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Located in the large regional center of the Volga region. This institute began its history in 1932, when it was the 4th border guard school. The school was reorganized into a college in 1937, and became a higher school in 1973. In 1997, the higher school received the status Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Over the entire period of its existence, more than 36,000 officers graduated from this educational institution.

Conditions of study at the Saratov Military Institute

At the institute, the educational process consists of legal, humanitarian and military disciplines, which are carried out in a variety of ways and forms. During their studies, cadets study 55 disciplines in 14 departments:

  • general military psychology and pedagogy;
  • special and combined arms tactics of explosive units and units;
  • higher mathematics;
  • foreign languages;
  • other disciplines (administrative, constitutional, civil, criminal law).

Also, cadets are trained to master many types of small arms, learn self-defense and hand-to-hand combat techniques, work with equipment (information and computing), etc.

The Saratov Institute has: a tankodrome, an electronic computing base, a shooting range, classrooms, modern simulators, training fields and other material resources for the successful mastery of the curriculum.

The military institute has its own clinic with an equipped infirmary, a club (accommodating 1000 people), a cadet canteen, a shopping center (buffet, hairdresser, communications department), and a sewing workshop. Since every officer must have excellent physical training, there is a sports complex on the territory of the institute, which contains halls for hand-to-hand combat and wrestling, as well as halls for playing mini-football, basketball, volleyball, gyms, and gymnastics camps.

World champions (current), Russian champions in hand-to-hand combat and sambo study at this institute. The duration of study here is 5 years.

Conditions for admission to a military institute

Applicants for admission to this institute can be citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary vocational or full education, as well as men who have been checked by the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the age of 16-22, young people who have not yet served in the army are accepted. Applicants who have already served and conscripted military personnel who have served for at least half a year must be no older than 24 years.

The candidate selection process consists of:

  • determining the category of suitability (professional), based on psychophysical/psychological research, as well as socio-psychological study;
  • determining health status;
  • assessment of the applicant’s physical fitness;
  • assessment of general education training.

As for entrance exams, they are held in the following disciplines:

  • Russian history;
  • social science;
  • Russian language/literature.

Outside of competition, the institute enrolls candidates who have passed professional selection from among:

  • children who were left without parents (up to 23 years old);
  • orphans;
  • citizens under 20 years of age who have only 1 parent who is a disabled person of group 1 (but provided that the income per person is below the subsistence level);
  • combatants;
  • citizens who were dismissed from service (military), acting on the recommendation of the unit commander;
  • citizens who were exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

I also draw your attention to, which was part of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the institute is part of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

The recruitment of 11th grade graduates in 2013 is announced for admission to the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Rules for admission to the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

I. General provisions

These Admission Rules have been developed taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The admission rules establish the requirements for candidates and determine the procedure for admitting citizens entering the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

Changes and additions to the Admission Rules are considered at a meeting of the academic council and approved by the head of the military institute.

II. Requirements for candidates for enrollment in the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

  1. Cadets are considered as candidates for enrollment in a military institute citizens of the Russian Federation who have secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education and have been tested by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from among:
  • citizens who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22 years;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing conscription military service who have served for at least 6 months - until they reach the age of 24 years;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract - after half the period of military service specified in the first contract, until they reach the age of 24 years.
  1. Professional selection of candidates for enrollment in a military institute by cadets is carried out by the admissions committee and includes:
  • determining the category of professional suitability of a candidate based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysical examination;
  • assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of candidates;
  • assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates
    (Annex 1).

Entrance tests (exams) to assess educational readiness:

Russian language (results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) are taken into account); history (the results of the Unified State Exam are taken into account); social studies (the results of the Unified State Exam are taken into account); additional exam in social studies (in written form). When assessing the results of an additional exam in social studies, testing physical fitness A hundred point system is used, which is established by the military institute. Professional selection of candidates for admission to study from among citizens who have and have not completed military service and military personnel is carried out from July 1 to July 30. The composition of the selection committee is determined annually by orders of the head of the military institute, who is its chairman. The deputy head of the military institute for academic work (head of the educational department) is appointed as the deputy chairman of the selection committee.

