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On September 29, on the fields of Pospelikhinskaya MIS, within the framework of the VELES Field Day, for the first time the “younger brother” of the well-known “Kirovtsa” - the tractor “Kiryusha” or K-708.4, was presented to the wide Altai public. Earlier, MIS specialists tested a tractor of the third traction class.

- This year we started serial production of the K-708.4 tractor with a capacity of 240 Horse power, - says Alexander Sokolov, deputy general director for quality and warranty service CJSC "Petersburg Tractor Plant" - Today we represent it as aggregated with the equipment of the Altai company VELES, so that farmers can evaluate it in action.

According to Alexander Sokolov, this tractor model is fundamentally new. With the "big" "Kirovtsa" it has in common only that it is articulated.

- Everything else is different for him. Another frame, even the hinge has a simplified design, explains the representative of the manufacturer. - The tractor is smaller in size and weight and is included in road clearance, which means that it does not need to obtain a permit to travel on the roads.

Unit weight - 10.6 tons. The heart of the tractor is the Yaroslavl 530 series engine, which has electronic control and associated with automatic transmission gear.

“Our main competitors are KhTZ machines and Belarusian models of this capacity,” says Alexander Anatolyevich.

- But we have different conditions for the machine operator, we tried to foresee everything. The K-708.4 cabin exceeds the GOST requirement in terms of vibration and noise levels. The driver has a good viewing angle. The tractor is equipped with climate control systems and many other options that improve the level of comfort.

According to the manufacturer, the K-708.4 tractor provides a full range of all agricultural operations with a capacity of 200 to 250 horsepower. The machine has a hydraulic drive for the seeding elements. The tractor works with all trailed implements. Perhaps only the articulated arrangement will limit the work with some row crops.

The cost of "Kiryusha" is slightly higher than direct competitors - around 5 million rubles. But since the tractor is assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation, it falls under the subsidy program No. 1432, which gives it a competitive advantage in terms of pricing.

- The first tractors of this series are already working in the fields of the Rostov and Voronezh regions, we hope to see them soon in the fields Altai Territory, - summed up Alexander Sokolov.

Tractor K-744R3 specifications ... Kirovets tractors are powerful agricultural machines of 5-8 traction class with engines of 250, 300, 350, 390, 420hp, which, along with the legendary K 700, K 701 and K 702, are today the basis of the fleet of heavy arable tractors of most Russian agricultural enterprises. ... Producer ZAO Petersburg Tractor Plant is a subsidiary of OAO Kirovsky Zavod.

Over the years, the plant has become one of the largest agricultural engineering enterprises in Russia, whose products have received recognition not only in Russia, but also on the international market. Modern technical base the plant allows the production of tractors Kirovets High Quality in a wide range, which will fully satisfy the requirements of consumers.

Agricultural wheeled tractorKirovets K-744R3 general purpose traction class 5 is designed for basic agricultural work: plowing, cultivation, harrowing, sowing, transport operations.

The model range of Kirovets tractors is wide enough, it includes tractors of various power, functionality and range of application.

The K-744R3 tractor is a modern, energy-intensive, economical one. Provided with warranty and service support through a wide network of representative offices and dealers.

"Kirovtsy", in total technical parameters and consumer properties, successfully compete with the best foreign counterparts.

Tractor K-744R3 as standard, they are completed in the hydraulic system of the attachment with an axial piston oil pump with a variable flow rate working fluid firm "Zauer-Danfoos" (MAX produces. 100 l / min) and a 5-section hydraulic valve from "Bosch" (for 4 pairs of outputs, including 1 with flow control) for connecting combined agricultural units.

There may be other options for completing the hydraulic system:

Completion "5" (for P2 and P3): with an axial piston pump with adjustable flow rate of the working fluid (MAX output 150 l / min), 5-section distributor, 4 pairs of outputs, incl. 1 with flow control.

