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In some cases, experienced drivers are not able to clearly understand, overtaking and advancing, what is the difference, what these concepts mean.

Experienced drivers, and even more so beginners, often face similar difficulties. Often, the lack of such knowledge leads to an unexpected meeting with inspectors and to emergency collisions.

A vehicle, as practice shows, is a source of increased danger, therefore the driver, in the process of carrying out the appropriate maneuver, must clearly understand what he is doing - overtaking or advancing.

Overtaking and advancing concepts

Before studying the features and differences of overtaking and advancing, it is necessary to find out what these concepts mean, that is, what is overtaking and what is advancing.

Leading is movement on the vehicle's track at a speed exceeding the nearby cars. Such a maneuver is performed strictly within the boundaries of its intended movement.

Overtaking is a certain form of advancing one, two or more cars with a simultaneous exit to the opposite lane and with a mandatory return to its original lane or part of the carriageway.

Overtaking is not always a traffic violation. If the road markings allow this process, if there are no signs prohibiting overtaking, if overtaking is carried out in accordance with all the rules, it will not be a violation of the law.

The difference between overtaking and being ahead

Answering the popular question, what is the difference and the difference between leading and overtaking, it can be noted that from the point of view of standard traffic rules, these are fundamentally different terms and actions. This is the difference between overtaking and advancing according to traffic rules.

It should be noted right away that overtaking is a more dangerous maneuver.

In these cases, it is directly related not only to the usual advancing of a number of moving cars, but with such accompanying processes as:

  • maneuvering to the left;
  • exit to a standard oncoming lane or to a nearby lane;
  • subsequent return to the original track.

The implementation of standard overtaking requires special care, since in the traffic rules there are a fairly large number of restrictions and prohibitions on this process.

Leading is a movement that is carried out within the boundaries of the carriageway owned by the driver.

In this case, the speed of movement exceeds speed indicators near driving vehicles.

In this case, the exit to a nearby oncoming oncoming lane is not provided, respectively, there is no return of the car to the previously occupied by it road lane and the side.

The procedure for overtaking or advancing is not the only difference between these operations. One of the main differences between overtaking and advancing is that the second can be carried out both from the left side and from the right.

In addition, overtaking, as a maneuver, is strictly limited by traffic rules, moreover, it is prohibited in most situations. There are no such restrictions to get ahead. Drivers have the right to do it in any situation.

The only exception can be very dense traffic, when all lanes on the highway are occupied by vehicles.

Video: Traffic rules 2019. Topic: Overtaking, advancing, oncoming passing in simple words

As a conclusion, it can be noted what are the penalties for not incorrect overtaking.

The modern administrative code does not provide for precisely spelled out sanctions for incorrectly carried out overtaking. At the same time, one should not forget that the performance of a car overtaking can be accompanied by a standard exit into the lane of oncoming traffic.

In 2019, Article 12.15 Part 4 will be used to punish the driver. Depending on the complexity of the violation, the driver may be fined up to 5,000 rubles... It can also be the deprivation of a person's driver's license for about 4-6 months.


Summing up, it can be noted that traffic rules do not need to be considered in parts. Studying the established rules in this way is possible, but in order to fully understand the set of conditions, you will need to comprehensively comply with all the requirements.

Overtaking is the most important topic in traffic rules. As a matter of fact, any topic needs to be learned, since everything that is in the rules will be useful in practical driving in the future. Therefore, it is worth talking about how overtaking is carried out, where it is prohibited, as well as everything else that may relate to this topic.


I would like to start with terminology. So, overtaking is getting ahead of a vehicle (one or several at once), which is directly related to entering the oncoming lane. After the maneuver is completed, the driver comes back.

There is also a second term. And this is a lead. Many people often confuse it with overtaking. What is the meaning of this concept? Everything is as simple as possible. Leading is a process in which the driver of a particular vehicle moves at a speed that is higher than that of other passing vehicles. If we put it in other words, it’s just a situation when a car “bypasses” its neighbor. At the same time, the driver does not change into the oncoming lane, so this maneuver is considered much safer. Therefore, there is no need to confuse the terms. Overtaking is one thing and getting ahead is another.

The first thing to learn

In the 11th chapter everything related to overtaking is described in great detail. And the first thing that the traffic rules book teaches is that before starting to perform a maneuver, the driver must make sure that the lane where he intends to go is free. He must calculate whether he will have enough time, and how high the probability is that during the implementation of his actions, a car will not appear in the oncoming lane. It is very important. Many drivers do not follow this rule, and the result is usually disastrous. It is because of this that most accidents and deaths occur due to road accidents. Because two cars that “walked” at high speeds and collided with the front bumpers are usually victims.

