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The Lada Largus car is very popular among lovers of such car models. The design, equipment and fuel consumption of Lada Largus are 100 km different from the previous Lada models.

New generation Lada

The presentation of Lada Largus, which is a joint project of VAZ and Renault, took place in 2011. The purpose of the invention of such a version of Lada was to make a 2006 Dacia Logan similar to the Romanian auto, suitable for Russian roads.

Technical characteristics of Lada Largus, fuel consumption and maximum speed indicators for all models are almost the same. The main parameters of the configuration include:

  • Front-wheel drive;
  • 1.6 liter engine;
  • 5-speed manual transmission;
  • Fuel used - gasoline;

Each car has an 8- and 16-valve engine, except for the Cross version. It is equipped with only a 16-valve engine. The maximum speed of the car is 156 km / h (with engine power 84, 87 Horse power) and 165 km / h (engine with 102 and 105 liters. from.). Acceleration to 100 kilometers is carried out in 14.5 and 13.5 seconds, respectively... The average fuel consumption of Largus per 100 km in the combined cycle is 8 liters.

Types of Lada Largus

The Lada Largus car has several modifications: passenger R90 station wagon (for 5 and 7 seats), F90 cargo van and station wagon off-road(Lada Largus Cross). Each version of the vase is equipped with an engine with different powers and number of valves.

Fuel costs.

Fuel consumption for each Largus model is different. And the indicators relative to the rate of fuel consumption for Lada Largus are calculated by the Ministry of Transport in ideal driving conditions. Therefore, official figures often differ from real figures.

Fuel consumption for 8-valve models

Engines of this type include cars with engine power of 84 and 87 horsepower. According to official statistics, gasoline consumption for an 8-valve Lada Largus is 10.6 liters in the city, 6.7 liters on the highway and 8.2 liters in mixed driving. Real figures for gasoline costs look a little different. A review of numerous reviews of the owners of this car has the following results: city ​​driving consumes 12.5 liters, country driving about 8 liters and in the combined cycle - 10 liters. Winter driving increases fuel consumption, especially in severe frosts, and it increases by an average of 2 liters.

16-valve engine fuel consumption

The engine of a car with a capacity of 102 horsepower is equipped with 16 valves, so the fuel consumption rate of Lada Largus per 100 km is distinguished by an increase in its indicators.

As a result, in the city it is 10.1 liters, on the highway about 6.7 liters, and in the combined cycle it reaches 7.9 liters per 100 km.

With regard to the real data taken from the forums of VAZ drivers, the real fuel consumption on the 16-valve Lada Largus is as follows: the urban type of driving "consumes" 11.3 liters, on the highway it increases to 7.3 liters and in the mixed type - 8.7 liters per 100 km.

Factors of increasing gasoline costs

The main reasons for consuming more fuel are:

  • The fuel consumption of the engine is often increased by low-quality fuel. This happens if you had to use the services of unverified gas stations or "pouring" gasoline with a lower octane number.
  • An important point is the use of additional electrical equipment or unnecessary lighting of the track. They contribute to the combustion of large quantities of gasoline in a short time.
  • The driving style of the car owner is considered the main factor that affects the gas mileage of all Lada Largus models. To avoid such problems, you need to use a smooth driving style and slow braking.

Lada Largus Cross

A new, modernized version of the Lada Largus was released in 2014. According to many car enthusiasts, this model is considered the Russian SUV prototype. And some specifications and the equipment contributes to this.

The basic fuel consumption rate for Lada Largus on the highway is 7.5 liters, city driving "consumes" 11.5 liters, and mixed driving - 9 liters per 100 km. Regarding gasoline consumption in reality, the real fuel consumption for Largus Cross increases by an average of 1-1.5 liters

For Lada Largus, fuel consumption per 100 km according to the passport is 10 liters. And this is an urban cycle, not mixed or any other. It talks about a 16-valve. So, according to BC, at first the car consumed 12 liters, and a week later the consumption was 10.5 liters, but this is already a mixed cycle. According to the passport, 7.9... The question is: what's wrong? Maybe the VAZ BC is just lying?

