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3 The most affordable price

Prestart heaters are a proven solution for car owners who live in regions with cold winters and leave their cars in an open-air parking lot or in garages (hangars) without heating.

The review presents the best models of pre-heaters, the use of which will allow you to avoid huge starting loads of the engine in cold weather and significantly extend its resource. For the convenience of the reader, the information has been structured according to typical categories of installations. The position in the rating of each model was formed based on the estimated characteristics of the heaters and feedback from owners with real operating experience.

The best liquid preheaters

The indisputable advantage of liquid fuel heaters is complete independence from other energy sources and the time the machine is in the cold. Prestarting heaters of this type burn the fuel that is in the car's tank. In order for the stove to work properly, a regular battery must be in good working order.

3 Binar-5S

The best domestic liquid heater
Country Russia
Average price: 24150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The domestic company "Teplostar" has developed a whole line of autonomous heaters for gasoline and diesel cars. The Binar 5S Diesel model has a wide range of possibilities. The device can work not only in preheating mode, but also as a reheating device. It is equipped with a GPS modem, which expands the possibilities for controlling the heater. The model is designed for diesel engines up to 4 liters.

Car owners who have decided to supply Binar-5S for engine heating, in their reviews note such advantages of domestic development as compact size, variability of installation and control. The device is notable for its affordable price, high quality workmanship, there is a self-diagnostic function.

2 Webasto Thermo Top Evo 5 petrol

The most popular autonomous heater
Country: Germany
Average price: 50,720 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The heaters of this German concern have become so popular among motorists that the concept of a pre-heater is often replaced with one word Webasto. Many models are designed for specific vehicles. The device can be started by a timer, from a key fob or via a mobile phone. One of the most popular modifications is the Webasto Thermo Top Evo 5 heater, which is perfect for cars, jeeps and minibuses with an engine capacity of no more than 4 liters.

Car owners note the high performance of the device, long and trouble-free operation, and unpretentiousness. The heater is completely autonomous, runs on gasoline and at peak load consumes 0.64 liters (in maintenance mode, it is almost half as much). In addition, there are many service centers in Russia where you can service and repair the popular Webasto.

The types of preparing a car for a trip in winter presented in the table have both advantages and disadvantages. This allows each owner to choose the option most suitable for the prevailing operating conditions.




Remote control and monitoring;

An additional advantage of the "two in one" device is the presence of an alarm;

Possibility of configuring autorun triggering on a schedule or engine temperature (the most relevant option for the northern regions).

Decreased car anti-theft security (many insurance companies even refuse to provide the risks of theft or significantly increase the cost of the policy);

Modern high-performance motors do not heat up when idling, which means a cold interior;

Provides a gentle mode of starting the engine only in the mode of operation when the engine temperature drops.

Autonomous pre-heater

Does not depend on external energy sources;

Provides heating of the passenger compartment and engine fluids;

High cost and maintenance costs;

Runs on fuel from the car's tank;

Electric pre-heater

Affordable cost;

Easy to install and operate;

Different devices are required for heating the vehicle interior and the engine;

Extends the life of the motor by reducing the load at startup.

Availability of "walking" accessibility to the AC network;

In the absence of electricity, it will not be able to prepare the car for the trip.


Excellent combination of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 36,200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The best liquid autonomous heaters are rightfully considered the Eberspacher models. They combine high quality and value. One of the most common heaters is the Eberspächer Hydronic B4WS 12V. It is installed by many car manufacturers on passenger cars with engines larger than 2 liters. The power of the heater ranges from 1.5 to 4.3 kW. The range includes modifications for gasoline engines, as well as devices for warming up diesel engines.

Consumers note the reliability and durability of the device. It is easy to operate and convenient to use. Due to the widespread use of heaters, many car services are engaged in their repair and restoration. Of the minuses, car owners note the high price of the device.

Best Electric Heaters

Electric heaters operating from a 220 V network are distinguished by their ease of installation and low price. The only drawback of the device is the need for a household electrical outlet near the car. The devices are suitable for cars that spend frosty nights in garages or boxes.