All this gives rise to the law, which says: if an accident occurs under the circumstances described above, then the blame always falls on the person who initiated the overtaking. This is logical and understandable. After all, it was the driver who did not calculate everything in advance, and began the maneuver without thinking about the consequences and elementary without waiting.

Golden Rule # 2

Another point that you need to memorize by reading the topic "Overtaking". Traffic rules say: the driver of the car that they intend to overtake should not increase the speed at the moment. It is recommended, on the contrary, to lower it. Because otherwise, the time that a person will have to spend on making a maneuver increases. Accordingly, it will take longer to drive in the oncoming lane, which is, at least, several tens of meters. There is no need to clarify what this is fraught with.


In addition to the above, there are many more nuances that must also be taken into account. Overtaking is prohibited, for example, when the person ahead overtakes someone else or tries to avoid an obstacle. You can't start yet this maneuver if a car that was driving in the same lane gave a turn signal.

Also, a person, before starting to take actions to take an action, must look in rear mirror... Because there may well be a possibility that the car following him also decided to overtake. In such cases, the traffic rules say that you need to wait, reduce the speed (or, at least, not exceed) and only then, after checking everything again, do your plan.

And, of course, one more nuance. Overtaking is prohibited if the driver understands that after completing the maneuver, he will not be able to return to his lane without interfering with other vehicles (including the overtaken one). Many motorists forget these simple provisions, which is why they get into accidents.

Speed ​​issues

Overtaking rules also dictate certain provisions regarding how quickly the driver must move, who intends to make the named maneuver. This nuance is also important.

You cannot start action if the speed at which the car is moving is not enough for this. Let's say a vehicle driving in front has a speedometer of 85 km / h. If a person who wants to overtake him has only accelerated to 80 km / h, in no case should one take action. Even if in speed he bypassed his neighbor in the lanes for several kilometers - it is also not worth the risk. So, for example, if he managed to accelerate to 90 km / h, then in this case, to complete a full overtaking, it will take 180 meters. And the oncoming lane should be free for 360 meters. Why is it so? It's simple. 180 meters is needed for the person involved in the maneuver, and the same amount is needed for the oncoming car. This is the only way to avoid a collision.

Overtaking rules say - if a person is catching up with the car in front too slowly, then it is better to abandon the plan. Because, after completing the action, the driver will automatically interfere with the vehicle that has just been ahead. And it is possible that he, too, will decide to overtake. In general, in this case, you need a high speed - this needs to be learned.

Where is the maneuver not allowed?

Overtaking is prohibited in many places. First - on regulated and (if a person is moving on the wrong road, which is the main one).

Secondly, overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is also strictly prohibited. (and the distance located 100 meters before them), bridges, overpasses, tunnels (and also under them), the end of the rise, dangerous turns, areas where visibility is limited - this cannot be done in all the listed places.

There are certain situations with an intersection in which you can overtake the vehicle in front. First, it must be unregulated. Secondly, in front of the intersection there should be no additional plates (except for signs numbered from 2.3.1. To 2.3.7). This means that the maneuver can be performed, unless the main road changes its direction at this very intersection.

It is also worth noting that earlier the rules allowed overtaking at pedestrian crossings if it was empty. But now everything has changed, and from now on this action is prohibited even if this section of the road is empty.

Dangerous places

It is worth telling in more detail about those sections of the road where making a maneuver not only threatens with a fine, but also with life. So, bridges, overpasses, overpasses and tunnels are as dangerous as the oncoming lane. Overtaking, accordingly, there should not be any.

In general, some bridges are sometimes built in such a way that it is unrealistic to see them from afar. And many drivers, in a hurry, start overtaking and, as a result, end it on the bridge, where travel is difficult. By the way, there are usually corresponding signs there. The overtaking sign is numbered as 3.20. It is easy to recognize it - it shows two cars, the left of which is highlighted in red. Everything is clear, there is no need to explain the meaning.

More about signs

But when a person sees the pointer 3.26, then you can relax and proceed, having checked everything in advance, to the maneuver. This sign looks like the same 3.20, only both cars are gray and crossed out obliquely by five lines. This means lifting the ban.

Dangerous turns do not need any signs at all - they are visible anyway. However, according to the rules, they are established - 1.14, 1.11.1, 1.11.2. Seeing these signs, you need not only to postpone the maneuver, but also to reduce the speed (with the exception of a steep climb).

