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Description of the profession driver , choice of profession driver


  • Introduction

Car driver is one of the most widespread professions in the world.
There is not a single branch of the economy, wherever the driver works. A large detachment of drivers in the construction industry makes a significant contribution to the common cause of builders.
The profession of a driver appeared after the creation of a steam carriage by the French engineer Nicola-Joseph Cugno in 1769. A huge steam boiler was installed on a three-wheeled cart weighing 3.5 tons. The person who drowned him was called a chauffeur (translated from French - a stoker). The chauffeur was driving steam engine and constantly tossed coal into the furnace. Using a lever, I turned front wheel... The speed of such a car developed up to 7 kilometers per hour.
In the 80s of the nineteenth century, G. Daimler and K. Benz created the first Gas engine internal combustion, which was installed on a new vehicle - a self-propelled trackless vehicle, called "car". In Russia, the first car and, accordingly, the profession of "chauffeur" appeared in 1895.
Nowadays, in official and professional documents, the word "chauffeur" has been replaced by the phrase "car driver". The word “chauffeur” is colloquial, despite the fact that “chauffeur” is historically the first name for the profession “car driver”, which has become the profession of millions today.
A car in construction is an irreplaceable form of transport. 85% of all cargo transportation in construction is carried out by cars.
Motor transport in construction can be external, internal and object-based.
Large construction enterprises have their own vehicles, which are under the jurisdiction of the mechanization department of the transport enterprise, which, in addition to operating all vehicles, ensures their repair and preparation for entering the line.

Small construction organizations do not have a truck fleet on their balance sheets. They usually enter into contracts with trucking companies for car rental and car driver services.
A car driver in a construction company carries out the movement of goods and passengers.
In construction, vehicles with a carrying capacity of 1.5–40 tons are used. In addition to single cars, road trains are used.
By purpose and role in construction production means road transport classified into two groups:
- vehicles for general transport purposes (onboard trucks, dump trucks, road trains as part of a car and trailers);
- specialized vehicles.
Specialized vehicles are adapted (specialized) for the transportation of certain categories of goods: concrete mix, mortar, powdery and dusty building materials, large-sized reinforced concrete structures, etc. Mobile concrete mixers are now used to transport concrete and mortar mixtures. For bulk transportation of powdery materials (cement, gypsum, lime, ground limestone, etc.), cement trucks equipped with self-unloading devices are used. Large-sized reinforced concrete structures are transported mainly by road trains, consisting of a road tractor and specialized trailers or semi-trailers. Depending on the type of construction cargo transported, semi-trailers are used: plate carriers, beam carriers, panel carriers, farm carriers, sanitary cabins and block carriers. Specialized modes of transport include heavy-duty trailers (trailers) with a carrying capacity of up to 120 tons.
The professional activity of a car driver in the construction industry is working on general transport vehicles and specialized vehicles: on-board trucks, dump trucks, fuel trucks, KAMAZ trucks, MAZs, GAZelles, vehicles with trailers and semi-trailers, as well as on buses and cars.
Working in the car park of a construction company, the driver must have the skills to drive different types of vehicles: both general transport and specialized.
You need to know a lot and be able to drive a truck. Indeed, in just one kilometer of the way, the driver has to perform up to 40-50 operations.
The profession of a car driver can be called “end-to-end”, since there is not a single branch of the economy in which drivers do not work. Therefore, this profession remains the most attractive for those who choose a profession or are thinking about changing jobs.

  • Professional self-identification

Most of the car drivers are very passionate about their profession. They identify themselves with chauffeurs, drivers. "I am not a cabman, but a car driver."
Experienced drivers report great attachment to their profession. They love technology and, especially, their car.
As a rule, people who once have chosen the profession of a driver associate their whole life with it. Places of work, brands of cars are changing, but the love for technology remains unchanged, which does not allow changing a profession, which is difficult and very responsible.
"I am a driver! I always wanted to be one and in the future I want to work only as a driver. I can’t imagine myself in another profession ”, - these are the words of a semitrailer driver with work experience.
Not a single stage of construction can be done without the labor of a worker - a driver of a car, therefore many drivers working in the construction industry proudly call themselves “builders”.
  • Reasons for choosing a profession

