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By correctly parking your car, you will not only save yourself from the material costs associated with fines and evacuation to the parking lot, but also from mechanical damage caused by angry pedestrians and other vehicles that you have created an obstacle to traffic. Where are stopping, parking and parking prohibited, and what are the rules for parking on even and odd days? These questions will be answered by Oleg Shitikov, a lawyer of YustitzGarant LLC.

What is a stop and a parking lot?

Very often, drivers confuse the concepts of "stop" and "parking", but the difference between them is huge. In accordance with the legislation of our country, a stop is a pause in movement. vehicle not exceeding five minutes. This time is usually enough to disembark or embark a passenger, load or unload cargo. Of course, no one will stand with a clock next to you, and the rules do not limit drivers to five minutes, but if the stop lasts more than 5 minutes, and it has nothing to do with passengers and cargo, then this is already a car parking.

Where is it prohibited to stop and park a car?

  • On tram lines, railway crossings and places adjacent to them.
  • On one and two-lane overpasses and bridges. However, if the bridge is wide and has more than two passing lanes, stopping is allowed, since you will not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.
  • In tunnels and places under overpasses and bridges. However, if there is an equipped area and a parking sign, then it is allowed to park there.
  • On narrow roads, where the distance between a solid marking line (except for the edge of the carriageway), a dividing strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and a stopped vehicle is less than 3 m, since this makes it difficult to bypass the vehicles standing there and will require the driver to cross the dividing line, which rules prohibited.
  • At a distance of less than 5 m from the edge of pedestrian crossings and their marked area, indicated by wide longitudinal stripes or intermittent narrow transverse stripes that can cross the road either perpendicularly or at a slight angle. Before pedestrian crossings, after them, at least you can put them right away, if there are no other prohibitions. The logic of this rule is that a standing vehicle in front of the crossing obstructs the view of other drivers and they may not notice the pedestrian, and the pedestrian, which increases the chance of an accident.
  • At crossroads, at a distance of up to 5m. in all directions from the border of the crossing.
  • At the stops public transport, 15m from the end and the beginning of the stop. As a rule, stops are marked with special signs and yellow markings. The taxi stand is also marked with a 5.18 sign, and other vehicles are also prohibited from parking there.
  • On public transit lanes and cycle lanes. These stripes are designated with special signs or markings in the form of the letter A.
  • On any sections of the carriageway with road visibility in any direction less than 100m. This limited visibility can be due to curves and gradients in the road.
  • On sections of the carriageway where a parked car obstructs the visibility of signs or traffic lights to other road users.
  • On sections of the roadway where a parked car will create an obstacle to the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles, as well as the exit and entry of other vehicles.
  • On expressways, with the exception of special areas outside the carriageway, where there is a parking sign. If the stop is forced, then you need to put the car on the side of the road and install an emergency sign (turn on the alarm)
  • At a distance of less than 50m. parking is prohibited from railway crossings, but stopping is allowed.
  • On intercity highways with heavy traffic, where there are no shoulders and the main road is marked.

Parking rules

Parking is a sore issue, especially in Moscow, where you can get not only a fine for incorrect parking, but also not find your car on the spot, as it will be taken by a tow truck to the parking lot.

The vehicle must be parked at an angle to the edge of the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer can be parked in two rows.

So, where is parking strictly prohibited?

  • It is prohibited to park on tram tracks.
  • It is forbidden to park at stops closer than 15m.
  • It is forbidden to park on the carriageway, thereby interfering with or blocking the movement of other vehicles.
  • It is forbidden to park where parking and parking are prohibited.
  • Parking on lawns is prohibited.
  • Parking is prohibited in places designed for disabled people.
  • It is forbidden to park on the sidewalk.

Parking on even and odd days

To regulate parking on certain days, special signs are used that allow parking cars on even and odd days of the month. The validity of each sign starts from 0 to 24 hours, however, with the simultaneous use of signs 3.29 " Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month " and 3.30 " Parking is prohibited on even days of the month " on opposite sides of the carriageway, parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway from 19:00 to 21:00 - changeover time, and after 21:00 the sign is valid according to the rules of the next day.

To regulate road traffic and ensuring the maximum level of safety for all road users, both drivers and pedestrians, a system of road signs has been developed."Stopping prohibited" signwhich will be discussed in more detail in the current material.

