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The driving school will become available, after completing the mission "Deconstruction", for the Garage. Jethro will call you and tell you where it is located. There you will meet Michelle Cannes. It is marked like all schools with a red "S" on the radar. To complete the school, you need to complete 12 missions. The 360
Mission Objective: Make a 360 Degree Circle.
Passage: Hold (W) + (S) + Left or Right Arrow and start writing circles. The 180
Mission Objective: Make a 180 degree turn.
Passage: We accelerate and fly to a semicircle of cones, bring the car hand brake(Space) and accelerate, go back. We slow down and see the result. Whip and terminate
Mission Objective: Drive the track.
Passage: You need to drive a short straight and turn left or right, first choose, then stop at the end of the track. Press (W), then (A) or (D), release the throttle before turning, then drown it again. Brake should be a couple of meters from the cones. All mission completed. Pop And Control
Mission Objective: Ride a snake on a flat tire.
Passage: This mission is a little difficult, but not so difficult as not to pass it. Your faithful servant, he graduated with honors. You are in a police car. Police "hedgehogs" are lying in front of you. You need to start moving with the forward button (W). You will have a flattened rear right wheel. In this position, you need to drive a small serpentine track and stop, and do not knock down any of the cones. They all drove through. Burn and lap
Mission Objective: Drive 5 laps in 40 seconds.
Passage: So, use scientific passing of all turns. In order to get out of a corner at a good speed, you need to enter it correctly. We drive turns according to the formula: From the outer radius of the turn, to the inner radius. It works like this, suppose you need to turn left, you move to the outer radius. This will be the right side of the road. Turning to the left, therefore, we shift to the inner radius, and we begin to straighten the trajectory. In general, here it is necessary to go through turns in cold blood and not to make nervous movements with the steering wheel, now in one direction, then in the other direction. Cone coil
Mission Objective: Complete the track in less time.
Passage: The track consists of two straight lines and one 180 degree turn that joins the two straight lines. We turn on the gas (W), fly to 180 degree turn, press the handbrake (Space) and start accelerating back. We slow down where we started. We look at the results and move on. The 90
Mission Objective: Park your car at 90 degrees.
Passage: Without further ado, gas (W)! When approaching two cars, it feels like on the body, the steering wheel to the left + Hand brake (Space) and for safety reasons, the usual brake (S). Stand up! Wheelie weave
Mission Objective: Drive on two wheels to the red circle.
Passage: We accelerate and enter the springboard with one pair of wheels (left pair), and in this position, eat. Do not steer or fall, you need to fall back on 4 wheels, always in a red circle. Good luck! Spin And Go
Mission Objective: U-turn back and stop at the specified location.
Passage: You are in Taxi, you need to drive back, make a U-turn, accelerate and stop right there. We unfold the camera, for convenience, so that front bumper looked at you with his face. We press reverse(S), when we approach the turn, then press (A), and the car turns in the desired direction, then the gas (W) and a sharp brake in a special pocket made of cones. Passed! P.I.T. Maneuver
Mission Objective: Unfold the police car.
Passage: The goal of the mission is to turn the police car around and stop as close to it as possible. Accelerate (W), catch up with the car in front, join rear wheel left or right, you decide, and we make a sharp turn with the steering wheel in the direction of the enemy, it turns. Your task further, do not click with the beak and press the handbrake (Space). This will block the car and pass this test 100%. Alley oop
Mission Objective: Perform a "Barrel" in flight and land on 4 wheels.
Passage: We accelerate (W) and with one pair of wheels (left or right) we run over the springboard. When you are off the trampoline, take your hand off the throttle and immediately press the Left or Right Arrow key. It depends on which direction you want to turn your car. You must do 360 degrees in the air and land on all 4 wheels at the same time. Calculate the time to hold the arrow to the left or right !!! Moving on to the final stage. City slicking
Mission Objective: Take a cruise around the city to the checkpoint and back.
Passage: You need to cover the distance in 120 seconds back and forth. The car must be in perfect condition, otherwise there will be problems with the passage of this mission. Do not use the handbrake, he is your enemy in this test !!! School Finished if you graduated in:
Bronze, then there will always be: Super GT.
Silver, then there will always be: Bullet.
Gold, then there will always be: Hotknife.

