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Ice riding is an extremely important skill, especially if you live in colder climates with harsh winters. Icing can happen suddenly and without warning, so you need to be prepared every time you get into your car in cold weather. Bridges are especially dangerous in these conditions, as they are covered with ice earlier, due to the lack of warm ground under them. See Step 1 for tips on how to keep yourself safe when driving on ice.


Preparing the car for winter

    Complete general service. Take your car to a service by the end of autumn to get serviced and make sure everything is in working order. Breakage is the last thing you need on ice, when snow is also flying into the windshield. When you hand over your vehicle to winterize it, have a mechanic check the following and replace anything that is not working properly:

    • Tires and tire pressure
    • Battery
    • Belts and hoses
    • Radiator
    • Brakes
    • Exhaust system
    • Heater
    • Butter
    • Lighting
    • Ignition system
    • Wipers
  1. Replace with new tires if your treads are worn out. Even if your mechanic thinks your tires will still last, but you need to drive in freezing weather, it is worth considering new tires. The biggest danger in winter driving is slipping on ice due to poor traction. This is a safety risk regardless of the condition of your tires, but if the tread depth gets low, you run a greater risk of skidding.

    Check your tire pressures throughout the winter. In cold weather, tire pressure drops naturally. Insufficiently inflated tires can react incorrectly while driving, which can be dangerous when the road is icy. Check your tire pressures every few weeks to make sure they are fully inflated.

    • Use a pressure gauge to check the tire pressure. Check if the tire pressure is within the recommended level for your tires.
    • If you need to adjust the pressure, find a compressor (they can be found at gas stations and tire shops) and inflate the tires one at a time, checking the pressure from time to time so as not to over-pump them.
  2. Consider purchasing chains. Chains and other devices designed for better grip on ice are good to have in your trunk in case a snowstorm hits. The chains are not difficult to attach around the wheels and you can remove them as soon as the roads are dry again. Talk to your mechanic which type is best for your vehicle.

    • If you live in an area with steep hills and frequent icing, or in an area where snowblowers do not normally salt the streets, use regular striped chains that are easy to put on and take off when visibility is poor.
    • If you are traveling through an area known for its frequent icy conditions, you may see road signs indicating that snow chains are required. If you are already on the road and have not bought chains ahead of time, you can get them from most auto parts stores.
  3. Expect your car to break down. Most importantly, when driving in heavy winter conditions and on ice - to be always ready. During the winter months, you should have lighter wires and an emergency kit in the trunk of your car. It is also good to have a supply of food, water and blankets in case you get stuck for a few hours.

    • Always take with you mobile phone if you are going to travel on ice. Minor accidents or more serious accidents are very common in icy conditions and you need to be able to get help right away.
    • You may also want to consider becoming a member of an automobile association, or have a local traffic control number.

    Making Good Driving Decisions

    1. Clean the windows before driving out. Do not drive onto a road with frost or snow on the windows. You should have the best visibility while driving on ice and snow. Allow the car to warm up slightly so that the windows are completely defrosted.

      • You also need to check if the windshield wipers are frozen. If you will be riding in deep snow, it is very important that they function properly.
      • Make sure the side mirrors are also free of snow and ice.
    2. Try to drive through areas where snowblowers and road salt machines often pass. If you need to drive into a snowstorm, stay away from areas where there is little traffic, or that are so impassable that they don't salt and clean. Find a route to your destination that is not heavily congested with traffic but busy enough to be cleared.

      • The salt melts the ice, allowing your tires to get better grip when you ride, but in very cold temperatures, it won't melt. In such cases, sand is sprinkled on the roads, which remains on the surface of the ice and contributes to better grip.
      • The main roads are usually cleared immediately, but you need to avoid areas with heavy traffic. As a rule, in ice and snow, other drivers show worse qualities. Even if you know what you are doing, you should not be surrounded by frightened drivers.
      • Watch out for salt-strewing vehicles and snow-clearing vehicles as they tend to move slower than other vehicles on the road.
    3. Drive at half the speed limit, or lower if the road is ice-free. Driving too fast on snow and ice is a surefire way to get off the road or get into an accident. Start slowly to check how much grip your tires are. Find a comfortable speed where you can ride without slipping or losing control.

