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Small do-it-yourself tractors are very well suited for small home gardens. A person who even knows how to use a tool and is more or less versed in technology can make a mini unit on his own. Of course, the assembled apparatus at home is inferior in terms of characteristics to the serial machines of the tractor enterprise. But if you need to work on 10-15 acres of land, then "Kirovets" in this case will be clearly inappropriate. The ideal format in this case is a nimble mini-tractor. A tractor from GAZ 66 is one of such mechanisms that will be an ideal universal assistant in the backyard for many years

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it is worth highlighting the economic aspect: such a unit is an order of magnitude cheaper than factory counterparts, although at the same time it may not be inferior in terms of technical indicators. The scope of such a "toy" is huge:

  • vegetable gardens;
  • orchards;
  • areas under crops that do not exceed 8 hectares;
  • transportation of small volumes of goods.

A self-made tractor from GAZ 66 will pay off in just a matter of months and will continue to bring only profit. If you properly care for him, then such a device will serve faithfully for many years. If we talk about difficulties, first of all they may arise in the issue of the availability of spare parts. Sometimes a node can only be found via the Internet, in stores nearby it may not be in sight.

Today, learning how to make a tractor from GAZ 66 will not be difficult. To do this, it is enough to plan a few main points, and go headlong into the process. The first moment is the preparation of drawings. Some Kulibins are able to assemble a rocket without drawing any diagrams from the remains of an old stove. Such people are nuggets, there have always been enough of them in Rus'. For other citizens who are not distinguished by technical ingenuity, it is still recommended to do everything “according to science”.

Make correct drawings. You can do this using a computer using a special program, or draw them manually on paper. In any case, you need to have the skills of this business.

  • Master the craft of drawing. Or you can order a drawing from a professionally skilled person who can be found on the World Wide Web.
  • Correctly calculate the power. The tractor will definitely work with a trailer, so the engine power must allow such work to go smoothly.

Paperwork for registration

Assembly principle

If everything is thought out and lined up correctly and scrupulously, then the assembly itself is similar to playing with cubes, when in childhood houses were assembled from them. Often additional fitting of parts is required, so the appropriate tool is needed. You will also need a welding machine and a qualified turner.
It is also important to accurately imagine what kind of tractor the result will be. Most often, villagers use the so-called "break" 4x4. This is a unit in which there is a four-wheel drive, it has an articulated connected frame. This design is versatile and suitable for a wide range of farm work.

Finding and fitting parts

Homemade tractors from GAZ-66 are a popular thing among the people, but it requires appropriate mechanical components. First of all, it is:

  • engine;
  • transmission;
  • steering gears.

Everyone should be in good condition so as not to deal with endless repairs later.

Frame layout

If there is no desire to make a "break", then you can simply assemble a one-piece frame, which contains two spars (left and right), traverses (front and rear). The transverse beam may consist of a not very massive metal channel. The spars are made from the "tens" channel, the traverse - from the "twelfth" or "sixteenth" channel.

Which engines are suitable

The engine is usually put in 40 horses, this is quite enough for work.
Most often, power units are mounted:

  • M-67;
  • MT-9;
  • UD-2;
  • UD-4.

If you construct a tractor from a GAZ 66 in a 4x4 format and install an engine from it, then an increase will be required gear ratios transmission, the engine does not have enough power for all wheels. It is possible that for power plant additional cooling may be required. Such a home-made mechanism is capable of serving for many years, you just need to properly care for it.

The Land Cruiser looks like a child's toy compared to the creation of Vyacheslav Zolotukhin, a resident of Krasnokamensk. His SUV, if you can call it that, reaches a length of 5.8 meters and a width of 2.3 meters. It is hard to even imagine that the GAZ-66 was taken as the basis of this giant.

