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Maritime site Russia no October 05, 2016 Created: October 05, 2016 Updated: October 05, 2016 Hits: 12472

An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a heat engine, inside the cylinder of which fuel is burned. During combustion, heat is released, which goes for the expansion of gases. The piston moves under the pressure of the expanding gases.

Thus, in the internal combustion engine, thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy.

Marine internal combustion engines are classified according to a number of characteristics. For the engine to work, it is necessary to ensure a certain sequence of processes: filling the cylinder with air, compressing it, supplying fuel and combustion, expanding combustion products and removing exhaust gases. This series of consistently occurring processes in the cylinder, ensuring the continuous operation of the engine, is called the duty cycle. The part of the working cycle that occurs in one piston stroke is called a stroke.

Thus, according to the implementation of the operating cycle, engines are divided into four-stroke, in which the operating cycle is completed in four piston strokes or in two revolutions. crankshaft, and two-stroke, in which the working cycle is carried out in two piston strokes or one revolution of the crankshaft.

By design, the engines are divided into trunk, crosshead and with oppositely moving pistons (PDP) in one cylinder.

During engine operation, gas pressure acts on the piston during the combustion of fuel in the cylinder. It can be represented as a concentrated force P (Fig. 1, a), applied to the axis of the piston pin and directed downward. When the crankshaft is turned by a certain angle, the force P is decomposed according to the parallelogram rule into two forces: P W, acting along the connecting rod axis and driving the crankshaft, and P N, acting perpendicular to the direction of piston movement. The force P N presses the piston against the cylinder wall and causes increased wear of the pistons and cylinder walls

Rice. 1. Diagram of the design of the engines: a - trunk; b - crosshead; c - with oppositely moving pistons in one cylinder

According to this scheme, high-speed and medium-speed engines, called trunk engines, are made (their piston has a developed lower cylindrical part - trunk).

In engines of high power, the P N force is large, therefore they are made cross-head (Fig. 1, b). The piston 2 of such an engine is rigidly connected through the rod 3 to the crosshead 1, the slider 4 of which moves in the guiding parallels 5. In this case, the lateral force P N is perceived not by the cylinder wall, but through the crosshead by the parallels, which are rigidly connected to the engine bed. Crossheads are made one-sided or double-sided.

In engines with PDP (Fig. 1, c), the fuel burns in a chamber located between two pistons 1, which work in one cylinder and move in opposite directions. This engine has two crankshafts 2.

Depending on the arrangement of the cylinders, engines are single-row with a vertical arrangement of cylinders (Fig. 2, a) and V-shaped (Fig. 2, b).

Rice. 2. Scheme of engines: a - in-line; b - V-shaped; c - naturally aspirated; d - supercharged

According to the method of filling the cylinder with a fresh charge, they are distinguished:

  • naturally aspirated engines (Fig. 2, c), in which air is sucked through the valve by a piston (four-contact) or the cylinder is filled with air by a purge pump at a low pressure slightly exceeding atmospheric (two-stroke);
  • engines in which fuel is injected into the working cylinder under pressure generated by a special pump K (blower).

According to the method of ignition of the combustible mixture in the cylinder, the following are distinguished:

  • engines in which fuel is injected into the working cylinder through a special device (nozzle) under the action of the pressure created fuel pump; it is finely atomized, mixed in the cylinder with air that is highly heated as a result of compression, and spontaneously ignites (these are diesel engines);
  • carburetor engines, i.e. such engines in which fuel is mixed with air not in the cylinder, but in a special device-carburetor, from which the combustible mixture is fed into the engine cylinder and ignited there by an electric spark received from a special system.

In terms of speed, engines are conventionally divided into low-speed engines with an average piston speed of less than 6.5 m / s and high-speed engines with an average piston speed of more than 6.5 m / s.

In terms of rotation frequency, engines are divided into:

  • low-speed (MOD) - 10 ... 25 s -1 (100 ... 250 rpm),
  • medium speed (SOD) - 25 ... 60 s -1 (250 ... 600 rpm),
  • increased speed - 60 ... 100 s -1 (600 ... 1000 rpm)
  • high-speed - over 1000 s -1 (10,000 rpm).

In terms of power, engines are divided into:

  • low-power - up to 73.5 kW (100 hp),
  • average power - 73.5 ... 735 kW (100 ... 1000 hp) and
  • super-powerful - over 7350 kW (10000hp).

By design, the engines are the main ones, which ensure the progress of the vessel, set in motion the propellers, and auxiliary ones, which serve to drive electric generators, compressors and other auxiliary mechanisms.