Complete set "7" (for P2 and P3): with an axial piston pump with an adjustable flow rate of the working fluid (MAX produces 180 l / min), 5-section distributor, 4 pairs of outlets, incl. 1 with flow control.

The following engine models can be installed on tractors of this series:

Specifications - Tractor K-744R3

In the Cheboksary region, on the basis of Agromashsnab LLC, a seminar-meeting of heads of agricultural enterprises and collective farms of the republic was held, where domestic tractor which entered production in 2017.

The K-424 tractor is manufactured by JSC Petersburg Tractor Plant (part of the Kirovsky Zavod JSC Group of Companies - one of the oldest machine-building enterprises in Russia, founded in 1801). The K-424 "Kiryusha" model has every chance of becoming a "pioneer" of the popular "K4" family of tractors (it includes compact machines that belong to the 3rd and 4th traction categories). The machine has incorporated the latest technologies from experienced St. Petersburg engineers. The possibilities of technology are very extensive and varied. Kirovets K-424 is equipped with an automatic transmission with six front and three reverse gears, compact and economical diesel engine YaMZ-5362 Russian production(240 hp). The first buyer of a tractor in the Chuvash Republic was Pioneer Agrofirm JSC.

As part of the practical part of the seminar, a demonstration of the K-474 tractor, test driving was held.

In the plenary part, Vladimir Zhirnov, Director of Agromashsnab LLC ( official dealer JSC "Petersburg Tractor Plant"), which introduced the activities of the company. Maxim Lyakhov, manager for regional development of the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, informed about the features of the K-424 tractor, introduced the plant's products.

During the meeting, representatives of the suppliers of agricultural machinery for the procurement of forage also made speeches.

Newspapers "Pravda".

The St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, part of the Kirovsky Zavod group of companies, is one of the few domestic machine-building enterprises that successfully compete with foreign manufacturers. Even during the economic crisis, tractors of the famous Soviet brand "Kirovets" are in steady demand in Russia. And today they are exported to 30 countries of the world.

THE FORMER KIROV PLANT is an enterprise with the richest working traditions and a collectivist spirit, which has been preserved here despite the "reforms" of the liberals and the market whistle. Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov, the leader of the Russian communists, often visits the plant, and during the recent presidential election campaign, Pavel Nikolayevich Grudinin, a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the People's Patriotic Forces of Russia, spoke here, answering numerous questions. The national candidate could not come to the city on the Neva and not visit the St. Petersburg Tractor People's candidate. Here everyone was waiting for him. Indeed, in terms of their outlook and attitude towards life, the workers, engineers and management of the plant were and remain Soviet people, real patriots, as if there were no decades of the wild market and Gorbachev's collapse.

The journalists of the Krasnaya Liniya TV channel came to St. Petersburg Tractorny due to the fact that they learned: another novelty is coming off the factory assembly line - the Kirovets K-4 model, a middle-class tractor with a 240 horsepower engine, a little more than seven meters long and an overall width only two and a half meters. Machines with just such characteristics are especially lacking for rural manufacturers in Russia today. More recently, middle-class models were purchased in Ukraine, where they are produced by the Kharkov Tractor Plant. But after the Kiev regime began to erect barrier after barrier between the fraternal countries, cooperation became impossible. Even with the purchase of the simplest spare parts, the peasants faced insurmountable problems. So a group of design engineers from the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, headed by Alexei Gavrilov, took up the development of a domestic model of the Kirovets K-4 tractor at the right time. And the result exceeded all expectations.

Today Gavrilov's group is closely cooperating with colleagues from Germany: they want to secure a contract for their company for the production of hydraulic units for the new Kirovets models. But first, these nodes need to be designed - this is what German engineers are doing with the help of their Russian colleagues.

Many foreigners themselves turn to us because they are interested in cooperation with the plant, - says Alexei Gavrilov. - We are the only enterprise in Russia where the production of tractors is growing steadily, and everyone knows that.

However, three quarters of the components of modern "Kirovtsy" are of domestic production. Thanks to this, the machines are well adapted to Russian conditions, they work almost flawlessly. And they are much cheaper than capricious Western counterparts.

