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The power steering is the main unit in the control system of any car. In order for the power steering to always work correctly, it is necessary to monitor the condition of its parts and mechanisms, as well as to change it in a timely manner working fluid in system. How the Power Steering Lacetti fluid is replaced and in what cases the oil needs to be changed - learn from this material.

How to determine the need to change the oil in the power steering?

On the Chevrolet Cruze and many other models of this manufacturer, the power steering fluid is an important consumable, the condition of which determines the operation of the unit as a whole. What signs can indicate the need for an oil change:

  • the liquid has changed its color, has become darker, there may be a precipitate in it;
  • consumable smells like burning;
  • wheel it became more difficult to turn;
  • when you turn the steering wheel, sounds unusual for its operation may be heard.

Unfortunately in technical regulations the exact timing of the oil change is not indicated, but many motorists argue that after 15 thousand km of run, the fluid should in any case change.

How to choose a power steering fluid?

Initially, during production for power steering, the liquid Dextron 2 or Dextron 3 is poured. Accordingly, it is necessary to use either the same oil, or a similar oil. technical specifications... It is better to fill in what the car manufacturer recommends.

Oil change guide

So, changing the power steering oil is an integral part Maintenance car Chevrolet Cruze. The fluid change procedure can be done at home.

What the replacement process looks like:

  1. First, you need to jack up the front of the car, this is necessary so that the front wheels can rotate freely. If you do not have jacks, then as an option, you can use a slippery surface, for example, ice, wet grass, etc.
  2. Next, open the hood and unscrew the power steering reservoir filler cap. Using a large medical syringe with a nozzle installed on it, it is necessary to pump out all consumables from the tank.
  3. After that, look under the tank - there should be two pipes along them. The branch pipe that connects to the power steering pump must be disconnected, but before that, substitute a container under it, for example, a cut bottle. You need to wait until all the oil is out of the system.
  4. Next, disconnect the second pipe - this is the so-called return. The return line is marked in more detail in the photo. You also need to substitute a container under this hose, since oil will also come out of it.

In order to pump out the spent consumables from the power steering system as much as possible, the car wheels must first be turned completely to the right and then completely to the left.

In this case, in extreme positions, it is necessary to pause for a few minutes. This procedure is repeated until the oil stops coming out of the return line.

If the volume of the substance decreases as a result of manipulations, then it will need to be replenished. The procedure is repeated until the level of the substance in expansion tank will not stop dropping.

By following these steps, you can run power unit... Immediately after starting, you can hear the power steering pump humming. Some motorists immediately check the pump, the pump itself and other elements of the system, but this is superfluous, since the appearance of a sound at the beginning after replacement is normal. When the substance disperses through the system, all noise should disappear.

When the engine is running, the procedure with turning the steering wheel to the extreme right and left positions is repeated, only there is no need to pause. Check the level again consumable in the expansion tank and, if necessary, add the substance.

Issue price

The cost of consumables will depend on the manufacturer, as well as the quality of the substance. For example, the cost of one liter of MOTUL Dexron IID today is about 600 rubles. A product corresponding to the same characteristics, only from the manufacturer Febi, costs around 420 rubles per liter, and from the manufacturer Castrol - about 520 rubles per liter.

Watch an interesting video on this topic

During the operation of the car, the aging of the oil poured into the power steering circuit occurs. As a result, the components of the hydraulic booster begin to wear out excessively. To prevent this, it is recommended to periodically replace the power steering fluid.

Otherwise the need overhaul steering will not be long in coming.

Chevrolet Cruze Power Steering Oil

The choice of fluid in power steering

  • low kinematic viscosity;
  • the possibility of long-term operation without loss of original properties;
  • low foaming regardless of temperature;
  • small coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • good anti-corrosion properties, thereby extending the life of the main parts of the power steering;
  • best lubricating properties.

Genuine power steering oil GM Dexron VI

If the car owner decided to switch to products from a third-party manufacturer, then simple refilling is prohibited. Flushing of the system is required to prevent mixing of different fluids. complete replacement liquids. The cost of non-original oil starts at 400 rubles. Cheaper fluids should not be considered, as they can cause problems in the power steering.

Power steering oil MANNOL DX10105

Required tools

To replace the power steering fluid Chevrolet cruze successful, you will need the tools listed in the table below.

Replacing the power steering fluid

In order to replace the power steering fluid in a Chevrolet Cruze with engines of 1.6 (109 hp) and 1.8 (141 hp) liters, you must follow the instructions below.