3 Longfei 3 kW

The most affordable price
Country: China
Average price: 2350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Chinese Longfei pre-heater is designed to raise the temperature of the coolant in a car using a household power supply. Longfei 3 kW became one of the most demanded devices. Heating of the liquid is provided with the help of a heating element, and the pumping of antifreeze along the circuit of the cooling system is carried out thanks to a centrifugal pump. The device requires a 220 V power supply. The heater can be installed on any cars and trucks. The model is equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to maintain the specified temperature of the coolant.

Buyers speak flatteringly about products from the Middle Kingdom. The only drawback is the short cord. But the device can be independently installed under the hood, it has small dimensions and weight.

2 Satellite NEXT 1.5 kW with pump

Optimal ratio of quality and price
Country Russia
Average price: 2550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An excellent inexpensive solution for heating the engine of a passenger car or minibus. It is possible to install Sputnik NEXT on your own - a simple integration scheme into the engine cooling system has it. Due to forced circulation, even in severe frosts, the temperature of the antifreeze rises above zero.

Owners find this model to be a worthy alternative to more expensive pre-launch engine heaters. Judging by the reviews, the equipment performs its function quite efficiently. The presence of simple automation will not overheat the antifreeze above the permissible limits (95 ° C), but will temporarily turn off the heater. The device is simple and unpretentious in operation, and in maintenance it requires minimal time expenditures. Thanks to the circulation, partial heating of the passenger compartment (dash and windshield area) is also achieved.

1 Severs + with pump 2 kW

Easy to install. Mechanical timer
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Domestic manufacturer CJSC "Leader" produces pre-heaters under the Severs brand. The new generation device is the Severs + 2 kW model, equipped with a pump. This design provides fast and uniform heating of the coolant, both in cars and trucks. The manufacturer has equipped the device with a thermostat, overheating protection, which makes its operation comfortable and safe.

Motorists can easily cope with the installation of the heater, the kit contains detailed instructions. It is very convenient to set up the switching on of the device using a daily mechanical timer.

Best Fuel Heaters

One of the main problems of a diesel car in winter is fuel waxing. The lower the temperature, the more the diesel oil thickens, clogging the pores of the filter. An effective way to maintain fluidity is to install a fuel heater.

3 ATK PT-570

Most economical
Country Russia
Average price: 4702 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A reliable heater will prevent diesel fuel from waxing in severe frosts and will allow you to continue driving, regardless of weather conditions. Powered by the vehicle's cooling system and requires virtually no maintenance. The injection into the fuel line can be carried out by an experienced driver on his own - the procedure is not at all complicated and will require a minimum of time.

The owners in their reviews highlight the simplicity of the equipment, the absence of the need to connect to the vehicle's on-board network. With this heater, it becomes possible to use summer "diesel fuel" at temperatures down to -40 ° C. In addition, the heated fuel enters the tank and further along the system moves in a heated state without forming paraffin crystals, which increases the service life of the lines. In addition, significant savings (up to 10%) of fuel are achieved, and drivers value the PT-570 fuel heater most of all for this.

2 EPTF-150 Y (YaMZ)

Best Fuel Filter Heater
Country Russia
Average price: 1305 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Based on the experience of domestic motorists, Platan Research and Production Enterprise has produced a series of fuel filter heaters. This device prevents the formation of wax in the filter element of diesel cars. Thanks to the heating of the fuel in the filter, it is possible not only to facilitate engine start-up, but also to slightly expand the limit of the use of diesel fuel towards lower temperatures. One of the effective models is EPTF-150 Ya (YaMZ). The device is mounted inside the fuel filter, which ensures fast diesel warming up.

Motorists respond positively to the efficiency of the heater. Even a frozen filter, a semiconductor heater can warm up in 5-10 minutes. The device continues to ensure the filterability of diesel fuel while the car is in motion.