Vyacheslav Zolotukhin is well acquainted with Japanese SUVs. In the 1990s, he even transported these cars from the Far East. He had more than one SUV at his disposal. Japanese made. Over time, the motorist wanted something more than standard factory designs. Vyacheslav wanted to get a car of a fundamentally new level, which would correspond to his own ideas about capacity, comfort, cross-country ability and reliability. There was a need to independently build one. As a basis, the achievements of both the Japanese and domestic auto industry were used.

The GAZ-66 was used as the basis for the development of the SUV. This choice was made quite consciously. However, this Soviet model also has its drawbacks. These include a useless gearbox and engine, as well as general layout machines with a heavy engine and cab. The front axle in terms of weight distribution was not the best solution. But the GAZ-66 has its own advantages. This is especially true for military vehicles produced before 1975. Then the cars were made to last. A light army truck was designed, with the calculation of the possibility of landing from the air.

One of the main advantages of the GAZ-66 is a flexible and durable frame made of 6 mm steel, as well as strong bridges. However, in the process of "civilian" operation, another minus appeared - the engagement of the front wheels. But this problem can be easily eliminated, it is enough just to have some skills.

The inspiration for the design was the bare chassis of the GAZ-66 without engine, cab and gearbox. The skeleton of the car was ready. The wheelbase has been completely preserved. To create the body of the future giant, parts of Japanese medium-tonnage trucks. As an engine, the master used a unit from the five-ton giant Hino. Engine displacement was 7.5 liters. Transmission 6-speed. Razdatka Vyacheslav left his own, from the 66th, he only replaced domestic bearings with imported analogues. The noise level in the car after that noticeably decreased.

Under the huge hood hides just an immense engine compartment. Vyacheslav borrowed an air purification system from KamAZ. The designer also decided to add a bifurcated exhaust tract. This is necessary in order to use only two compact cans instead of one huge silencer. The tank, with a volume of 180 liters, is placed discreetly in front of the rear axle and is additionally equipped with protection.

Fitting the power part of the car also required significant changes: the frame cross members were redone and the fasteners were replaced. One frame had to be trimmed around the edges. In terms of proper load distribution, the heavy diesel was aligned as far back as possible.

This, in turn, favorably influenced the overall design of the body. It turned out to be quite traditional for all types of jeep: with a short overhang and a bridge brought forward. To lower the center of gravity, the bulky engine was placed as far as possible. To do this, additionally had to modify the pallet.
From the inside, the interior of the SUV is more like a cruise cabin.

The cab was taken as a basis from Isuzu Elf. The luggage and rear end had to be borrowed from the Noah minivan. To dock the rear with the cab, I had to expand the size with inserts and make an original rear glass. No less interesting is the front ensemble of the car. For the manufacture of wings, tank GAZ - 3307 was used. The radiator grille of the SUV was assembled from two Prado grilles. Headlights had to be borrowed from Delica.

Take the steering wheel from a passenger Honda. Management turned out to be faster and sharper than that of trucks.
The "cabin" of the SUV can easily accommodate three people. Ahead is a seat from Hiace, which can rotate and fold into a table.

Both SUV bumpers were custom-made from metal. Vyacheslav does not like plastic and trusts only metal. All welding seams in the design of the SUV remain invisible. In the native version, the front doors were equipped with special cutouts for the wheel arches. Now they are whole.

The rims of the car were redesigned, as a result of which the reach increased by 10 cm. The tires were supplied from the Tiger. It is lighter and smaller than the native GAZ-66. The front hubs have become detachable. Vyacheslav used a design similar to threaded couplings.
For reliability, the body is planted on 12 supports. Each support is made of three rubber pads.

The main spare parts that were used in the construction of this giant:
1) As already mentioned, the basis of the all-terrain vehicle is gas-66, which means that the frame was taken from it as well as bridges.
2) Engine internal combustion was borrowed from the Nissan Atlas, the working name of the QD32 engine.
3) The gearbox was also taken from Nissan.
4) Steering column supplied from the same Gaz-66 (more precisely, a certain mixture of RK from Nissan and from gas -66 was supplied there)
5) T-150 wheels were used, the author took everything to the maximum!
6) Part of the body of the Niva was used as the cabin of the future all-terrain vehicle.