At the same time, Jethro will call and inform that there will be races in Wang Cars. If you wish. Then he will call again and offer to buy Wang Cars. After you bought this car dealership, there will be missions that will not cause you any difficulty. The meaning of all missions is to steal cars. It will not be difficult for you to do this. As soon as you complete one mission for Wang Cars, this will be yours, the latest tuning salon Wheel Arch Angels is available. Enjoy the adrenaline you get.

They are required to obtain a 100% completion rating. To complete each school, you must successfully complete a series of tests. The place of training is indicated on the map with a letter.

After completing each challenge, the game calculates your rating. 100% - gold medal, 85-99% - silver, 70-84% - bronze. The course is considered passed if you managed to win any medal, while no one bothers you to repeat attempts, improving the results.

Before moving on to practice, carefully watch the demos before each course and read the instructions.

At the end of the Deconstruction mission, you will be informed about the opening of a driving school in San Fierro (Doherty). After winning the overall bronze medal, a Super GT will appear in the school parking lot. For the silver one, in addition to the Super GT, you will be given a Bullet, and the owners of the “gold” will also get the Hotknife.

To get the "gold", observe these conditions: do not knock down the cones, just park at the end of the task, do not damage the car. Besides, you have to meet the allotted time.

1 360

Vehicle: Infernus
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds

There are cones around your car. All you have to do is to apply the gas and brake at the same time, turning left or right. Thus, the track from the wheels will follow the car, and it will itself describe a large circle. Try to stop the car in the same place where you started.

2 180

Vehicle: Blista compact
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds

Accelerate and drive straight ahead. After reaching the cones, turn around them while holding the handbrake and the turn button. After passing the turn, immediately start accelerating. Stop the car precisely and carefully between the cones.

3 Whip and terminate

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

Accelerate, press the handbrake on the corner, park.

4 Pop and Control

Vehicle: Police Car
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

Accelerate, release the acceleration button halfway and cross over the spikes. Your tires will burst, after which you can accelerate again. Drive the indicated course and stop.

5 Burn and lap

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 35 seconds

Here your ability to perform 180 degree turns is tested. You have to drive along a straight line of cones, turn 180 around the last one, drive on the other side of the line, turn 180, and so on - 5 more times.

If you want to win the gold medal, never let go of the acceleration button, even during the corners themselves. Accelerate and apply the handbrake before you pass the last cone. The car will start to slide, control it with the "left" and "right" buttons. You have to fit into the turn by making an arc of the smallest possible radius. To do this, you must almost touch the last in the line of the cone. To qualify, you must complete all the circles in 40 seconds.

6 Cone coil

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds

At the start, accelerate well, drive through the first series of cones. Turn before the second series so as not to knock them down. Release the throttle before the third series and get ready to make a 180 turn. Hold the handbrake, turn, then quickly head towards the finish line. Try to be more accurate at the parking point.

7 90

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds without damaging any of the cars

Your goal is to park between two cars by turning 90 degrees. When your car is next to the other two, turn slightly in their direction, release the acceleration, and when you are already entering the gap, apply the hand and normal brakes at the same time. This will prevent the car from wobbling from side to side, and you will receive a gold medal for perfect parking. While braking, correct the position of your Banshee by turning slightly left and right.

8 Wheelie weave

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": 0% damage

There is a small springboard in front of your car, on which you must drive with the left pair of wheels. Balancing on two wheels, reach the red marker and stop in it, overturning the car on four wheels.

