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On November 9 of this year, the month of Rabiul Awwal, the third month of the Muslim lunar calendar, will begin. What is the month of Rabiul Avwal famous for? According to the generally accepted opinion, it was in this month that our Prophet Muhammad was born - the last Prophet and Messenger of the Almighty, "The Seal of the Prophets", "Mercy for the Worlds", peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

With his arrival, the ancient tradition of monotheism was renewed and reborn, where a person communicates with his Creator directly, bypassing any intermediaries and religious authorities.

By the time of its appearance, the old monotheistic religions had practically fallen into decay and dried up. From the moment the Jews lost their state, the Jewish religion has turned into a nationalist ideology only for the "chosen people", for those who are by blood. Christianity lost the true teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him), turning into a state religion with intricate teachings, a complex hierarchy of church ministers (who were considered mediators between God and people) and many rites. In the civilized world at that time, empires ruled - such as the Byzantine or Persian - where the human personality was suppressed by the state machine and completely dependent on the arbitrariness of those in power. So with the sending down of a new revelation, people have the opportunity not only for a personal relationship with God, but also the hope of building a more just society, where a person will be treated fairly.

Muslims of the first centuries did not single out this month among others. The love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the memory of his presence in the world were alive in the Muslim community. However, over time, Muslims - especially ordinary people - began to forget the details of his life and teachings, and in order to revive knowledge of this, Muslim rulers and scholars found it necessary to hold such events this month as mawlids, special celebrations dedicated to the coming into the world of the Lord of both worlds (peace and blessings be upon him). It is known that for the first time the Mawlid began to be celebrated in the 12th century (9th century AH) at the direction of Muzaffauddin ibn Zeinuddin, the ruler of the Syrian locality of Irbil. For the first Mawlid, he gathered famous scholars and Sufis who knew the hadith well.

Traditionally, during these celebrations, sira and hadiths are read, which speak of the miracles that accompanied the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); verses of the Koran are read, which mention the virtues of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), and the need to bless and greet him; Salavats (blessings) are recited to him in abundance and nasheeds are sung.

Scholars of the time - such as Imam Ibn Hajar Askalani or Imam Suyuta - approved of the holding of Mawlids, considering them "bid'a hasan" - a good, good innovation. Later scholars such as the famous Indian scholar Abdul-Khai Laknavi (rahimahullah), who lived in the 19th century (13th century AH) also issued a fatwa on its permissibility.

“Even if we agree that the mawlid was not known during the first three generations, and that the position of the mawlid is not transmitted from the mujtahid imams, nevertheless, since the principle is established in Sharia that every method by which knowledge is disseminated is desirable ( and mawlid can be attributed to these methods), a decision was made on its desirability. That is why knowledgeable jurists and scholars who had the right to issue fatwas, such as Abu Shama, Hafiz ibn Hajar, Suyuty, Shami (Ibn Abidin) and others, may Allah have mercy on them all, issued a fatwa on the desirability of this action.

Yes, if illegal practices and characteristics are introduced into the mawlid, this action will no longer be desirable, however, this will have nothing to do with the permissibility of the mawlid as such.

["Majmu'a al-Fatawa", 2/160-163]

In our time, the practice of mawlid is subjected to many attacks, but most often it is not the mawlid itself that causes censure, but various abuse and excess that have developed around it (for example, timing it to a certain date - Rabiul-avval 12, mixing the sexes at the holiday, drinking alcohol and similar things). But these excesses were also condemned by great scholars who spoke about the admissibility of the Mawlid.

And finally, I would like to remind our brothers and sisters: our joy over the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) should not be limited only to holding some festive events, where people gather like for a concert - to listen to nasheeds, lectures and sermons, to communicate ( and also to eat delicious food). Love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) should not be “one-time”, one-time, we must show it throughout the year - and not only with beautiful words, but, above all, with our deeds and deeds. To try, like him, to show mercy to other people and help them, to be as patient in difficulties, diligent in worship, to be gentle and good-tempered; get rid of anger, irritation, slander, rudeness, laziness.

Then we will really become the best community - what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted us to be, and we will be worthy successors of his work. And may Allah help us in this.

How did they start celebrating Mawlid na-Nabi?