According to the method of changing the direction of rotation of the shaft, motors are divided into reversible and non-reversible. Forward and reverse with a fixed pitch propeller can be achieved by changing the direction of rotation of the propeller. To provide reverse the propeller can be made to rotate in the opposite direction in two ways: either change the direction of rotation of the engine crankshaft, or only the propeller.

In reversible engines, the direction of rotation of the crankshaft can be reversed. The power of these motors is usually high.

The crankshafts of non-reversible engines only rotate in one direction. In high-speed and low-power non-reversible engines, the direction of rotation of the propeller is changed using a reversible gear installed between the engine and the shaft line.

For a short designation of the type of engine, diesel-building plants use conventional marking (Table 1). The engine type marking that is common for domestic diesel factories and individual for factories in other countries usually consists of letter symbols of individual engine characteristics and numbers indicating the number of cylinders, diameter, and piston stroke (in cm) written in a certain sequence.

In accordance with GOST 4398-78, the marking of USSR engines consists of a digital designation of the number of cylinders, conventional letter designations of engine characteristics, after which the cylinder diameter and piston stroke in cm are shown with a fraction.

So, the brand 8DP 43/61 stands for: eight-cylinder two-stroke reversible trunk (no letter K), naturally aspirated (no letter H) engine with a cylinder with a diameter of 430 mm and a piston stroke of 610 mm.

Likewise, the 6DKPH 74/160 brand means: six-cylinder two-stroke crosshead reversible, supercharged, 740 mm cylinder with 1600 mm stroke.

The marking of engines produced by the GDR includes the number of cylinders and the piston stroke. The cylinder diameter is either given in the denominator or not indicated at all. For example, the brand of the 8ZD 72/48 engine stands for: an eight-cylinder two-stroke diesel with a piston stroke of 720 mm and a cylinder with a diameter of 480 mm.

The piston stroke is not indicated in the marking of Sulzer engines. For example, the 8TD-48 grade is assigned to an eight-cylinder, reversible trunk-piston engine with a cylinder diameter of 480 mm.

In the marking of MAN engines, the number of cylinders is indicated between the symbolic designations of the engine design and its stroke rate, after which, as a fraction, the cylinder diameter and piston stroke (in cm), then symbol turbocharging and modification rate. So, the brand of the K6Z 60 / 105L engine means that the engine is a cross-head six-cylinder two-stroke with a cylinder with a diameter of 600 mm, a piston stroke of 1050 mm, the piston spaces of this modification are used as a purge pump.

Engines of the Burmeister & Vine plants are marked somewhat differently. Here, the cylinder diameter (in cm) is indicated in front of the symbolic designations, behind the number of cylinders, and the piston stroke - after them. Thus, grade 6-35 VBF62 is assigned to a six-cylinder two-stroke reversible diesel engine with a gas turbine supercharging with a cylinder with a diameter of 350 mm and a piston stroke of 620 mm.

The machine-building industry produces a huge number of internal combustion engines, differing in principle of operation, design, purpose, etc. To get acquainted in general terms with the whole variety of existing types of engines, it is advisable to classify them (divided according to various criteria). Let's give such a subdivision of the internal combustion engine according to the following criteria:

By the type of fuel used:

  • Gasoline;
  • Light diesel fuel;
  • Heavy residual fuel (fuel oil type);
  • Gas engines (fuel - natural gas or generator gas);
  • Gas-liquid (main fuel - gas, pilot - liquid) and multi-fuel, capable of operating in a wide range of liquid and gaseous fuels.

By the method of mixture formation:

By the way the fuel is ignited:

  • With forced spark ignition (carburetor and gas internal combustion engines);
  • Self-ignition (diesel);
  • With mixed ignition (calorizing engines and so-called "gas diesels", in which the gas is ignited by spontaneous ignition of a small dose of pilot liquid fuel).

By the nature of the heat supply in the operating cycle:

  • With heat supply at constant volume (gasoline carburetor engines);
  • With heat supply at constant pressure (compressor diesel engines);
  • With mixed heat supply (modern diesel engines).

By the way of carrying out the working cycle:

  • 4-stroke and 2-stroke.

By way of action:

  • Simple action (the working cycle is carried out only in the upper cavity of the cylinder);
  • Double acting (the working cycle is carried out both in the upper and in the lower cavities of the crosshead motor).

By the method of filling the cylinders:

  • Naturally aspirated (when the pressure of the air or working mixture in the cylinder is approximately equal to or less than the ambient pressure);
  • Supercharged (when air or working mixture is fed into the cylinder under increased pressure due to compression in the blow-charge unit).

