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Heavy military transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A

Development: OJSC "Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin, Russia. Production: CJSC "Aviastar-SP", Russia

The Il-76MD-90A heavy military transport aircraft is a deeply modernized version of the well-established Il-76MD aircraft.
It is designed for interregional transportation of troops, heavy large-sized equipment and cargo, as well as landing of personnel, equipment and cargo by parachute and landing method.

The aircraft transports the entire list of weapons and military equipment used by the Russian airborne troops. Also, IL-76MD-90A can be used to transport the sick and wounded and extinguish area fires.

The production of this remarkable aircraft, an unsurpassed leader in the 40-50 tons payload class, was transferred from Uzbekistan (Tashkent, TAPOiCh) to Russia (Ulyanovsk, Aviastar).

In the course of work under the UAC-TS (UAC-Transport Aircraft) modernization program, an assessment was made of the modern requirements of the main customer - the Russian Ministry of Defense and other potential customers. Changes in the upgraded Il-76MD-90A affected both on-board equipment and systems, and the design of the product.

The maximum load has been increased to 52 tons (48 on the Il-76MD). The maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft was increased to 210 tons (190). The aircraft is a high-wing cantilever monoplane with four engines mounted on wing pylons, a T-tail and a five-post landing gear.

In the tail section of the fuselage below there is a cargo hatch with a ramp for loading and unloading cargo and equipment and landing.

New flight and navigation complex, system automatic control, a communication complex and a "glass" cockpit meet all modern requirements for aircraft avionics and significantly increase flight safety, accuracy of aircraft navigation and landing.

Replacement regular engines D-30KP2 on the much more modern PS-90A-76, the installation of a modified wing and reinforced chassis significantly expand operational capabilities aircraft.

The aircraft can take off and land on unpaved (with soil density up to 7.5 kg/cm2) and concrete airfields with an altitude of minus 300 to 3000 m above sea level, and fly at any time of the day over land and water areas.

Main design features aircraft IL-76MD-90A

PS-90A-76 engines are being installed;

New wing - long panels are used;

Fuel system being finalized for a new wing;

The aiming and navigational flight complex "Kupol-III-76M" with on-screen display is being installed;

A digital SAU-76 is being installed;

An integrated electronic indication and signaling system KSEIS-KN-76 with 8 MFIs is being installed, which provides indication of the parameters of aircraft systems, flight and navigation parameters and ACS-76;

Aircraft systems are being finalized to install the PS-90A-76 engine and provide indication and control;

APU TA-12A is installed.

Installation modern engines The fourth generation PS-90A-76 can significantly increase the operational efficiency of the aircraft due to:
reduction of specific fuel consumption by 12%,
increase in flight range by 18%,
reducing direct operating costs,
the possibility of operation from high-altitude airfields and in conditions of high temperatures,
compliance with the noise level and emissions to modern ICAO standards.

Cockpit and flight and navigation complex

The principle of the "glass" cockpit is implemented on the aircraft. The cockpit is equipped with eight multifunctional LCD displays and three intelligent control panels.

Cockpit glazing provides good review from the workplaces of pilots and navigators.

The aircraft is equipped with the Kupol-III-76M flight and navigation complex, which provides a solution to the problems of aircraft navigation and is intended for:
ensuring work with navigation databases, including the global database: when preparing a flight plan, when flying along the route, when maneuvering in the airfield area and landing approach (SID / STAR, APPR);

automation of solving problems of aircraft navigation with the provision of automated flight along a programmed trajectory using autonomous and non-autonomous correction tools;

ensuring the prevention of collision of aircraft in the air;

automatic landing in category II on airfields equipped with landing aids corresponding to category II ICAO;

detection, recognition using a weather navigation radar and displaying on a complex indicator of the navigation situation of meteorological formations in horizontal and vertical sections, including a four-color indication of the intensity of precipitation and the presence of turbulence in accordance with the recommendations of ARINC-708A, detection of mountain peaks, large cities, detection of oncoming aircraft by a passive method , detection and tracking of RLMO, provision of inter-aircraft navigation mode;

ensuring automated control of the complex on the ground and in flight.


Airborne transport equipment is installed, allowing the aircraft to be used in the following conditions:
for the transportation of personnel;
for parachute landing of paratroopers;
for the transportation of goods, equipment, universal sea and air containers and pallets;
for parachute landing of cargo and equipment on platforms;
for parachuteless cargo drop from low altitudes.

Loading of goods and equipment is carried out through the cargo hatch with the help of side winches and electric hoists.

Two winches allow loading non-self-propelled wheeled vehicles with a maximum force on the cable of each winch of 3000 kgf. Winches have electric and manual drives. Four hoists can load a monocargo weighing up to 10 tons.

The cargo compartment has a ramp, which can be set to horizontal or any other required position during loading and unloading.

If necessary, loads weighing up to 30 tons can be lifted into the cargo compartment by a ramp.

