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Interpretation of Surah An-Nas (1) This is a Medinan surah, consists of six verses. سم الله الرحمن الرحيم قل أأوذ برب الناس ملك الناس إلناس من شر الوسواس الخناس الذي يوسوس في صدور الناس من الجنة و الناس Meaning: With the name of Allah gracious, merciful! 1. Say: “I turn for protection to the Lord of people [to Allah], 2. Ruler [Lord] of people, 3. God of people 4. from evil (Satan) inspiring (evil), (and at the mention of the name of Allah) retreating, 5. who inspires evil in the breasts [souls] of people, 6. (And Satan happens) from (among) genies and people. *** Introductory Notes This surah, the second of the muawwazatein surahs (beginning with the words "Auzu..." - "I resort (to the protection of Allah")), is a continuation and expansion of the meaning of the previous surah and, in a sense, an addition to it . In Sura Al-Falaq, the believers are called upon to seek protection from Allah from the hardships and hardships of life, while in this sura, the believers are called upon to seek protection from the trials and tribulations of the Hereafter. In the interpretation of Surah Al-Falyak, it was said that the word "sharr" can be understood as "evil", "harm" and even "reasons that can cause harm, pain and misfortune." In this surah, we are looking for protection from evil and the causes of all evils, which are called instigations and suggestions from the shaitan. Since the difficulties and tribulations of the Hereafter are more serious, the last chapter of the Qur'an strongly emphasizes the importance of invoking the protection of Allah against this evil (the Hereafter). *** Ayat 114:1: قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ "Say: 'I turn to the Lord of men for protection.' The name of Allah "Rabb" means "The One Who Gives Food" and refers to the Almighty, the Giver of food, who takes care of all creatures under all circumstances. In this verse, He (Allah) is called the "Lord of the people", while in the previous sura He is called the "Lord of the Dawn", since in the previous sura the goal was to seek protection from external, physical difficulties and deprivations of life. However, human existence is not limited to this - animals also experience physical difficulties and hardships, however, only people are exposed to the instigations of the shaitan and the influence of the jinn (Mazhari from Baidawi). Ayat 114:2,3: مَلِكِ النَّاسِ إِلَهِ النَّاسِ "To the ruler [Lord] of the people, the Lord of the people" that the word “Rabb” can also be used in relation to a person in some private matters: for example, in the phrase “rabb ad-dar” (owner of a house, estate), “rabb al-mal” (owner of property, wealth). However, not a single owner or owner is a "lord", "master". Therefore, the word “Malik” (ruler, lord) was added to the word “Rabb” to show that only He (Allah) alone is not only the “Lord of the people”, but also the “Lord”, “King of the people”. Moreover, not every king is worthy of worship. Therefore, one more quality of "Ilyahi n-us" - "Lord" was added to the word "us", "people". The divine wisdom that lies in the combination of all these qualities ("Lord of people", "Lord of people"), is that each of these qualities implies an appeal for protection. Each master has servants and protects them. Similarly, every king has subjects and takes care of them. Therefore, the appeal for protection to the ruler and lord becomes even more obvious (from these qualities). But only Allah, and no one else, is described by all these qualities at the same time. Thus, turning to Him for protection through the utterance of (given) His qualities is the greatest protection and such an appeal (using His given qualities) is most likely to be accepted. Since the first sentence contains the word "us" (people), the second and third verses should be referred to them (to the same) by the pronunciation of the words "malikihim" (their lord) and not just by the pronunciation of the word "us" (people). Such repetition (the words "us" in the sura) was deliberately used to add strength and clarity to the text, creating rhyme and melodic progression (suras). Scholars have explained the reason for the repeated repetition of the word "us" (it is repeated five times in this sura) in different ways. Here is one of these interpretations: *The first time it refers to children. The word "Rabb", which refers to the care and protection of Allah, alludes to this, because children are most in need of food and care. The second occurrence (of this word) refers to youth, an allusion to this in the context of the word "Malik" (king, lord), which refers to the Sovereignty of Allah. about eternity, about Allah, surrender to Him alone, unconditionally obey Him and dedicate their love to Him alone. The context for this is the word "Ilyah" (Lord), which indicates the worship of the Almighty. The fourth use of this word refers to the righteous servants of Allah. This is hinted at by the word "waswasa" (evil whisperings), since the devil is the enemy of the righteous servants of Allah. His task is to instill evil thoughts in the hearts of such people. The fifth appearance (the use of the word) refers to those who do evil, as we seek protection from their evil deeds. Ayat 114:4: مِن شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ "From evil (Satan) inspiring (evil), (and at the mention of the name of Allah) retreating (when pronouncing the name of Allah)." After mentioning the three qualities of Allah, this verse describes the one from whom we seek protection. He is "an instigator who inspires us with evil." The word "vaswas" in the original is an infinitive with the meaning "vasvasa" (whisper - to communicate something using breath instead of voice, in a barely audible way). However, an exaggeration (hyperbole) is used here, referring to shaitan in the sense that he is an incarnate whisperer (inspiring evil). The whispering of the devil means that he is trying to make people obey him, instilling in them all sorts of fears and false thoughts that he throws into the heart of a person without uttering a word (Kurtubi). The word "hannas" comes from the word "khanasa" which means "to sneak up, or to approach stealthily." Satan got this name because he lurks in the heart of a person: when a person falls into distraction, he starts whispering, but when a person remembers Allah, he runs away. When a person forgets about Allah again, the devil returns, but when he remembers Allah again, he runs away again. This is repeated all the time. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah arranged two houses in the heart of a person, an angel lives in one, and a shaitan lives in the other. The angel incites him to good deeds, and the shaitan directs him to evil deeds. When a person remembers Allah, the shaitan retreats, when he ceases to remember Allah, the shaitan settles in the heart of a person and inspires him with evil thoughts ”(Narrated by Abu Yala with reference to the authority of Anas, quoted by Mazhari). Ayat 114:6 مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَ النَّاسِ "(And Satan is) from (among) genies and people." Here the expression "waswas" mentioned in verse 4 is explained, with the meaning that shaitans can be among people and jinns who inspire evil in the hearts of people. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) found pleasure in the constant search for protection against the evil and vile shaitans from among people and jinn. A question may arise here. Obviously, a shaitan can inspire people with evil thoughts and deeds in the heart, but how can shaitans from among people make an evil suggestion? They come straight up and openly say something that is not waswas. The answer is that human devils can also instill doubts in the minds of people, without their open, clear pronunciation. Shaykh Izzuddin ibn Abdussalam writes in his work Al-Fawaid fi Mushkilat il-Quran that whispering from people refers to whispering our own nafs (which is inside a person). Just as Satan throws evil thoughts on a person, so the nafs of a person incites him to evil. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to seek protection from Allah from the evil of our own self in the following supplication: “O Allah! I seek refuge in You from my own evil, from the evil of Satan and the evil of idolatry.” To be continued inshaAllah ... Author: Mufti Muhammad Shafi "Usmani al-Hanafi Book: Ma" Riful-Kuran