The first who began to celebrate Mawlid al-Nabi - the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was the ruler of Irbil, in Jordan. This happened at the beginning of the 7th century Hijri. Ruler of Irbil Abu Sa'id Kaukabri ibn Zainuddin 'Ali ibn Baktakin was a God-fearing theologian. He is also known for having built the mosque "Al-Jami'u al-Muzaffari" on the slope of Mount Qasiyun. And for the special courage of the ruler of Irbil, they called him Muzaffar - the Winner.

Ibn Kathir in the book "The Beginning and the End" he told about the ruler Muzaffar that every year in the month of Rabi'ul-Awual he celebrated Mawlid. According to Ibn Kathir, the king was a generous and just ruler. Further, Ibn Kathir writes that the Shaykh Abul-Khattab ibn Dihya, who lived during the reign of this king, wrote a book about the birth of the Prophet, peace be upon him, which he called "At-Tanuir fi Mawlid al-bashir an-nazir" ("Illumination of the birth of the Prophet, peace be upon him") and read it to King Muzaffar, and then gave him as a gift. For this pious work of his, Ibn Dihya was rewarded by the ruler with a thousand dinars. The king supported the distribution of this book and provided his assistance in this. King Muzaffar took part in the liberation of the city of ‘Akka, captured during the “crusade” in 630 AH.

It is known that the king of Irbil was an honest and just ruler. Grandson of a famous theologian Ibn Al-Jawziy in the book “Mirror of Time” he wrote that for the purpose of holding Mawlid, the king of Irbil invited authoritative Islamic theologians and Sufis who were well versed in hadith.

Events that took place in Rabi-ul-Awwal

The Muslim portal collected the events that took place in the month of Rabi ul-Awwal.

  1. The Prophet traveled from Mecca to Medina.
  2. In the second Hijri year, the battle of Buwaat took place.
  3. In the second year of the Hijri, the Battle of Saffian took place.
  4. 6 years before the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), the daughter of Abu Bakr Asma was born.
  5. 7 years before the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) His daughter Sayyida Rukkayya was born.
  6. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique was declared the first caliph.
  7. Umm-Kulthum married the third Caliph Sayyidina Usman Ghani Zunnu.
  8. In the year 10 Hijri, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) left this world. This is a special month, full of the blessings of the Almighty, including the birth of the Messenger, his Hijra to Medina, the construction of the first mosque.

In addition, Rabi-ul-awwal is significant in that it was in this month that the first Juma prayer was read. The sacred 12th day of the month of Rabi-ul-awwal is especially important for Muslims around the world, since on this day the one who led humanity from darkness to light was born, and the one about whom Allah said "blessings to all worlds."

How is Mawlid al-Nabi celebrated?

Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated with great devotion, awe and reverence. This day is another opportunity for Muslims to distract from the mundane and think about the main thing, about the Almighty, who blessed the world with His last messenger, about what the world would be like without Him, about who completed our sacred religion of Islam, to reflect on the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him and the blessing of the Almighty and the prescriptions that he commanded. This day is a reminder for believers of the revival of the values ​​practiced by the prophet and his sunnah (peace be upon him). The prophet became a blessing, and everything connected with him is good. This day brings us closer to the teachings of Islam and the way of life of the Prophet. The month of Rabi ul-Awwal encourages Muslims to remember the blessings of the Messenger and fills hearts with love for the Prophet.

Once a famous theologian Al-Hafiz As-Suyuty asked: " How should Mawlid be celebrated in the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal? How does the Shari'ah feel about this? Is there a thawab (reward from Allah) for this or not?» The scholar gave answers to them in his article “Good intentions when celebrating Mawlid”: “ During the Mawlid, people gather, read the Qur'an, talk about the significant events that occurred during the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and also - a treat is being prepared».

The month of Rabi-ul-Awwal is one of the most significant in the Muslim calendar, since it was in this blessed month that the last messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), was born. In this month, the true believer strives to perform worship, intending to gain even greater pleasure from Allah. The list below is a kind of guidance for this month, which, with the help of Allah, will improve our life and faith both in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal and after it. Dedicate this month to what the loved one of the Almighty loved and to what will bring Him closer to you:

1. Daily reading and listening to the Quran. One of the best ways to get closer to the Almighty and His Messenger (peace be upon him) is through the words of the Almighty himself. A little Qur'an a day removes Satan from your life. Get started today. Improve your reading, study tajweed. For the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) the Qur'an had a special significance, because it was His Allah who was chosen as the one to whom His words were revealed.

