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As we all know, a variator is a device with the help of which torque is transmitted, and also capable of softly and smoothly changing the gear ratio in a certain set control range. Many modern cars, including the Toyota Fielder, are equipped with a variator and, as a rule, they need periodic maintenance. In principle, as far as the variator is concerned, the only thing that is necessary here is sometimes changing the lubricating fluid and filter.

Many responsible motorists who want to delve into their car on their own will have an urgent question: how to change the oil in the variator on a Toyota Fielder. But before answering this question in great detail, it is worth talking about why this periodic replacement is necessary.

Why change the oil in the variator?

Sometimes it happens that our cars let us down, and this is especially unpleasant when we really need it. So, so that such situations do not arise, you should monitor technical condition your vehicle and at least in time to change all filters so that the engine and interior of the car do not clog up, as well as change the oil - of the engine or variator. A lubricating fluid not changed in time increases engine wear and reduces its service life at times. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the oil is changed on time.

Speaking of Fielder, it must be said that for this car the best synthetic lubricants must be used. This is due to the fact that cars have high quality and the service life of each of its parts is incredibly large. However, if something starts to fail, then this part will destroy the entire mechanism. Therefore, it is worth keeping everything under control and using only the best oils, the best filters, as well as the best fuel for your car.

Now, having learned the reasons why it is necessary to periodically change the fluid, you can move on to the question - "how often should this be done?" So, having considered the main general questions on changing the oil in the variator, it is worth going directly to the process of changing the oil.

Instructions for changing the oil in the variator on a Toyota Fielder

As a rule, the procedure for changing the oil in the variator takes no more than 20 minutes of working time. In fact, everything is very simple here.

To complete this simple, however, important procedure, we need gloves, a bucket or any other container for used oil, new oil, new filters, a new gasket, in addition to this we need a pit and two hands.

Let's start with the pit. The pit is not needed very deep, but it is desirable that the person would fit at full height. It must be equipped with a crossbar on which the container will be held. We will pour all the oil into this container.

Secondly, the oil. Oil must be taken at least half synthetic, you should not skimp here, since then repairing the variator will cost you much more. The price of the whole issue, together with replacing the filter, will cost you about 7,000 rubles, but this is provided that there is enough oil good quality... In total, we need 6.5 liters of new oil.

So, let's proceed to the analysis of the step-by-step instructions.

At the first stage, we need to let the car settle so that all the oil flows into the lower sump of the variator. After the car has stood for about 4-5 hours, you can start draining the oil. To do this, we first need to unscrew the drain plug. Having unscrewed, do not be very surprised that very little oil has leaked out.

After waiting for everything to drain from the unscrewed plug, you can unscrew and the measuring tube, while you do not need to remove the container for the old liquid from the outlet, since after you pull out the tube it will flow like a river.

At the end, the amount of waste fluid should be approximately 4.7-4.8 liters. After waiting for the oil to practically stop flowing, you can begin to unscrew the variator pan. We need this in order to remove dirt (if any) and replace the filter with a gasket for the pan. So, having removed the pallet, we need to clean it from oil and dirt.

Having cleaned the pallet, we need to remove the first large filter, it is imperative to remove the existing plaque on the magnets. The photo below shows the first filter.

After removing the filter and cleaning the magnets, we need to remove the valve body. To do this, turn off the solenoids and unscrew 14 long bolts, of which 2 are shorter. Therefore, it is very important to install each bolt exactly in its place.

But if it suddenly happened that the bolts got mixed up in the photo below, a screwdriver indicated the holes into which these two short bolts should be screwed.

So, let's finish with the digressions. After removing the valve body, we place it in a separate container, in which we continue to perform all operations. This is necessary so that all the details remain in sight. We decided to put it in a large basin.

The photo below shows the variator after removing the valve body. The pulley - or position switch (P-R-N-D-S-B), which depends on the lever in the Fielder's cabin, is highlighted with a red oval. It is very important that when assembling it absolutely surely hits the piston that is located on the valve body, by the way, it is also highlighted with a red oval, in general, you will figure it out, there is nothing complicated.

Next, we proceed to disassemble the valve body itself, in which the second cylindrical filter is located. In order for us to disassemble it, it is necessary to unscrew 10 long bolts, after which the valve body will split into two parts. Pay particular attention to the fact that it is better not to turn both parts over, so that all the springs remain in place.

