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People are the most difficult link in the chain of events for the deployment of a new production system and the modernization of the old one. It is easier to overcome workers' resistance than middle managers and top managers.

At the first all-Russian forum "Lean Manufacturing for Russia" / 1 / it was evidenced that almost two and a half hundred enterprises have embarked on the path of production optimization and are solving similar problems.

Research by ICSI (Institute of Comprehensive strategic research) "The spread of the Lean Manufacturing practice in Russia", it is the enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as the entire spectrum of mechanical engineering, led by the automotive industry, that are most inclined to introduce "lean manufacturing".

Studying production system Toyota (Toyota Production System, TPS), American analysts, based on Japanese developments, have created their own methods, combining them into a Lean Manufacturing or Lean production system. In Russia, she became known as LIN, she is also - "Lean Manufacturing".

The most popular tools of "lean manufacturing" in Russia are quality management (used by 69% of those who reported their experience of using LIN), elements of workplace visualization (30%) and inventory management (25%). This set, firstly, is due to the existing bottlenecks in the work of enterprises. Secondly, these LIN tools are relatively easy to learn and implement: they do not require preliminary changes in production and can be implemented in a short time at individual pilot sites.

Figure 1 - Statistics on the use of LIN technologies

A Value Stream Map (VSM) is a diagram that displays each movement of the flow of information materials needed to fulfill a customer's order / 1 /.

VSM allows you to immediately see bottlenecks in the process flow and, based on its analysis, identify all overhead costs and processes. Such maps are created at all pilot sites, and if desired, it is easy to understand where and with what losses must be tolerated.

VSM is created in order to see the entire flow as a whole and to give managers, technologists and workers the opportunity to speak the same language about the problems of different stages of the flow. When building a VSM, you can see all the losses that are in the stream.

Since VSM reflects the state of the flow at a certain point in time, at least two types of maps of different states are distinguished: the current state and the state of the long-term perspective (future state).

Various software tools make it possible to build a VSM graphically, however, the entire analysis of losses, bottlenecks, etc. is not an automated process.

The concept of VSM is currently considered only in a narrow range of specialties, mainly in CAD specialties and various areas of production automation. However, the use of this tool is possible in all places where there is a final product. For example, when creating a software product, configurations of accounting programs, assembling server operating systems, etc. A large number of distance and face-to-face training courses for VSM and related technologies are offered on the Internet. But many universities do not pay attention to this.

Conceptualizing and describing a value stream begins with a pencil sketch of the flow of materials and information in the process of manufacturing a product. After that, a map of the current state is obtained. This state is not ideal; it is necessary to look for and mark bottlenecks on the map for further modernization. After that, the process of VSM - analysis begins, which consists in transforming current map VSM to future state map.

VSM analysis tools are rarely used when learning the very concept of VSM. For some reason, it is believed that this tool is quite effective even with manual analysis, there are enough tools for drawing VSM diagrams.

But there are several software tools that can help with the analysis. The most flexible and powerful of these is an add-on for Microsoft Visio called eVSM. It allows not only to graphically compose VSM maps, but also to calculate a large number of time parameters, resource utilization rate, takt time, draw process work graphs, numerically and graphically compare the results of certain changes in the scheme (to simulate the results of changes). This program is supplied both as a paid (about $ 600) and as a 30-day version and a version for students.

In addition, the program provides an opportunity to solve a transport problem (movement of products between stages) using "spaghetti" diagrams.

Combining the very concept of VSM with tools like eVSM helps to study in more detail the problems of managing the creation of various products in many areas of industry, small and medium-sized businesses. And the teaching of these technologies to specialties that are associated with the management of any production processes or product creation will significantly increase the understanding of the optimization of such processes.

We think that when using such tools as eVSM, it is possible, when training a wide range of future specialists, to immediately instill in them the basics of "lean manufacturing" and the skills of analyzing real processes of creating products.


1 Russian Lin-Forum. Lean manufacturing, lean, kaizen, TPS: training, implementation, learning experience. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: - 12. 01 . 2012

2 Rother M., Learn to see business processes. The practice of building maps of value streams / Rother M., Shuk D., .- M .: Alpina Business Books, 2005. - 144s - isbn 5-9614-0168-5

author Kind, but sometimes also evil! asked a question in the section Choosing a car, motorcycle

What is an integrated active control system in a car and is it worth overpaying for it when buying a car? and got the best answer

Answer from F [active]
Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Management
(Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management, VDIM)
VDIM is electronic system vehicle stabilization, in which all known systems are integrated active safety, power steering and engine management.
Having complete information about the current state, obtained from sensors located throughout the vehicle, VDIM not only optimizes the operation of the anti-lock brakes system, brake force control system, anti-slip and anti-slip systems, but also improves the main dynamic characteristics car.
VDIM simultaneously monitors power plant, transmission and braking system in accordance with driving conditions, and also stabilizes the vehicle's behavior on road surfaces with a low grip coefficient.
The new dynamics management system is not as intrusive as conventional stability control systems, but it is much more effective: if the conventional safety systems are activated immediately after the vehicle's technical limit has been reached, VDIM is activated long before that moment. As a result, the scope of work of active safety systems is expanded, and due to this, a softer and more predictable behavior of the car is provided, since these systems operate more accurately, smoother and more flexible.

