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Is it profitable or not? After reducing the excise tax on the import of used cars from other countries, this issue is very actively discussed by motorists and auto business specialists.

The adoption of bill No. 3251, which lowers the excise tax on the import of used cars, greatly aroused the automotive community. Auto business professionals began to actively discuss how the rate cut would turn out for the Ukrainian car market, and ordinary people surf European auto sites in search of a suitable car.

Bets and Limits

The new law establishes the following rates of excise duty:

For vehicles with engine up to 1,000 cc. cm excise tax rates are reduced to: 0.102 euros per 1 cubic cm (the current rate is 1.09-1.44 euros, depending on the year of manufacture of the car);

With an engine up to 1,500 cc - € 0.063 (now € 1.37-1.76);

With an engine up to 2,200 cc - € 0.267 (now € 1.64-2.44);

With an engine up to 3,000 cc up to € 0.276 (now € 2.21-4.99);

With an engine over 3,000 cc - 2.209 euros (now 3.33-4.99 euros).

As you can see, the excise tax has really been significantly reduced, for example, for customs clearance of a car with an engine volume of 2 liters. the excise tax will be 534 euros instead of 4,882 euros.

However, there are some restrictions in the law, which are designed to prevent speculation on the part of "gray" auto businessmen. In order to be able to use the "freebie", it is necessary that the car comply with the environmental standards "Euro-5", was produced after 2010 (inclusive) and was not released on the territory of the country recognized by the occupying state, or by the aggressor state according to relation to Ukraine (read - Russia).

You also need to remember that only one car can be delivered within 365 days. If the owner wants to sell the car during this period, the government will have to pay the difference between the new and old rates.

Another important limitation is that the law is in effect until the end of 2018, so there is not much time left for "ferrying".

Is it profitable or not?

Despite the fact that the excise tax is indeed reduced in some cases by tens of times, the benefit from buying a car “from there” after calculations and comparisons is not so significant. In addition to all official payments, the buyer must also take into account the payment for the services of "ferrymen", that is, people who will help find and check the car and deliver the car from the seller's site to the border. And some dealers for 5-10% of the cost of the car will also be engaged in the execution of all documents at customs and in service centers GAI.

If you are going to search, drive and register a car on your own, then you will need money to stay abroad for several days while you choose a car. If you go by car, add the cost of gasoline for your car and the one you are going to buy, and money for the accommodation of a partner who will lead one of the cars on the way back to Ukraine.

The "ferrymen" we interviewed estimate their services for the selection of a car at European sites and its delivery to the border at 1000 US dollars, if the process does not take longer than 5 days. Usually this period is enough to find the car the customer needs and deliver it to the border.

Entertaining math

For example, let's take three cars of different classes and calculate whether their purchase abroad has now become more profitable than in Ukraine.

Let's start small, in the truest sense of the word, a little car - Smart ForTwo, especially since now these machines are gaining popularity due to their economy and small dimensions.

On the website, we will choose a car that suits us: year of production after 2010, gasoline, volume - up to 1 liter, no damage.

To calculate all the necessary payments, you can use the customs clearance calculator "in a new way" on one of the automotive sites.

As you can see, in addition to customs payments, you also need to pay 111 euros to the pension fund. We will also add to this the necessary payments to the traffic police for registering a car - approximately 720 UAH. and $ 800 for a ferryman (if the buyer's requirements for a car are clearly formulated, then a discount can be made for driving such a car).

After recalculation in hryvnia, we get the final cost of the car "on the numbers" - 148 232 hry.

To understand the benefits of a purchase, let's look at the prices for customs cleared Smart ForTwo on a popular internet site in Ukraine:

The average purchase price (we are considering the cheapest offers) will amount to UAH 188 thousand. Add to this the registration with the traffic police and a 3% payment to the pension fund - the total amount will be UAH 194,360, and the difference between Smart from the German site and from Ukraine is UAH 46,128. (1647 euros), that is, half of its price "there".

Without a doubt, buying such a car in Europe is much more profitable than in Ukraine.

The second candidate for the acquisition is the popular in our country Fabia c diesel engine volume of 1.6 liters.

Calculations show that a ready-to-use car will cost the buyer 191 480 hry., and the Ukrainian offers of such cars start from UAH 221 343, however, in our sale diesel Fabia of 2010 can be found only with a 1.4 liter engine.