1. Ya. Syn.
2. I swear by the wise Quran!
3. Verily, you are one of the Messengers
4. on a straight path.
5. He was sent down by the Mighty, the Merciful,
6. that you warn people whose fathers no one warned, because of which they remained careless ignoramuses.
7. The Word has come true concerning most of them, and they will not believe.
8. Verily, We have put fetters on their necks up to the chin, and their heads are lifted up.
9. We set up a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and covered them with a veil, and they did not see.
10. They don't care if you warn them or not. They don't believe.
11. You can only warn those who followed the Reminder and were afraid of the Merciful, not seeing Him with their own eyes. Rejoice him with the news of forgiveness and a generous reward.
12. Verily, We revive the dead and record what they did and what they left behind. Every thing We have counted in a clear guide (of the Preserved Tablet).
13. As a parable, bring to them the inhabitants of the village, to whom the messengers came.
14. When We sent two messengers to them, they considered them liars, and then We reinforced them with a third. They said, "Indeed, we have been sent to you."
15. They said: “You are the same people as we are. The Merciful One did not send down anything, and you are only lying.”
16. They said: “Our Lord knows that we have indeed been sent to you.
17. Only the clear transmission of revelation is entrusted to us.”
18. They said: “Indeed, we have seen in you an evil omen. If you do not stop, then we will certainly beat you with stones and you will be touched by painful sufferings from us.
19. They said: “Your evil omen will turn against you. Do you consider it a bad omen if you are warned? Oh no! You are people who have crossed the boundaries of what is permitted!”
20. From the outskirts of the city a man came in a hurry and said: “O my people! Follow the messengers.
21. Follow those who do not ask you for a reward and follow the straight path.
22. And why should I not worship the One who created me and to whom you will be returned?
23. Shall I worship other gods besides Him? For if the Merciful wishes to harm me, their intercession will not help me in any way, and they will not save me.
24. Then I will be in obvious error.
25. Verily, I have believed in your Lord. Listen to me."
26. He was told: “Enter Paradise!” He said, "Oh, if only my people knew
27. why my Lord forgave me (or that my Lord forgave me) and that He made me one of the honored!”
28. After him, We did not send down any army from heaven against his people, and We did not intend to send down.
29. There was only one voice, and they died out.
30. Woe to the slaves! Not a single messenger came to them that they did not mock.
31. Do they not see how many generations We destroyed before them, and that they will not return to them?
32. Verily, all of them will be gathered from Us.
33. A sign for them is the dead earth, which We revived and extracted from it the grain on which they feed.
34. We made gardens of palms and vines on it and made springs flow in them,
35. that they eat their fruits and what they have created with their own hands (or that they eat fruits that they have not created with their own hands). Won't they be grateful?
36. Exalted is He Who created in pairs what the earth grows, themselves and what they do not know.
37. A sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and now they are plunged into darkness.
38. The sun sails to its place. Such is the arrangement of the Mighty, the Knower.
39. We have ordained positions for the moon until it again becomes like an old palm branch.
40. The sun does not have to overtake the moon, and the night is not ahead of the day. Each floats in orbit.
41. A sign for them is that We carried their offspring in an overflowing ark.
42. We created for them in his likeness what they sit on.
43. If We will, We will drown them, and then no one will save them, and they themselves will not be saved,
44. unless We show them mercy and allow them to enjoy benefits until a certain time.
45. When they are told: “Fear what is before you and what is after you, so that you may have mercy,” they do not answer.
46. ​​Whatever sign of the signs of their Lord comes to them, they will surely turn away from it.
47. When they are told: “Spend from what Allah has given you,” the unbelievers say to the believers: “Shall we feed the one whom Allah would feed if He wished? Verily, you are only in apparent error.”
48. They say: “When will this promise come true if you are telling the truth?”
49. They have nothing to look forward to, except for one voice that will strike them when they quarrel.
50. They will not be able to leave a will or return to their families.
51. The horn will be blown, and now they rush to their Lord from the graves.
52. They will say: “Woe to us! Who raised us from the place where we slept? This is what the Merciful promised, and the messengers spoke the truth.”
53. There will be only one voice, and they will all be gathered from Us.
54. Today, no injustice will be done to a single soul, and you will be rewarded only for what you did.
55. Verily, the inhabitants of Paradise today will be occupied with pleasure.
56. They and their spouses will lie in the shadows on the beds, leaning against.
57. There is fruit for them and everything they need.
58. The merciful Lord greets them with the word: “Peace!”
59. Separate yourself today, O sinners!
60. Haven't I commanded you, O sons of Adam, not to worship Satan, who is your open enemy,
61. And worship Me? This is the straight path.
62. He has already deceived many of you. Don't you understand?
63. Here is Gehenna, which was promised to you.
64. Burn in it today because you did not believe.
65. Today We will seal their mouths. Their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify to what they have acquired.
66. If We will, We will deprive them of their sight, and then they will rush to the Path. But how will they see?
67. If We will, We will disfigure them in their places, and then they can neither move forward nor return.
68. To whom We grant long life, We give the opposite form. Don't they understand?
69. We did not teach him (Muhammad) poetry, and it is not befitting for him. This is nothing but a Reminder and a clear Quran,
70. that he should warn those who are alive, and that the Word might be fulfilled concerning unbelievers.
71. Do they not see that out of what Our hands (We Ourselves) have made, We have created cattle for them, and that they own them?
72. We made him subject to them. They ride on some of them, and feed on others.
73. They bring them benefit and drink. Won't they be grateful?
74. But they worship other gods instead of Allah in the hope that they will be helped.
75. They cannot help them, although they are a ready army for them (the pagans are ready to fight for their idols, or the idols will be a ready army against the pagans in the Hereafter).
76. Don't let their words make you sad. We know what they hide and what they reveal.
77. Can't man see that We created him from a drop? And here he is openly bickering!
78. He gave Us a parable and forgot about his creation. He said, "Who will revive the bones that have decayed?"
79. Say: “The One Who created them for the first time will revive them. He is aware of every creation."
80. He created a fire for you from a green tree, and now you kindle a fire from it.
81. Is He Who created the heavens and the earth not able to create like them? Of course, because He is the Creator, the Knower.
82. When He desires something, it is worthwhile for Him to say: “Be!” - how it comes true.
83. Exalted is He in Whose Hand is power over every thing! To Him you will be returned.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

