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Flaring brake pipes is a procedure that may be required at any time by someone who has their own car. Of course, the implementation of this and any other operation related to the maintenance and repair of a car vehicle, you can always entrust qualified specialists to service stations, but many motorists go the other way and try to do everything with their own hands. Each car owner has the right to decide for himself who to trust Maintenance your vehicle, but many of these issues can be resolved on your own.

Brake pipe functions

Brake pipes are an integral part brake system any car that is responsible for stopping it at the right moment. To understand how important such tubes are for the operation of the brake system as a whole, you should at least superficially familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation.

So, the process of stopping the car, for which the braking system is used, consists of the following stages.

  • If it is necessary to reduce the speed of the vehicle or to stop it completely, the driver presses the brake pedal.
  • The master cylinder piston connected to the pedal is activated and begins to act on brake fluid.
  • Under high pressure communicated by the piston of the master cylinder, liquid begins to flow through pipes and hoses into the cylinders of each wheel, acting on their pistons.
  • Under fluid pressure, the pistons act on the brake pads, which are pressed against the brake discs, stopping the rotation of the wheels.

It's obvious that brake pipes play a vital role in the operation of the entire brake system, and if they break down, it completely fails. That is why the repair of these elements, which includes and, should be approached with full responsibility.

When do you need to expand the brake pipes

Through the brake pipes, as mentioned above, high-pressure brake fluid is supplied to all elements of the system. When the throughput of such tubes deteriorates, the entire system begins to work ineffectively, which leads, in particular, to a significant increase in the stopping distance. The fact that the elements of the brake system, including pipes, require diagnostics (and, possibly, repair), may be indicated by the following characteristic signs:

  • emergence extraneous sounds and pulsating movements when pressing the brake pedal;
  • free movement of the brake pedal when you press it;
  • leakage of brake fluid, which leads to a decrease in pressure and, accordingly, to ineffective braking and intensive wear of the brake pads;
  • driving the car to the side when braking (such a situation, although it is indirect sign, may also indicate that the brake pipes need to be repaired).

However, the main sign that the brake pipes do not fully fulfill their functions and require flaring is an increase in the braking distance. The most common causes of deterioration in the performance of brake pipes are:

  • violations in the design of the hex heads with which such tubes are equipped;
  • deterioration in quality and reliability threaded connections, the ingress of litter or coked liquid into them.

Such malfunctions, negatively affecting the technical condition of individual elements of the brake system, significantly reduce the efficiency of its work. That is why experts and car manufacturers recommend diagnosing it every six months. If you are tied to the mileage, then this procedure must be performed every 50,000 km, and the rubber tubes must be replaced regardless of their technical condition it is necessary every 125 thousand km of the vehicle's run.

Technology features

Car repair, whatever it is associated with, rarely causes pleasant emotions in the car enthusiast. This is also explained by the fact that such an event, as a rule, is associated with certain financial costs. Meanwhile, if we talk about a situation in which it is necessary to expand the brake pipes, the cost of such a procedure can be minimized if you do it yourself.

So, in order to flare the brake pipes with your own hands, you need not only to study in detail the theoretical information on this issue and watch the corresponding video, but also to purchase a special device. In, which can be purchased quite inexpensively in many automotive stores, includes the following tools and accessories:

  • pipe cutter;
  • a fitting used as a connector;
  • ticks.

Using such a simple set, to which you need to add a drill (in order to chamfer the ends of pipes), as well as gasoline, which is necessary as a lubricant, you can not only perform high-quality flaring with your own hands, but also save a decent amount of money that would have to be paid to specialists service stations.

Immediately prior to flaring with a brake pipe, perform the following steps.

  1. The tube is unscrewed with a tool or manually brake cylinder or caliper.
  2. By visual inspection, the presence of damage on the surface of the tube is determined. If they are close to its edge, then the tube can be restored, if not, then it must be replaced with a new one.
  3. Using a tool such as a pipe cutter, a damaged area is cut from the edge of the tube and the cut edge is processed with gasoline.
  4. The cut end of the tube is clamped with pliers and a chamfer is removed in its inner part using a drill with a drill of the appropriate diameter.
  5. The section of the inner surface of the tube, where the chamfer was removed, is cleaned of chips. After that, the end of the tube is inserted into a fitting that acts as a connector.

