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A large amount of heat is generated in the accelerator rheostat during operation, therefore, to prevent overheating and deformation of the rheostat elements, the accelerator is continuously blown with air supplied by the fans of the engine-generator. In cold weather, the air heated by the accelerator is directed through channels along the starboard side of the body to the passenger compartment, and in warm weather it is released into the atmosphere.

The accelerator has a mass of 180 kg. It is suspended on three pins 8 under the body in the middle of the car in a special compartment closed by two covers from the bottom and a removable hatch in the car floor.

Car T-3 has three types of brakes: electric rheostat, mechanical with solenoid drive and electromagnetic rail. Rheostatic braking is a service one. At a low car speed, rheostat braking becomes ineffective and then mechanical braking is automatically applied to it. A mechanical brake (shoe) is installed on the shaft of each traction motor. Latching relay LO serves as a sensor for automatic replacement of rheostat braking with mechanical braking. This relay has two coils: one in the braking circuit of the traction motors, the second in the control circuit, which receives power at the zero position of the pedals at all travel and first four braking positions of the control controller. Mechanical brakes are applied when both coils of the latching relay are de-energized. Rail brakes are only used for emergency braking.

The control, rail, mechanical brakes and signaling circuits are powered by a 1.6 kW generator G with a nominal voltage of 24 V, operating in parallel with a storage battery with a nominal capacity of 100 Ah. A sequential excitation motor is used as a generator drive,

having a continuous power of 5 kW.

ribbon element of the rheostat and the sweep diagram of the cam contactors of the 2K accelerator

Switch on the battery disconnect switch. The brake pedal must be in the parking position - on the latch, while the cam contactor of the VK1 brake controller will be turned on.

With the contacts of the control circuit, the "assembly" of the circuit is being prepared. The engine-generator turns on. Power to the generator engine comes from the overhead line. The generator is connected to the storage battery. In this case, the battery is recharged and the power of the control circuits is transferred from battery on the generator. After turning on the generator motor, forced ventilation of the traction motors and starting-brake rheostats of the accelerator begins.

The reversing handle is placed in the working position, for example "Forward", and then the reverser contacts will close and the coils of reversing contactors P1 – P4 will be powered (when the reverse handle is positioned “Reverse”, the contacts will close and the coils Z1 – Z4 will turn on).

After releasing the brake pedal from the latch position to the zero position, the mechanical brake contactor is prepared for closing. The solenoid coils are energized through a resistor and the shoe brakes are partially released.

Start of the car. The travel controller pedal has five non-fixed positions. By pressing one of the positions, the driver selects the acceleration with which the carriage will work.

On the 1st travel position of the pedal, the cam contactors of the controller JK1 (1–5), JK2 (1–5), JK3 (0–1) are activated. Shoe brakes are completely released. The LS line contactor is switched on, after which the power is supplied from the traction electric motor overhead line. The current in the traction electric motor goes through the current collector, the line contactor LS, the coil of the maximum relay MR and then through two parallel circuits of the traction electric motor:

1st circuit: wire 3 – MDR – armatures of the 4th and 3rd TED - OR – P3 - ОВ of the 4th and 3rd TED - Р4 - shunt of the Sh – M1 ammeter;

2nd circuit: wire 3 – P1 - OV of the 2nd and 1st TED (in parallel through the F2 contactor and the inductive shunt) - P2 - МDR - the armature of the 2nd and 1st TED - M1. Further, the current of both motor circuits goes through the starting rheostat ZR, two starting (damper) resistor stages to wire 100. The contactor R1 is switched on, which outputs the first stage (0.7 Ohm) of the damper resistor from the traction motor circuit. Contactor R2 turns on, which turns off the second stage (0.7 Ohm) of the snubber resistor. Turning on the starting damper resistors for a while and weakening the excitation of the 2nd and 1st traction motors causes a decrease in the torque of the traction motor, which is necessary to select backlash in the power transmission of the car.

Tram type Tatra T-3

This makes the initial moment of starting the car smooth.

After switching on the contactors LS and R2, the auxiliary contacts of the contactors close the armature supply circuit of the PM servomotor. The servomotor begins to rotate the accelerator cross in the direction from 1st to 99th position, removing the starting rheostat from the traction motor circuit under the control of the limit relay OR, maintaining the starting current value, which is determined by the settings of the limit relay. During start-up, the car is accelerated with acceleration. The start takes place at the lowest current in the traction motor circuit 200–230 A per carriage, which corresponds to an acceleration of 0.6 m / s2 with an unloaded carriage. During start-up in the second position of the pedal, the current in the power circuit increases to 280–300 A (in both traction motor circuits), and the acceleration increases to 0.95 m / s2.

At the 3rd and 4th positions of the pedal, the current in the control coil RC decreases, and at the 5th position of the pedal, the current in the power circuit increases, respectively, the acceleration of the car movement also increases: at the 3rd position of the pedal - 1.2 m / c2; on the 4th - 1.5 m / s2; at the 5th - 1.8 m / s2. At any position of the selected acceleration, the start ends with the output to the maximum weakening of the excitation.

At the 75th position of the accelerator, its cam contactor turns on the coil of the M2 contactor and the rheostat start is completed. The crosspiece of the accelerator turns further under the control of the limit relay. At the 80th position, the cam contactor ZR4 switches on the contactor F4, creating the first stage of excitation weakening of the 2nd and 1st traction motors. At the 85th position, the cam contactor 2,8,6 of the accelerator turns on the contactor that creates the first stage of weakening of the 4th and 3rd traction electric motors. At the 90th position, contacts ZR5 turn on the contactor, creating a second stage of excitation weakening of the 3rd and 4th, TED, and at the 95th position, contacts ZR3 turn on the contactor P2, creating a second stage of weakening the excitation of the 2nd and 1st TED. During the alternate switching on of the stages of attenuation of the excitation of the traction electric motor, less fluctuations in the traction force of the car are obtained in comparison with the simultaneous switching on of both groups of traction electric motors.

Tram type Tatra T-3

Runout. Returning the foot switch to the zero position opens the cam contactors of the JK travel controller (not JK3). The coils of contactors LS, M1 and M2 continue to receive power. Cam contactor JK2 cuts off the power supply to the coil R1, then the auxiliary contact of the contactor R1 cuts off the power supply to the coil R2 and damper resistors are alternately introduced into the traction motor circuit. After switching off contactor R2, contactors LS, M1 and M2 are switched off by its auxiliary contacts and the power supply to the traction motor is interrupted. Such a sequence of disconnecting the traction electric motor from the contact network provides a smoother decrease in acceleration, facilitates the operation of the arc-extinguishing devices of the contactors and the switching of the traction electric motor.

