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Rooms on Renault Logan

Automobile: Renault Logan.
Asks: Saltykova Marina.
Essence of the question: How replace the light bulb backlight rear room?

Please tell me how to replace the rear license plate light bulb Renault Logan? It's just so closed there, I don't even know where to start.

When any of the bulbs on your car breaks down, it is quite easy to notice this malfunction, however, on Renault Logan, like on any other car, there is also such a light element, which is hardly noticeable in the daytime, - a light bulb room lighting.

Detailed illustration of replacing the backlight bulb (photo algorithm)

In order to carry out such a simple operation, just follow our detailed instructions.

  1. We squeeze out the lantern clamps with a screwdriver.

Renault Sandero Stepway 2012 License Plate Light Bulb Replacement

The video shows how backlight bulb license plate on the car Renault Sandero Stepway 2012.

Replacing a light bulb Renault Duster license plate lighting

Bulb w5w and a flat screwdriver are all we need.

With a little effort, we squeeze the body of the lantern from the place of fixation.

It should be taken out carefully so as not to damage the plastic latches.

When dismantling the block of wires, it is necessary to hold it only by the case itself.

You should press on them carefully, so as not to break.

After the clips are removed, the diffuser can be easily removed.

The lamp should be taken out of the place of fixation carefully so as not to break the "antennae".

The assembly is carried out in the same manner as for removal.

We do similar steps with another lamp in the same sequence.

When performing work with a screwdriver, take extra care, since the clips on the body of the lantern are made of fragile plastic and can simply break if you use it carelessly.

As you could see for yourself, there is nothing difficult in changing the license plate lamp for Renault Logan, just a little free time and strict adherence to our instructions.

License plate illumination, which is a mandatory attribute of cars, often raises questions from drivers related to possible changes or upgrades in its installation. So, according to GOST, you need to adhere to the lighting of the license plate of the rear of the car, while avoiding the backlight front room.

If the light above the "mini-passport" of the car does not light up, or the lighting does not correspond to the standards, the driver vehicle if the traffic police detects these violations, a state fine is imposed. To avoid penalties, you should be fully aware of how to properly install and operate the lighting fixture.

Regulatory aspects

The Regulation of the Road Traffic Rules states that each car must be equipped with special lighting equipment for the rear of the car, capable of turning on when the parking lights are on. It is therefore necessary to activate it in the dark, so that the traffic police inspector can effortlessly distinguish the symbols of the "mini-passport" of the vehicle from a distance of at least 20 meters.

The fine for the lack of backlighting of the back number and, accordingly, its unreadability is 500 rubles.

The opportunity to lose driving license for a period of 6-12 months with the confiscation of the lighting fixture is also present. The owner of the vehicle may be subject to such a punishment for lighting the front registration plate, since according to regulatory documents it should be absent.

Improving lighting

Number lighting is not a problem; it can be implemented by upgrading standard lights. Today, LEDs are most often installed in the form of strips, rulers and modules. However, going overboard with the number of LED items can be regarded as a change in the design of the vehicle.

There are two things to keep in mind to avoid punishment:

  • Firstly, a violation in the coverage of the state registration number can only be proven if the vehicle is in operation.
  • Secondly, the changes that have passed the traffic police certification cannot be considered illegal.

On the intensity of the illuminated backlight and the allowed colors of the LEDs

According to GOST, the light of the rear registration plates must be white or yellow, or their shades. Thus, any other color of lighting can be regarded as a violation and be subject to a corresponding fine of 3,000 rubles, since colored LEDs can confuse drivers who are following and provoke a road traffic accident (RTA).

Taking into account the standards, you can change the tonality and saturation of the lighting. However, this should be done without attracting the attention of the inspector by too bright light that leaves a mark on the roadway, as well as using an excessive amount of illumination of numbers of other colors.

Lighting Upgrade Attributes

The spiral number illumination used in factory lamps can be replaced with similar LED bulbs of a more powerful spectrum. The standard size of the LED for a light bulb with a standard base ranges from SMD5050 to COB matrices. The main positive quality such bulbs are compatible with the on-board computer (BC), that is, it will not give an error when installing the LEDs. Lamp prices depend on both the desired wattage and the manufacturer. On average, a set of LED devices of two lamps can be purchased within 300-400 rubles.

The vehicle owner will have to pay at least 600-800 rubles for illuminating registration symbols with an LED module. But the advantage of such LED device also available: their geometric dimensions exactly repeat the standard shades, i.e. no need to redo the mountings.