1 NOMAKON PP-101 12V

The best flow-through fuel heater
Country: Belarus
Average price: 4700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Simple and effective devices for heating diesel fuel were created by Belarusian developers from the Nomacon company. One of the most popular devices was the Nomakon PP-101. It crashes into the fuel line, and heating comes from the on-board network. The heater can be controlled automatically or manually. Before starting the engine, it is enough to briefly turn on the heating for 5-10 minutes to ensure the filterability of the diesel fuel. When the car is moving, the device is powered from the generator.

Consumers note the unpretentiousness and durability of the device. It is easy to install it under the hood yourself, following the manufacturer's recommendations.

The best cabin heaters

This category presents the best devices that will allow the owner to forget what it means to get behind the wheel of a frozen car. Heaters will provide not only comfortable operation in the winter months, but also save the owner's most precious resource - time.

3 Calix Slim Line 1400 w

High quality equipment
Country: Sweden
Average price: 7537 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The device does not have a mode of operation and is automatically regulated according to the temperature indicators of the interior air. The heater does an excellent job and is the optimal solution for most passenger cars and small crossovers. The device has a special stand and can be placed anywhere in the passenger compartment (as a rule, it is located in the area of ​​the central armrest or on the driver's seat).

The heater is easy to operate and has overheating and short circuit protection. In their reviews, the owners note the rather compact dimensions of the device and its high efficiency. The automatic control of the heater is also positively noted - there is no fear that with prolonged use the air in the cabin will be unacceptably overheated.

2 DEFA Termini 2100 (DEFA connector) 430060

The most powerful electric heater
Country: Norway
Average price: 9302 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An excellent solution for heating the interior of a large passenger car, jeep and even a truck cab. The electric heater is connected to a conventional 220 Volt network and has two heating modes. The built-in fan circulates air in the passenger compartment and heats it up quickly. It is possible to use it together with the engine preheater systems of this company and remotely control it via the SmartStart console.

The owners, who decided to install DEFA Termini heaters in their cars, are more than satisfied - the cold steering wheel and the glass frozen from the inside are a thing of the past. Thanks to the built-in sensors, the interior air will be warmed up to a comfortable level, and with a further rise in temperature, an automatic shutdown occurs (55 ° C inside the device). Judging by the reviews, this device cannot be compared with ceramic heaters powered by the on-board network (their power is clearly not enough to fully warm up the car's interior).

1 Teplostar PLANAR-44D-24-GP-S

The best interior heating
Country Russia
Average price: 23,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The device is an autonomous system running on diesel fuel and is a more affordable analogue of Webasto heaters. It can be installed on any type of transport - it perfectly warms up the interior from a passenger car to a minibus, and also cope with heating the body space in small cargo vans.

In the reviews of the owners, the compactness of the equipment is noted. Installation is quite simple and can be done on your own. When installed on vehicles with a gasoline engine, a small fuel tank is required. The presence of a remote control is also positively noted, with which you can regulate the temperature regime of the cabin. At maximum power (4 kW), the PLANAR-44D will consume a little less than 0.5 liters of fuel per hour. With conventional heating or a small size, the car consumption will be only 0.12 liters of diesel fuel per hour.

The climatic conditions of most of the territory of our country are distinguished by a very wide range of temperatures: from heat in summer to freezing frosts in winter. In the summer, car operation is quite simple, although it has its own specific features. And in the cold season, the car engine takes a long time after starting to reach its operating temperature. And to facilitate a cold start and save time when you warm up the car, there is an electric engine heater, which in a fairly short period of time is able to bring its temperature to acceptable values.

Features of starting the engine in the cold season

The internal combustion engine, due to the peculiarities of its design, is capable of developing its maximum power and torque in a rather narrow temperature range. That is why cold starts, especially during the winter season, are so bad for engines. Previously, before the advent of pre-heaters, the only way was to start and warm up at idle or increased speed. Now, with the advent of various means and methods of heating, this method can be neglected. Moreover, modern motors very effectively distribute heat from the combustion chambers and quickly warm up, so that you can start moving almost immediately after starting. But this can be done in normal winter conditions, but if at night the temperature reaches 40-45 degrees below zero? Here, additional heating of the engine in winter is simply necessary.