The selection committee consists:

  • from the military medical subcommittee;
  • subcommittees on professional psychological selection;
  • subcommittee for assessing physical fitness;
  • subcommittee for conducting an additional exam in social studies;
  • subcommittees on organizing and conducting the unified state examination;
  • appellate subcommittee.

When organizing professional selection, the military institute ensures compliance with the rights of citizens established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, transparency and openness of the work of the selection committee, and objectivity in assessing the abilities and aptitudes of applicants.

Examination tests, tasks to determine the category of professional suitability of a candidate, an additional exam in social studies are developed at a military institute, reviewed by the academic council of the university and approved by the head of the military institute.

The sequence and order of the entrance examinations are determined by the chairman of the admissions committee. The chairman of the admissions committee gives instructions on drawing up a schedule for entrance exams.

The schedule of entrance exams (subject, date, time and place of the exam, consultations, date of announcement of results) is communicated to candidates no later than 10 days before their start. The names of examiners are not indicated in the schedule of entrance exams

The results of entrance exams in general education subjects (Russian language, history, social studies) take into account the results of passing the unified state exams indicated in the original Certificate of passing the unified state exam. The original Certificate is presented by the candidate to the admissions committee upon arrival at the military institute.

The information specified in the Certificate of Passing the Unified State Exam is verified in the established manner in the Federal Certificate Database. Based on the results of the inspection, the head of the military institute makes a decision on the candidate’s further participation in professional selection.

Persons who did not appear for the entrance exams without a good reason, who did not present the original documents of education, a Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, a passport, as well as those who collected the documents after the start of the entrance exams, are eliminated from the competition and are not enrolled in the military institute.

Persons who did not appear for the entrance examinations for a valid reason, by decision of the head of the military institute, are allowed to take them in parallel groups or individually until they are fully completed.

Candidates who successfully pass the professional selection are included in the competitive list and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled in the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, have been granted benefits for admission to a military institute, upon arrival at the admissions office, submit the relevant documents confirming this right.

Candidates accepted by the decision of the admissions committee to study at a military institute are enrolled and appointed to military cadet positions by order of the head of the military institute from August 1 of the year of admission to study.

  • Candidates who are not enrolled in a military institute as cadets are subject to secondment from among:
  • citizens who have and have not undergone military service - to military commissariats at their place of residence;
  • military personnel - to the military units in which they served.

Based on the results of the entrance examination, the candidate has the right to submit a written appeal about the error, in his opinion, of the assessment given in the entrance examination.

  • The procedure for considering appeals of candidates based on the results of entrance examinations is determined by the appeal commission.
  • The candidate has the right to familiarize himself with his work in the manner determined by the selection committee.

Consideration of the appeal is not a re-examination; during the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the result of passing the entrance test (written work) is checked. The candidate has the right to be present during the appeal hearing. He must have with him a document proving his identity. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision on the assessment of the examination work (both in the case of an increase or decrease).

If it is necessary to change the assessment, a protocol of the decision of the appeal commission is drawn up. If disagreements arise in the appeal commission regarding the assessment, a vote is held and the assessment is approved by a majority vote. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is communicated to the chairman of the selection committee.

The final decision to correct the grade based on the decision of the appeal committee is made only by the chairman of the admissions committee. In accordance with this decision, changes are made to the assessment of the candidate’s examination work.

Outside the competition, candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are accepted from among:

  • orphans and children left without parental care under the age of 23;
  • citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens discharged from military service and entering universities on the recommendations of commanders of military units; combatants;
  • citizens who, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster,” are granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education;
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education.