A budgetary way to solve the problem of license plate illumination is the ability to glue the LED strip above the number or around the perimeter. It is important to remember that it can only be glued to a place free of dirt and oil, otherwise the durability of the tape is not guaranteed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should strictly adhere to the rules for operating a car, properly treat the lighting devices of a car. Before leaving, always check the headlights to ensure that both the rear license plate and the front license plate light function - this will ensure easy legibility of the license plates. Take timely corrective action for any problems.

Rear license plate illumination is a mandatory attribute of every car. For the maintenance of this external light device in a faulty state or in a state that does not comply with the norms of the law, several types of administrative punishment are provided: warning, fine, deprivation of rights. This article will tell you about what the rear license plate lamp should be, how to modernize it and what rules should be followed.

Legal Aspects

In accordance with the regulations of the Road Traffic Rules (SDA), each car must have a rear license plate illumination, which is activated at the moment of switching on side lights... This external light device must be switched on during the movement of the vehicle (TC) with the onset of the dark. At the same time, the brightness of the lamps should be sufficient for the inspector to be able to identify the state. car number from a distance of 20 meters. Lack of illumination or unreadable for some reason the number of the car is regarded as a violation and in accordance with Article 12.2 Part 1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation entails a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

It is possible to correct the situation and thereby improve the illumination of the license plate by modernizing the standard lights. The most common way is to install LED light sources: modules, rulers, tapes. However, this innovation can be regarded as a change in the design of the car with all the ensuing consequences.

The Appendix to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation states that it is prohibited to make changes to the design of a vehicle without the permission of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation (clause 7.18 - Other structural elements). This point can be interpreted as follows. Firstly, if the car does not participate in road traffic(not operated), then the violation cannot be detected. Secondly, if the changes made have been certified by the traffic police and have documentary evidence, then the modernization was carried out according to the law.

In GOST 8769-75 (updated from 01.08.2013) in clause 2.8.2 it is said that the rear registration plate of the car must be illuminated with a stream of white light. According to this clause, the prohibition on backlighting the number with any other light, with the exception of shades of white, is automatically set. It turns out that the bright and rich colors of LEDs (blue, red, green), by law, cannot be used in organizing the backlighting of the rear license plate. They can confuse and confuse the vehicle drivers following behind.

This violation is interpreted by the inspector under Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with a warning or administrative fine 500 rubles. Another thing is the illumination of the front license plate. For all regulatory documents, it should be absent.

Punishment for installing state lighting numbers in front will be more strict - deprivation of rights for 6-12 months. with the confiscation of lighting devices (Article 12.5 Part 3).

Taking into account the current standards and rules, we come to the conclusion that it is possible to remake the back number illumination to LED with our own hands, but without unnecessary fanaticism. The main thing is not to attract the attention of officials with too bright light that illuminates not only the sign, but also part of the roadway and not to make a multi-colored decoration out of the illumination of the license plate.

Ways to upgrade room lighting

The spiral bulbs used in rear license plate lamps are easiest to replace with similar LED bulbs. In a standard C5W base, you can buy lamps on LEDs of different standard sizes: from to COB-matrices. Their main advantage is that they do not cause errors in on-board computer... The prices for the kit vary greatly and depend on the type of LEDs installed, their power and manufacturer. On average, 2 pieces can be purchased for $ 5. The original license plate light can be easily replaced with ready-made LED modules specially designed for this purpose. Their geometric dimensions are exactly the same as the standard shades, that is, there is no need to redo the mountings. The cost of a set of two modules of the budget series is $ 10-15. A cheaper option is room lighting based on a sealed LED strip with IP67 or IP68. In this case, you don't even have to dismantle the standard lights. LED strip is glued over the state. number or around its perimeter on a clean, grease-free base. All that is required from the driver is to switch the power from standard lamps to LED strip, observing the polarity and ensuring the tightness of the contacts.

Most car enthusiasts have enough knowledge and skills to work with the tools to help them take care of the car every day, making the most of their capabilities. Any of them is capable of performing simple and affordable maintenance operations on the main units of the machine. For example, replace air and oil filters or glue the punctured tire. They do not need to be told how to change a burned-out room light bulb; they find information on the Internet. Our motorists can competently check the presence of power in individual car wiring harnesses and, if necessary, easily deal with the lamp holder for the license plate light.

Important! The advantages of such work are obvious - it is easier to change the light bulb on your own than to rely on the car service masters. It will be faster, cheaper and more reliable. There are plenty of skills in working with metal and electricity, there would be a desire to change something.

The serviceability of headlights, lanterns and dimensions on the car is easily controlled without the use of special equipment by valiant police officers. Even such a minor defect as a non-working license plate light threatens the car owner with a fine of a couple of thousand rubles. Replacing the license plate light bulb, even in road conditions, does not require special labor and funds. If there is no spare and there is no car dealership nearby, you can use the interior light bulb.