  • Brake the car with a handbrake. Under rear wheels put wheel chocks... Raise the front of the vehicle using jacks. If there is a lift, it is necessary to hang out the machine so that nothing interferes with the turns of the front wheels.

Front part of the Chevrolet Cruze car raised with a jack

  • Use a syringe to pump out the fluid from the power steering reservoir.

The process of pumping fluid from the power steering reservoir

  • Unscrew the power steering reservoir.
  • Remove the thin return hose from the power steering reservoir.
  • Insert the removed hose into an empty container, such as a plastic bottle.

Container for draining old fluid

  • Dismantle the tank. If there is a deposit of old slurry inside it, then you need to clean the walls.

Dismantled tank

  • Replace the reservoir. Pour in about half a liter of fresh liquid.
  • Without starting the engine, it is required to start turning the steering wheel from the extreme left position to the extreme right position. At the same time, liquid will begin to pour from the hose inserted into the bottle. How much oil will pour out is not known exactly, but on average you should count on draining up to a liter of spent fluid.
  • It is necessary to turn the steering wheel until fresh liquid pours into the substituted container. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the oil level in the tank. When the level drops, it is required to constantly bring it to the “Max” mark.

Power steering fluid replacement process

  • To clean the power steering pump, you need to start the engine for 1-2 seconds. In this case, it is important to carefully monitor the liquid level in the tank. If the oil level drops too low, there is a risk of air circulation in the circuit. For this reason, many car owners perform power steering oil changes without starting the engine.
  • Connect all hoses to the reservoir.
  • Fill in liquid up to the “Max” mark.
  • Start the engine and check the operation of the power steering.

Partial oil change

Some car owners resort to more easy way power steering fluid change. This requires:

  • Open the power steering reservoir cover.
  • Use a syringe with an extension hose to completely pump out the liquid.

Liquid pumping process

  • Fill in fresh liquid up to the "Max" level.
  • Start the engine and turn the steering wheel.
  • Visually assess the condition of the oil. If necessary, pump out and refill fresh fluid. Some car owners recommend using filter oil at an intermediate stage.
  • When the liquid in the tank is the same color as the fresh one, close the lid.
  • Check the operation of the power steering.

Steering rack and Gur Chevrolet Cruz

Power steering system Chevrolet Cruz

Replacing the working fluid and bleeding the power steering:

If the fluid is very dirty or dark, check the operation of the SRS pump and the Chevrolet Cruze steering gear. They may be in need of renovation.

To change the power steering hydraulic fluid, proceed as follows:

Raise the front of the vehicle until the wheels break off the surface of the platform and support the vehicle.

Remove the fuse fuel pump from the back box in the engine compartment.

Remove the fuel tank cap.

Loosen the hose clamp to connect the fluid hose to the motor pump hose by squeezing the curved ears with pliers. Slide the hose behind the hose and disconnect the hose from the hose. Empty the tank into a prepared container.

Unscrew the bolt securing the high pressure pipe to the power steering pump connector and disconnect the pipe.

Drain the system by operating the starter two or three times and turn the steering wheel in both directions until it stops.

Connect tubing and hose to pump pump and pour fluid into reservoir and bleed system.

The need for pumping occurs when you get into hydraulic system air during fluid change, renovation works or in violation of the tightness during operation.

Indication of the presence of air in the system. steering steering wheel when trying to turn sharply. In addition, the pump generates an increased noise when the steering wheel is turned, and the fluid in the reservoir usually foams.

To bleed the power steering system, proceed as follows:

Fill the system with working fluid to the minimum level.

Start the engine and turn the steering wheel five or six times in both directions until it stops.

While pumping, add liquid to the reservoir: the level must not fall below the “MIN” mark on the liquid level indicator on the tank lid.

Turn the steering wheel from lock to lock in both directions until there are no air bubbles in the fluid filled in the power steering reservoir and the level of the working fluid in the reservoir stops decreasing.

Make sure that the fluid level in the system reservoir remains substantially the same when the steering wheel is turned in both directions. If the fluid level changes by more than 10 mm and when the engine suddenly stops, re-pump the system.

Steering system Chevrolet Cruz

The steering rack mechanism is removed for repair or replacement. However, keep in mind that the steering gear is the most important element ensuring traffic safety.

Read also:

Unauthorized repair of the mechanism can lead to serious consequences, therefore, if necessary, repair it only in a specialized workshop or replace it with a new one.