When enrolling as cadets, priority rights are given to candidates who have shown equal results during the entrance examinations, from among:

  • citizens who have a preferential right to enter higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;
  • citizens discharged from military service;
  • children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;
  • children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more;
  • children of military personnel who died while performing military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases received during the performance of military service duties;
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given preferential rights when entering universities.
  1. Military personnel wishing to enroll in a military institute, before April 1 of the year of admission, upon command, a report is submitted to the commander of the military unit, in which they indicate: military rank, last name, first name, patronymic, military position held, year and month of birth, education, name of the military educational institution, specialty for which they are willing to learn. Attached to the report:
  • three certified photographs (4.5 ´ 6 cm); autobiography;
  • service characteristics;
  • service card;
  • copy of the passport;
  • copy of birth certificate; medical examination card;
  • professional psychological selection card;

An original document of education, a Certificate of the results of the unified state examination, and for military personnel who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education that have state accreditation, in addition, an academic certificate is presented upon arrival at the military institute.

Lists of pre-selected candidates from among the military personnel, approved by the first deputy commanders of the operational-territorial formations of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the documents listed above, are sent to the military institute no later than May 15 of the year of admission.

Military personnel pre-selected for admission to the military institute arrive by June 1 to undergo professional selection. Training sessions are held with them to prepare for entrance exams.

Military personnel whose military service expires before June 1 of the year of admission must be sent, upon discharge from military service, to the military commissariats at their place of residence for military registration with notification that they are candidates for admission to a military institute.

The commander of a military unit, upon receiving a call to enroll a military institute who has been transferred to the reserve, is obliged to report this to the military commissariat at the serviceman’s place of residence.

Military personnel retiring to the reserve after arriving at a military institute (before August 1) should be sent to a military institute with their exclusion from the list of the military unit for inclusion in the list of personnel of the institute with all the documents required for the transfer of military personnel to a new place of service.

  1. Persons from among citizens who have and have not undergone military service, Those who have expressed a desire to enter a military institute submit an application to the military commissariat of the municipal formation and to the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence before April 1 of the year of admission.
  2. The application shall indicate: last name, first name and patronymic, year, date and month of birth, address of the candidate’s place of residence, name of the military educational institution (faculty) and the specialty in which he wishes to study.
  3. The following are attached to the application:
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of work or study;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a copy of a state document on education (secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, as well as a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education);
  • three photographs (4.5 ´ 6 cm);

materials of special checks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of Russia on the candidate and his close relatives (father, mother and mother’s maiden name, siblings who have reached the age of 14).

Preliminary selection of candidates for admission to universities is carried out by commissions of internal affairs bodies until May 5 of the year of admission to study.

Passport, military ID, registration certificate and an original state document on education (secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education), Certificate of The results of the unified state exam are provided by the candidate to the admissions committee of the military institute upon arrival.

Documents for candidates, including medical examination cards, professional psychological selection cards and materials of a special check of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of Russia, military commissars or constituent bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are sent to the military institute before May 20 of the year of admission of candidates.

  1. 7. The admissions committee of the military institute, after reviewing the candidates’ documents received, makes a decision on their admission to professional selection.
  2. The decision is documented in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats or internal affairs bodies before June 20 of the year of admission to study, indicating the time and place of professional selection or reasons for refusal.
  3. The admissions committee of a military institute has the right to refuse to accept an applicant’s documents due to the insufficient number of points he scored based on the results of the Unified State Exam in general education subjects if the applicant submits Unified State Exam results that are below the minimum threshold established by order of Rosobrnadzor of Russia.
  4. 10. The sending of candidates for professional selection to a military institute is organized by commanders of military units, military commissars or recruiting bodies only upon the call of the selection committee.
  5. Local recruiting bodies provide candidates with free travel documents, and at the institute - free food and hostel accommodation.
  6. Candidates who arrive without being called will be denied admission to take the entrance examination.
  7. 13. While studying at a military institute, cadets live in comfortable barracks and are fully provided with food, uniforms, all necessary textbooks and manuals, and monetary allowances according to established standards. During their training, cadets are annually given a two-week vacation in the winter, and at the end of the academic year - a 30-day vacation.
  8. The life, everyday life and study of cadets is organized in accordance with the requirements of the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  9. Upon completion of the first course of study and reaching the age of 18, cadets enter into a contract for military service and enjoy all the benefits in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. The time spent studying at the institute is included in the officer’s total length of military service. .