2. Study the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Did you know that once the Prophet (peace be upon him) went to a wedding celebration and fell asleep. Did you know that the hair of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was braided into small four braids. Read the amazing biography of the Messenger of the Almighty, many facts from which will be new to you. Learn about His disposition, actions, preferences and activities. Studying the Sirah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), you will learn the whole life of the Messenger, which is not only a prophetic mission, but also the life of a prophet in everyday life.

3. Listen to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). Many things in our lives can be changed by listening to the prophet. Ask yourself: am I really listening to the words of the Messenger? The words and instructions of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) are described in hadiths that guide us on His path. Read and study His hadiths, find answers to life's questions in them, apply them in your life. Each of the sayings of the Prophet is capable of leading to reflection and awareness.

4. Increase the praise of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). Make as much salawat as possible, ask Allah to grant peace and blessings to the one thanks to whom our religion was completed and perfected and has come down to our days. There are many blessings and barakat in praising the Prophet.

5. Perform dagwat. You can also call to Islam by your own example, applying the sunnah of the prophet in life and being a good example of a Muslim. The Qur'an says: "Invite to the path of the Almighty with wisdom and a good beautiful sermon" (16:125).

6. Visit relatives and friends. Family ties and good attitude towards people are very important in Islam. Fulfilling the sunnah of the Prophet, dedicate this month to family and loved ones. Visit relatives, invite them to visit, treat them with delicious food and give gifts just like that, for no reason, but with the intention of the pleasure of the Almighty.

7. Don't forget those less fortunate than you. Don't forget to lend a helping hand to the needy, the homeless, the poor families. Do good in the name of the prophet (peace be upon him).

8. Keep a post. Try to keep the fast for one or more days. Fasting is a Sunnah of the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah practiced fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. Abstinence from food, drink and everything forbidden will help you look at many things differently and become closer to Allah.

9. Make dua. Dua is the main weapon of the believer, through which he talks with the Almighty. Ask Allah to grant you and your loved ones good things and make you good. Make dua for the dead and the living and dua for the strengthening of the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad, of which you are a part.

10. Strive to become closer to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). Closeness to the Prophet will make you closer to Allah. And in approaching the Messenger lies our salvation.

Sayda Hyatt

Each of us knows that Rabiul Aval- this is the month in which the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ appeared on this Earth, the last of God's messengers, the seal of all the prophets.

Of course, it is a great joy for us that we are from his Ummah, we know what he came to us with and what he taught us, explaining to us the religion of Allah Almighty. Many of us celebrate the arrival of this month with mawlids or reading stories about our Prophet ﷺ, his biography, what he aspired to, his qualities, etc. All this, of course, is commendable.

We should try every day to talk about the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and make sure that our children know something about Muhammad ﷺ.

وَكُلّا نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ مِنْ أَنْبَاءِ الرُّسُلِ مَا نُثَبِّتُ بِهِ فُؤَادَكَ

(هود: الآية 120)

« We tell you the tales of the Messengers who came before you to strengthen your heart with these tales. ", - says the Almighty Allah to our Prophet ﷺ. The verse goes on to say: And to be an exhortation and a reminder for believers ».

Indeed, when we remember the prophets who were before us, including our Prophet ﷺ, or simple benefactors, the mercy of Allah Almighty descends on us, and, praise be to Allah Almighty, our iman increases. The Prophet ﷺ was sent down to all mankind.

When it was hard for him, Allah Almighty said to him: We tell you stories of previous prophets to strengthen your heart. ". When the Prophet ﷺ himself increased in conviction after he heard the stories of previous prophets, what state will we have when we listen to the stories about our Prophet ﷺ, who is the best of the prophets, the seal of all the prophets, about what they called for the qualities of the Prophet ﷺ, how he treated people! He was sent down as a mercy not only to Muslims, but also to (munafiqs) and infidels (kafirs).