      • Usually when the snow flies in windshield, visibility drops, so you may have to slow down whether you like it or not. If you are having trouble seeing other vehicles, slow down further.
      • While it's best to play it safe when driving in a slow lane, you shouldn't drive too slow to obstruct traffic. Try to drive at the same speed as the cars around you to prevent other drivers from crashing into you from behind.
    4. Leave enough space between your vehicle and the next one. Do not stay too close to the vehicle, which you can easily hit if the driver suddenly hits the brakes. Leave enough room for the other car, or yours, to have room to maneuver when sliding or skidding without risk of collision.

      Watch out for ice and other hazards. Ice is almost impossible to see while you are on it. He is usually found in shaded areas and on the sides of the road. People tend to drive on it at high speed until they spot it, so ice is the cause of many accidents. Be extremely careful and, if there is the slightest possibility that there may be ice on the road, try to drive slowly.

      • Overpasses and bridges freeze faster than the rest of the road, so drive through these areas as carefully as possible. As soon as it starts snowing, you must slow down and be extremely careful.
      • Another great danger in icy conditions is other vehicles. As mentioned, in a blizzard, drivers often panic. Look in the mirrors more often and be as careful as possible to be able to react if you see a car rushing towards you.
    5. Park if necessary. If you are caught in a blizzard, or you cannot drive more than a few meters without skidding, it is better to just pull over and wait out the storm. It makes no sense to keep driving when you cannot see the road in front of you. Park in a safe place, such as on the side of the road or in a parking lot, and wait for the snow to subside before moving on.

    Using techniques to stay on the road

    1. Brake by rolling. The mistake of many people is when they feel that the wheels begin to slide on the ice, hit the brakes. This blocks the brakes and causes the tires to slip even more. This often results in loss of vehicle control. Instead of hitting the brakes, hit them with a swing. Step on the brake pedal carefully with your foot if you want to slow down. The car will remain under your control by slowing down.

      • Have plenty of time to slow down. In the event of a skid, start braking early to stop in time.
      • If you are not quite sure how and why you should brake with pitching, try to practice in a safe but slippery place, such as a completely empty car park with a large area. Drive on the ice for a bit, then hit the brake sharply. Do you see how the car skids? Now try again, this time rolling. The difference in control should be clear.
    2. Accelerate slowly. Your tires take time to gain traction. If you accelerate too fast, the wheels will slip and you could lose control of the vehicle. Accelerate very slowly and carefully to see if your tires have good traction. If you don't feel any grip, slow down and start over.

      • If you find yourself in a situation in which your tires slip, add sand or gravel in front of them. You may need to dig some snow around them to get them moving.
      • Slow acceleration is another technique you can try in an empty car park. Try to move the car in an icy area by pressing hard on the gas. Most likely the wheels will start to slip. Now try again, this time slowly applying the throttle and letting the tires engage.
    3. Learn how to get out of a skid. First, remove your foot from the accelerator pedal so that your vehicle slows down and regains traction. Steer your car gently wherever you want. If you twist and start sliding the other way, turn back in the right direction. There are some subtleties to get the car out of a skid. When you are heading in the right direction, you can gently apply the brakes or accelerate to regain control.

      • Remain calm if you get carried away. Resist the urge to compensate by twisting the wheel too much in the other direction. Easy, quiet handling will straighten your vehicle and get you back on the road.
      • Practice losing and regaining control of your vehicle in a safe place. Approach an icy area and accelerate on it so that your car skids. Get out of the skid gently by steering your vehicle wherever you want.
    • If you ever get stuck, stay calm and don't push hard on the gas pedal. This will only make matters worse by digging you deeper into the ground. Use the accelerator pedal very gently while turning the wheel from side to side to clear snow from the road. Sprinkle cat litter or gravel around your wheels if needed for extra traction.
    • Put winter tires on your vehicle if you expect a lot of snow and ice. Prepare and use chains only when snow and ice cover the road more or less continuously (they wear out quickly and can cause problems on dry asphalt).

Winter for motorists is not only a problem with starting the engine in cold weather, but also another - much more potentially dangerous thing - driving on ice.

Thanks to television, and many compatriots who have been abroad will personally confirm that this is true, we know what is happening on the roads of Europe during snow and ice.

Well, our European colleagues do not have solid ice driving skills, since such weather conditions are relatively rare there.

For us, being able to drive a car on snow, in icy conditions, is a vital issue. The ability to drive a car on ice is one of the skills extreme driving.

Here are the tips given by experts - employees of the Tula driving school "Autoexpert" on how to drive on ice.