In the ranks of drivers, there are rarely random people. They go to this profession by vocation.
The desire to master the profession of a car driver arises in young people, as a rule, in childhood. According to professional drivers, the love of technology, which is the main condition for working as a driver, arises precisely at this age, and in some even earlier. At first, a bicycle becomes the object of close attention for the boy, on which he learns the basics of movement, maneuvering and elementary locksmith work. As they grow older, a craving for mastering more complex techniques is formed. Often an example for a boy (youth) is his father, who works as a car driver.
“I've always liked the profession of a driver. My father was a driver, and I always dreamed of sitting behind the wheel. I believe that any guy is drawn to the car ”; “I came to the profession deliberately. I was still a child, but I was already drawn to technology, I liked different mechanisms. He dreamed of driving a car. So my profession is a childhood dream. "
A person who dreamed of becoming a driver and who was unable to immediately realize his intentions for some reason, in the future, necessarily "comes" into the profession. “The profession of a driver is fashionable and prestigious. Purposefully tried to go to study as a driver. The first time I did not enter, I went to study to be a welder. And still he did not deviate from the chosen path - he entered evening courses and mastered the profession of a driver. I like my job very much. "
  • Ways of acquiring professional education

Most drivers note that in order to master the profession of a car driver, special education is necessary. “You have to go through the training, otherwise you won't go. It is especially important to get an education in the conditions of constant modernization of transport ”.
Anyone who is about to become a professional driver must master the art of driving a car to perfection. And this requires more than just knowing the rules road traffic, but to be able to apply them correctly, constantly analyze their actions on the road. For the rational operation of the car, it is necessary to know well its structure, the rules for servicing mechanisms, units, devices.
Some drivers believe that mastering the profession of a car driver is a gift from God, and a person who has this gift can become a professional high-class specialist even without education. "Of course, you need to know the theory, but practical skills are still more important." However, employment in this profession is possible only if you have a driver's license to drive vehicles of categories "B", "C", "D" and "E", and it can be obtained only after completing training.
Successful mastering of the profession is facilitated by the presence of interest in technology, technical creativity, the desire to work on machines.
The necessary theoretical knowledge and practical training can be obtained in primary vocational education institutions as well as in vocational training courses.
Prospects for professional growth: increasing the professionalism and automatism of the actions performed.
It is possible to retrain for other types of transport, as well as a specialist in related professions
Related professions: specialist in the operation and repair of vehicles, driving instructor.
  • Features of professionals and professional activities
Features of professionals

The profession of a car driver makes special demands on the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of a person, as well as on the state of his health.
It is important for a driver to have such qualities as memory for movement, attention on the road, quick reaction and orientation, good color discrimination.
High demands are placed on such quality of drivers as attention. On the one hand, long-term concentration of attention is required for several hours of work. On the other hand, the driver's attention is constantly shifted while driving from one object to another. Attention is especially necessary when working on a construction site.
The driver must have a good reaction to unexpected situations that arise on the road, at a construction site. Fractions of a second are often decisive.
According to professionals, "the driver is important not only good coordination of hands and feet, but also head work." The peculiarity of the driver's professional thinking is to anticipate the actions of other people, predict the situation. The need to make decisions in emergency situations requires the driver to think quickly and to be able to focus.
Professionals believe that “the driver must have a good spatial imagination, which helps to maneuver the car, sometimes quite difficult turns at the construction site. Here you also need an eye to stop exactly or drive where you need it, and not a centimeter to the side. This is the supreme skill of a driver at a construction site. "
Drivers believe that a worker needs to have such personal qualities as hard work, patience, and diligence. They call the character traits acquired in the course of activity responsibility, alertness, the ability to predict the situation and, which is not very pleasant, nervousness and rudeness.
When choosing the profession of a car driver, it is important to take into account the state of health. The work is not recommended for people suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases, diseases of the spine, peptic ulcer disease, color blindness, epilepsy, who have monocular vision and disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Features of professional activity