By the design of the combustion chamber:

  • Engines with non-split combustion chambers (most marine diesel engines);
  • With semi-divided combustion chambers (the combustion chamber is in the piston) and c) with separated combustion chambers (vortex and pre-chamber engines).

By piston design:

  • Trunk (when the head bearing is located in the piston);
  • Crosshead (head bearing - in crosshead);
  • Rotary engines (the so-called Wankel engines, in which the piston is in the form of a rotating rotor).

By arrangement of cylinders:

  • In-line execution (most marine diesel engines);
  • With oppositely moving pistons (diesel engines of the Doxford company, England; engines of the Kharkov machine-building plant ZD-100, etc.);
  • V, W, H - shaped;
  • Star-shaped;
  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal, etc.

According to the design of the gas exchange organs of 2-stroke internal combustion engines:

  • With single-flow valve blowdown;
  • With direct-flow slot blowing;
  • With contour blowing (contour transverse; contour loop or contour combined, including both of these elements).

By appointment:

  • Main gas turbine- the so-called "free-piston gas generators";
  • Auxiliary (serving to drive auxiliary mechanisms of the power plant).

If possible, change the direction of rotation of the crankshaft:

  • Reversible (most main engines);
  • Irreversible ( auxiliary engines and some main ones, having a reverse gear or working on an adjustable pitch propeller).

According to the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft:

  • Low-speed (with a speed of n = 60-350 rpm);
  • Medium-speed (n = 350-750 rpm) and c) high-speed diesel engines (n = 750-2500 rpm and above).

Average piston speed:

  • Low-speed (average speed Cm = 4.5-7.0 m / s);
  • Medium speed (Cm = 7.0-10 m / s);
  • High-speed (Cm = 10-15 m / s).

The main features of diesel engines are taken into account in the marking adopted in Russia in accordance with GOST 4393-48. So, 4-stroke diesel engines are designated by the letter "CH", 2-stroke - "D", two-stroke double-action - "DD", 4-stroke double-action - "CHD", reversible - "R", diesel engines with a reversible clutch - " C ", with built-in gear transmission- "P", supercharged - "N", crosshead diesel engines are designated by the letter "K".

Internal combustion engine

In the first place of the engine brand is the number of cylinders, in the last - in the numerator the cylinder diameter, in the denominator the piston stroke in cm. In some cases, its modification is indicated at the end of the engine brand. Sometimes it is used and factory designation engine.

Some examples of markings:

  1. Engine 6DKRN 60 / 229-10- 6-cylinder, two-stroke, single-action, crosshead, reversible, supercharged, cylinder diameter D = 60 cm, piston stroke S = 229 cm, 10th modification;
  2. Engine 64 18/22- 6-cylinder, 4-stroke, trunk, non-reversible, naturally aspirated, cylinder diameter D = 18 cm, piston stroke S = 22 cm;
  3. Engine 42 ChNSP 16/17(factory designation M-503G) - 42-cylinder, 4-stroke, trunk, supercharged, with reversible gear, cylinder diameter D = 16 cm, piston stroke S = 17 cm.

The accepted marking does not allow judging all the signs of engines. However, these markings give a more complete picture of the main features of the engine compared to markings adopted in other countries.

The material was prepared for publication by M. Ukhanov (aka miha, CTTeam) and mgs.


ZMZ 4062 ZMZ 4061 ZMZ 4063 ZMZ 4052 ZMZ 409
Working volume, dm 3 (l)

2 ,28

2 ,46 2 ,69
Cylinder diameter, mm 92 95 ,5
Piston stroke, mm 86 94
Compression ratio 9 ,3 8 9 ,3 9 ,3 9
Supply system Injection Carburetor Injection
Rated power, kW / h.p., at rotational speed KV, min - 1 106 ,3 /145 73 ,5 /100 80 ,9 /110 118 / 152 105 /142 ,8
5200 rpm 4500 rpm 4500 rpm 5200 rpm 4400 rpm
Maximum torque, Nm (kgf / m), at rotation speed KV, min - 1 206 (21 ) 181 ,5 (18 ,5 ) 191 ,3 (19 ,5 ) 210 ,9 (21 ,5 ) 230 (23 ,5 )
4200 3500 3500 4200 3900
Rotational speed at Idling, min - 1 , minimum (maximum) 850 ± 50
(6000 )
700 ± 50
(6000 )
850 ± 50
(5000 )
Minimum specific fuel consumption, g / kW ‑ h (g / hp ‑ h) 252 (185 ) 285 (210 ) 278 (205 ) 265 (195 )
The order of the cylinders 1 –3 ‑4 –2
Oil consumption for waste,% of fuel consumption 0 ,3 0 ,4 0 ,3
The mass of the engine supplied by the factory, kg. 187 185 187 190

Note: hereinafter, the conversion from the SI system to the technical one and vice versa, where accuracy is not required, was made with an error of up to 2%. Energy and economic indicators - by external speed characteristic(GOST 14846 –81).