We should not limit ourselves to listening to the Mawlids and stories about the Prophet ﷺ, we must learn from this lesson and follow it ourselves, and then it will be useful to celebrate the coming of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to this earth.

إنما يزداد اليقين على اليقين باستماع القصص الأنبياء والأمم السافلة

The interpretations (tafseers) of the Qur'an say: Listen to the narrations of the prophets and previous ummats - this increases our conviction [compared to what] was before ».

Some scientists say:

حكايات الصالحين جند من جنود الله

« Stories about benefactors are one of the many armies of Allah Almighty ". This means that when we are told about the Prophet ﷺ, how he lived, or we listen to stories about simple good people who followed the Prophet ﷺ, each of us has shame in our hearts for an unrighteous life and we try to become like these people. Therefore, scientists say that this is one of the many armies of Allah Almighty. Scientists also say:

ما رأيت للقلب أنفع من ذكر الصالحين

« I have not seen a person more useful to the heart than the remembrance of benefactors ". With this, as we said, we have shame, and after that we become active in relation to our religion. And knowledge about our Prophet ﷺ is part of our religion, because shahadat consists of two parts:

Belief in and belief in ﷺ.

And we should not be among those people about whom the Almighty said:

﴿أَمْ لَمْ يَعْرِفُوا رَسُولَهُمْ﴾

(سورة : الآية 69)

« Or they didn't recognize their Prophet ”, - said the Almighty, referring to the Meccans, who knew the Prophet ﷺ as a trusted person, but when he came with a prophecy, people retreated from him. So that we do not turn out to be among such people, we should study the religion of our Prophet ﷺ, how he lived, what were his qualities.

In the Holy Quran, Allah says:

﴿قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَعِظُكُمْ بِوَاحِدَةٍ أَنْ تَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ مَثْنَى وَفُرَادَى ثُمَّ تَتَفَكَّرُوا مَا بِصَاحِبِكُمْ مِنْ جِنَّةٍ﴾


« Oh Muhammad ﷺ, you say: I call you to only one thing - stand up for the sake of Allah Almighty, two and one at a time, and then think that your brother (i.e. Muhammad ﷺ) is not possessed by jinn ”, and the Prophet ﷺ is the one who admonished us about the coming punishment in the Day of Judgment if we do not follow it. And the meetings that we hold, be it in mosques or in everyone's homes, where we talk about the life of the Prophet ﷺ, about his wisdom and religion - this is all a laudable thing, and what obliges us to know the history our Prophet ﷺ.

وَمَا كَانَ اللهُ لِيُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَأَنْتَ فِيهِمْ

(سورة : الآية 33)

« Allah will not punish or torment them when you are among them. ". This verse was in relation to those among whom was the Prophet ﷺ. As for us, who did not find the Prophet ﷺ and who are in a different time, the meaning of this verse in relation to us will be as follows: as long as the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ is valid and instilled into our life, when we marry and raise our children, when we earn and we spend our property, both in joy and in sorrow, if we use the sunnah of our Prophet ﷺ in everything, then we will be safe from the punishment of Allah Almighty, this is our salvation.

We need to love our Prophet ﷺ, respect and tell our family about him. If we torture people and evil comes from us, we kill and shed blood and this violates the respect of people among ourselves, then the Almighty will send us an army of infidels who will occupy our lands and oppress Muslims. All this happens when we do not follow the Sunnah of our Prophet ﷺ.

Praise of the Prophet ﷺ is a good thing, but if we do not learn from it, we will be like the person who has an alim father, and the son himself cannot read or write. No matter how much such a son praises his father, saying that he is a scholar, an expert in religion, the son himself will not learn to read and write until he follows his father, acquiring knowledge.

We should not limit ourselves to celebrating Mawlid only on the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ, we should celebrate it every day of our lives, all year round. We need to meet this month with stories about the Prophet ﷺ, thereby increasing knowledge about him, so that we do not end up from those who do not know their Prophet ﷺ. The remembrance of the benefactors increases the mercy of Allah Almighty; when we mention the best of people, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, any assembly (majlis) will become blessed (barakat). And as for those places in which Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are not mentioned, such a place becomes gloomy, carries only emptiness in itself, in this place there will be no benefit to a person. And when we go to visit or guests come to us, we should try not to say too much, but only talk about good things and remember Allah Almighty.

