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Many Russian car enthusiasts want their favorite car to have a comfortable modern interior, a powerful engine, as well as an excellent suspension that can cope with any off-road conditions. These characteristics are fully consistent with the crossover, which was designed by engineers and designers. Japanese company Honda Motor Co., Ltd. The model is called CR-V III (third generation). The car was produced from 2007 to 2012, after that it was replaced new model 4th generation.

Transmission features

Honda SRV 3 is equipped with two types of gearboxes - manual transmission (6-speed manual) and automatic transmission (5-speed automatic). The automatic box includes:

According to numerous reviews of car owners, the CR-V machine does its job perfectly - it changes gears very smoothly and gives a minimal overconsumption of fuel. The torque converter works in the driving range from second to fifth gear. The McPherson front suspension and the rear multi-link system make it easy and comfortable to ride on any road. On the Internet, advertising videos can be used to appreciate the beauty and power of this car.

Grade Logic system as component The automatic transmission shifts gears not only depending on the engine speed. Driving conditions are also analyzed - downhill, downhill, in the city, on uneven roads, as well as the position throttle, use of the brake pedal and other parameters. Depending on this, a regulator with a fuzzy algorithm selects the most suitable gear, moving the shift moment to one side or the other.

Structurally, the automatic transmission, designed by Honda specialists, differs from similar units from other manufacturers. Other materials are used in the production of parts, the structure can withstand higher temperatures, because it is able to work under heavy loads. Therefore, the deputy chief designer of Honda Motors, Masahira Ishikawa, claims that no other ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid), except for the one provided by the manufacturer, cannot be poured into the automatic transmission. It used to be ATF Z1, today it is the original ATF DW1. Otherwise, the box will fail after 30-40 thousand km, since no other oil can withstand such temperature regime- it will just boil, with far-reaching consequences.

When and how to change transmission fluid

CR-V owners should remember that in a Honda automatic transmission, the working fluid changes only by mileage. That is, it is useless to hope and wait until the oil darkens and a sediment appears in it. Transmission fluid, as a rule, does not change color, consistency over time and remains the same transparent. Only its properties change, many of which are lost after a run of 30–40 thousand km. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to replace ATF after every 30 thousand run. If you have any additional questions on this topic, look at the videos, there are a lot of them on the Internet.

If the operating conditions are difficult, only partial replacement is regularly performed, then it is advisable to change it more often, after 15–20 thousand km. If you do not keep to the schedule, expensive repairs may be needed over time. If the car is purchased at secondary market, then an oil change is immediately required, no matter what the previous owner of the car may say. According to Masahira Ishikawa, for automatic machines CR-V the oil replacement method used in automatic transmissions of other manufacturers is not suitable.

That is, pumping oil under pressure and using a large amount of new fluid at the same time can only do harm. After all, Honda's gearbox design is unique. There are at least two reasons why you should not rinse the box:

  1. The Honda assault rifle does not have a removable sump, so it cannot be physically removed and cleaned of deposits. During flushing, this turbidity will rise from the sump and settle on the filter, clogging it.
  2. The filter is not removable and not reusable. To get to it, you will need to completely disassemble the gearbox; the service station is unlikely to agree to this, and the cost of such work is very high.

Thus, the failure of the filter will sooner or later entail a breakdown of the entire automatic transmission. A clogged filter causes an increase in pressure working fluid at the input of the system and its absence at the output. As a result - the inability to get under way or the beginning of movement when high revs engine. This means that the automatic transmission in the CR-V is out of order and very expensive repairs will be required.

Optimal and correct for the 3rd generation CR-V will be a partial replacement, in which the automatic transmission will require about 4 liters of ATF DW1 oil - strange as it may seem at first glance. This transmission fluid replaces ATF Z1 and is fully compatible with it. That is, it is possible to partially replace ATF DW1 instead of the previously filled ATF Z1.

The procedure for partial replacement of the lubricant

Oil change in a 3rd generation Honda SRV car is displayed in the video - many videos on this topic can be found on the Internet. Partial replacement of the lubricating fluid can be carried out independently, only for this you need to place the car on an overpass or above a viewing pit. In addition, you need to purchase 4 liters of the original transmission ATF fluids DW1 (preferably with a small margin), and also have rubber gloves, work clothes, a set of tools and a container into which the old liquid will be drained.