After registration and all fees, a car bought in Ukraine will cost at least UAH 228,703. The difference will be UAH 37,223. (1329 euros). In this case, the benefit is slightly less, but nevertheless, it is quite significant.

And if more expensive?

The third candidate is the classics of the premium segment, Bmw x5 with a 3-liter gasoline engine.

"Used" premium crossover from Germany will cost the new owner 940 200 UAH In the case of a purchase in Ukraine, you can count on the minimum cost of UAH 833 405.

But in this case, the difference is in the opposite direction. The German version of the purchase is more expensive than the Ukrainian one by as much as 106 795 UAH. (3814 euros)! Although, under the new law, customs clearance of such a car will be almost 7,000 euros cheaper, nevertheless, offers can be found much more profitable in Ukraine.

To buy or not to buy?

It is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion. If you are going to buy a budget car with a small engine displacement, then the savings in relation to its price will be quite significant. If your desires and capabilities lean towards the premium segment, then you should carefully weigh the pros and cons and first of all carefully consider all offers from Ukrainian sellers.

Also, do not forget about the very process of importing a car to Ukraine. If you decide to use the services of an intermediary, try to find someone who has already helped your acquaintances or friends in this kind of business. Of course, you can try your luck and go on a trip for a car on your own - this way you can better control all expenses and check the condition of the car that you liked.

What will happen to car prices in Ukraine?

Despite the fears of representatives of the Ukrainian auto business and car owners who were going to sell their personal cars, prices for used cars will not decrease in the near future. First, as we have seen when comparing prices, only a certain segment of cars - inexpensive and with a small engine capacity - can get cheaper. Secondly, and this is the main argument, new owners will be able to sell the imported cars only in a year, so cars will definitely not get cheaper in the near future.

On the official Internet portal of legal information on September 26, 2018, the final version of Order No. 399 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was published "On approval of the Rules for state registration of motor vehicles and trailers to them in the State Inspectorate for Road Safety ...", which replaces the registration rules approved by order no. 1001 ten years ago.

The order will enter into force on October 6 this year, thereby putting on the shelf the outdated registration rules in force since 2008. It should be noted that the first attempt to make global updates to the registration actions failed, the first version of the order remained on paper due to the fact that during its consideration in the legislation many nuances have changed, which the document did not take into account. Therefore, it was necessary to make adjustments and work out the second version of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We have already written about it in detail on the pages of our website:

Today, on the eve of the October changes in the registration of the vehicle in the country, we decided to once again go through the main theses of an important regulatory draft order, which is about to become law for motorists for many years.

Source: YouTube channel Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Despite the vastness of the document, in which all the subtleties of registering auto and motor vehicles, as well as trailers for them, are described in detail on 27 pages in a new way, the main updates can be grouped in the following areas:

Change in registration actions to install a new engine on a car;

Changing the storage time of license plates;

Yes, too, nothing bad. When selling a car for a new owner, no additional documents for the engine will be required either. Information about the new motor is entered into the TCP, if there are no questions. What questions may the inspector have? For example, the inspector will definitely check:

if there is an engine on the wanted list;

whether its marking (VIN) has been changed;

whether the design of the car has changed (for example, if you install a more powerful power unit rather than identical, this would already be considered a design change.)

How long can you keep your license plate under the new vehicle registration rules?

Everything here is simple and transparent. Under the new rules, it will be up to 360 days. According to current regulations, when changing a car, a driver can retain a license plate for 180 days. *

* The term will be automatically extended for those car owners who keep the number in the traffic police at the time the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs comes into force.

Introduction of electronic vehicle passports (EPTS) into circulation

Despite the fact that the "electrification" of the PTS is proceeding with a creak, soon the EPTS will begin to be used everywhere. And then the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 399, arrived in time, and everything was laid out on the shelves in it.

How do I get an EPTS?

When buying a new car from a dealer (when importing a car from abroad), an electronic vehicle passport will be automatically issued for it. From November 1, 2019, the issuance of traditional paper PTSs will be discontinued.

Do I need to change the old paper TCP for a new electronic one?

No. Although, if desired, a voluntary replacement for the electronic version is provided.

What if the car belongs to several owners? What will be the sequence of actions now? How to share a car?

Now you can go in two ways:

First- all owners come to the traffic police and write a statement (in simple written form) about their consent to register the car to one of the heirs.

Second way(if a collective visit to the traffic police is impossible) - a notarized consent of the owners (heirs or partners) to register the car for one of them is drawn up. Upon arrival at the traffic police, he will show a documented consent and register the car for himself.

