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The main power unit of the VAZ 2109 car is its engine. Any extraneous sound worries the owner of the car.
If the engine is troit on the VAZ 2109, this indicates the lack of operation of one or more cylinders. In this case, the motor will not develop full power, will not have the necessary tractive effort, and an increase in fuel consumption.
What reasons cause this phenomenon and how to eliminate them with your own hands, this article invites you to get acquainted.

Why troit the engine of the car VAZ 2109

Troite 2109 is caused by uneven combustion of fuel in a single cylinder.
The reasons for this may be:

  • The ignition timing is set incorrectly.
  • A malfunction has occurred in the vacuum corrector system for ignition distribution or in the carburetor accelerator pump.
  • Spark plugs have become unusable.
  • The high-voltage wire has broken through.
  • Capacitor defective.
  • A leak has occurred in the intake manifold or carburetor.
  • Pistons or valves burned out.
  • The piston rings are broken.
  • Valves incorrectly adjusted.
  • The gasket in the cylinder head has broken through.
  • Worn out, hardened or destroyed.
  • The use of fuel is of very poor quality.
  • Carburetor incorrectly adjusted.
  • The distributor shaft and the bearing of the swivel plate are worn out.
  • Lost tightness of the membrane of the vacuum ignition accelerator.
  • There are other reasons why the engine troit VAZ 2109.

Advice: You can determine which cylinder has stopped working by removing the high-voltage wire from the candles one by one, but the work must be done very carefully so as not to shock. Put a wooden or rubber support under your feet, take only clean and dry rags, remove only by holding on to the wire, but not by the cap, you must not touch the car body during manipulation.
To check, you need to increase the idle speed to 1500 rpm by suction and remove the spark plug caps one by one. A drop in engine speed indicates that the cylinder is in good condition, there are no deviations - the cylinder does not work.

How to eliminate some of the causes of triple engine

If in the initial period of the VAZ 21093 car's movement the engine troit, most likely, the accelerator pump or the vacuum corrector of the ignition distributor has broken. In this case, diagnostics of units is carried out and, if necessary, repair or replacement of elements.
For work you will need:

  • Wrenches for "10" and "8".
  • Slotted and Phillips screwdrivers.
  • Clean rags.
  • Copper wire without insulating layer up to 0.3 mm in diameter.
  • Compressor.
  • Liquid type WD40.

The order of operations:

  • The cover is removed. To do this, unscrew the nut with a key "10", unfasten the spring clips.
  • The air filter is pulled out. With a key on "8" four nuts are unscrewed, the clamp on the crankcase ventilation hose is loosened with a screwdriver in the place where it is connected to the valve cover and removed from air filter frame.
  • The hose is disconnected from the drive of the vacuum corrector for ignition distribution. The tightness of the unit is checked by creating a vacuum with the mouth.

  • If air passes, the assembly needs to be replaced. In another case, it is necessary:
  • Look inside the carburetor. The air damper must be fully open.
    When pressing the drive lever throttle jets of fuel should emerge from the two spray tubes of the accelerator pump. They must be flat and directed into the space between the opening flap and the diffuser wall. The photo shows the fuel outlet holes.

Tip: If trickles appear, it is better to contact a car service workshop to diagnose the node.

  • If there is no fuel outlet, remove the fuel supply hoses to the carburetor and to drain it.
  • The torso is detached to control the choke.
  • The wire located on the solenoid valve is removed idle move.
  • The screws holding the upper carburetor cover are unscrewed.
  • The cover is removed and placed with floats up.

Tip: Do not allow damage to the floats.

  • Gently pry off with a screwdriver and pull out the spray from the socket.
  • A thin copper wire is used to clean the holes of the spray nozzle.
  • The atomizer is blown with air in the opposite direction to the direction of fuel movement.
  • The element is installed in place.
  • Without putting the cover on the unit, you need to press the drive lever for the throttle valve. Jets of fuel should emerge from the pump's two spray pipes to accelerate.
  • If they are not there, you need to check that there is no play in the drive and the drive lever of the accelerating pump, its ease of movement. To facilitate the work, the parts are lubricated with WD40 fluid.
    Parts that have become unusable are replaced with new ones.
  • The operation of the accelerating pump is checked again.
  • The carburetor is assembled in reverse order.
  • If the trickles are absent again, you need to contact a car service.

The reason that the engine troit on a VAZ 21093 car may be an abnormal condition. Their price is insignificant and it is better to replace burnt out candles immediately.

How to change the spark plugs yourself will help the video.

  • The operating instructions supplied with the vehicle indicate that replacement of the spark plugs must be carried out regularly. Even the presence of a spark on a twisted element at atmospheric pressure is not a fact of its full performance.
    It ignites under more difficult conditions.
  • Stuck or breakage does not occur very often piston rings... You can check this by measuring the compression.
    If it is low, then the malfunction of the cylinder head is excluded. in a simple way: a little oil is poured into the cylinder and an increase in compression indicates a breakdown in the piston system.

Any malfunction in the triplet engine of a VAZ 2109 car must be eliminated in a timely manner. Then power unit will be reliably operated for a sufficiently long period.

