineffective. The dependence of efficiency on length is direct; when purchasing, you should prefer an antenna with a length close to two meters. However, as the length increases, so does the price...
  2. The optimal installation of the antenna is on the roof (in the center or on the edge - there is actually no difference). It’s a little worse on the trunk, but still quite acceptable. In order not to spoil the paint on the roof, we place polyethylene under the magnet.
  3. The wire from the antenna to the station is passed between the door seal and the doorway or between the trunk lid and the trunk opening seal, and is led into the cabin. Make sure that the seals do not leave noticeable dents on the cable!
  4. The antenna cable on a magnetic sole cannot be arbitrarily shortened or lengthened - its length must remain unchanged, about 3.6 m. We hide the excess under seats or rugs, without twisting them into rings or coils.
  5. And now the most important thing: antennas in the store are sold untuned, since the setting depends on the installation location on a particular car. Most often, adjustment is carried out by changing the length of the antenna pin (extending and retracting), for which a small hex key is included in the kit. The location of adjustment will be indicated in the instructions for the antenna.

Antenna tuning

Actually, tuning the antenna is the most important point our entire history. It may be worth hiring a professional for the tune-up: these services are inexpensive, take less than half an hour, and are offered at truck stops and near major auto shops along the highways. But many prefer to figure out the issue on their own, professing the principle “if you want it done well, do it yourself!” and want to have their own set of tools to monitor the condition of the antenna in the future. For them - the following master class. Again: only an algorithm, without delving into unnecessary theory and physics of the processes taking place, which everyone can dive into on their own if they wish.

To tune the antenna, we need a device called an SWR meter (standing wave ratio meter), which is easy to purchase - Google to help. The cost of the simplest model is from 500 to 1000 rubles. The most common device, which has been on sale for many years under different names(SWR-420, 430, KW-520, etc.), in fact - the same Chinese SWR meter with the same operating principle and the same designation of switches and connectors. The device is certainly more than average, but for infrequent use it will do just fine.

We will also need a high-frequency connector of the same standard as the socket on the walkie-talkie and the plug on the cable. It is needed to connect the SWR meter between the radio station and the antenna without significantly lengthening the antenna cable. A barrel adapter in a male-to-male format (for a hard connection) or a short (10-20 cm) antenna cable, also with male connectors at both ends, is suitable. The connector standard is best known as “PL”, which is how you should ask for it in the store.

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  • Switch PWR/SWR set the SWR meter to the “SWR” position, and the switch FWD/REF- to the “FWD” position.
  • Turn on the radio and press the PTT button, switching to transmission mode. While holding the PTT button pressed, rotate the “CAL” calibration knob on the SWR meter until the needle points to “10” on the SWR scale. Release the PTT switch.
  • Translate the switch FWD/REF to the “REF” position, press the PTT button again. While holding it down, look at the SWR number on the SWR scale. The best SWR is 1, if it is more than 1.5, then the antenna needs to be adjusted.
  • Having increased the length of the antenna pin (or other adjusting element) by 1-2 centimeters, take the measurement again, repeating steps 2-4 of this instruction. If the SWR value has increased after adjustment, it means that the length needs to be reduced, not increased... By gradually changing the length and subsequent measurements over and over again, achieve the minimum indicator readings on the SWR scale - close to 1, but not more than 1.5.
  • And that is all. As you can see, it's not that difficult. But now, on the road, you can have fun listening to conversations of “long-range fighters”, sometimes useful, sometimes not so much. And don’t forget that you may have children in the car with you, who are too early to listen to these conversations.

    How to install a walkie-talkie on a car is often asked not only by truck drivers, but also by owners of smaller vehicles - small trucks, minibuses, etc. Having a portable intercom on board can actually be very useful - especially if the car is on long-haul flights.

    To install a radio on a car yourself, you need to have quite specific skills. So ordinary car owners have to either carefully study the installation recommendations or trust the installation to professionals. But in any case, it is at least advisable to familiarize yourself with the methodology for selecting and installing a car radio!

    Choosing a radio for a truck

    Before installing the walkie-talkie in the car, you need to select the model of the intercom for the car. At this stage there are no special difficulties:

    • The range of such products is extensive, so choosing a walkie-talkie can be done without difficulty;
    • Today there is a de facto standard for such devices, and more than 90% of walkie-talkies on the market meet the requirements for compatibility and power.