One of the main challenges facing car manufacturers is improving vehicle safety, including while driving. For this, cars are equipped with various devices that help the driver cope with driving in the most difficult situations. One of them is an integrated active VSM control.

About forces and moments

The torque generated by the motor is applied to the wheels and the car starts to move. This is a very simplified description of the process of moving it. However, when starting to move, maneuvering and braking, a wide variety of forces act on the car, and the nature of their effect depends on the speed, road condition and the driver's actions.

Sometimes these actions are erroneous and incorrect, which may result in an accident. To avoid this, the developers have invented more than one electronic device that provides assistance to the driver in difficult conditions. Without touching all of them, it is enough to mention the most famous and well-known ones:

  • ABS - anti-lock braking system;
  • ESP - exchange rate stability system (from different manufacturers it is different name- ESC, DSC, DTSC, etc. In the following text, the most common abbreviation ESP will be used);
  • TCP is a traction control system.

The operation of any of these active control devices is based on constant monitoring of signals from sensors. According to them, the controller determines the discrepancy between the real driving mode of the car and what should be, it also takes the necessary measures, for example, it slows down, slows down or unlocks the wheel, changes the engine operating mode.

Active control system VSM

Another, somewhat specialized but useful, integrated control system, VSM, is worth mentioning. By itself, it does not work, only complete with ESP and ABS. If ABS provides stability when braking, TCP during acceleration, ESP prevents lateral displacements and is engaged in stabilizing the position of the car during maneuvers, then the VSM system is, as it were, integrated, combining the work of all other units and the driver's actions.

The VSM system integrates electric steering motor, ESP and ABS. VSM-equipped car makers claim the stability control system counteracts driver misbehavior.... those. if in a critical situation they are performed incorrectly to drive the vehicle, the VSM will counteract them.

In a more understandable way, this means that if the driver turns the steering wheel in the wrong direction when performing a maneuver, then this will require significant efforts from him. Whereas with the correct movement of the steering wheel, nothing like this happens.

Tasks solved by VSM

If we try to generalize what tasks such an integrated system solves, then we can note the following:

  1. relief of effort on the steering wheel when parking and maneuvering at low speed;
  2. increasing the steering wheel torque at high speed;
  3. an increase in the reactive force of the wheels when they are returned to the middle position;
  4. correction of the position of the front wheels when driving on a road with a slope, side wind, differences in pressure in the wheels;
  5. increasing stability (exchange rate).

Thus, the VSM system is engaged in stabilizing the position of the car on the road while driving in the same way as ESP, ABS and other devices similar in purpose. The difference between the two would be that VSM, through an electromechanical amplifier, affects the wheel, not on the brakes... In other words, steering and braking are combined.

This is especially true when acceleration or deceleration occurs on different surfaces (one wheel on ice, water or other surface, the other on asphalt). Typically, this will cause the vehicle to pull to the side. To correct the situation, control signals are sent to the steering gear that correct the position of the car. In principle, the considered situation is typical for the operation of such a control system. The possibility of skidding can be repeated during sharp maneuvering, in which case the VSM will also help keep the car from skidding.

It should be noted that such a device is not included in standard equipment car.

An active control system such as VSM primarily ensures the stability of the car on the course, when it moves on different surfaces under different wheels. In this case, signals are generated not only for braking a separate wheel, but also for steering, thanks to which the car continues to move at a given course, and it is possible to avoid skidding.

Reading 4 min.

integrated active control system vsm. The article describes the main purpose of the system, the principles of its operation and interaction with other auto security services.

Car accidents claim millions of lives every year. The shocking figure is directly related to the number of cars, which in the world has already reached some astronomical figures. That is why engineers when developing modern cars the safety of the driver and passengers is at the forefront. One of the latest inventions of modern engineers today is the vsm integrated system. In fact, this is exactly what will help the driver even in the most difficult and extreme traffic situation with active driving.

However, you can understand its principle of operation only by understanding the principles of operation of the most known systems security that is familiar to many today.