The power unit is the most important element vehicle. It is with its help that the car can move in a given direction. Naturally, any problems with the motor are instantly reflected in the use of the machine. The main thing is to be able to recognize them correctly and seek qualified help in time to avoid aggravating the situation.

Some problems will simply interfere with normal driving. And others will not allow you to budge at all. But regardless of the severity of the breakdown, it is necessary to immediately start fixing it, since minor malfunctions can lead to major problems if they are not repaired in time.

Reasons why the engine is troit

The problem of failure of one of the cylinders in professional jargon is called engine triplet. This problem can be caused by several factors. The failure of the cylinder will be instantly noticeable to the driver, as it will lead to a large number of related difficulties, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • drop in engine power;
  • the engine jerks at idle;
  • the power unit starts up very badly on a cold one;
  • fuel consumption increases;
  • the combustible mixture does not completely burn out in the chamber, and its residues are thrown directly into the catalyst.

Even an inexperienced car owner will find it very difficult not to notice such problems. They significantly complicate life and do not allow you to fully use your car. Therefore, if you identify problems associated with the fact that the engine is troit VAZ 2109, you need to contact the station Maintenance for diagnostics.

If the engine is troit on a carburetor or injection VAZ 2109, then this may be due to the following reasons:

  • defective spark plug;
  • burned out wiring or due to wear of the winding a short circuit occurs in the engine compartment;
  • there is no compression of the air-combustible mixture;
  • the air-fuel mixture does not ignite due to lack of spark or poor fuel quality.

With carburetor motors, everything is pretty simple. The malfunction can be identified independently by alternately checking all component parts systems. Using the elimination method, in a few hours, you can fully test each node and find problem place... It's enough to know electrical circuit your car.

With injectors, everything is much more complicated, since they are literally crammed with electronics. Therefore, in order to speed up the process and not break anything inadvertently, it is better to apply for computer diagnostics... The program will independently identify all errors and display them on the laptop screen. Based on the data received, it will be possible to make a decision on further procedures that will be aimed at eliminating the problem.

What to do if the engine stalls in the VAZ 2109

Finding a fault is only half the battle. Next, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to eliminate it. The list of measures should include procedures that will help completely get rid of not only problems, but also the reasons that caused it. Otherwise, there is a high risk of recurrence of the old breakdown.

The following steps can help resolve the issue:

  1. Replacement of spark plugs in case of wear.
  2. Insulation of the wiring, if the native winding has decayed or complete replacement exposed wires.
  3. Full check of the fuel system and replacement of worn out components.

But there are also situations when the candles, wiring and other elements are in perfect order, and the engine speed on the VAZ 2109 is still floating. In this case, you need to look for the problem elsewhere. Most often it is associated with wear on the distributor. In this case, the issue will be resolved immediately after installing a new part.

Also, similar situations can arise if there are microcracks in the air tubes, which causes air leaks. It is very difficult to notice them with the naked eye, so you will have to remove all the parts and check them with a bathtub of water. You need to tightly close both ends and lower the hose into the water. If air bubbles rise to the surface, it means that cracks are still present.

Replacing the hose is not a difficult and costly endeavor. If the problem lies in the quality of the fuel, then there is only one piece of advice: never again pour low-quality fuel into the gas tank, since saving a few rubles can lead to the need for repairs for several thousand. It is better to refuel at checked stations that have all the necessary permits for their activities.

There are also cases when everything seems to have been checked, but no problems were identified and the problem remained in place. Here you have to start all over again and double-check again, only more carefully. It happens that the engine is troit because of a minor trifle that many do not pay attention to. When a problem arises, the driver thinks that its cause must lie on the surface, so he looks for global changes, sometimes without noticing small details.

Regardless of the type of engine and year of manufacture of the car, the power unit may be damaged. Therefore, the owners Vehicle you must always have a certain amount of money for an unplanned repair of your "iron horse". Stockiness will not allow you to catch a person by surprise even in the most unexpected situation.

Hello! And tell me, please, the car is nine, troit wildly, especially when driving uphill, I am zero in these matters, maybe you need to change the oil? I bought a car two years ago, I haven't changed the oil yet, why is the engine troit? (Basil)

Hello Vasily. The motor can be triple for many reasons, all of which are set out below.

Why is the engine troit?

First of all, you need to change motor fluid... It is unlikely that the engine does not work correctly because of this, but the oil must be changed every 10 thousand kilometers or once a year. You have already left for two years, if the mileage is more than 10 thousand or close to this indicator, then the lubricant should be changed to avoid possible problems in future. For VAZ 2109, it is optimal to use TNK, Lukoil or Castrol, do not forget to replace the oil filter.