Real fuel consumption figures and figures in technical specifications

You need to understand: no manufacturer gives real figures for fuel consumption. We are talking about measurements carried out according to a certain method, in order to then use the result to compare cars, different trim levels, etc.

Improving your driving style in the first month of break-in

After running in, the fuel consumption on the Lada Largus can be 7 or less than 7 liters per hundred. Here we are talking about driving on the highway and a 16-valve engine.

The photo shown above are screenshots of the BC display real car... We do not need to fake the results, and besides, these results do not reach the “passport” ones.

Passport data of gasoline consumption by car Lada Largus

For example, consider and compare two tables. One will indicate the fuel consumption for the Lada Largus, the other - the figures for the Dacia Loan MCV station wagon.

Above are the data of AvtoVAZ, and in the following table - the figures declared by Renault.

Let's analyze what we see:

  • Lada Largus and Dacha Logan MCV are one and the same car. In the version with a 16-valve internal combustion engine, the flow rate must be the same, that is, the numbers in the top line of the two tables must match. But there are differences, and noticeable ones.
  • None of the tables can be guided during operation. However, useful information the passport data still contains: you can compare different configurations, as well as indicators "for the city" and "for the highway".

How do I use tables? Example 1

The reader asked if the fuel consumption was too high, that is, if it corresponded to the standards. For Lada Largus, fuel consumption rates are not given anywhere, as well as for any other car. Now let's look at how to use passport data:

  1. Suppose that when driving on the highway, the BC showed a consumption of 7.4 liters. We find our equipment in the table, we see the figure 6.7 there. Further there will be a proportion: 6.7 refers to 7.4, as 10.1 to X.
  2. The X number is 11.2 - this is the consumption rate in the city, but only for this car, for which the readings on the highway were equal to "7.4".

The car with the parameters that were specified really exists. Its mileage is 30,000 km.

Test Largus with K4M motor

We use tables again for our own purposes. Example 2

Motor 11189 - more economical than the "FrenchmanK7 M». Proof:

  1. Take any column from the Renault table;
  2. We normalize the upper number to VAZ numbers: 7.9 refers to 7.5, as 8.2 refers to X.
  3. X = 8.6. This value would be obtained if one method was used for the K7M engines - the same as for the ICE 11189 and K4M (upper table).

The number 8.6 is more than 8.2. So we compared the two motors. In reality, for Lada Largus, the fuel consumption will be different, that with the VAZ, that with the French 8-valve.

Reducing fuel consumption during the running-in process

Details on how to reduce the consumption of Lada Largus in the material:

Imagine: there is a certain test route on which measurements are taken. With an increase in mileage, efficiency changes:

  • For a run of 30,000 km, the indicator will be 9.3 liters per 100 km;
  • For 60,000 km on the same route, other figures will be obtained - 8.3 liters per 100 km.

By these numbers, you can roughly judge when the running-in ends.

All figures above refer to a real car with a K4M engine.

City consumption of a 16-valve Lada Largus, an example in the video

LADA Largus is a low-cost, small-class station wagon developed by AvtoVAZ together with specialists from the Renault-Nissan concern. Externally similar to the popular Dacia Logan MCV model, the car is fully adapted to domestic operating conditions. Modern exterior, spacious salon and a large trunk volume fully satisfy the requirements of the average family, which needs a versatile and relatively inexpensive a car.

One of the most important performance characteristics family station wagon LADA Largus is without a doubt an indicator of gas mileage, which largely depends on the type of installed power unit and driving style.


LADA cars Largus are equipped with 4-cylinder engines with a cylinder volume of 1.6 liters:

  • K7M - 8-valve 84 hp engine. with., the production of which is carried out at the Automobile Dacia plant (Romania) of the Renault concern.
  • K4M - a 16-valve power unit with a capacity of 105 liters. with., manufactured at the Renault Espana plant; The K4M power unit is also assembled at AvtoVAZ. In terms of ecology, it now complies with EURO-5 standards, but at the same time it has slightly lost in power (102 hp) and torque (145 Nm).
  • VAZ-11189 is a domestic 8-valve engine with a capacity of 87 hp. with.