And, finally, if visibility is limited in some area (the road is like this, or there are some structures there, or maybe the terrain is specific), then overtaking is also prohibited. In such situations, it is generally best to drive as carefully as possible and be as attentive as possible. And, as you can already see, not so many signs need to be memorized. There are only two - one is a prohibition indicator, and the second is a cancellation, and they are encountered sequentially. The second - after some distance after the first.

Code provisions

Finally, it is worth noting that there is no separate article or punishment for an illiterate overtaking. But there is the 12th chapter of the Code of Administrative Violations. There, in the fourth part, it says that driving into the oncoming lane or tram rails(of course, also in the opposite direction) is punishable by a fine. Its size is five thousand rubles. The penalty for overtaking, as you can see, is not small. Also, the driver may be deprived of his rights. The term is usually 4-6 months. For many people, losing a driver's license in this way is the worst punishment, because many say that it is better to get a penalty for overtaking.

It should be noted that those drivers who overtake in the wrong place are punished under this article. That is, where there were no permissive signs.

Many people are interested in - is it possible to "exchange" the punishment? Instead of being deprived of paying a fine? No, everything depends only on the traffic police. Fine? So it will be so. Will the case go to court? Most likely, there is a threat of deprivation of rights, but there, at the hearing, it will be possible to try to solve this problem and justify oneself.

Places to perform the maneuver

Much has been said about where overtaking is prohibited. But what about where it can be? These places also need to be listed. The so-called oncoming passing is allowed on two-lane highways. There, the centerline looks like a discontinuous marking.

You can also do this on the road where there are only three lanes. And they should also have broken lines. And, of course, roads with only two lanes, and the markings are combined, fall under the permissive category. Overtaking is allowed there. But not in all places there are corresponding signs, therefore it is advisable to remember all this. It will not be superfluous.

What is not overtaking?

At the very beginning, it was said that many people are confused about the definitions of "overtaking" and "getting ahead". Now it is necessary to explain everything with examples.

Overtaking is not considered to be an advance that occurs within the same lane. Because if there is no crossing of the horizontal marking, it was not an oncoming passing. Also, overtaking cannot be called an advance that does not go beyond the right half of the road. That is, the car does not drive into the oncoming lane either.

And, finally, one more moment - the car being ahead, in which the person drove into the oncoming lane, but did not return to the side of the passing movement. Collapsed, for example.

So, if you remember all of the above, then you can safely perform overtaking. The main thing is to remember the rules.

"When overtaking, the driver lost control and collided with an oncoming vehicle." This wording is often found in police reports. Overtaking on the opposite lane is one of the most dangerous maneuvers on the road, where the slightest mistake leads to a tragedy like the one that. As a result of the unsuccessful overtaking, three people were killed. Sergei Ovchinnikov, head of the Counter Emergency Training Center, told how to safely and correctly overtake in difficult conditions.

To get started, observe the traffic rules!

First of all, it is worth remembering the basic concepts of overtaking set forth in. Sometimes, in order for this maneuver to be safe, it is enough to strictly follow the rules. But the situations on the road are different, so practical advice from an expert in emergency driving will help any driver.

Assess the situation. Soberly and critically

- Overtaking begins with an assessment of the situation. First of all, the speed - ours and the car in front. If the car in front is traveling at a speed of 80 km / h, and you - 90 km / h, then overtaking is insanely long. According to estimates - 920 meters or 37 seconds. That is, there is a high probability that during this time someone will appear in the oncoming lane or the situation as a whole may change, - says Sergey Ovchinnikov.

Therefore, when there is such a small difference in speed, a reasonable question should arise in the driver's head: "Is it necessary to overtake at all?" Perhaps in such a situation it will be safer to simply slow down, realizing that the maneuver will not be safe.

- In my classroom, they often ask: how to overtake when porridge is on the road? I answer: And if the car skids, do you know what to do? No? Well, why then overtake? Leaving for porridge, the wheels slow down and provoke a skid. And if the car drives even more or less steadily along the rolled track, then when changing lanes there is a high probability of loss of control, the expert warns.

The next factor that the driver must consider is visibility. Can we see something through the windows of the car in front? Overtaking in the dark or during the day? Overtaking at night is an even higher level of danger. Especially if some car will leave the adjacent territory. We may notice him too late. At night we go out to overtake with low beam. We turn on the far one when the cars are level with the front bumpers.

Think for yourself and the other driver

- Sometimes situations arise when the car in front of us is driving slowly, we go to overtake - and it starts to turn left. It is necessary to pay attention to this. I would advise in such cases to look at left shoulder, are there any ramps, because with a high probability a slowly moving car can turn there, - advises Sergey.