What will become clear after reading: what the sign looks like, the area of ​​the restriction, as well as the fines acting on its basis.

What does it look like Stop prohibited sign

In order to comply with the traffic rules and not create emergency situations, you should focus on the regulatory signs. Every driver must understand that all the restrictions on the road are set in this place for a reason and are designed to ensure safety. The same applies to the stop prohibition sign, if the action is prohibited, it means that a car that has violated the prohibition can become an obstacle to movement or maneuver, which means hypothetically creates an emergency situation.

What does the regulator look like?Description of the sign "Stop prohibited"looks something like this: the sign is a circle with a blue background, the edges of which have a red frame, and it itself is crossed out by intersecting red lines crosswise. It is worth noting that the parking prohibition sign has a similar look. Except that the striking diagonal line is one, and not two intersecting, as in the first case.

What is the difference between parking and stopping. Parking means stopping a car for a period of more than 5 minutes, while a stop, according to the rules, lasts less than 5 minutes. Thus, in a place where parking is prohibited, the driver can slow down for 5 minutes, usually this time is enough to, for example, drop a passenger. In a stop-stop zone, even such an action would be a violation.

Stop prohibited sign. Coverage area

The restricted area has its own boundaries. The driver must understand exactly where he cannot stop, and where he can.Area of ​​validity of signs stopping and parking is prohibiteddepends on accompanying signs that complement the main delimiter.

The first thing a driver should remember is that the stopping restriction applies only to the side of the carriageway on which the sign is located. This means that on the other side of the road, the driver may well make a stop if there are no restrictions there.

How long does the area of ​​action of a prohibiting sign that has met on the way and has no additions extend? There are several options.

  • To the nearest intersection or traffic light. At the same time, the rupture of the dividing part of the road is not an indicator for the completion of the restrictive zone, since it is not an intersection.
  • Until a sign that removes all previous restrictions.
  • Until the end of the settlement, if there are no intersections or other signs that remove restrictions along the route.
  • If after Stop prohibited signthere is a yellow marking along the edge of the road, then it indicates the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe restriction and you cannot stop until it ends.

Besides, zone of action of the sign "Stop prohibited"define the accompanying signs. There may be several such signs.

  • If the sign is accompanied by a sign with an arrow forward (up), this means the start of the restriction and the driver can stop before the sign, but will no longer be able to stop after it.
  • If the forward (up) arrow sign is supplemented with a distance, for example, 100 m, it means that stopping the next 100 meters is impossible. And for example, after 150 meters it is already quite acceptable.
  • If the prohibition sign is accompanied by an arrow in both directions, it means that the driver is within its range. That is, stopping is prohibited both before and after the sign, and somewhere earlier there was a corresponding limiter, notifying about the beginning of the prohibited zone.
  • If the sign is supplemented with an arrow back (down), then this means the end of the prohibition. The driver can stop after the sign, but has no right to stop in front of him.

In addition, the sign can be supplemented with plates with different types of transport (plates 8.4.1-8.4.8), which means that the ban on stopping applies specifically to this type of transport. If the sign is accompanied by sign 8.18 (crossed out wheelchair), then the ban on this category of drivers does not apply.

Exceptions to the rule

Who and under what circumstances can stop in the coverage areaStop prohibited sign... As you know, there are exceptions for each rule, this case only confirms this. There are a number of situations in which a stop in the zone of the sign will not be counted as a traffic violation.

  1. Emergency stop due to deterioration of the driver's health or vehicle breakdown. In this case, it is necessary to turn on the alarm and install a pointer on the roadway.
  2. Route transport has the right to make a stop at the place provided for this, despite the fact that there is a restriction on this interval.
  3. Stop prohibited signhas no effect if the vehicle is braked by a traffic police officer. In this case, the driver is obliged to stop at any place, regardless of traffic restrictions.

These are all situations that are not covered by the regulatory sign. In other cases, the driver is obliged to follow the rules and make stops only in an admissible place.

Sanctions for violation of restrictions

Sign of the traffic rules "Stopping prohibited"is designed to regulate traffic and for violation of restrictions certain fines and sanctions are provided.

Today, for violation of this rule, a fine is provided in the amount of 500 to three thousand rubles. If the driver stops in a place accessible for stopping only for disabled people, and he himself is not, then the fine can be increased to 5 thousand rubles.