Disconnect the negative battery terminal from the battery.

Place the vehicle on the viewing groove.

Chevrolet Cruze power steering oil change

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Changing Oil in Power Steering

How no problem change oil v Power steering... All videos on the page.

Place the steering wheel in a straight vehicle position.

Place the armrests under the rear wheels, hang the front of the car. Remove the front wheels.

Disconnect the outer ends of the tie rods from the knuckle arms.

In the cab, under the pedal assembly, unscrew the clamping bolt of the lower pivot joint with the steering rack mechanism shaft.

Remove the engine mudguards. Remove the inlet pipe

Unscrew the pipe clamp fastening bolt, disconnect the pipes from the mechanism and drain the working fluid from the power steering system into a previously prepared container or plugs.

While keeping the upper stabilizer link pin from rotating, unscrew the nut and remove the upper stabilizer link pivot pin from the front suspension strut bracket.

Read also:

Remove the four bolts securing the radiator bracket support (two on the right and left sides).

Remove the nut of the connecting bolt securing the front and rear suspension mounts of the power unit to the subframe. Remove the bolts securing the subframe to the body.

Lower the rear of the subframe 5-7mm to allow access to the nuts on the two pins that secure the steering gear to the subframe.

Unscrew the nuts of the two pins securing the steering rack to the front axle subframe on the left and right.

Raise the power supply slightly and slide the steering gear to the right.

Remove the mechanism from the car by pulling it out through the hole in the right wheel well. Remove the rubber seal from the steering gear.

Install the parts in the reverse order of removal. Fill and bleed the steering system with hydraulic fluid.

Check and, if necessary, adjust the angles of the front wheels.

Drive Gear GUR Chevrolet Cruz

Check and replace drive belt:

On 1.6 liter engines, the power steering pump is driven by a separate belt. In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, the condition and tension of the belt must be checked every 30 thousand km.

After 100 thousand km of run or 10 years of operation (whichever comes first), the power steering pump drive belt must be replaced regardless of its condition.

To check the power steering pump drive belt, proceed as follows:

Check the belt tension. Right tensioned belt should rotate 90 ° from finger force 15-20 N (1.5-2 kgf). If, after checking, the belt tension does not correspond to the required conditions, it is necessary to replace the belt.

Check the condition of the belt by visual inspection. If there are signs of excessive wear on the belt, or if the belt is oily, replace it.

To replace the GUR pump band, follow these steps:

Wipe the power steering pump pulleys and crankshaft with a rag to prevent the power steering pump drive belt from slipping during installation.

Install the pump drive belt installer on the crankshaft pulley.

Insert the new belt onto the pump pulley and install it on the retainer.

Place the gear shift lever in neutral.

Turn the engine crankshaft clockwise with the bolt securing its pulley, while simultaneously moving the belt into the pulley pulley until the belt is attached to the pulley (at this point, the belt tension will be released).

Read also:

Turn the crankshaft to the position where the fastener is not pinched by the belt and remove the tool.

Turn the crankshaft a few turns and check that the belt is properly seated in the pulley rolls. Reinstall the belt if necessary.

Replacing the power steering pump

When the pump leaves (fig. 25), replace it as an assembly, as repairs require special tools and equipment.

Power steering pump

1.pump pulley; 2. hole of the pump mounting bolt; 3. pump body; 4. back cover of the pump housing; 5. branch pipe of the high pressure pipeline; 6.fluid hose connection

Remove the power-assisted steering seat belt by cutting it off with a knife.

Loosen the hose clamp of the supply hose onto the nozzle by squeezing the pliers with bent ears.

Slide the hose behind the hose and disconnect the hose from the hose.

Unscrew the bolt securing the high pressure line to the pump and disconnect the line.

Remove the two bolts securing the power steering pump from the exhaust manifold. Remove the pump.

Install the pump in the reverse order of removal.

Fill and bleed steering fluid.

Recently, we considered - what steering racks currently exist, read it interestingly. One of the most common at the moment is a rack with a GUROM or power steering. As it is clearly put - it contains a liquid (the "HYDRO" prefix), due to which it actually "strengthens" the steering wheel! But what is this composition? Which one is being poured in and should it be changed? We analyze in detail ...

First, I would like to note that the power steering really makes life much easier for the driver, especially for heavy vehicles such as buses, dump trucks, and corny heavy SUVs. Power steering is an excellent invention, but it requires attention, not only do you need to frequently view the state of the anthers, you need to change and fill in the correct fluid! My article will be about her.