Marking (identification number) of engines is applied on a special treated area located on the left side of the engine on the cylinder block above the bosses of the front engine mount. Engines are marked with letters of the Latin alphabet (except for letters I, O, Q) and Arabic numerals. Letters and numbers are stamped with a shock method. The labeling consists of two parts: descriptive and indicative. The descriptive part of the marking consists of six characters and has the following structure. In the first place is the abbreviated digital designation of the engine model basic configuration... If the engine model designation includes less than six digits, then zeros are stamped in the blank spaces of the last characters (on the right). For example: "406200".

To reflect the version of the completeness of the engine that is different from the base one, the conditional letter code of this completeness is used, which is located on the last sign (on the right). The conditional completeness code is assigned by the manufacturer (ZMZ). For example: "40620 F", etc. The indicative part of the marking consists of eight characters (numbers and letters). The first character is a conditional letter code of the engine year of manufacture (V - 1997; W - 1998; X - 1999; Y-2000). Subsequent years will be designated by numbers: 2001 by 1, 2002 by 2, etc. The second character is a conventional digital code of the assembly shop (conveyor) in which the engine is assembled (O, 1, 2 ...). Subsequent characters - the serial number of the engine, assigned by the manufacturer (ZMZ). Zeros are stamped in the blank spaces of the leading part of the marking. For example: "W4002774", where W - - 1998; 4 - code of the assembly shop (conveyor); 2774 - engine number. At the beginning and end of the marking, as well as between its constituent parts the dividing mark - a five-pointed asterisk - is embossed. Example of marking:

Timing phases.

There is a debate among motorists: does a non-killable engine exist or not? And do such motors really exist? This article will provide a list of cars with engines of one million people.

What is a millionaire engine?

The first step is to find out what lies behind this phrase "millionaire engine". This can be deciphered as a power unit that covered a distance of more than 1 million km.

Many will immediately begin to object that this is all a myth and this cannot be, but in fact such motors exist, and there are many of them.

Flawless reliability ICE operation is determined by the following main indicators:

  1. Maintainability.
  2. Durability.
  3. Reliability.

But it should be said that the concept of million-plus engines does not mean at all that the car will pass without overhaul such a run. This means that the manufacturer provides a resource of parts for a run of one million. The undoubted leaders in the production of such motors are:

  • Japanese cars;
  • American-made machines;
  • German cars.

It should also be said that not all engines will be able to pass such a run, because in many respects the state will depend on the timely passage Maintenance(TO) and driving style.

Which engine is better gasoline or diesel?

Also, among motorists, disputes do not subside, which type of engine is more reliable and the resource put into it comes out, gasoline or diesel? To answer this question, it is necessary to resort to statistics that show that diesel cars are no longer killed. Motors that have actually run such a resource can be divided into several types:

  • diesel. These types of motors have gained a reputation for being durable and reliable;
  • gasoline inline "fours"... Cars with such engines vie for popularity and reliability with diesel ones;
  • gasoline inline "sixes"... These motors are very powerful and vibration-free while driving;
  • V-shaped "eights"... Such engines go large sizes, and unlike the first three, they cannot boast of a long service life vehicle, although this cannot be said about motors made in the USA.

There have also been rare cases when a domestic GAZelle car with a 406 engine exceeded the 1 million km mark. We figured out what a millionaire is, now we should go to a small list of such cars, because many motorists do not know on which cars such units can be found.

List of cars with engines of one million people

Now it is worth presenting a small list of engines that really passed the resource inherent in them, i.e. are millionaires. Among the gasoline ones, the following can be noted:

  • Toyota 3S-FE;
  • Honda D-series;
  • Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE;
  • BMW M30 and M50.

Diesel long-livers include the following engine brands:

  • Mercedes-Benz OM602.

Well, now each model needs to be considered in more detail.

The Japanese 2-liter engine was born in 1982. The first models were produced with one camshaft, but after 5-6 years, cars with two camshafts... Such motors were installed on Mitsubishi, Huyndai and Kia. Over the long years of production, they have been repeatedly modernized.

It is worth noting that its licensed copy is still being produced at factories in China, and is currently being installed on a car. made in China Brilliance.