If a car left in the wrong place interferes with traffic, then it will be evacuated and placed in a parking lot, which will further add costs to the car owner.

Like any Law, the Rules begin any section of it with general principles , and they are necessarily followed by those dictated by life exceptions.

First general principle.

First of all, the Rules required drivers to park only on the right side of the road . Moreover, if there is a roadside, stopping and parking are allowed. only on the sidelines (stopping on the carriageway in the presence of a shoulder is a violation of the Rules).

On any roadoutside the settlementthis requirement is categorical and does not contain any exceptions.

And there are such questions in the Tickets:

1. Only car B.

2. Cars B and C.

3. All cars.

Task comment

Drivers of cars B and C violate. If there is a roadside, stopping is allowed only on the roadside!

Note. Here I must remind you that on high-quality roads, the shoulder is covered with the same asphalt as the carriageway, and is separated from the carriageway by a wide continuous line of markings. And this continuous line is not just possible, but must be crossed if the driver intends to park.

In the Rules, this general principle is formulated as follows:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles are allowedon the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence -on the roadwayat its edge.

It follows that if the shoulder is narrow, it is possible to park partially on the carriageway.

If there is no curb at all, then we park completely on the carriageway, but only exactly at the edge of the carriageway. There are no questions about this in the Tickets, but the practical driving test always ends with the same thing - the inspector invites you to stop. And if, stopping, hit the curb of the sidewalk - this is a mistake. And if you stop more than 30 cm from the curb, this is also a mistake - you are not stopping at the edge of the carriageway!

So, outside settlements, always and everywhere, stopping is allowed. just on the right side of the road!

As for the settlements, here the Rules were forced to make two whole exceptions.

Exception # 1 (valid only in localities).

In order for the left side to become the right, you need to turn around.

But on one-way roads, a U-turn is not possible!

Such an act is qualified as driving into an oncoming lane. in violation of the Rules and is punishable by deprivation of rights for up to six months!

Naturally, the Rules allowed parking on such roads both on the right side and on the left. And now none of the drivers violates the Rules, stopping on different sides of the one-way road.

Exception # 2 (valid only in localities).

U-turns are not prohibited on two-way roads. But if there are only two lanes (one in each direction), then on such a road it is sometimes difficult to make a U-turn due to cramped conditions.

The rules decided that on such a road, for safety reasons, it would be better to allow drivers to park on either side.

So now on this road no one breaks the Rules either.

It should be remembered that such a democratic order is established by the Rules only in settlements and only on two-lane roads, and only without tram lines in the middle.

The Rules say about this in the same clause 12.1:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1, second paragraph. Stopping and parking are permitted on the left side of the road in settlements on roads with one lane for each direction without tram lines in the middle and on one-way roads.

And they will definitely ask about this on the exam:

In what place and direction are you allowed to stop?

1. Only in.

2. Only B and C.

3. In any of the above.

Task comment

On a two-lane road without tram lines and with a discontinuous center line in a settlement, it is allowed to park on either side and in any direction.

Second general principle.

Parking is allowed everywhere and everywhere only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the carriageway.

In the Rules, it looks like this:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

This requirement of the Rules applies to all cases. And in the settlement (even in the "pocket"), and outside the settlement (even if the shoulder is wide), parking is allowed only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the roadway.

And about this, there is one problem in Tickets:

Is it possible for the driver to park the car in the specified way?

1. Can.

2. It is possible if this does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.

3. It is forbidden.

I would especially like to draw your attention! - even in the "pocket" (local widening of the carriageway) it is necessary to park only in one row and only parallel to the edge of the carriageway.

But this, of course, is not all. Then again there are exceptions.

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, second paragraph. The way of placing the vehicle in the parking lot (parking lot) is determined by sign 6.4 and lines road markings, sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 and road marking lines or without them.

In fact, to begin with, they once again reminded the drivers - even in their "pockets", if there are no additional guidance, it is allowed to park the vehicle only parallel to the edge of the carriageway!

However, if there is a sign, then the requirement of the sign must be fulfilled.

If there is a markup, then the markup requirement must be met.

And even more so, it is necessary to follow the instructions given at the same time with a plate and a markup.