Fuel consumption during its operation largely depends on which power unit is installed on one or another LADA Largus modification.

"LADA Largus" with K7M engine

LADA Largus with a K7M engine is capable of a speed of about 155 km / h. The car accelerates to a speed of 100 km / h in 16.5 seconds. The standard fuel consumption is, l / 100 km of run:

  • in the urban cycle - 12.3;
  • on the highway - 7.5;
  • in mixed mode - 7.2.

"Lada Largus" with the K4M engine

The K4M power unit allows LADA Largus to accelerate to 100 km / h in 13.5 seconds. Wherein maximum speed is 165 km / h. Standard gasoline consumption for this model, l / 100 km of run:

  • in the urban cycle - 11.8;
  • on the highway - 6.7;
  • in mixed mode - 8.4.

"LADA Largus" with a power unit VAZ-11189

LADA Largus, aggregated by a domestic VAZ-11189 engine, accelerates to a speed of 100 km / h in 15.4 seconds, and its maximum speed is 157 km / h. Standard fuel consumption, l / 100 km of track:

  • in the urban cycle - 12.4;
  • on the highway - 7.7;
  • in mixed mode - 7.0.

Real fuel consumption

In practice, the LADA Largus fuel consumption can significantly exceed the standard values. In many ways, this is facilitated by:

  • engine running-in mode;
  • aggressive driving style associated with frequent braking and acceleration;
  • usage different types installed electrical equipment, especially an air conditioner, during the operation of which the fuel consumption increases by about 1 l / 100 km;
  • engine malfunctions;
  • low-quality fuel;
  • car operation in the cold season.

There are a number of other seemingly insignificant factors that increase fuel consumption during the operation of LADA Largus.

How fuel consumption changes during a real trip on a LADA Largus car can be seen in the video:

In addition, the consumption of gasoline LADA Largus strongly depends on the mode of its movement in the stream of cars on the road.

Gasoline consumption on the highway

In order to determine the actual fuel consumption during operation of the LADA Largus in road conditions, it is necessary to constantly monitor the speed of its movement. As a rule, on any route there are traffic lights, signs that limit the speed of movement and prohibit overtaking. Thus, a car on different sections of the route moves at different speeds (from 40 to 130 km / h), and the average speed of such a car as LADA Largus does not exceed 77 km / h.

Important! The analysis of the responses of the drivers who used the LADA Largus car on the highway shows that the average gasoline consumption per 100 km is 7.2 liters.

Fuel consumption in urban environments

A driver who decides to check how much fuel his LADA Largus actually consumes should consciously:

  • get into traffic jams;
  • leave during the busiest city streets;
  • stand at traffic lights;
  • constantly use air conditioning, etc.

In such conditions, according to statistics, "LADA Largus" consumes up to 13.3 liters of fuel per 100 km. mileage. If the driver prefers to drive in an aggressive manner (fast acceleration - sharp braking), then the consumption of gasoline by his Largus will be much higher.

Additional Information

Surveys conducted on the Internet, among owners of Lada Largus showed that:

  • 33% of respondents voted for a fuel consumption of 8 ... 9 l / 100 km;
  • 26% of the votes were received by the consumption of gasoline 9 ... 10 l / 100 km;
  • 15% of owners noted fuel consumption in the range of 10 ... 11 l / 100 km;
  • 10% of survey participants gave their votes for fuel consumption at the level of 7 ... 8 and 11 ... 12 l / 100 km.

Official data reflects the fuel consumption provided by the car manufacturer, it is indicated in service book car, you can also find it on the manufacturer's official website. Actual fuel consumption figures are based on vehicle owners VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP) who left information about fuel consumption on our website.