No disputes and abuse between relatives. This is also settled.

Moreover, the same algorithm of actions is also applicable to owners who are not relatives. For example, a situation when a car was bought in a joint.

How to register a car without a passport?

Indeed, now it is possible, which is spelled out in the order. The new order involves the registration of a car with a temporary identity card. A temporary identity card is a document (form 2P) temporarily issued for the period of issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a validity period of 2 months and the possibility of renewal. In other words, an analogue of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued in exchange for a lost or stolen identity card.

Question: The car passed the examination in the traffic police, that it is not a criminal one, will it be necessary to pass it again when buying such a car?

The headache of thousands and thousands of law-abiding car owners who bought a "controversial" car (there was a non-factory welding of the area around the VIN number, the identification number is rusted, one or more VIN digits are not readable) will become a thing of the past from October this year.

Such conclusions and data from examinations, photographs of documents and controversial elements of the car will be entered into the unified Federal Information System of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Thus, having a common database throughout the country, the new car owner will not need to undergo a lengthy examination, during which the car will be unavailable to the owner. It will be enough for the inspector to turn to the computer base.

In 2013, in accordance with the adopted Administrative Regulations, the sale of cars and the registration procedure acquired a simplified form. This amendment entered into force in 2019.

What is the procedure for registering a purchase and sale, what are the requirements, is there a difference between the sale of a used (used) vehicle and a new one - these and other questions can be answered by qualified lawyers online free of charge.

In 2019. acquired relevance new law"On the registration of vehicles." The main change in the procedure for registering vehicles, both new and used, is the absence of the need to deregister when concluding a sale and purchase agreement. A previously sold car (BU) should first be removed from the register, then the procedure for changing the number plates took place, and only then the contract was drawn up. At the moment, this requirement has ceased to be valid and new owner the vehicle may leave behind old signs. An unchanged requirement in 2019. remained the obligatory conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement between the owner and the buyer.

Implementation vehicle- this is a transaction on the basis of which the buyer obtains the right to use the vehicle, and the owner transfers the right to use on the terms specified in the contract. Sale and purchase can be carried out by the same person without time and frequency restrictions. Thus, per year, one person can conclude an unlimited number of transactions for the sale and purchase of a used (used) car.

For an ordinary car owner, it is enough to study the standard scheme for selling a car once. Car dealership employees should study in more detail the rules for buying and selling a car.

Nuances of car re-registration

On the basis of the new amendments to the RF Legislation, there is no deregistration procedure, therefore, “transits” are not issued. Each car (including BU) has a fixed number plate. Also, the loophole has disappeared, due to which a previously sold car could "hang", i.e. the old owner has taken off the register, but the new one has not yet been registered.

A similar loophole until 2019. allowed citizens not to pay transport tax. After all, the difference between a fine for not timely registration and a transport tax varies from 5,000 rubles. up to tens of thousands of rubles.

Under the old legislation, the time interval between deregistration and staging could be equated to several years. Often on the roads one could find a premium class car with transit numbers, which the owner had been driving for several years. When meeting with a traffic police officer, the answer is always simple - "Just put the food on record." Thus, neither fines nor taxes were received by the country's treasury.

Since 2019 the only procedure is “Re-registration”, which includes both deregistration and registration. The document confirming the completion of the transaction remained unchanged - the purchase and sale agreement, which, according to the new rules, does not need to be certified by a notary or a lawyer. The purchase rules apply to both new cars purchased at a car dealership and purchased from hand (used).

How to register?

Observing the sequence of actions when making a deal, you can significantly minimize the time spent. The buying and selling algorithm consists of the following steps:

  1. Verification of documents:
  • documents of both parties must be original and personalized;
  • the presence of an OSAGO policy;
  • the vehicle must not be on the wanted list or be collateral;
  • for a car (BU), purchased in 2012. there must be a mark on the payment of the recycling fee.
  1. We collect a package of documents for re-registering a car:

The owner must have with him:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia.

The buyer must present:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • the presence of a CTP policy. It is necessary to register a new one or enter the buyer's data into the current seller.