For loading caterpillar and wheeled vehicles, as well as platforms, four ladders are mounted on the ramp, which ensure smooth entry of vehicles onto the ramp.

Four roller tracks with a monorail are installed on the floor of the cargo compartment and the ramp in two versions: in special niches for landing platforms; on beams for transportation of aviation containers and pallets.

For the transportation of people in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, there are side seats and removable central seats are installed. In a single-deck version (with central seats), 145 military personnel or 126 paratroopers can be transported. In the two-deck version, up to 225 military personnel.

The aircraft is equipped with a cargo drop system that allows for single and serial landing of platforms with cargo and equipment.

In addition, in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, equipment can be installed that allows:
transport up to 114 wounded and medical personnel;
provide intensive care for up to 20 seriously wounded;
carry out fire extinguishing.

Il-76MD-90A made its first demonstration flight on October 4, 2012. The flight prototype took off into the sky from the runway of the flight test complex of the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airport under the control of a crew consisting of: test pilot, crew commander of the Hero of Russia Nikolai Kuimov, co-pilot of the Honored Test Pilot of Russia Vladimir Irinarkhov, navigator Valery Grechko, flight engineer Alexei Zhuravlev, flight radio operator Sergei Orlov, lead flight test engineer Vladimir Lysyagin, flight electrician Alexander Tsvetkov, flight operator Alexei Mitin.

Currently, UAC-TS is implementing the State contract for the manufacture and supply of 39 Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

From the moment it was put into service and until today, the Il-76 has been the main heavy military transport aircraft of the Russian Air Force. Over the decades of successful operation, more than 950 aircraft of various modifications for military, civil and special purposes have been built.

Basic flight performance

General Geometric Data
Aircraft length, m 46.60
The height of the aircraft in the parking lot, m 14.76
Wingspan, m 50.50
Wing area (trapezoid), m2 300.0
Chassis track (on external wheels), m 8.16
Midsection diameter, m 4.8

Characteristics of the turbojet bypass engine PS-90A-76
Number of engines 4
Bypass ratio 4.4
Thrust, kgf
maximum mode 14500
maximum boost mode 16000
cruising 3300
reverse thrust mode (reverse) 3600
Compliance with ICAO standards p.16, Ch.IV
Specific fuel consumption in cruising mode, kg/kgf h 0.59

Mass characteristics
Maximum takeoff weight, t 210
Maximum load, t 52
Total capacity of fuel tanks, l 109500

flight data
Flight speed, km / h 750 ... 800
Flight range, km
at a load of 52 tons 5000
with a load of 20 tons 8500
Flight altitude, m 12100
Takeoff run, m 1540
Required takeoff distance at BVPP, m 1700
Run length with engine thrust reverser, m 960 Number of landings 10000
Number of flight hours 30000

At the end of March 2016, the aviation community rather modestly celebrated another anniversary: ​​45 years ago, on March 25, 1971, in Moscow from the Central Airfield. Frunze, the crew led by Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Eduard Kuznetsov performed the first flight on a heavy military transport aircraft Il-76.

Three years ago, on March 25, 2013, an agreement was signed between UAC-TS OJSC and Aviastar-SP CJSC for the supply of 39 aircraft of the modernized Il-76MD-90A project as part of the execution of the state contract dated October 4, 2012.

Today, when the first production aircraft Il-76MD-90A has already been delivered to the troops and its operation has begun, “the time has come to talk about many things”: about the history, about the feasibility and prospects for the revival of the aircraft, created almost half a century ago.

45 years in the sky

The aircraft, originally created to meet the requirements of the airborne troops, was intended for the transportation and landing of personnel and military equipment. For its time it was modern car that met the requirements of the customer. For the first time, a domestic military transport aircraft was equipped with turbojet engines, in addition, it had a fully pressurized cargo cabin and could be used on unpaved areas.

Along with the main transport and landing purpose, the Il-76 has become a platform for creating a wide range of special versions, such as a tanker, jammer, AWACS and so on. Starting from the end of the 70s, the Il-76 in T / TD versions enters the civil aviation service. By the 90s of the twentieth century, military and civilian versions of the main aircraft of the Soviet VTA were operated all over the world.

The first flight of the Il-76 March 25, 1971

The tightening of international requirements for noise and emissions (emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere) led to the fact that by the beginning of the 2000s, civil operators of an aircraft developed in the late 60s were thinking about possible ways to modernize the existing fleet and order new aircraft of this type. The problems of efficiency, noise and emissions are traditionally of little concern to the military, however, the VTA was interested in increasing the carrying capacity and effective range of the Il-76MD.

Aviation industry and Aviation complex named after S.V. Ilyushin faced a dilemma: to modernize existing aircraft or to revive aircraft production again. The choice was made in a completely Soviet style: if they give you money, you have to do both.


Civil operators of the Il-76TD, making commercial flights to Europe, the USA and Japan, were faced with the fact that by the middle of the 2000s, aircraft that did not meet ICAO noise and emission requirements would no longer be allowed into these countries.