The driver of a car in construction is a skilled worker.
Dominant activities:
- implementation of transport and passenger transportation;
- operation, driving;
- monitoring the indicators of devices (ammeter, water temperature and oil pressure indicators, etc.);
- vehicle maintenance (washing, refueling with fuel and oil, lubrication, inspection, etc.);
- regular inspections vehicle before leaving the garage;
- detection and elimination of malfunctions as a result of a breakdown on the road;
participation in car repair in stationary conditions.
The typical working day of a car driver depends on the business and the car he drives. Work can be in one shift from 8-00 to 17-00 with an hour-long lunch break, maybe in two shifts, business trips to distant objects, to other cities are possible. The driver of the car says: "We deliver building materials to the construction sites of the enterprise from Yekaterinburg, Vladimir, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kostroma and other cities of Russia."
Due to the different carrying capacity of vehicles and the variety of building materials, drivers specialize in the transportation of various goods. “My responsibilities include refueling construction equipment with combustible materials, in particular, gasoline. You need to refuel at a gas station and deliver gasoline to the place of demand. " “Now I work in a team of electricians, I take workers to the sites. I also translate building materials (wires, electrical appliances ").
The result of the professional activity of the driver is on time and accurately delivered cargo.
The driver's workplace is a car cabin, as well as a garage or parking lot, where parking and car care is carried out.
The driver drives the car, sitting in a comfortable chair, when even with an intense load, the muscles are not very tense: after all, the driver does not "ride" the car, but makes many hours and many days of trips. Window modern machines make it possible to clearly see the road ahead and from the side, and special mirrors allow you to observe the situation behind the car. The driver systematically looks into such mirrors, since it is important for him to know if he is holding back the movement of other, faster cars, if someone is going to overtake him. It is especially important to navigate the traffic situation in multi-lane traffic. The front windows of the cab, as the most important ones, are equipped with special washers and brushes, the so-called "yards". The main thing here is to observe, analyze and foresee. The road is narrow and you have to be on your guard. The driver must quickly assess, analyze the current road situation and make the necessary decision in advance: to reduce or increase the speed, to carry out the necessary maneuver. “On the road, we enter into a kind of tacit relationship with other drivers. We need to find a common language with everyone. ”
The working conditions of the driver have a number of specific difficulties:
Firstly, the peculiarity and not very pleasant of this profession is that with all the external dynamics and freedom of movement, the driver has a sedentary job. This is a source of great tension.
Secondly, in the professional activity of drivers there is a possibility of extreme working conditions, when a stressful emergency, catastrophic situation on the road arises.
Thirdly, there are bad weather conditions - snowfall, ice, fog, which require special attention. In fog it is possible to miss the road signs, as a result of which a collision with oncoming traffic may occur.
Fourthly, one of the unpleasant aspects of the profession is the need to repair the car on the way. In any weather (both mud and snow), you have to crawl under the car in search of a malfunction, change a wheel or understand the engine.
Fifth, while on a business trip, the driver may find himself far from the settlement, so sometimes he has to spend the night in the cab of the car in any weather.
The unfavorable factors of professional activity also include gas and dustiness of the air environment. And the movement of the car and the operation of the engine have an increased noise effect on the driver.
Drivers consider such working conditions to be familiar to themselves. “With time you get used to your work, you don’t notice many difficulties,” says the driver.
The main problem that worries car drivers are bumpy roads. “Potholes, unfortunately, are more common on the way than an even track. From this, shaking, rolling, vibration and, as a result, equipment breakdown. There are also broken roads at the facilities. The car shakes in different directions, but the load must be protected. "
Drivers are worried about the wear and tear of equipment. “Of course, this problem is being gradually solved by the management of the companies. Construction companies strive to purchase new equipment, more advanced, more convenient to use. "
Despite the difficulties, the drivers are satisfied with their professional activities. Involvement in the construction of construction projects gives rise to pride in their souls for their work “You are like the wind when you rush along the road and carry the cargo necessary for the construction”, - this is how a truck driver describes his condition.
Drivers are attracted to the profession because it is associated with the technique “When you give your soul to your car, it responds to you in the same way”, “I am the owner of the car, she obeys my hands”, “My profession is movement, this is joy, this is work, it's a road, it's a good profession, and I respect it. "
In Syktyvkar, the average salary of drivers is from 10 thousand rubles. An important role in calculating wages is played by the class of the driver and the complexity of the work performed. The wages are relatively convenient for the drivers, you always want to get more.