Here it will be useful to remember one point of traffic rules, which is very useful, but little used in real life. Outside the village, the driver can warn about overtaking with a sound signal, turning on / off the headlights in daytime and blinking high beam at night.

- When entering an intersection from a secondary road, the driver usually looks only to the left and, if it is free there, exits onto the main road. And he doesn't even pay attention to the fact that one car overtakes another on the right. Unfortunately, many drivers do not have this algorithm in their heads - to look both to the left and to the right, - says Sergey Ovchinnikov.

When assessing the situation, it is necessary to take into account what vehicle we overtake - a single or two or three cars, or even a road train. In the latter case, overtaking naturally takes much longer. And here you already need to understand the capabilities of your car - power, dynamics, load.

“If we cannot quickly create a good difference in speed, it increases the risk of overtaking. Here you need to know some driving techniques. For example, be able to smoothly downshift without dumping gas. You can stay in high gear, but give the dynamics momentum by briefly pressing and dropping the clutch pedal. But these should be practiced actions and it is recommended to do these techniques on a dry road! If these actions are not worked out to the point of automatism, it is dangerous to use them, - the expert warns.

The mistake of many drivers is that they start overtaking, moving close to the car in front. Then they rebuild to the left and start accelerating. Naturally, the time required for overtaking increases even more. We need to keep our distance so that we can actually create an acceleration lane and have already approached the place of overtaking with a significant difference in speed.

- Of course, active acceleration should be done with an adjustment for weather conditions - snow, ice, rain. And also take into account the presence electronic systems safety, tire condition, drive type and much more. In addition, many drivers are so focused on preparing for overtaking that they forget to look in the rearview mirror. It may turn out that someone else has already started overtaking, ”warns Sergei Ovchinnikov.

It is very important to use direction indicators when overtaking. Primarily for oncoming drivers, so that they understand what phase of overtaking you are in. The question often arises - when to return to your lane after overtaking? The expert advises to do this when the overtaken vehicle is fully visible in the interior rearview mirror. You also need to make sure that the overtaken driver does not suddenly accelerate. Unfortunately, this happens.

Brake even if you're right

- In the event that a dangerous situation arises with the convergence of two vehicles, it is important to take the necessary action in advance. There must be at least 5 seconds in reserve so that both of them understand who is going where and choose the correct order of response. Otherwise, it turns out that they rush to the last head-on, and then both move in the same direction, the expert recommends.

Unfortunately, the behavior of oncoming drivers in such a situation is often incorrect. They blink a high-beam overtaking, instead of understanding a simple thing - now there may be a head-on collision and everyone will suffer. And here it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong. You need to slow down. The lower the speed, the more chances you have to get out of the situation with minimal losses.

When overtaking with an exit to the oncoming traffic, in order to avoid collisions with the oncoming car, it is necessary to take into account and follow all the recommendations and requirements that are spelled out in.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

This also applies to moving along your own lane. In addition, the driver is obliged to pay attention to road signs, signs (plates) and traffic lights when he intends to overtake the vehicle in front.

If it is wrong to overtake, then it is fraught with serious consequences in the form of serious.

What is the law spelled out

Russian automotive legislation presented in the form of traffic rules - Rules road traffic, which describes all the rules that participants are required to follow. Chapter 11 of the Rules is responsible for the order in which a maneuver such as overtaking should be performed.

If the driver violates them, then the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation comes into force - the Code of Administrative Law, which regulates measures of responsibility for administrative offenses. In this case, he is responsible for the details of the penalties.

The law provides a delimiting explanation of what is considered "overtaking" and what is not to be attributed to such an action.

- this is a maneuver that the driver begins to perform within his own lane, then the car goes for a short time into the oncoming lane with the intersection of the dividing line, and then returns to the section of its flow in the direction of travel, only having gone around the car in front.

Leading is the same maneuver as overtaking, but it is carried out exclusively within the lane of its flow.

In order to overtake the car without hindrance, leaving the oncoming lane, the motorist needs to pay attention to the following factors regarding the situation on the road:

  1. Estimate the width of the carriageway.
  2. Visually determine the distance from your car to the overtaken one.
  3. See what is the distance between your car and the nearest one driving in the opposite lane.
  4. Take a closer look at the speed of the car that is being overtaken.
  5. Consider the speed of oncoming vehicles.
  6. Note the speed of approaching the overtaken vehicle.
  7. Know clearly the features of your car - how fast it "knows" to accelerate, whether it will develop sufficient speed to overtake another car.