It would seem that complete order has been restored, and you can calm down on this. But the authors of the Rules considered it necessary to include one more requirement in clause 12.2:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, third paragraph. The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as with road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be parked at an angle to the edge of the carriageway if the configuration (local widening) of the carriageway allows such an arrangement.

Table 8.6.4 - 8.6.9 is this:

As you can see on these plates, in all cases, it is proposed to park the car strictly perpendicular the edge of the carriageway. And the tablets « at an angle to the edge of the carriageway " in the Rules no. How to be? How to organize parking " at an angle to the edge of the carriageway ". It remains only to call for the help of the markup, which the Rules did.

Parking at an angle to the edge of the carriageway is allowed only if the following mandatory conditions are met:

a). There is a sign 6.4 "Parking";

b). There is one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9;

v). There is a "oblique" markup.

If the markup is straight ...

... or there are no markings at all, then parking at an angle to the edge of the carriageway is a violation of the Rules.

In both latter cases, the car can be evacuated!

But that's not all. The rules went for one more exception to the general principles. Moreover, the exception is cardinal - allowed parking on the sidewalk!

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.2, fourth paragraph. Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the carriageway is permitted only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in the places indicated by sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6 - 8.6.9.

Here are these signs:

Table 8.4.7 is called "Vehicle type", that is, parking is allowed only bicycles.

The other six tablets are called "Method of parking a vehicle."

How should this be understood? The rules made an exception - allowed to stand in whole or in part on the sidewalk.

But at the same time, severe restrictions were introduced. First, they showed (using the example of a car) how to park vehicles. Only this way and nothing else!

And, secondly, not everyone was allowed to stand like this, but only passenger cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles.

And we have already talked about this in topic 3.8 “Signs additional information(plates) ". The vast majority of the requirements of the Rules equally apply to all representatives of category "B", both for cars and small and medium trucks (no more than 3.5 tons).

But not parking on the sidewalk!

Not a single truck, with any permissible maximum weight,

not by a single wheel, not under any signs

has no right to stand on the sidewalk!

And this must be remembered both in life and on the exam:

Until now, it has only been about parking lot . What about stop ? Is it really necessary to pile up on the sidewalk to disembark a passenger?

No, nothing like that! Rules about stop in the area of ​​action of the signs "Method of placing the vehicle in the parking lot" they did not say anything at all. And what is not forbidden is allowed! That is, in the area of ​​action of any of these signs stop possible at the edge of the carriageway (following the general principle), and stop can anyone.

They also ask about this on the exam, however, only once:

Is the truck driver allowed to stop at this location?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted if the permissible maximum vehicle weight is not more than 3.5 tons.

3. Forbidden.

Task comment

Reread the question carefully - they are not asking you about the parking lot, but about the stop! And the Rules did not say anything about stopping in the zone of action of these signs, and therefore you can stop here. And they can stop any vehicles .

What is not prohibited is permitted.

That, in fact, is all about general principles and exceptions from them. Although guilty, there is one more general principle left:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.3. Parking for the purpose of long-term rest, overnight stay, etc. outside the settlement is permitted only at designated sites or off the road.

The rules did not give any guidance on what kind of rest is considered LONG. But by and large, this is not required. Common sense tells any driver that you can have a snack on the side of the road while sitting in the car. But if you are going to seriously “cover the clearing” and lie on the grass, then the car, of course, must be removed out of the road. And if you are going to sleep (no matter how much), then it is in your best interest to stop at a specially provided area for this.

Now about where stopping is prohibited.

First of all, stopping can be prohibited by signs or markings.

I remind you that such a yellow solid line drawn along the edge of the carriageway (or right along the curb) prohibits stopping vehicles along its entire length.

It is forbidden to stop here from the sign to the nearest intersection.

I hope you haven't forgotten yet - the sign is valid only on the side of the road on which it is installed.

In addition, the Rules contain a whole list of places where stopping is prohibited by the Rules.

Simply prohibited (no signs or markings).

1. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them if it interferes with the movement of trams.

In this situation, the driver stopped not on the tram tracks, but so close to them that he definitely interferes with the movement of trams.

And, therefore, stopping at this place is prohibited!

In this situation, the driver has every reason to believe that he does not interfere with the movement of trams.

And, therefore, it is allowed to stop like this.

2. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat level crossings and in tunnels.

I do not think that any of you will have a desire to park in a tunnel or, even more so, at a railway crossing. So let's leave this provision of the Rules without comment.

3. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for movement in this direction) and under them.

You already know that on all bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them, U-turns, movement are strictly prohibited. reverse and overtaking. As for the stop, here the Rules made a clarification:

- if the bridge, overpass, overpass are narrow (one or two lanes in this direction), stopping is prohibited;

- if the bridge, overpass, overpass are wide (in this direction there are three or more lanes), stopping is allowed.

And you need to know this - it will come in handy in life, and on the exam you will need:

Are you allowed to stop at the specified place on the bridge?

1. Allowed.

2. Allowed only for disembarking passengers.

3. Forbidden.

Task comment

If the bridge is wide (three lanes or more in a given direction), stopping at such a bridge is not prohibited. You can just stop and even stand as long as you like, the Rules do not mind.

4. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedon pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 meters in front of them.

A car, even a passenger car, having stopped in this way, closes the view of the pedestrian crossing. And this, as you know, is unsafe.

But this is a completely different matter - now drivers have the opportunity to timely see a pedestrian on the roadway.

Note! - the car standing immediately behind the crossing does not in any way interfere with the control of the situation. Therefore, the Rules contain the following requirement:

Stopping is prohibited at the pedestrian crossing itself and closer than 5 meters to it!

Directly after the stop is not prohibited at the pedestrian crossing!

Now let's remember that on a two-lane road, you can park on either side. And which of them is now standing before, who after pedestrian crossing?

To the one who parked on the left side, it seems that he is standing after pedestrian crossing. But this does not seem to the driver of an oncoming car at all - the view of the pedestrian crossing is closed! And the situation is brewing extremely dangerous.

From the point of view of the Rules, now both white cars are standing front pedestrian crossing (and no 5 meters!) and, therefore, both are in violation.

But now both are standing after pedestrian crossing, and therefore do not violate the rules.

And pay attention - how clearly the pedestrian crossing is visible to drivers of both directions!

It only remains to remind you that on one-way roads it is also allowed to park on either side.

It is clear that now everyone is moving only in this direction, and, therefore, it is impossible to park like this.

If you stop front pedestrian crossing, then no closer than 5 meters.

And this is how you can. And you can immediately after pedestrian crossing.

There are a couple of tasks on this topic in the collection of the traffic police. I hope that with this knowledge you will not make mistakes here. Although the tasks, frankly, are not easy:

Which car drivers violated the stopping rules?

1. Only car B.

2. Cars A and B.

3. Cars B and C.

4. All the vehicles listed.

Task comment

This is a settlement and this is a one-way road (see the sign?). Cars A and B stopped directly front pedestrian crossing (no 5 meters) and therefore violate the Rules.

Which car drivers violated the stopping rules?

1. Only car A.

2. Cars A and B.

3. Cars A and B.

4. All cars.

Task comment

A two-way road. But only two-lane and no tram tracks in the middle. On such a road (in a settlement), you can stop on either side. It remains only to deal with the pedestrian crossing.

Cars A and B are standing before there is no pedestrian crossing and 5 meters, therefore they violate it.

5. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibited in places wherewherethe distance between the solid marking line and the stopped vehicle is less than 3 meters.

The rules rightly believe that if the distance L less than 3 meters, then a stopped vehicle will block movement.

In this situation, in order to go around the obstacle, you will have to go to the oncoming lane in violation of the Rules, crossing the solid line of the marking!

If the center line is interrupted, then there is no need to take care of 3 meters. In this case, the drivers will drive around the obstacle without any problems.

So stand still, you are not breaking anything.

And now you can calmly stop and stand. These markings also allow drivers to drive around you without breaking.

And now there is a solid line to your left, and there is clearly no three meters to it. So stopping at this place is prohibited!

And no sign prohibiting stopping is required in this situation. Stopping at this place is prohibited by the Rules, namely clause 12.4.

And they ask about this at the exam.

True, they are not asking about the stop, but about the parking lot. Well, well, include some basic logic:

- if left solid the line and there are no three meters to it, it is forbidden to stop, and, especially, parking;

- if left intermittent line, then nothing is prohibited here.

Has the truck driver violated the parking rules?

1. I violated.

2. Violated if the permissible maximum vehicle weight is more than 2.5 tons.

3. Didn't break it.

Task comment

It does not matter what its maximum allowed mass is. No truck, with any permissible gross vehicle weight or wheel, should be parked on the sidewalk.