The hadith of the Prophet ﷺ says:

"مَا مِنْ قَوْمٍ يَقُومُونَ مِنْ مَجْلِسٍ لاَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللهَ فِيهِ إِلاَّ قَامُوا عَنْ مِثْلِ جِيفَةِ حِمَارٍ وَكَانَ لَهُمْ حَسْرَةً "

(رواه أبو داود )

« Any nation that leaves the Majlis, in which people did not commemorate Allah Almighty, is similar to those who leave the Majlis, in which the carrion of a donkey was, and they receive grief, sadness and longing in their hearts. ", says the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Therefore, any majlis should be held in or by reading salavat on the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ says: Any nation that gathers in a mosque where they read the book of Almighty Allah and teach it to each other, spiritual peace will be sent down on these people, Almighty will cover these people with His mercy, and angels will surround these people, and Almighty Allah will be about these people to speak among those who are close to Allah Almighty ».

Allah Almighty says:

لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيراً

(سورة 21)

« Messenger of Allah ﷺ is an exemplary example for those who place their hopes in Allah Almighty, and believe in the Day of Judgment, and commemorate the Almighty many times O". That is, Allah made the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ an example and a model for us. We know that for people who live for the sake of the worldly (dunya), the model is anyone, but not the Prophet ﷺ. They can be likened to some kind of actor or person who has not done a single good deed in his life. Assimilation of these people is found in the hairstyle, in clothes and in many other things. But those who live for dunya do not try to become like the Prophet ﷺ. Remember: Allah made the Messenger of Allah ﷺ a model for us.

If we do not know our Prophetﷺ, then how will we imitate him, how will we follow his instructions?

وَمَا آتَاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانْتَهُوا

(سورة الحشر: الآية 7)

« Take what the Prophet gave you ﷺ, and avoid what he warned you against ". What he brought us is our religion, and for us it is a great blessing that Allah has endowed us with. Any of us should try to ask our children every evening what they know about the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, what they learned in the madrasah, what they know about the religion of the Prophet ﷺ; Unfortunately, there are very few of them among us.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

قَالَ الَّذِينَ يُرِيدُونَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا يَا لَيْتَ لَنَا مِثْلَ مَا أُوتِيَ قَارُونُ إِنَّهُ لَذُو حَظٍّ عَظِيمٍ

(سورة القصص: الآية 79)

When Karun went out to the people in all the splendor that he had, then the people, thirsting for worldly pleasure, said: “ Oh, if only we had what Karun has! Truly, he has a great lot! » That is, those people who live only for the sake of this world and who forgot about Ahirat (the other world), wished for the benefits that Karun had. But further in the verse, Allah says:

قَالَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ وَيْلَكُمْ ثَوَابُ اللهِ خَيْرٌ لِمَنْ آمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا

(سورة : الآية 80)

« And those to whom Allah has granted knowledge said: Woe to you (those who praised the property of Qarun), the reward of Allah is better for those who believe and do good deeds. ". In no case should we follow the dunya people, but should follow the Prophet ﷺ, the true Ulama, the scholars who follow the Prophet ﷺ. And with the help of such following, the Almighty will give us what we expect.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ says:

"مَنْ تَوَاضَعَ لِغَنِيٍّ لِأَجْلِ غِنَاهُ ذَهَبَ ثُلُثَا دِينِهِ "

(رواه البيهقي )

« If someone serves a rich man because of his wealth, then 2/3 of his religion is gone ". Many of us do not distinguish whether a person is a Muslim or not, if this person has wealth, then he is right. You can't do that, dear brothers.

In the Holy Quran, Allah says:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللهَ وَكُونُوا مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ

(سورة : الآية 119)

« O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the righteous people ". If we cannot find righteous people, then we should at least study the biography of our Prophet ﷺ and follow him.”

Allah Almighty endowed our Prophet ﷺ with grace, about which He says:

فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنَ اللهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ


« By the grace of Allah you were gentle towards your companions ».

وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ


« If you were rude and cruel towards them, then they would certainly leave you. ". Thus, everything that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ brought, he left us as an inheritance, and we must adhere to this.