(1) I swear by the star when it falls [or: parts of the Qur'an when they descend]!

(2) Your comrade did not get lost and did not go astray.

The Almighty swore by a star during its disappearance from the firmament at the very beginning of dawn. This phenomenon is one of the great signs of Allah and deserves to be sworn by the Lord. According to the most reliable opinion of theologians, the oath mentioned in the verse applies to all the stars. The Almighty swore by them to confirm the veracity of the divine revelation that the Prophet Muhammad preached. There is a great similarity between the stars and revelation. The stars adorn the heavens, and revelation and its beautiful fruits adorn the earth, and if it were not for the true knowledge that mankind inherited from the prophets, darkness would fall on the earth, which would be thicker than the darkness of night.

By this oath, the Lord made it clear that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, is the truth, not a delusion, and his thoughts are not a crazy fantasy. His teaching helps him to follow the straight path, and his pure thoughts make him preach this path to the rest of mankind. He is completely different from the misguided sinners who have bad intentions and spread false and vicious knowledge.

The Almighty called the Prophet a fellow Quraysh in order to remind them that they are well aware of his truthfulness and piety and know what he calls the people to.

(3) He does not speak on a whim.

(4) It is only a revelation suggested to [him].

Muhammad peace be upon him and blessings of Allah He does not preach among you what comes to his mind, but proclaims to you only what he learns from the revelation sent down to him. He himself follows the straight path and calls others to it.

These verses are proof that the sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah that have come down to us in authentic hadith are part of divine revelation. The Almighty said about this: "Allah sent down to you the Book and wisdom"(4:113). Prophet, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, did not make mistakes when he talked about Allah Almighty and taught Muslims about His religion, because he did not speak according to his whim, but only repeated the revelation inspired to him.

(5) He was taught by one with mighty strength

(6) and excellent constitution [or: prudence]. He ascended [or: straightened up]

(7) on the highest horizon.

(8) Then he approached and descended.

(9) He was away from him [Jibril from Muhammad or Muhammad from Allah] at a distance of two bows or even closer.

The Almighty reported that the teacher of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, was the most worthy, most powerful and most perfect of angels - Jibril. He has an excellent constitution, that is, great strength, as well as external and internal beauty. Allah instructed him to convey the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, and endowed him with physical strength and many abilities. Jibril fulfilled the order of Allah, conveyed the revelation to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, and saved him from the hands of Satan, not allowing him to steal anything from the Scriptures, nor to write lies and fabrications into it. It was this trusted and powerful angel who was chosen by the Lord to convey the revelation, which indicates how carefully Allah guards His scripture.

It originated in the sky above the surface of the earth. Since Jibril was one of the angels, the devils could not get close to him. He descended from the firmament and approached the Prophet to give him a revelation. He was from Muhammad peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, at a distance of two bows and even closer. We are talking about an ordinary bow, from which arrows are fired. This indicates that the angel was in close proximity to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah and gave him the revelation without any intermediary.

(10) He inspired His servant with a revelation,

Jibril was the mediator between Allah and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah. Through him, the Almighty taught His servant and messenger the immutable truth and great religion.

(11) and the heart did not lie about what he saw.

Muhammad's heart peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, did not doubt what his eyes saw, and the veracity of the revelation sent down to him. The revelation was so perfect and convincing that neither the ear, nor the sight, nor the soul of the Prophet doubted what had happened. His heart did not consider the vision a lie and did not turn away from it.