The brake contactors B1 and B2 are switched on, the F2 contactor is switched on, creating a maximum attenuation of the excitation of the 1st and 2nd traction electric motors, which reduces the braking force of the car. After switching on the brake contactors B1 and B2, two brake circuits are assembled in the power circuit. The T-3 car does not have a clean coast, the traction motors operate in a generator mode when coasting. Groups of traction electric motors are connected in parallel with each other in a cross pattern. The braking current of the armatures of the 3rd and 4th TED is closed along the MDR-P1 circuit - the OF of the 2nd and 1st TED (in parallel, the current flows through the F2 contactor and the inductive shunt) - P2-B2 - accelerator brake rheostat ZR-B1– LO - anchors of the 3rd and 4th TED. Similarly, the braking current of the armatures of the 1st and 2nd traction motors is closed along the MDR-B2 circuit - the braking rheostat of the accelerator ZR-B1-LO-OR-P3 - OF the 4th and 3rd traction motors -P4-Sh - armatures 1- 1st and 2nd TED.

Electric braking deceleration does not exceed 0.14 m / s2. The direction of the current in the armature PM changes and the crosspiece of the accelerator, under the control of the limit relay, moves from the 99th position to the directions of the 1st position as the speed of the carriage decreases.

If the car speed increases during coasting (for example, when driving downhill), the braking current of the motors will increase, and the contacts of the OR limit relay will open. In this case, the direction of the current will change and the direction of rotation of the armature of the PM servo motor and the crosspiece of the accelerator will move in the direction of increasing the braking resistance (a braking rheostat is introduced) in the brake circuit. This will continue until the current drops to 25–30 A. Thus, in the event of a run-out, the accelerator crosspiece fixes the corresponding position in accordance with the car speed (a higher car speed corresponds to a higher accelerator position).

Tram type K-1

Electric drive KPTT-1 is designed to regulate operating modes (rheostat-free start, field weakening, regenerative braking with replacement rheostat) and to ensure smooth start and electrodynamic braking of a tram car.

The electric drive carries out pulse regulation of the voltage and excitation current of the tram electric motor under the following operating modes of the tram in operation:

- tram movement at various speeds in the range from 5 to 70 km / h;

- tram movement in "coasting" mode;

- smooth regenerative braking in the presence of a consumer connected to the contact network;

- rheostat - in the absence of a consumer.

In this case, one or another type of braking is provided, depending on the specified conditions, automatically, without the need for manual intervention by the driver.

The electric drive ensures the start of the tram in the presence of a negative EMF of electric motors of up to 50 V (rollback mode up to 1.5 km / h).

The EP scheme also provides electronic devices protection and control at various deviations of the supply voltage of the contact network (excess, decrease, complete absence).

Tram type K-1 EP scheme includes the following main units:

disconnector-earthing switch(U7);

main line contactor with electromagnetic current release KM11 (line contactor block);

auxiliary line contactor KM0Z;

reactor (choke) input

LF filter;

braking and ballast resistors of the power circuit, arrow resistor (R1, R2, R4, R5, R10);

TED М1, М2.

block IP-A, IP-V.

The IP-A, IP-V units are controlled from the control unit.

The IP block is designed to regulate the operation modes of the tram electric motor of one bogie of a tram car in order to ensure smooth rheostat-free starting and recuperative-rheostatic braking.

Tram type K-1

The IP scheme contains the following main elements:

voltage regulator transistor (RN) VT2;

transistor for controlling the excitation of electric motors (RP) VT1;

VTZ rheostat braking control transistor;

filter СF1 ... СF8;

contactor KL1 designed to disconnect the power supply unit;

contactors KL2, KLZ for switching the direction of movement;

auxiliary voltage converter (VPN);

current sensor (TA);

contactors KM, KR, KT for switching operating modes;

pulse shaper boards;

power supply unit for control circuits of the power supply unit;

RCD - circuits protecting semiconductor devices from overvoltage;

F1 fuse.

Power supply unit operation at start-up.

The start mode starts after pressing the pedal of the BKVX stroke controller unit.

At start-up, the TED is switched on through the IP block after the contactors KM11, KM0Z, KL1, KM are closed.

First, control pulses are applied to the VT2 transistor. At the moment of the open state of the VT2 transistor, the TED current increases and flows along the KL1, KM circuit, in parallel - ОВМ1, ОВМ2, R5 and R4, when moving forward - КL2, М1, М2, КL2, when moving backwards - КLЗ, М2, М1, КLЗ , F1, TA, VT2, minus the network. At the moment of the closed state of the VT2 transistor, the TED current is closed through the VD5 diode module. Due to the energy accumulated in the windings, the current in the traction electric motor does not drop to zero.

The described mode corresponds to the minimum value of the starting current with a field weakening λ = 0.7 and is necessary to select the backlash in mechanical transmission... After the current increases to 25-35 A, the control unit issues a signal to turn on the KP contactor. Resistor R5 is removed from the circuit.

Tram type K-1

After that, the control system by turning on the VT2 voltage regulator (RN) transistor with PWM for 0.7-0.8 s increases starting current to the value specified by the angle of pressing the pedal of the stroke controller unit BKVH.

With the acceleration of the tram, the filling factor VT2 increases.

When switching to the coasting mode, the contactors KM, KR are switched off and the contactor KT is switched on.

In order to expand the range of operating speeds, the MT provides regulation of the excitation current of the tram car's tram electric motor.

The VT1 transistor is used as a regulator of the excitation magnetic field (RP).

At start-up, the RP comes into operation after the completion of the LV, i.e. after increasing the filling factor of the PH to a maximum (α = 0.99). After the entry into operation of the field regulator, the transistor of the voltage regulator opens completely (α = 1).

In the start-up mode, the RP is connected in parallel with the excitation windings of the traction electric motor.

When the VT1 transistor is turned on, the excitation windings of the traction electric motor are shunted, and the current is displaced from them through the current-limiting resistor R10 into the VT1 transistor.

After turning off the transistor VT1, the shunt circuit current will flow through the resistor R4. By changing the ratio of the time of the on and off state of the transistor (the duty cycle of the pulses), the value of the effective resistance R4 and, therefore, the degree of weakening of the TED field changes.