After the parts have been detached from each other, we need to pull out the old cylindrical filter, which will be replaced by the new one purchased.

How is the oil change in the Toyota Corolla Fielder variator carried out? A variator is a device with the help of which torque, important for the entire propulsion system, is transmitted. Also, with the help of the variator, the gear ratio changes softly and smoothly in an adjustable set range.

Oil change in cars equipped with a variator is carried out after every 70,000 km.

The variator is widely used in movable technical equipment, where it is necessary to change the sequential gear ratio in a stepless form.

General information

Many modern models are equipped with just such a device. Among them are cars lineup Toyota, of which the Toyota Corolla Fielder model stands out. She is very popular today. The question of how to work with a variator is asked by everyone who buys a car of this brand.

For Toyota Fielder, it is recommended to use the best synthetic lubricants.

Like any vehicle, Toyota Fielder model needs maintenance. When servicing the variator of the machine, it is sometimes necessary to change the lubricant and the filters located there. This will fully ensure its performance and extend its service life.

Changing the oil in the Toyota Fielder variator only seems easy at first glance. But when a motorist starts this procedure, he often faces the problem of how to change the lubricant and filters. The complicated structure of the device creates a difficult operational problem. In such cases, an option may be to send the car to a car service, which will require significant financial costs.

Another option is an independent detailed analysis of the principle of working with the device of interest and an attempt to do everything on your own.

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Why change your CVT oil?

Before proceeding to the analysis of the oil change algorithm, you need to understand why this must be done in the device in question. There are times when cars fail their car owners at the most inopportune moment. This is an extremely unpleasant situation that everyone wants to avoid. For this, it is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the vehicle. You should especially take care of the engine and transmission, change lubricants in them, monitor the presence of additives, check the operation of filters.

Every motorist knows this, but the CVT is not always remembered. This minus is easily explained, since the device is not so well known and studied by motorists. But its work and prevention cannot be ignored. Stopping the working process of the variator will inevitably affect other vital functions of the car.

The variator does not claim any special care. He, like the engine, needs a lubricant. If lubricating fluid does not change, this inevitably affects the operation of the engine, which begins to wear out quickly, and its uptime is reduced. Therefore, the oil fluid must be changed not only in the engine or transmission, but also in the variator on all vehicles where this device is available.

Toyota Corolla Fielder has its own characteristics. For this model, synthetic oils are best. This is due to the fact that Fielder's cars are of very high quality and a large service life. Higher technological designs require careful handling and place great demands on fuel and lubricant.

Ignoring this feature of a high-tech device, you can quickly disable it. For this reason, it is best to use the finest oils available.

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How to change the oil in the variator?

The process of changing the oil in the variator of a Toyota Corolla Fielder car takes about 20 minutes, sometimes half an hour. In fact, the seemingly difficult procedure at first is actually quite simple. It is necessary to do everything right once, and in the future there will be no difficulties. You will not need to go to a car service and pay money for what the car owner can do with his own hands.

Before changing the oil in the variator, it is necessary to remove the crankcase protection according to the manufacturer's instructions.

It is not recommended to start working with the variator immediately after driving. Before the procedure itself, you need to give it 6 or 7 hours to settle, and then get to work. The oil change process is as follows:

You must have gloves, a bucket or any other container where the oil drained from the variator will be stored.

The car is raised on a lift or placed on an overpass, which will allow the driver to stand in it at full height. Retrofit it with a crossbar, which will hold the container for storing the removed fluid.

Stock up on new synthetic oil... In just one run, it will be required in the amount of 6.5 liters.

Unscrew the drain cap and the oil will start to flow into the container. When it stops flowing, you do not need to remove the container, it will still be needed.

As soon as everything flows out of the drain tank, you need to unscrew the measuring tube, which is located next to it. The container should be close at hand, because as soon as the tube is pulled out, the liquid will pour out with renewed vigor, much more than after unscrewing the drain cap.

After the drain is completed, the used oil should be from 4.5 to 5 liters. Wait another 2-3 minutes.

It should be remembered how much oil has drained out of the box to make it easier to navigate when filling.

Next, you need to unscrew the fixed variator pan. This must be done in order to clean and remove all processed products or simply dirt inside the pallet. You also need to do this in order to change the filter with a gasket for the pallet itself.