As for the reasons for tripleting the internal combustion engine:

  1. First, it is necessary to check the performance of the spark plugs. Remove one candle and inspect it. In the event that the tip of the element is light with a slight brown tint, then everything is fine. But if there is black carbon deposits on the insulator and the side electrode, then something is wrong with the unit. This means that it is re-enriched with fuel or lubricant.
    Carbon deposits can be caused by long periods of ICE operation and overheating by idle, a reduced level of compression in the cylinders, incorrect adjustment of the valve timing. In addition, this may be the result of incorrect operation of the oxygen regulator or injectors if you have an injection engine. Check for spark. To do this, put on the candle high voltage wire, and the part itself is placed on the block head. You will need an assistant who will turn the starter: if a spark jumps, then everything is in order, then the candles must be cleaned of carbon deposits and the problem that caused it to be identified.
  2. Secondly, diagnose the high-voltage wires that connect to the spark plugs. The end of the cable must be solid, free from deposits. In the event that the tip begins to change color, over time, the wire may deteriorate altogether. Diagnostics of wires is carried out using a multimeter, the obtained parameters should be no more than 20 km. If, when measuring, you notice that one or more indicators are significantly lower, then the wires must be replaced.
  3. Thirdly, the problem may be caused by incorrect operation of the injector or injectors. In practice, this often happens due to the operation of low-quality gasoline, as well as the use of so-called purifiers, which usually only harm fuel system... The injectors can be clogged and the power supply cut off.

Video "How to solve the problem of triple motor"

For information on how to diagnose a malfunction at home, see the video (by Nail Poroshin).

Motorists say that the VAZ 2109 engine troit the carburetor when only three of its four cylinders are working. You can even ride on such a motor, but it is better to fix the malfunction, and if you move, then right in service center... The fact is that the fuel unburned in the faulty cylinder is mixed with oil in the crankcase, the lubrication regime is disrupted, and the engine is intensively worn out. Better not to strain the engine with such experiments.

Finding the defective cylinder

The characteristic change in the sound of a running engine is best heard from the side exhaust pipe... Skipping every fourth clap leads to a peculiar change in sound, clearly distinguishable at idle. This applies to both the carburetor version and the VAZ 2109 injector. To remember this sound, on a working engine, you can remove the wire from one of the spark plugs and start the engine. Having once heard how the VAZ 2109 engine troit, you will not confuse this sound with anything.

It is possible to determine which particular cylinder does not work and why the engine troit to a cold one, by the method of tests. This work involves contact with the high-voltage part of the electrical system and requires taking precautions. Wear rubber gloves, stand on a dry rubber mat, and avoid contact with the car body during work.

The order of your actions is as follows.

  1. Adjust the idle speed with the choke to 1,500 rpm.
  2. Remove the high voltage wire from the spark plug of the first cylinder.
  3. If the revolutions have dropped, the cylinder is working properly. If the revolutions have not changed, the fault is in this particular cylinder.

Check that all other cylinders are working properly one by one. Most of the specific reasons that the engine of the carburetor VAZ 2109 troit belong to one of three groups:

  • malfunctions of the ignition system;
  • breaking vacuum booster brakes;
  • failure of the elements of the cylinder-piston group.

Reasons are listed in order of decreasing opportunities self repair, when your VAZ 2109 has a troit engine.

It is easy to replace a flooded candle, but a burnt-out valve is difficult.

Ignition system malfunctions

One of the most common reasons for tripping is the absence of a spark that ignites the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. There can be two specific malfunctions:

  • failure of the corresponding spark plug;
  • malfunction of the high-voltage wire leading to this candle.

Unscrew the appropriate plug and inspect it. The presence of soot, oil, varnish plaque indicates abnormal operation of the candle and its imminent failure. A common cause of plug failure is poor fuel quality. This affects the operation of all four candles, but when one of them fails, the engine begins to triple. It turns out that low-quality fuel can be an indirect reason for the triplet of the engine.

It is not recommended to check the operation of the spark plug visually, by the presence of a spark jumping in the working gap when the engine is running. Even the presence of a spark at atmospheric pressure in the open air does not give a 100% guarantee of adequate operation of the spark plug in the cylinder. And the absence of a spark is not necessarily associated with the failure of the candle, it may be due to high voltage wire... The wires are checked for compliance with the actual resistance to the nominal, indicated on its insulation.

High voltage wires do not change one at a time. If one fails, the entire set is subject to replacement.

Failure of the vacuum brake booster

The vacuum brake booster (VUT) of the VAZ 2109 is not formally associated with the operation of the cylinders. But the VUT failure can lead to the failure of the third cylinder. The engine will start to triple.

The vacuum booster is designed to reduce the brake pedal effort required to effectively decelerate the vehicle. For this VUT uses rarefied air, which is taken from the intake manifold. The intake hose connection equipped with a check valve is located near the combustion chamber of the third cylinder. It is this cylinder that stops working if the amplifier fails or if the supply hose is damaged.

Through damage, atmospheric air is sucked in, the mixture is depleted, no ignition occurs. Often disruptions in the operation of the VUT are accompanied by a significant increase in the effort on the brake pedal, it becomes "dull", does not provide proper deceleration. It happens that when you press the brake pedal, the engine stops tripping and runs normally, and when you release the pedal, the third cylinder fails again. All these are sure signs of a VUT malfunction, and they require your immediate response.

It is quite simple to make sure that the reason for the failure of the third cylinder lies in the amplifier.

If you have a spare amplifier, self replacement the unit is not difficult and can be done by hand. If you go to the service, be three times careful: in fact, you are driving with faulty brakes.


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