But now this is not even the main thing. On this section of the road, stopping is generally prohibited for all vehicles. It is forbidden to stop on the carriageway because there will not be 3 meters to the solid one, and even a bicycle can be parked on the sidewalk only if there is a permit sign.

Which driver violated the parking rules?

1. Both.

2. Car driver only.

3. Motorcycle rider only.

4. Nobody broke.

Task comment

Only the driver of the car violated - parking at the edge of the sidewalk can be allowed by appropriate signs, but they are not here.

And, most importantly, there was no need to climb onto the sidewalk, I could calmly stop and stand at the edge of the roadway. The centerline is not a solid line, but combined.

Such markings allow you to bypass it without any violation.

6. Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.4. Stopping is prohibitedat the intersection of carriageways and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the crossed carriageway.

We are talking about these corners at intersections. The rules quite naturally require that drivers leave these five-meter zones free when parking.

Draw your attention! - the Rules do not say that stopping is prohibited at the crossroads. The Rules say that stopping is prohibited and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

And this is fundamentally important! And that's why:

Where should you park your car on the right side of the road?

1. Immediately before the intersection of carriageways.

2. Immediately after crossing carriageways.

3. Not closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

Task comment

Leaving the courtyard according to the Rules is not considered an intersection. But nowhere in the Rules does it say that this is not an intersection of carriageways.

And since this is an intersection of carriageways, then when parking, it is necessary to fulfill the requirement of paragraph 12.4 of the Rules, namely:

Stopping is prohibited at the intersection of carriagewaysand closer than 5 m from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

Are you allowed to stay at the indicated place?

1. Allowed.

2. It is allowed if the car is no closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

3. It is prohibited.

Task comment

And once again I draw your attention! - clause 12.4 does not say that stopping is prohibited at the crossroads .

It is said that stopping is prohibited at the intersection of carriageways and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway.

So, if you come across this problem on the exam, keep in mind - at the crossroads You can park in a roundabout (the rules do not prohibit), you just need to drive away from the edge of the intersected carriageway by 5 m.

When is the driver allowed to park the car at the specified location?

1. Only if the distance to the solid marking line is at least 3 meters.

2. Only if the distance to the edge of the intersected carriageway is at least 5 meters.

3. Subject to both of the above conditions.

Every driver should know, seemingly undeniable. But very often we see how these rules are violated. Of course, if we are talking about avoiding traffic jams in the oncoming lane, then malicious intent does not raise questions. But more often drivers break the law either through inattention or because they forgot about the necessary points from the book. Parking and stopping in this sense is the biggest risk group, because the overwhelming majority of violations committed by drivers in the city relate precisely to this aspect of road traffic. An improperly parked vehicle is a headache not only for the owner. If stopping and parking is prohibited in a particular place, it means that a car left here will interfere with other road users. This threatens the owner not only with a fine, but with much more serious consequences. For example, an accident, if another driver does not react to his car. Moreover, the insurance company will not be on the side of the victim, because the traffic rules were violated by him. That is why it is important to know and, more importantly, follow the rules for parking and stopping vehicles.

How to do it right

Both are cessation of movement. Difference in duration: up to 5 minutes - more than this time interval - already parking. You need to stop on the right side of the road. If there is a roadside suitable for parking, then by not driving into it, you are breaking the rules. When there is no roadside, the traffic rules instruct you to use the carriageway or, if this is shown by a sign, the sidewalk. Moreover, under the carriageway is meant, of course, its edge, and not "to leave the car in the middle of the road", this, of course, is a gross violation. If the road is one-way and there are no tram rails on it or, for example, the road is single-lane (say, in a settlement outside the city this happens quite often), then a car can be parked on the left-hand side. Tram rails we remembered for a reason. If you park on the left hand side, block the way for passengers to pick up and drop off. Note that in this case it is prohibited to stop and park vehicles. And also note that parking on the left side of the road in the direction of travel is allowed for cars, and even then not always. For trucks weighing more than three and a half tons, even if all the above conditions are met, only unloading and loading is allowed on the left side. Be careful, this is a critical moment! In addition, stopping on the left side in the direction of traffic on a single-lane road is allowed only in a populated area. Outside it, parking and stopping should only be on the right side.