Here is the front view of the car:

Agree quite impressive?

And this is a side view of the all-terrain vehicle in the process of being built:

First, briefly about what was done.

Based on gas-66, the springs were lightened. The brakes were also replaced: the old ones were thrown out, instead of them a disc of their own assembly was installed, as well as a caliper from classic Zhiguli. Then they installed the Niva body in the form of a cabin for an all-terrain vehicle, and the T-150 wheels were supplied.

Well, let's dwell in more detail on the assembly steps and consider them in more detail.

The springs were lightened due to the fact that some of the sheets were removed. To be more precise, two sheets were dismantled in front, and three in the back.
This, of course, can affect reliability, that is, the S-ness of the bridge may appear, and this, in turn, will give an increased load on the crosses and universal joints. But on tests everything was successful and there were no complaints so far. Otherwise, the removed sheets will be added back.
Well, with the springs, I think everything is clear, now consider the engine:

So, such an internal combustion engine was installed: an in-line four-cylinder diesel engine, its volume is three and two tenths of a liter, atmospheric, 110 hp. High pressure fuel pump is simple without electronics.

Concerning transfer box from gas-66, she has proven herself not from the very better side reliability, it would be nice to use from ZiL 157th (they are perfectly compatible), but unfortunately it was not available.

The RK66 traverse was also shifted back by 20 centimeters, and the rear cardan shaft shortened. The front one came from the old groove. Work with the traverse was necessary for the reason that the "monoblock" from Nissan is too long.

Brackets for mounting the engine were also made.

This photo just shows the rear attachment point of the RK from Nissan.

A intermediate cardan fit perfectly from the ZIL 157, even without interference in its design.

And here you can see steering also from ZiLka, although in this case it was necessary to shorten the bipod somewhat. The thrust from Gas-66 was also shortened accordingly:

Separately, it is worth considering also the method of attaching the Niva body to the frame from GAZ-66:

Its mount is located at three different points. In front, it was laid with spars under the frame, engine mounts from Niva were placed and drilled through, M12 bolts were used. Behind, one support lay down on the RK66 traverse, one is located in the middle.

I would also like to explain about the brakes. or rather their work on this unit. Unfortunately, there were problems, possibly related to the rear circuit plug (maybe there is air that is not pumped), brake fluid in it does not allow the piston of the front circuit to move. And this can affect the loads of the front and rear axles depending on movement. For this reason, it was decided to make the disc on front axle, this will enable the muted circuit.

As for the brake circuit, it looks something like this:

And here is the thrust with the spool and the cylinder from gas-66:

The finished version of the heavy all-terrain vehicle looks like this:

A gas generator is a device for generating gas from coal, firewood, woodworking waste and other materials. The generated fuel can replace traditional hydrocarbon fuels – natural gas for home heating and gasoline for cars.

The main idea of ​​using such a unit is to save on fuel costs. The constant rise in the cost of gasoline, propane and methane makes home craftsmen look for alternative ways to get fuel.

To make a gas generator with your own hands, you need to understand its structure and principle of operation.

We will explain how the transformation of solid fuel into combustible gas occurs, denote design features unit and give examples of self-assembly of simple devices. For better assimilation of information, we supplemented the article with visual diagrams, photographs and video clips.

A gas generator is a device that converts a liquid or solid fuel into a gaseous state for further combustion in order to generate heat.

Generating Plant Fuel Options

Units operating on fuel oil or mining have a more complex design than models using different kinds coal or firewood.

Therefore, it is solid fuel gas generators that are most often found - fortunately, fuel for them is available and cheap.

Image gallery

Gas generation is possible from all these types of fuel. The release of energy depends on .

