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The terms in which it is necessary to change the tires are determined in paragraph 5.5 of the Appendix under No. 8 TR CU 018/2011:

For now, fine for not winter tires, it is forbidden. The law on studded tires is at the stage of project No. 464241-6, which has already been considered in the State Duma and sent for revision. If the law on winter tires is finally adopted, part 3.2 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code will change. The fine for wheels that do not match the season will be 2,000 rubles.

The essence of the current law on studded tires

The only law in force in Russia is TR CU 018/2011. The following conclusions can be drawn from it: summer tires are allowed to be used from the beginning of March to the end of November, winter tires with spikes and M + S markings - from early September to the end of May, winter tires without spikes and M + S markings - all year round.

This means that from the beginning of June to the end of August it is forbidden to use tires on which there are protrusions, from the beginning of December to the end of February it is allowed to install winter tires without projections and with projections, if it has a pattern:

If you have summer tires without bumps and markings, then you need to put them on from the beginning of March to the end of May. Try to replace summer tires with winter ones from the beginning of September to the end of November. The time intervals are long enough, when to change tires, decide depending on weather conditions.

A separate type is all-season tires. They can be used from the beginning of December to the end of February only with the M + S marking. If there is no marking, this rubber is not considered winter, that is, at the end of November, tires are replaced.

Local authorities have the right to change the terms of the ban on certain types of tires only upward.

Draft Law No. 464241-6 01.11.2016 was sent for revision to the Legislation Committee and the Committee on Transport. A working group was created from the deputies for revision. The Ministry of Internal Affairs gave recommendations on the procedure for taking into account the peculiarities of climatic conditions in various regions to agree on the terms of use of studded tires. If the bill is adopted soon, it will enter into force no earlier than September 1.

The likelihood that the new law will be quite high. If there was a reason to reject the bill, it would be rejected. The government responded positively about the document, since it follows from the statistics that many accidents are caused precisely by incorrectly selected wheels. This means that the law is important for improving the safety of Russians.

Fines related to the condition of tires

While there is no law on studded tires, traffic police officers should focus on traffic rules. There, changes were made to the classification and a ban was imposed on the use of tires with worn out tread.

This means that drivers are not responsible for driving on wheels that are out of season. A fine is imposed only if the tread depth does not meet the following standards:

Moreover, the minimum indicator for cars of various classes is different:

In the traffic rules it is also indicated that only those drivers are fined whose tires have tears, cuts to the cord or peeling of the tread, delamination of the carcass, do not correspond to the model in terms of load or size. The same punishment is provided for mounting wheels different sizes on one axle, installation on one car of tires with different wear, with and without studs, new and used, with different tread patterns. The amount of the fine is only 500 rubles.

How much will you have to pay if there is no sign "Thorns"

The sign “Thorns” is a white triangle, all sides of which are 20 cm (or more), the width of the border is 1/10 of the length of the sides, the letter “W” is black. Mandatory for installation on vehicles equipped with overhang tires.

The “Studs” sticker must be installed at the same time as the studded wheels. Its purpose is to warn drivers driving behind that the braking distance has been shortened. This will help them choose a distance in accordance with traffic rules.

Until March 24, 2017 (the issue of Resolution No. 333), no sanctions were provided for the absence of this sign. This document included this sticker in the list of faults prohibiting the operation of the vehicle. This is evidenced by changes in the following important document:

Based on this, the Administrative Code from 04.04.2017 provides for a fine of 500 rubles for absence on rear window sign "Thorns". If the glass is not tinted, you can hang the sign from the inside. On the outside, it is glued if the glass is tinted. When buying, you need to check the dimensions of the sides of the triangle. If the sticker is too small, it will not comply with traffic regulations.

What to do with the sticker in summer is not clear. The law does not prohibit riding with her after changing wheels. There will definitely not be a fine.


There are no fines for driving with wheels inappropriate for the season yet, the punishment for poor-quality tires is only 500 rubles. This is small money, but they are not the main ones. "Bald" wheels are very often the cause of accidents in winter. Your own safety is much more important than saving. It is not necessary to destroy the asphalt with thorns in the same way in the summer. Russian roads are no different high quality, we will not reduce it.

Looking ahead, we will immediately make a reservation that riding in winter on summer tires, as well as in the summer in the winter for 2020 is prohibited. But this ban does not apply from November 1, 2020, but from December to February inclusive. But let's talk about everything in order! So, in winter on summer tires: what is the fine for this today, what are the conditions, requirements and subtleties of the auto-law on summer tires in winter?

Can you ride summer tires in winter?

No, this is prohibited. Such a prohibition is regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union in its clause 5.5 in their "requirements for vehicles in operation" (Appendix 8 of the regulation). At the same time, this normative act clearly regulates the winter and summer months. The former are December, January and February, the latter are June, July and August.

At the same time, these months may differ if any region of Russia establishes its own rules, which is quite logical; and only in the direction of increasing, which ... is completely illogical. Indeed, in the same Krasnodar Territory, winter tires may not be required at all. But alas, this is the law!