The chief designer of the plant, Mikhail Lebedev, stands at the computer like a drawing board. The habit has been preserved since the days when no one heard of any computers for designing new models of tractors.

But when previously unknown technologies became commonplace, the design of modern tractors went very quickly. The task to design "Kirovets K-4" - "Kiryusha", as this model was dubbed in absentia at the plant, was received by Lebedev's design bureau at the very end of 2016. And the matter started. January - February - the beginning of drawing, June - July - the issuance of drawings. In October, assembly started, and in November, the first batch of cars created from scratch was already shipped to customers.

It is very difficult for an ignorant person to understand what it is like to design and launch a completely new tractor in a series when banks do not give loans to producers, and the industry has been deliberately destroyed for many years, half of the suppliers went bankrupt and, most importantly, when the peasants simply do not have the money to buy equipment ...

It is impossible to talk about the development of agricultural machinery in isolation from the development of all agriculture in the country, - explains the director of the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant Sergei Serebryakov. - And apart from the general credit and financial system and the macroeconomic environment that has developed in Russia, it is simply stupid to talk about the problems of agricultural machinery.

Today, Sergei Serebryakov has no answers to most of the questions about the government's economic policy and its attitude to the problems of the industry. On camera, he does not want to call the ministers of the financial and economic bloc pests. And he does not know how to call them differently. And nevertheless, against the background of questions that cannot be answered, the St. Petersburg plant over the past year supplied more than 2,000 Kirovets tractors, as well as spare parts for them, to the fields of Russia, near and far abroad, for a total amount of 12.7 billion rubles. This, says the director, is today one of the best indicators in the industry over the past 25 years.

Assembly shop. Future tractors "Kiryusha" are in line at the factory conveyor. Every day, several cars leave ready-made for running-in. Nikolay Grigoriev, deputy head of the assembly department, shows the Krasnaya Liniya TV channel the capabilities of the new model:

Here are the control keys attachments... Previously, there were difficulties when hooking up the units: they jumped from cab to cab or a second person was needed. Now one tractor driver can attach the equipment literally in a matter of seconds ...

Petersburg frost grips to the bone, but Grigoriev does not pay attention to the bad weather. He enthusiastically explains how simple buttons and other little things make up a competitive tractor, in which everything is thought out for the convenience and efficient work of the operator.

Nikolay famously turns the tractor on the factory patch. He says that he is proud of the machines that the plant produces. Not just an abstract plant, but the people who work on it.

Grigoriev himself came to St. Petersburg Tractor not so long ago, in 2008. He started as a collector. Then he worked as a test driver, a year later he returned to the shop, became a foreman, a foreman. Now he is the deputy head of the shop. I am very grateful to the veterans of the plant, who share their experience with the youth. They, young people, are dear everywhere at the plant.

The team of Alexei Gavrilov, the head of the Kirovets K-4 project, consists mainly of young people. He himself is not yet forty. The speed with which these young guys are working is amazing. The design solution is found in a matter of hours.

The plant has a well-established system of interaction between different departments, - the engineer explains. - There are no intermediaries. There is no need to wait for weeks for a response, for approval of changes. Everything happens very quickly here. I went to the shop, discussed it, agreed in the morning, in the evening - the result.

Alexey admits that he constantly thinks about his model, "Kirovets K-4", he even dreams about "Kiryusha". And how to design an element of the cooling system of one of the engines, I figured out when I was traveling on the subway.

It was in the evening, I was returning from work, - he recalls. - In the morning I came to the guys, explained my idea, and we took up the drawings.

The creator of Kiryusha has no doubts that the St. Petersburg plant and tractors of the Soviet brand "Kirovets" have a great future.

We are the only enterprise in Russia that makes cars of this class, - explains the designer. - The country will always need agricultural machinery. Everyone wants to eat. We will not be left without tractors. The plant will live and develop. I am very optimistic about this. We won't do that yet!