After all the above steps have been completed, the tube must be flared, for which it is best to use a special machine. The flaring carried out using such a machine is carried out according to the following algorithm.

  1. The end of the tube to be flared is inserted into the clamping hole of the machine. In this case, the part of the tube protruding from the clamping mechanism of the machine should be approximately 5 mm.
  2. With the help of a special punch, which such a machine is equipped with, the end of the tube is expanded.
  3. If it is necessary to expand the second end of the tube, the entire procedure described above is performed in the same sequence.

As a result of flaring with the help of such a device, with the rules and subtleties of work with which it is best to get acquainted with the video, the end of the brake pipe becomes neatly expanded. The use of a special machine allows you to adjust the parameters of such an expansion, because for brake systems used on cars different brands, they can vary significantly. As a rule, in special kits, with which you can flare brake pipes with your own hands, there is also a template that allows you to monitor the result of a technological operation.

The horse is not made of iron. Although retirees call it that, the car is only partially made of steel. The rest is plastic, rubber, glass and non-ferrous metals, which need special treatment. Today we will talk about how to properly handle the copper and aluminum pipes that are simply streaked with a modern machine.

Non-ferrous metal tubes in vehicle systems

We will not touch the radiators for now, this is a separate topic. Let's take an interest in the tubes that are responsible for the operation of the brake and fuel systems car. Rotten brake pipes aren't just a problem with old ones Soviet cars, but also newer foreign cars that drove along the roads generously sprinkled with salt and all kinds of chemicals for several years. Tubes become unusable primarily due to the fact that they are affected by an aggressive chemical environment. In winter, this environment is full under our wheels. With a human road surface, salt comes off the roads along with snow, and with our roads, it can lie until next winter.

Causes of brake pipe breakage

But this is not the only reason for the wear of the sealed tubes. They only rot from salt, and from constant strong constrictions of the fittings, improper fixation, kinks and bends, they receive severe mechanical damage incompatible with life. The fault in this is not pipes, but would-be craftsmen who do not know how to properly handle soft or brittle metal. One way or another, and the time comes to replace the tubes, and if the desired configuration is not found, which is almost impossible, then you have to make the tube yourself. Cut off the desired piece, put on the fittings and flare. And you need to be able to do this. Do-it-yourself flaring of brake pipes is not a difficult task, fast, and inexpensive.

Brake pipe flaring kit

You cannot prepare copper tubing for use with your bare hands. To do this, you need to have at least minimal equipment. Although the metal is soft, the end of the tube must exactly correspond to the landing cone, otherwise we will not achieve the tightness of the system. Ideally, a machine that needs to be bought is used to expand the tubes, but if we have the opportunity, you can use a homemade kit, which, once done, we will use for many years. And it will come in handy more than once, believe me. Here is a drawing of it.

He is nothing complicated. This is a frame made of two corners with a thickness of 5 mm and a shelf of 32 mm. The length of each corner is 100 mm. The drawing shows that the set is adapted for tubes with a diameter of 9 and 12 mm. The bed itself is completed in ten minutes with a sharpening machine, a drilling machine and a grinder. Both corners are fastened with two M8 bolts, holes and chamfers in them are drilled in the assembled state. The mandrels will either have to be ordered from a turner, which is not at all problematic, or you will have to grind yourself. But with the help of such a set, any tube turns into a perfectly prepared part. The flaring process takes place in the same way as with the use of the machine, which we will discuss later.

Brake pipe flaring machine

the simplest tube expanding machine will cost you 600-700 rubles. But this will not be the highest quality product. We would recommend not to go below 1800, otherwise there is a chance to waste your money. We showed several sets and machines in the photo. One of them is more expensive, the second is cheaper, but they have the same essence.