There is an opinion that vision means everything that the Messenger of Allah saw on the night of ascent to heaven. He saw great signs with his own eyes and did not doubt their truth. Some interpreters said that it is about how during this ascent the Messenger saw Almighty Allah and talked with Him. Many theologians preferred this particular interpretation and, relying on it, argued that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, saw Allah in his earthly life.

However, in reality, it is about how the Messenger of Allah saw the angel Jibril, and this is evidenced by the context of the passage. During the entire time of the prophecy, the Messenger saw Jibril in his true form only twice. The first time it happened in the highest firmament under the first heaven, which we have already mentioned, and the second time - on the night of ascension to heaven in the seventh heaven. Therefore, the Almighty said:

(12) Will you argue with him about what he saw?

(13) He has already seen his other descent

(14) at the Lotus of the extreme limit,

Muhammad peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, once again saw Jibril in this guise when he descended to him. This happened near the huge tree Sidrat al-Muntaha, which grows in the seventh heaven. It is called the Lotus of the ultimate limit, because everything that ascends from the earth or descends from Allah reaches it. There is an assumption that it received such a name because it is above the earth and the seven heavens, and the knowledge of creations ends there. There are other opinions, but Allah knows best about it.

Prophet, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, saw Jibril in this pure place, where only beautiful and sublime creations live and where devils and evil spirits are not able to reach.

(15) near which is the Garden of Refuge.

Near the farthest tree is the Paradise abode, which contains all kinds of pleasures and delights. This Paradise is the limit of desires and dreams of all believing slaves. These words of the Almighty mean that Paradise is located above the seven heavens.

(16) Then the Lotus covered that which covered [golden locust, or groups of angels, or the command of Allah].

What kind of veil this is, is known only to the Almighty and Great Allah.

(17) But his gaze did not stray and did not overdo it,

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, did not turn his head and did not take his eyes off what was happening in front of him. He looked only where Allah allowed him. He did not deviate from what was prescribed by the Lord, did not make omissions and did not encroach on the forbidden. All this testifies to the obedience and benevolence of the Prophet, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah.

Indeed, his disposition was the most beautiful and the most perfect. He excelled all the sons of Adam in his superior qualities. A person may lapse, may show excess, may deviate from the straight path to the right or to the left, but Allah reported that His Messenger was spared all these shortcomings.

(18) and he saw the greatest of the signs of his Lord.

This refers to Paradise, Hell and many other signs that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, saw on the night of the ascent to heaven.

(19) Have you not seen al-Lat and al-Uzza,

(20) and another third - Manat?

The Almighty spoke about how deceitful and vicious idolatry. Did the polytheists worship helpless idols that were far from perfect and were incapable of doing good or harm? Their gods were just empty names, devoid of any meaning. Together with their ignorant and erring fathers, they invented these idols for themselves and called them names by which they deceived themselves and others. The deities who came into the world in this way did not deserve worship, just as they did not deserve their big names.

The pagans believed that the idols had divine qualities, and came up with appropriate names for them. The name al-Lat comes from the word al-ilah (‘worthy of worship and deification’). The name al-Uzza comes from the word al-aziz ('powerful'). The name Manat comes from the word mannan ('merciful'). So the pagans distorted the beautiful names of Allah and equated their fictional gods with Him. However, this did not stop their gods from being empty names and did not acquire divine qualities, and this is clear to anyone who has even a drop of mind.

(21) Do you have males, and He has females?

You not only attribute children to Allah, but also declare that they all belong to the weaker sex.

(22) This would be an unfair distribution.

Can there be a greater injustice than a division in which the creature gets an advantage over the Creator?! Indeed, Allah has nothing to do with what you imagine about Him.

(23) They are but the names that you and your fathers called them, for which Allah did not send down any proof. They follow only conjectures and what the souls desire, although the right guidance from their Lord has already come to them.

Any view and any undertaking that is not supported by the evidence sent down by Allah is erroneous and vicious and cannot be related to religion. However, the polytheists do not pay attention to evidence that can open their eyes to the truth. Based on their miserable knowledge and for the sake of their desires, they speculate, trying to justify polytheism and heresy. The truth has reached them, but numerous conjectures and assumptions prevent them from embarking on a straight path.

Allah explained to them monotheism, prophecy and all other issues that His servants need to know. He explained all this in the simplest and most convincing way, substantiating the truth of his instructions with irrefutable arguments and evidence, which oblige every reasonable person to believe and follow the straight path. Truly, after such an explanation and so many proofs, no person can have an excuse for unbelief and error.

Therefore, polytheists who do not want to give up their false theories and assumptions are in for eternal torment and endless suffering. Their stubbornness and intransigence in such a position is the greatest stupidity and monstrous injustice. However, all this does not prevent polytheists from admiring themselves and building dreams. However, their false dreams and hopes are not destined to come true, and therefore the Almighty further said:

(24) Or is man prepared for what he desires?

(25) To Allah belongs the Last Life and the First Life.

Allah bestows upon whom He wills, and deprives of His grace whomever He wills. All power is concentrated in His hands, and everything that happens is subject to His will.

Then the Almighty destroyed the hopes of those who associate partners with Him and worship angels and other creatures. The polytheists hope that on the Day of Resurrection their gods will intercede for them before Allah, but they are deeply mistaken. The Almighty said:

(26) How many angels are there in heaven, whose intercession will not bring any benefit until Allah allows [intercession] for those for whom He wills and with whom He is pleased!