    What radio stations are used to equip private facilities?

    • Almost all motorists use radio communications of the CB standard (CB or Citizen Band - civil band) for on-air conversations;
    • Negotiations with other machines and stationary objects are carried out at a frequency of 27 MHz (channels C15EA for AM modulation and C15E for FM modulation). The amplitude modulation (AM) mode is still considered as the main one. But today more and more drivers are switching to FM modulation - primarily due to best quality sound and more efficient communication in urban environments;
    • The power of the radio station directly determines the maximum communication range and its quality. At the same time, you need to keep in mind: walkie-talkies with a power of up to 10W do not require registration with government agencies. This simplifies the process of equipping a truck with a radio;
    • A useful function of a car radio is a noise suppression system. Its use can significantly improve sound quality even with not the best reception.

    When choosing a radio for a KAMAZ or other truck, you should pay attention to the location of the controls. They can be placed:

    • On the radio body;
    • On the remote panel;
    • On the tangent.

    Here you need to think in advance about how it will be more convenient to use the walkie-talkie - by pressing buttons on the device’s body, or by controlling the receiver using the push-to-talk switch that you will hold in your hand.

    How to properly install a radio on a car?

    If you have the skills and fairly simple equipment, install the radio on freight car You can do it yourself. The installation process can be divided into several stages:

    • Selecting a location for the radio transmitter;
    • Installing the radio itself and connecting it to the power system;
    • Antenna installation and connection;
    • Setting up the antenna and checking the functionality of the radio.

    Each stage has its own subtleties and nuances that need to be taken into account.

    Selecting a location

    The first thing you need to decide is where exactly the radio will be installed. A niche or other installation location must meet the following requirements:

    1. The device should be at hand, but not interfere with driving or block the view;
    2. It must be possible to connect to on-board network;
    3. Air flow from a stove, independent heater or air conditioner should not enter the device.

    When installed in passenger car The walkie-talkie is usually placed either on the side of the driver's seat (in a special pocket) or near the front passenger seat.

    When installed on a Gazelle or minibus, the device can be placed on dashboard or in place of the glove compartment.

    In trucks, radios are most often placed in the upper part of the cab - and the PTT is placed on a special bracket within direct reach of the driver.

    Connecting the radio to the on-board network

    After choosing a location, installing the radio station on the car involves connecting the power. In principle, it is enough to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations set out in the instructions. But it’s worth listening to the advice of experienced specialists:

    • Most radios are designed to operate with a voltage of 12V. Power for the walkie-talkie is usually taken from the battery terminals. It is also allowed to take the “plus” from the battery, and the “minus” from the car body (a screw or bolt is ideal);
    • The wire providing connection to the positive terminal is protected by a fuse;
    • If there is a need to increase the length of the wires, it is advisable not to use twists. The wires are connected by soldering and then insulated with heat shrink tubing;
    • Ideally, it is advisable to lay conductors in a plastic corrugated cable duct;
    • It is advisable to install a radio power switch in the cabin, rated for a current of 20 A.

    Important! If the walkie-talkie is used quite rarely, you can use the cigarette lighter socket to provide power. With skillful modification of the device, such a connection is completely functional and safe!

    Antenna installation and connection

    Antennas for car radios come in two types - mortise and magnetic:

    1. The former are more efficient, but they are more difficult to install;
    2. Antennas on a magnetic base are easier to attach, but their efficiency is lower.

    Any antenna must be in contact with the metal of the body. If the device is mounted on a special bracket, then it is advisable to protect the contact point from corrosion by applying a special compound.

    When laying an antenna cable, they usually follow the following algorithm:

    • It is not advisable to lengthen or shorten the cable (its length ranges from 3.5 to 5-5.5 m) - this negatively affects the quality of communication;
    • When laying the cable, we place it in such a way as to avoid strong bends and creases. Moreover, you should not wind up excess antenna cable into a bay;
    • The cable from the antenna is laid under the casing, secured to the load-bearing surfaces with polymer ties. It is not recommended to fasten the cable to wiring harnesses - this will lead to increased interference.