The machine consists of a bar that holds the deckhouse. Actually, our homemade set also has the same structure, only the branded sets are mandatory:

More expensive models have even more equipment, but we will consider only the most minimal configurations.

Flaring can be of three types, but the first two are of little interest to us, because they are mainly used in refrigerators and air conditioners. Flaring works as follows:

Thus, we get a neat flared brake pipe, which can be safely replaced with an old one that is out of order. We cannot say that a tube expanding machine should be in every garage, but as a rule, the most valuable things are those that are not always at hand. Watch the condition of the braking system, and good luck on the road!

Repair of the brake system is often not only reduced to replacing brake pads or replacing and pumping brake fluid in both circuits. More difficult, requiring accuracy and certain qualifications during installation, is the repair of brake pipes. Often this happens when through corrosion or pipe destruction due to an accident or repair of the brake caliper.

Do-it-yourself repair of brake pipes and successful connection of the brake pipe to the distributor nipple, tees, brake master cylinder and brake calipers requires high-quality processing of the tube end and the formation of a flange flange, or the so-called "funnel". It is obtained using the brake pipe flaring procedure.

There are several basic funnel options.

  1. Eurostandard fungus (center). It resembles a wheel tire in shape, it is widely used in most cars produced at factories on the Eurasian continent. It turns out the most durable connection option from the above, but it is considered one-time. Can be used up to three times if properly staged.
  2. An ordinary simple funnel, obtained by bending the walls of the end part of the tube with a special tool for flaring brake pipes.
  3. A funnel obtained by double-folding the rim of a tube or a simple funnel. It is considered the standard in American cars. This type of brake tube flaring is obtained from the fungus, upsetting its upper part with a tapered mandrel.

The time of using a simple funnel is long gone, first of all, the metal from which pipes were made on old cars has changed. Instead of soft and ductile rolled copper, a strong and hard steel pipe is often used. If earlier the driver could flare the end face with pliers, a wrench and a couple of hammer blows, now it is impossible to flare steel brake pipes without a device.

For your information! High quality the connection of the flared copper tube into a simple funnel was ensured only due to the ductility of the metal and low pressure hydraulic fluid in the circuit. Do not try to connect a steel pipe with a simple funnel. Even if the union is tightened with great force, the connection will not retain all-pervasive brake fluid.

How to flare brake pipes with your own hands

The main condition for the successful flaring of the pipe end has always been and will be the use of high-quality, and better professional, tools. For our cars, Europe-Asia, buy flare kits in metric design. The Americans look more than decent, sparkle with chrome plating, but they can slip an inch system. The old Soviet standard for copper brake pipe is 8 mm, more recent Soviet and Russian versions used 6 mm steel.

In terms of choice, the most affordable is a set for flaring brake pipes Force 656B, 906T2, you can use more elegant JonnesWay sets, or the common Biltema or Licota.

The flaring tool kit includes:

  • a screw rolling press and a clamp, with the help of which the vise strips are tightened and the metal of the brake pipe is deformed;
  • two split vise strips with six to seven holes with cones, into which tubes for flaring are clamped;
  • a cutting device that allows you to cut off the end in a strictly perpendicular direction;
  • a set of mandrels and cones of various diameters for the formation of fungi.

Please note the following points when choosing a flaring kit. First, the screw-nut of the press and the clamps should be matte black. This indicates heat treatment and hardening of the helical surface. In a cheaper version, chrome plating is used.

Second, the accuracy of making calibrated holes in the vise strips. Typically, the inner surface of the cones is coated with a protective phosphate-based oxide film. Such a coating facilitates the sliding of the wrought metal along the inner surface of the matrix.

Third, all calibrated holes are numbered with dimensions, indicating the units of measurement - millimeters or inches, punched by a stamp to a depth of 0.1 mm, without additional chrome plating or painting. Alternatively, the entire structure can have an oxidized coating. Non-working parts can be painted with a plain light paint.