Special report “K-4. Constructor's gambit "watch on the website of the TV channel" Red Line "at .


LIKINSKIE POND for the town of Likino-Dulyovo near Moscow - memories of a weaving spinning mill. However, there is nothing to spin. The threads of fate have been disbanded: the factory has gone bankrupt. The ponds are the only thing left. In the 2000s it was a gathering place for local drug addicts. Today, ponds are also of particular interest. Now on this territory there is a kind of "Leviathan" in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district: who and from whom is trying to take the land of the former factory, and what does the theatrical community have to do with it? This is discussed in a special report by Denis Berestov.

The St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, part of the Kirovsky Zavod group of companies, is one of the few domestic machine-building enterprises that successfully compete with foreign manufacturers. Even during the economic crisis, tractors of the famous Soviet brand "Kirovets" are in steady demand in Russia. And today they are exported to 30 countries of the world.

The former Kirovsky Zavod is an enterprise with the richest working traditions and collectivist spirit, which was preserved here despite the "reforms" of the liberals and the market whistle. Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov, the leader of the Russian communists, often visits the plant, and during the recent presidential election campaign, Pavel Nikolayevich Grudinin, a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the People's Patriotic Forces of Russia, spoke here, answering numerous questions. The national candidate could not come to the city on the Neva and not visit the St. Petersburg Tractor People's candidate. Here everyone was waiting for him. Indeed, in terms of their outlook and attitude to life, the workers, engineers and management of the plant were and remain Soviet people, real patriots, as if there were no decades of the wild market and the Gorbachev collapse.

The journalists of the Krasnaya Liniya TV channel came to St. Petersburg Tractorny due to the fact that they learned: another novelty is coming off the factory assembly line - the Kirovets K-4 model, a middle-class tractor with a 240 horsepower engine, a little more than seven meters long and an overall width only two and a half meters. Machines with just such characteristics are especially lacking for rural manufacturers in Russia today. More recently, middle-class models were purchased in Ukraine, where they are produced by the Kharkov Tractor Plant. But after the Kiev regime began to erect barrier after barrier between the fraternal countries, cooperation became impossible. Even with the purchase of the simplest spare parts, the peasants faced insurmountable problems. So a group of design engineers from the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant, headed by Alexei Gavrilov, took up the development of a domestic model of the Kirovets K-4 tractor at the right time. And the result exceeded all expectations.

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Today Gavrilov's group is closely cooperating with colleagues from Germany: they want to secure a contract for their company for the production of hydraulic units for the new Kirovets models. But first, these nodes need to be designed - this is what German engineers are doing with the help of their Russian colleagues.

“Many foreigners turn to us themselves, because they are interested in cooperation with the plant,” says Aleksey Gavrilov. - We are the only enterprise in Russia where the production of tractors is growing steadily, and everyone knows that.

However, three quarters of the components of modern "Kirovtsy" are of domestic production. Thanks to this, the machines are well adapted to Russian conditions, they work almost flawlessly. And they are much cheaper than capricious Western counterparts.

The chief designer of the plant, Mikhail Lebedev, stands at the computer like a drawing board. The habit has been preserved since the days when no one heard of any computers for designing new models of tractors.

But when previously unknown technologies became commonplace, the design of modern tractors went very quickly. The task to design "Kirovets K-4" - "Kiryusha", as this model was dubbed at the plant, was received by Lebedev's design bureau at the very end of 2016. And the matter started. January - February - the beginning of drawing, June - July - the issuance of drawings. In October, assembly started, and in November, the first batch of cars created from scratch was already shipped to customers.

It is very difficult for an ignorant person to understand what it is like: to design and launch a completely new tractor in a series when banks do not give loans to producers, and the industry has been deliberately destroyed for many years, half of the suppliers went bankrupt and, most importantly, when the peasants simply do not have money to buy technology.