  • Labor market profession

The profession of a car driver in construction is quite widespread and has a stable demand in the labor market. According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Komi Republic, the projected need for drivers until 2010 in the republic is 4455 people, including in Syktyvkar - only 1360 people (270 people per year), in Vorkuta - 409 people (75-85 people. per year), in Inta - 95 people (20 people a year), in Pechora - 194 people (40 people a year), in Usinsk - 308 people (55-64 people a year), in Ukhta - 704 people (130 people per year).
The volume of construction production in the Komi Republic is increasing. Job prospects by profession can be seen as favorable. The drivers say: “The driver will not be lost. We have many job opportunities. The more categories a driver has, the higher his competitiveness in the labor market ”.
In connection with the constant improvement of technology, in particular, equipping transport with electronic devices, drivers are required with the knowledge and skills of driving modernized equipment.
Drivers call their profession promising and believe that it will always be needed. “You can't carry a load on your shoulders,” says the driver. "The profession will be in demand as long as there is a construction site."
In addition to the construction industry, a car driver can work in any other area of ​​human activity where it is necessary to move goods and passengers: transport companies (taxi companies, bus fleets, motor depots, road transport companies, etc.); industrial enterprises; motor sports; private taxi.
A car driver can work in both the public and private sectors of the economy.
Without additional training, a car driver can perform the work of a car repair locksmith. “I can be a repair mechanic. We have to deal with this quite often while working, ”says the driver.
There are occupational risks in the profession. The work of a car driver is a traumatic type of work, so there is always a risk of life threatening.

Dear Guys! Try to solve this riddle:

Skillfully he drives the car -

After all, it's not the first year behind the wheel!

Tight tires rustle slightly

He takes us around the city.

That's right, this is the driver!

What is this profession - a driver?

The driver of a passenger car transports people, and a truck driver transports various goods. But both must know perfectly well the structure of the car, skillfully manage it, especially on the streets of a big city, where there are many cars and pedestrians.

The driver must know the rules of the road by heart and never break them!

The driver, who works as a taxi driver, drives people around the city. He knows all the city streets and alleys well.

A truck is much larger and more powerful than a car. Driving such a large car is not easy! Therefore, truck drivers are highly qualified.

Hear a poem about the job of a truck driver.

My truck

Here is a huge truck!

I'm used to driving it

I carry loads on it,

If they are building a new house.

He is a machine to all cars -

A real colossus!

Carries bricks, sand,

He could have moved a mountain!

All day we are alone,

I'm in the cockpit behind the wheel.

He is obedient, as if alive,

As if he is my friend.

I'll turn on the music quietly

And I'll spin the steering wheel

Is it raining, is it snowing

We're going, we're going forward!

Before leaving, the driver carefully checks the serviceability of his car. At the slightest malfunction, the car should not go out on the track, a specialist mechanic should take care of it.

Many drivers work for public transport- trams, buses, trolleybuses. Before entering the tracks, these vehicles are checked by mechanics, and a doctor examines the driver. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people.

At stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers get off the bus, tram or trolleybus, while others enter.

To the question of what they want to become when they grow up, many guys answer: a driver!

Indeed, this profession is interesting! The car is in motion all the time, the landscape is constantly changing outside the window, the people in the car are changing too.

But the profession of a driver places high demands on a person: quick reaction, excellent memory, endurance, strength, the ability to instantly make the right decision in a difficult situation, good health, excellent eyesight.

The driver must accurately distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing.

The profession of a driver attracts living people who love variety and frequent change of impressions.

Tell us about the driver's job.

What types of transport do the drivers use?

Why is the work of a driver considered very responsible?

What should a driver know?

What qualities should a driver have?

Would you like to become a driver?

Driver is generally a vehicle handling specialist. The latter can be passenger, cargo or even special equipment. He also has the knowledge and skills in car maintenance, repairs it in a timely manner when a malfunction occurs (or timely delivers the car to service center), strictly observes safety regulations and traffic rules. The driver can also perform additional duties (for example, loading and unloading). The profession belongs to the category of "technician". The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description: who is a driver?