Unlike the military, the state offered commercial users to solve the problems of further use of the Il-76 themselves. The remotorization program for the upgraded D-30KP-2 engines could be a way out for small companies, but was never implemented.

Realizing that the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, the largest operator of heavy transport aircraft in the post-Soviet space, the Volga-Dnepr group of companies, began to implement its own program for the modernization of the Il-76TD aircraft. Already in 2002, Volga-Dnepr placed an order with the Perm Motor Plant for the supply of a set of PS-90 engines for the first aircraft. A year later, he buys design documentation for a modernization project from OAO Il. In fact, the entire development and implementation of the Il-76 aircraft modernization program was carried out by the Volga-Dnepr company with the formal participation of Ilyushin.

The result of this work was the launch of the modernized Il-76TD-90VD aircraft with new PS-90A-76 engines, new avionics and the new Kupol-III-76M-VD flight and navigation system.

In four years, a private company, financing the project from its own and borrowed funds, has gone from developing a technical face of a new aircraft to commissioning the first serial copy. Now Volga-Dnepr Airlines has five aircraft of this type and successfully operates them.

Il-76TD-90VD of the airline "Volga-Dnepr"

In this case, Volga-Dnepr's stake on the production of an aircraft from scratch, and not on the repair and modernization of existing aircraft, fully justified itself. No one, except for the Volga-Dnepr airline and the Azerbaijani company Silk Way Airlines, could afford to buy planes for $50 million. Thus, by implementing the project for the construction of five modernized Il-76TD-90VD aircraft, Volga-Dnepr Airlines gained a dominant position in the market for the transportation of oversized cargo to European destinations and to the United States.

The only known project for the modernization of the civilian version with remotorization for PS-90A-76 engines was carried out in 2015 by the TAPOiCh plant on the order of the Russian airline Shar Inc LTD and received registration number RA-76384. The aircraft is currently operated in Equatorial Guinea under the flag of Ceiba Cargo.


One of the most repeated theses of supporters of the resumption of production of the Il-76 sounds like this: you can’t extend the resource indefinitely, the aircraft are not eternal. Indeed, the resource of any aircraft is a finite value. Currently, the Russian Air Force is operating about 90 Il-76 units in the standard MD modification, not counting the Il-78 air tankers and platforms for special versions. The resource of IL-76MD assigned by the manufacturer is 30,000 hours. The flight time of combatant boards, mass production of which took place in the 80s of the twentieth century, ranges from 2500 to 3500 hours, that is, the resource depletion today is 10-15 percent.

Two main special variants of the Il-76: the Il-78 tanker and the A-50 "flying radar"

Such figures should not be surprising: the military aviation aviation is not civil aviation, where the monthly flight time of an aircraft, as a rule, more than covers the annual flight time of military transport aircraft. Now the average flight time of IL-76 is 15 hours per month, so the annual flight time does not even reach 200 hours.

timely Maintenance and repair (MRO) allow you to maintain aircraft in a state of airworthiness for an unlimited amount of time. A good example is the American B-52 strategic bombers, the last of which left the stocks in the early 60s. These aircraft of the US Air Force plan to operate until the 40s of the XXI century.

The realistic approach of domestic military operators to the budget in the early 2000s forced them to look for opportunities to modernize the existing Il-76 fleet. In 2002, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the start of a program to modernize the Il-76 by installing PS-90A-76 engines.

In December 2005, the Il-76MD-90 aircraft, which was modernized at the VASO aircraft plant, took off into the sky. The production aircraft Il-76MD, produced at the TAPOiCh plant in Tashkent in 1991, underwent alteration. As a result of the modernization, the aircraft received engines and avionics similar to the civil project Il-76TD-90VD. The cost of the upgrade was approximately $14 million, of which $12 million was for four PS-90A-76 engines.

In 2006, the Russian Air Force indicated the need for 12 Il-76MD-90 aircraft by 2010. However, the modernized Il-76MD-90 remained the only one of its kind - not a single Air Force aircraft was received.

In 2011, a new project for the modernization of aircraft of the Il-76M and Il-76MD types, developed at Ilyushin according to the terms of reference of the Air Force (R&D Kuznetsk), appears. On February 29, 2016, the first aircraft upgraded under this project, which received the Il-76MD-M index, took off. 11 years of hard work between the first flight of the Il-76MD-90 and the first flight of the Il-76MD-M were not in vain: at a comparable cost of modernization of 13-14 million dollars, the aircraft lost modern PS-90-76A engines, but acquired a modern flight and navigation equipment.

At about the same time, in 2002, NPO Saturn, on its own initiative, developed a project for a deep modernization of the D-30KP-2 engine serially produced at the enterprise for Il-76 aircraft. In 2005, the first experimental engine was built, which received the name D-30KP Burlak.