The following method of performing this test for "gold" was suggested by the user of our forum SeRgEyG:

  1. Having driven onto the ramp, you need to turn to the right, so that the car would leave it at the last moment, and immediately (!) Press "left" to turn it on its side.
  2. In no case do not let go "forward" when the car is on its side. Since after the overturn, the wheelbarrow did not stand in the direction of the marker, you need to turn it around. To do this (again, without releasing the "forward" button), press the "left" key (namely, "left").
  3. During the turn of the car, you need to glance at the door on its side, and if it is damaged, it is pointless to continue the exam.
  4. Turn the wheelbarrow towards the marker, drive a little on the side (there will be sheaves of sparks, but do not pay attention to them, because if during stage 3 the door was intact, then everything is in order).
  5. Stop the car in the marker so that its side is near right edge of the marker, and release "forward" so that the wheelbarrow lies right in the middle of the marker.

9 Spin and Go

Vehicle: Taxi
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

Drive straight back (while holding down arrow), turn the car in the right direction at the bend and head for the finish line.

10 P.I.T. Maneuver

Vehicle: Police Car
Requirements for "gold": 0% damage

You must stop the police car driving in front of you by performing a special maneuver. Catch up with the car and push it in the area of ​​the rear left or right wheel at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, the other police car will first start turning 90 degrees (the cars will drive in the form of a T), after which you should be next to each other, standing parallel, but looking in opposite directions.

11 Alley oop

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

You need to get to the springboard and drive onto it with the left or right pair of wheels, while the other pair should remain on the ground. During the jump, the car must roll over around its longitudinal axis (in aviation this maneuver is called a "barrel"), fly over two cars and land on all four wheels.

12 City slicking

Vehicle: Super GT
Requirements for "gold": complete in 1 min 40 sec

As befits a final exam, this test is difficult. You have to drive through the streets of San Fierro to one marker and return back in a short period of time. You shouldn't leave a single scratch on your handsome Super GT. Try to stay on the median lane (or tram lines) and brake only to avoid an accident. And be careful at the crossroads!

The Driving School is located in San Fierro and will be opened after you complete the Destruction mission. Jethro will call you and show you the location of the school. In the driving school, you need to complete 12 small training missions that teach you virtuoso driving by car in the world Gta san Andreas. For each completed task, medals are given: bronze, silver or gold. To graduate from a driving school, it is enough to have a bronze medal (70% in the task), but it is still better to try and take gold. Depending on how you graduate from the driving school, bonus cars will be available in the parking lot near it:

So, to help you with advice on how best to accomplish a difficult task, here are all 12 lessons.

1. "The 360"

Task: Perform a U-turn, spinning in one place.

Best way to complete: You cannot move back and forth in this task. To perform a U-turn, simultaneously hold down the accelerator and brake keys: (W) + (S) + Left or Right Arrow. For me personally, the car spins when holding (W) + (S) + the lateral movement of the mouse. To get gold, you need not only to make a full U-turn, but also to stand exactly in the position from which you started the U-turn.

2. "The 180"

Task: Using the hand brake, make a U-turn and return back to the starting point.

How to do it best: If you have a multi-button mouse, I recommend tying the handbrake function to one of the buttons on the mouse, this will allow you to brake effectively and quickly. The second task is also not very difficult. We accelerate on a small Blist and with the help of the hand brake we start the car into a skid and go through a turn. To go to the gold, you cannot knock down the cones and put the car at the finish line not crookedly, but as evenly as possible.

3. "Whip And Terminate"

Assignment: Accelerate in a straight line, pass sharp turn, straight again, stop.

How best to do it: You have 5 seconds, so we do everything clearly and quickly: we accelerate as much as possible, a few meters before the turn, simultaneously press the handbrake and the turn arrow in the desired direction, then we accelerate, at the end of the straight line we slightly reduce the speed and carefully put the car in "garage".

4. "Pop And Control"

Assignment: On a police car, hit the spikes and, with a flat tire, drive to the "garage".

How best to complete it: You again have 5 seconds, and the task is much more difficult. Accelerate on a straight line, and in front of the spikes you sharply reduce speed. After a puncture of the rear right wheel, accelerate, but be careful, when a little-controlled car skids, brake very carefully. In this task, it is quite difficult to have time to put the car on the site, and if you go very fast, then there is a great chance of knocking down a cone.