After cleaning the pallet, you need to remove the first, large filter, it is imperative to remove the existing dirt on the magnets. This should be done several times until complete cleaning.

After the filter is removed and the magnets are cleaned, remove the valve body. To do this, you need to turn off the solenoids located there and unscrew all 14 long bolts, of which 2 are slightly shorter. It is very important to put the bolts back in place. The shortened bolts should be screwed in where they were from the start. In no case should they be confused.

Next, the valve body removed from the body must be put in a separate container, in which all the necessary actions are performed with it. This is to ensure that all the remaining parts are constantly visible.

Now the analysis of the pulled out valve body itself begins. It contains the second cylindrical filter. To disassemble the valve body, you will need to unscrew 10 long bolts. After that, the valve body will split into two parts, which are better not to be turned over so that all the springs remain in place, otherwise you will have a tedious task of assembling and reinstalling them.

To prevent debris from getting into the variator, it is necessary to remove all the dirt from the pallet with a special agent or acetone.

After the valve body has disintegrated, it is necessary to pull out the outdated cylindrical filter and put a new one in its place.

At the end of the process, after the old filter has been replaced with a new one, you can start assembling the disassembled variator. The process should be exactly the same, but instead of disassembly, assembly will take place.

When disassembling the structure, about 2 liters of used synthetic fluid should drain. After the sump gasket was replaced, a new external filter and the sump itself were installed, it is imperative to check the accuracy of the variator pulley hitting the cylinder area in the valve body. It's easy to do - you need to switch the gearbox while in the car. If everything is normal, then you can start filling the variator with new oil.

Pouring hole lubricant can be found by unscrewing and removing the left front wheel cars. You can fill in oil as much as the glass before - no more, no less.

All these procedures can be done on their own... The main thing is to know what and how to do and devote 30 minutes of your time, and everything else will follow. The variator is an important part of driving a motor vehicle.

Periodically, you need to carry out the above procedures so that Toyota Fielder will continue to work flawlessly, without letting down its owner.

In the design of modern CVT gearboxes transmission fluid plays no less important role than in torque converter automatic transmissions. Therefore, changing the oil in the variator by all technicians is considered a mandatory procedure. Consider when you need to change the fluid in CVT boxes, which oil to fill and how to reset the aging counter. It is these questions that are most often of interest to the owners of cars with CVTs manufactured by Nissan, Renault, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Toyota.



The above methods are the only way to check the condition of the oil. But the color, smell, consistency, and even more so the aging counter, do not allow you to check the real physical properties of the transmission fluid in the variator. Therefore, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:


CVT repair specialists recommend changing the oil every 40 thousand km. Having studied the principle of operation and the device of the variator, you yourself will understand why you should not count on a long service life without a regular oil change. In case of severe operating conditions, the intervals are recommended to be reduced to 30-35 thousand km. Negative factors include:

  • towing a trailer;
  • dynamic driving with intense acceleration and deceleration;
  • long downtime in the hot season. When driving in a traffic jam, there is no blowing of the variator housing, cooling radiator, therefore, the risk of overheating significantly increases;
  • driving in rough terrain. Driving wheel slip is the most grueling mode of operation for CVT gearboxes;
  • driving on dusty roads, in mountainous terrain.


For CVT, we recommend using only original fluid under the manufacturer's brand. It is possible to fill in third-party oil only if the product meets the tolerances of the original fluid.

The physical characteristics of transmission fluids have changed in accordance with the development of the variator device. For example, in Nissan cars depending on the variator model, an NS-1, NS-2 or NS-3 fluid can be used. Before replacing, refer to the repair and operation manual, where you will find complete information about the fill volume and type of oil.

In the design of a variator gearbox, there is often a paper filter element (fine cleaning) and a metal mesh (coarse cleaning) of the oil receiver. Together with the oil change, the fine filter should also be changed. The mesh, if possible, is only washed and must be replaced only in those cases if it is tightly clogged with glue of friction linings, coking with deposits of overheated working fluid.


As practice shows, after changing the oil without resetting the sensor, the variator starts to work with twitching and bumps. And the experience of repairing CVT boxes speaks of a pattern according to which the belt breaks and the cones are damaged just after replacing the fluid without resetting the counter.

As you can see in the video, changing the variator oil with your own hands is not difficult.