    Antenna tuning

    To properly tune the antenna, a special device is used - an SWR meter:

    • We connect the SWR meter to the radio (RTX connector) and to the antenna (ANT);
    • We set the switches on the SWR meter to the SWR and FWD positions;
    • We turn on the radio to transmit and, with the PTT button pressed, use the CAL knob to set the SWR value to 10;
    • Move the SWR meter switch to the REF position and press the PTT button again. If SWR is 1, everything is fine, if the value exceeds 1.5, adjustment is needed.

    During the setup process, we change the length of the antenna pin, and then repeat the operations described above again. We do this until the SWR during the control measurement is as close as possible to 1.

    Operating a walkie-talkie in a car

    Despite the fact that modern models of intercoms are characterized by fairly high reliability, the risk of their failure remains. Most often, problems arise when the radio is used incorrectly.

    To avoid such problems, you need to follow the recommendations for using such devices:

    • When connecting, be sure to observe the polarity of the voltage;
    • Do not supply voltage more than 14.5V to the transceiver;
    • Avoid turning on the radio without an antenna;
    • During operation, try not to expose the device to mechanical stress (shocks, jolts), and also ensure protection from moisture and exposure to aggressive environments.

    In addition, if you do not have sufficient qualifications, you should not open the radio station housing or make design changes to the device circuit. This can also lead to either failure of the radio or a reduction in its working life.

    Installing a radio on a car

    Assessing the complexity of the upcoming task, many decide not to install the radio on the car themselves, but to entrust this task to professionals. This approach has a number of advantages:

    • You can get advice from a specialist on selecting the optimal walkie-talkie model specifically for your vehicle;
    • The radio will be professionally installed and connected to the on-board network in the selected location. In this case, all connection risks will be assumed by the installer company’s employees;
    • Qualified specialists will configure the device, ensuring stability and high quality communications.

    Such a service as in St. Petersburg will not require too much financial investment from you. The cost of installation ranges from 500 to 2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the list of works. So, by contacting our company, you not only guarantee the ideal performance of the intercom, but also get the opportunity to save money.

    Typically, a car does not have space for a CB radio. We fix the bracket on a strong and rigid surface: firstly, vibrations are harmful to the station, and secondly, it will not fall off in an accident. The rear panel must be ventilated - behind it is the transmitter radiator. And the panel with the speaker has its own requirements: it cannot be pressed, as this muffles the sound.

    In a passenger car, stations are usually placed in the receiver socket, on the side of the driver's seat, on a shelf at the feet of the front passenger, and sometimes on the instrument panel. In a truck they are often mounted above the glass. The usual place for the PTT is next to the station, on a special tongue. No less popular is fastening with an elastic band to the interior mirror bracket.

    Antenna station sets its load - without it the device may burn out! The main element of the antenna is an elastic metal pin. Its minimum resonant length should theoretically be equal to a quarter of the operating wavelength. For CB this is about 2.7 m. But such a whip can bend the roof, so antenna manufacturers shorten the rod. The loss of “electrical” length is partially compensated by matching and extension coils located at the base of the antenna or in the middle of the whip.

    The length of the waveguide cable from the antenna to the radio is not arbitrary - it is a multiple of the wavelength divided by twice the dielectric constant of the insulation. The usual length is from 3.6 to 4 m. You cannot lengthen, shorten, pinch or wrap the cable around the antenna; it will not work with such a “beard”.

    The antenna can be attached to the drainage groove, but then it will “shoot” mainly towards the roof of the car. The best antenna is one embedded in the middle of the roof: the cable and connections will always be dry, and the operation diagram will be almost circular. But not everyone will decide to make holes in the roof, which is why antennas with a magnetic base are so popular. Alas, they do not have good contact with the “ground” - and the efficiency is lower. By the way, the thickness of the rubber gasket under the base of the antenna affects the operation of the system. And one more thing: the antenna must be re-installed exactly in the place where it was tuned, otherwise the standing wave ratio (SWR) will change.

    Nutrition usually connected through the cigarette lighter, but it is more correct to take the “plus” from the backup fuse or a separate socket. There are many electrical devices in a car that create interference: high-voltage ignition part, xenon headlights, generator, various relays, etc. Therefore, it is advisable to install a filter, for example, ferrite “latches” on the supply wire. They are worn closer to the radio station. There are also special adapters - such, for example, is produced by the Berkut design bureau.