After the completion of the RP operation, the TED enters the maximum field weakening mode. In this case, the VT1 transistor opens completely (α = 1).

When the current in the traction motor rises above the value of the task, the RP automatically comes into operation again. The voltage regulator comes into operation only after re-setting the starting mode.

In the starting mode, the operating frequency of the LV and RP remains constant, equal to 800 Hz, which is provided by the control circuit.

Combined overvoltage reduction protection for power semiconductor devices is based on RCD - circuits and RC - circuits.

Tram type K-1

The braking process begins after pressing the pedal of the BKVT brake controller unit. In the braking mode, the contactors KM, KR are off. The KT contactor turns off (on freewheel it is turned on) and immediately turns on for a short time on<1 с. На это время он своими контактами подключает ВПН в цепь обмоток возбуждения для создания начального магнитного потока.

Control pulses are applied to the VT2 transistor. In the absence of armature current, the duty cycle increases to a maximum value of α = 0.99. In this mode, the control system turns on the VT1 transistor with a duty cycle α = 1. The process of self-excitation of the traction electric motor takes place.

A current flows through the excitation winding through the circuit: the positive terminal of the VPN, KT, parallel to R5 and the excitation winding ОВМ2, ОВМ1, parallel to R4 and R10, VT1, 8 negative output of the ВПН. The armature current increases along the circuit M1, M2, KL2, F1, TA, VT2, VD4, K07, parallel to R5 and OBM2, OBM1, parallel to R4 and R10, VT1, KL2, M1.

As the TED is excited, the current in the armature circuit increases. After an increase in the armature current of the TED to 25-35 A, the KT contactor is switched off. If the current does not rise to the specified value within 1 s, the contactor is also disconnected. After that, the control system by means of PWM regulation by transistors VT1, VT2 with a constant frequency of 800 Hz ± 5% for 0.7-0.8 s will increase the TED current to the value specified by the angle of pressing the pedal of the BKVT brake controller unit.

V in the braking mode, parallel to the excitation winding of the traction electric motor, a ballast resistor R5 is connected, which is introduced into the traction electric motor circuit in order to ensure the stability of the regenerative mode in cases where the voltage at the traction electric motor can exceed the voltage in the contact network.

V the moment of the open state of transistors VT1, VT2, the TED current increases and flows through the circuit M1, M2, KL2, F1, TA, VT2, VD4, K07, parallel to R5 and OBM2, OBM1, parallel to R4 and R10, VT1, KL2, M1. At the moment of the closed state of the transistors VT1, VT2, the TED current gradually decreases and closes in the circuit M1, M2, KL2, F1, TA, VD5, KL1, KM0Z, LF, KM11, disconnector-earthing switch, pantograph, contact network, consumer, minus contact network, VD4, K07, parallel to R5 and ОВМ2, ОВМ1, R4, КL2, М1. Energy is being recovered to the grid. In the absence of consumers in the network or their insufficient power, the energy generated by the traction electric motor is accumulated in the filter capacitors СF1 ... СF8.

Tram type K-1

Power supply unit operation in braking mode

When the voltage on the capacitors CF1 ... CF8 exceeds the level of 720V, the control unit issues a command to turn on the VTZ transistor and the current is closed through the resistors R1, R2 to the minus of the contact network. Energy is extinguished through resistors. The transition from rheostat to regenerative braking and vice versa occurs automatically, depending on the voltage across the filter capacitors. In this way, follow-up regenerative braking is achieved.

The pulse converter maintains a constant current in the traction motor down to very low speeds. At low speed, the braking current in the traction motor decreases, and if the brake pedal of the BKVT unit is pressed at an angle> 22 °, the K07 relay (not included in the KPTT-1) is switched off (the speed is approximately 3 km / h). The mechanical brake is activated by a signal from the contact of this relay.

The mechanical brake operates in two stages. The signal to turn on the first stage is given by the control unit, depending on the state of the EA control system. The condition for turning on the first stage is the increase in the duty cycle of the pulses of the voltage regulators transistors to a value close to the maximum (occurs at low speeds), or the failure of the electrodynamic brake in both carts. When the anti-skid protection is triggered, the activation of the first stage of the mechanical brake is blocked in the control unit circuit.

The second stage of the mechanical brake comes into operation after a decrease in the braking current, after the relay K07 is turned off. The tram car will be braked by the full effect of the mechanical brake (second stage) if the driver presses the pedal of the BKVT brake controller unit at an angle> 22 ° (2 ° before the “Parking” position)). Therefore, it is necessary that the driver at each stop press the brake pedal to the "Parking" position, in which it is fixed.

In the event of failure of the electrodynamic brake on both bogies, the mechanical brake takes over the entire braking moment with the effectiveness of its first stage when the brake pedal is pressed at an angle<22°, и эффективностью своей второй ступени при угле нажатия >22 °.

Instances: Project, g Produced, yy Weight without passengers, t Max. speed, km / h

not less than 65

Capacity, people Seating Full capacity (8 persons / m²) Dimensions (edit) Track, mm Length, mm Width, mm Roof height, mm Salon Number of doors for passengers On-board low-voltage network voltage, V Driver's cab heating

electric furnaces

Engines Number × type power, kWt Tatra T3 at Wikimedia Commons

Tatra T3- tram cars manufactured by ČKD-Prague from 1989 to 1989. A total of 13,991 cars were produced. They were mainly popular in Central and Eastern Europe, including the USSR. In limited quantities, trams of this model were supplied to some other socialist countries.

When designing, it was assumed that the Tatra T3 trams should have a passenger capacity no less than the Tatra T2 cars, and at the same time be no more difficult to manufacture. The cars were delivered to all cities of Czechoslovakia. More than 1000 of these trams have been delivered to Prague. The Tatra T3 is still the main type of tram car in many Czech cities. Many wagons of this type have been modernized. The number of modernization options is very large.

Design features

The Tatra family cars do not have pneumatic equipment. Therefore, the equipment consists of mechanical and electrical. Mechanical includes: body, chassis, brakes and auxiliary mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment includes braking devices and a body heating and ventilation system. The car body has a rigid all-metal supporting structure and consists of a frame and stamped roof and side frames with sheets of side skin and roof welded to them. The front and rear front walls of the car are made of self-extinguishing fiberglass.


The plant produced several modifications for certain countries.