First advice. Winter driving requires increased care and accuracy. Sitting behind the wheel in winter, and now almost all motorists do it, you need to turn on the yellow flashing signal in your mind: "Attention"!

Second advice. In any situation on the road, the wheels of the car must rotate. That is, it is necessary to exclude complete blocking of the wheels, in which the car becomes uncontrollable, since the wheels frozen in motionlessness have minimal contact with the road, which means that the friction force drops sharply and the car "breaks down" into uncontrollable sliding.

Third advice. If it is necessary to turn, the steering wheel must be turned smoothly. If the car continues to drive in a straight line without responding to the steering wheel movement, it is necessary to re-align the steering wheel and repeat the movement again, rather than trying to turn the steering wheel even steeper, which will cause the wheels to slip even more along the road with further unpleasant consequences.

Fourth advice. In winter, you must forget that high-speed driving mode, which was usual for you in the summer. The proverb: "The quieter you go, the further you will be," is especially relevant for winter.

Fifth advice. Use the brakes carefully when driving, especially when cornering. Before turning, you need to brake in combination, using both engine braking and foot brake.

Sixth tip. Even if you have great spiked winter tires and good braking skills, do not lose caution. After all, those who follow you may have tires without studs and driving skills are worse, therefore, braking “professionally”, you can expose the rear of your car under impact. Therefore, it is advisable to use the advantages of spike tires only in order to keep the car in the lane, and not for emergency braking. Such inhibition must be avoided, and for this you should remember the following advice.

Seventh advice. Keep a distance of at least double the speed of movement. That is, at a speed of 40 km / h, the distance should be about 80 meters.

Eighth advice. The actual braking must be carried out using engine braking or impulse braking, or a combination of both methods. There are two methods of impulse braking: intermittent and step. In the event of intermittent braking, the brake pedal must be pressed very briefly, sharply and repeatedly. Of course, some training is needed to learn how to feel the moment when the wheels can slip into a slip. Gradual braking must be mastered after mastering intermittent braking. This method differs from the intermittent one only in that when the brake is released, the pedal is not fully released, but partially, then the brake pedal is quickly pressed again with a force constantly increasing with each depression. This is the most effective, but also the most difficult to learn method of braking. Special training on a safe site is indispensable here. Motorists who own this method can confidently brake on the most slippery road, and the braking distance of the car with this method will be several times less than with a single "blocking" braking and one third less than with intermittent braking. But once again, the sixth tip should be remembered - do not expose the rear of your car to blow. Before braking on slippery roads and icy conditions, make sure that no one is “hanging on your tail”.

Ninth advice. There are plenty of ups and downs in Tula, which sometimes turn into real ice slides in winter conditions. Driving on them is difficult and unsafe. Probably, the motorist does not have a worse sensation than that which arises when, instead of driving forward, the car begins to slide backward, increasing and increasing the crawling speed. Therefore, ups and downs must be overcome in low gears and without switching them, at a constant speed. It is necessary to engage in such a gear that there is no excessive tractive effort on the wheels, so that they do not begin to slip.

Tenth advice. If, on the rise, the wheels began to slip and the car began to slide backward, it is necessary to quickly turn the steering wheel to the right to put the car at an oblique angle to the road, trying to rear wheel rested against a curb or some kind of bump. Sometimes the traffic situation (and the road) allows you to safely back up onto a less slippery shoulder where the vehicle can already be stopped.

Eleventh Council. At intersections, you need to beware of a collision with cars traveling in the transverse direction in case one of the drivers did not take into account the danger of ice. In the end, the rule of "three D": "Give the fool a way" - has not yet been canceled. If in summer there are "overheated in the sun", then in winter there are enough "frostbitten".

Council twelfth. Coasting in neutral gear or with the clutch disengaged on a slippery road is completely unacceptable because it makes engine braking impossible, it takes additional time to bring the car into a fully controllable state, and this time may simply not be ...

It is useful to take training in a driving school in winter

Of course, these tips are not exhaustive on the topic of driving on slippery winter roads. A big topic, for example, is getting a car out of a skid state. The specific actions of the driver will differ depending on which vehicle he is driving - rear-wheel drive, front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive.

But these tips are enough to understand that winter driving requires special driving skills. And by the way, one of effective ways learning to drive in winter conditions - for those, of course, who only dream of getting behind the wheel - this is to undergo training in driving skills in winter period.