The technical task for the modernization of the D-30KP was to increase the engine thrust from 12,000 to 13,000 kgf. One of the main advantages of the engine, along with unification with the serial D-30KU / KP, was the possibility of re-engining combatant IL-76s to it by local technical services without altering the pylons and changing the airframe design. Moreover, the modernization of the D-30KP would not require the production of new engines - it was enough to carry out overhaul existing with simultaneous upgrade to the D-30KP "Burlak" version. At that time, the Russian Air Force showed extreme interest in the implementation of this project.

In addition, the D-30KP Burlak program was supported by commercial operators of the Il-76TD, who could not afford to order new aircraft of the Il-76TD-90VD/SW type. However, the D-30KP-2 project stopped at the stage of flight tests and did not receive further state support.


The anniversary year of the first flight of the Il-76 was traditionally celebrated by the United Aviation Corporation and the Ilyushin Aviation Complex with loud statements, postponements, resignations and long-term plans.

Il-76MD-90A at the flight test station of the Aviastar plant

On March 3, the general director of Ilyushin, Sergei Velmozhkin, said that in 2016 the supply of Il-76MD-90A is not planned, but in 2017 "the supply will be increased to three machines." This is quite an interesting statement, given that the contract provides for the delivery of six aircraft in 2017, and by 2020, under a contract with the Ministry of Defense, all 39 units should be delivered.

On March 24, Ilyushin General Designer Nikolai Talikov announced plans to create the Il-76TD-90A, a civilian modification of a military transport aircraft. "Sufficient quantity will be produced," the general designer emphasized. The question of potential customers for the machine remains open, given the extremely narrow market for special freight traffic, as well as the timing of the supply of civilian vehicles, despite the fact that the execution of the state contract is clearly delayed.

On the same day, Genrikh Novozhilov, adviser to the general director of the company on science, followed up with a statement: “Today we launched the engine in the Il-76MD-90A, which gives us a margin of thrust and will allow us to make a new modification - the Il-76MF.” Apparently, this refers to the prospect of launching the production of an aircraft with an extended cargo cabin Il-76MF, which was produced at the Tashkent plant TAPOiCH and delivered to Jordan.

Actually, the PS-90 engines gave this aircraft a thrust reserve back in 1995, when it made its first flight, however, given the reduction in the weight of the wing, and consequently the entire aircraft by 2.5 tons due to the use of long wing panels, it is quite possible that this modification may please the military and get a second wind.

Il-76 MF airlinesJordan International Air Cargo

On March 22, it became known that the general director of the Aviastar-SP aircraft manufacturing plant, Sergei Dementyev, is expected to leave his post in April. " This is part of a set of measures to improve the manageability of the corporation. The transfer of powers provides for the termination of existing contracts with some of the general directors of the subsidiaries. Before the decisions come into force, we consider it premature to comment on specific personnel changes.", - explained in the press service of the KLA.

However, the Ulyanovsk news portal reported that, according to its information, Sergey Dementiev was fired for poor performance: “ Over the past few years, several billion rubles have been invested in the modernization of Aviastar. However, labor productivity at the enterprise did not increase. Moreover, costs were not reduced - what was demanded from Dementiev in the first place. It turned out that the workshops were modernized, the equipment was new, but they worked here in the old way and with the old output. Nothing has changed. This was constantly pointed out to the general director of Aviastar».

Considering the current program for the revival of the production of the Il-76 military transport aircraft, one cannot fail to note some positive aspects: aircraft are being produced one way or another, new equipment for re-equipping the plant is being purchased, subcontractors are loaded, budgets are being mastered. And most importantly, the issue of the creation and production of a new generation military transport aircraft (Il-106/PAK TA) is justifiably postponed into the distant future, which, of course, relieves an unnecessary headache from the specialized design bureau.

To aircraft no.

0013432960 (76463)




This flight manual is intended for flight personnel. Implementation of the instructions and recommendations set forth

v Guidance, allows the crew to ensure flight safety

v within the established limits.

The guide consists of two books. The first book contains general information about the aircraft limitations and flight characteristics, the actions of the crew during preparation for flight and flight performance and in special situations are indicated. The second book contains information about aircraft systems and their operation, as well as the actions of the crew in the event of malfunctions.

The Guidelines are amended twice a year. For the convenience of making changes, the section (subsection) of the Guide has its own page numbering, starting from the first. Pages that have been entered or changed are marked with the new issue date, and the location of the new or changed text is marked with a vertical line in the left margin of the page. Availability vertical line before the page designation indicates a change in page number and content changes.

The list of active pages sets the number of pages in sections (subsections) and the date of issue of each page. The list is updated each time changes are made and has the date of the last change.

Replacement, withdrawal and inclusion of sheets in the Guide is carried out in accordance with the amended list, which is recorded in the change registration sheet.

To make urgent changes in the period between regular revisions of the Guidelines, sheets of temporary changes are introduced, which are printed on yellow paper. The owner of the manual is responsible for its preservation and is obliged to ensure that changes are made in a timely manner.