Intercession will be possible only after the permission of the Almighty and only for those with whom Allah was pleased. Since Allah accepts from His servants only deeds that are done sincerely for His sake and in accordance with the instructions of the Messenger, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, polytheists will not receive the desired intercession. Indeed, they have deprived themselves of the mercy of Allah Most Merciful.

(27) Verily, those who do not believe in the Hereafter call angels women.

The pagans who refused to believe in the messengers of their Lord and in the Hereafter, because of their unbelief, dared to commit atrocities that were hated by Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah. They called the angels daughters of Allah. Thus, they not only attributed to the Almighty the ability to give birth to children, which is inherent only in creations, but also showed disrespect for the angels, calling them female beings.

(28) They have no knowledge of this. They follow only assumptions, although assumptions cannot replace the truth.

Neither Allah nor His Messenger peace be upon him and blessings of Allah didn't tell them this. Even the human mind cannot imagine such a thing. On the contrary, everything indicates that the fabrications of the polytheists are false and untenable. Allah does not need a wife or children. He is alone, does not depend on anyone and does not need anyone. He was not born and does not give birth, and no one in the world is like Him. As for the angels, these noble creatures are just close servants of the Almighty. They do not violate His commands and do whatever they are ordered to do.

But the polytheists do not know about this and slander Allah. They rely on their conjectures and assumptions, but guesses cannot serve as a substitute for the truth. The truth is always confirmed by convincing arguments and irrefutable evidence.

(29) Turn away from the one who turned away from Our Reminder and did not desire anything but worldly life.

With all their behavior, the polytheists made it clear to the Prophet, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah that they do not need the truth they preach, and want to do what their souls desire. Then the Almighty ordered him to turn away from those who refuse to remember Him and turn away from the wise instruction - the Holy Quran. These sinners do not want to hear about knowledge that will bring them great benefit, and seek only the blessings of this life. This is the limit of their dreams.

It is well known that a person always works to achieve his goal. And since the goal of these wicked people is to enjoy life and satisfy their base desires, they work exclusively for this and achieve their goal by any means.

(30) This is the limit of their knowledge. Indeed, your Lord knows best those who have gone astray from His path, and knows best those who have followed the straight path.

The earthly world is all that unbelievers want to know, and all that they can know. As for the believers who have intelligence and sincerely believe in the promise of their Lord, they are eager to learn more about eternal life after death and prepare for it. The source of their knowledge is the scripture of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah and therefore their knowledge is most beautiful and glorious.

The Almighty knows better who is worthy of walking the straight path, and who is destined to wander in the darkness of delusion. He withholds His help and His blessing from those who do not deserve His mercy, and these wicked ones go astray and fall into deep error.

(31) To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, so that He may reward the wicked for what they have done, and reward those who do good with the Best [Paradise].

(32) They avoid great sins and abominations, except for minor and few offenses. Verily, your Lord possesses immense forgiveness. He knew better about you when He created you from the earth and when you were fetuses in your mothers' wombs. Do not praise yourselves, for He knows better those who fear God.

The Almighty announced that He is the only Sovereign and Ruler of both worlds. All things in heaven and on earth are subject to Him, and He has complete control over His servants. The universe lives in accordance with His predestination and according to His laws. He commands and forbids, punishes and rewards. He rewards those who obey His commands and punishes those who dare to disobey Him.

As for the evildoers, they will be punished for unbelief and other less serious sins. As for the righteous who worshiped the Almighty and helped His creatures, they will receive their reward both in the earthly world and in the Hereafter. But, of course, the greatest reward for them will be the favor of Allah and heavenly grace.

They really deserved it, because they fulfilled all the mandatory requirements of religion, and also avoided adultery, the use of alcoholic beverages, covetousness, murder, and other great sins. However, they committed minor offenses, that is, they sometimes committed minor sins, but they did not allow themselves to commit them always or often. A righteous person who from time to time stumbles and commits minor sins does not cease to be a pious and respectable believer, because to everyone who regularly fulfills the obligatory prescriptions and avoids grave sins, Allah will forgive all minor sins and misdeeds.

Only the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord save the servants of Allah from death, and the earth from drought and destruction. If it were not for the meekness and compassion of Allah, then the heavens would have fallen on the earth, leaving not a single living soul on it. But the Lord forgives His servants, and therefore the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, said: “Between the five daily prayers, Friday prayers and fasts in the month of Ramadan, all sins committed between them, except for great ones, are expiated.”

Then the Almighty said that He is best aware of the fates and characters of His creations, of their weaknesses and shortcomings that prevent them from fulfilling many of the commands of Allah, of their strong attraction to sins, which they are sometimes unable to resist.

You were weak and helpless when Allah created you from the earth, when you were growing in the wombs of your mothers, and this weakness is always inherent in you. Even though He has endowed you with the strength to fulfill all the precepts of religion, you still cannot get rid of your weakness. The Almighty is well aware of this, and therefore He overshadows you with His mercy, compassion and forgiveness. He absolves you of sins and transgressions, especially if you strive with all your might to draw near to Him and gain His favor and avoid sins that may bring His wrath upon you. But no matter how hard you try, you still make mistakes from time to time and commit sins that the Most Merciful and Generous Allah forgives you, Who shows more compassion for His servants than a mother for a child. And if so, then all of you can very easily earn the forgiveness of Allah, and He is always ready to listen to your prayers.

Do not boast before people that you are pure and without sin, for Allah knows best those who fear God. Faith and piety live in the heart of a slave, and only Allah knows what is hidden in your hearts. Each of you will receive a reward corresponding to his piety and fear of God, and the people before whom you boast will not bring you any benefit.

(33) Have you seen the one who turned away,

(34) gave little and stopped [giving at all]?