In addition, the driver requires:

  1. Know and notice road signs.
  2. Pay attention to traffic signals and follow their meanings.
  3. Assess whether the trajectories of the overtaken vehicle and the overtaking one do not intersect.
  4. Take a closer look at the design of the road, remember the rules where it is strictly forbidden to accelerate in order to overtake.
  5. Note the weather and visibility features. With limited visibility and slippery road it is best to refrain from performing this action.

In addition to traffic light signals, there may be a police officer at the regulated intersections. Each driver must be able to decode its signal movements correctly in order to follow the directions.

Where prohibited

Clause 11 of the Rules "Overtaking, advancing, oncoming passing", starting with part 11.1-11.2 (and further), reflects all the details of prohibited zones and road sections where overtaking is in no case possible.

These include the following situations on the road or areas of road infrastructure:

Situation Road section
1. A busy lane of oncoming traffic, or its own stream.
2. More likely to interfere with other participants.
3. When the vehicle ahead has given a signal with lights that it is going to turn left.
4. The vehicle in front makes a detour around an obstacle or also overtakes it.
5. The car following the overtaken car began to make a maneuver.
regulated intersection;
unregulated intersection when driving on a secondary highway;
closer than 100 meters from the railway crossing;
bridges, overpasses, overpasses, as well as under them, tunnels, some embankments (the route on the river dam), etc.;
steep ascents - closer than 300-600 m (depending on the power of the vehicle and the degree of slope) from the end of the ascent;
dangerous turns;
other areas where there is clearly a strong restriction of visibility for drivers.

Overtaking rules

Before considering in detail the different cases when it is usually permissible to overtake other cars, it should be noted general rules how exactly such a maneuver is done correctly.

Overtaking rules:

  1. Make sure that your car will not interfere with other road users.
  2. Estimate the distance from the overtaken car to your own, the sufficient space to return to your system, from your car to the oncoming one, if there is one.
  3. Make sure that the rear cars are not going to overtake at the same moment as you.
  4. In the absence of obstacles or the likelihood of interference, the following should be done - change the gear stage by one decrease, switch the main optics from high beam to low beam, turn on the turn signal lights before leaving your lane.
  5. After going out of order, the lights turn off, the front car is overtaken with an exit into the oncoming lane where there is no solid marking line.
  6. The final touch of this action is to get into your traffic flow where there is free space, subject to the moving objects of other vehicles.
  7. But you should not do this without the included right turn signal. Other participants need to know that you want to get back into your flow of traffic, and not make a U-turn or a turn to the left.
  8. Also, you should start returning to your formation when the overtaken car appears in your rear-view mirror.

The speed when overtaking should be exceeded only within the limits of the norm, which is "dictated" by road signs, or by the assumptions of the Rules regarding a specific section of the road.

If the lights are not turned off immediately after overtaking starts, other motorists may mistake your signals for making a left turn, turn around, or overtake the next car in front.

Turning lights should warn not only the next driver in front, but also the one driving behind if a car is seen there.

Moreover, this applies to both signals before overtaking, and other signals after overtaking, when returning to your traffic flow.

The main beam of the headlights should be turned on after, during the maneuver, you are level with the overtaken car, and there are no oncoming cars.

At the crossroads on the main road

Most often, overtaking at intersections is done with the warning lights on, warning that the driver intends to turn left to overtake.

This is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation the movement of vehicles on the streets is right-hand.

In this case, it is very important not to interfere with others, as well as to take into account the marking of solid lines that cannot be driven in, touched or crossed.

Therefore, advancing into the oncoming lane at an intersection should be done carefully and with utmost care, guided by signs and traffic lights. This applies to drivers driving on the main road.

With the exit to the oncoming lane

When a motorist wants to overtake a car entering the oncoming lane, then you need to carefully track at once how close and at what speed the oncoming vehicle is traveling.

If there is a difficulty with the siding, then the Rules in part 11.7 of clause 11 state that the one on whose side the obstacle was created is obliged to yield to the road.

Also, in relation to slopes on roads equipped with signs - "1.13" or "1.14", the road in a situation of difficulty of the crossing is conceded by the driver who moves towards the slope.

One of the signs indicates that there is a steep descent ahead of the chauffeur, and the other sign indicates a steep ascent.