Based on the instructions of the MGA dated 29.0I.I985. No. 58 / U-1 DSP, 20-65 / 13 EK DSP and instructions of the KRUGA No. 25 / U-DSP dated February 7, 1985 "On measures to prevent the destruction of disks of the first stage of LPC on engines NK-8-2U, NK- 8-4, NK-86". In order to improve the readiness of crews to act in special flight situations and ensure a successful outcome of flights in case of failures of aviation equipment, the following text is additionally entered in the RLE of all types of aircraft in the section "Contents of pre-flight information":

"The pilot-in-command to conduct a survey of crew members on actions in special cases of flight / fire, failure of one engine, failure of two engines, etc. / in accordance with the recommendations set out in the AFM";

Crew members, when performing operations in accordance with the RLE, in case of failures of aviation equipment, report on their actions to the aircraft commander;

- To the dispatcher in whose area of ​​responsibility the

special situation, strictly observe the rules of radio communication with the crews of aircraft under his control, excluding radio communication that is not related to the current situation.

Art. Leading engineers T.O.

Include in the RLE Il-62, Tu-154, Il-76, aircraft IL-18 In the individual features of used magazines.




Publication date


August 1979

August 1979

August 1979

August 1979


Entry to make

timely and clearly

registration of changes

section, paragraph,

Basis for






the change

4.2 to page 25


12/16/81 №15/3

39 sheets from

Letter No. 10-19-203

from 6.04.82 KOAO

Change Registration Sheet

Il-76TD aircraft

Features of the design and flight operation

V. M. Korneev

© V. M. Korneev, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-3855-7

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

General characteristics and basic data of the aircraft

The Il-76TD aircraft is designed to transport various cargoes and equipment. The aircraft crew consists of seven people: the aircraft commander, co-pilot, navigator, flight engineer, flight radio operator, chief flight operator and flight operator.

The aircraft is a cantilever glider with a high swept wing and swept empennage. The wing is equipped with flaps, slats and spoilers.

The fuselage is divided into a cockpit and a cargo compartment.

Four turbojet engines are installed on pylons under the wing.

An auxiliary power unit is located in the fairing of the left main supports.

The landing gear of the aircraft consists of four main and front supports.

Basic Geometric Data

Aircraft length - 46.6 m

Wingspan - 50.5 m

Wing sweep (along the line ¼ chords) - 25 degrees

Aircraft height - 14.76 m

Chassis track - 8.16 m

Chassis base - 14.17 m

Fuselage diameter - 4.8 m

Cargo cabin length - 24.5 m

Basic weight restrictions

Maximum takeoff weight - 190000 kg

Maximum landing weight - 151500 kg

Maximum amount of fuel - 90000 kg

Notes: In exceptional cases, it is allowed to land with any weight up to and including the maximum take-off, as well as with a fuel weight exceeding the maximum allowable, with increased attention from the crew.

airplane glider

The fuselage of the aircraft is a beam structure formed by a set of transverse frames and longitudinal stringers covered with skin.

The fuselage is divided into four parts: front to frame 18, middle between frames 18-67, tail between frames 67-90 and aft between frames 90-95.

In the bow, in front of frame 1, there is a removable radar radome. The compartment of the nose landing gear is located under the floor of the navigator's cabin and the cargo cabin of the aircraft.

The rear wall of the cargo compartment is made in the form of a hermetic sash tilted back and upwards on frame 67.

The center section is attached to the upper part of the fuselage along the power frames 29, 34 and 41.

On the upper surface of the fuselage, in the forward fairing (between frames 24-29), there is an unpressurized compartment of the air conditioning system equipment. The slat control system units are located in the same compartment, and a container for an emergency raft is located in front of the compartment. In the rear fairing (between frames 41-45) there is an unpressurized compartment for hydraulic equipment, control units for flaps, ailerons and spoilers. Under the floor of the cargo compartment are two sealed trunks. The front trunk is located between frames 51-56. Between the frames 35-51 there are compartments of the wheels of the main landing gear.

Note: Due to its small size and small access hatch, the rear trunk is practically better called an equipment compartment.

Between the frames 35-51 there are compartments of the wheels of the main landing gear. In the tail section of the fuselage, from below, the middle and side wings of the cargo hatch are located. On top of the power frames, a vertical tail is attached.

Frame 14 is a sealed partition separating the cockpit from the cargo compartment. Steps are made in the frame wall to exit the cockpit through the upper emergency hatch to the upper surface of the fuselage. In the upper part of frame 14, a window is made for viewing the cargo compartment.

The entrance door of the cockpit is installed at the starboard side on frame 14.

The toilet door is located at the left side on frame 14.

The airtight sash door on the frame 67 is used for passage into the rear fuselage.

The hatch in the floor of the upper cockpit is located between frames 13 and 14 and serves to enter the cockpit.

To notify the crew of not closing hatches or doors, there are corresponding mnemonic red light indicators on the door and hatch signaling panel in the cockpit. Signaling devices light up when the hatch or door is not closed. For general control of the status of doors and hatches, in addition to the dashboard on the left panel of the pilots' dashboard, there is a red panel HATCHES NOT CLOSED, which lights up if at least one hatch or one door is open.