There are people who say that one should not show too much joy at the coming of the day in which the Prophet ﷺ was born. How can we not show joy if before the coming of our Prophet ﷺ into this world, people committed such deeds that it is even unpleasant to talk about?

One of the companions told his story before the adoption of Islam: “My wife gave birth to a girl, and I reluctantly let her live. When she grew up and became a girl, they began to come to her in marriage, then jealousy and rage seized me. Then I said to my wife: Dress her nice and decorate her, I want to go out with her ". The wife asked: What do you want to do? ” – I replied that I wanted to visit my relatives with her. Then she made me promise that I would not harm her. As we set off, we saw a well along the way. I looked into this deep well, and my daughter also looked with me. Then the daughter felt something was wrong and began to ask me not to break the promise given to the mother. Seeing her weeping face, I felt sorry for her, but when I looked again at the bottom of the well, I was again filled with rage. Then I grabbed her and threw her head down into the well. I heard her plead for help until she died."

These were the people before Islam. How can we not rejoice for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, with the advent of which such cruel deeds ceased and who guided people on the true path! Before the advent of Islam, a man could marry two sisters at the same time, or a son could marry his father's wife when the father divorced her. With the advent of the Prophet ﷺ, this also stopped. Before Islam, marriage was of several types:

a marriage like ours: a father gives his daughter away;

- To when the wife stopped menstruating, the husband said to her: go to someone and get pregnant from him; if she became pregnant, then her husband returned her back to him;

a woman copulated with 10 men and became pregnant, and she chose her husband from these 10 men;

an adulteress set up a banner on her house, and any man could come to her; when she gave birth to a child, a fortune teller came to her and decided: who will be the father of the child.

There were a lot of vile deeds before Islam. And with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, all these actions stopped. How can we not rejoice in his appearance in this world!

When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about fasting on Monday, the Prophet ﷺ replied: Because I was born on this day ". Therefore, it is advisable for us to fast on this day, showing respect for the Prophet ﷺ.

Some people say that we praise our Prophet ﷺ above his rank. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ says in a hadith:

"لَا تَطْرُونِي كَمَا أَطْرَتِ النَّصَارَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ "

(رواه البخاري )

« You do not exalt me ​​as the Christians exalted Isa (peace be upon him), the son of Maryam ". What is the meaning of this hadeeth? Ibn Hajar Al Askalani in the book " Fathul Bari”, interpreting this hadith, says that the Prophet ﷺ cannot be exalted in the way that the Christians exalted Isa (peace be upon him). They call Isa (peace be upon him) the son of God, but do we exalt our Prophet ﷺ like that? Of course not.

Dear friends, we should show joy that we are in the religion of our Prophetﷺ .

Abdulla Magomedov

The beginning of the Muslim chronology is associated with one of the most important events in the history of Islam - the Hijra, that is, the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. After a two-week journey, on September 21, 622, he entered Medina with his companions. The beginning of the lunar year, that is, the 2nd day of the month of Muharram, coincided that year with July 16th. It is from this day that most of those who profess Islam count a new era for Muslims - from the Hijra of the Messenger of Allah. Holidays in Islam are sacred months, days and nights, which are indicated by the Almighty through his Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, as a special mercy of Allah, giving every Muslim the opportunity to increase good deeds in order to succeed in the Hereafter.

The Muslim lunar calendar consists of 12 months, each of which lasts from one new moon to the next, namely 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3.8 seconds, so some months have 29 days, and others 30. Thus, the lunar year consists of 354 days, which is 11 days shorter than the sun. This explains the annual shift of the Muslim lunar calendar in relation to the solar calendar for 11 days ahead.

The main holidays in Islam are the Feast of Sacrifice (Kurban-Bayram, Eid al-Adha) and the Feast of Breaking the Fast (Uraza-Bayram, Eid al-Fitr). The sacred nights of Laylat al-Qadr, Laylat al-Bara "at, Laylat al-Miraj, Laylat al-Ragaib are marked with special service; the sacred days of `Arafah Day, `Ashur Day, the holy months of Muharram, Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan, Zul-Hijjah .