  1. The engine and transmission are warming up, the Honda CR-V is placed on an overpass or above a viewing pit. The hood opens, and 5 minutes after the engine is turned off, the oil level in the automatic transmission is measured. If it is below the required level, a new one is added to the filler hole (where the dipstick was) to the required level (just below the upper mark of the dipstick). After this procedure, the probe is not installed back.
  2. After another 5-10 minutes, you can drain the old transmission fluid. A temporary delay is made so that the oil cools down a little and does not cause burns. Then you need to find the drain hole. The machine should be located to the right of the engine belt. In order to get to the drain plug, you will have to remove the protection (if installed) and clean the drain plug from dirt with a metal brush. She should be near the right front wheel Honda SRV.
  3. A container with a volume of at least 4 liters is placed under the cork, and the cork is carefully unscrewed with a 3/8 square. It is necessary to tighten it with your fingers, after putting on gloves so that it does not fall into the container. Oil will begin to flow out of the automatic transmission crankcase.
  4. After a while, it will stop flowing altogether. The container should contain about 3–3.5 liters of waste liquid. After that, the magnetic end of the drain plug must be cleaned of metal chips and dirt, for this you can use WD-40. After cleaning, it is imperative to replace the old aluminum washer in the cork with a new one.
  5. The volume of the leaked liquid is measured, this can be done using plastic bottles with a volume of 1 liter, pouring mining there. After that, it will be known more precisely how much of the old grease has flowed out.
  6. The plug is installed in its place. The filling phase of the new lubricant begins. For this purpose, you can use a funnel with a hose or a large syringe (not medical), to which you also need to connect a hose. The hose is inserted into the filler hole (where the dipstick is). Replacing a new one transmission fluid in the automatic transmission is produced in the same volume as that flowed out.
  7. In the process of pouring, you need to be careful not to pour ATF, it is better to add a little later. Otherwise, you will have to climb under the hood again, remove the dipstick and suck the excess liquid back with a syringe.
  8. The engine starts and warms up, and with it the automatic transmission. After warming up, the motor turns off and a temporary pause is taken from 3 to 5 minutes. Only after that the level of the working fluid is measured with a dipstick. This sequence is required for the Honda CR-V.

According to the oil level in Honda automatic transmission CR-V: some experts advise that it be on the top bar of the probe. Others believe that the level should be located in the middle, between the minimum and maximum. In any case, the car will drive normally, the main thing is that the level is not higher than the maximum. Otherwise, the gearbox will have problems over time.

And one more tip: do not fill in transmission fluid from other manufacturers - only from Honda. Only in this case, the CR-V transmission will delight with trouble-free confident operation.

There are also supporters of a complete lubricant change, but this may require 10-12 liters of ATF. Replacement is done in 2-3 steps, between them you need to drive a car for a week.

The most massive Honda external filter for automatic transmissions. Began to be installed on Honda cars at the end of 2001. Such a filter is on the Honda Civic 7 (only on the variator), 8 and 9 generations, Honda SRV 2, 3, 4 and 5 generations, Honda Accord 7, 8 and 9 generations and many others. As you can see, demand creates supply, and our Chinese friends produce huge quantities of counterfeits for this filter. Let's take a look at one of them.

The appearance does not arouse any special suspicion. Those who are especially attentive may notice a slight difference in the type of writing. The packaging and the label are very well done. On this you can forget about the good.

The counterfeit filter is lighter. They couldn't even do it.

1. There is always a mark on the inlet side of the original filter. Such a factory feature is available from Toyo Roki and their American subsidiary Filtech. It is these firms that produce this filter.

2. The color of the metal of fakes is always yellowish. The paint is uneven. The metal is much thinner. They even differ in shape.

3. The date of manufacture of the filter and the date it was packaged are shown on the filter itself and on the labels.

Original production date: 7В27 = 17 years, February, 27 days
Original packing date: 7С09 = 17 years, March, 9 days.