Moreover, more heat is obtained from the combustion of raw materials in a gas generator than from the use of solid fuel in boilers. If the efficiency of a conventional one varies between 60–70%, then for a gas generator complex, the indicator reaches 95%.

But here it is necessary to take into account one nuance. The boiler burns fuel to heat water, while the gas generator only produces fuel. Without a heater, stove or internal combustion engine, there will be zero sense from a home-made gas generator.

The resulting gas should be used immediately - it is not economically profitable to accumulate it in any container. To do this, you have to install optional equipment, depending on the power supply.

In Soviet times, gas generators were even used to operate trucks, the gas produced is enough to run an internal combustion engine

What happens inside the gas generator

The operation of the gas generator is based on the pyrolysis of solid fuel, which occurs at high temperatures and low oxygen content in the furnace. Several chemical reactions take place simultaneously inside the gas generating device.

Option # 3: Homemade model for internal combustion engines

For car or motorcycle homemade gas generator do it in a similar way. Only here it is necessary to reduce the size of the installation to a minimum. It is expensive to carry a heavy unit with you, and it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

To make your job easier, automotive version generator it is best to take cylinders from under household gas. The main thing is to make sure before welding that there is no longer a hint of the presence of propane in the tank, otherwise a small explosion may occur. To do this, unscrew the balloon valve and fill the container to the eyeballs with water.

Initially, the car gas generator produces too hot gases. They must be refrigerated. Otherwise, when in contact with hot parts of the engine, they may spontaneously ignite. In addition, the heated gaseous fuel has a low density, which is why it will be simply problematic to ignite it in the cylinders.

A home-made gas generator for a car can be mounted in the trunk or on a trailer.

The second method is preferable due to:

  • ease of repair;
  • the ability to leave the gas generating unit in the garage;
  • availability of free space in the trunk;
  • the possibility of using the installation for other needs in addition to supplying fuel to the internal combustion engine.

Do not be afraid of road bumps. When bouncing on bumps, solid fuel in the combustion chamber will be shaken up, which will only contribute to its better mixing and combustion.

The nuances of the operation and operation of gas generators

It is important to remember that the gas produced by the installation is odorless and poisonous. If mistakes are made when welding the metal parts of the gas generator with your own hands, then trouble cannot be avoided.

For natural air flow in the combustion chamber, holes of 5 mm can be drilled around the circumference of the body. All assembly work and function checks should be carried out in a well-ventilated workshop or outdoors.

It was specially developed for operation in off-road conditions, and therefore it has a high cross-country ability. There are legends about the ability of "Shishiga" to overcome almost impassable places.

Tuning all-terrain vehicle Gas 66

Nevertheless, there are a lot of factory flaws in the car, and the degree of comfort of the all-terrain vehicle is not at the highest level. For this reason, GAZ 66 is regularly tuned by car owners.

Not all bodies of the Soviet SUV have retained their original appearance, so many cars already require welding and painting work. Not all owners of the 66s are interested in painting in the “native” color, and many owners try to make the car bright, different from others. Vehicles off-road now it has become fashionable to repaint in camouflage color. But still, the army coloring of “khaki” also looks good - more solid and strict.

After the body has been brought into proper shape, it is additionally worth doing anti-corrosion treatment.

Refinement of the Gaz 66 truck for off-road trips

The body kit on a cargo all-terrain vehicle is not so relevant, and is not often installed. Basically, arcs and kangurings are used from the body kit, and on a car with a kung, a strong and large trunk is mounted on the roof of the body.

Install some reinforced bumpers or additional thresholds does not make any sense - GAZ 66 does not need additional body protection.

his native front bumper and so powerful enough, but the winch on the bumper does not hurt at all. It is worth thinking about tuning the external lighting. Standard headlights will dimly illuminate the road at night in a forest or on a country road, so it makes sense to install additional optics. Nowadays, LED lights and headlights are often used as additional light. This optic has its own advantages:

Additional light is installed on the SUV front and rear. With additional rear lighting, it is convenient to turn around somewhere on bad road in the dark forest. In front, the headlights are mounted at different heights, mainly the headlights are mounted on the bumper or on the roof of the car.