As we have already said, traffic rules involve stopping and parking on the side of the road, if any. And we mentioned in passing that in some cases it is possible to use the sidewalk for this. The corresponding sign with a plate can unambiguously indicate this. The sign on a blue background depicts, and under the sign schematically depicts a parking method. Based on this pictogram, you can draw a conclusion on how to properly stop or leave your vehicle in the parking lot. This plate is drawn passenger car... Two-wheeled vehicle owners can park in 2 rows. Therefore, when you see cars parked in the second row, know that their owners consider themselves motorcyclists. Stopping and parking in such a parking zone is made according to the marking lines, if there is no scheme under the sign. Perhaps there will be a so-called widening of the carriageway, popularly known as a "pocket". If it is, and you are not staying in it, then you violated the traffic rules and the inspector may well summon you to an unpleasant conversation.

How wrong

On the carriageway of the roadway, sections and places where the rules prohibit stopping and parking of vehicles are marked in a special way or are explicitly listed. It is generally prohibited to stop on tram rails or close to them, so as not to interfere with the tram, at railway crossings, in tunnels and on overpasses, as well as on the side of the road, if the distance between the edge of your direction of the road and the side of the car is less than three meters. Interfere with the tram or block railways- it does not require explanation, as it seems to us. And the clearance of less than 3 meters for the passage of other cars also contradicts common sense and a sense of ownership. Also, you cannot park at pedestrian crossings and are closer than 5 meters to them in both directions. The rules also prohibit parking your vehicle at an intersection and 5 meters from it. And of course, let's not forget about the 30-meter rule: 15 meters from the stop in both directions, traffic rules are prohibited from standing for any vehicle. Also, the rules exclude exits from courtyards and a lane for cyclists from permitted places.

As for parking, it is prohibited where stopping is also prohibited, which is logical. In addition, it is also forbidden to leave a car outside settlements on the carriageway of the roadway marked with a corresponding sign, as well as less than 50 meters from the railway crossing. Please note that the no parking sign does not prohibit stopping! You, no doubt, have seen such signs: 1 or 2 red diagonal stripes on a blue background. If there is one, then parking is prohibited, if two are criss-cross, then, accordingly, a stop. So, if you had to stop for less than 5 minutes in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe sign that prohibits parking, then the traffic rules are on your side.

Force Majeure

If you had to make a forced stop, for example, due to a malfunction of the car, then you must take some action. They will be aimed primarily at warning other drivers and ensuring their safety in the event that you cannot move your vehicle to an authorized parking space. It is necessary to turn on the "emergency gang", which should be in every car, and the car itself must be secured against spontaneous rolling away, that is, put on the handbrake or support the wheels if it is faulty. After you complete these steps, you can walk away from the vehicle, say, for parts or for help. In general, the rules say that you must remove your vehicle from the roadway as soon as possible so as not to create an obstacle to traffic with your presence.


Parking and stopping rules are not complicated, there are not so many of them, but they are not followed very often. Everywhere you can see gross and not very violations, motivated by the fact that, they say, my car does not bother anyone. It is possible that right now this is so, but the situation on the road may change during parking. After all, in no place is it forbidden to stop for no reason. To avoid unpleasant communication with the traffic police inspector, observe traffic rules and be careful and attentive.

Every year the traffic in megalopolises became more intensive, because the number of cars is steadily growing. By purchasing new car, many do not even think about where they will park it, being sure that it is enough to leave it in the yard.

But this is an extremely important issue not only from the point of view of dissatisfied neighbors, but also from the point of view of the law. We often answer questions from car enthusiasts about how to legally park in the yard and what to avoid in order not to receive a fair punishment.

○ Parking rules in courtyards.

One should start by defining what this "courtyard territory" is. Immediately, we note that the Rules of the Road give an undesirable clear concept. At the same time, section 17, dedicated to the movement in residential areas, extends to courtyard territories, which is directly stated in clause 17.4:

  • "The requirements of this section also apply to courtyard areas."

Therefore, it remains only to be content with the general legal definition of the courtyard territory, as a space bounded by buildings along the perimeter, inside which, as a rule, playgrounds, places for recreation, green spaces, local thoroughfares to houses, schools, kindergartens, etc. are located. But there is one a significant difference - it is not indicated by signs 5.21 (residential area) and 5.22 (end of the residential area), and therefore the driver needs to be careful and understand that otherwise all the rules of traffic and parking of vehicles in the residential area apply here.