Advice! If funds permit, choose a set in which the plate press is equipped with an eccentrically set working cone. In such a device for expanding brake pipes, there is a restriction on the size of the tube fitting to be performed, that is, the cone will not expand the edges to a diameter larger than necessary.

The procedure for flaring brake pipes with a fungus with your own hands:

  • choose from the set a device for accurate perpendicular cutting of the end of the brake pipe, inserting it into the hole of the corresponding diameter, tighten the screw and wrap the cutter a couple of times until it stops;
  • there is also a sharp semicircular saw for removing internal chamfers and burrs;
  • after filing the end of the brake pipe with a file, we put a nut-union on the pipe and fix the end in a vice with a clamp, observing the amount of release of the end of the pipe above the plane of the vice;
  • add a couple of drops of "brake" to the end of the tube, insert a mandrel of the appropriate size and press down on the edges of the tube, getting a fungus.

Important! With high-quality flaring, there should be no scratches or imprints of the vise parting line on the pressed metal surface of the tube.

If, according to the conditions of flaring, it is necessary to obtain an American version of the fitting, a cone is inserted into the clamp, and the edges of the upper part of the fungus are pressed under the cone of the matrix. Sometimes a ratchet is built into the structure of the clamps, which makes it possible to limit the force applied to the surface of the fitting.

If the flaring needs to be done quickly and in a large number of points, in the case of copper pipes, a simpler tool is used - a pliers and a swivel roller.

The ductility and pliability of copper does not require much effort to deform the metal, therefore it is faster and easier to flare the end with the effort of the hand. Due to the compactness of the device, the pliers can be used for flaring brake pipes directly on the car, in conditions when it is difficult to carry out work with a standard set.

Features of flaring brake pipes

Steel brake pipes, in contrast to copper ones, have practically no reserve of plasticity, so the fungus and the funnel can turn out with the formation of a large number of microcracks. In this sense, the rolled edge of the fungus remains less sensitive to the presence of microcracks, if, of course, they are located only in the area of ​​the hole. If cracks have formed on the periphery, at the widest point of the fitting, this option is definitely subject to rejection.

For the American double funnel, it is often possible to use only a copper brake pipe. In extreme cases, if there is an urgent need to expand the steel tube according to the American standard, the procedure is performed in two or three stages. At the first stage, after cutting and filing the end of the tube, it is expanded under the fungus. Next, the resulting version is subjected to short-term annealing by heating with a torch, which allows you to remove a significant part of the stresses in the metal. The third stage will be flaring at an intermediate angle of 25-30 °, instead of 45 °, and repeated annealing. Finally, the final flaring is performed to the desired funnel size.

If possible, before flaring the tube, it is worth practicing obtaining a steel American funnel on unnecessary trimming of a pipe made of a similar material.

The video shows the process of expanding the brake pipes:

4 august 2019

Responsible motorists know to regularly monitor the condition of their car. Especially keep the braking system under control. Brake pipes play a significant role in it. If you notice that they are damaged, then it's time to repair them. Flaring is often sufficient for this. Do not doubt your abilities, but read the article carefully. By following simple instructions, you will cope with the problem without car service.

Purpose and function of brake pipes

Brake pipes are not a separate element, but an important component of the whole system. They create a kind of line through which the brake fluid moves. Their proper operation is obligatory when the speed decreases, the car stops and, of course, emergency braking.

The main function of the tubes is to provide movement working fluid to the elements of the brake system... During this work, they are constantly exposed to high pressure and hydraulic loads. If they fail, then the operation of the entire mechanism is disrupted, and the vehicle becomes unusable.

When is brake pipe flaring required?

Long-term use of the car, ruthless use " iron horse», Untimely technical inspections and neglect of the rules of care lead to problems, including with the brake pipes. They have:

  • reduced throughput;
  • cracks and rust appear;
  • the mount weakens or rots;
  • the thread turns sour;
  • a break occurs.

All this will certainly lead to the failure of the entire braking system as a whole. This means that there will be a threat of an emergency situation on the road.