Therefore, we invite everyone who wants to learn how to drive a car, enroll in a driving school "Autoexpert" in winter, without waiting for warm days. You will have the opportunity to learn how to ride in winter conditions under the guidance of experienced instructors. This means that you will have to study less later in order to become a real ace driver.

Roman Yakovlev, specially for the website of the driving school "Autoexpert"

You can often find yourself in such a situation on the road when you simply have to break the rules. road traffic... In such a situation, only one person can be blamed, although it would be necessary to understand the true reason for his act, because you can become a participant in an accident completely by accident. The fault of road services in road accidents is also quite common, but it is sometimes difficult to prove it.

Every road accident that happened with the participation vehicle due to non-fulfillment of the responsibilities assigned to the organization, which is responsible for the high-quality and safe condition of the roads, must be recorded without fail. First of all, this must be done, as required by law. If the victim does not react to the situation, then he may not count on any compensation for damage.

Documenting a traffic accident in which only the traffic authorities are to blame is somewhat different from general rules which are applied at the time of a collision of cars. It should be assumed that in this situation there may be several participants in the events, but most often it is one person.

At the scene of the accident, the picture usually looks like this: the damaged car is located on an emergency-dangerous section of the road. If the driver of this vehicle has not noticed any serious consequences, then, as a rule, he does not want to seek justice and simply goes on about his business. Without realizing it, the person driving becomes in some way a violator, because in fact, he left the scene of the accident and thereby violated clause 2.5 of the RF Traffic Rules. And for this, liability is provided in the form of administrative arrest for a period of 15 days or deprivation of rights for up to 1.5 years.

If, as a result of an accident due to the fault of the road services, the motorist was injured, or there was a threat to his life, not counting the large material damage, then it is simply necessary to register the moment of the onset of an emergency in a legal manner. Surely no one has extra money to repair a car that was damaged due to the fault of road services at their own expense. Thus, in any accident, it is worth calling the police officers, only if this is not an exception that can be issued according to the Europrotocol.

Situations are different, but even traffic police officers can defend their colleagues and say that everything is only your fault. As an example, a safe speed was not chosen, which should be adhered to on this section of the road, the rule under paragraph 10.1 of the RF SDA was violated. If there were no witnesses to the situation and other victims, then the traffic police will try to close this case as soon as possible, that is, they will draw up a document about the accident that happened and immediately issue a decision to terminate the proceedings regarding the fault of the participant in the accident. Thus, the driver will not demand anything, no compensation will follow, because there is no legal basis for that. If as a result of an accident there was a threat to health or human life, then the culprit of the accident can be held accountable, both administrative and criminal. In any case, few people want to be responsible for the mistakes of employees. road service.

We can say that motorists who got into an accident due to the fault of road services have only two options for resolving this situation: either to be responsible for what is happening on their own, or to demand that the road organization be responsible for their "punctures" and recover from it compensation for the entire damage incurred. Most people will make the right choice for sure.

Regulatory framework and fixing traces

If an accident happened due to the fault of road services, the pit turned out to be a rumor deep on the road, then the owner of the car has the right to fix the incident and demand compensation from the state for the poor performance of duties by the road maintenance service. For example, a driver can simply puncture the wheels and fly into a ditch, and this will be the fault of a simple pothole. The same story can happen in winter, when it is especially dangerous on the roads and you should carefully look for road lane uncleared snow heap. In all such situations, where the fault of the road services is proven, they must bear responsibility and pay the amount of damage in full. Any of the organizations that carry out road works, or near the road, can be held accountable. The same applies to traffic police officers. To get your money spent on car repairs, you need to competently approach this issue.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, road maintenance services are responsible for the damaged carriageway, which are obliged to monitor the condition of the road surface, carry out its reconstruction in accordance with the agreement signed with the local authorities.

In ch. 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation "Transport tax" spelled out legislative norms, according to which each car owner must pay transport tax in favor of the state. In this case, if taxpayers' money is spent on improving the road surface and building new roads, then every motorist has the right to a high-quality asphalt road section.

In Art. 28 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of road services to drivers who have suffered as a result of poor-quality performance of their duties. Especially, do not lose sight of the situation when harm to human health is caused. Overhaul the road surface must be carried out in a timely manner and the driver is not to blame for what happened, for example, during the winter period of an accident due to the fault of road services, the snow porridge was not removed.