Counterfeit date of manufacture: 4B27 = 14 February, 27 days
Counterfeit packing date: 4C13 = 14 year March 13 day.

Fake details are often written as the 46th day or nonexistent month. Their release years, as a rule, lag behind by 3-4 years. Or vice versa for 1-2 years ahead. You can see how to determine the release date on this page.

In a fake filter, the amount of the filter element is much less, and so that the cartridge does not dangle, it is supported by a spring.

And this is where the fun begins. The filters are sawn in one place, and their designs are very different.

1. The bypass valve on the original is on the inlet side, and on the counterfeit it is upside down.

To make it clearer what this valve is for, we made this picture. Under normal conditions, oil along the outer wall enters the filter element, passes through it and enters the automatic transmission already cleaned. In the event that the oil is very thick (in extreme frost) or if the filter element is completely clogged, the oil passes through this bypass valve.

The filter is specially made asymmetrical. This is the so-called foolproofing. So that when installing it could not be put backwards. And so that the valve is always on the inlet side.

But on a fake, this valve was put upside down. The Chinese did not begin to think about what the valve is for and how the liquid circulates in no way.

For the sake of purity of experiments, we still decided to show how much paper is in a fake.

The filter element on a fake is not only smaller in height, but also its diameter is noticeably smaller than the original. Which ultimately gives a significantly smaller filtration area.

Well, as usual. How the original and the fake glow in ultraviolet light.

1. The original has two luminescent marks. The letter "H" is shining brightly, the letter "N" seems to be half-glowing.

The fake all glows like ordinary paper.

This original filter 25430-PLR-003 you can buy and install in our technical center.

The Honda CR-V has been produced since 1995. In Europe and America, the abbreviation CR-V stands for Compact Recreational Vehicle - a compact recreational vehicle. The car quickly won the sympathy of the owners due to its reliability, comfortable salon, good driving characteristics, economy. The 4th generation of the crossover is currently on sale. In our country, the abbreviation CR-V was russified as SRV or CRV. The number after the name indicates the generation of the model. The car is quite easy to maintain, many operations are available to the owner of the crossover. For example, a motorist can change the oil in a Honda SRV 3 or 4, 2, 1 box without any problems - both in mechanical and automatic (automatic transmission).

When to change the oil in the Honda SRV box

Starting with the first generation SRV models, Honda's transmissions included an automatic transmission option. At first, these were four-stage boxes, then five-stage automatic machines appeared on some of the second-generation crossovers. On the third and fourth car models, automatic transmissions are only 5-speed. In total, more than 10 modifications of automatic transmissions were created for the SRV. However, they are all similar in design, in service they are practically the same. The specificity of Honda automatic transmissions is that they differ in the design of the mechanical part from most types of automatic machines from other manufacturers. Usually, behind the torque converter in the automatic transmission, there is a mechanics built on planetary gearboxes.

Honda went its own way and adopted a multi-shaft gearbox similar to conventional manual transmissions. Each pair of gears on the shafts implements one of the gearbox stages, is connected by an individual multi-plate "wet" clutch, which under pressure are lubricated with transmission fluid. The clutch discs, which are not currently engaged in gears, rotate freely relative to each other. The distance between them does not exceed 0.1 mm. Pressurized lubricant provides easy disc slippage. Therefore, the requirements for cleanliness, the pressure of the transmission fluid in the Honda SRV boxes are high. When the transmission fluid filtration system becomes clogged, increased wear of the clutches occurs, as a result, a decrease in the resource of the entire automatic transmission.

The box contains 2 filters, one of which is coarse. It is located inside the automatic transmission, it can be replaced only when the box is disassembled. The fine filter, "pass-through", is brought out of the machine body and is periodically replaced.

Such an automatic transmission device Honda SRV dictates to replace the working fluid every 45 tons. Km of run. The fine filter must be replaced at least once every 90 tons. Km. But some owners combine filter and oil change every 45 tons. Km.

Such a careful approach to technology does not go in vain. At one of the specialized forums "Hondavodov" the emergence of a first-generation crossover with a mileage of about 700 t. Km without overhaul was recorded power unit.