The procedure for overtaking with the exit to the lane of the oncoming traffic flow:

  1. When approaching the vehicle in front, you should maintain a distance of 30-50 meters from the side.
  2. The rear-view mirror should not reflect other cars to make sure that there are no others willing to overtake the one who is already overtaking.
  3. The situation ahead is assessed. It is important to understand that you will not find yourself in the no overtaking area during the maneuver, or at the end of it.
  4. In addition, you should immediately determine the place where the car will enter its traffic flow after completing the action.
  5. If there are no oncoming cars nearby, you must first turn on the signal turn signal, and only then, start moving to the side.
  6. We lower the gear by one step, then, when accelerating, we increase it by one.
  7. Optics switches from far to near.
  8. As soon as overtaking has begun, the warning lights are switched off.
  9. The car must first line up with the overtaken one.
  10. Drive into the oncoming lane.
  11. The driver then turns on the right turn signal.
  12. You should start returning to your lane only when the overtaken vehicle is already reflected in the rearview mirror.

A big and frequent mistake of drivers is the factor when they get too close to the overtaken car, motivating it by the fact that they should move out as quickly as possible, or be in the oncoming lane for a short time.

On the one hand, this will seem justified, but on the other hand, violation of the distance will lead to a collision, if not with an oncoming car, then with the one that is being overtaken.

When the motorist has already assessed the situation, determined that there is no danger for maneuvering, no oncoming cars are foreseen, then there is no point in getting too close to the overtaken car.

It should also not be forgotten that the overtaken car can suddenly change its speed. For example, to brake unexpectedly because an obstacle is detected ahead of it, which should be avoided.

And for the driver who is overtaking, the visibility further ahead of the moving car is limited.

If you get close to the overtaken car, then if it suddenly brakes and avoids an obstacle, a side collision may occur.

Without going into the oncoming lane

If overtaking is performed within the limits of only its own lane and at the same time the territory of the oncoming traffic flow is not affected at all, then such an action is called "advancing", and not overtaking.

This is possible if the bandwidth is sufficient to carry out this type of maneuver. Or the road is four-sided, when each side is divided into two lanes.

In this case, the width of the road is sufficient to drive slow-moving vehicles. The procedure here is the same as in the case of overtaking with arrival at the “oncoming”.

More than one vehicle

This method is called "overtaking by a train", which is done by two vehicles at once.

But under the maneuver with two vehicles can also mean an action performed by one car, but it has to go around two or more cars. Not all sections of motorways are allowed to be overtaken by a steam locomotive.

For the prohibition, there are standard road signs or signs in the form of white plates, since the Rules do not say anything about such a prohibition.

But on the other hand, the rules say that you cannot start overtaking if the vehicle in front signals its left turn signals about its intention to be the first to start the action.

A locomotive maneuver is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the front car turns on the left turn, which wants to go to the left to get ahead.
  2. After it, you should turn on your lights only when the front car is already level with the slow-moving overtaken one.
  3. In this case, it is extremely important that the signal lights of the overtaker have already been turned off - then there will be no violation of Part 11.2, Clause 11 of the SDA.
  4. You should get up into your formation only if there is free space and after the car driving in front has completed your maneuver.

Theoretically, and without interference, you can overtake the overtaking driver, but this requires making sure that there are no oncoming cars, and there is enough space on the road.

When it comes to overtaking a traffic jam, or several cars at once, it should be taken into account that then the driver will no longer just drive into the oncoming lane, but will move along it.

And this is considered a violation under paragraph 1 of Art. 12.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and threatens with monetary recovery - 1500 rubles.

In the town

Overtaking in the city can be hampered by natural reasons:

  • numerous traffic lights;
  • frequent traffic jams;
  • pedestrian crossings;
  • tramway track;
  • regulated intersections;
  • speed limit and other factors.

On average, the speed of cars in urban areas is no more than 20 or 30-40 km / h in terms of the on-board computer.

Such sections of the road as a pedestrian crossing or tramway tracks of oncoming traffic are prohibited in order to overtake vehicles on them.

The safest way to go around slowly moving vehicles is to make an advance within your lane, and then in case there are no obstacles ahead in the form of a continuous lane, traffic lights and other.

No markup

If no markings are drawn on the roadway, this means that you can overtake whenever you like.

Most often, on those sections of the path where it is prohibited to do this, a car will be installed road sign, under the marking - "3.20.1", "3.20.2".

The first one is drawn on a white field, which means that it is permanent, and the second - on a yellow one, which means it is temporary.

Depending on what kind of transport is driving ahead, you should decide whether to overtake or not. If it is a large vehicle, then some checks should be done along the way to see if there are any obstacles ahead.

As soon as during overtaking a danger, obstacle, or other car was noticed ahead, the speed should be immediately reduced. After that, it is advisable to return to the previous position, if the place there has not yet been occupied by another car.