“We cannot talk about the development of agricultural machinery in isolation from the development of all agriculture in the country,” explains Sergei Serebryakov, director of the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant. - And apart from the general credit and financial system and the macroeconomic environment that has developed in Russia, it is simply stupid to talk about the problems of agricultural machinery.

Today, Sergei Serebryakov has no answers to most of the questions about the government's economic policy and its attitude to the problems of the industry. On camera, he does not want to call the ministers of the financial and economic bloc pests. And he does not know how to call them differently. And nevertheless, against the background of questions that cannot be answered, the St. Petersburg plant over the past year supplied more than 2,000 Kirovets tractors, as well as spare parts for them, to the fields of Russia, near and far abroad, for a total amount of 12.7 billion rubles. This, says the director, is today one of the best indicators in the industry over the past 25 years.

Assembly shop. Future tractors "Kiryusha" are in line at the factory conveyor. Every day, several cars leave ready-made for running-in. Nikolay Grigoriev, deputy head of the assembly department, shows the Krasnaya Liniya TV channel the capabilities of the new model:

- Here are the attachment control keys. Previously, there were difficulties when hooking up the units: they jumped from cab to cab or a second person was needed. Now one tractor driver can attach the equipment literally in a matter of seconds.

Petersburg frost grips to the bone, but Grigoriev does not pay attention to the bad weather. He enthusiastically explains how simple buttons and other little things make up a competitive tractor, in which everything is thought out for the convenience and efficient work of the operator.

Nikolay famously turns the tractor on the factory patch. He says that he is proud of the machines that the plant produces. And not just an abstract plant, but the people who work on it.

Grigoriev himself came to St. Petersburg Tractor not so long ago, in 2008. He started as a collector. Then he worked as a test driver, a year later he returned to the shop, became a foreman, a foreman. Now he is the deputy head of the shop. I am very grateful to the veterans of the plant, who share their experience with young people. They, young people, are dear everywhere at the plant.

The team of Alexei Gavrilov, the head of the Kirovets K-4 project, consists mainly of young people. He himself is not yet forty. The speed with which these young guys are working is amazing. The design solution is found in a matter of hours.

“The plant has a well-established system of interaction between different departments,” the engineer explains. - There are no intermediaries. There is no need to wait for weeks for a response, for approval of changes. Everything happens very quickly here. I went to the shop, discussed it, agreed in the morning, in the evening - the result.

Alexey admits that he constantly thinks about his model, Kirovets K-4. He even dreams of "Kiryusha". And how to design an element of the cooling system of one of the engines, I figured out when I was traveling on the subway.

“It was in the evening, I was returning from work,” he recalls. - In the morning I came to the guys, explained my idea, and we took up the drawings.

The creator of Kiryusha has no doubts that the St. Petersburg plant and tractors of the Soviet brand "Kirovets" have a great future.

“We are the only enterprise in Russia that makes cars of this class,” explains the designer. - The country will always need agricultural machinery. Everyone wants to eat. We will not be left without tractors. The plant will live and develop. I am very optimistic about this. We won't do that yet!

Special report “K-4. Constructor's gambit "watch on the website of the TV channel" Red Line "at .

Kirovets K 424 Kiryusha is the newest tractor of the Kirov Tractor Plant, which entered production in 2017. The machine has incorporated the latest technologies from experienced St. Petersburg engineers. The possibilities of technology are very extensive and varied. Please note that we have before us one of the most compact tractors in the Kirovets model range. The machine is designed to work in large and medium-sized farms, as well as in the construction and municipal activities. The technique has shown itself in the best way when processing territories with areas ranging from 500 to 2000 hectares. The K-424 Kiryusha model has every chance of becoming the "pioneer" of the popular "K4" family of tractors. Recall that it includes compact machines that belong to the 3rd and 4th traction categories. In this article, we will consider the main advantages of the K-424 Kiryusha tractor, its capabilities and characteristics.