Salon tuning

The native cabin of the GAZ 66 is not very suitable for a comfortable ride; during development, the car was more considered as an army all-terrain vehicle. And all the efforts of the designers were aimed at improving the technical characteristics of the vehicle.

Since the engine with the gearbox is practically in the cab (only everything is covered with a factory cover), it is quite noisy in the GAZ 66 cab. You can try to somehow reduce the noise level, using soundproofing material for this.

Option for tuning the interior of a GAZ 66 car

Good sound insulation will also close all the cracks - dust will get into the cabin less, it will become much warmer and quieter. The following materials are used as sound absorbing materials:

  • Vibroplast;
  • splenitis;
  • Visomat.

Regular seats in the cabin "66" are not very comfortable, and they are not very suitable for long trips. You can install seats from a passenger car modern car. Of course, it will require alteration of the mounts, but convenience is more important than the time and money spent. Aesthetics are not as important as ride comfort. If after a few hours of the trip the lower back begins to hurt, then there will no longer be beauty.

Of course, you can also do beauty, if there is an irresistible desire to improve appearance salon. You can drag the ceiling with good expensive material, install beautiful seat covers. Now it is fashionable to highlight the instrument panel with additional bulbs.

An example of tuning the interior of the kung GAZ 66

Very practical and looks good LED lights. In addition, additional lighting of devices increases their information content - you do not have to strain your eyes, peering into the readings of the sensors.

Cabin tuning

The GAZ 66 cabin is subjected to a wide variety of tuning. Thanks to deep modernization, from the "Sixty-sixth" you can create a homemade product that looks like a "Hammer", but certainly not an all-terrain vehicle Soviet-made. Such a car bears a name and is obtained by a global alteration of the body.

To get the Russian "Hammer" you need two original cabins "66", but the rest of the body elements have to be made independently. The front part of one cabin is cut off, the rear part of the other. Parts of the cabins are welded together. It turns out spacious salon with four doors.

Cabin tuning option gas 66

True, the floor has to be made homemade. The salon also has to be significantly improved, and the car is already becoming difficult to recognize - it turns out some kind of miracle of technology.

Read also

Tires for GAZ - 66

But this is only half of the whole rework. The cab is shifted back, and a new body plumage is installed around the engine - wings, hood, sidewalls. The engine with the gearbox is also shifted back, the center of gravity is transferred to the central part of the frame. It becomes more convenient to drive the car - the gearshift and transfer case levers are no longer somewhere far behind. The advantages of such modernization in the first place include the spectacular appearance of homemade products. But it is difficult to say anything about the patency of such a miracle. Most likely, the alteration will not help to improve specifications all-terrain vehicle. Although, much depends on the craftsmen themselves.

body tuning

There is little point in upgrading the GAZ 66 onboard car, but it represents a wide field of activity for tuning. Now "Shishigi" is often bought by hunters and fishermen, lovers of car tourism. The GAZ 66 van is just great for long trips and overnight stays in nature. With certain modifications in the KUNG of a car, you can almost live in it.

What can be installed in KUNG:

Tuning option KUNG gas 66

  • Sofas for relaxation;
  • Tables for cooking and eating;
  • Heating Webasto for comfortable trips in the cold season;
  • multimedia system;
  • Lighting.

Tuning KUNG as much as fantasy can suffice. Someone fits a potbelly stove in a van, someone carries a diesel or gasoline generator with them. Instead of a van, you get a real motorhome. Complement the van and comfortable ladders, handrails in order to climb onto the roof of the body. And on the roof of the KUNG they often install a wide and roomy trunk which allows you to take a lot of useful things with you on the road.


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