The correct solution would be to expand the tubes, that is, to eliminate the directly damaged area. It is not always necessary to replace the entire tube. If the length permits, you can only get rid of the spoiled part. But don't forget the old adage "Measure seven times, cut once."

Reference! Flaring brake pipes is used only for metal products. All rubber materials must be replaced.

Alarm bells about a malfunction of the brake system, including brake pipes, are:

  • leakage of brake fluid;
  • extraneous sounds, squeaks when you press the brake pedal;
  • uneven wear of the pads;
  • free movement of the brake pedal;
  • increase in stopping distance;
  • overheating of brake drums;
  • when braking, the car drives to the side.

Important! Ignoring the alarming symptoms can lead to both breakdown of the entire vehicle and serious consequences while driving.

Self-flaring instructions

Not every motorist is tempted to do repairs. For some, this is too difficult a task, while others do not have the time and desire. If you belong to the listed categories, then you can always contact a car service and entrust the flaring work to professionals.

There is another factor that can stop you - this is the lack of a special tool. However, it can always be purchased from a car store or ordered online. The tool works with the metal as carefully as possible, while maintaining the uniformity of the wall thickness and the smoothness of the inner surface.

If desired, you can easily purchase a flaring kit. In addition to the "expanding machine", it includes:

  • pipe cutter;
  • ticks;
  • clamp;
  • Union;
  • stamps for different tube diameters.

Important! Do not rush to purchase the cheapest sets. They are mostly of poor quality. It is better to pay a little more, but the service life of the tools will be longer.

If the listed obstacles do not scare you, and you have everything you need at hand, do the repair yourself. The process of expanding the brake pipes is not laborious and does not take much time. At the same time, after successfully completed work, you will definitely feel a sense of pride in your own capabilities.

Follow the instructions carefully:

  1. Drive the car into an inspection hole or overpass, immobilize it.
  2. Prepare a flaring kit, and you will also need a drill and some gasoline.
  3. Unscrew the brake pipe from the caliper or brake cylinder. Assess the degree of breakdown and the possibility of repair.
  4. If you can remove the spoiled piece while maintaining the correct length, cut it off with a pipe cutter and discard. He has already worked out his.
  5. Treat the intact cut edge with gasoline.
  6. Use pliers to squeeze the tube to create a connector for the nipple.
  7. Use a drill and drill of the correct diameter to chamfer the edges of the tube.
  8. Clean the pipe from chips and insert the fitting.
  9. Take a flaring tool and insert a tube into the desired hole. It is necessary that its end protrude 5-6 mm beyond the edge.
  10. Clamp the tool. At this time, the required part is processed by the mechanism.
  11. Admire the result of the work. At the end of the tube, a neat expansion should be obtained, which will tightly connect the elements of the system.
  12. Refit all parts. Fill with brake fluid and bleed the system so that all air is released from it. Test the operation of the car.

Pros and cons of diy tube flaring

The flaring process itself will not take a lot of effort, but, as in any business, you can select your own positive aspects and disadvantages.

The pluses include the following facts:

  • no need to pay for work of strangers, and this is a profitable saving;
  • you are interested in the serviceability of your car, so you will do the job responsibly and efficiently;
  • no special knowledge and special skills are needed, which means that you will 100% cope with the task at hand;
  • you can start repairing at any time convenient for you, and you will not adjust to the operating mode of the car service.

The downsides are:

  • the need for a special tool for the procedure;
  • possibly imperfect flaring performance in comparison with experienced craftsmen;
  • uselessness of the tool after work. It will only come in handy if you regularly deal with used cars.

You can try to repair a car with your own hands, and if in doubt, entrust it to specialists. You decide!