What kind of oil to pour into the Honda SRV machine

The manufacturer requires the use of two types of gear oil in its automatic transmissions, in particular for Honda SRV 4 and SRV 3:

At the same time, for new models of crossovers Honda SRV 3rd and SRV 4th generation, a more modern, exclusively synthetic oil ATF - DW1. Its original number is 082689990 4 HE. The cost of a liter is 800 - 1000 rubles.

Attention! CVT oils for Honda SRV HCF-2 are not suitable for hydromechanical gearboxes.

How much oil is in the automatic transmission Honda SRV

The total volume of oil in the box for the Honda SRV is about 7 liters. Moreover, in the case partial replacement the oil is drained from 3.2 to 3.7 liters of the "transmission". The same amount will need to be poured into the box. With a complete replacement, it is necessary to have 8 or even 9 liters of transmission fluid.

Changing the oil in the box machine Honda SRV

When changing the oil in the automatic transmission Honda SRV, two main methods are used:

  • partial replacement;
  • complete replacement.

And in fact, and in another case, you will need almost the same set of tools and devices, the difference will be only in the amount of purchased oil.

Important! The corporation manufacturer of Honda automatic transmission does not recommend changing the transmission fluid using pressure flushing devices.

At the same time, in Honda machines, clogging of the internal filter may occur, followed by a deterioration in the lubrication regime of the gearbox assemblies.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • transmission oil;
  • key or bit "square" 3/8;
  • drain plug O-ring (orig. No. 90471-px4-000);
  • container for draining mining;
  • transparent hose for draining and filling the working fluid (2 pcs. 1.5 m each);
  • funnel for the transmission bay;
  • large syringe (200 - 300 ml).

When replacing a fine filter, you need to buy an original product. No. 25430-R5L-003 (price 1500 - 1800 rubles)

The work of changing the oil in the automatic transmission is responsible, but not difficult, although painstaking. Expensive tools and complex fixtures are not required. Replacement should be done at a viewing pit or overpass.

Complete oil change in automatic transmission Honda CRV

An assistant is required for this operation.

Place the vehicle over a pit or overpass. Depending on the crossover model, either remove all the protection of the power unit, or the hatch on it, get access to the oil drain plug from the automatic transmission. Warm up the engine, and with it the box.

Remove the dipstick for checking the oil level of the box. Unscrew the drain plug with a 3/8 square wrench. On the last threads of the thread, it must be unscrewed with your fingers. Drain the oil into a container substituted in advance 4 - 5 liters.

It is easy to make such a container from a drinking water can by cutting off its top.

While the oil is draining, the magnetic tip of the plug should be inspected.

There should be no metal shavings on it. large sizes- 0.5 mm or more. The appearance of steel particles in large quantities indicates technical problems Automatic transmission.

In any case, the plug must be rinsed in gasoline or diesel fuel, and the O-ring must be changed. Reinstall the plug and tighten with a wrench.

Measure the amount of drained oil, then use a funnel and a hose to pour a fresh "transmission" into the box through the dipstick neck.

Remove the box air filter... There is a fine filter under it.

Remove the clamp securing the filter to the box. Unclench with pliers and move the spring clamp of the drain fitting (upper in the photo). Remove the tube from the filter. Put a drain hose on the fitting, the other end of which is placed in a transparent 1.5 liter bottle.

The removed pipe from the filter can be plugged with a plug, but it is better to substitute a small container under it. A little liquid will come off during work.

The assistant turns on the engine for 15 to 20 seconds. Dirty oil begins to flow into the container through the filter. After draining approximately 1 liter, command the engine to stop. Pour fresh liquid into the box, the amount of which should be equal to the drained.

Repeat the operation 2-3 times until clean oil begins to flow into the drain container.

Then you can replace the filter. Put the pipes on it, tighten them with clamps. Attach the filter housing to the automatic transmission. Replace the air filter box. Install the engine crankcase and gearbox protectors.

Start the engine, move the selector switch sequentially to positions from "P" to "D". Switch off the engine.

After a few minutes, check the automatic transmission fluid level with a dipstick. The transmission fluid must be between the "Max" and "Min" marks.