A driver is a very common and always in demand profession. There are many varieties of it. So, a driver can be a freight forwarder, courier, taxi driver, security guard, he can be engaged in international transportation of goods, and so on. Accordingly, for employment for a driver's vacancy, the rights of the corresponding category, driving experience and the availability of skills corresponding to the specifics of the proposed position are required. The driver is responsible for the health of passengers and / or the safety of cargo, so he must be able to make the right decisions in emergency situations.

Features of the profession

The duties of the driver, as already noted, are reduced not only to the delivery of passengers or cargo from point "A" to point "B". Such a specialist is also responsible for the serviceability of the vehicle, for compliance with all transportation rules, and even for filling out the reporting documentation. The main scope of work on the shoulders of drivers is as follows:

  • Checking the presence of fuel and oil, the serviceability of the machine mechanisms and the electrical system before leaving.
  • Conducting regular Maintenance vehicle (in addition to inspection before departure, this includes refueling, oil change, washing, timely troubleshooting).
  • Direct implementation of freight or passenger transportation.
  • Registration of documents regulating the transportation process.
  • Effective resolution of any difficult driving situations.
  • Rendering first medical care victims of an accident.
  • Planning and organization of vehicle maintenance work.
  • Quality control of car repair work.

Generally accepted ideas about who a driver is sometimes at odds with real situation things in specific positions. So, for example, some specialists are also involved in planning the work of the logistics department, organize the work of personnel during transportation, use modern IT products to manage transportation processes, and so on.

Pros and cons of being a driver


  1. The ability to travel to different cities and countries.
  2. No need for years of training.
  3. Applicability of professional skills in everyday life.
  4. A large number of vacancies in the labor market.


  1. Responsibility for passengers and cargo.
  2. Irregular working hours.
  3. Quite often - not the most comfortable working conditions (for example, in the cold season).
  4. Not always high wages.

Important personal qualities

It is worth starting training as a driver if you are confident in your responsibility, resistance to stress, hard work, and the ability to maintain concentration for a long time. The ability to understand technology, good spatial imagination, the ability to quickly switch attention and make informed decisions in emergency situations, excellent ability to orientate on the ground will not hurt. Emotional stability and sociability are also important for the driver, since he inevitably has to interact with a large number of people.

Driver training

There are many options for where to get the profession of a driver. In fact, these can be any driving schools, as well as organizations that provide training and internships for future employees. Education as such for this specialty is not needed (with the exception of the basic one, of course).

At the same time, colleges and universities for drivers still exist. So, in the context of secondary specialized education, one can note the profile "Organization of transportation and transport management" (code 23.02.01), in the context of higher education - the specialty "Ground transport and technological means by profile: Cars and tractors" (code 23.05.01). But they are more suitable for those who want to be not just a driver, but also, for example, participate in the organization of transportation, personnel management, renovation work... Otherwise, there is enough license and experience, and there is no need to find out where to study as a driver additionally.


Driving schools

We will not give examples of specific driving schools, since their number in any city is quite large. The main thing is to choose the one that teaches driving to pass the exam for the category you need.

The best colleges for drivers

  1. MADK them. A.A. Nikolaeva
  2. FRAME No. 26
  4. KSUMRF them. Admiral S.O. Makarova

Place of work

Drivers are needed in almost any organization that, in one way or another, transports any cargo or has a need for passenger transportation. In other words, we are talking about almost any modern company. Also, drivers can work as taxi drivers or provide their services to one specific client.

Driver's salary

The income level of such a specialist depends on the place of his employment. If desired, the driver will always be able to secure himself a decent salary, especially when working on international routes.

Salary as of 09/01/2020

Moscow 60000—200000 ₽


Career development also depends on where the driver works. He can seek to obtain leadership positions, or open his own organization (logistics, transport, providing personal driver services, and so on).

Professional knowledge

  1. Traffic safety rules.
  2. Maintenance and repair of vehicles.
  3. Electronics and electrical engineering.
  4. The device of vehicles.
  5. Team management.
  6. Safety precautions when organizing the process of transporting goods.