5. "Burn And Lap"

Task: Drive 5 laps as quickly as possible.

How best to complete it: This is one of the most difficult tasks in a driving school, the whole difficulty is to get a gold medal in this task, you must have time to drive all 5 laps in 36 seconds without hitting a single cone. I recommend setting the view from the hood, although it is unusual, but in this task it is very convenient. Try to take turns in a small radius so as not to waste time. On straight lines, accelerate strongly, and a few meters before the turn, tear the handbrake and turn sharply. At first, you can ignore the safety of the cones, just feel the turns and find the optimal trajectory of the corner. Then, of course, go through the turns carefully, without knocking down the cones. In this task, the cones can be moved, for this they do not give penalty points.

6. "Cone Coil"

Assignment: In 10 seconds, drive to the marker, turn around and come back.

How best to complete it: Another rather difficult task. Again, there is little time and again, to get gold, you need to put the car in the "garage" and you must not knock down the cones. What to advise? I don’t know, just try again and again as carefully as possible to go through this entire route, bend around the cones as close to them as possible so as not to waste time, make the U-turn as sharply as possible when you approach the finish line, try to level the car, otherwise put it crookedly, and gold will not be given.

7. "The 90"

Task: Park between 2 nearby cars.

How best to complete it: A fun task - this is how they park in large cities. We have 5 seconds and little parking space. We accelerate, shift slightly to the right, when we almost reach the cars, very sharply press the handbrake and turn at the same time. To get a gold medal, you need to stand up symmetrically to two cars and without any damage. In order not to crash the car, it is recommended to brake together with the river worker and the usual brake (key "S"). This task usually takes quite a lot of attempts, but it is still doable.

8. "Wheelie Weave"

Task: Drive 2 wheels onto the springboard and drive 2 wheels to the marker, standing on it on 4 wheels.

How best to do it: We start, move slightly to the left, fly up on the springboard and ride on 2 wheels. Controlling the movement is quite problematic, when trying to turn the car gets on 4 wheels long before the marker. So you have to turn sharply just in front of the marker. Even if the car does not drive strictly on 2 wheels, but slightly strikes the body on the ground, penalty points are not assigned.

9. "Spin And Go"

Assignment: Drive a taxi in reverse, turn 180 degrees and drive in a straight line.

How to do it best: Move your mouse over the view to see where to turn. We accelerate with a standard bundle: handbrake + turn, turn sharply (without hitting the cones!), Then accelerate forward.

10. "P.I.T. Maneuver "

Assignment: Deploy a police car.

How to best accomplish this: A trademark American cop trick. We are accelerating, catching up with the second police car, joining in the area of ​​the rear wheel and turning the car of the "werewolf in uniform" with a sharp turn. Gold will be given if you do not damage your car and stop very close to the 2nd car.

11. "Alley Oop"

Task: Jump on a springboard, roll over in flight and land on 4 wheels.

How best to do it: We accelerate, drive into the very edge of the springboard, in flight, click on the turn arrow and try to land not on the roof, but on the wheels. It is necessary to stop straight, keeping the direction and at the desired stopping point.

We accelerate (W) and with one pair of wheels (left or right) we run over the springboard. When you get off the trampoline take your hand off the gas and immediately press the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW... It depends on which direction you want to turn your car. You must do 360 degrees in the air and land on all 4 wheels at the same time. Calculate the time to hold the arrow to the left or right !!! We pass to the final stage.

12. "City Slicking"

Assignment: Drive to the marker through the half of the city and return in 120 seconds.