Toyota 3S-FE

Also millionaires are considered 2-liter Toyota engine 3S-FE. Among the row "fours", he is one of the most reliable and not killed. The period of its production is from 1986 to 2000. The 16-valve four-cylinder engine is highly maintainable and can withstand high loads. If the scheduled maintenance is carried out in a timely manner, such motors are capable of passing over 500 thousand km of run without major repairs.

Honda d-series

Model range of the manufacturer Honda cars, in its range has more than a dozen different engine modifications, with volumes from 1.2 to 1.7 liters, and are rightfully considered not to be killed. In such motors internal combustion engine power goes up to 130 Horse power, which is quite good for cars with small volumes. As shown by numerous tests, the models D15 and D16 are considered the most unkillable.

Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE

Such motors already belong to in-line "six", and they were produced in the period from 1990 to 2007. They are presented in two volumes: 2.5 and 3.0 liters. There have been cases that some cars with such engines have passed a million kilometers without major repairs. Some motorists call them “legendary”. They were installed both on their cars and some models of the American Lexus.

BMW M30 and M50

Cars equipped with an engine of such models should also be classified as millionaires. The M30 model was produced with volumes of 2.5-3.4 liters, and had a capacity of 150 to 220 "horses". But the M50 model was produced with volumes of 2, -2.5 liters, and engine power from 150 to 195 horsepower.

The main secret of the reliability of these engines was in the cast iron body. power unit, and the timing was driven by a chain. Such motors are capable of running 500 thousand kilometers without the need for major repairs, and the resource laid down by the manufacturer is a million kilometers.

Cars in which there are such models of motors also belong to the millionaire. They were produced in the period from 1998 to 2008, and were installed on almost all BMW cars that were produced during this period. In addition to high reliability, the main positive feature of such motors was the impressive dynamics of the car.

Mercedes-Benz OM602

This diesel engine produced from 1985 to 2002, and had a capacity of 90 to 130 horsepower. As you can see, this model is not very powerful, but its main distinguishing feature is its high reliability. If you follow all the instructions on time service book, then such engines are able to travel under a million kilometers without serious damage.


Based on the results of all the above information, it's time to summarize. Cars with engines of million people exist, and there are many of them. But in order for the car to depart so much, it is necessary to carry out maintenance on a planned basis, as well as monitor the state of the internal combustion engine. There is also another contract engine, but it will be discussed in the next article.

Very often, when repairing, as well as replacing a particular unit, or an automobile unit, it is often necessary to determine the model of the power unit. Using this data, you can select necessary spare parts or order new engine by car.

And so, I bring to your attention the instructions for determining the type and brand of the engine, as well as some of its properties.

1. Identification of the power package should start with a number, which is usually located on the left side. For this, there is a special platform on the cylinder block. Typically, the label consists of two parts - descriptive and indicative. The descriptive part consists of six characters, and the index part contains eight characters. The first character is a Latin letter or number, it denotes the year of manufacture of the engine. For example, nine means 2009, and the letter A, in turn, means 2010, and so on, B means 2011 ...

2. The first three digits of the descriptive part are the base model index, the fourth is the modification index. If there is no modification index, it is customary to set it to zero.

3. The fifth figure is climatic version. The last digit is usually either the diaphragm clutch, which can be (A), or the recirculation valve (P). On domestic cars brand VAZ, for example, the number, as well as the model of the engine, the manufacturer knocks out on the back of the end of the cylinder block.

4. On cars of the GAZ brand (Gorky Automobile Plant), a slightly different placement of this engine number is characteristic. On GAZons, the marking should be found in the lower left part of the cylinder block.

Toyota Company with the first digit indicates the serial number in the series, and only the second - the series of the engine. For example, an engine marked 3S-FE and 4S-FE, in spite of the structural similarity, differ only in different working volumes.

5. If the letter G is in the marking, it means that the unit is gasoline and has electronic injection and is most likely equipped with a charger or turbine. Letter F means - cylinders with four valves, two camshafts and a separate actuator. The letter T - indicates the presence of turbines, and the Z - supercharger. Here is an example of such a marking 4A-GZE. The presence of the letter E - can mean that the car is equipped with electronic injection, and S - that the engine is equipped with a direct injection system, and finally X - shows the relationship of the engine to hybrids.

6. Engine Nissan brands have more informative markings. The first and second letters are a series, the next two are the volume of the motor. In order to find out what volume of the engine in cubic centimeters, you need to multiply this indicator by 100. 4-valve engines will be marked on the cylinder with the letter D. V - variable valve timing, E - electronic multipoint injection. The letter S - in carburetor units, one letter T - one turbine, respectively, two - TT.


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