Notable drivers

  1. Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 legend. He still holds the record for the number of victories in the world famous grand prix, and his name has become a household name.
  2. Lewis Hamilton, five-time Formula 1 world champion and record holder.

The driver is a skilled worker driving different kinds transport, including cars and trucks, trolleybuses, buses, trams, etc. It can transport both people and goods. The profession of a driver is very responsible, since people's lives depend on the quality of work.

To work as a driver, it is necessary not only to drive a vehicle automatically, but also to perfectly know all the rules of the road. All kinds of unforeseen situations can arise along the way. Therefore, a person driving a car must have knowledge of technical device auto in order to be able to identify and fix basic problems.

The demand for the profession of a driver in the labor market is quite high. The number of cars in the world continues to grow rapidly, and their structure is being modernized, becoming more and more complex. Despite the fact that today almost every second person has driver's license, not everyone can boast of impeccable driving skills. You should not only know which pedal to press, but also be able to think quickly, make the right decisions and react quickly, depending on the situation on the road.

The peculiarity of the driver's profession is that today, perhaps, there is not a single industry that does not require professionals in this specialty. Depending on the nature of the enterprise and on the capabilities and desires of the driver himself, he can be engaged in both freight and passenger transportation. For example:

  • the bus driver transports people, their luggage, various cargo and mail. Most often, he has a specific schedule and route, which he must strictly adhere to. The bus driver can work both in the city and carry out transportation on intercity and international lines. People working in this field of activity must have a special category;
  • the tram driver transports people along a given route and is responsible for their safety. He also informs passengers by microphone all the required information along the route. The person who has chosen this specialty must be able to check the condition of the tram, and, if necessary, be able to troubleshoot equipment problems while working on the line;
  • taxi driver. A person in this profession should have remarkable patience and be a kind of psychologist, since he has to deal with different people, many of whom are not distinguished by good manners and tact. The job of a taxi driver is quite difficult and in many countries it is even considered one of the most life-threatening professions;
  • personal driver (family, personal) is a special category related to domestic staff. In addition to his direct employer, he also transports his family members. In this case, the driver must strictly follow all the wishes and recommendations. The driver of the car, which most often belongs to the renter, is obliged to monitor the cleanliness and serviceability of the vehicle.

A person of this specialty can work in an ambulance, and drive a trolleybus, and be a truck driver. In our time, work behind the wheel is one of the most massive.

As in any other field of activity, the profession of a driver has its pros and cons. The advantages include high demand for this specialty and good earnings. By cons - constant tension, and sometimes monotony.

Personal qualities

People who decide to devote themselves to this profession need to have a stable psyche and have a calm character and endurance. Successful work requires a driver to be able to react quickly, focus and be attentive. Alertness, analytical and predictive ability will help to predict the possible development of events in many unforeseen situations on the road. To follow all directions and instructions, the driver must be responsible, organized and accurate.

Education: what you need to know?

First of all, you need to know the rules of the road, the device vehicle and all the features of machine maintenance. Basic knowledge for the profession of a driver can be obtained in driving schools and vocational schools. Having entered the technical school, you can continue your education. Also, universities specializing in motor transport accept applicants every year. Driving a car is a kind of art. You may not even become a virtuoso, even after graduating from several courses and educational institutions.

Place of work and career

As a driver, you can get a job at various enterprises and companies that require passenger or freight transportation... You can also work in the service sector, in the family, for example. The driver can work in garages, parking lots or parking lots. If you want to earn more, a person in this profession can also engage in entrepreneurial activity. Some people choose to purchase multiple vehicles, hire different drivers, and organize of various kinds transportation.

Software content:

To create in children a holistic view of the work of a chauffeur, of the help that cars provide to people.

Concretize children's ideas that there are different cars: cars and trucks

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the main parts of a truck and a car

To continue teaching children to respond with simple sentences, to consolidate the ability to draw round and square objects, as well as the ability of children to count within four.

To cultivate respect for the people of this profession, the desire to imitate.

Individual work with Maxim, Lisa and Dima - to work out

perseverance, desire to listen, answer the questions posed.