So clause 17.2 of the SDA clearly says:

  • "In the residential area, through traffic, training driving, parking with a running engine, as well as parking trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons outside specially designated and marked with signs and (or) markings. "

That is, the main and most frequent violation on this point is truck parking and parking with a running engine. The latter is especially important during the cold period for those who like to “warm up the engine”, polluting the environment and interfering with the sleep of the residents of adjacent houses.

It is worth paying attention to a few more important points regarding parking, which are relevant in courtyards. Clause 1.2 of the SDA defines a stop and a parking lot, which is very important because clause 17.2 speaks specifically about parking:

  • "" Stop "- a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for a period of up to 5 minutes, as well as for more, if necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.
    "Parking" - a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading of the vehicle. "

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has established additional parking bans, which also apply to courtyards. Usually the passages here are narrow, and therefore those who parked manage to interfere not only with the passage of other cars, but also with ordinary pedestrians and mothers with strollers, what can we say about technical services... However, part 8 of Art. 20 .4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes a verticality for violation of fire safety rules. That is, if the abandoned car interferes with the passage of firefighters, one can prepare to pay a fine.

○ Fines for improper parking in the yard.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also does not define the courtyard territory, but establishes responsibility for violation of traffic rules in a residential area in Art. 12.28 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

  • "1. Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, with the exception of the case provided for in part 2 of this article, - shall entail the imposition administrative fine at the rate of one thousand five hundred rubles... 2. The violation provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in the city of federal significance Moscow or St. Petersburg, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles

That is, if your car is found by a traffic police inspector, parked in violation of the above rules, you can prepare to pay a fine of 1000 rubles, and in capital cities and all 3000... Exactly the same will be punished for parking on the sidewalk in the yard, because often because of parked cars it is simply impossible to transport a baby carriage.

But the matter may not be limited to this. It must be admitted that the traffic police do not often patrol courtyards, especially in small towns, but if something happened, the dangerous situation will be more serious. For example, in the event of a fire and the inability of a company car to pass through to a fire, a negligent motorist can apply Part 8 of Art. 20.4 Administrative Code:

  • “Violation of fire safety requirements on the provision of passages, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures and structures - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of from one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. "

But this is possible only if the fire inspection records the violation, it will easily impose a fine of up to 2,000 rubles.

The yards are often equipped with green spaces, including lawns. Traffic rules or Code of Administrative Offenses do not contain a definition of a lawn or a fine for parking on it. These issues are decided by local authorities, determining the amount of the fine for such violations. In most cities, this amount is fixed, so in St. Petersburg an ordinary car owner will pay from 3000 to 5000 fine. In other regions, such as in Samara, they will be forced to pay for the damage to the plantation. In any case, you shouldn't do that.

Another aspect of the problem is through traffic through the residential area. Officially, it is prohibited by clause 17.2 of the SDA. But few of the drivers have ever tried to drive around the "traffic jam" through the nearest courtyard. The rules prohibit only through passage, and the movement itself at a speed of 20 km per hour is allowed in Section 10.2 of the SDA:

  • "In settlements, vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of no more than 60 km / h, and in residential areas and in courtyards, no more than 20 km / h."

So you just need to get rid of the concept of "through". It is enough to stop for a few seconds and behold, you are already a respectable driver who has not violated anything. But the stop, of course, must be done taking into account the described rules.

In the absence of the car owner in any of the above cases, the car can be evacuated, especially if it interferes with the travel or the work of cleaning or fire trucks, which means that you will have to pay for your stay at the impound.

In addition, violators are often sure that if they are not caught by a traffic police officer, they will certainly go unpunished, but Part 4 of Art. 28.1 Administrative Code:

  • “The reasons for initiating an administrative offense case are:
    4. Fixing an administrative offense in the field of road traffic or an administrative offense in the field of landscaping, provided for by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, committed with the use of a vehicle or by the owner or other owner of a land plot or other real estate object working in automatic mode special technical means that have the functions of photographing and filming, video recording, or means of photographing and filming, video recording. "

Now there are even sites where you can upload photos and videos of evidence of the violation.

That is why the neighbors' threats to complain about the car owner, who warms up the car for half an hour in the morning, are quite real.


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