Annex 1


The level of physical fitness of candidates upon admission to a military institute is determined as a result of checking the fulfillment of standards for pull-ups on the horizontal bar, 100 m run, and 3 km run.

Assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates from among military personnel, citizens who have and have not served in military service, is determined in accordance with the Manual on physical training in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 19, 2005 No. 395.

Standards for physical training for candidates from among military personnel, citizens who have and have not undergone military service


Candidates from among military personnel, citizens who have and have not served in military service, perform exercises in sportswear.

  • slow run 1-2 km;
  • special running exercises for 200 m;
  • acceleration 3-4 times at 80-100 m;
  • speed run 2 times 30 m + 60 m + 100 m.
  • morning physical exercises - running 2-4 km;
  • in the afternoon - run 2-4 km;
  • running in segments of 500 m + 750 m + 750 m with rest to restore breathing (heart rate up to 120 beats/min);
  • time: 1500 m - 6 min, 750 m - 3 min;
  • The final run is 1-2 km.

When preparing for pull-ups on the bar, it is recommended:

  • Repeated pull-ups on the bar with a narrow and wide grip for the number of times.
  • During a workout, you need to pull up 3-5 times your maximum result.
  • Rest interval 2-4 min. The frequency of repetition per week is 3-4 times. On the remaining days - strength training for various muscle groups.

Military Institute address:

410023, Saratov, Moskovskaya street, 158 Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Rules for admission to the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

I. General provisions

These Admission Rules have been developed taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The admission rules establish the requirements for candidates and determine the procedure for admitting citizens entering the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

Changes and additions to the Admission Rules are considered at a meeting of the academic council and approved by the head of the military institute.

II. Requirements for candidates for enrollment in the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

Cadets are considered as candidates for enrollment in a military institute citizens of the Russian Federation who have secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education and have been tested by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from among:
    citizens who have not served in the military - aged 16 to 22 years; citizens who have completed military service and conscripted military personnel who have served for at least 6 months - until they reach the age of 24; military personnel undergoing military service under a contract - after half the period of military service specified in the first contract, until they reach the age of 24 years.
Professional selection of candidates for enrollment in a military institute by cadets is carried out by the admissions committee and includes:
    determining the category of professional suitability of a candidate based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysical examination; assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of candidates; assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates (Appendix 1).

Entrance tests (exams) to assess educational readiness:

Russian language (the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) are taken into account);
history (Unified State Exam results are taken into account); social studies (Unified State Exam results are taken into account);
additional exam in social studies (in writing).
When assessing the results of an additional exam in social studies and testing physical fitness, a hundred-point system is used, which is established by a military institute.

Professional selection of candidates for admission to study from among citizens who have and have not completed military service and military personnel is carried out from July 1 to July 30.
The composition of the selection committee is determined annually by orders of the head of the military institute, who is its chairman.

The deputy head of the military institute for academic work (head of the educational department) is appointed as the deputy chairman of the selection committee.

The selection committee consists:

    from the military medical subcommittee; subcommittees on professional psychological selection; subcommittee for assessing physical fitness; subcommittee for conducting an additional exam in social studies; subcommittees on organizing and conducting the unified state examination; appellate subcommittee.

When organizing professional selection, the military institute ensures compliance with the rights of citizens established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, transparency and openness of the work of the selection committee, and objectivity in assessing the abilities and aptitudes of applicants.

Examination tests, tasks to determine the category of professional suitability of a candidate, an additional exam in social studies are developed at a military institute, reviewed by the academic council of the university and approved by the head of the military institute.

The sequence and order of the entrance examinations are determined by the chairman of the admissions committee. The chairman of the admissions committee gives instructions on drawing up a schedule for entrance exams.

The schedule of entrance exams (subject, date, time and place of the exam, consultations, date of announcement of results) is communicated to candidates no later than 10 days before their start. The names of examiners are not indicated in the entrance exam schedule.