The aircraft has two entrance doors - one each on the right and left sides. Doors open outward. The door drive is hydraulic with electric control. When servicing the aircraft on the ground, the doors can be opened manually from the outside and from the inside. In the closed position, the doors are locked with locks. All locks work from one drive. The mechanism works automatically (from hydraulic cylinders) and manually. Automatic operation The mechanism is provided by three hydraulic cylinders, while the two lower cylinders are designed to open the locks, and one upper one is for closing. Manual control is exercised by means of internal and external handles.

Left and right doors have independent control. Each door is controlled by two cylinders: one of the cylinders is connected to hydraulic system 1, the second to hydraulic system 2. In addition, there are two cylinders on the left and right doors (one is connected to hydraulic system 1, the second to hydraulic system 2) to open the locks. The left door lock cylinder is connected to hydraulic system 1, and the right door lock cylinder is connected to hydraulic system 2.

Note: The left door lock cylinder is connected to hydraulic system 1, and the right door lock cylinder is connected to hydraulic system 2. As a result, a situation may occur when the door locks will not close when the entrance door is hydraulically closed. In such situations it is necessary to close the locks manually by turning the inside handle.

The position of the doors is controlled by the yellow signal lamps "Doors open" and green "Doors closed" located on the left side console of the cockpit, on the console of the navigator's cabin and on the front console of the chief flight operator. When the door control switches of both hydraulic systems are turned on to open the door (after preliminary depressurization of the cargo compartment), current is supplied to the GA-163 cranes. The valves connect the pressure lines of hydraulic systems 1 and 2 to the opening lines of the doors, and the closing lines to the drain. Under pressure, the door opens. In the open position, the door is held by fluid pressure.

Note: This allows you to open the front doors in flight across the oncoming air flow to eject paratroopers.

When the switches for disabling the control and the switches for closing the door are turned on, the GA-163 taps bypass the liquid to close the door.

The cargo hatch is designed for loading and unloading cargo and is a system consisting of a pressure seal of frame 67, a ramp and three wings - the middle one and two side ones. When the cargo door is opened, the ramp goes down, the airtight door goes back up and occupies a horizontal position, the middle door goes up, and the side doors open outward.

The drive of all parts of the cargo hatch is hydraulic with electric control. Control is carried out from the navigator's console, as well as from the front and rear consoles of the flight operators. In addition, the opening of the cargo hatch (together with the entrance doors) is carried out by turning on the emergency cargo release switches installed on the consoles of the navigator and the aircraft commander.

For the entry of equipment on the ramp, there are four trappers. To prevent the aircraft from tipping over on its tail during loading or unloading of the aircraft, a tail support is installed in front of the ramp, which retracts into the ramp in the flight position.

The pressure valve is part of the cargo hatch, works in conjunction with the rest of its parts according to a specific program. The sash is driven by two hydraulic cylinders. In the open position, the sash is fixed with two locks. In the closed position, the sash is connected to the ramp with special grips.

The opening of the cargo hatch is possible if the cargo compartment is depressurized.

When the cargo hatch is fully open, the yellow CARGO OPEN warning lights on the left cockpit console, the navigator's cockpit console, and the front and rear operator consoles light up. When the ramp is in the horizontal position, the yellow HORIZON lamp lights up on the rear operator's console. When the cargo hatch is closed, the green CARGO CLOSED warning lamps on the left cockpit console, on the navigator's cockpit console, and on the front and rear operator consoles are lit. If the hatch is not closed, then the corresponding red lamps are lit on the left panel of the pilots' dashboard and on the hatch and door signaling panel (above the radio operator's console).


As a manuscript




Klin-5, Publishing house "Thought of the people", 1998



Geometric characteristics


Aircraft restrictions




Control system


Aircraft power supply


oxygen equipment




Anti-icing system




Engine D-30KP (II series)


IL-76 aircraft hydraulic system




Altitude equipment




Fire extinguishing system


Fuel system


Imported oils and liquids


Cargo cabin equipment


Radio electronic equipment








Engine failures




SARD failures


Failures in the aircraft control system


Special cases landings


Generator failure


Airplane shaking in flight



Geometric characteristics
Wingspan 50.5 m

Aircraft length 46.6 m

Height of the aircraft in the parking lot 14.76 m

Fuselage length 43.25 m
Midsection diameter 4.8 m
Extension 9

Cargo cabin length without ramp 20 m
The length of the cargo compartment with a ramp (up to the hermetic partition) 24.5 m
Cargo cabin width 3.45 m
Cargo cabin height 3.4 m

Ramp length 5 m
Ramp width (operational) 3.45 m
Parking ramp angle 14°
Height from the ground to the floor of the cargo compartment 2.2 m

Area without flow (along the base trapezoid) 300 m 2
The angle of the transverse V wing - 3 °
Profiles TsAGI P - 151