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Description and purpose

K-424 Kiryusha is a high-performance tractor, very compact, maneuverable and dynamic. The machine occupies a promising niche in the agricultural machinery market, and is designed to repeat the success of the legendary T-150 tractor, which was produced during the Soviet era. So, the model under consideration, despite its compact dimensions, can be used in large forestry and agriculture. The technique is in demand among large landowners and agricultural holdings. K-424 Kiryusha is in high demand among government customers and private commercial structures. This is a very affordable and functional tractor with good maintainability, affordable spare parts and convenient service. The K-424 Kiryusha model has become very popular in search and rescue operations. This device is indispensable for loading and unloading. In agriculture, "Kiryusha" effectively copes with hilling and cultivating the soil, harrowing plowing, processing virgin soil, and also takes an active part in sowing grain and vegetable crops. In addition, the machine has successfully passed factory tests in assembly and road construction works.

Characteristics of Kirovets K 424

  • Developer - Kirov Tractor Plant
  • Construction - frame, articulated
  • Track dimensions - 2255 mm
  • Clearance - 550 mm
  • Engine type - diesel six-cylinder, four-stroke, turbocharged and direct fuel injection
  • Motor power - 240 horsepower
  • Transmission - automatic
  • Control type - electrohydraulics
  • Transmission - mechanical, with forward and 3 reverse gears
  • Drive Axles - Locking center differential and unified planetary gearboxes
  • Axle suspension - leaf spring, with telescopic hydraulics
  • Brake mechanism - pneumohydraulic drive with disc drive
  • EEW pneumatic system - yes.

Features of the device and operation

  1. Kirovets K-424 is equipped with a compact and economical Russian-made YaMZ-5362 diesel engine. This motor reveals all the advantages of the Kirovets K-424 tractor. The engine has six cylinders and develops over 200 horsepower. The power plant is equipped with various auxiliary systems, among which we note electronic fuel injection Common rail which raises fuel efficiency and reduces emissions up to Stage III emission standards. In addition, this unit has successfully passed the certification of the Customs Union. Based on this, it is not surprising that it is in great demand in at least five post-Soviet countries - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. According to official figures, power point with a working volume of 6.6 liters, it develops 240 forces or 175 kW. In this case, the indicator of operating power is 215 liters. with. We also add here a torque of almost 950 N / m, achieved already at 1300-1600 rpm. It is noteworthy that when the turbine is activated, the power output of the engine increases to 168 liters. with. To increase the power reserve, the engine was equipped with fuel tank 500 liters.
  2. Kirovets K-424 is equipped with an automatic transmission with six forward and three reverse gears. This number of speeds ensures a smooth ride when shifting. In addition, the 9-speed gearbox operates almost silently and without interruption in the power flow. Please note that the transition to an upward or downward transmission is carried out in automatic or manual modes. There are two operating modes of the checkpoint - working and transport. In the first case, the box switches immediately from the first to the fourth speed, and in the second case - from the first to the sixth. This algorithm works in the "automatic" mode. Operation of the transmission in manual mode eliminates engine overloads. If crankshaft has a reduced speed up to 1300 rpm, then the box automatically switches to low gear... Smooth and crisp shifting maximum speed tractor together with a standard trailer is 40 km / h. The gearbox is reinforced with a power take-off shaft with two modes of operation - from 500 to 100 rpm.
  3. The K-424 "Kiryusha" tractor is an all-wheel drive vehicle operating according to the classic 4x4 formula. Moreover, the front and rear drive axles have a center differential lock. A design feature of the main gear is the driving and driven bevel gears, with a circular tooth and a locking differential. The differential itself is built into the main gear housing, and is mounted on tapered bearings. In addition, the drive axles are reinforced with planetary wheel reducers, which, in turn, consist of gears, a carrier and three satellites. To increase strength rear axle fixed on the tractor frame, and the front one is fixed by longitudinal semi-elliptical springs with hydraulic shock absorbers. To shorten the braking distance, the tractor is equipped with powerful hydraulic brakes.
  4. The Kirovets K-424 Kiryusha model is equipped with a hydraulic system driven by a Bosch axial piston pump. The output (fluid flow) of the hydraulic pump is 210 liters per minute. The aforementioned power take-off shaft, coupled with such hydraulics, provided a high carrying capacity of the main attachment. We also add here a five-section hydraulic valve, which consumes about 95 liters per minute through one section, and up to 185 liters per minute through two sections. The design provides for free drainage of the liquid, as well as four independent hydraulic lines. Thanks to these auxiliary components, the lifting capacity of the rear linkage is 6 tons, which corresponds to the 3rd traction category. As an option, you can install a multi-lift with height adjustment. The lift can be equipped with a shackle and a pendulum hitch located at the front of the tractor. In fact, this is an auxiliary attachment with a carrying capacity of 4.5 tons. There is a possibility of simultaneous operation of both implements, which almost doubles the carrying capacity.
  5. The driver's workplace has many adjustments - both the driver's seat and the steering column. The level of ergonomics of the arrangement of devices, levers and switches, as well as the level of sound and noise insulation of the passenger compartment - correspond to the current tractor and automotive standards. Comfort and coziness in the cab is provided by a powerful climate control unit with heating and ventilation functions. In general, it can be argued without a doubt that the developers have managed to achieve a decent level of comfort, space and silence in the cabin. The cabin itself is all-metal, with a built-in protective frame and a wide area of ​​glazing, which is also present on the roof - in the form of a panoramic sunroof. Due to this, it was possible to obtain excellent visibility. There is only one door on the left for access to the cab. Convenient mini-steps are designed to facilitate access to the salon. Note the high level of ergonomics of the devices responsible for controlling the coupling devices. They can be wielded with a compact joystick.
  6. Kirovets K-424 Kiryusha, like all other representatives lineup Kirov Automobile Plant, has a high maintainability. It is very reliable and easy to maintain. It can be repaired in garage and field conditions, if you have a special tool. Due to this, the car is much better adapted to Russian conditions than more expensive foreign competitors.