The results of entrance exams in general education subjects (Russian language, history, social studies) take into account the results of passing the unified state exams indicated in the original Certificate of passing the unified state exam. The original Certificate is presented by the candidate to the admissions committee upon arrival at the military institute.

The information specified in the Certificate of Passing the Unified State Exam is verified in the established manner in the Federal Certificate Database. Based on the results of the inspection, the head of the military institute makes a decision on the candidate’s further participation in professional selection.

Persons who did not appear for the entrance exams without a good reason, who did not present the original documents of education, a Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, a passport, as well as those who collected the documents after the start of the entrance exams, are eliminated from the competition and are not enrolled in the military institute.

Persons who did not appear for the entrance examinations for a valid reason, by decision of the head of the military institute, are allowed to take them in parallel groups or individually until they are fully completed.

Candidates who successfully pass the professional selection are included in the competitive list and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled in the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, have been granted benefits for admission to a military institute, upon arrival at the admissions office, submit the relevant documents confirming this right.

Candidates accepted by the decision of the admissions committee to study at a military institute are enrolled and appointed to military cadet positions by order of the head of the military institute from August 1 of the year of admission to study.

    Candidates who are not enrolled in a military institute as cadets are subject to secondment from among: citizens who have and have not undergone military service - to military commissariats at their place of residence; military personnel - to the military units in which they served.

Based on the results of the entrance examination, the candidate has the right to submit a written appeal about the error, in his opinion, of the assessment given in the entrance examination.

    The procedure for considering appeals of candidates based on the results of entrance examinations is determined by the appeal commission. The candidate has the right to familiarize himself with his work in the manner determined by the selection committee.

Consideration of the appeal is not a re-examination; during the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the result of passing the entrance test (written work) is checked.

The candidate has the right to be present during the appeal hearing. He must have with him a document proving his identity. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision on the assessment of the examination work (both in the case of an increase or decrease).

If it is necessary to change the assessment, a protocol of the decision of the appeal commission is drawn up. If disagreements arise in the appeal commission regarding the assessment, a vote is held and the assessment is approved by a majority vote. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is communicated to the chairman of the selection committee.

The final decision to correct the grade based on the decision of the appeal committee is made only by the chairman of the admissions committee. In accordance with this decision, changes are made to the assessment of the candidate’s examination work.

Outside the competition, candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are accepted from among:

    orphans and children left without parental care under the age of 23; citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation; citizens discharged from military service and entering universities on the recommendations of commanders of military units; combatants; citizens who, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster,” have been granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education; other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education.

When enrolling as cadets, priority rights are given to candidates who have shown equal results during the entrance examinations, from among:

    citizens who have a preferential right to enter higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”; citizens discharged from military service; children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more; children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more; children of military personnel who died while performing military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases received during the performance of military service duties; other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given preferential rights when entering universities.
Military personnel wishing to enroll in a military institute, before April 1 of the year of admission, upon command, a report is submitted to the commander of the military unit, in which they indicate: military rank, last name, first name, patronymic, military position held, year and month of birth, education, name of the military educational institution, specialty for which they are willing to learn.

Attached to the report:

    a copy of a state document on education (secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, as well as a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education); three certified photographs (4.5 ´ 6 cm); autobiography; service characteristics; service card; copy of the passport; copy of birth certificate; medical examination card; professional psychological selection card;

An original document of education, a Certificate of the results of the unified state examination, and for military personnel who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education that have state accreditation, in addition, an academic certificate is presented upon arrival at the military institute.

Lists of pre-selected candidates from among the military personnel, approved by the first deputy commanders of the operational-territorial formations of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the documents listed above, are sent to the military institute no later than May 15 of the year of admission.

Military personnel pre-selected for admission to the military institute arrive by June 1 to undergo professional selection. Training sessions are held with them to prepare for entrance exams.

Military personnel whose military service expires before June 1 of the year of admission must be sent, upon discharge from military service, to the military commissariats at their place of residence for military registration with notification that they are candidates for admission to a military institute.

The commander of a military unit, upon receiving a call to enroll a military institute who has been transferred to the reserve, is obliged to report this to the military commissariat at the serviceman’s place of residence.