What is an engine heater

In the general case, engine preheating is carried out by artificially raising the temperature of the coolant so that it heats up the engine parts (the block and the cylinder head, as well as the heater radiator). This makes it possible to significantly reduce the negative effect of increased frictional force during start-up and local (uneven) heating of its parts.

Types of engine heaters

Actually, there are only two types of heaters - autonomous and electric. Autonomous heating, as the name implies, does not depend on external conditions and is part of the automotive power plant: it uses fuel from the tank for its operation. The most famous example is the Webasto autonomous engine heater. Special boilers use the combustion of fuel to heat the coolant that circulates through the system - and all this without starting the engine.

An electric auto-heater is also built into the engine cooling system and, using a special heating element, like a boiler, heats the coolant.

Electric heater as an alternative to stand-alone devices

Installation of a 220v engine heater is much easier (since it has, in fact, only one element and wires for connection) and much cheaper, while it does not use gasoline as a heat source, instead of using electricity.

Varieties of electric heaters


The simplest type of heaters, which are installed in the cylinder block instead of a plug on the side. They are an electrical heating element in the housing and a connector. Such models do not have a large power consumption (500-700 W), however, due to the fact that they are located directly in the engine, they warm it up almost in the center. More sophisticated engine heating systems can be equipped with interior fan heaters, a start timer and a remote control. The only problem with installation can be the engine breather (crankcase ventilation hose), as it is often installed in such a way that it covers the plug in the block.

Branch pipes

Such devices are installed in the cut of the main pipes of the cooling system. The heater itself is equipped with a special adapter housing that is installed directly on the hoses. The disadvantage is that most of these devices are designed for standard hose diameters. For such devices, the power can be higher (up to 2-3 kW), the functionality and equipment are about the same as in the previous group.


This is a special group of devices that are also built into the cooling system, but are more complex in design and installation. Such models are more like Webasto heaters, only they run on electricity, not gasoline. Such models warm up the coolant and the cylinder block most efficiently. The external heater can also be provided with forced circulation of coolant, which better promotes uniform heating of the cylinder block and minimizes the harmful effects of cold starts. The cost of such units differs by more than an order of magnitude (from 1.5 thousand rubles for ordinary Chinese models to 23 thousand rubles for a really good American HotStart). The power of the heating element also varies greatly and depends on the displacement.

Advantages of heating a 220v engine:

  • Low cost the installation kit and the installation itself (from 1 thousand rubles).
  • Wide model range, compatibility with almost all motors, simple design and high efficiency.

Disadvantages of an electric heater:

  • In the nearest availability there should be a 220v household outlet.
  • Open hood during heating operation... On modern models, this is not so important, since they are equipped with a special connector cut into the front bumper.
  • Reliability of some models, which over time begin to pass coolant at the junction with the engine.

How to put an engine heater

Do-it-yourself engine heating installation is a relatively simple task. It does not require a special tool and special knowledge. You just need a general understanding of the principles of operation of car engines and an idea of ​​the location of components and assemblies under the hood.

To understand how to install the engine heater, just look at the installation instructions that came with the kit. The general installation sequence is as follows.

  1. Since the heater is installed in the cooling system, it is necessary to drain part of the antifreeze (at least 2 liters in order to lower its level and prevent leakage during depressurization)
  2. If a block heater is installed, the plug is removed from the cylinder block and a heating element is installed. For the remote or branch pipe version, the hoses leading to the heater radiator are removed. It is better to use the hoses included in the installation kit so as not to cut the factory ones. When installing new nozzles, all connections are fixed with clamps, and it is advisable to coat the fittings with a sealant to avoid leaks.
  3. The device body is attached with a bracket included in the kit.
  4. All necessary connections are made, the rest of the assembly is carried out in the reverse order.
  5. Antifreeze is poured back to the desired level... When filling, it is advisable to avoid the appearance of air locks (pour antifreeze into the expansion tank carefully, in a thin stream!).