This operation can be performed in garage conditions if you have an elementary tool and the necessary skills, or entrust it to specialists.

Replacement features

The timing of the replacement of technical fluids is indicated in the vehicle manual. For Toyota Rav4, changing the technical fluid in the variator is not included in the list of mandatory measures, as well as changing the oil in the Toyota Rav4 automatic transmission. Therefore, it will need to be carried out independently after the end of the warranty period.

The frequency of this procedure can be reduced, but it is not recommended to increase it. Moreover, if the car was purchased from hands. After buying a vehicle outside the salon, experts and motorists recommend carrying out full replacement all technical fluids, including oil in the variator. The likelihood that the vehicle has been operated in harsh conditions is very high.

The following oil change methods are available:

  • partial substitution;
  • complete fluid change.

The latter option is more preferable, since it allows guaranteed service of the node. And this will undoubtedly affect its durability. Officials guarantee reliable operation of the variator upon reaching a mileage of 200 thousand km.

The fluid in the Toyota Rav4 variator changes according to a technology that differs from that used when carrying out the same procedure in an automatic transmission. Although in both cases, the removal of the pallet is required. In order to make a complete oil change in the variator, at least 5 liters of technical fluid will be required. It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of using a viewing hole or lift.

Replacement procedure

In addition to the oil recommended by the manufacturer, you must have a new sump gasket, as well as a filling hose, a set of keys and hexagons. It should be noted that there is no control probe in the variator, therefore it is extremely important to fill in a volume of liquid equal to the drained one.

How to set the oil level

After filling, it is necessary to distribute the oil over the entire volume of the variator, as well as get rid of the excess. To do this, you will have to start the engine and hold the variator shift knob in each position for at least 10-20 seconds. During this time, the oil for the Toyota Rav4 CVT should heat up to 45 degrees Celsius. Only in this case, you can begin to drain the excess liquid.

To do this, without stopping the engine, unscrew the plug located on the pallet closer to front bumper... Excess oil will drain from the hole. After the leak stops, the plug should be screwed on and the engine should be shut off. Re-installation plastic protection- the final operation, it is not difficult.

This procedure is not suitable if you need to change the oil in the box for the Toyota Rav4. There is a slightly different replacement technology. Also, starting this procedure, you will have to stock up on a large amount of lubricant.

Hello! Please tell me, I have a 2014 Corolla, do I need to change the oil in the variator? There are a lot of opinions and they are all different. And one more thing: there are no filters for oil change on sale for these boxes. (Diamond)

Good afternoon. Indeed, the issue of operating a variator gearbox must be given maximum attention. This is because with careless use of a machine with such a unit, the likelihood of its failure is very high.


Do I need to change the fluid in the gearbox?

The answer is unequivocal - it is necessary! As you know, variators are quite sensitive to quality consumable... Accordingly, the transmission fluid must be changed in time to prevent potential problems.

By the way, there are enough problems that may arise with an untimely oil change:

  1. First of all, sometimes an untimely fluid change can affect gear changes. Many car owners are faced with the problem of inability to switch the speed with the selector. Change the oil to avoid this.
  2. Noises and vibrations during gearbox operation. It happens that when driving uphill or, in principle, on a flat road, noises and vibrations occur, which the driver feels when he puts his hand on the variator selector. Quite often, this problem lies in the fact that the transmission fluid in the gearbox has already worked out its service life and cannot perform the functions assigned to it.
  3. Spontaneous shutdown of transmission. Owners of Toyota Fielder cars sometimes face such a problem. In practice, such malfunctions disappeared after replacing the consumable in the unit.

Actually, in general, there may be enough problems. And in order to avoid them, you, of course, must not only diagnose the unit on time, but also change the lubricant in it. Untimely replacement and can cause death at all for CVT. We do not want to scare you, but read about it yourself on the network - many Toyota car owners as a result of an incorrect Maintenance gearboxes were faced with its breakdown.

As for the timing of replacement, as far as we know, in Toyota corolla CVT working lubricant should be changed at least every 40 thousand kilometers. Perhaps this indicator can be slightly changed depending on a specific car, detailed information about this should be provided in the technical manual. As for the filter for the gearbox, it also needs to be changed, this is a prerequisite. On sale you can find the filter without any problems, and in the photo you can see how it looks.

Video "How to change the oil in a Toyota variator"

For more details, see the video.


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