  1. Plate number. New standards for buying a car 2019. state that the owner has the right to retain the old signs (BU). To do this, you need to write an application to the traffic police department at which the registration takes place. After the application is accepted, the numbers are registered in the traffic police archive and can be stored there for no more than six months.
  2. Registration of the contract. After studying the terms of the contract, both parties must sign it and draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the car in 3 copies. After that, the information about the buyer is entered into the PTS and transferred along with the registration certificate.
  3. Owner and registration. The new owner must, no later than ten days after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, visit the MREO traffic police department and go through the registration procedure. You must take the following package of documents with you:
  • a properly completed application for registration;
  • registration certificate;
  • OSAGO insurance policy;
  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • availability of a contract confirming the purchase of a car;
  • receipt for payment of the state duty for PTS - 200 rubles;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for the registration certificate - 300 rubles;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty for license plates - 1,500 rubles. BU numbers are not subject to duty.

The final steps are to inspect the car by a traffic police officer. Next, the owner gives the application to the inspector. After that, the new owner gets back the Title Deed, where the MREO seal must be present. Also, a registration certificate with marks and license plates is issued. The sales contract remains in one copy at the traffic police department, and the second in the hands of the owner.

What should you pay attention to?

The design algorithm for a used car requires increased attention from both the seller and the buyer. There are some nuances, faced with which, many people do not know what to do.

Below are a few points, the knowledge of which will allow you to register without unnecessary nerves and fuss:

  • if the seller does not have free space for records in the TCP, it is necessary to replace the document. Service cost - 500 rubles;
  • receipts can be paid at a bank branch. To do this, you should obtain information about the purpose of the payment and the recipient. All details can be obtained in the window of the operator in the traffic police department;
  • in the contract, on the basis of the law of 2019, the date must be indicated;
  • The transfer of a vehicle from hand to hand can only take place on the basis of a contract or a general power of attorney.

When purchasing a used vehicle from hand, the future owner must thoroughly study the diagnostic card of the purchase item. This card must be valid at the time of purchase, because current maintenance is important when making an insurance policy.

Commercial MREO should be noted separately. Based on the adopted in 2019. changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, abolished the obligatory use of the services of commercial MREO. The inspector does not have the right to refuse to accept documents filled out on his own. Mandatory payments include only state duty.

According to the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement for used vehicles with confirmed origin from the EU, the import duty rate has been reduced to 6.4%!

Customs clearance of cars in Ukraine in 2020 is still of interest to many people. That is why we have created a special calculator that will calculate the cost of all customs payments, taking into account all the innovations, both for cars from Europe and for cars brought from other countries, such as Canada or the USA. It is worth noting that excise duty and VAT on the import of an electric car from abroad will not be levied until 2022. For those who intend to travel abroad to buy a car, be sure to read the memo how and how. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the full text of the Law that reduces excise taxes.

How to clear a car through customs in Ukraine

The import of cars from abroad has become an especially relevant topic for Ukrainian consumers after the adoption of a number of laws that not only made customs payments at least somehow commensurate with the value of the imported car, but also made it possible to purchase cars manufactured before 2010. According to the existing legislation, all vehicles (TC) imported into the territory of Ukraine must go through the customs clearance (customs clearance) procedure.

How much does customs clearance cost in 2020?

In order to clarify the situation for our users and take into account all the variables, we have created this customs clearance calculator for individuals who bought a car (new or used) abroad. It takes into account all changes in regulations that affect the customs clearance of cars in 2020.

With the beginning of the new laws 2611-VIII and 2612-VIII, customs clearance of used passenger vehicles that are imported into Ukraine by a person for his own use in the amount of one a car, is carried out if they comply with environmental standards not lower than the level of "EURO-2", and new vehicles - "EURO-5".
For trucks and buses, both new and used, the environmental restrictions "EURO-5" remain.

Mandatory payments for car customs clearance

  • Import customs duty
    According to the Law "Customs Tariff of Ukraine", the import customs duty is 10% of the customs value of the vehicle. The exception is buses with diesel engines with an engine volume over 5 liters, serving for the transport of more than 10 people (20%) and electric vehicles (0%). Cars originating from EU countries since 2019 for the most part have a rate of 6.4%, except for: new passenger cars with gasoline engines up to 1 liter (5%) and more than 1.5 liters (from 5 to 4.5%).
  • Excise duty
    For different types The vehicle is numbered in its own way and depends on the type of vehicle, engine size, its type (diesel or gasoline) age of the car. The excise tax on electric vehicles is 0% until 2022.
  • Customs clearance
  • VAT
    It is 20% of the amount of the customs value of the car, excise duty and import duty. Electric vehicles are exempt from VAT until 2022 (VAT = 0%).

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Almost every car owner over time carries out some modifications and improvements to his "iron horse".