Installing engine heating is a task that is quite feasible for almost everyone. And which type to choose depends on the specific operating conditions and design features of the car.

"Frost and sun is a wonderful day" - it is immediately clear that these lines were not written by a motorist. After all, even a novice driver knows about the problems that can be expected from frost when there is a need to start the engine of a frozen car. This is especially true when a person is late somewhere.

And then the question of how to warm up the car faster in winter rises literally with an edge. In our article, we will provide recommendations aimed at helping those drivers who often have to deal with this problem.

Why you need to warm up the engine

There is no unequivocal opinion on whether there is an urgent need to preheat a car engine before it reaches operating temperature or not, does not exist in nature. However, we tend to be of the opinion that this procedure is necessary. And to substantiate our opinion, we give the following arguments.

  1. Any engine oil tends to thicken at negative temperatures, and this negatively affects its lubricating characteristics, which can lead to premature wear of engine components and parts. This statement is doubly true when the car immediately starts to run at higher revs. The oil warmed up to the optimum temperature again becomes optimally viscous and efficiently lubricates all units and parts.
  2. On a frozen engine, the clearances between individual parts do not meet the standards. And this again leads to their accelerated wear. The clearances are normalized only after reaching the recommended temperature level.
  3. The mode of operation of a cold engine is not stable. And this is noticeable on almost all brands of cars, regardless of whether they are equipped with carburetors or they are equipped with the most modern fuel injection systems. As a result, the engine starts to "sneeze", it has a decrease in dynamics and throttle response.
  4. In the process of driving with an insufficiently warmed-up engine, an increased fuel consumption is observed, which is caused by an insufficiently high temperature of the air-fuel mixture.

The car must be warmed up correctly in winter.

When the engine warms up, it should work at idle speed, that is, without applying loads to it that are created during driving. In order to start the car in winter, it is necessary to set the gearshift lever to the neutral position and depress the clutch pedal, which is slowly released after the car engine starts to work.

After that, you need to wait a certain amount of time for the engine to reach operating temperature. In order to speed up this process, you can connect the maximum number of energy-intensive consumers, such as, for example, high beam headlights and interior heating. This increases the load on the generator, which also helps to speed up the heating process.

This time can be used to remove snow from the surface of the car, its glass and headlights. But even after waiting for the temperature indicator of the engine to reach the operating indicator, you should not move abruptly from a place, but you should do it smoothly. The need for this is explained by the fact that the oil in the gearbox is also in a cooled state and it will be better if it gradually reaches the operating temperature.

How to warm up the car faster in winter

To ensure efficient and quick warm-up of the machine in winter, it is recommended to use the following devices:

  1. heating element;
  2. electric heating pre-heater;
  3. thermal accumulator;
  4. heater for fuel lines;
  5. prestarting liquid heater;

Heating elements

Finding an element for heating oil in the oil pan is quite difficult, since it is already a rarity. They were the first to install it on military vehicles, and it worked from an on-board battery. With its help, before starting the engine, the oil in the oil pan was heated. True, I must say that at the same time there was a rather serious discharge of the battery, which is already quite weakened by the influence of negative temperatures

Prestarting electric heaters

The use of a pre-starting electric heater, which is connected to the power supply through an ordinary household outlet, will allow the engine coolant to be heated to the required temperature level. True, for this he will need at least three hours, during which it is not recommended to leave the device unattended.


Installing a thermal accumulator on a car will save time for warming up the car engine for those who have to use the car constantly. During the operation of the engine in a special device, which is usually called a thermos, antifreeze accumulates, which has an operating temperature. At the time of launch, this antifreeze is pumped into the cooling system, due to which the total temperature of the liquid located there rises by fifteen degrees. And this, of course, provides an easier engine start and accelerated warming up.