If you own a car VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP), and you know at least some data on the fuel consumption of your car, then you can influence the statistics below. It is possible that your data will differ from the given indicators of the car's fuel consumption, in which case we ask you to immediately enter this information on the site in order to correct and update it. The more owners add their data about real expense fuel consumption of your vehicle, the more accurate the information obtained about the actual fuel consumption of a particular vehicle will be.

The table below shows the average fuel consumption values ​​for VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP)... Next to each value, the amount of data is indicated, on the basis of which the average fuel consumption was calculated (that is, this is the number of people who filled out the information on the site). The higher this number, the more reliable the data obtained.

× Did you know? Fuel consumption of the vehicle VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP) in the urban cycle, the place of movement also affects, since in settlements there are different congestions road traffic, the condition of the roads, the number of traffic lights, the ambient temperature and many other factors also differ.

# Locality Region Consumption Qty
SyzranSamara Region9.00 1
MozhaiskMoscow region9.30 1
SaratovSaratov region9.50 1
DivnogorskKrasnoyarsk region10.00 1
YaroslavlYaroslavskaya oblast11.50 2
KemerovoKemerovo region11.50 2
RuzaMoscow region12.30 1
RyazanRyazan Oblast12.50 1
PskovPskov region12.50 1
TomskTomsk region12.50 1
VolgogradVolgograd region14.00 1

× Did you know? Fuel consumption VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP) in the extra-urban cycle, the speed of the car also affects, since it is necessary to overcome the force of air resistance and the direction of the wind. The higher the speed, the more effort must be spent on the car engine. VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP).

The table below shows in some detail the dependence of fuel consumption on vehicle speed. VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP) on the road. Each speed value corresponds to a certain fuel consumption. If the car VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP) there are data for several types of fuel, they will be averaged and will be shown in the first row of the table.

The popularity index of the VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 hp)

The popularity index shows how much this car popular on this site, namely the percentage of added fuel consumption information VAZ (Lada) Largus 1.6 MT (105 HP) to the fuel consumption data of the vehicle that has the maximum amount of added data from users. The higher this value, the more popular the car is on this project.


The first experimental Lada Largus models were released in 2011 for testing within the car factory. Scheduled auto sales began in 2012. Lada Largus - the brainchild of AvtoVAZ and Renault company, is produced with three types of body: minivan, station wagon and van. The version designed for the carriage of passengers can be five- and seven-seater. The car belongs to the class of compact, but, at the same time, has a large capacity. Production continues to this day.

Lada Largus 1.6 (84 HP) 8 valve

One of power units Lada Largus is equipped with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine that develops 84 hp. Thanks to a torque of 124 Nm, it is possible to accelerate to a maximum speed of 156 km / h. Paired with this engine is a five-speed manual transmission.

Reviews on the consumption of LadaLargus 1.6 (84 hp)