There are certain requirements for the condition of the road surface, which are taken into account by GOST R50597-93. The road must be marked with special signs, it must be illuminated by signal lights in times of poor visibility. According to the rules, a road pit can be of such parameters - 60/15/5, where the width, length and depth are respectively indicated in centimeters. If irregularities exceed standard norms, then they should be fenced off with reflective barriers, and a special sign should be installed nearby.

Important! According to GOST, the road service has 5-10 days to eliminate road pits. On the federal highway, road services must remove potholes within no more than 5 days. Any deviation from the requirements entails legal liability.

After an accident occurred due to the fault of road services, ice became the cause or an open hatch, you should immediately call the traffic police officers, take photos and videos of what is happening, invite witnesses to participate in your case or eyewitnesses of the accident. It is imperative to wait for the arrival of the guardians of the law in order to fill out the procedural documents and start the proceedings.

How to properly register an accident that occurred due to the fault of road services?

A person who got into an accident due to poor performance of their duties by a road service should know that in order to bring its leadership to justice, it is necessary to collect evidence of guilt. As a rule, the following documents can be a source of evidence:

  • protocol of inspection of the road accident site;
  • accident site diagram;
  • an act of inspection of the conditions in a specific area of ​​the terrain;
  • recorded witness testimony, as well as information about the participants in the accident;
  • offense protocol;
  • resolution on administrative punishment.

If we consider each document involved in the case, then the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the accident is a document that is drawn up on a special form by an authorized person in the presence of the driver and eyewitnesses of the accident. In it you can read information about measurements on a section of the road, if we are talking about holes and potholes, about the general situation on the road. The available photo evidence from the accident site should be attached to the protocol.

The accident site diagram is drawn up on a special form. It can be drawn up at the accident site only by officials. In essence, it is a graphical display traffic situation on the ground with a sketch of the location of other vehicles relative to the victim. It should also be noted that traces and third-party objects that are related to what is happening can be applied to the diagram.

In each accident, it is necessary to fill out a Road Conditions Survey Report. Traffic police officers deal with it only if there is a fault of the road service. By the way, a representative of the organization responsible for road safety must also be present. The Federal Road Service of the Russian Federation has an approved procedure for filling out this document, which can be read in the "Rules for accounting and analysis of accidents on highways ah RF ".

The road conditions survey report is primarily necessary to determine the characteristics of the road conditions at the time of the accident. It is considered the main evidence that it is bad road caused the accident. Employees of the traffic police and a representative of the road service must display their data in the document. If a representative cannot be present at the time of registration of documents by law enforcement officers, then a repeated inspection of the area must be carried out no later than 24 hours later. It is important not to forget that if an accident occurred due to the fault of road services in ice, then judicial practice provides for the consideration of the case from all sides. Testimony of eyewitnesses, the victim and other road users will definitely be required. All witness statements must be recorded personally by each participant in this legal proceeding. Of course, it would be more prudent in this situation to contact a lawyer.

According to Art. 12.34 KRF about the accident, a protocol must be drawn up regarding those officials, through whose fault the accident occurred. After all, it is the management of the road service that should control safe operation highways. After consideration of the protocol in court, a decision is made. The authority in this situation for the legal consideration of the case is also vested in the chiefs and their deputies in the traffic police departments. The decree should take effect after 10 days. It can be appealed. The victim must receive a copy of the ruling in the case of an accident caused by road services.

Accident in ice, are road services to blame?

Ice can be called a seasonal disaster for motorists. But here, too, everything depends on the situation, because an accident could have occurred with the participation of two motorists who simply exceeded the speed on the road section and braking on the ice occurred with a delay. In this case, only the drivers are responsible. Traffic inspectors will hastily decide on the fault of one or more road users. It will be difficult to challenge him.

What prevents drivers from safely leaving if the road is flat and visibility is good? It is clear who is to blame for this situation, but if one car drove into a traffic light, and another followed his example, and then pushed the previous one, then you should understand. The traffic rules say that the motorist must be careful and, depending on the meteorological conditions, adhere to speed mode according to road restraints. But if this story is the fault of the road service, then it must be proven. The court will require mandatory confirmation that this section of the road caused an accident. Of course, you shouldn't blame anyone for the fact that the road was covered with snow in 5 minutes and no one removed it. It's a completely different story if the snowballs have been lying for several hours or days, and no one removes them. Although in this situation it is difficult to prove anything in court, even to an experienced lawyer. To minimize the likelihood of getting into an accident in winter, you need to stock up on time winter tires and be more careful on the roads.