Vocabulary work: wrench, pump, gas station, etc.

Prior work: observation of cars and trucks, at the work of the driver unloading products in kindergarten... Examining illustrations, reading fiction.

Material: a stand with a picture of cars (cars, trucks), pencils and sheets of paper with drawn templates of trucks. For the game "Find an extra object" subject pictures: wrench, screwdriver, hammer, pump, needle, scissors, saw, awl. For the game "Cars": steering wheels, for each child with a numerical expression from 1 to 4, designations of garages, as well v numerical expression from 1 to 4. Toys: fire-fighting vehicles, cars, trucks, type-setting cloth.

Equipment arrangement: children sit behind tables arranged in two rows.

Course of the lesson:

I invite children to listen to the riddle

Rubber running

I will go around all the roads

I will be useful at a construction site

I'm not afraid of work

All paths are open to me

I can transport people

Guys, what do you think this is?

I am reading Galieva's poem "Chauffeurs".

Rustling on the roads

Funny tires

Hurry along the roads

Machines, machines

And in the back are important

Urgent shipments

Cement and iron

Raisins and watermelons.

Chauffeur work

Difficult and challenging

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere.

What is this poem about? (about cars)

Cars are helpers of people, they transport goods and people, food to stores, medicines to pharmacies and hospitals. People could not do without cars.

I draw the attention of people to the stand with the images of cars, we are examining it.

Check out these trucks and cars. Why is it called a truck? (because she carries goods).

Powerful transport - truck

I'm used to carrying gravity

What is the car body for?

To carry goods in it?

What goods are transported by truck? (bricks, sand, logs, planks) What does a truck have? (The truck has: cab, body, windows, wheels, headlights). Now look at a passenger car, why is it called that? (It is smaller) Who is being transported in a passenger car? (people) How else can you say? (passengers) What does a passenger car have? (body, windows, headlights, wheels).

I summarize the children's answers. Trucks are large and powerful, they have a body, they carry heavy loads in the body. And in passenger cars there is a salon, people go to them.

Who drives the machines? (chauffeur) What else can you call a chauffeur? (driver). I invite the children to listen to an excerpt from Eddie Ognitvet's poem "Who starts the day?"

The chauffeur does not like to sleep at home,

A little light the chauffeur gets up.

He hurries to his car

To start the engine ...

Why do you think a chauffeur needs to get up early? (Prepare for a trip, work, refuel it, start the engine).

Where do cars sleep? (in the garage) Do you think the chauffeur's work is difficult or easy? Why? (the driver's work is difficult, because he gets up early, he must be careful on the road so as not to run over pedestrians ...) What are gas stations for? What tools does a chauffeur need on the road for repairs? (screwdriver, wrench, hammer ...). I invite all of you to become chauffeurs and play the game "Pick tools for a chauffeur" (we will select tools that are not needed for a chauffeur to work).

Well done, now you know how the driver fixes the car, coped with the task. On you tables there are cars that also need repair. I invite the children to turn over the album leaves, think about what parts are missing and finish drawing them with a pencil (wheels, windows).

Well done, you have completed the task, and now I suggest you get up and play the game "Cars" ( we play 2-3 times).

Children return to their seats. The phonogram sounds.

Can you hear our cars talking? Do you want to listen to a fairy tale?

Once on the road three cars met, these are the following (I show the cars standing on the table) fire, cargo, passenger. All of them were in a great hurry and could not make way for each other.

Please let me in, she screamed truck- I am in a hurry to the construction site, carrying bricks.

At first I’m not there, ”the fire engine shouted,“ because I am in a hurry to put out the fire.

No, no, let me in, - said the passenger car, - I'm taking people, we are late for the railway station.

Guys, let's help them. Which car do you think will go first on the road? (fire department) And the second one? (passenger) and the last one? (cargo)

And why?

Conclusion: today we met with the work of a chauffeur. We learned a lot of interesting things. The work of a chauffeur is difficult, but very important and necessary for people, and we also learned that there are cars and trucks. They carry different types of goods and people. People cannot live without cars. They are their main assistants.

All the guys were active in the lesson, they performed the tasks correctly. This concludes the lesson.


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