March 19
1 rajab
1st Rajab - Beginning of Rajab
22 – 23 March
first Friday of rajab
The marriage of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Laylat al-Ragaib)
13 – 14 April
26 - 27 Rajab
Night of the Ascension and Heaven of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Laylat al-Miraj)
April 30 - May 1
14 – 15 Shaaban
Night of Purification (Laylat al-Bara "at)
16th of May
1 ramadan
Beginning of Ramadan
10 – 11 June
26 – 27 Ramadan
Night of Destiny, Night of Majesty (Laylat al-Qadr)
June 15
1 shawwal
Feast of Conversation (Uraza-Bayram, Eid al-Fitr)
12th of August
1 dhul-hiji
The beginning of the month of Dhul-Hijjah
August 20
9 dhul-hiji
Arafah Day
August 21
10 dhul-hiji
Feast of the Sacrifice (Kurban Bayram, Eid al-Adha)
11 September
1 muharram
Early 1440 AH (Ras al-Sana'a, or Day of the Hijri)
September 20
10 Muharram
Day of `Ashura
19 – 20 November
11 - 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal
Holy Night of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Mawlid al-Nabi)

Muslim holidays

According to the Muslim calendar, 2018 is 1439-1440 Hijri. Bulat hazrat Mubarakov, Mufti's adviser of the DUM RT, tells about the important dates of the Muslim calendar.

March 19 is the first day of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four holy months in Islam. Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Isa (Jesus Christ) were born this month. Other memorable dates are also celebrated, as well as Umrah (small Hajj).

According to legend, the sin committed during these months is many times greater than that committed at another time, and the reward for good deeds committed during Rajab also increases. However, good deeds must be done constantly, and not only on significant dates.

March 22 - Night of Raghaib. The holiday is dedicated to the wedding day of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad - Abdallah ibn al-Muttalib and Amina.

April 13 - Migraj night. This date marks the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven. According to legend, the one who performs worship and obedience on this night will be rewarded with a savab, which he could receive for a hundred years of worship.

April 30 - Night of Barat, 15th day of the month of Sha'ban. One of the most revered nights by Muslims, the time of absolution. It is believed that on this night, Allah gave the Prophet Muhammad the right to intercede for all Muslims. On this night, it is recommended to ask Allah to accept good deeds and forgive sins, as well as to remember and wish forgiveness to deceased Muslims. On this night, the fate of people is changed, taking into account their piety.

May 16 - the beginning of the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, one should restrain one's temper, behave nobly, help those in need, strive to improve the life of society, and also take care of relatives and neighbors, and please one's family. It is necessary to read a passage from the Qur'an daily, and in the period from sunrise to sunset, food and water should not be taken.

June 10 - Laylat al-Qadr. One of the last nights of the holy month, a night of power, peace and tranquility.

June 15 - Eid al-Fitr, the holiday of breaking the fast. In Arabic it is called Eid al-Fitr. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad himself installed it in 624. The holiday is celebrated in honor of the end of fasting in Ramadan. This is one of the most significant holidays for every Muslim. It is associated with ideas of spiritual perfection and good deeds. Next year it falls on a Friday and will be a public holiday.

August 20 - Day of Arafat. A visit by pilgrims during the Hajj to the Arafat area near Mecca, where pilgrims pray at the foot.

August 21 - Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice. The main holiday in Islam. It starts 70 days after the end of the fast and lasts 3 days. In Tatarstan, next year it falls on Tuesday and is a public holiday.

August 22, 23, 24 - the days of Tashriq, when the faithful, after the creation of the obligatory prayer, pronounce special words in the name of Allah.

September 20 - Ashura. The day when the prophets found their deliverance from a difficult test sent by Allah. In honor of this day, a two-day fast is desirable.

November 19 - Mawlid, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the 11th day of the month of Rabi ul-Aval. The day on which the Prophet was born is one of the most revered days of the year. On this day, sermons are read in mosques and at home meetings, alms are distributed, and other good deeds are done.

Note: every Friday - Juma (day of meetings) - a visit by the faithful Muslims to the mosque for joint prayer (prayer). This is a day of rest for Muslims around the world. It coincides with many events in the history of the Islamic religion: on Friday the Prophet Muhammad and his cousin Ali were born, on Friday the Prophet and his companions moved from Mecca to Medina.


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