  • Ivan, Stavropol. Lada Largus 2013 onwards, 1.6 on mechanics. Before that, I had a domestic-made car, and if you compare two cars, then Largus is so voluminous and roomy, especially if you fold the rear seats. Consumption from 8 liters on the highway to 12 liters in the city.
  • Boris, Togliatti. I needed a car for work related to the transportation of small loads. Largus fits very well, behaves well on intercity roads. I have a 2014 model, 1.6. The power of 84 horses is quite enough. Fuel consumption is on average 9-10 liters.
  • Sergey, Moscow. I took Lada Largus new from the salon. In one year I dashed off 35 thousand km, in principle I am satisfied with the car, although flaws can always be found. For example, bad noise and not enough power, I would like more for such dimensions. And the consumption is not bad - an average of 9.5 liters.
  • Roman, Tula. Lada Largus 2013 onwards, 1.6 (84 horses), manual transmission. My car is practically new, I took it with a mileage of 10,000. I myself have already dashed off 40,000, so far everything is in order. The unevenness of the floor can be considered a small disadvantage, and good cross-country ability is a plus. It eats 8-11 liters of fuel.
  • Vladimir, Minsk. I have a Lada Largus of 2014, I took it after the VAZ 2115, of course, Largus cannot be compared as a liner, although you can find disadvantages in this, because of a long base it does not always easily overcome obstacles. And the sound insulation would be better. Gasoline consumes 8.5-12.5 liters.
  • Stanislav, Yenakiyevo. Largus build in 2014, engine 1.6, MT. I drive mainly in the city, rarely go to the highway. It behaves well in city traffic, and there is enough power. Average fuel consumption is 9-10 liters, which is not a lot for such a car.
  • Alexey, gratifying. We bought Lada Largus as a family car plus transportation for work. Since I often go out of town, I measured the flow there: 8.5 liters in summer, up to 10 liters per 100 km in winter. Auto 2015 onwards, 1.6, manual transmission.
  • Oleg, Rostov. Knowing from bitter experience what is domestic auto industry, having taken a ride on a friend's Largus, I was very surprised. A year later, I managed to buy the car myself. My 2015 car with a 1.6 engine with 84 hp. I'm completely happy with it until nothing breaks. The average consumption is 9 liters.

Lada Largus 1.6 (90 hp) 8 cl.

From the very beginning of production, cars were equipped with 90-horsepower gasoline engines having a volume of 1.6 liters. Maximum acceleration with such an engine can be up to 165 km / h with a torque of 128 Nm. It also mates with a five-speed manual transmission.

Reviews on the consumption of Lada Largus 1.6 (90 hp)

  • Grigory, Sochi. I am a little disappointed with the purchase, honestly expecting more. I have a 2015 Largus, 1.6, manual transmission. Inside the electronics of a very old model, although what can you expect from your native Avtovaz? And the gas mileage is too big, up to 13 liters in the city.
  • Andrey, Petersburg. Lada Largus 2014 onwards, 1.6, 90 hp Surprisingly, this is not a bad option at all for large family... Good roominess and handling, you can load to capacity, and ride in comfort. On country roads it consumes 8-9 liters, in the city 11-12 liters.
  • Timofey, Syzran. I often have to travel long distances, and Lada Largus helps me out a lot. On the track it behaves perfectly, nothing bothers. The power of the 90-horsepower engine is enough for comfortable movement. At the same time, the consumption outside the city in the range of 8-8.5 liters is considered normal.
  • Evgeny, Moscow. I took a Lada Largus with a range of 12 thousand kilometers a year ago. For some reason, all the chrome has peeled off during this time. The capacity of 90 "fillies" is enough for the city, but the highway wants more. Consumes up to 12 liters in the city during the warm season.
  • Leonid, Tomsk. Lada Largus combines the functions of transporting passengers and goods, and, if necessary, can turn into an SUV. 90 horses are pulled with dignity on any terrain. Consumption within normal limits: 9 liters highway, 12 liters city.
  • Gennady, Orenburg. Lada Largus 2013 was purchased for family travel and work moments. The city is well managed, there is enough power. The only drawback is the large gaps, due to which all the dust ends up in the cabin. Average consumption of 10 liters.
  • Ruslan, Sevastopol. Lada Largus 2014 release, 1.6 (87 horses), MT. I bought it exclusively for work. If there are no problems on a suburban highway, then in the city its size interferes a little. And the consumption is appropriate: 8-13 liters.
  • Vladislav, Irkutsk. Lada Largus is used as a working car, and performs its functions one hundred percent. Machine in 2014, 1.6 engine on the mechanics. Externally interesting, roomy inside, it obeys the steering wheel well, I am satisfied. In the city, gasoline consumption can reach 11-12 liters, on the highway no more than 8.5 liters.

Lada Largus 1.6 (105 HP) 16 cl.

Last in a row power plants Lada Largus is a 1.6-liter 105 hp engine that also runs on gasoline. The torque of 148 Nm makes it possible to accelerate to 183 km / h. The engine is equipped with a five-speed mechanical box gear.


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