Tatra T3SU

Just like the T2SU, until 1976, T3SU cars were delivered in a modification without a middle door - in its place two additional rows of seats were installed. With the transition to a conductor-free service, cars with a middle door began to be supplied. Nevertheless, a significant part of the bodies of the three-door T3SU retained a noticeable difference from the cars for other countries: the location of the service ladder to the roof near the rear door, rather than the middle door. In the picture below of Kiev trams T3A, this feature has tail car... The head, later series, is unified with the cars for Czechoslovakia and other countries. The control cabin was isolated from the passenger compartment by a solid partition, in contrast to the T3CS, which originally had a glazed upper half of the partition and doors. Some of the carriages have been modified to work in difficult climatic conditions typical for Russia. A total of 11,368 T3SU wagons were delivered to the USSR. This is a unique case - the delivery of wagons of this type to the Soviet Union became the world's largest series of identical trams sold to one country. However, this fact had a downside: the USSR, as the main customer of the CKD plant, required one and only one type of car for too long, which greatly slowed down the development of new series, and above all.

Tatra T3SUCS

Wagon layout

Production of the original T3 ceased in 1976 (with the exception of two cars for Kosice in 1980). However, due to the fact that in the early 1980s it was necessary to replace a significant number of those who had exhausted their service life and, the unavailability of the promising KT8D5 model, with a higher price for the base T3 model with the outdated TISU TV1 (and the unwillingness of the transport management to overpay for the outdated model), it was decided the decision to supply for Czechoslovakia an export model with classic electrical equipment - even more outdated, but cheap. This is how the T3SUCS, an export version for European gauge bogies, was born. Since the completion of the KT8D5 took much longer than expected, production of the T3SUCS continued until 1989. Structurally, T3SUCS practically does not differ from the export version of T3SU.

Tatra T3D

Carriages intended for the GDR. Since 1968 they have been delivered to Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), and from - to Schwerin. They were operated in trains according to the scheme motor + motor, motor + motor + trailer and motor + trailer. Similar B3D cars without traction electrical equipment were used as trailers. Maximum speed trains with trailed cars was 55 km / h versus 65 for a train with all motor cars.

Tatra T3YU

Cars destined for Yugoslavia. Delivered from to 1969 in Sarajevo and differed in the location of the pantograph - it was not above the front, but above the rear bogie. Since 1968, cars of this modification, adapted for 1000 mm gauge, have been delivered to Osijek (already with the traditional pantograph arrangement). 4 cars of the last delivery (in 1982) had equipment similar to T3D, and therefore could be operated with trailed cars - 4 trailed B3YU cars were delivered with them.

Tatra T3R

Cars destined for Russia. The last carriages produced by ČKD before bankruptcy in 1997-1999. by deep modernization of Tatra T3 car bodies. A total of 8 cars were manufactured for delivery to Izhevsk and Samara, however, due to the economic crisis of 1998, instead of four cars, Samara bought only two. The remaining two cars T3RF in the Czech Republic bought back in 2002 transport company Brno already after the bankruptcy of ČKD (for Brno the cars were modernized and passed according to the documentation as T3R-BN1). The T3RF modernization included a body and design from a T3R carriage, with electrical equipment from a T3M. 3.

Modernization of Tatra T3 trams

Modernized tram in Brno

In many cities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as the former USSR, East Germany, Romania and Yugoslavia, T3 tram cars have taken root. Drivers, service personnel and passengers are used to them. In many cities, for example, in Moscow, Volgograd, Odessa, Kharkov, a reliable repair base for these cars was organized. The city authorities decided that it would be much more profitable for them not to buy new trams, but to modernize the Tatras T3. Depending on the city, depot and other factors, modernization includes:

  • radical restoration of the body,
  • installation of new traction motors,
  • installation of a thyristor-pulse or transistor control system,
  • re-equipment of the passenger compartment.


Tatra KT3

KT3 carriage in Kiev

Tatra KT3- this is the designation of one of the modernization of T3 trams manufactured in Czechoslovakia.

KT3 wagon (similar to eg Tatra K3R-NT), assembled from two Tatra T3 trams. A section with a lowered floor level is inserted into the middle and two joints connecting the central section with the first and third. In addition, a control system of the TV Progress type was installed, the interior and the driver's cabin of the tram were modernized. The tram also received new fiberglass masks at the front and rear. The pantograph and doors have not been replaced.

Tatra T3AS

Modernized Tatra T3AS in Bratislava

Tatra T3AS- a type of tram that arose as a result of the modernization of the Czechoslovak Tatra T3 tram.

In 2000 and 2001, the T3 trams were modernized. Former number - # 7707, this tram as Tatra T3 was released in 1976. Pars Nova enterprises with Šymperku modernized this tram car in type T3AC.

The Tatra T3AS concept is very similar to the T3S tram. The body remains the same, the interior trim and the tram driver's cabin have been updated. The tram received a new semi-pantograph, four doors were installed. In addition, the front and rear mask has been changed. This tram modification was delivered only to Bratislava.

Modernization in Germany

CME from T3DC cars on Oboronnaya Street in Tula

Main article: Tatra T3DC

The cars of this series represent a deep modernization. In the second car of the train, the cabin was removed, instead of it a shunting console, lean-to-sliding doors were installed, new windows with hinged vents, in the first car, due to half of the first door, the cabin was expanded, electronic route indicators were installed above the windshield, middle door and at the end of the car, a half-pantograph , thyristor-pulse control system, seats were replaced in the cabin and heat guns were installed. The modernization of T3 to T3DC was carried out at Siemens AG in 1993-1995. In 2005-2006, most of these cars were taken out of service in Germany and began to be massively sold in the cities of the former USSR.