What is the liquid inside for?

The entire system is actually built on it, it is because of its pressure that a comfortable steering wheel turn is created. If you go, then the principle is - a syringe! "Oh, how" - you say, "why a syringe." Yes, everyone is just guys, it also has a body, a piston, and a rod connected to the piston, which goes to the right - to the left. This is how the steering rack is built!

Now imagine that you are feeding a liquid under pressure into a syringe, any ordinary water, say, the plunger will begin to deflect. Also, in a rail with a hydraulic booster, we pump liquid into the body, it pushes the piston alternately either from one side or the other, it deviates either to the right or to the left, depending on where you turn the steering wheel.

This pressure is created by a vane pump, and the liquid is stored in a special container. It is on her that the main work is entrusted, without her the system would not function!

It should be noted that the pressure inside the rail is enormous, it reaches 50 - 100 BAR (technical atmospheres). Therefore, such a slight turn of the steering wheel occurs, in fact, with almost one finger, regardless of your physical fitness.

Types of power steering fluids

Now they are mainly distinguished by color, but in fact, as in the history of antifreeze, the color does not always carry the main characteristics. Still, there are big differences in:

  • Viscosities
  • Composition
  • Mechanical and hydraulic properties
  • Temperature and chemical composition

As usual, manufacturers indicate their characteristics for each specific type, usually they directly indicate the properties that the liquid should have, and what color it will be for the second time.

In a little more detail, I would like to tell you about the compositions, because at the moment there are only two main directions:

  • Mineral oils ... A lot of rubber products, oil seals, and O-rings are used in the device with a hydraulic booster. All of them can fail due to external factors, such as temperature, in summer it can be very high, because the rail is located next to the engine. Rubber cracks and crumbles from high temperatures, so that this does not happen, it is mineral oils that are used.

  • Synthetic fluids ... They are used, but less often than mineral water. The thing is that rubber fibers may be present here, which have a detrimental effect on oil seals, rail seals. However, now more and more rubber products are made with the addition of silicone, so the use of synthetics is growing. Still, you should look at the book on the operation of your car or consult with official dealer... Only then can synthetic fluids be poured, that is, a strict recommendation or tolerances are needed.

How and with what can you mix?

The question is complex, however, there are few hints from manufacturers in power steering oils. There are now only three primary colors of liquids, red, green and yellow. They differ like this:

  • Red color ... Often this is a liquid that is used in machines, currently the most advanced, mainly consisting of synthetic compounds.

  • Yellow ... In fact, it is also oil for the automatic machine, but here it is more versatile, it can be poured into both the power steering and the automatic transmission. Mineral substances are mainly used.
  • Green ... One of the very first compositions. It can be either mineral or synthetic. It can also be poured into the power steering and transmission, however, only a mechanical not automatic transmission. More viscous composition.

Mixing - personally, I would never experiment, that is, I would fill in my own oil, which is filled with me! But everything happens - it is usually recommended (allowed) to mix two types close to each other, for example, these are red and yellow colors. Nevertheless, both of them can be used in automatic transmissions. If green is added to the power steering, then it can only interfere with itself, neither red nor yellow will suit it! Because it is also designed for mechanical transmissions, and here are other characteristics.

So which is better to pour?

Guys, you cannot experiment here, you need to follow the tolerances that the manufacturer shows you. After all, any wrong oil or composition can turn your power steering into a jammed unit! This must be remembered, there are several simple rules which will help you in choosing:

  • Compliance with the car brand. We select exactly for your car.
  • Mixing only with similar formulations
  • Withstanding high temperatures, you need to pay attention to this, because oils can warm up to fairly high rates, especially in summer. As some manufacturers recommend, it should be kept at about 100 degrees Celsius.
  • Fluidity. For many machines, really liquid formulations are needed, otherwise the pump will simply not pump.
  • Fluid resource. How much it should work as much as possible.

As you can see, the requirements are really tough, which is why they often apply. ATF fluids from automatic transmissions, it is they who are durable, withstand high temperatures, and are available for mixing.

What else I would like to say in conclusion, many do not change the fluid for years until the rake flows! Guys, this is not right, because it also wears out, loses its properties, precisely because of its wear, and the anthers can break, because the lubrication will not occur as it should. Therefore, in order to extend the service life of the hydraulic booster - it is POSSIBLE to change the fluid completely every two to three years!

