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Learning not to expose ourselves or other machines under attack

Driver errors on the track almost always end in failure. The kinetic energy of a car increases in proportion to the square of the car's speed. That is, the energy of a car at a speed of 120 km / h is not twice, but 4 times more than at a speed of 60 km / h.

The two most common causes of road accidents are speeding and overtaking. You can only read a lecture about speeding, but when overtaking, many drivers make mistakes or are too careless about this maneuver. Let's talk about him.

Help yourself get ahead

Some drivers refer to driving on the highway as to some kind of competition, trying to drive fast, overtaking someone all the time, not letting overtake. It's not just stupid, it's dangerous.

If you see that someone is trying to overtake you from behind, do not interfere with overtaking, do not accelerate and do not start overtaking yourself. Better, on the contrary, squeeze a little to the side of the road, letting the driver from behind understand that you see him and give in to him.

If you see that you cannot overtake, blink the driver with the left turn signal three times, but in no case prevent overtaking. Better keep your foot on the brake and be ready to give the overtaker room to complete the overtaking. Otherwise, you will endanger him, yourself, and the passengers of the oncoming car.

Overtake quickly

The faster you overtake, the safer it will be. You can often observe the following picture: the car drives into the oncoming lane and gradually starts to accelerate. As a result, overtaking can take 10 seconds. It is very long and very dangerous.

Ideally, overtaking one car should take 2-3 seconds. The less time you spend in the oncoming lane, the safer for everyone. To overtake quickly, you need to pick up speed and switch to a lower gear while still in your lane. You need to drive into the oncoming lane with a noticeable speed advantage.

Overtaking at the same time

Never overtake with someone. Especially if the car in front of you has tinted windows or is simply larger (for example, an SUV, minivan, van, truck). Behind her, little is visible, overtaking for the company with her, you deprive yourself of an overview and time to make a decision. In addition, the oncoming car does not see you the same way you see it, and thinks that only one car is going towards it.

It is especially dangerous to overtake at the same time in two cases.

1) You snuggle up to rear bumper the car in front. If the car in front slows down or decides to lane back into its lane, you will either crash into it or you will not have enough room for the same lane change, because, as a rule, there is enough space between cars so that only one car can get in.

2) Your car is obviously less powerful than the one in front. In this case, if you need to accelerate to complete overtaking, you simply cannot do it. It's funny to watch the Priora sit on the tail of the BMW X5 and in a dangerous situation BMW safely accelerates and completes overtaking, and the Priora's driver has to either push the passing cars to the side of the road, or go to the oncoming shoulder himself.


When you see a convoy of cars on your way, which was collected by some old wagon or an ancient "six" with a grandfather at the wheel, do not rush into battle, overtaking one car after one and risking each time. Better to stop for five minutes at a gas station or cafe. Then, when you catch up with the organizer of the column, instead of a long tail there will be 2-3 cars that can be easily overtaken without nerves. You won't waste a lot of time, but it will be calmer.

Follow the signs

You need to closely follow the signs on the road and the signs that other drivers are giving you. Truck drivers usually help car drivers by blinking their right or left turn signals.

Per road signs you need to watch out not only so as not to accidentally cross a solid line and fall under deprivation, but, for example, so as not to be in the oncoming lane in front of a pedestrian crossing or an intersection. Firstly, overtaking in these places is prohibited. Secondly, there is often a situation when a person decides to cross the road on a zebra crossing in front of a slowly moving truck (we live in Russia) and does not suspect that you are overtaking this truck at that very moment in the oncoming lane.

A similar situation may occur when the driver turns left from a side road adjacent to the right. He crosses your lane in front of the truck and turns out to be in his own lane (for you this is the oncoming one), along which you overtake this same truck. As a result, a frontal impact is almost guaranteed.

According to statistics, up to 25% of drivers systematically incorrectly overtake. About 30% of all accidents occur when overtaking rules are violated. Every 5th person killed on the road is caused by improper overtaking.

Often, while studying in automobile schools, they superficially relate to teaching cadets the rules of overtaking other moving vehicles.

This is especially true for driving on highways, where very often high speeds simply do not give a lot of time to make decisions.