Modifications in Moscow

Modernized tram in Nizhny Novgorod

In Moscow, Tatra T3 cars have been modernized at the TRZ Tram Repair Plant of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans since 1998. The cars upgraded at the TRZ plant are distinguished by the following designations (series):

  • TMRP-1 (T atra M upgraded R Russian NS enterprises). In 1998, the Tram Repair Plant, in cooperation with CJSC "Agency for Investments in Industry" and LLC "NPP Technical Center GET", on the basis of T3 car # 2813 manufactured an experimental modernized car of the TMPP-1 series. The TMPR-1 car was distinguished by a new design of the front and rear end parts and swing-sliding doors. A thyristor-pulse control system TISU was used on the car. MERA-1 and carts manufactured by UKVZ. The car was controlled by a manual controller. After being held at the depot. Bauman tests and identification of certain technical and design flaws, the car was not allowed for operation with passengers and was transferred to the museum of urban passenger transport. Based on the first unsuccessful experience, in 1999 from car T3 No. 3303 Krasnopresnenskiy depot and car T3 No. 2924 Depo im. Bauman, the following two cars of the TMRP-1 series were manufactured. The cars differed from the experimental one in terms of the design of the front and rear end parts and the control panel. Car number 2924 began to work at the Depot im. Bauman on route number 11, and then on route number 17. Car number 3303 was tested at the Krasnopresnensk tram depot on route number 27 without passengers and was subsequently transferred to the depot named after Bauman, where he received the tail number 2301. At the same time, car 2924 was assigned the number 2302. Both cars had constant problems with TISU MERA-1 and already in 2003 were removed from operation. Subsequently, the cars were sent to the TRZ plant, where they were re-modernized to the MTTCH series with the return to the classic Tatra T3 cars.
  • MTTM (M upgraded T atra T pz M osqua). Modernization option for Tatra T3 wagons with electrical equipment of a Hungarian company GANZ-Transelektro(except for carriage No. 3343 with electrical equipment TV-Progress, similar to the cars of the MTTCH series). Years of production: 2002-2004. The modernized T3 cars of the MTTM series are operated at the Krasnopresnensk tram depot (No. 3). Board numbers: 3343-3354 and 3356-3367. The wagons are not designed to operate on the multi-unit system (CME). In connection with the termination of production by GANZ-Transelektro of equipment for electric transport, the depot has problems with spare parts for the electrical equipment of MTTM cars. There are plans to gradually replace the Hungarian electrical equipment with Russian (ASK or EPRO).
  • MTTA (M upgraded T atra T pz A synchronous drive). Modernization option for Tatra T3 wagons with traction drive alternating current and asynchronous electric motors. Ten cars were manufactured with side numbers 3355 with factory 1, 3390 with factory 2, 3465 with factory 5, 3466 with factory 6, 3467 with factory 7, 3468 with factory 8, 3469 with factory 9, 3470 with factory 10 for Krasnopresnensky tram depot ( No. 3). Car 3355 was produced in 2004 and is equipped with an EPROTET-300 traction drive manufactured by EPRO Firm CJSC (St. Petersburg). Car 3390 was produced in 2006 and equipped with a Dinas-301A traction drive manufactured by the Dynamo plant (Moscow). In operation, the equipment Dinas-301A proved to be extremely unsuccessful and in 2009 by the forces of the "TRZ" plant it was replaced by EPROTET-300, similar to that used on car No. 3355. In 2010, the production of cars of the MTTA series was resumed. 3390, have the ability to work on the system of many units (CME).
Number of wagons Inv. room Head room Release date Depot
1 3355 1 05.2004 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3390 2 06.2006 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 1347 3 09.2010 Transferred from the Apakovsky depot to the Krasnopresnenskoye depot now 3345
1 1348 4 09.2010 Transferred from the Apakovsky depot to the Krasnopresnenskoye depot now 3348
1 3345 3 12.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3348 4 12.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3465 5 10.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3466 6 10.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3467 7 11.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3468 8 11.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3469 9 12.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
1 3470 10 12.2010 Krasnopresnenskoe depot
  • MTTD (M upgraded T atra T pz D inamo). Modernization option for Tatra T3 cars with Dinas-309T electrical equipment manufactured by the Dynamo plant (Moscow). The modernized T3 cars of the MTTD series are operated at the Tram Depot named after Apakov (No. 1). Hull numbers: 1300 (experienced, released in 2003) and 1301-1318 (released in 2005). Mostly they work along route A. They cannot walk on the system of many units. In operation, the equipment Dinas-309T proved to be extremely unsuccessful, and due to the liquidation of production at the Dynamo plant, the depot is unable to purchase spare parts for electrical equipment. Some of the cars are idle due to malfunctioning electrical equipment. In 2008, at the TRZ plant on carriages No. 1307 and 1309, the electrical equipment Dinas-309T was replaced by TP-1, manufactured by ZAO Automated Systems and Complexes (Yekaterinburg), after which these cars were designated MTTE. In the future, it is planned to gradually re-equip the remaining MTTD cars into the MTTE series.

Modernized carriage Tatra MTTC

  • MTTC (M upgraded T atra T pz H exhia; MTTCH on the TRZ website). Modernization of Tatra T3 cars with TV-Progress electrical equipment manufactured by CEGELEC (Czech Republic). Years of production: 2004-2009. A total of 124 cars were produced. Operated in Krasnopresnensky tram depot (No. 3) with tail numbers: 3368-3389 and 3391-3464, and Depot im. Apakov (No. 1) with tail numbers: 1319-1346. With the exception of wagons 3368-3389, wagons can be operated by two-car trains in a multi-unit system. In the tram depot. Apakov, all MTTCHs run on CME on routes 1 and 26.
  • MTTE (M upgraded T atra T pz E katerinburg). A variant of the modernization of Tatra T3 cars with electrical equipment manufactured by the CJSC Automated Systems and Complexes plant (Yekaterinburg). In 2008, on the previously modernized MTTD cars No. 1307 and 1309, the Dinas-309T electrical equipment was replaced with TP-1, manufactured by ZAO Automated Systems and Complexes (Yekaterinburg), after which these cars received the MTTE designation and were coupled by a two-car train according to the system of many units (CME). Now a gradual re-equipment of the remaining MTTD cars has begun into the MTTE series.
  • KT3R ("Cobra") (depot named after Bauman (No. 2) No. 2300, route No. 17) - assembled at the TRZ on the basis of two T3 bodies (supplied from the Czech Republic), has 2 joints and a middle low-floor section.

Modifications in Kiev

In Kiev, the first modernized Tatra T3 was a depot car named after I. Shevchenko 6007. The modernization consisted in the installation of a Czech thyristor-pulse control system (TISU) manufactured by ČKD Trakce a.s., as evidenced by the inscription on the side of the car. In 1997, car 6007 was decommissioned and scrapped in 2000.

The second car, more than 5 years later, was car 5778 from the Lukyanovka depot: the Progress transistor control system (TRSU) was installed on it. This was the beginning of the modernization of the Tatras T3 in Kiev. Soon some cars of the depot them. Krasin series 59xx were overhauled and supplied with Progress TRSU, unofficially named Tatra T3 Progress. This modernization was carried out by the Darnitsa depot, where the cars remained for operation. Such wagons differ slightly from the usual Tatras T3 in the design of the cab and the rear, however, the main difference is the TRSU. At present, all Progress are owned by the Darnitsk TRED.