The Almighty reported how terrible the situation of people who do not want to worship Allah alone and reject the truth. Only occasionally do they do good to people, because they are stingy and do not like to give gifts to others. Among their qualities there is no generosity and virtue, but their souls are filled with unwillingness to obey Allah and do good. But despite this, they do not miss the opportunity to boast and put themselves above the place in which Allah has placed them.

(35) Does he have such knowledge of the secret that he sees [it]?

If this is not so, then he is just a daring liar, slandering Allah. He not only sins and does evil deeds, but also considers himself a noble man. He claims to know the secret, but he knows nothing about it, because the truthful and convincing testimonies of the infallible Prophet, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah leave no doubt about the falsity of his statements.

(36) Was he not told what was in the scrolls of Musa [Moses]

(37) and Ibrahim [Abraham] who fulfilled [commands of Allah] fully?

Was not this wicked one told about what is contained in the scrolls of Musa and Ibrahim, who went through all the trials of Allah and strictly adhered to all the major and minor precepts of religion. And these scrolls contain many commandments and prescriptions. The Almighty mentioned the most important of these commandments and said:

(38) No soul will bear another's burden.

(39) A person will receive only what he aspired to.

Each person will taste only the fruits of his good and evil deeds. No one will receive someone else's reward, and no one will be held responsible for someone else's sins.

Based on these verses, some theologians have argued that no person can benefit from the good deeds performed by others. However, this justification is not convincing enough, since there is no direct indication in the words of the Almighty that the reward will not reach a person if it is presented to him by others. The same can be said about human wealth. He can only dispose of what belongs to him, but this does not mean that he cannot dispose of the property granted to him.

(40) His aspirations will be seen,

(41) and then he will be rewarded in full.

In the Hereafter, people will learn everything about their good deeds and sins. Every person will be rewarded for their good deeds and will be punished for their evil deeds. And as for mixed deeds, for them a person will receive both reward and punishment, corresponding to the share of good and evil in this or that deed. Thus, the reward of Allah will be a manifestation of His justice and goodness towards all living creatures. All that exists will praise Him for this, and even hellish martyrs will enter the fiery Gehenna, praising the Lord and bowing before His wisdom. They will feel hatred for themselves, realizing that it was they who, by their actions, doomed themselves to evil suffering.

(42) To your Lord is the final exodus [or: to your Lord belongs the final limit].

All deeds return to Allah, and on the Day of Resurrection, all creations. Allah is the height of all perfection, and knowledge, wisdom, mercy and other beautiful qualities are completed in Him.

(43) He makes you laugh and cry.

He created good and evil, joy and sorrow, joy and gloom, and everything that makes people laugh and cry. Praise be to Allah for having created all this with wisdom and perfection!

(44) He kills and makes alive.

He alone has power over life and non-existence. He creates, commands and forbids, and after people die, He resurrects them in order to reward them for the deeds that they committed in their earthly life.

(45) He created a couple - a man and a woman [or: a male and a female] -

(46) from a drop that erupts.

This applies not only to humans and jinn, but to all living creatures. The creation of men and women, as well as males and females from a drop of seed, is one of the greatest evidences of the greatness and power of Allah. He creates large and small animals from an insignificant drop of seed, which fertilizes the egg and turns into an embryo, which in turn grows and develops until it grows into one of His creations. This is how a person is born, who later can rise to the heights of Paradise, or can sink to the very bottom of the Underworld.

(47) Creation rests on Him another time.

The Almighty recalled how wonderfully He creates people so that they would have no doubt that He can bring them back to life again. Allah will resurrect all people from their graves and tombs and gather them before Him at the appointed time, so that everyone will receive a reward for their good deeds and sins.

(48) He removes want [or: bestows wealth] and endows property [or: satisfies] .

Allah endows some slaves with the wealth necessary for the existence that they acquire through trade, crafts and other activities, while He endows others with a huge fortune, rich possessions and a large family. All this is the mercy of Allah, and He reminded the slaves to whom they owe their well-being, so that they thank Him and worship only Him alone.

(49) He is the Lord of Sirius.

Sirius is a famous star. Of course, Allah is the Lord of all things, but of all creations. He made special mention of Sirius because the pagans worshiped this star in the pre-Islamic era. Thus, the Almighty made it clear that everything that the polytheists worship is created by Him, is in His power and does not deserve to be worshiped along with Him.

(50) He destroyed the first Adites,

(51) left nothing of the Thamud people,

(52) and even earlier [destroyed] the people of Nuh [Noah]. Indeed, they were even more unjust and rebellious.

The Adites are the people of the Prophet Hud. Allah sent a fierce hurricane wind on them and destroyed them because they rejected their prophet. He also punished the Samudians, the tribesmen of the Prophet Salih. They rejected their prophet, and then the Lord showed them a wonderful she-camel. But the wicked refused to submit to the prophet and slaughtered the camel, for which they were destroyed - to the last. And even earlier, the Almighty drowned the tribesmen of Nuh, who were more unjust and rebellious than all other peoples.

(53) He overthrew the overturned villages [villages of the people of Lut],

(54) who covered what covered.

Allah destroyed the villages where the people of the Prophet Lut lived. He brought down on them a punishment that no other people had ever given: their settlements were turned upside down, after which they were pelted with stones of hardened clay. They were covered with a painful punishment that cannot even be described.

(55) What kind of mercies of your Lord do you doubt?

All the mercies of Allah are before your eyes, and they cannot be doubted. Everything that you and other slaves have, you owe to Him alone, and only He can save you from adversity and punishment.

(56) This warning admonitioner is the same as the first admonishing admonitioners.