5.5. Operation is prohibited Vehicle equipped with tires with anti-skid spikes during the summer period (June, July, August).
It is forbidden to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires. satisfying the requirements of paragraph 5.6.3 of this annex, in winter (December, January, February)... Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle.
The terms of the prohibition of operation can be changed upwards by regional authorities government controlled states - members of the Customs Union.

Thus, it is forbidden to ride summer tires in winter - in December, January and February (the terms may vary by regions). It is not necessary to change your shoes to winter tires from October 1st and November 1st.

Where can I find out about the increase in the ban in my city?

Alas, there is no way to unequivocally answer this question. For 2020, not a single region and city has changed the provisions of the Technical Regulations regarding summer tires in winter.

» New law about winter tires 2016 - 2017

Adoption of the law on winter tires

At the end of October 2016, among drivers, a period marked by the theme of winter tires begins. In addition to the usual conversations about where to get auto parts, the topic of a new law on rubber was added.

Disappointing news on TV channels comes from the State Duma, which says about fines for using tires that are not suitable for the season. Most auto sites claim there is no cause for concern yet.

Fine for tires out of season has existed for a long time, and as for the new bill being considered in the main legislative body, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

The Duma is in the midst of discussing the new "tire" law. When it enters into force, the new law will force car owners to have tread depths in accordance with (not yet approved) new regulations, and this hassle will last from early December to early March. To put it simply, they will be punished for driving on summer tires in the winter.

Another feature, worn-out winter tires are also subject to a fine. They will also be fined for driving on "thorns" on summer roads from early June to early September. In both cases the fine will be as much as 2,000 rubles.

It should be said that the new law on winter tires did not add anything new to the existing rules. Indeed, according to existing standards, in winter only protectors with a depth of more than 1 millimeter for passenger cars are permissible on rubber.

And when driving a car on snow and icy road sections, the depth of the rubber projector according to the regulations must be at least 4 millimeters. Apparently, in the new lawmaking, these requirements were simply toughened, although, according to the old rules, such requirements were also not new.

Why is it forbidden to use summer tires in winter?

  1. Longer braking distances due to the changed composition and pattern of the tire rubber.
  2. Lack of spikes on the rubber.
  3. The handling of the car is reduced due to the deterioration of wheel traction on ice and snow.

Precisely what was not in the old rules were references to tire seasonality, but similar clauses were contained in other regulations. The law did not enforce a fine for summer tires winter until 2015, although in 2013 there were attempts to implement it. Those regulations, adopted by the Customs Union in 2014, impose fines for driving on off-season tires.

According to the regulations, the use of summer tires is prohibited in winter, from December to February, and vice versa, in the summer from June to August, driving on winter tires Oh.

Why is it forbidden to use winter tires in summer?

  1. The braking distance is increased due to the sliding of metal spikes on the asphalt surface
  2. Studded rubber damages the asphalt surface like sandpaper
  3. Increased noise from the contact of rubber spikes on the road surface

This standard has existed for two years. However, specifically in the SDA and the Administrative Code there is no clear regulation on the use of off-season tires, simply put, there is no such article there. Such violations are assessed only as a violation of the regulation on the operation of transport, without compliance technical requirements... Minimum the fine in such a situation is 500 rubles.

There are specific indications in this provision that regional adjustments to the norms for the use of seasonal tires are permissible, in different weather conditions. In other words, it makes no sense to use summer tires in permafrost conditions, for example in the north. Since such adjustments can only be of a regional nature, this, in turn, leads to misunderstanding on the part of the traffic police, who may not be aware of such amendments. Also, logic dictates that in the southern regions of the country it would be possible to reduce the period of wearing winter tires, but unfortunately, the regional authorities have more powers to increase this period, and not to reduce it.

Video about the law of winter tires

If you look at the already existing norms, then it becomes clear the desire of the deputies to introduce just such laws. They (the deputies) are trying to correct these conflicts in the law so that the traffic rules prohibit driving on spikes in the summer months from June to August, and vice versa, a complete ban was imposed on summer tires in the winter from December to February. And the amendments made to the Administrative Code were supposed to form a clear article and a fine of 2 thousand rubles... As you can see, there are no “apocalyptic” changes in the laws, and motorists have nothing to fear.

The tasks facing the deputies urge them to activate these laws starting from December 1, and there are chances for this. The authorities at all levels, as well as the concerned public, all of them support these ideas. You can't joke with the safety of driving in winter conditions exploiting summer tires, no motives to save money are inappropriate here. Also, the destruction of the asphalt surface in summer must not be allowed by riding on studded winter tires.

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Many drivers are interested in the answer to the question - is there a penalty for winter tires in summer 2020?

Also read:

  • is there a penalty for using summer tires in winter?

Rumors have been circulating on the Internet about the imposition of penalties for the use of rubber out of season. Even now, there are websites claiming that there is a fine for winter tires in the summer. And it is supposedly 500 rubles.

Is it true? No.