Security systems of a modern car

During emergency braking or when maneuvering, the car behaves according to all the laws of physics. It is not uncommon for inexperienced drivers to fly off the road or get into serious accidents simply because they do not know what to expect from their own car. Today there are many electronic devices, which, according to the ideas of their developers, should come to the aid of the driver in emergency situation... Here are just the most famous ones:

  • ABS - anti-lock braking system for wheels. Will help out with emergency braking on slippery or wet road... The system is simple to prevent the wheels from locking and skidding, which in turn will save the car from getting into an uncontrollable skid.
  • EPS– serves for directional stability (depending on the car manufacturer, it can be called differently).
  • TCP is a traction control system.

All these devices, during their operation, process the signals received from the sensors and, on the basis of this, react in one way or another.

For example, the security system itself can slow down sharply, change the load on the engine, or unlock the car wheel.

It would seem, what does the integrated system have to do with it? The answer is simple: the task of vsm is to combine the work of all safety systems and, if necessary, counteract the driver's misbehavior and thereby solve the issues of active driving.

Features of work

The active control system integrated into the car is a highly specialized unit. In practice, it is used relatively recently, and the device is found only on relatively new cars, naturally only on foreign cars - VAZ engineers have not yet invented anything like this. In fact, it works only as a set with the above security systems and coordinates their work. In addition, the vsm can affect the electric steering column. As the developers say, this emergency control system can even block incorrect actions by the driver. In practice, it looks like this: if the driver starts turning the steering wheel in the wrong direction. At that very moment, the maneuver will require considerable effort from him than during normal driving. The difference will be felt immediately and sharply, so that the driver's attention is guaranteed.

Main goals

The vsm control system, according to the developers, is capable of performing at least 5 critical tasks, including:

  • Great ease of movement of the steering column when parking or maneuvering at very slow speeds.
  • The steering torque at high speed is significantly increased by the system.
  • The reactive force of the wheels increases at the moment when they return to the middle position.
  • The system adjusts the position of the front wheels when driving on a slope road, if there is a crosswind or tire pressure difference.
  • Exchange rate stability is significantly increased.

Thus, it turns out that most often vsm at the time of its operation refers to the electric power steering and through it has a significant impact on the behavior of the car and the operation of all safety systems. That is, in fact, vsm combines the impact of car safety services on the steering wheel and brakes.

In practice, the system proves its relevance and necessity at the moment of sharp acceleration or deceleration. Especially in those situations when one of the wheels is in unsatisfactory driving conditions in the water or, for example, stands on an uneven surface, and the other, on the contrary, on dry and even asphalt. The car in this situation can easily begin to pull to the side and an uncontrolled skid is possible. It is at this moment that vsm intervenes, which does everything to keep the car on the road and prevent it from skidding.

In practice, the operation of the system is completely invisible. Only experienced drivers will be able to see or feel it at work. Beginners, on the other hand, will most likely ignore the actions of an invisible assistant and only feel the difference when changing to another car.

This system further improves vehicle stability and steering response when driving on slippery road or detecting changes in the coefficient of friction between the right and left wheels during braking.

VSM system operation

Steering wheel control is possible during VSM operation. When the VSM system is functioning properly, a slight pulsation is felt in the vehicle. This is the result of brake control and does not indicate a malfunction.

The VSM system does not function in the following situations:

Shutting down the VSM system

To turn off the system, press the ESP OFF button, and the ESP OFF indicator () will also light up.

Malfunction indicator

The VSM system can be deactivated automatically (in addition to pressing the ESPOFF switch). This automatic deactivation indicates a malfunction in the power steering system with electronic control(EPS) or VSM system. If the ESP indicator () or EPS indicator remains on, have an authorized Kia dealer check the system.


  • The VSM system is designed to facilitate cornering at speeds in excess of 15 km / h (9 mph).
  • The VSM system is designed to assist in braking on uneven roads at speeds in excess of 30 km / h (18 mph). The pavement of such roads is made of materials with different coefficients of friction.


  • Stability Management (VSM) is not a substitute for good, safe driving, but only an optional feature. The driver is obliged to always control the speed and distance to the vehicle in front. Always keep a firm grip on the steering wheel when driving.
  • Your vehicle, even with the installed VSM system, always listens to the driver. Always follow normal road safety precautions, including speed selection according to traffic conditions, including inclement weather and slippery road surfaces.
  • If the vehicle has wheels or tires different sizes, the VSM system may not function properly. The dimensions of the replacement tires must be the same as the original tires.
See also:

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Shutdown mode
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Anti-lock braking system (ABS) warning lamp (if equipped)
This lamp comes on when the ignition key is turned to the ON position and goes out after about 3 seconds if the system is working properly. If this lamp continues to burn after the ignition is turned on, it lights up in ...


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