How best to do it: 120 seconds is for bronze, to take gold you need to keep within 100 seconds and not damage the car. It is quite difficult, but there is one trick - to cut a little in one place and drive straight. So, let's start, take a little to the right and drive up the street, there are few cars on it, but it's better to move along tram tracks, we reach the end of the street, cut a little across the field, carefully go down the street to the marker. Do not use the hand brake, when it is applied, the car loses control and crashes somewhere, in dangerous places it is better to just slow down a little without going into a skid. So, we took the marker (it is permissible to spend 45 seconds on this), then we go back along the embankment, after refueling "Hoomer" there will be an industrial building on the right, there is still a trailer and the armor is spinning, we drive up to this armor, behind it there is a small passage to the hill, overgrown with grass, we carefully drive into this passage, go upstairs, then a little along railroad tracks, turn and here it is a native school! It will be quite realistic in 100 seconds.

Well, that's all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated here, you just need patience and everything will turn out in the best possible way.

But not everyone knows that you can go through school with one clever program. And for gold, too.

School extreme driving in GTA San Andreas

To get the opportunity to purchase the Wang Cars car dealership and unlock additional Caesar missions, you need to take extreme driving courses in San Fiero. At a minimum, you must earn a bronze medal for each completed mission. You can download the game on the website -

In order to make a full turn, simultaneously hold down the keys responsible for the gas and brakes. Use the direction keys to steer the vehicle clockwise or counterclockwise. If you manage to get the car back to its starting position, you will receive a gold medal.

Put on the gas and go straight. At an impromptu turn, apply the brakes and steer the car in the desired direction. Return to starting position. To get the gold medal, this time you have to be careful not to hit a single cone. Also, don't forget to do it in 10 seconds.

Pop and Control

After passing the road spikes, slow down and steer the car so that you can reach the end without hitting a single cone. For a gold medal, you need to complete the trick in only 5 seconds.

Burn And Lap

In 40 seconds, you must complete 5 laps. Before every turn, apply the brakes and try to steer the car in the right direction. This time only the most dexterous and careful will receive the gold medal, because you cannot cross the conventional line of cones.

Cone Coil

After going around the lines from the cones, rotate 180 degrees and return to the starting position. To get gold, you have to park your car parallel to the lines.

Put on the gas and drive forward. Before you reach other cars, apply the brakes and steer the car to the left. For the gold medal, you need to perform the trick cleanly without damaging any cars.

Wheelie Weave

Put on the gas and don't let it go until the very end. Turn left to drive one side onto the springboard. Then turn sharply to the right and quickly press left and right in turn. Gold will go to those who did not damage the side doors by performing this trick.

Spin And Go

Back up, then turn the car right at the bend. Don't damage the cones and invest within 5 seconds to get gold.

P.I.T. Maneuver (P.I.T. Maneuver)

Catch up with a police car and press your right or left side against its rear wheel. According to the side you choose, push the car in the right direction. To successfully complete the task, the police car must make a full turn, for gold - both cars must remain unharmed.

Alley Oop (Barrel Jump)

Put on the gas and enter the springboard with only one pair of wheels on the side. In flight, control the direction of movement of the car. You must land on wheels to successfully complete the mission. It is also important for the gold medal that the car is not damaged. Don't forget that you only have 5 seconds.

City Slicking

Drive to the point marked on the radar. Go back to driving school when you cross the mark. Try not to damage the car, as this will affect the result. If you want to get gold, then try to meet as soon as possible.

If in the end you won a bronze, the Super GT will always be available at the driving school, for silver - Bullet, and, accordingly, gold - Hotknife. Also, in addition to the car dealership and additional missions, races and the ability to export stolen cars at the docks will become available

The driving school will become available, after completing the mission "Deconstruction", for the Garage. Jethro will call you and tell you where it is located. There you will meet Michelle Cannes. She is marked as all schools in red
the letter "S" on the radar. To complete the school, you need to complete 12 missions.

The 360

Mission Objective: Make a 360 degree circle.

Passing: Hold (W) + (S) + Arrow left or right, and start writing circles.

Mission Objective: Make a 180 degree turn.

Passing: We accelerate and fly to a semicircle of cones, bring the car with the hand brake (Space) and accelerate, go back. We slow down and see the result.

Whip and terminate

Mission Objective: Drive the track.