    An antenna is a resonant emitter. Until you configure it correctly, it won’t really work. When choosing it, we proceed from the operating frequency indicated in the passport - for CB it is 27 MHz. To match the antenna with the radio, we use an SWR meter. We connect it between the radio station and the antenna cable. We turn on the radio station on the working channel in frequency modulation (FM) to the transmission mode - and see what the SWR is. If it is more than 3.0, the station may burn out.

    To tune the antenna We change the length of the pin, achieving an SWR close to unity. The pin has to be either shortened or extended. Sometimes it makes sense to further adjust the location for the antenna on the roof. After tuning to the main channel, we check the SWR on adjacent channels - higher and lower. If the parameter changes, then the antenna is working. If a station (for example, ALAN 9001 or VEKTOR Navigator) has a built-in SWR meter, it can be used to monitor the matching directly while working on different grids.

    The range of local communication with a tuned antenna depends on its height above the ground. This distance can be approximately calculated using the empirical formula: Dmax = 4.1(√ h1 + √h2), where Dmax is the maximum possible communication distance in kilometers subject to line of sight; h1 and h2 - antenna heights from the ground in meters. Natural and artificial obstacles in the signal path reduce this distance. Clearings, open water, and working from higher ground can increase range. Solar activity fills the range with additional buzz and conversations from around the world. (Experts expect special troubles with maximum solar activity in 2012!) Let us remind you: the signal from FM is heard further than from AM, and SSB - single-sideband modulation - has the longest range.

    It is impossible to improve communication with amplifiers. A super-powerful station only generates dust, interfering with work on neighboring channels. A power of 4 to 10 W is enough to operate at a distance between machines of 10–15 km, but this is usually the limit of what is possible. For comparison: my local communication record at 4 W is about 46 km.

    How to install a walkie-talkie on a car is often asked not only by truck drivers, but also by owners of smaller vehicles - small trucks, minibuses, etc. Having a portable intercom on board can actually be very useful - especially if the car is on long-haul flights.

    To install a radio on a car yourself, you need to have quite specific skills. So ordinary car owners have to either carefully study the installation recommendations or trust the installation to professionals. But in any case, it is at least advisable to familiarize yourself with the methodology for selecting and installing a car radio!

    Choosing a radio for a truck

    Before installing the walkie-talkie in the car, you need to select the model of the intercom for the car. At this stage there are no special difficulties:

    • The range of such products is extensive, so choosing a walkie-talkie can be done without difficulty;
    • Today there is a de facto standard for such devices, and more than 90% of walkie-talkies on the market meet the requirements for compatibility and power.

    What radio stations are used to equip private facilities?

    • Almost all motorists use radio communications of the CB standard (CB or Citizen Band) for on-air conversations;
    • Negotiations with other machines and stationary objects are carried out at a frequency of 27 MHz (channels C15EA for AM modulation and C15E for FM modulation). The amplitude modulation (AM) mode is still considered as the main one. But today more and more drivers are switching to FM modulation - primarily due to better sound quality and more efficient communication in the city (9FM in Samara);
    • The power of the radio station directly determines the maximum communication range and its quality. At the same time, you need to keep in mind: walkie-talkies with a power of up to 10W do not require registration with government agencies. This simplifies the process of equipping a truck with a radio;
    • A useful feature of a car radio is a noise suppression system. Its use can significantly improve sound quality even with not the best reception.

    When choosing a radio for a KAMAZ or other truck, you should pay attention to the location of the controls. They can be placed:

    • On the radio body;
    • On the remote panel;
    • On the tangent.

    Here you need to think in advance about how it will be more convenient to use the walkie-talkie - by pressing buttons on the device’s body, or by controlling the receiver using the push-to-talk switch that you will hold in your hand.

    How to properly install a radio on a car?

    If you have the skills and enough simple equipment You can install a radio on a truck yourself. The installation process can be divided into several stages:

    • Selecting a location for the radio transmitter;
    • Installing the radio itself and connecting it to the power system;
    • Antenna installation and connection;
    • Setting up the antenna and checking the functionality of the radio.

    Each stage has its own subtleties and nuances that need to be taken into account.

    Selecting a location

    The first thing you need to decide is where exactly the radio will be installed. A niche or other installation location must meet the following requirements:

    1. The device should be at hand, but not interfere with driving or block the view;
    2. It must be possible to connect to the on-board network;
    3. Air flow from a stove, independent heater or air conditioner should not enter the device.