If the road is clear, then you can make the maneuver in exactly the same way as described above.

Two cars

It so happens that overtaking can be done by two cars at the same time. Such a situation is the case when the overtaken car decided to get ahead of another driver.

But for these purposes it is extremely important that the carriageway is wide enough to make this maneuver.

Otherwise, the consequences may be an emergency collision, and with a chain reaction, if other participants are nearby on the track.

This action should be performed in the following order:

  1. First you need to switch to the lower gear - 1 step. For example, if you were moving to the 5th, then you should switch to the 4th before making a detour.
  2. Slightly pressing the gas pedal, the car being overtaken is overtaken by the second overtaker.
  3. Just a few seconds you need to move in parallel with the overtaken car.
  4. After that, quickly pulling forward with the help of gas, we get ahead of it.

Switching from a height to the bottom of the gearbox functionality is necessary in order to optimize the acceleration dynamics as much as possible, which will be needed to get ahead of already overtaking vehicles.

This means that here it is important to immediately assess the speed of the car moving on overtaking so that the speed of the secondary overtaker is increased to reasonable limits (not dangerous and corresponding to road signs).

Such overtaking is recognized as the most dangerous because of the increased speed and lack of space on the road for safe driving.

Overtaking by two cars is not prohibited by the Rules. But if there is not enough room in the ranks to return cars to the stream, and also when the overtaking primary vehicle has already turned on the left (or at the end of the maneuver - right) warning lights, then it is better to refrain from them.

What is overtaking by throw

We are talking about a sharp increase in speeds, when the reckless driver does not give enough time for the dynamics of acceleration of his car and immediately sharply increases the gas.

Roadside cameras of the traffic police can immediately record such maneuvers as a violation of speed limits. But this is not even the main thing.

It is important that with a sharp advance or overtaking, the risk of the car skidding and collisions with other road users increases.

Or there may be accidents with one participant - collision with a post, flight into a ditch when skidding, etc. Most often, such a maneuver is seen for persons who want to drive around the convoy of cars as quickly as possible.

Truck maneuvering rules

For some sections of the road, a special sign is installed where it is prohibited to overtake slow-moving vehicles by trucks. Road sign overtaking trucks prohibited, has its own digital marking - "3.22".

The truck driver should consider:

  • weight of the cargo;
  • dimensions of your car;
  • its mass without equipment with cargo;
  • the speed and ability to accelerate your car;
  • the speed of slow-moving vehicles to be overtaken.

Other factors that have their own specifics in relation to their category may also appear. vehicle... For example, the height of your car and the angle of view of the rear vision.

But the algorithm of actions remains for such drivers the same as in the case if overtaking is done by a motorist in a passenger vehicle.

The rules also prohibit the driver who is being overtaken to start accelerating himself at the time of the maneuver (part 11.3, clause 11 of the SDA).

Such an unjustified reaction is not only impolite driving, but also provocation of a major accident. After all, the equalization of speeds will force the overtaking motorist to stay longer in the oncoming lane.

The rules dictate the etiquette of behavior to the overtaken also in relation to the fact that he slightly stepped aside and took the right (part 11.6, clause 11 of the SDA - in relation to low-speed vehicles outside the area of ​​the settlement).

And after being overtaken, slightly reduce the speed in order to enable the driver to return to his stream.

Based on statistical data from the practice of motorists, the time spent on overtaking is usually no more than 6-10 seconds, depending on the length of the overtaken vehicle and its speed.

The traffic flow consists of the most different cars, in which a variety of drivers go. But since a person got behind the wheel, those traveling next to him must be sure that their neighbor in the row got the rights wrong, and has not unfounded skills and habits of behavior on the road. For example, he knows how to overtake correctly. Overtaking is generally considered one of the most difficult maneuvers on the road. And in order for its implementation to be safe for all road users, "unity" of at least three actions is needed: a suitable road situation, an accurate calculation of the overtaking and adequate behavior of the overtaken. Let's take a closer look at each of these three components.

But first, let's remember what traffic rules say about overtaking. The main document for all drivers says that overtaking is the advance of one or several cars associated with leaving the occupied lane... If you disassemble this definition "on your fingers", it turns out that in practice, overtaking looks like this: the overtaken car deviates to the side of its rectilinear movement and occupies the adjacent lane, then the vehicle moves for some time next to the overtaken car and, ahead of it by safe distance, occupies the lane in front of the overtaken vehicle.

But before starting to overtake, the driver must assess the degree of safety of the proposed overtaking and determine for himself its necessity. Moreover, the first condition should be the most important. And having decided to overtake, the driver must clearly know that he will have enough time to carry it out in a safe environment for all road users, and not thinking that he is in a hurry to meet. Life is more important than even the most important meetings.