Not every driver knows how to properly overtake another car and, making wrong actions, is rapidly approaching the fatal line. Sooner or later, this will lead to tragic consequences.

What is overtaking?

According to the rules road traffic overtaking is a maneuver of a car in which it temporarily leaves its lane and exits into the oncoming lane for overtaking vehicle moving in the same direction.

After completing the maneuver, the car must return to its lane. This term can only be used for roads with two lanes.

Otherwise, the maneuver will be interpreted as being ahead. Many especially inexperienced drivers confuse both terms and do not always navigate them correctly.

When is it prohibited to overtake?

It must be remembered that thoughtless and irresponsible maneuvering at high speed often leads to tragic consequences.

Hundreds of lost lives of this is a vivid and sad example.

The following situations can be distinguished when overtaking is prohibited:

  1. The action of the sign "overtaking is prohibited";
  2. The driver in front of the driving vehicle turned on the left turn signal;
  3. A short distance to the oncoming traffic;
  4. Low speed of movement;
  5. Your car has started to be overtaken;
  6. Insufficient visibility;
  7. On a sharp turn limiting visibility.

At first glance, it is not difficult for the driver to perform the maneuver and does not require special skills. But the brutal numbers of statistics and the number of deaths on the roads inexorably testify to the opposite.

Neglect of elementary traffic rules, combined with incorrect actions when performing a maneuver, discourage the driver and make him forget about a sense of self-preservation.

Many people neglect the following rules of correct overtaking:

  1. Reduce the distance to the vehicle in front;
  2. Make sure that the oncoming lane is clear or the distance to the nearest vehicle is sufficient to perform the maneuver;
  3. Make sure not to overtake a driving vehicle in front or behind;
  4. Turn on the turn signal in advance before making the maneuver;
  5. Increase the vehicle speed just before overtaking. It should be at least 10-20 km / h higher than the overtaken vehicle.
  6. Overtaking time should not take more than 5 seconds.

How can you not overtake?

Many drivers, and especially those who have recently received a license, very often make risky overtaking, proving to everyone around them, as they believe, their courage and valiant prowess.

As a result, they, subsequently smearing snot and tears on the face, convince the investigator that the death of innocent people as a result of an accident is not their fault, but a fatal coincidence.

In order not to be in the place of these would-be drivers, you need to clearly remember the following mistakes, which are often made when overtaking:

  1. Overtaking several vehicles;
  2. Overtaking on the right side;
  3. Overtaking in poor visibility conditions;
  4. Overtaking on corners;
  5. Overtaking on a faulty vehicle;
  6. Overtaking while towing another vehicle.

Systematic violation of overtaking rules for many drivers, unfortunately, becomes a terrible lesson for his whole life. Human sacrifices are not worth the won minute of time and every driver who gets behind the wheel of a car should remember this.

Thank you for your attention, good luck on the road. Read, comment and ask questions. Subscribe to fresh and interesting articles on the site.

Overtaking a car is one of the most dangerous maneuvers, and therefore requires knowledge and a clear understanding of all the elements and stages of which it consists.

The overtaking maneuver can be conditionally divided into 3 stages: entering the oncoming lane, getting ahead of the overtaken vehicle and returning to your own lane.

Departure into the oncoming lane

Make sure that there are no cars behind and that no one is going to overtake you at the moment.

At the same time, “calculate” the situation ahead to make sure that during the overtaking maneuver you will not be on a section of the road where overtaking is prohibited by traffic rules.

In the absence of oncoming cars, turn on, drive into the oncoming lane and assess the situation ahead for the safety of the maneuver.

If a vehicle or a car that you were going to overtake moves in the oncoming lane in the immediate vicinity, turns on the left turn and is going to overtake the vehicle in front or avoid an obstacle, turn off the right turn and return to your lane.

After waiting for a favorable road situation, turn on the left turn again, and then - according to the text set out above. If the situation ahead allows you to safely perform the overtaking maneuver, proceed to the second part of the "Marlezon ballet".

Leading the overtaken car

If up to this moment you were moving with the included fifth gear, you should switch to the fourth, if in the fourth - switch to the third. In other words, before overtaking is necessary.

What for? To provide the necessary acceleration dynamics for your iron Horse quickly and briskly picked up the required speed.