Military personnel retiring to the reserve after arriving at a military institute (before August 1) should be sent to a military institute with their exclusion from the list of the military unit for inclusion in the list of personnel of the institute with all the documents required for the transfer of military personnel to a new place of service.

Persons from among citizens who have and have not undergone military service, Those who have expressed a desire to enter a military institute submit an application to the military commissariat of the municipal formation and to the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence before April 1 of the year of admission.

The application shall indicate: last name, first name and patronymic, year, date and month of birth, address of the candidate’s place of residence, name of the military educational institution (faculty) and the specialty in which he wishes to study.

The following are attached to the application:

    autobiography; characteristics from the place of work or study; copy of the passport; a copy of the birth certificate; a copy of a state document on education (secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, as well as a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education); three photographs (4.5 ´ 6 cm);

materials of special checks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of Russia on the candidate and his close relatives (father, mother and mother’s maiden name, siblings who have reached the age of 14).

Preliminary selection of candidates for admission to universities is carried out by commissions of internal affairs bodies until May 5 of the year of admission to study.

Passport, military ID, registration certificate and an original state document on education (secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education), Certificate of The results of the unified state exam are provided by the candidate to the admissions committee of the military institute upon arrival.

Documents for candidates, including medical examination cards, professional psychological selection cards and materials of a special check of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of Russia, military commissars or constituent bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are sent to the military institute before May 20 of the year of admission of candidates.

The admissions committee of the military institute, after reviewing the candidates’ documents received, makes a decision on their admission to professional selection.

The decision is documented in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats or internal affairs bodies before June 20 of the year of admission to study, indicating the time and place of professional selection or reasons for refusal.

The admissions committee of a military institute has the right to refuse to accept an applicant’s documents due to the insufficient number of points he scored based on the results of the Unified State Exam in general education subjects if the applicant submits Unified State Exam results that are below the minimum threshold established by order of Rosobrnadzor of Russia. The sending of candidates for professional selection to a military institute is organized by commanders of military units, military commissars or recruiting bodies only upon the call of the selection committee.

Local recruiting bodies provide candidates with free travel documents, and at the institute - free food and hostel accommodation.

Candidates who arrive without being called will be denied admission to take the entrance examination. While studying at a military institute, cadets live in comfortable barracks and are fully provided with food, uniforms, all necessary textbooks and manuals, and monetary allowances according to established standards. During their training, cadets are annually given a two-week vacation in the winter, and at the end of the academic year - a 30-day vacation.

The life, everyday life and study of cadets is organized in accordance with the requirements of the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Upon completion of the first course of study and reaching the age of 18, cadets enter into a contract for military service and enjoy all the benefits in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. The time spent studying at the institute is included in the officer’s total length of military service.

Annex 1


The level of physical fitness of candidates upon admission to a military institute is determined as a result of checking the fulfillment of standards for pull-ups on the horizontal bar, 100 m run, and 3 km run.

Assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates from among military personnel, citizens who have and have not served in military service, is determined in accordance with the Manual on physical training in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 000.

Standards for physical training for candidates from among military personnel, citizens who have and have not undergone military service

Type of exercise


Endurance (3 km run), min.

Strength (pull-up on the bar), times

Speed ​​(100 m run), sec.


Candidates from among military personnel, citizens who have and have not served in military service, perform exercises in sportswear.

    slow run 1–2 km; special running exercises for 200 m; acceleration 3–4 times at 80–100 m; speed run 2 times 30 m + 60 m + 100 m.
    morning physical exercise – running 2–4 km; in the afternoon – run 2–4 km; running in segments of 500 m + 750 m + 750 m with rest to restore breathing (heart rate up to 120 beats/min); time: 1500 m – 6 min, 750 m – 3 min; Final run 1–2 km.

When preparing for pull-ups on the bar, it is recommended:

    Repeated pull-ups on the bar with a narrow and wide grip for the number of times. During a workout, you need to pull up 3-5 times your maximum result. Rest interval 2–4 min. The frequency of repetition per week is 3-4 times. On other days, strength training for various muscle groups.