    When installed in a passenger car, the radio is usually placed either on the side of the driver's seat (in a special pocket) or near the front passenger seat.

    When installed on a Gazelle or minibus, the device can be placed on the dashboard or in the place of the glove compartment.

    In trucks, radios are most often placed in the upper part of the cab - and the PTT is placed on a special bracket within direct reach of the driver.

    Connecting the radio to the on-board network

    After choosing a location, installing the radio station on the car involves connecting the power. In principle, it is enough to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations set out in the instructions. But it’s worth listening to the advice of experienced specialists:

    • Most radios are designed to operate with a voltage of 12V. Power for the walkie-talkie is usually taken from the battery terminals. It is also allowed to take the “plus” from the battery, and the “minus” from the car body (a screw or bolt is ideal);
    • The wire providing connection to the positive terminal is protected by a fuse;
    • If there is a need to increase the length of the wires, it is advisable not to use twists. The wires are connected by soldering and then insulated with heat shrink tubing;
    • Ideally, it is advisable to lay conductors in a plastic corrugated cable duct;
    • It is advisable to install a radio power switch in the cabin, rated for a current of 20 A.

    Important! If the walkie-talkie is used quite rarely, you can use the cigarette lighter socket to provide power. With skillful modification of the device, such a connection is completely functional and safe!

    Antenna installation and connection

    Antennas for car radios come in two types - mortise and magnetic:

    1. The former are more efficient, but they are more difficult to install;
    2. Antennas on a magnetic base are easier to attach, but their efficiency is lower.

    Any antenna must be in contact with the metal of the body. If the device is mounted on a special bracket, then it is advisable to protect the contact point from corrosion by applying a special compound.

    When laying an antenna cable, they usually follow the following algorithm:

    • It is not advisable to lengthen or shorten the cable (its length ranges from 3.5 to 5-5.5 m) - this negatively affects the quality of communication;
    • When laying the cable, we place it in such a way as to avoid strong bends and creases. Moreover, you should not wind up excess antenna cable into a bay;
    • The cable from the antenna is laid under the casing, secured to the load-bearing surfaces with polymer ties. It is not recommended to fasten the cable to the wiring harnesses - this will lead to an increase in the number of interferences.

    Antenna tuning

    To properly tune the antenna, a special device is used - an SWR meter:

    • We connect the SWR meter to the radio (RTX connector) and to the antenna (ANT);
    • We set the switches on the SWR meter to the SWR and FWD positions;
    • We turn on the radio to transmit and, with the PTT button pressed, use the CAL knob to set the SWR value to 10;
    • Move the SWR meter switch to the REF position and press the PTT button again. If SWR is 1, everything is fine, if the value exceeds 1.5, adjustment is needed.

    During the setup process, we change the length of the antenna pin, and then repeat the operations described above again. We do this until the SWR during the control measurement is as close as possible to 1.

    Operating a walkie-talkie in a car

    Despite the fact that modern models of intercoms are characterized by fairly high reliability, the risk of their failure remains. Most often, problems arise when the radio is used incorrectly.

    To avoid such problems, you need to follow the recommendations for using such devices:

    • When connecting, be sure to observe the polarity of the voltage;
    • Do not supply voltage more than 14.5V to the transceiver;
    • Avoid turning on the radio without an antenna;
    • During operation, try not to expose the device to mechanical stress (shocks, jolts), and also ensure protection from moisture and exposure to aggressive environments.

    In addition, if you do not have sufficient qualifications, you should not open the radio station housing or make design changes to the device circuit. This can also lead to either failure of the radio or a reduction in its working life.

    Installing a radio on a car

    Assessing the complexity of the upcoming task, many decide not to install the radio on the car themselves, but to entrust this task to professionals. This approach has a number of advantages:

    • You can get advice from a specialist on selecting the optimal radio model specifically for your vehicle;
    • The radio will be professionally installed and connected to the on-board network in the selected location. In this case, all connection risks will be assumed by the installer company’s employees;
    • Qualified specialists will configure the device, ensuring stability and high quality of communication.

    Such a service as installing a walkie-talkie on a car in St. Petersburg will not require too much financial investment from you. The cost of installation ranges from 500 to 2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the list of works. So, by contacting our company, you not only guarantee the ideal performance of the intercom, but also get the opportunity to save money.

    Information from


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