MAR 6.436 m
Distance from the leading edge to the beginning of the MAR 18.141

Mounting angle of attack: on board 3°

End 0°
Geometric twist - 3 0
1/4 chord sweep angle 25°
Relative profile thickness, %:

along the fuselage (0.095 z = 2.4 m) 12.9

0.45 z = 11.4 m 10.9

Relative profile curvature, %:

along the fuselage (0.095 z) 0.8

Deflection angle:

inboard flaps 43°

Outboard flaps 40°
slats 25°
aileron up - 28°
down +16°

trimmers ±15°
servo compensators up 30°

Down 20°

In braking mode 20°
in aileron mode 20°

brake flaps 40°
horizontal tail
span 17.4 m

Area 63 m 2

PB area 17.2 m 2

1/4 chord sweep angle 30°

Stabilizer Deflection Angle:

Cabrating - 8°
dive +2°

Deflection angle RV: for cabling 21°

dive 15°

Trimmer deflection angle - Fletner RV:

as trimmer up 4°

as a flatner up 5 0

vertical tail

Area 49.6 m 2

PH area 15.6 m 2

1/4 chord sweep angle 38°

PH deflection angle in flight ± 27°

on the ground ± 28°

Trimmer deflection angle RN ±10°
Deflection angle of servo compensator RN:
in flight ±20°
on the ground ±15°
Chassis track on outer wheels 8.16 m
Chassis base (from nose to rear main wheels) 14.17 m
Angle of deviation of the wheels of the front support:

when taxiing + 50 0

during takeoff - landing + 7 0
The distance from the plane of symmetry of the aircraft to

motor axis:

internal 6.35

external 10.6

Height from ground to engine 2.55 m

Aircraft parking angle (G=170t , SACH==30%) 0.85°

Cruise speed 750 - 800 km/h

Ferry range 10000 km
practical ceiling (km) temperature +15°:
Weight 100 110 120 130 140 150160

4 engines 12.85 12.75 12.25 11.75 11.25 10.75 10.25

3 engines 10.2 9.7 9.5 9.25 8.7 8.5 8.2

4 engines 9.75 9.25 8.75

3 engines 7.75 7.25 6.75

Aircraft restrictions
Weight restrictions

Max-dop cargo weight on the ramp (including the weight

container), kg 5000


  1. Transportation of cargo on a ramp weighing 5 tons is allowed only in containers UAK-5 or UAK-5A on aircraft, the ramps of which are equipped with mooring units for securing these containers.

  2. When installing a load weighing from 2 to 5 tons on a ramp, the excess pressure in the cargo compartment must be reduced to the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 6.8.3 M.

Centering restrictions
extreme anterior 20% SAH

extreme posterior 40% MA
Limitations when flying at high angles of attack
M 0.54 0.6 0.7 0.74 0.77

add 15° 13.5° 11° 10° 9°
Flight altitude limitation
Maximum flight altitude depending on the flight weight:

Height, m ​​9100 9600 10100 10600 11100 11600 12100

Weight, t 183 173 163 153 143 133 > 123
Permissible range of maneuvering overloads in flight
Weight Mechanization removed Mechanization released

170 t - 0.3...+2.0 +0.2...+1.7

170 tons and more - 0.3...+1.8 +0.2... +1.5
Maximum allowable overloads when flying in a turbulent atmosphere
Aircraft G 100 120 140 160 180

N at max add 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1
By wind speed:

Wind speed maximum oncoming 25 m/s

Maximum wind speed while taxiing

(boosters on, rudders and ailerons unlocked) 15 m/s

Lateral component at an angle of 90° to the runway axis:

dry runway 12 m/s

wet runway 7 m/s

Tailwind maximum wind component 5 m/s
By minimum aircraft
A. Minimum for takeoff

B. Minimum for landing


  1. The minimums are applied in the presence of ZAR, the flight time to which from the departure aerodrome does not exceed 2 hours. In this case, an aerodrome is taken as a ZAR, on which the actual and forecast weather conditions are not lower than the minimum for landing on it. In the absence of a ZAR, a decision to take off is made if the weather conditions at the departure aerodrome are not worse than the minimum for landing on it.

  2. A minimum of 200 m is applied when =0.5 and the side wind component is not more than half of the pred.perm. takeoff values.

Minimum allowable speeds and stall speeds:
G 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
0°/0° 250 262 275 285 295 305 315 325 335 343

14°/15° 210 220 230 238 245 255 263 272 280 287

14°/30° 185 195 203 210 220 228 235 243 249 256

25°/30° 185 190 200 208 215 225 232 240 247 253

25°/43° 160 165 175 182 188 195 203 208 215 220
0°/0° 221 232 243 253 263 272 281 290 298 305