Photo Kirovets K 424

In the face of the developed Petersburg tractor plant of the K-4 tractor, the "Kirovets" we are used to, really got a younger brother - he is not only younger, but also noticeably smaller both in weight and dimensions. Which is not surprising: the newcomer belongs to the middle class, which until recently was completely dominated by Kharkiv KhTZ.

Now K-4, which is affectionately called "Kiryusha" at the plant, on Russian market should press the honored Kharkiv resident

Modern Yaroslavl 6-cylinder diesel engine YaMZ-23625 of ecological class Stage 3A (with the prospect of Stage 3B) with a guaranteed resource of at least 10 thousand operating hours, automatic transmission produced by ZF, a very comfortable and unusually spacious by the standards of domestic tractor equipment, a two-seater cabin with air conditioning, five hydraulic lines for the rear hitch and one for the front, as well as an overall width of 2.55 m, which allows you to move freely on public roads.

With a length of 7.15 m, the tractor has a turning radius on the outer wheel of 5.8 m and an operating weight of 9-12 tons, depending on the configuration. In the basic version, the engine develops 240 hp, but over time it is planned to offer customers a modification with the Yaroslavl 190-horsepower "four". Powerful hydraulic system equipped with pneumatic or electric control. Tires dimension 23.1R26 provide ground clearance(under the hinge axis) 520 mm. Rear hitch of category III - IV with a drawbar and, on request, with a swingarm, front hitch - category III. Their carrying capacity on the suspension axis is 6.5 and 4.5 tons, respectively.

Bridges for the K-4 complete set are supplied by the Belarusian AMKODOR, but the factory workers promise to develop their own transmission in due course. And there is a certain reason for this: while the tractors are in trial operation, while minor defects are caught in the design, their production is carried out in a slipway method. But in the near future, the car is going to be put on the conveyor, because according to the plant's marketers, the need for various modifications of the K-4 will be up to 3 thousand per year. In this case, there really is a reason to localize the most expensive transmission elements.


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