In some situations, the guilt of road workers is simply obvious. For example, road works are underway on an icy area, but no one has taken care of the safety of drivers, there is no fence in this area. While the drivers can still understand what is happening during the day, it will not be easy to brake on ice at night. If there is a collision of a vehicle with a post, for example, then an accident due to the fault of road services can be proved. It is only necessary to record the shortcomings of road service workers on a photo or video camera.

For example, a case is now being considered in the court of Novosibirsk, where the driver lost control on an icy section of the road where repair work, but there were no barriers. In the course of the incident, a relative of the driver was injured and the bride died as a result of injuries. In the meantime, this new section of the road is still not equipped for safety requirements. Lawyers demand to admit that the car owner is innocent in this situation, and other people should be responsible for the incident. The lawyers filed a lawsuit against the territorial administration of highways. In this situation, ice can only be called an indirect cause of an accident, because the main one was in an inadequate condition of the road surface.

A number of factors affect the behavior of a car while driving: wind direction and speed, tire pressure, and many others. In principle, such factors only affect professional riders. For the average driver in a simple car, grip or slipperiness is a major factor.

The coefficient of adhesion depends on a number of factors, the main of which remains the weather conditions (mud, ice, snow, asphalt heated by the sun). Of course, the material of the road surface also plays a role, but everything is not so complicated here. On a road made of slabs, riding like on a train, on cobblestones - shakes, etc. I believe that weather conditions play a decisive role, because the vast majority of trips are made on asphalt roads. In addition, by its properties dirt road very similar to asphalt in properties.

As we have found out, the road becomes slippery for several reasons. First of all, let us consider the cases when the road is slippery in some areas.


If you are driving on a road with puddles, the effect of "aquaplaning" may appear. I think this is quite dangerous, because even in icy conditions there is grip on the road, and the wheels can be steered. In a puddle situation, it becomes almost zero. And do not forget about ethics - you do not need to drive through puddles near pedestrians. I think there is no need to explain here.

Oil or oil stains

Keep in mind that the road with these spots is very slippery and dangerous to drive.

Snow and sand drifts

We will dispense with comments

Crossing a dirt road

There are often cases of increased sliding of road sections near the entrances. Dirt remains on the wheels of cars, and is dragged onto the asphalt after summer rains and during thaw. This also happens during field work.

Partial ice

Sometimes ice can be selective, for which you need to prepare. For example, in the shade of buildings or trees, ice melts much longer than in the sun. And in the late afternoon, he may freeze again. Most often, ice forms on overpasses and bridges, where it disappears much later. The carriageway in such places is cooled from all sides, therefore, ice appears earlier.


Ice differs from other reasons for slipperiness in its invisibility, it can only be felt. If you see that the temperature does not exceed zero degrees, check regularly for a crust of ice on the road.


It is especially striking when the films from the road have not yet been completely washed off. exhaust gases, gasoline and microscopic tire debris.


A particular danger is wet snow: on a rolling road, the car literally turns into a sled.

Cobblestone road in the rain

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During the heat, a binder appears over the asphalt, and the car seems to float on the road.

Leaves fallen from trees, wet leaves.

Very dangerous because the grip becomes weak.

You can see the adhesion coefficients that have been calculated empirically under various conditions.

Check how slippery the road can be while driving by slightly slowing down or sharply pressing on the gas(of course, the speed of movement should be low). If the drive wheels are slipping, then the road is slippery and the grip is poor. To more accurately find out the degree of slipperiness of the road, you need to put pressure on the gas more than once, each time more and more sharply. The earlier the wheels skid, the more slippery the road.

It is generally accepted that on a slippery road you need to instantly adjust your tactics of movement and mode. But I don't quite agree with that. I have already said more than once that excessive ingenuity on the road is very dangerous, and in any weather conditions you need to follow several rules: always stay in gear, twist the steering wheel well when cornering, brake without squeezing the clutch, change gears only on a straight road. Then to all of the above, you can add: in case of dangerous road conditions slow down.

In addition, more than once it was about the smooth actions of the one who sits behind the wheel. On a slippery road, this becomes even more important. A measured, careful movement will give more stability and much reduce the likelihood of skidding.


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