Table of some brands

FORD FOCUS 2 Green - WSS-M2C204-A2

Red - WSA-M2C195-A

The power steering is the main unit in the control system of any car. In order for the power steering to always work correctly, it is necessary to monitor the condition of its parts and mechanisms, as well as to change the working fluid in the system in a timely manner. How the Power Steering Lacetti fluid is replaced and in what cases the oil needs to be changed - learn from this material.


How to determine the need to change the oil in the power steering?

On the Chevrolet Lacetti, Chevrolet Cruze and many other models of this manufacturer, it is an important consumable, the condition of which determines the operation of the unit as a whole. Unfortunately, the technical regulations do not indicate the exact timing of the oil change, but many motorists argue that after 15 thousand km of run, the fluid should in any case change (video by Nikita Kislyakov).

What signs can indicate the need for an oil change:

  • the liquid has changed its color, has become darker, there may be a precipitate in it;
  • consumable smells like burning;
  • the steering wheel has become more difficult to turn;
  • when you turn the steering wheel, sounds unusual for its operation may be heard.

How to choose a power steering fluid?

Initially, during production, Dextron 2 or Dextron 3 liquid is poured for power steering. Accordingly, it is necessary to use either the same oil or similar in technical characteristics. L it is better to fill in what the car manufacturer recommends.

Oil change guide

So, changing the power steering oil is an integral part of the maintenance of a Chevrolet Lacetti car. The fluid change procedure can be done at home.

What the replacement process looks like:

  1. First, you need to jack up the front of the car, this is necessary so that the front wheels can rotate freely. If you do not have jacks, then as an option, you can use a slippery surface, for example, ice, wet grass, etc.
  2. Next, open the hood and unscrew the power steering reservoir filler cap. Using a large medical syringe with a nozzle installed on it, it is necessary to pump out all consumables from the tank.
  3. After that, look under the tank - there should be two pipes along them. The branch pipe that connects to the power steering pump must be disconnected, but before that, substitute a container under it, for example, a cut bottle. You need to wait until all the oil is out of the system.
  4. Next, disconnect the second pipe - this is the so-called return. The return line is marked in more detail in the photo. You also need to substitute a container under this hose, since oil will also come out of it.
    In order to pump out the spent consumables from the power steering system as much as possible, the car wheels must first be turned completely to the right and then completely to the left. In this case, in extreme positions, it is necessary to pause for a few minutes. This procedure is repeated until the oil stops coming out of the return line.
  5. When the substance comes out, wipe the end of the first tube you removed and try blowing into it. If there are residues of consumables in the system, they should exit.
  6. Further, the branch pipe itself should be reconnected to the expansion tank. After completing these steps, you can fill the tank with a new consumable. In this case, the volume of the substance to be poured must correspond to the volume of the drained oil, no more and no less. When filling, be guided by the marks marked on the tank - the volume of the substance in it should be between MIN and MAX.
  7. When the substance is poured, the power steering system is pumped. This stage is very important and cannot be skipped. Follow the instructions strictly, as these steps largely determine the effectiveness of the work done.
  8. So, with the engine off (do not try to start it), you need to slowly turn the steering wheel to the right and left, to the extreme position. In this case, in each extreme position, the steering wheel should be delayed for a few seconds, as you did earlier. When turning the steering wheel, make sure that the level of consumables in the expansion tank does not go down to a minimum. It is also advisable to prevent air from entering the system, otherwise this will cause the formation airlock... And it, in turn, will provoke the appearance of hum and noise when turning the steering wheel, so be careful.
    If the volume of the substance decreases as a result of manipulations, then it will need to be replenished. The procedure is repeated until the level of the substance in the expansion tank stops decreasing.
  9. After completing these steps, you can start the power unit. Immediately after starting, you can hear the power steering pump humming. Some motorists immediately check the pump, the pump itself and other elements of the system, but this is superfluous, since the appearance of a sound at the beginning after replacement is normal. When the substance disperses through the system, all noise should disappear.
    When the engine is running, the procedure with turning the steering wheel to the extreme right and left positions is repeated, only there is no need to pause. Recheck the level of the consumable in the expansion tank and add substance if necessary.

Photo gallery "Self-replacement"

Issue price

The cost of consumables will depend on the manufacturer, as well as the quality of the substance. For example, the cost of one liter of MOTUL Dexron IID today is about 600 rubles. A product corresponding to the same characteristics, only from the manufacturer Febi, costs around 420 rubles per liter, and from the manufacturer Castrol - about 520 rubles per liter.


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