In addition to the ordinary modernized Tatra T3 in Kiev, there are fourteen Tatra KT3UA carriages No. 401-414 (in terms of 20 such trams for ST), which are nicknamed "Cobra". All of them are located in the Shevchenko tram depot. The car is made of two Tatra T3 carriages with the insert of a new middle low-floor section. The main work on the first car was carried out in the Czech Republic at the Pars Nova a.s. ”, It was finally completed in the Darnitsa depot. Similarly made "Cobra" for Kryvyi Rih. Currently, the new "Cobras" are being manufactured by the Kiev Electric Transport Plant in cooperation with Czech specialists. Kiev "Cobras" operate on the reconstructed high-speed tram routes (No. 1, 2, 3).

Modifications in Odessa

Modernization of Tatra T3 cars is carried out by tram depots No. 1 and No. 2, as well as car repair shops, which is on the site of the former depot No. 3 (Ilyich). The work began in 2001 and is carried out in accordance with the Program for the Development of Urban Transport. Until 2010, it was planned to modernize 96 cars, which is 1/3 of the entire fleet. Thus, Odessa has become the third city on the territory of the former USSR after Moscow and Riga, where a radical modernization of these cars is carried out with an extension of their service life by 15 years. Unlike the Moscow TSRP cars, the appearance of the Odessa cars changes insignificantly.

In the process of modernization, the body is restored, new route signs are installed with remote control, including the rear in the upper part of the body, not provided for the cars of this model, the cars are equipped with a transistor control system manufactured by Cegelec a.o., Czech Republic. The interior of the passenger compartment is completely updated (new seats, now installed in one row on each side, new handrails and trim) and cabins, an LED information board is installed in the passenger compartment with information about the street along which the carriage is following, and the next stop, as well as an autoinformer. The driver just enters a special parameter of the corresponding route and, without leaving the cab, the desired route is set on all external signs, and the next stop is displayed on the board in the passenger compartment. Also, according to the specified parameters, an automatic announcement of stops is made.

For the first time in Odessa, a semi-pantograph was used on modernized cars, about which a few words should be said. The first cars were equipped with imported pantographs, which are folded using an electric drive. On car 4062, a semi-pantograph of Ukrainian production by YuzhMash with manual folding was used. But the graceful semi-pantographs turned out to be very fragile and unreliable in operation and, after serious breakdowns, were replaced by ordinary pantographs of the KE-13 type produced by ČKD-Praha. Since 2003, semi-pantographs have not been used on new cars.

The cars were not originally designed to operate as part of trains, but 6 cars in 2005, 2008 and 2012 retained their low-voltage circuit sockets. In 2008, the first train was made up of the modernized cars 3331 and 2976 for a short time, the second train from cars 2948 and 2978 went on route 28 for a week in a row in the summer of 2011, and train 2955 + 3306 was just being tested. Information -,

At the moment, 113 cars have been modernized, 111 cars are in operation, (2 burned out (4020, 4077) and instead of them other cars were restored (4024 became 4020, 3311 became 4077). As of June 2012, the rolling stock modernization program in Odessa has been completed ...

Modification in Riga

In Riga, the tram uses a bar-type pantograph, which eliminates the need to modernize the intersections with the trolleybus overhead. Direct modernization (renovation) of cars included mainly the replacement of the control system: the accelerator with TISU.

Modifications in Kharkov

At the Kharkov Wagon Repair Plant, several Tatra T3 cars were converted into motor-cargo platforms (below, 2 illustrations on the left), one car was converted into a contact network laboratory (VKM-0403).

T3VPA- passenger modification of the Tatra T3 carriage developed in 2008. The car is equipped with a thyristor-pulse control system based on Siemens equipment. Planetary doors, in combination 2-2-2. The salon is illuminated by two lines of fluorescent lamps. A noteworthy fact, in June 2009, when transferring to linear operation at the Saltovsky depot, they made a mistake when applying the number, and the first car received the number 4110, not 4101. Within 2 years, 4 cars were built, at the moment production is suspended. Car 4110 has been in operation since April 2011 with an inoperative middle door.

Motor cargo platform MGP-1
on the base of Tatra T3, front view
MGP-1 v

The birthday of this wonderful type of transport is March 25 (April 7, in a new style), 1899, when a carriage bought in Germany at the Siemens and Halske company went on its maiden voyage from Brest (now Belorussky) to Butyrsky (now Savyolovsky) railway station ... However, city transport was in Moscow before. His role was played by the ten-seater horse-drawn carriages that appeared in 1847, popularly nicknamed "rulers".

The first rail horse tram was built in 1872 to serve visitors to the Polytechnic Exhibition, and immediately fell in love with the townspeople. The horse tram car had an upper open area called the imperial, where a steep spiral staircase led. This year at the parade was presented horse car, recreated from old photographs on the basis of a preserved frame, converted into a tower for the repair of the contact network.

In 1886, a steam tram began to run from Butyrskaya Zastava to Petrovskaya (now Timiryazevskaya) Agricultural Academy, affectionately called "steam train" by Muscovites. Due to the fire hazard, he could only walk on the outskirts, and in the center cab drivers were still playing the first violin.

First regular route electric tram in Moscow, they paved from Butyrskaya Zastava to Petrovsky Park, and soon the paths were even paved along Red Square. From the beginning to the middle of the XX century, the tram occupied the niche of the main public transport Moscow. But the horse tram did not immediately leave the stage, only from 1910 the coachmen were retrained to become carriage drivers, and the conductors simply switched from a horse tram to an electric one without additional training.

From 1907 to 1912, more than 600 were delivered to Moscow cars of brand "F" (lamppost), produced at once by three factories in Mytishchi, Kolomna and Sormovo.

At the 2014 parade showed car "F", recovered from the loading platform, with a trailed car of the MaN type ("Nuremberg").

Immediately after the revolution, the tram network fell into disrepair, passenger traffic was disrupted, the tram was used mainly to transport firewood and food. With the advent of the NEP, the situation began to improve gradually. In 1922, 13 regular routes were put into operation, the production of passenger cars grew rapidly, and the steam train line was electrified. At the same time, the famous routes "A" (along the Boulevard Ring) and "B" (along the Sadovoye, later replaced by a trolleybus) appeared. And there were also "C" and "D", as well as the grandiose circular route "D", which did not last long.