Another important condition: the condition of the road during overtaking. Of course, by default it follows that overtaking should not be impeded by any obstacles, both in the form of other cars and in the form of barrage structures. In addition, weather conditions can affect the specifics of the maneuver itself, and here you need to remember the rules for driving on a wet, dry or slippery track, as well as at night or in a situation of poor visibility on the road (fog). It must be remembered that when visibility is less than 300 m, it is not safe and prohibited to enter the oncoming lane.

In addition, if you decide to go for overtaking, think about whether it is so necessary in this situation. It may turn out that, having overtaken now, in a few meters you will have to stop at a traffic light. In this case, it is wiser and safer to stay in your line.

Rules for the overtaker

Before starting the maneuver, the driver must warn the road users about his intention to overtake. To do this, you need to turn on the left turn indicator in advance and move a little out of your row. This is necessary in order to assess the road situation, to see that there are no obstacles for overtaking.

The maneuver itself can be performed as at the same speed as the overtaken car, increasing it at the moment of overtaking, this method is acceptable when the overtaken car is moving at low speed. But it is also possible to bypass the vehicle by already typing the required speed mode... When maneuvering, it is important for the driver to correctly shift his car to the left, and do not forget that you need to bypass the car at a distance of at least one meter.

You can not overtake and in the switched off gear(so-called coasting), this significantly increases the accident rate... In the event that the driver needs to urgently increase the speed, he will waste precious time shifting gears or restarting the engine. It is also important for the driver at the end of the maneuver to smoothly enter the lane and stand in front of the overtaken vehicle. A sudden entry into a row can also provoke an emergency.

What is especially important to pay attention to and what not to forget

The included left "turn signal" is a mandatory rule when overtaking. Most accidents occur due to the fault of those who neglect such a rule and do not bother to warn road users about a change in the driving trajectory of their car. And of course overtaking in compliance with all traffic rules must be done on the left side.

It is not worth double overtaking without unnecessary necessity. Such a maneuver doubles the accident rate on the road, since the driver needs more time to maneuver and more distance for such overtaking.

It is reasonable to refuse "catch-up" on a slippery road. Even if you are confident in the excellent performance of your car tires.

And a few more points: it is not worth judging the safety of the alleged maneuver by the behavior of the car in front. That is, even if the car in front of you went to overtake, this does not always mean that you can rush after. Most often, such overtaking in tandem turns into unforeseen emergencies. And yet, drivers are advised to maneuver as quickly as possible, because when entering the oncoming lane, both the overtaken and the cars going to meet him are at risk.

Rules for being overtaken

If they are overtaking you, then logically you need to be as noticeable as possible on the road. This rule is especially important at night, when the driver of the overtaken car must drive with the dipped headlights on.

You need to notice the overtaker in advance. To do this, it is necessary to often look in the rear-view mirror and at the same time follow the peculiarity of the track, avoiding the deviation of the car to the side. This can happen when the car "meets" with various kinds of unevenness of the track.

It is prudent to allow the overtaken person to carry out a maneuver. Rejecting all ambitious thoughts, you should just allow yourself to be overtaken, while the driver of the overtaken car needs to monitor the observance of a safe distance from the overtaken vehicle.

The unspoken rules of driving courtesy require that you make it clear to the other driver that you are willing to give them an opportunity to make a safe maneuver. Usually in such situations it is enough to "blink" a couple of times with the "turn signal".

Further, for the same mutual safety, it is necessary to slightly shift to the side in its lane, which will provide the overtaken driver with better visibility, and, therefore, will make it possible to complete the maneuver quickly and safely.

In no case should you press the gas pedal as soon as you notice that someone is going to overtake. Be more prudent, but do not forget about your responsibility. Therefore, keep in mind the thought that you may have to urgently brake.

Remember that overtaking is prohibited

  • At the crossroads. The exception is regulated intersections, in the case when it is not allowed to move on the crossed road; intersection of the main road with the secondary one, where cars are parked.
  • 100 m before the railway crossing.
  • Drivers of heavy vehicles (weighing more than 3.5 tons), on road sections marked with signs 3.20 "Overtaking prohibited" or 3.22 "Overtaking trucks prohibited".
  • In those places where the driver, when making a maneuver, needs to go into the oncoming lane, breaking the continuous marking line.
  • In places where the road has an uneven and potentially dangerous profile, including when cornering.
  • In places, there is a road sign prohibiting overtaking.


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