Automated fuel line heaters

Due to the automated heaters of the fuel lines, the fluidity of the fuel is improved, the flammability of the fuel-air mixture, as well as its volatility, increases. It removes frost formed in the fuel system during the process with gasoline, especially if it is not of very high quality. A very good result can be achieved if this device is used in conjunction with a thermal accumulator.

Prestarting liquid heaters

The use of a pre-starting liquid heater makes it possible to warm up the antifreeze due to the combustion of the air-fuel mixture in its chamber. The heated liquid enters the system using a pump, which allows for sixty minutes, or even faster, to warm up the car in winter. It is possible to program the start time of the system, as well as to control it remotely.

After reaching the temperature of about 85 ° C, the system starts to work in standby mode. As soon as the temperature drops below the set parameter, the heating is switched on again. Some attribute the presence of additional fuel consumption to the negative characteristics of this system. But they do not take into account the fact that for the system to work, no more than one liter per hour is required, while in order to start and then warm up a cold engine, it will take about two liters.

How long is it advisable to warm up the engine

Ambient temperature indicator

(degrees Celsius)

Car warm-up time


At this temperature, the glass of the car is not yet coated, therefore there is no need for prolonged heating.

This time is quite enough for the engine to reach operating temperature in such a frost.

from -10 to -20

Such frost covers the windows of the car with ice, which must thaw for safe movement.

Normal warming up of the car in such frost occurs depending on the technical condition of the car.

In conclusion, we can say that the most optimal option for operating a car at low temperatures is the one in which the driver warms up the engine for three to five minutes. After that, a smooth movement begins, excluding sharp accelerations and engine cranking above 2000 rpm. And you should move in this mode until the temperature level reaches 80-90 degrees.

The engine preheater is a special device that allows you to warm up the power unit of a vehicle without starting it. After all, they very often arise in winter. Almost every car enthusiast had a situation when he came to the parking lot for his car, but he would not start. The reason for this is the low ambient temperature. In such a situation, such a heater will come to your aid.

Its functions:

  • preheating the power unit;
  • facilitating the procedure for starting the engine in the cold season;
  • heating the air space c.

This device keeps the engine at a constant temperature even when the machine is not running. In some modifications, the function of heating the interior of the vehicle is built in.

Having such a device in your car, you can easily start your car in the winter season. And also, you will not be afraid of the cold in the car, because you will quickly heat the air to the state you need.

Types of devices and their characteristics

There are currently four types of heaters. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Liquid heater... Now, this device is the best of all offered on the market. With the help of it, you not only start your power unit without any problems, but also heat the interior of your vehicle. This heater is installed underneath and connected to the hot water heating circuit. The liquid device has the ability to connect a timer that will start working at a specified time. It has the ability to start via a radio signal or by means of a remote control. This device operates almost silently and is very economical.
  • Autonomous air heater... It is designed to heat huge volumes. Therefore, it is very often used in vans and buses. This device works quietly, heats the air quickly, and also consumes a small amount of fuel.
  • Electric heater engine (on-line heater). The principle of operation of this mechanism is that an appropriate heating device is installed in the cylinder block, operating from a 220 V power supply.This device is suitable for those motorists who store their vehicles in garages, that is, where there is an electrical outlet. After all, it only works on electricity. If you leave your car in a parking lot, then an electric heater simply won't work for you. Look for alternatives.
  • Heat accumulator... This device works on the principle of accumulating hot cooling inside itself. He is able to keep the set temperature for an average of two days. During engine start-up, hot antifreeze passes through the cooling circle several times, thus heating the power unit in a short period of time.

Almost all prestarting mechanisms have similar operating principles. Such devices have combustion chambers made of stainless metal, where fuel enters with the help of a nozzle, and air through a fan. This is where the mixture is ignited. It is done from a glow plug or from a candle. Antifreeze heating occurs due to an increase in temperature during the combustion of the air-fuel mixture. A pump installed in the cooling system pumps liquid, and this heats up the entire system. Then, the stove fan is connected, with the help of which the interior of the vehicle is heated.