Passing: You need to drive a short straight and turn left or right, first choose, then stop at the end of the track. Press (W), then (A) or (D), release the throttle before turning, then drown it again. Brake should be a couple of meters from the cones. All mission completed.

Pop And Control

Mission Objective: Ride a snake on a flat tire.

Passing: This mission is a little difficult, but not enough to miss it. Your faithful servant, he graduated with honors. You are in a police car. Police "hedgehogs" are lying in front of you. You need to start moving with the forward button (W). You will have a flattened rear right wheel. In this position, you need to drive a small serpentine track and stop, and do not knock down any of the cones. They all drove through.

Burn and lap

Mission Objective: Drive 5 laps in 40 seconds.

Passing: So, use scientific passing of all turns. In order to get out of a corner at a good speed, you need to enter it correctly. We drive turns according to the formula: From the outer radius of the turn, to the inner radius. It works like this, suppose you need to turn left, you move to the outer radius. This will be the right side of the road. Turning to the left, therefore, we shift to the inner radius, and we begin to straighten the trajectory. In general, here it is necessary to go through turns in cold blood and not to make nervous movements with the steering wheel, now in one direction, then in the other direction.

Cone coil

Mission Objective: Complete the track in less time.

Passing: The track consists of two straight lines and one 180 degree turn that joins the two straight lines. We turn on the gas (W), fly to 180 degree turn, press the handbrake (Space) and start accelerating back. We slow down where we started. We look at the results and move on.

Mission Objective: Park the car at 90 degrees.

Passing: Without further ado, gas (W)! When approaching two cars, it feels like on the body, the steering wheel to the left + Hand brake (Space) and for safety reasons, the usual brake (S). Stand up!

Wheelie weave

Mission Objective: Drive on two wheels until the red circle.

Passing: We accelerate and enter the springboard with one pair of wheels (left pair), and in this position, eat. Do not steer or fall, you need to fall back on 4 wheels, always in a red circle. Good luck!

Spin And Go

Mission Objective: Turn back and stop at the specified location.

Passing: You are in Taxi, you need to drive back, make a U-turn, accelerate and stop right there. We unfold the camera, for convenience, so that the front bumper faces you. We press reverse (S), when we approach the turn, then press (A), and the car turns in the desired direction, then the gas (W) and a sharp brake in a special pocket made of cones. Passed!

P.I.T. Maneuver

Mission Objective: Unfold the police car.

Passing: The goal of the mission is to turn the police car around and stop as close to it as possible. We accelerate (W), catch up with the car in front, attach ourselves to the left or right rear wheel, it’s up to you, and we make a sharp turn with the steering wheel in the direction of the enemy, it turns around. Your task further, do not click with the beak and press the handbrake (Space). This will block the car and pass this test 100%.

Alley oop

Mission Objective: Perform "Barrel" in flight and land on 4 wheels.

Passing: Accelerate (W) and with one pair of wheels (left or right) drive over the springboard. When you are off the trampoline, take your hand off the throttle and immediately press the Left or Right Arrow key. It depends on which direction you want to turn your car. You must do 360 degrees in the air and land on all 4 wheels at the same time. Calculate the time to hold the arrow to the left or right !!! We pass to the final stage.

City slicking

Mission Objective: Take a cruise around the city to the checkpoint and back.

Passing: You need to cover the distance in 120 seconds back and forth. The car must be in perfect condition, otherwise there will be problems with the passage of this mission. Do not use the handbrake, it
your enemy in this test !!!

School Finished. And at the same time, Jethro will call and inform that in Wang cars there will be races. If you wish. Then he will call again and offer to buy Wang Cars. After you bought this car dealership, there will be missions that will not cause you any difficulty. The meaning of all missions is to steal cars. It will not be difficult for you to do this. As soon as you complete one mission for Wang Cars, this will be yours, the last tuning salon is available Wheel arch angels... Enjoy the adrenaline you get =)) If you finished it on:

Bronze Super GT.

Silver, then there will always be: Bullet.

Gold, then there will always be: Hotknife.


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