The son of Abdullah, a descendant of Hashim, a representative of the Quraysh family - the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, was not the first of the messengers. Before him, messengers also came to the people, preaching the same thing as he. What do you not like about his teaching? What flaw did you find in his sermons? Does he not teach you good and warn you against evil? Doesn't he read to you the Holy Quran sent down by the Wise and Praiseworthy Lord, which has nothing to do with lies and fabrications? Did not Allah destroy your predecessors who rejected noble messengers? And if so, what can deliver from God's punishment of sinners who reject the Prophet Muhammad, the master of all messengers and the leader of all God-fearing righteous, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah?

(57) Approaching [Day of Resurrection] approached,

(58) and none but Allah is able to turn him away.

The date of the Day of Judgment is near, and its omens are already manifesting. When it comes, no one will save the disbelievers from the promised punishment.

Then the Almighty threatened the disbelievers who deny the mission of Muhammad, peace be upon him and blessings of Allah, and the Holy Quran brought by him:

(59) Are you surprised at this story,

(60) laugh, not cry,

(61) and amuse yourself [or: sing; or: arrogantly lift your heads] ?

Do you dare to call implausible the most beautiful, best and glorious of all Scriptures? Do you really think that sending it down is impossible?

The behavior of the polytheists was the result of their ignorance, delusion and stubbornness, otherwise they would not turn away from the story, every word of which is the truth.

O people! This is not a joke or fun. This is the Great Quran. If Allah had sent him down to mighty mountains, they would have split for fear of Him. It can make your mind more perfect, your words more wise, your views more correct, your actions more resolute, and your faith and conviction stronger. Therefore, do not be surprised at this Qur'an, but be amazed at the folly, stupidity and delusion of those who are surprised at it!

You mock and mock at the Qur'an and its verses. But it is worth listening to the wise Qur'anic prohibitions and commands and thinking about his wonderful admonitions and truthful stories, as these verses begin to win hearts, captivate souls and make eyes watery.

You neglect the Qur'an and do not think about its meaning, and this testifies to your stupidity and depravity of your beliefs. If you worshiped Allah and sought to earn His pleasure, you would not find yourself in such a plight that every prudent person abhors.

(62) So prostrate yourself before Allah and worship!

Worship is a concept that unites all words and deeds, both obvious and hidden, that Allah loves and is pleased with. Of all the rites of worship, Allah especially singled out the bow of the earth, which testifies to its benefits and superiority. Prostrations to the ground are the sacrament and the essence of all worship, because they personify fear and admiration for Allah. Falling down on his face, a person with soul and body humbles himself before Him and meekly lowers the most glorious part of his body to the level of the foot.

(40) We warned you against punishment near. On that day, a person will see what his hands have prepared, and the unbeliever will say: “Oh, if only I were dust!”

We have warned you against the punishment that will come very soon. And everything that will certainly come can be called close. On this day, a person will be disturbed only by what he has done. And then he will look at the life he has lived to find what he has prepared for eternal life. The Almighty said: “O you who believe! Fear Allah and let the soul see what it has prepared for tomorrow. Fear Allah, for Allah is Aware of what you do” (59:18).

If he discovers the good he has done, then let him give praise to Allah; if he discovers something else, then let him blame only himself. That is why, out of great grief and unreasonable regret, unbelievers will wish for their own death, exclaiming: “It would be better for me to be dust!”

God, save us from evil and unbelief, because You are the Generous, Generous!

(39) It will be a true day, and whoever wishes will find a way to return to their Lord.

From now on, anyone who wishes can do good and believe that on the Day of Resurrection the reward for virtue will return to him.

(38) On the day when the Spirit [Jibril] and the angels stand in rows, no one will speak except those whom the Merciful will allow, and they will speak the truth.

Only those who are permitted by Allah will be awarded this honor, and they will speak the absolute truth. This will be the day of truth, because lies will disappear and will not benefit the liars. Jibril, the most worthy of the angels, and all the other angels will dutifully line up in front of Allah.
After Allah deceived and frightened, gladdened and warned His servants, He said:

(36) This will be a recompense from your Lord and a gift calculated [or generous, or: sufficient],

(37) The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, the Merciful, with whom they dare not even speak.

Allah will bestow this bountiful reward on the believers out of His mercy and virtue. The reason for this will be their good deeds. He helped them to accomplish them and made them an occasion for receiving His bountiful gift.

He is the Lord of heaven and earth. He created the universe and rules over it. His mercy embraces every thing. He educates believers and shows them compassion and generosity until they reach their desired goal.

Then the Almighty emphasized His might and His absolute power on the Day of Resurrection, when all creatures will be silent and will not utter a word.

(31) Verily, a place of salvation awaits the God-fearing,

(32) Paradise gardens and vineyards,

(33) and buxom peers,

(34) and full bowls.

(35) They will hear no idle talk or falsehood there.

After mentioning the fate of sinners, Allah announced the outcome that awaits God-fearing slaves. They fear the wrath of their Lord and obey Him, and therefore a blessed saving abode is prepared for them, in which they will be far from Gehenna. In this abode they will find gardens with all kinds of flowering and fruitful trees, and vineyards, among which streams flow. Allah has specifically mentioned grapes because of their many virtues and abundance in the Gardens of Eden.

There they are expected by wives who meet all the requirements of the human soul. They will be young, and their breasts will not fall from their youth, strength and health. The inhabitants of Paradise will be in the prime of their youth, at the age of thirty-three, and it is well known that spouses of the same age usually live in love and harmony.

They will enjoy aged wine that is a pleasure to those who drink it. They will not hear useless speech or sinful expressions. The Almighty said: “They will hear neither idle talk nor sinful speeches there, but only the words: “Peace! Peace!” (56:25–26).