After the revolution, the aforementioned three factories switched to the production of BF (lampless) carriages, many of which walked along Moscow streets until 1970. Participated in the parade car "BF", since 1970, has been carrying out towing work at the Sokolniki Carriage Repair Plant.

In 1926, the first Soviet tram of the KM type (Kolomensky motor), which was distinguished by its increased capacity, got on the rails. Unique reliability allowed KM trams to remain in service until 1974.

History presented at the parade KM carriage No. 2170 is unique: it was in it that Gleb Zheglov detained pickpocket Kirpich in the television movie "The meeting place cannot be changed", the same tram flashes in "Pokrovskie gates", "The Master and Margarita", "Cold Summer of the 53rd", "The sun shines for everyone", " Legal Marriage "," Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald "," Stalin's Funeral "...

The Moscow tram reached its peak in 1934. It transported 2.6 million people per day (with the then four million population). After the opening of the metro in 1935-1938, the volume of traffic began to decline. In 1940, a tram schedule was formed from 5:30 am to 2:00 am, which is still in effect. During the Great Patriotic War, tram traffic in Moscow was almost never interrupted, even a new line was laid in Tushino. Immediately after the Victory, work began on the transfer tram tracks from all main streets in the city center to less congested parallel streets and lanes. This process continued for many years.

For the 800th anniversary of Moscow in 1947, the Tushino plant developed MTV-82 carriage with a body unified with the MTB-82 trolleybus.

However, due to the wide "trolleybus" dimensions, the MTV-82 did not fit into many curves, and the next year the shape of the cabin was changed, and a year later the production was transferred to the Riga Carriage Works.

In 1960, 20 copies were delivered to Moscow tram RVZ-6... For only 6 years they were operated by the Apakovsky depot, after which they were transferred to Tashkent, which suffered from the earthquake. Shown at the parade RVZ-6 No. 222 was kept in Kolomna as a teaching aid.

In 1959, the first batch of much more comfortable and technologically advanced Tatra T2 wagons who opened the "Czechoslovak era" in the history of the Moscow tram. The prototype of this tram was an American RCC-type carriage. It’s hard to believe, but the “Tatra” # 378 parade, which took part in the parade, was a barn for many years, and enormous efforts were required to restore it.

In our climate, the "Czechs" T2 proved to be unreliable, and almost especially for Moscow, and then for everything Soviet Union the Tatra-Smikhov plant has started the production of new trams T3... It was the first luxury car with a large spacious driver's cabin. In 1964-76, Czech carriages completely ousted the old types from Moscow streets. In total, Moscow purchased more than 2,000 T3 trams, some of which are still in operation.

In 1993 we acquired several more Tatra cars Т6В5 and Т7В5, which served only until 2006-2008. They also took part in the current parade.

In the 1960s, it was decided to expand the network of tram lines to those residential areas where the metro would not reach soon. This is how high-speed (isolated from the carriageway) lines appeared to Medvedkovo, Horoshevo-Mnevniki, Novogireevo, Chertanovo, Strogino. In 1983, the executive committee of the Moscow City Council decided to build several outbound high-speed tram lines to the Butovo, Kosino-Zhulebino, Novye Khimki and Mitino microdistricts. The subsequent economic crisis did not allow these ambitious plans to come true, and transport problems were already solved in our time during the construction of the metro.

In 1988, due to a lack of funds, purchases of Czech cars were stopped, and the only way out was to purchase new domestic trams of comparatively inferior quality. At this time, the Ust-Katavsky Carriage Works in the Chelyabinsk Region mastered the production of model KTM-8... Especially for the narrow streets of Moscow, the KTM-8M model with a reduced size was developed. Later, new models were delivered to Moscow KTM-19, KTM-21 and KTM-23... None of these cars participated in the parade, but we can see them on the streets of the city every day.

All over Europe, in many Asian countries, in Australia, in the USA, the newest high-speed tram systems with low-floor cars moving along a separate track are now being created. Often, for this purpose, the traffic of cars is specially removed from the central streets. Moscow cannot abandon the global vector of development of public transport, and last year it was decided to purchase 120 Foxtrot cars co-produced by the Polish company PESA and Uralvagonzavod.

The first 100% low-floor cars in Moscow were assigned a numerical item 71-414... The car is 26 meters long with two articulations and four doors and can accommodate up to 225 passengers. The new domestic tram KTM-31 has similar characteristics, but its low floor volume is only 72%, but it costs one and a half times cheaper.

At 9:30 the trams started from the depot. Apakov to Chistye Prudy. I went to MTV-82, simultaneously filming the convoy from the cab and the passenger compartment of the tram.

Behind were the post-war types of carriages.

Ahead - pre-war, on the way meeting with modern cars of the KTM type.

Muscovites watched with amazement the unusual procession; many fans of retro trams with cameras gathered in some areas.

From the photos of the saloons and driver's cabs of the cars participating in the parade presented below, one can estimate what evolution the Moscow tram has made over 115 years of its existence:

Cab of the KM carriage (1926).

Tatra T2 cab (1959).

PESA carriage cabin (2014).

Salon KM (1926).

Salon Tatra T2 (1959).

Salon PESA (2014).

Salon PESA (2014).

Electrical equipment

Outline outline by topic:


"Tram car control systems" - 2 hours

Tram - this is a crew, driven by electric motors that receive energy from the contact network, intended for passenger and freight transport, along the track.

The tram train is called formed from three, two or one tram cars with the necessary signals and indicators and served by the train crew.

By purpose, trams are subdivided for passenger, cargo, special. Passenger cars have a salon for accommodating passengers.

By design, the cars are divided on motor, trailed and articulated.

Motor carriages equipped with traction motors that convert electricity into mechanical energy of the movement of the car (train). The tram train can be formed of two or three motor carriages, operating according to the system of many units, while the control is carried out from the cab of the head carriage. The use of such trains makes it possible to significantly increase the volume of passenger traffic with the same number of trains and drivers, while maintaining the same travel speeds as when using single cars. In a number of cases, it is advantageous to release wagons on the line according to the system of many units only during rush hours.

Trailer wagons do not have traction motors and cannot move independently. They work in tandem with motor ones.

Articulated tram cars have articulated head and trailer parts with a common saloon and a bridge. These wagons have a large carrying capacity.