Make a test drive 5 - 8 km. In 5 - 7 minutes after stopping and turning off the engine, check the level of the "transmission", bring it in line with the marks on the dipstick. Top up or pump out excess with a syringe using a hose through the neck of the dipstick. The oil change in the automatic transmission Honda SRV 2 is carried out in a similar way.

Partial oil change in automatic transmission Honda CRV

Partial oil change in automatic transmission Honda SRV is a simplified operation described above. The transmission fluid is removed only through the drain hole once. The replacement of the filter takes place at the discretion of the owner of the car.

How to check the oil level in the automatic transmission Honda SRV

Checking the transmission fluid level in the Honda SRV box is carried out using a dipstick. The engine and gearbox must be warm. The machine must be parked on a level surface. The oil level should not exceed the upper mark on the dipstick and should not be below the "minimum" risk. Otherwise, you must either add liquid or pump out excess. This work is best done with a large-volume syringe with a transparent hose put on it through the neck of the probe.


Transmission oil in a box of a Honda SRV 3 or any other generation is changed quite simply. The process requires precision and accuracy from the performer. Carrying out such an operation according to the regulations established by the car manufacturer will increase the resource automatic transmission and the whole crossover.

The car owner can change the transmission oil for the Honda CR-V 2 on his own, without the help of specialists. However, without a specialized tool and disassembling the gearbox, drain lubricating fluid completely fail. Therefore, the car owner can only make a partial replacement with his own hands.

Which oil is better to choose in an automatic transmission for a Honda SRV 2?

When changing the oil in an automatic transmission on a Honda SRV 2, the main attention is paid to choosing a new lubricant. They buy it in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer to maintenance car.

It is not recommended to fill in other analogs in the automatic transmission of Honda SRV 2. This is due to the high thermal loads on the transmission, due to which the oil boils. As a result, the gearbox fails after 30-50 thousand kilometers.

When do you need to change the automatic transmission oil on a Honda CR-V 2?

A separate aspect is the frequency of oil change in automatic transmissions in Honda CR-V 2. There are several common indicators, which are paid attention to when solving this issue:

  • indicators from the manufacturer - according to them, the lubricant in the transmission needs to be changed every 50 thousand km;
  • Russian operating conditions of the car - taking them into account, the service life of the lubricating fluid is reduced to 20-40 thousand km;
  • individual conditions of use - depending on these factors, the overall indicator may also be reduced.

K n personal factors that reduce the service life of the lubricated grease, include:

  • driving speed and aggressive driving;
  • the frequency and duration of city trips;
  • frequent stops, turns;
  • road covering, sliding, slipping, holes;
  • additional loads, lifts, towing trailers;
  • climatic conditions, annual temperature fluctuations.

Taking these aspects into account, it is recommended to identify the gearbox oil change intervals on an individual basis. For this, attention is paid to preventive checks, during which the volume of the lubricant is measured and its appearance is assessed.

Signs of the need for replacement transmission oil include a change in its color and density, the appearance of a burning smell, impurities, sediment. These factors indicate a loss of lubricating properties, which can soon lead to failures in the operation of the automatic transmission.

Some car owners also refer to interruptions in the operation of the gearbox as signs of an expired lubricant service life. Inconsistent shifting, extraneous sounds, jolts and vibrations - all this indicates not only the need to change the oil, but also the relevance of diagnostics of the transmission system by specialists.

It is not recommended to wait for breakdowns in the gearbox - this unit is considered one of the most difficult in a car and its repair will be quite expensive. At the first suspicion of poor-quality oil performance, its preventive replacement is performed. In this case, even partial draining and refilling will avoid costly repairs in the future.

Replacement process

Do-it-yourself oil change in automatic transmission Honda SRV 2 begins with the process preparation... During it, they prepare necessary tools, buy consumables, choose a place to work.

The specificity of the assembly of the Honda CR-V 2 does not allow you to remove the pallet, also when self-replacement oils do not change the filter. This is due to the need to disassemble the gearbox, which should not be done in the absence of skills and knowledge.

On preparatory stage check the system for faulty connections, purchase replacement parts for them. Usually, during the prevention, together with the oil, they must change the drain plug washer, if the bolt is damaged, they also change it.