Military Institute address:

Saratov city, Moskovskaya street, 158
Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Major General Aleynik Sergei Ivanovich

Head of the Saratov Military Institute

On May 19, 1932, on the basis of an order from the OGPU board, the 4th Border Guard School was created with a permanent location in the city of Saratov. In April 1937, the school was transformed into a military school, which became known as the Saratov Military School of the NKVD of the USSR.

In 1938, graduates of the school heroically fought against the Japanese invaders near Lake Khasan, in 1939 - near the Khalkhin Gol River, in January 1940 - on the Karelian Isthmus with the White Finns.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 26, 1940, college graduate Lieutenant Dmitry Ivanovich Rakus was the first in the history of the educational institution to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Great Patriotic War became a special page in the history of the institute. In total, during the war years, the Saratov Military School produced 16 graduates and trained 6,135 officers of various military specialties.

On May 21, 1960, the school was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR and became known as the Saratov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR.

In 1973, the military school received the status of a higher educational institution and switched to a 4-year course with graduates awarded a general higher education.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 6, 1982, for its services in training qualified personnel for the internal troops, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and renamed the Saratov Higher Military Command Red Banner School named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Since 1992, the training of future lieutenants has been carried out according to a five-year training program.

By order of the Government of Russia No. 682 of May 17 and by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia of July 7, 1997, the school was renamed the Saratov Military Red Banner Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2002, the military institute was awarded a commemorative pennant for its great contribution to the education and training of officers for the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subsequently, in connection with the formation of the National Guard troops, by order of the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2016 No. 017, the military institute switched to the staff of the National Guard troops and is referred to as the Saratov Military Red Banner Institute of National Guard Troops Russian Federation.

The Military Institute trains officers for the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation in the specialties 40.05.01 - Legal support of national security, with the qualification (degree) of "specialist" and 40.03.01 - Jurisprudence, with the qualification (degree) of "bachelor".

During the existence of the institute, 92 graduations of the main course and 37 external courses were conducted, more than 38 thousand specialists were trained for the troops. For courage and heroism, twenty-four students were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, three graduates were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for their participation in the restoration of the national economy in the post-war period, seven graduates became Heroes of Russia (four of them posthumously).

Organizationally, the military institute consists of:

Directorates, including: command, 6 departments (educational, research and editorial, publishing, personnel, personnel, combat, financial), 6 services (legal, duty, communications, engineering, chemical protection, medical), 2 groups (combat readiness, troops and security of military service), secret cartographic department, technical part and rear;

Main units, including: 5 battalions of cadets, 14 departments of institute and postgraduate full-time and part-time studies;

Support units, including: educational process support battalion, communications center, automated control center, training center, training and experimental workshop, printing house, military clinic, military orchestra, club, library.

The Saratov Military Institute is the center of future military personnel and defenders of the Fatherland. How did the history of this educational institution, famous throughout Russia, begin?

Historical information

The Saratov Military Institute can boast of a long history, during which it changed not only its name, but also its organizational structure and quantitative composition. The only factor that could not be influenced was the high level of teaching and training of professional personnel. The official history of the institute began in May 1932 (previously it was called the 4th Border Guard School). Already in 1934, the first commanders who graduated from the infantry department were released. Three years later, the school was reorganized into a military school, which in 1973 was already a higher school, and in 1997 it became a military institute. Starting from the first graduates, to this day the institute has graduated more than 36 thousand trained officers. In 1938-1939, students of the institute fought with Japanese samurai near Lake Khasan, and in 1940 - with the White Finns. The students of the institute brought a lot of glory to their educational institution during this period of time.


The first invasions of Adolf Hitler's troops were bravely taken on by the institute's students D. Rakus and A. Lopatin. Both officers became posthumous Heroes. During this war, 20 cadets of the Saratov Military Institute received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Many were awarded orders and medals for their fortitude. In their native educational institution, the names of these people are engraved on a memorial plaque in gold letters. During the war, the institute continued to train young people, with a total of 23 graduates. About 6 thousand officers went to the front.