For urban passenger transportation, two-axle motor coaches of Czechoslovak production are used - car T-3.

Basic technical data of the T-3 car.

The length of the car on the couplings - 15 104 mm

Car height 3060 mm

Carriage width - 2,500 mm

Wagon weight - 17 t

Car speed - 65 km / h

Capacity - 115 people

The electrical equipment of a tram car is divided into high-voltage and low-voltage.

Tram cars use systems of direct and indirect control.

With a direct control system the driver, with the help of a high-voltage apparatus (controller), manually turns on the current supplied to the traction motors. Such a system is simple, but controllers designed for traction motor currents are bulky, inconvenient to operate, unsafe for the driver, since they operate under high voltage and do not provide smooth starting and braking of the car.

With a direct control system, the power circuit includes a current collector, a lightning arrestor, a circuit breaker, a controller, starting rheostats, and traction motors.

With an indirect control system the driver uses the controller to control the devices that include traction motors. This makes it possible to automate the process of starting or braking a car, to make it smooth, and to eliminate shocks associated with driver errors in control. However, this system is more complex and requires more skilled operation.

With an indirect control system, the power circuit includes a pantograph, a lightning arrestor, a circuit breaker or overcurrent relay, contactors and relays, a group rheostat controller or accelerator, rheostats, inductive shunts, and traction motors. The carriage has automatic system indirect control.

The car has power circuits, control circuits and auxiliary circuits (high-voltage and low-voltage). Power circuits are traction motor circuits. Control circuits are used to drive power circuit devices, braking equipment and a number of auxiliary circuits.

The control circuit diagram contains: the driver's controller, low-voltage windings of the power circuit devices, various relays, an accelerator motor, drum brake drive electromagnets, rail brake electromagnets. All low voltage circuits are powered by the storage battery and the engine generator low voltage generator.

Driver's cab. All control devices of the carriage are concentrated in the cockpit. In fig. 1 shows the arrangement of the equipment in the cabins of T-3 cars.

Rice. 1. Driver's cab of T-3 carriage:

1 - battery breaker on the rear wall of the cab, 2 - soundproofing. 1b. microphone. 4 - switches and buttons, 5 - signal lamps. 6 - "Drive through the washing machine" button, 7 - air duct for front windows, 8 - ammeter, 9 - speedometer, 10-voltmeter, 11 - "Mains voltage" lamp, 12 - "Maximum relay" lamp. 13 - "Train break", 14 - control circuit switch, 15 - interior lighting switch, 16 - draft of the air heater fan damper, 17 - heating circuit disconnect button 18 - sandbox handle. 19 - heater switch, 20 - reversing switch handle, 21 - interior heating switch, 22 - heater flap lever, 23 - safety pedal, 24 - brake pedal, 25 - start pedal, 26 - fuse box, thermal relay, turn relay, buzzer, automatic heater switch, 27 - driver's seat

At the moment, only Tatra TZ carriages of the Czechoslovak plant ČKD Tatra-Smichov (Prague) are used on the High-speed tram line.

The brainchild of Prague

Tatra T3 trams were produced in the period from 1960 on 1989 years and were popular in Central and Eastern Europe and the former USSR. Deliveries to the USSR were made by T3 the most massive in the entire history of the model, exported to one country - more than 11 thousand cars were transferred. These trams still make up a very significant part of the rolling stock of Russian cities. Similar products of domestic manufacturers are significantly inferior in quality to Czech trams.

The operators were satisfied with the Tatra at the time of its commissioning due to many advantages. T3 had a soft and quiet ride, an indirect control system, the accelerator allowed for smooth acceleration and deceleration. Passengers were pleased with the luminescent lighting of the cabin, the absence of noisy pneumatics and a heating system. The design of this car still does not look outdated. Its impressive appearance it owes much to the huge, curved, streamlined glass.

Volgograd version

High-speed tram cars are clearly fixed on the route. Mostly, two-car couplers run on a multi-unit system, but single trams also operate on weekday evenings and on weekends and holidays during the day. As a rule, couplings do not break from the very moment they are formed. These are the newest T3 cars in the entire tram system of the city, produced in the period from 1980 on 1987 years.

To ensure safety and traffic regulation, the Volgograd High-speed tram line is equipped with a special system ALS-ARS- automatic locomotive signaling with automatic speed control. Externally, its presence for the passenger is noticeable only by a small metal cabinet with equipment installed behind the cabin in the head carriage.

The high-speed tram assumes higher speeds than that of conventional tram lines, and the metro line is capable of passing 40 pairs of trains per hour according to metro norms. Therefore, to avoid collisions in the tunnel, this system automatically adjusts the travel interval. If a tram stops in the tunnel for any reason, the tram following it will be notified by the system and automatically stopped.

Although trams are capable of speeds over 70 km / h, the ALS-ARS system automatically limits it to 58 km / h. This is provided for traffic safety reasons, since the permissible maximum speed for a tram in the tunnel is no more than 50 km / h. However, the light rail route has the highest operating speed of all urban routes - 22.7 km / h. This is the average speed taking into account all delays and stops, including stops at terminal stations.

Good condition

The cars are in good condition(4-5 points on a five-point scale), despite its average age 20 years, exceeding the standard service life of 16 years. In Volgograd, a good repair base has been created for T3, operating experience has been accumulated, despite the fact that most of the fleet has already exhausted its resource and must be replaced, and the financial condition does not yet allow purchasing new equipment. The MUP "Metroelectrotrans" enterprise has a program of overhaul and restoration of rolling stock. The restoration of trams is carried out at the VETA car repair plant, established in 1999 on the basis of the oldest car repair shops in Tsaritsyno.

Time for renewal

In connection with the upcoming completion of the second stage of the construction of the Volgograd metro tram, the need to renew the ST tram fleet is imminent. The new section has no intersection of tunnels and a turning circle, which requires trams with two-way doors and two driver's cabs. Cars of this type have already been tested in Volgograd in the 1990s: these are the Czech Tatra KT8D5, the Russian LVS-8-2-93 and KTM-11.

Finally, the type of carriage for the light rail line was determined in 2002 year is KT8D5N, an eight-axle three-section motorized articulated tramway car in the middle section with low level floor. The car is equipped with wheelchair ramps controlled from the driver's cab, has 90 kW asynchronous traction motors and modern traction electrical equipment of the TV Europulse type, this novelty is called KT-KVATRO.


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