Before deciding to change a light bulb, you should establish the reasons why the backlight may not work. Perhaps there is no contact in the socket, a blown fuse, or an open circuit in the car wiring.

Checking the possible reasons for the lack of backlight

From simple to complex:

  • we clean the lampshades with a rag, remove all dirt and moisture, by inspection we try to determine the fact of darkening of the lamp, the presence of condensation and possible deformation of plastic under the influence of heat;
  • turn on the low beam. If one of the backlight lights works, questions about the health of the fuses and wiring disappear. If a light tapping on the surface of the plafond produces short-term lightings of the bulb, it is necessary to settle the lamp more tightly in the holder;
  • remove the fixing clips and remove the decorative trim that blocks access to the lantern wiring connectors. Further, we carry out all actions with the ignition off;
  • we disconnect the wiring, in most designs the connector is fixed on the cartridge with a latch;
  • to remove the cartridge with the lamp, it is enough to turn it by hand at a certain angle around its axis and pull it out of the socket. The angle of rotation for different manufacturers can be from 40 to 90 degrees;
  • replacement of the license plate light bulb is made by replacing it with a similar or LED bulb.

We assemble the cartridge in the reverse order and, if successful, install the fastening of the trunk lid trim.

Important! Before removing the lamp holder, it is imperative to remove the wiring connector or disconnect the power supply to prevent a short circuit in the event of a cartridge breakage or contact contact

The incandescent light bulb used in the room lighting fixtures has a power of 5W, the contacts without the use of a base are brought out on the sealed part of the glass bottle. To replace burnt out lamps, Valeo and Narva are available on the market. Typically, the service life of bulbs installed by the manufacturer on a new car averaged at least 2.5 years. Lamps - substitutes, offered on the free sale, last half as much.

Factors affecting lamp life

The modern global automotive industry everywhere uses a huge number of components and assemblies made in China. These include almost all minor interior details, plastic products, wiring elements and all kinds of fasteners. The quality of parts and materials corresponds to the class of the machine.

The percentage of failure of all kinds of clips, fasteners, clamps on cars of class "D" is much lower than in cars of the same purpose, class "B", "A" and even "C". The specifics of production and quality control of higher-class automotive equipment implies the use of higher quality materials. The precision and quality of the plastic clips, the flashlight and the socket in which the illumination lamp is installed, allow you to perform work with almost bare hands, without special pullers or pliers. The question - how to change the license plate light bulb, is solved without contacting specialists or the machine's manual.

For example, replacing the backlight of the room lamp with Toyota Camry 6 is done with a regular slotted screwdriver in a matter of minutes. To do this, after removing the fastening clips, we raise the edge of the trunk lid trim. Feeling the wiring harness with your hand, we find the connector for its attachment to the lamp and, by pressing on the connector lock, disconnect it from the lamp. We turn the cartridge with the illumination lamp by 30-40 degrees and take it out from under the decorative panel. How to replace the room backlight lamp further - take out the burned-out one and install a new lamp or LED. The quality of the plastic allows, even after 5-10 years of car operation, to effortlessly disassemble and assemble the fasteners without breaking the clips or the cartridge.

The worst reputation in this matter is possessed by chinese cars... All shades, mounts, clamps - everything made of plastic must be immediately glued to the place of attachment with silicone "sealant", fixed with screws or bolts. Moreover, most plastic assemblies, which at first glance seem to be collapsible, fall apart when trying to repair them. The unit has to be replaced with a new one.

The question of how to replace the rear license plate light bulb on the Kia Rio was cleverly resolved. Unlike the common replacement procedure with the removal of the inner skin, in a Korean runabout, the lantern itself is removed using a conventional slotted screwdriver. Next to the plafond, a groove is made into which we insert the tool and, with little effort, move the lamp body by 3-4 mm. Gently pressing the fastening clips, we easily remove the flashlight from the socket. Further, the sequence of actions on the Kia Rio when replacing the room backlight lamps is standard.

Replacing the light bulb in the backlight of the number on the Prior

The Russian car industry is famous for its unconventional approach to detail. Replacing the license plate light bulb on the Priora is no exception, although it does not present any particular difficulties for a trained motorist. The socket with the license plate illumination lamp is accessible from the inside, therefore it is necessary to remove the inner trim of the trunk lid. The cartridge should be easily removable by hand after turning it 90 degrees. The bulb is removed from the socket and replaced with a new one.

Attention! When overheating, the cartridge and the cover are deformed, the assembly can only be disassembled using a tool, while the risk of cutting hands by fragments of plastic and glass increases

The life of the backlight lamp, in addition to the quality of its manufacture, is influenced by the quality of the fastening in the cartridge, the absence of corrosion on the contacts and condensation that accumulates from the moisture of fog and rain. In conditions of unreliable or damp contact, the amount of heat generated by electric current during lamp operation increases dramatically. In this case, the car's power supply system works with an overload, giving additional energy to heat the contacts, the plastic from which the cartridge and the transparent shade are made. After a while, the lamp burns out due to the increased heat load.