(30) Eat now! We will not add anything to you but torment.

O disbelievers! Eat the painful punishment and be put to shame. From now on, your torment will intensify with every hour, with every moment. This is the most severe verse about the severity of the torments of the inhabitants of Hell, Allah save us from this!

(29) But we counted every thing and wrote it down.

Everything small and great, bad and good, is counted and recorded in the Preserved Tablet. Let the sinners not think that We will punish them for the sins they did not commit, and let them not think that any of their deeds will be missed or forgotten, even if it weighs a speck of dust. The Almighty said: “The book will be laid, and you will see how sinners will tremble from what is in it. They will say: “Woe to us! What is this book! It does not miss any small or great sin - everything is calculated. They will reveal before them all that they have done, and your Lord will not deal injustice with anyone” (18:49).

(27) Verily, they did not hope for calculation

(28) and completely denied Our revelations.

They did not believe in resurrection and retribution and therefore refused to do good for the sake of the Hereafter. Along with this, they openly rejected God's signs and continued to persevere.

(26) This will be a fitting retribution.

They deserved such a terrible punishment for their bad deeds. Allah will not be unjust to them, for they themselves were unjust to themselves. That is why Allah further mentioned some of the deeds for which they will be rewarded with this retribution.

(21) Verily Gehenna is an ambush

(22) and a place of return for those who transgress the boundaries of what is permitted.

(23) They will stay there for many years,

(24) taste neither coolness nor drink,

(25) but only boiling water and pus.

Hellfire, prepared by Allah for those who do lawlessness, will flare up with renewed vigor. It will become for them a place of return and a haven for many years to come. Many interpreters of the Qur'an have noted that the Arabic word huqb means 'eighty years'.

The hellish martyrs will find nothing there to cool their skin and quench their thirst. They will drink red-hot water, which will burn their faces and tear their intestines, as well as the pus of the inhabitants of Hell itself, which has a completely disgusting smell and taste.

Say: “I resort to the Lord of people, their Ruler [and] their God, moving away from the evil [Satan] whispering and retreating [at the mention of the Creator]. He (Satan) whispers [brings confusion, confusion, fears, doubts] into the hearts [souls, minds] of people. [And asking for help from the Lord, I move away from everything that is satanic, coming] from jinn and people.”


The closeness of the Devil to people

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The movement of Satan towards people is like the movement of blood through the veins [naturally and imperceptibly].”

Another possible translation: “The devil [his intrigues and whispers] moves along the paths of the blood flow of the son of man [like blood penetrating everywhere, eventually spreading through the body, penetrating, impregnating and poisoning a person with sin to the marrow of bones]” . One of the comments: "While a person's heart is beating, Satan is not indifferent to him, he will not leave him alone."

Internal experiences, worries, fears are feelings of a surprisingly complex nature.

It seems that everything is moving along as usual, but then some kind of rumor, gossip, a crisis situation arises and ... a whisper, a barely audible whisper. Something within you starts to escalate the situation. Your choice: either you do not pay attention to it, but find professional or spiritual recommendations, then apply them, or agree with this insidious suggestion and begin to whip up an inner storm of emotions yourself. After some time, Satan leaves, and a person loses tons of positive life, life-giving energy, starts yelling at someone, breaking something, going into a binge or smoking cigarettes pack after pack. The weakest ones take their own lives. But it was just a whisper, a satanic slander that should have been left without the slightest attention, without wasting time on it and without losing sight of your life goals and objectives.

The final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “There are three qualities. If they are given to any of the people, then the acquired by this person will be like the riches of the Daud (David) clan: (1) Justice[sober, fair approach under any circumstances] both in anger and in grace[joyful, excited] able; (2) goal retention[and the tasks set before him, both temporal and eternal in nature] (saving)[frugal approach to costs] both in poverty and in prosperity[when a person suddenly finds himself without a living wage, he can immediately lose many spiritual values, stop observing the norms of decency, and leave life tasks, because according to the scenario whispered by Satan, this (loss of wealth) destroys all prospects for him; when he suddenly has a significant wealth, Satan whispers: “You have achieved everything, you deserve it, you can rest, relax”, “Spend it as you like”, and the whole creative perspective outlined by a person bursts like a soap bubble]; (3) piety before the Almighty, shown as openly[in front of people] so hidden[when only you and the Creator know about your noble deed]” .

Question. Tell me some du’a for expelling a jinn from the body.

Answer. You need to clear your mind, discard all doubts and stupid thoughts that "a genie has moved in." There are very authoritative opinions in the theological environment: the introduction of a genie into a person is impossible - the world of people and the world of jinn are different, parallel to each other, not intersecting worlds.

Due to an excess of unnecessary information, your perception of life, your understanding of it, just like it happens with a computer, constantly “freezes”. And this "computer" of yours can completely deteriorate. In case of failures, it does not give you the opportunity to fully work and enjoy work and life in general. Throw out all the trash and restart your "computer". The best form of dealing with Satan's whispers is to ignore it, otherwise the problem will only grow.

“The Prophet Muhammad resorted to God with prayers-du’a for protection from the [harm] of jinn-devils and the human evil eye. This continued until the last two suras of the Qur'an were sent down. After sending them down, he limited himself to them as a protection [against all forms of evil]."

The meaning of the hadith is that these two suras are central to the issue of praying for protection from this or that evil, although this does not exclude the possibility of reading other verses, suras of the Qur'an or du'a prayers.

By the mercy of the Almighty, the tafsir of 114 suras of the Holy Quran has come to an end.


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