Prevention of breakage of brake pipes

Naturally, in order not to spend a lot of time in the future looking for breakdowns and repairs, it is best to take care of your vehicle. Do not be lazy, but follow simple tips:

  1. Check the brake pipes periodically for rust and defects. Dirt, microcracks, corrosion lead to incorrect operation of the system.
  2. Change the brake fluid according to the regulations.
  3. Check the tightness of the fasteners.
  4. Treat surfaces with anti-corrosion agents.
  5. Do not allow brake fluid to leak.
  6. Become an advocate of safe driving. It is not uncommon for the tubes to break when overcoming obstacles.
  7. Diagnose the brake at least once every two years. Motorists who spend a lot of time on the road should do this after every fifty thousand kilometers traveled.
  8. Regularly monitor the wear of the vehicle parts and it will take care of your safety.

Independently and will help in repairing the brake system.

In order to make a do-it-yourself rolling for brake pipes, you will need:
* Locksmith vice
* Angle grinder, cut-off and grinding wheel
* Metal corner 100 mm
* Metal plate 6 mm thick
* Drill for metal with a diameter of 4.5 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm
* Bolt from the car hub
* Welding machine, gaiters, welding mask
* Safety glasses, gloves, earmuffs
* Copper tube 5mm diameter
* Lathe for metal, tooling
* Tap with thread M6 and M12
* A can of matte paint
* Electric drill

Step one.
Clamps a metal corner 100 mm in size in a vice and, using a ruler and a pencil, make markings along which you will need to saw off the workpiece.

We mark about 30 mm from the edge of the corner and saw off using an angle grinder with a cut-off wheel installed in it. When working with an angle grinder, observe safety precautions, wear safety glasses, ear muffs and gloves, and also do not forget that the power tool can escape from your hands at any time, so you need to hold it firmly.

Next, we fix the corner in a vise and level the ends using a grinder with an installed emery wheel for grinding, also round off the edges a little so as not to get hurt when working with the tool.

After that, we change the position of the workpiece in a vice and also grind, removing rust and other external defects of the part.

The result is such a surface.

Step two.
We install the part on an anvil or vise and make a punching in the middle with a light blow of a hammer on the core.

At this point, we drip a little technical oil and drill a hole using an electric drill, in the chuck of which a metal drill with a diameter of 5 mm is installed, after that we change the drill by 10 mm.

During the drilling process, do not forget to add technical oil as this will reduce wear on the cutting edge of the drill, which will extend the life of the drill. In the finished hole we cut a thread using a tap, the thread in this case is selected depending on the diameter of the bolt, here we use an M12 bolt from the car hub. It is also important to add lubricant when threading.

Step three.
We measure the required segment for fastening the tube and saw off a part from the corner with an angle grinder.

Next, we clamp two metal blanks, which need to be made from a sheet of metal 6 mm thick, a hole must be made in them in the middle so that half of the diameter falls on one blank, and the rest on the other. In this case, we take a drill with a diameter of 4.5 mm, in the future, you can make various plates with the necessary grooves for any diameter of the tubes.

After that, you need to drill holes in two blanks at once for fastening on a corner, for this we clamp them together with a hand vise, and only then we drill holes, first 4.5 mm, and then a 6 mm drill for metal.

Step four.
To be able to roll the tubes, you need to do the processing of the hub bolt. To do this, first we shorten it using an angle grinder, and then we clamp the bolt in the three-jaw chuck of the lathe for metal and make a groove to a diameter of 2.5 mm, by the way, it is equal to the inner diameter of the copper tube.

For rolling, we grind out a small notch for the cap. As a result, the bolt should look like this.

You need to weld a bar to it, for this you need a welding machine. Be careful when working with the welding machine, and also use personal protective equipment, a welding mask and gaiters.
In order for the tube not to bend and roll evenly during the rolling process, it is necessary to center it.
We take the brake pipe and put it on the tip of the bolt, then place a blank with a groove for the tube under it, and then fix it with a hand vise and begin to outline the drilling sites.

After that, we unclench the hand vise and drill the holes to the end with a drill with a diameter of 5 mm, and then cut the M6 ​​thread in these holes using a tap.

Step five.
Now it remains to give the tool a beautiful look, for this we paint the parts with a spray of hammer paint, having previously protected the thread with masking tape.

The tool is completely ready, which means it's time to test it in action.


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