Pressing on the gas, catch up with the car in front, move next to it for a split second, and then rapidly outrun it and get ahead.

This stage of overtaking is the fastest, but at the same time the most dangerous, since there is practically no time and place to cancel the maneuver.

Returning to your lane

Turn on the right turn lamp and, without slowing down, return to your lane. Shift into an upshift and continue towards your destination.

Try to perform all stages of overtaking a car clearly and quickly. But do not get carried away, because the road is not a race track.

Do not stay in the oncoming lane unnecessarily.

Before deciding to overtake, consider whether it is really necessary in the current traffic situation.

Get on the road rested, no signs.

Remember: the situation on the road changes in a split second, so do not expose your life, the lives of your passengers and the lives of other road users to danger with careless and risky maneuvers.

Good luck to you! Not a nail, not a rod!

In the terminology used in Russian traffic regulations since March 2014, overtaking a car is considered to be a maneuver during which motor vehicle for a short period of time drives into the oncoming lane, overtakes the vehicle in front and returns to its own lane.

Very risky overtaking

By the way: in the new edition of the rules it is written that now it does not matter whether the overtaken vehicle is moving or standing. From this we can conclude that the term “overtaking” can be used, considering the situation exclusively on two-lane roads, with the obligatory departure of the overtaking vehicle to the “oncoming lane”.

Another term appears in the traffic rules - "anticipation", meaning overtaking, but which does not occur. Leading is possible on roads with two lanes and higher. In fact, the lead replaced the term "overtaking from the right" - a maneuver that was considered a gross violation, for which they were severely punished. Now being ahead does not violate traffic rules.

Because of the departure of drivers to the “oncoming lane” in Russia, accidents regularly occur with especially grave consequences for all road users, often fatal. Outside the city, overtaking is rightfully considered the most risky maneuver, since even experienced drivers cannot always calculate the time and speed of other road users required for a maneuver in a second.

How to safely overtake: rules and guidelines

  1. Up to 25 percent of all road traffic accidents occur due to driver errors while overtaking. More than half of them are due to the fault of the drivers who were unable to complete this maneuver.
  2. The main cause of accidents is the inability of drivers to sensibly assess the situation on the road: the distance that the overtaken vehicle travels, as well as the time required for maneuvering. It is not for nothing that the expression is popular among the people: "I am not sure - do not overtake." It would seem that the rule is clear to everyone. But, unfortunately, the number of accidents on our roads is not decreasing, and the number of deaths is becoming more and more.

When is overtaking prohibited?

No overtaking sign

In these cases, it is also impossible to overtake.

It is not always possible to make this maneuver while driving. Overtaking is prohibited in the following cases:

  • zone of action of the sign "Overtaking is prohibited"
  • the driver of the vehicle driving in front has notified of the intention to turn left;
  • the car in front makes a maneuver that prevents it from overtaking (for example, bypassing an obstacle on the road);
  • you have doubts that overtaking will be successful - there is not enough speed, for example; Let's say the speed of the overtaken car is 73 km / h, and you are driving at 78 km / h - it turns out that in order to overtake the vehicle, you and the driver of the overtaken vehicle need to overcome 170 meters.
  • if you feel that the speed will not be enough for you, it is better - your unsuccessful attempt may not only spoil the traffic on this section of the road, but also cost someone's life;
  • the transport behind you began to overtake you.

Where is overtaking prohibited?

Overtaking is prohibited!

There are places on the road where overtaking is prohibited by law. These places are:

  • crossroads; on regulated ones, overtaking is always prohibited, on unregulated ones - in the case when you are not driving on the main road;
  • pedestrian crossings, provided that there are people there. Overtake on pedestrian crossing it is possible in the event that there is no sign nearby prohibiting this maneuver, and there is no solid line on the road;
  • 100 meters of the road in front of the railway tracks;
  • tunnels, overpasses, bridges, as well as the area under them, overpasses: these buildings can be placed in such a way that you cannot immediately notice them from afar: for example, bridges located near settlements are most often not indicated by appropriate signs on the road to him. Therefore, overtaking in front of or on a bridge is extremely dangerous. Today such a maneuver is prohibited and severely punished;
  • places of the road where there are problems with visibility: sharp turns, uphills, and so on.