Attention! Under the influence of heat, the lamp holder and the lamp cover are deformed; when removing the lamp, care must be taken due to possible cuts on the hands by fragments of glass and plastic

Video on replacing the lamp on the Priore:

Features of work on replacing the lamp

During the work, the mountings of the plafonds and cartridges crack and fail en masse. There are many complaints about the quality of the plastic from which the elements of the lamp are made. Almost always the question of how to change the room backlight lamp is solved by purchasing a whole lamp in the kit and then installing it using glue and self-tapping screws.

If the manufacturer or the previous owner of the car did not install LED lamps in the room backlight, do not be too lazy to make such a replacement yourself. Many motorists do not know the specifics of the question - how to change the license plate illumination lamp on the Priore to an LED. There are many options for such bulbs in car dealerships. As a rule, there are no problems when installing LEDs, but attention and accuracy are required. If LED lamps are used with four contacts instead of two, it is necessary to bend the extra tendrils of the contacts so that they do not cause a short circuit during installation. They serve an order of magnitude longer than incandescent lamps.

Which room lighting lamps to install on personal vehicles, each motorist decides independently. How to replace the backlight bulbs on a Toyota Camry can be seen in the video:

Toyota Corolla - reliable quality car. Japanese assembly cars will not cause any problems to the car owner for many years. If you are dealing with other manufacturers, then how lucky. There are natural breakdowns as a result of wear and tear and depletion of service life. For example, a rear license plate lamp.

Is it possible to self-replace

You can change the bulbs in the room lighting yourself. The best option lighting is a LED light bulb that is not afraid of moisture and small mechanical shocks. Two lighting lamps are installed by the manufacturer. Some amateurs do not like them, because they give a weak light. They upgrade it with LED strips... License plate illumination is required. The choice of lighting color for most Russian citizens is limited to white and yellow.

Requirements for illumination of the rear license plate

According to traffic rules, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the state registration plate of the car should be clearly readable at a distance of 20 meters, both in light and dark time days. Room lighting is required. A fine is imposed for the absence of a lighting lantern, its breakdown, pollution. This is an external light fixture and the general requirements for fixtures and reflectors apply. The driver will be fined or warned for the complete absence of license plate illumination, if at least one lamp does not work, even if all letters and numbers are fully visible.

How to change a light bulb

The answer to the question "How to remove license plate lights on a Toyota Corolla?" is not difficult. To change the light bulb, you need to open the trunk, investigate back door, you will have to remove the panel mounts.

Making your own steps to replace the rear license plate light bulbs, stock up on new caps, anyway, something will break.

Then the trunk panel is partially unfastened, the screw that secures the lamp to the car body is unscrewed. Then it is taken out, the electrical connector is disconnected. To access the lamp, you need to remove the light panel by undoing the two fasteners. When changing lamps, it is advisable to observe the sequence of the arrangement of the wires in the bundle, the correct adherence of the sealing connection. The manufacturer puts 12V 5W bulbs on the backlight of the room. Difficulties often arise as to how to replace a light bulb. It is quite difficult to pull it out, you need to make some effort. Just pull. The same goes for installing a new bulb. You need to take it by the base and push until your fingers go deep into the lantern.

Why does the rear license plate light often burn out?

Perhaps due to the high humidity inside, the cartridge or antennae have rusted. It is necessary to put a new one or clean and replace the usual incandescent lamp with a moisture-insensitive LED lamp.

Prolonged shaking, overcoming off-road, bumpy road will shorten the life of standard lamps.

Lighting suffers due to a blown fuse, voltage drops in the car's electrical circuit. Possible chain breakage due to natural wear processes. This damage can be determined using an ohmometer.

The fuse responsible for the license plate light is called “Tail” 10A. If it burns out, the dimensions will stop glowing.

If, after lightly tapping on the rear license plate light, the light comes on, it means that there was poor contact or it was dirty, you need to clean it.

There is also a nuance with the backlit rooms. Normally, it lights up during the day if the trunk is open. When opening the car with the key fob, make sure that you did not open it together with the interior doors. Many car enthusiasts complain about the ever-burning license plate lamp, which does not go out after 5 or 30 minutes, until you turn off the car and remove the key from the ignition. It's all about the trunk lock: either the end switch is stuck, or the car was opened twice from the key fob, or the chip has a program for opening all the doors and trunk with one click. A permanently glowing lamp often burns out, and the battery will also sink at the most opportune moment.


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