Reliable information can only be obtained from the primary source, i.e. from the legislation. Such a fine could only be imposed by federal law. And such a law was not adopted. They tried to pass the law on the fine for winter tires in summer and summer tires in winter. The State Duma of the Russian Federation has repeatedly introduced bills on the introduction of such punishment:

  • in 2009, a bill was introduced (No. 180147-5) on a fine of 500 rubles. for tires out of season. It was rejected in 2010, i.e. discussions on it were terminated, the law was not adopted.
  • in 2014, a bill was introduced (No. 345967-6) on a fine of 2,000 rubles. for violation of the requirements for the use of winter tires, tires with anti-skid spikes during the periods established by law. It was rejected in the same year, i.e. the law has not been passed either.

Thus, none of the out-of-season rubber penalty bills have gone through all the necessary stages of consideration.

There is no penalty for winter studded tires in spring - summer 2020. At the same time, there is still a ban on the use of studded rubber in the summer (no punishment).

One more nuance. A fine for out-of-season tires is sometimes confused with a fine for violating the new requirements for the tire tread (if these requirements are violated, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, and a fine of 500 rubles is imposed).

But the use of winter studded tires in summer does not apply to such a violation. And here's why: in clause 5.5 of Appendix No. 8 to Technical regulations The Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (entered into force on January 1, 2015) states that it is prohibited to operate vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid studs in the summer period (June, July, August). The terms of the prohibition of operation can be changed upwards by the regional government bodies of the member states of the Customs Union.

Observe, not all winter tires are banned from use in the summer months, but only tires with studs.

However, in the "List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited" (annex to the "Basic provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure safety road traffic", Approved Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.1993 N 1090) did not make a condition on the prohibition of the use of a vehicle in the summer with winter studded tires.

Fine RUB 500 Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Such a fine can only be punished for faults and conditions listed in this "List of faults ...". And since this List does not say about the use of rubber out of season, then a fine of 500 rubles. for winter studded tires in summer no.

P.S. Be sure to note that the braking distance when using studded tires in summer can be longer than summer tires. Also remember that despite the lack of punishment, it is not allowed to use studded tires in summer.

Many drivers are interested in the law on winter tires, the amount of fines in force in Russia for using summer tires in winter. Car enthusiasts in social networks, various forums, blogs ask: "What is the main innovation?"

Winter tire markings

The winter tires law regulates vehicle operating permits. The main innovation concerns the depth of the tire tread, if there is no wear indicator on the surface of the specified product. In the presence of a factory wear indicator, the degree of suitability of products is set according to the indicator. The decree specifies the marking of winter tires, introduces a pictogram with a snowflake in the center. The following generalized conclusions can be drawn from these documents:

  1. In summer, it is unacceptable to ride on studded tires. Winter studded products marked "M + S" are allowed to be used with the onset of autumn and until the end of spring. Those. in June, July and August, you can only ride in summer, all-season or Velcro without studs.
  2. In winter, only winter tires are allowed. It is allowed to use studded, non-studded tires with a corresponding pictogram, marked "M + S", "M&S" or "M S". It was agreed: non-studded products can be used all year round. Remaining depth tread must be at least 4mm.
  3. All-season tires are generally used all year round if they are labeled “M + S”, “M&S” or “M S”. The products cannot be used in winter without the indicated designations.
  4. The ability of local authorities to extend the life of a certain type of tire is indicated. At the same time, reduce statutory the term of power of the regions can not.

The period when it is necessary to change the rubber, see table 1.

Table 1. Seasonality different types tires.

From the data in the table you can see when you need to switch to a new type of tires, depending on the seasonality of the product.

Will there be fines for improper use of tires?


There is no penalty for using tires that are not suitable for the season under the Winter Tire Act. But there is a bill providing for a certain measure of punishment for driving on summer tires in winter.

There is a fine that is imposed when using tires with a worn out tread, it is half a thousand rubles. This penalty applies to a driver using tires with a tread height of less than 0.4 cm in winter. Please note: a fine is imposed if the car is operated on a snowy or icy road surface.

Please note that there are no penalties in 2017 for using tires that are not suitable for the season. But if a violation of the law on winter tires by the driver who became the culprit of an accident with a fatal outcome or causing grievous harm is proven, criminal liability will be aggravated, the penalties will be toughened. Thus, the law provides for liability for the use of unsuitable tires in winter, so it is worthwhile to change tires for cars in a timely manner for your own safety.


The law on winter tires is designed to increase the safe use of vehicles, with its help, the authorities are trying to restore order on the roads. According to statistics, most road traffic accidents occur not due to traffic violations, but due to the use of worn-out or out-of-season tires.

The traffic police inspector, without measuring the tread depth with the appropriate equipment, cannot impose a fine for the use of worn tires. You can check the wear of tires at a diagnostic point that has the right to carry out such checks. The tread height can be practically measured during routine maintenance. In general, the following conclusion: there is a law, but there is no punishment for violation. But do not forget about your own safety, which is affected by the installation of a certain type of tire depending on the season. V Everyday life the driver must independently make the transition from one type of rubber to another.

Consider: laws are developed for a reason, in the event of an accident it will be difficult for the driver to prove his innocence if he used summer tires in winter or the tread was too worn out.


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