Video - engine preheaters


The pre-heater is an indispensable item in the winter season. Indeed, when, it is very difficult to start the power unit of the car. Then this device will come to the rescue. With the help of it, you not only start the engine, but also be able to heat the air inside the car. There are currently four types of heaters on sale in the automotive market. The car enthusiast must choose for himself exactly the one that suits him in all performance characteristics and price.

In the harsh Russian winter, thermometer columns often drop in temperatures, at which high-quality operation of the mechanisms and working fluids of the car is guaranteed. Automakers claim that modern cars do not need to warm up the engine for its stable and reliable operation, but many drivers are faced with problems as early as 15-20 degrees below zero. Nevertheless, even in bitter frosts, like this winter, it is possible to ensure an easy and safe start for the engine.

How to warm up a car in winter without damaging the engine?

To warm up or not to warm up?

Traditionally, the most common method of "helping" the engine in cold weather is to warm it up at idle speed for 10-15 minutes. The logic of the drivers is very simple: during this time, the motor will warm itself up to operating temperature, the oil will acquire the usual density, and there is no need to buy or install anything additionally. But what about the very fact of a cold start?

It is known that each engine start in frosty weather reduces the engine resource by several hundred kilometers under normal conditions. Low temperatures lead to metal compression, an increase in micro gaps between engine parts, and thickened oil cannot sufficiently perform protective functions. All this negatively affects the condition of the key engine components and can lead to their breakdown.

It is at the moment of starting that you inflict the greatest damage on your car, and not when driving at high speeds in winter, which is physically impossible in the first minutes after starting due to the natural change in the parameters of the volatility of the fuel and the density of working fluids. Do not forget about the ecology - it is no coincidence that in a number of European countries the operation of the engine without idling is prohibited.

Warming up the engine in severe frost sometimes becomes a serious problem.

Autostart systems provide a more gentle option. At least the driver does not need to freeze on the street or in a cold car. Conveniently, many products provide for the conditions for starting the engine not only in time, but also upon reaching a certain temperature.

Such a system also has disadvantages: frequent use of autostart negatively affects the resource of equipment, leads to an increase in fuel consumption, and even increases the risk of theft.

At extremely low temperatures, no effective warm-up at idle occurs. Moreover, there is a serious risk of engine damage due to freezing of the crankcase ventilation system.

Electric heating - reliable and safe

If you do not take into account exotic options, for example, thermal insulation (insulation) of the hood, which can be effectively used in practice only in combination with other heating methods, the most practical method today is the use of an engine preheater.

In regions with the coldest winters, it is often impossible to do without such devices, so most motorists in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East choose electric heating.

Heaters "Severs-M" and "Severs +" produced by CJSC "Leader"

The main advantage of electric heating is the absence of a cold start. The engine starts only after the coolant has warmed up to a high temperature, which allows both the mechanisms themselves and the working fluids (primarily engine oil) to be put into operation. High-quality heaters (for example, "Severs +") provide uniform heating of all engine parts, which also has a beneficial effect on its condition and does not reduce the resource. In any weather, in half an hour, the motor is guaranteed to be ready for a safe start!

Information about overheating and even fires of such equipment usually refers to cheap Chinese products, while the pre-heaters from the Leader company are equipped with double protection - a thermostat and a thermal switch, which excludes the possibility of emergency situations.

Easy installation - easy engine start

Another important feature of electric engine heating systems is their ease of installation. Any driver will be able to mount a ready-made kit on his car within a couple of hours. The heaters are practical, do not require constant care and maintenance, as well as serious intervention in the structure of the car - there is no risk of losing the warranty from the car dealership.

On the eve of winter, check the condition of the battery, working fluids, electrical equipment and assess the need to install additional means of support for starting the engine in frost. Then the car will delight you in any weather!


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