Overtaking rules used today - we do overtaking correctly!

All the rules that must be followed when overtaking someone on the road are described in chapter 11 of the latest version of the traffic rules. In this article, we will provide only basic information about these rules.

  1. Not sure - don't try. When starting a maneuver, you must be 100 percent sure of success, no less. The speed should be enough to overtake the traffic in front, plus everything you need to have enough free distance in the oncoming lane - this is the only way to avoid troubles for yourself and other drivers. This is the first and, perhaps, the most important rule: indeed, overtaking is always associated with a share of risk, since you have to drive into the “oncoming lane”. Be careful and always assess your options sensibly. From the first rule, the following thesis can be distinguished: if a road traffic accident occurs during overtaking, the culprit ALWAYS the driver who starts overtaking will be considered.
  2. Notify the overtaken person. Having started the maneuver, approach the overtaken vehicle at a distance of about 15-20 meters and turn on the turn signal: this will not allow cars behind you to start overtaking. If there is poor visibility on the road (night time or, for example, fog), do not be too lazy to blink the high beam headlights.
  3. Keep the speed. Once in the left lane, drive at the speed of the overtaken vehicle. Be careful not to fall into the "dead zone". By doing this maneuver, you have time to evaluate traffic situation and show the overtaken that you will now make a maneuver. You also prevent unwanted overtaking of vehicles driving behind you.
  4. Your goal during overtaking is to drive the oncoming lane as quickly as possible, so do not spare the accelerator pedal to increase the difference in speed between your vehicle and the vehicle being overtaken.
  5. Leaving the "oncoming" lane, carefully monitor what is happening. If you have doubts about the successful completion of the maneuver, urgently return to the lane on which you were driving initially.
  6. When at the end of the maneuver the overtaken vehicle appears in the rear-view mirror, you should smoothly, without sharp "undercuts" return to the main lane of your movement. At this stage, turn on the right turn to inform the driver in the oncoming lane that you are completing your maneuver. It will also tell the driver behind you (who decided to overtake with you, people call it a "steam locomotive") that someone is coming towards you.
  7. Collective, or "locomotive" overtaking is a very risky undertaking, especially if the head of such a convoy is a large transport (truck, bus, minibus, jeep, etc.), or a small car with toning. Because of them, it is difficult to understand the real traffic situation, which can lead to not very good consequences.
  8. If, for some reason, overtaking is impossible (you misjudged the speed of cars in the oncoming lane, the driver of the overtaken vehicle is offended and does not allow you to overtake him), then urgently return to your lane. If this is no longer possible, downshift and accelerate as much as possible.

How to overtake incorrectly

  • It is strictly forbidden to overtake on the right side (curb), even if there is no one on it and everything is clearly visible: potholes, pits and any debris like bottles can cause you to simply lose control and crash into a car that , moreover, it can drive into the oncoming lane.
  • The Russian climate is rather harsh, especially during the winter and autumn seasons. Fog, heavy rain or snowfall can all cause serious road accidents. In addition, vehicles driving in front of you raise a column of dust and dirt into the air, particles of which settle on your windshield... These factors force drivers to sometimes drive, frankly, at random. Therefore, if you cannot see the road well due to climatic conditions, then do not try to overtake.
  • Do not become a participant in massive overtaking. If you find yourself in a row of "cars", then remember that the priority for overtaking has the first car that started the maneuver. Appreciate all overtaking participants and allow more fast cars be the first to return to the main lane. And only after that, complete the started overtaking.
  • When overtaking large vehicles (trucks, buses, etc.), do not drive close to it. If you drive too close to such a vehicle, you will lose your already small view into the oncoming lane. There is another danger: there is a high probability that a "slow-moving" like "Zaporozhets" can drive in front of the truck. Plus, very often the trucks go by "convoy", and you need to overtake them all, which is not always easy. Therefore, be extremely careful when overtaking large vehicles, take into account all possible problems
  • Do not overtake vehicles during climbs. Motorists, wanting to quickly get out onto a flat section of the road, sharply increase the speed of transport. This can be the reason that you simply do not have enough acceleration to overtake. Therefore, do not risk overtaking on hills, especially if your car cannot boast of good speed characteristics... However, there are times when the vehicle in front flashes a right turn for you as a sign that there is no one in front of it and you can start overtaking. Take this chance and thank the driver for their help.
  • Be careful when completing overtaking during heavy traffic. When you enter a passing stream of cars, you need to equalize the speed with it, and do this not during the entrance, but also on the opposite lane, so as not to collide with any car. Usually, if an abnormal situation arises, car row rebuilds so that you can enter the lane. If you were helped, do not hesitate to blink the emergency gang 2-3 times as a token of gratitude.
  • When a solid and dashed line is drawn on the road, the overtaking maneuver may only be performed on the side where the dashed line is drawn.
  • If someone starts overtaking you, do not exceed the speed limit! On the contrary, slow down so that the driver can return to the lane without any problems.