Post-war time

In 1947-1949, cadets and officers of the Saratov Institute actively fought against nationalist formations in the Baltic states and Western Ukraine. In August 1996, the educational institution was named after F. Dzerzhinsky. The war in Afghanistan could not pass by the graduates of the Saratov school. Many cadets and even teachers were participants in the military conflict. Also, graduates of the institute participated in the operation to eliminate the consequences after the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, students and teachers did not always see eye to eye and often fought on opposite sides of the barricades (Yerevan, Baku). From 1993 to 1995, officers of the Saratov Institute ensured public order in Vladikavkaz. Thousands of graduates of the institute were involved in ensuring law and order in the Chechen Republic. Some of them died and became heroes for their homeland.

Present day

Today, the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops produces specialists who know their job very well and perform worthy service in different parts of Russia. Many cadets rise to the rank of general. Graduates of the institute are one of the main pillars of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism and crime, ensuring the rights of the population in “hot spots”. In 2002, the Saratov Military Institute received the commemorative Pennant of the Minister of Internal Affairs for its enormous contribution to the education and training of qualified military personnel. In 2008, the educational institution received the Battle Banner. In 2012, the guests of the institute were an invited commission from Belarus and a delegation from the French gendarmerie. In 2015, the name “Krasnoznamenny” was returned to the educational institution. In May 2017, the Saratov Military Institute turns 85 years old.

Basic information

The Saratov Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a federal government military educational institution of the Russian Federation. The founder and owner of the educational institution in one person is the Russian Federation. The functions of the founder are assigned to the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops. The institute is open every day from 8.00-18.000 (13.00-15.00 break), except weekends. There is an information website of the institute on the Internet.


The Saratov Military Institute offers applicants to study at the following levels of higher education:

  • Specialty

Duration of training - 5 years full-time. To enroll in this level of education, you must provide a document on secondary general (special) education. Male citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet served in the state military service (16-22 years old), people who have completed military service and men who are performing military service under a contract can apply. Admission of applicants is carried out on a competitive basis. According to professional selection, the applicant must undergo a full medical examination and be fit to perform his duties due to health reasons, undergo a psychological examination and be morally stable, pass a physical fitness exam and successfully pass the EGE.

  • Bachelor's degree

Duration of study: 5 years, part-time. The training program includes military internships, classroom and independent studies. There are 5 main departments involved in training.

Technical base

The educational and material base of the institute is constantly being improved. The head of the military institute decided to gradually modernize the training process for promising development in the future. To rationally organize the learning process, the Saratov Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses buildings and premises with a total area of ​​67,089 square meters. m. Today, the institute has 66 classrooms for teaching specialized subjects, 4 lecture halls, 2 laboratories, a printing house, a center for automated control systems and a television studio. To ensure a progressive learning process, more than 600 units of computer equipment and about 15 multimedia projectors are used. The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a field educational and material base, which is located at a distance of 25 km from the educational institution itself. It includes a training shooting range, a central management post, a shooting camp, a hall of the airborne assault department, a training center, an engineering camp and a tactical unit change camp. There is also an artillery and grenade launcher town, and places for radiation, chemical and biological protection. There is also a psychological protection strip, a communication area and a communication field.

Admission of applicants

The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia invites everyone to study. Choosing a professional occupation is the most important decision for every person, but for a man this step predetermines his entire future life. It is very important to find an activity in which you can realize your potential and benefit your homeland and society. The profession of an officer is not suitable for everyone, because it requires the presence of many qualities, such as responsibility, readiness, self-control. This work will require a lot of time and effort, and will also make the man obligated to defend his homeland. A military man stands firmly on his feet, he is always confident that he can protect himself and his loved ones.

The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs guarantees its graduates full support, a diploma of completion of training, training in driving a car, guaranteed employment and a decent level of remuneration. Service in the ranks of the Russian army will require a young man to have excellent health, deep knowledge and a high level of physical fitness.


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