14°/15° 172 186 194 203 210 218 224 231 238 245

14°/30° 158 166 174 181 188 194 200 207 213 218

25°/30° 155 162 169 176 182 190 196 202 207 213

25°/43° 144 151 158 165 171 177 183 187 194 200
Operating speeds

IAS limits

and number M
The maximum allowable speed in conditions

normal operation (Vmax e), km/h 600

The same when the remaining fuel is less than 5000 kg. 550

Maximum allowable speed with released

landing gear (including emergency descent), km/h 600

The maximum allowable number M of flight 0.77

The maximum allowable flight speeds with the released

wing mechanization, km/h:

slats deflected by 14 0 400

slats deflected by 25 0 370 (380)

flaps deflected by 15 0 400

flaps deflected by 30 0 370

flaps deflected by 43 0 280

speed with mechanization released at entry

landing with a weight exceeding the maximum

landing, km/h

flaps deflected by 30 0 380

flaps deflected by 43 0 300

Maximum speed when extending and retracting the landing gear

in normal operation, km/h 370

For the Il-76TD aircraft, the maximum allowable

landing gear release speed when landing with weight,

exceeding the maximum landing 390

Maximum allowable release speed

landing gear for emergency descent, km/h 500

Maximum speed with emergency release

chassis, km/h 350

The maximum allowable speed when idle

yaw and roll dampers, km/h 500

The maximum allowable rotation of the steering wheel at

IAS over 450 km/h ½ stroke

steering wheel

Maximum allowable ground speeds according to conditions

strength of tire tires of chassis wheels, km/h For runway

takeoff 330

landing 280

Maximum allowable ground speed

braking start, km/h 240

The maximum allowable speed when issued

brake pads, km/h 250

The maximum allowable wind speed of any

directions when towing and taxiing an aircraft with

locked rudders, m/s 25

Minimum allowable indicated speed

when flying at flight level, km/h 370
Other restrictions
Maximum allowable operating differential pressure

in cabins, kg/cm2 0.5 + 0,02

The maximum allowable pressure drop in the cabins,

limited by safety valves, kg/cm2 0.57

Maximum allowable negative difference

pressure in cabins, kg / cm 2 0.04

The maximum allowable continuous load on

generator, A 167

The minimum required runway width for a turn with

Minimum radius (13.5-15 m) 40 m.
The maneuver is limited to:

  • bank angle 30 0

  • during visual approach:
at altitudes over 100 m. no more than 30 0

at heights less than 100 m. no more than 15 0

ACS restrictions
Minimum flight altitude:

  • when flying along the route in the mode
automatic control 400 m.

  • when landing in an automatic
and director control modes 60 m.
Max additional number M with AT on 0.74

Centering range at autom. sunset 26 - 36% SAH

Max additional roll when the ACS is turned on + 5 0

When operating the ACS, it is forbidden to turn on the APS and use the “NORM - BOLT” switch.

Fuel consumption

In climb 15 t/h

H=9100 m. 9.0 t/h

Н=10100 m. 8.4 – 8.5 t/h

H=10600 m. 8.0 t/h

Н=11100 m. 7.2 – 7.5 t/h

H=11600 m. 7.0 and less

On the decline 5.5 – 6.0 t/h

Per circle (12") 1.2 t

30" flight on Hkr 3.0 t

Non-producible balance per group of tanks:

  • automatic - 2.0 t

  • manual - 1.0 t

Takeoff and landing is prohibited if:

  • The runway is covered with a layer of ice;

  • water thickness on the runway > 10mm;

  • dry snow thickness on the runway > 50 mm;

  • slush thickness > 12 mm;

  • Ubok more than the limit, at:
- Kst  0.5 12 m/s

- 0,3 ANZ (kg) depending on Gt pos and D up to ZAR

































































1. Stabilizer control
The movement of the stabilizer is accompanied by calls, the frequency of which is proportional to the speed of movement of the stabilizer (during the operation of both mechanisms, 26 calls are heard with an interval of 1 With, in case of failure of one mechanism - calls with an interval of 2 With, time for complete transfer 60 With).

An induction heater with automatic and manual control is installed inside the propeller to heat the lubricant on the lead screw of the stabilizer lift when flying at high altitudes. The heater automatically turns on at an altitude of more than 4500 m and turns off when descending to an altitude of less than 4500 m. To manually turn on the heater switch “HEATING. RISE. STABILIZER.” on the upper electrical panel of the pilot, turn it to the “ON” position. TO H=4500 M” . Manual activation is carried out by the decision of the crew commander when flying at an altitude of less than 4500 m lasting more than 20 min at a temperature of -15°C and below, as well as at an altitude of more than 4500 m in in case of failure of automatic activation. When the heater is on, the green signal LIGHT “LIFT HEATING” lights up. STABILIZER”, when the heater is turned off, the lamp goes out.

If one drive fails, the stabilizer can be moved to a certain angle:

  • if the stabilizer is in the +2° position:
a) in case of failure of the top drive - the stabilizer can be moved to a full angle of +2 °. . . -8°;

b) in case of failure of the lower drive - the stabilizer can be moved to an angle of +2°. . . -4°:

If the stabilizer is in the -8° position: if any of the drives fails, the stabilizer can be moved to an angle of -8°…-3°.


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