For some, the changes are very minor, for example, replacing the nipple caps with colored ones. Other motorists approach the improvements more thoroughly and make changes to the engine, suspension, car body. All of these changes relate to the tuning (fine-tuning) of the vehicle.

In this article, we will talk about what fines await the owner of a car for illegal tuning.

Varieties of car tuning

First of all, let us highlight the common types of tuning, which are widespread in Russia:

  • or in the headlights.

All these changes are massive, so each of them is discussed in a separate article. We will not dwell on them in detail today.

As for other types of tuning, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Improvement appearance car. This group includes, for example, the installation of non-standard bumpers and spoilers on cars.
  • Improvement technical characteristics cars. In this case, we are talking about making changes to the car's engine, suspension or other structural elements.
  • Improving the cross-country ability of the vehicle. Preparing the car for off-road driving includes installation additional equipment, for example, a winch or snorkel, as well as the refinement of the design of the vehicle itself.

In general, design changes affect a fairly large group of car owners.

Penalty for tuning a car in 2020

Fines for changing the design of a vehicle are provided for:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the obligations of road safety officials, the operation of a vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2-7 of this article , -

entails warning or imposition administrative fine at the rate of five hundred rubles.

So, the driver will receive a fine in the amount of 500 rubles for most of the design changes.

There are a few exceptions for which more severe penalties apply:

  • Installation of headlights with red lights on the front of the car - deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months (part 3 of Article 12.5);
  • Installation of special light (flashing lights) or sound signals - deprivation of rights from 12 to 18 months (part 4 of Article 12.5);
  • Installation of the sign "Disabled" - a fine of 5,000 rubles (part 4 1 of article 12.5);
  • Installation of color-graphic schemes of operational services - deprivation of rights from 12 to 18 months (part 6 of article 12.5);
  • Installation of a color scheme for a passenger taxi - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

All of the above design changes are illegal and do not raise questions for drivers. Within the framework of this article, we are interested in those changes that do not fall into the specified list. It is required to understand in which case a fine in the amount of 500 rubles can be imposed, and in which not.

And for this you need to figure out what types of tuning are related to design changes.

Note. In the event of a change in the design of the vehicle, the traffic police may cancel the registration of the vehicle:

What applies to vehicle design changes?

Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code refers to. The full text of this document is not required, you just need to study its appendix:

In this document, the final paragraph 7.18 refers to tuning:

7.18. Changes have been made to the vehicle design without the permission of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

After reading this paragraph, the question arises, what exactly refers to changes in the design of the vehicle, for which you can get a fine of 500 rubles.

The concept of "changes in the design of a vehicle" is given in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "":

making changes to the design of a vehicle - exclusion of those provided for or installation not provided for by the design of a particular vehicle component parts and items of equipment made after the release of the vehicle into circulation and affecting road safety;

This definition does not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what exactly refers to the components and equipment that affect safety:

"vehicle safety" - a state characterized by a set of design parameters and technical condition a vehicle ensuring the inadmissibility or minimization of the risk of harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment;

However, in technical regulations there is Appendix No. 9, which, among other things, contains a list of individual (not all) design changes:

  • Replacement of a truck body type.
  • Installation of additional fuel tanks.
  • Installation of hoists and winches on trucks.
  • Installation of special equipment.
  • Installation and dismantling of LPG.
  • Replacement of external lighting devices (including the installation of xenon or diode lamps).
  • Re-equipment of the car for people with disabilities.

All of the above points are guaranteed to relate to changes in the design of the vehicle. If you do them without permission, you can get a fine of 500 rubles.

With regard to the installation of other equipment, it remains unclear in what cases it should be attributed to changes in the design of the vehicle.

For example, the installation of non-standard bumpers made of a different material (metal instead of plastic). Obviously, this tuning option affects the safety of the car in the event.

Another example. Installing the DVR on windshield car. On the one hand, the installation is elementary and should not affect safety. On the other hand, in the event that the airbags are deployed, they can "pull" the power supply wire of the recorder, tear it off the glass and send it "fly" around the cabin.

If you want to change the fixtures just for looks, then it's not worth it. the costs of effort, time and finance will be large.

Good luck on the road!

Please tell me when installing the following on the Prado 120, what can cause problems with the traffic police?

Wheel arches

Laser brake light, fog light and Star distance limiter

Metal arcs (double) on rear bumper(see photo)

Hello, a convertible was made from an old car, I wonder if the traffic police officers will be able to pick it up at the impound, or just a fine of 500 rubles?