To work with changing the lubricant and components, you will need a flat space with convenient access to the main components of the system. The possibility of using a flyover, a repair pit or a lift is emphasized. If they are absent, a jack with supports will do.

In the process of work, attention is paid to compliance safety precautions... The vehicle must be secured safely for the owner. Some people remove the negative from the battery as an additional precaution.

Also pay attention to the high temperature of the drained grease and its toxicity. In the process of work, they use rubber gloves; to collect the liquid, unnecessary containers are prepared, preventing the mining from getting into the soil.

List of instruments for changing the oil in the automatic transmission Honda CRV 2 includes the following accessories:

  • a set of keys and screwdrivers, gates with socket heads;
  • clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, lint-free rags, rubber gloves;
  • capacity from 4 liters for collecting mining;
  • new oil, a washer for the drain plug, and, if necessary, other components to replace worn parts.

Given the impossibility of carrying out a complete oil change on your own, the procedure is carried out at a partial level. To increase the effectiveness of the process, the general procedure is repeated - this increases the oil consumption, however, it makes it possible to better clean the system from the residues of the spent liquid.

Draining old oil from the tank

Drain the oil from the automatic transmission on the Honda SRV 2 according to the following procedure:

  • warm up the engine by circulating the lubricant;
  • uncork the filler neck in the engine compartment;
  • find a drain plug from below, substitute a container under it;
  • uncork the drain, allow the liquid to drain into the prepared container.

It is usually drained up to 3.5 liters, the amount is determined using a measuring canister. According to the obtained value, the volume of oil for filling is further measured. If time permits, allow the working off to cool down for a more accurate value.

Pallet rinsing and swarf removal

In the Honda CR-V 2, the sump is not removable, which to some extent complicates the process of draining and flushing. With this factor in mind, the focus is on cleaning the entire system.

The flushing procedure involves refilling the oil at various intervals. Some do it immediately after warming up the engine, others after several hundred kilometers.

This cleaning of the transmission involves the following steps:

  • drain the old lubricant, fill in a new one in its place;
  • let the car run, it is better to drive for a while;
  • drain new grease as used, refill with fresh one.

The process can be repeated several times until the drained liquid remains sufficiently clean. This method increases the required amount of purchased oil up to 15 liters.

Flushing removes waste grease residues and sediment from the system. Taking into account the cost of a complete replacement by specialists, this option, even with additional costs for oil, costs the driver less.

Filling in new oil

Filling the automatic transmission of Honda SRV 2 with oil does not involve complex actions. After draining and flushing, clean the drain hole and plug, change the washer, and, if necessary, the bolt itself. The system is plugged, the tightness of the connection is checked.

New fluid is poured into the filler neck, through which the level of transmission lubricant is checked. If the volume was measured on a non-cooled working off, it is recommended not to add a little.

Then the engine is warmed up for several minutes with all gear shifting. After warming up, measure the oil level, top up or pump out if necessary. In a heated and cooled state, the amount of lubricant should not exceed the permissible limits indicated on the dipstick.

Changing the oil in the automatic transmission Honda SRV is one of those mandatory procedures, without which the car is subject to rapid wear. Despite the fact that the Honda CR-V is positioned as a reliable budget crossover with the makings of an SUV, its units do not last forever, and require constant attention from the owner. And the automatic transmission is the most capricious mechanism in the car.

Transmission oil change interval

Most often, Russian motorists are faced with the procedure for changing the oil in the MR4A automatic box on a Honda SRV 3. This modification, produced in the period from 2007 to 2011, won recognition from many compatriots. Even a high-quality original "transmission" with mileage loses its working properties and can no longer cope with its tasks.

Over time, the automatic transmission of the Honda crossover begins to behave capriciously and this manifests itself in the form of symptoms:

  • re-gasification during gear changes;
  • jerks when the accelerator pedal is depressed;
  • slipping during the start;
  • with a change in speed.

This interval also applies to other modifications of the model. For those who are used to driving a car in high-speed mode or load the transmission off-road, the fluid should be changed more frequently.


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