Frequent mistakes during overtaking:

  • the beginning of overtaking from the stern;
  • hanging on the tail of the car;
  • incorrect calculation of the speed of oncoming traffic;
  • unexpected overtaking with the hope that the driver of oncoming traffic will somehow correctly and cunningly react;
  • the "male" effect - unwillingness to stop a maneuver, even when it is clear to all participants in the movement that it will not end with success.

Remembering these simple tips and putting them into practice, you guarantee yourself the opportunity safe overtaking Vehicle.

“How many times have the world been told…”, nevertheless, the number of fines, however, like the fines themselves, issued for overtaking, are regularly growing.

To avoid unnecessary waste of money, we offer an article that describes the tricks and secrets of overtaking a car.

Overtaking and facts about him:

About a quarter of accidents are caused by improper overtaking. Violation of the rules for overtaking leads to driving into an oncoming lane, for which numerous fines are imposed.

In more than half of car accidents, drivers simply did not have time to complete the final stage of overtaking, which is returning to the lane.

The main cause of accidents is an erroneous assessment of the situation in the overtaking zone, and more specifically, the driver incorrectly estimates the time required to perform a maneuver, as well as the distance that an overtaking car needs to travel.

Basic rules for overtaking:

"Not sure - don't overtake" is a hackneyed expression, but it is precisely this that is a panacea for fatal accidents. Therefore, before overtaking, assess its safety.

What does “safe overtaking” mean?

"Beacon" and safe movement

If you value your health and the lives of your fellow travelers, then it will be harmless to know that you should not overtake when the car in front is moving at your speed.

It is better to make this car your "beacon", because the vehicles in front will promptly report on the condition of the road.

This is better than straining yourself, and even wasting energy, looking back at the car hanging on the tail, driving at your speed. Experienced motorists are always looking for a "beacon" travel companion.

In addition to these advantages, the "beacon" does not allow you to relax and slow down.

How to overtake: step by step instructions

1. Approach the overtaken car for about 20 m, turn on the turn signal.

2. "Designate" on the left lane, continuing to drive at the speed of the overtaken one. Make sure that you are not in his "dead zone".

The advantages of this maneuver:

This will provide an opportunity to assess the situation.
... this way you prepare the overtaken motorist and prevent him from making a return overtaking.
... you will prevent unwanted overtaking by cars coming from behind.
... you will have time to make sure that the rear cars are driving safely.

3. Only then can you start overtaking. In poor visibility, it is advisable to blink with a high beam.

4. Before completing overtaking, turn on the right turn signal and at an acute angle return to your lane.

What if everything went wrong?

1. For example, an oncoming car started approaching sooner than you expected.
2. Or, the offended person being overtaken added gas.

Exit: Return to your lane or resort to emergency acceleration by downshifting.

Overtaking a "locomotive" - ​​convoys of cars

Quite often there is a ministerial situation when you meet a column of slowly moving cars on the highway. Overtaking in this case is not easy at all. The possible heavy traffic in the oncoming lane adds to the difficulties.

In such a situation, overtaking should be performed by the car that is closest to the low-speed car in front. And so on, overtaking is carried out in a chain. But if you decide not to overtake and your driving dynamics is inferior to other drivers, then you need to notify the rest of your plans by turning on the right povortonik.

And what should not be done under any circumstances is double overtaking. Remember that accidents happen because the current motorist is driving tomorrow’s road at the speed of tomorrow.


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