Changes in design are subject to fines and cancellation of registration. The parking lot does not apply to the situation.

Good luck on the road!

Hello! Today a policeman made me comments on the trunk that is installed on the body of a VAZ 2107 car, is it possible to install a trunk on the car?

Nizami, describe in more detail what kind of trunk you mean.

In any case, if the documentation of the car allows you to use such a trunk, and there are documents on the trunk itself, then there should be no problems with its use.

Good luck on the road!

Good night. Is it possible to remake the exterior of a VAZ 2109 to a VAZ 2114 without making any changes?

Good afternoon. Without making changes, no.

The traffic police say that I do not have children's shelves on the Gazelle for transporting children, the Gazelle passed to me without shelves from another organization. DPS says there will be a fine. Please explain what the fine is for and whether they can impose it.

Good day! Tell me, the car has already installed lambod doors, which recline upward, but they have two positions, opens like a regular door to the side and leans up, now we will put the car on record, but this modification is not spelled out in the TCP, what will be the penalty and is considered Is it a violation at all? In fact, the doors remained factory-made, only the hinges were replaced.


1. Check with the vehicle manufacturer to see if the specified equipment was installed from the factory.

2. It does not matter who removed the structural elements. The current owner is responsible for the condition of the car.

3. If the traffic police considers that there is a design change affecting safety, then a fine may be imposed.

Good luck on the road!

Yuliya, Hello.

1. The penalty is always the same - 500 rubles. Plus, the vehicle registration can be canceled.

2. If the traffic police considers that there is a design change, then a fine will be imposed. In practice, everything depends on the employees. So far, I have not heard that someone was fined precisely for the door. However, in general, this is possible.

Good luck on the road!

Lenses with halogen are installed on the prior in optics, how does the law relate to this?

Good afternoon. If the manufacturer provides this complete set - everything is ok. If not, then unauthorized interference in changing the design of the car.


Hello! Please tell me dismantling passenger seats from the passenger compartment of the UAZ 2206 bus, issued in the PTS as a passenger one, will it be considered a design change requiring registration?

Good evening. Yes, for this they can cancel the registration of the vehicle.


What if I have 7 + 1 quick-release seats in my minibus?

Good evening. Are quick-detachable seats included in the factory t / s? Due to this option, the vehicle does not "turn" into a vehicle of another category?


Then nothing threatens you.


Rifat, are you a new employee on the site, or what?

Didn't know there were employees here. No, I am a driver with 30 years of experience. (Formerly a traffic policeman). I can also use Internet searches, analyze information, compare with official documents.

Basically, I support my answers with official information.


Understood thanks.

Sergey, Alexander, if the design of the car initially provides for the possibility of removing the seats, then nothing is required to legalize.

If it is assumed that the old seats or their mountings will simply be "sawed off", then the changes need to be legalized.

Good luck on the road!


But how can you legalize a complete conversion of a car into an all-terrain vehicle?

Good afternoon.

How to make a change in the vehicle design?

V general view the design of the alterations looks like this:

1 Testing laboratory

Submit your car for preliminary examination. Based on its results, you will be given a preliminary technical examination report for the possibility of making changes to the design.

Obtain permission to make changes to the vehicle design.

3 Car service

Changes to the vehicle design. Obtain copies of certificates of conformity for used parts and equipment, spare parts or accessories.

4 Inspection station

Standard Inspection Procedure. Based on its results, a diagnostic card is issued.

5 Testing laboratory

Obtain a safety check protocol for the vehicle structure after making changes to the design.


Good evening.

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation; The list of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited:

7.18. Changes have been made to the vehicle design without the permission of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 15 .; 3. The vehicle is allowed to participate in road traffic in case ... if it complies with the basic provisions on the admission of vehicles to participate in road traffic, established by the Government of the Russian Federation ....

4. After a design change has been made ... including the design of their component parts, additional equipment, spare parts and accessories affecting road safety, it is necessary to re-certify or re-declare conformity.

Its state registration has not been terminated and it complies with the basic provisions on the admission of vehicles to participate in road traffic, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Article 12.1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure ...

1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.

1.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for by part 1 of this article -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

Vitaly-154: And what to do now to rectify the situation -? To whom and where to contact -?

Return the vehicle to its original form (according to the manufacturer's plant), restore the accounting (submit the vehicle to the traffic police for inspection).

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