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You will spoil the porridge with butter! If the oil comes from the wrong barrel and not for its intended purpose ...

Have you ever wondered why in Russia there is such a truly Russian attitude to everything Russian? That is, AvtoVAZ - firewood, UAZ - scrap metal, GAZ - minibus, and all patriotism ends faster than the word "patriot" sounds in Luxembourgish. These are three letters, if anything, but not what they write on the fence.

The collapse of the USSR and the first years of "young" Russia did their job, and many cooperative swaggers frankly tarnished the reputation of all Russian production. Some still continue to soak without fear of the punishing hand of justice and conscience, but we are not about them.

I asked for an opinion on which engine oil to choose for domestic SUVs UAZ Patriot and UAZ Pickup. And he made an emphasis on the word "domestic", but no one had an associative array: Russian car - Russian oil. Everyone suggested, even some exotic names, more like the name of a newly formed country somewhere in Africa.

Breaking stereotypes is hard and thankless work. Moreover, ten years ago I would have looked at myself today with a good dose of sarcasm: Russian butter? Do not tell my horseshoes (s). But now I seriously want to evaluate the oil market. Russian production... Great topic for research!

Who is first?

I drove through the nearest gas stations. Domestic brands include oils from Gazprom, Rosneft, TNK and Lukoil. Surely there is someone else, but I did not have their gas stations within reach.

Why looked at gas stations? Because, for example, I would rather buy TNK oil at a TNK gas station than at the Uncle Vasya's spare parts store. I will not explain why, everything is clear here. I have no other stores that I trust.

The websites of oil manufacturers are somehow not full of an abundance of information and this is a big omission. On the official website, Rosneft found information that the oils of this brand, according to statistics, occupy a third of Russian oil production. Third! And that's not counting the fact that the TNK brand can also be put into Rosneft's asset. Therefore, we will begin our research with her.

I must say right away that politics and personalities in this context are not interesting to me at all. It is interesting what is on store shelves, how and where it is produced and whether there is a reason to make a choice of this or that product.

Oil oil?

A little educational program: Marketable oil, that is, packed in a jar and displayed in the sales area, oil, consists of a base oil - a base and a complex of additives. That is, all terms such as "washing", "absorbing", "increasing the compression of the aging unit", these are all properties not of the oil itself, but of what is added to it.

If in even more accessible language, then the story that oil is great for your engine because ... (further on the situation), refers exclusively to marketing and simplification of processes. With the same effect, you can buy just good pure oil and add ingredients to your taste: at least a jar of "compression", at least a bowl of "washing powder". Explained easily?

Naturally, to make life easier for us, manufacturers release oil with a packaged composition of additives responsible for certain properties of the oil. Agree that it will be very inconvenient to buy oil, and to add additional options to it. Although, someone with a lot of free time would definitely love it.

The Rosneft website contains information about the factories that manufacture all of the company's lubricants. There are five such factories and all are located in Russia. I even found literature for official use with comments on Rosneft oils.

White on Blue Dealer Service Brochure Explains Additive Formulations and mentions patented foreign components... That is, the oil contains the same components that are used by foreign brands. The difference can only be in their composition, since any commercial oil is a set of components. I already wrote about this.

Here I have a question, who can better select the components of oil and lubricants for operation in Russia - focused on Russian market manufacturer or making universal oil for the whole world? The question is purely theoretical. I am interested in your opinion.

There is a lot in the list of Rosneft products. There are even positions that are not entirely clear to me. For example, transformer oil, the purpose of which I vaguely imagine. Most likely just for cooling and corrosion protection. I am interested in oil for cars.

We do not pour everything that flows!

All my cars use synthetic oil, so I will pursue my own selfish interests and study synthetics. If someone is interested in something else, then the Internet will give out many times more information than me.

Rosneft Premium Synthetics comply with API SM / CF and are approved by Wolksvagen. Moreover, there is information that this oil is approved by Wolksvagen and Daimler AG for use in vehicles with increased service mileage. I was interested in this and I will explain why.

If someone does not know, then the UAZ has changed the frequency Maintenance cars of the brand and, accordingly, oil changes from "every 10,000 kilometers" to "every 15,000 kilometers." This corresponds to the service mileage of many foreign cars and means that even greater demands are placed on the quality of the oil. It turns out that this approval is very helpful.

In the description of the oil there is an indication that it can be used in engines running on fuels with a sulfur content of up to 0.5%.

This is relevant for Russia, since when traveling, it is not always possible to refuel at branded gas stations, and not at their color scheme fakes. And what they pour there is a big question.

Theoretically, Rosneft Maximum, corresponding to API SL / CF and approved by AvtoVAZ, would also fit without question, but I will still focus on synthetics for my purposes.

It is interesting that in the description of the semisynthetics Maximum there is an indication of the protection of the engine from leaks. That is, we recall the process of making a commercial oil and understand that the manufacturer assumes use in old and worn engines and took measures by adding an appropriate additive.

Would an import manufacturer do it? Probably yes, but in special oil.

How to keep track of the oil?

They say that some mechanics can tell if the oil tastes bad, but I don't feel like learning about that. I only check the condition of the oil in the engine visually, by touch and smell. This is very imprecise and rather just to calm the soul. It will be quite suspicious - we will go to change the oil earlier than the set time.

Naturally, if there is some heterogeneity in the oil, it smells like fumes or there are foreign inclusions in it, this means possible problems... This is especially true for off-road vehicles actively used off-road. The penetration of water into the oil guarantees the appearance of an emulsion and it is better to hurry up with its replacement.

Especially, it is worth checking the oil for the presence of emulsion in axle gearboxes, gearboxes and transfer case, if you have recently plunged deeply into water, and the units do not have a higher outlet for breathers. I prefer to change the oil more often than the indicated times in all units and without the presence of an emulsion. The reliability of the car while traveling is more important than the savings, which can turn out to be more expensive.

As conclusions.

If you delve into the Internet, you can find studies of the magazine "Behind the wheel" dated 2011, where laboratory studies revealed that domestic oils provide great protection, and imported ones - environmental friendliness. By the way, then Rosneft oil received a very good rating.

It has been five years since then, but my thoughts about paying more attention to engine protection in adverse conditions are supported by third-party conclusions.

Another reason may be the price. On average in the market, Rosneft Premium synthetics are 1.5-2 times cheaper than a larger number of foreign analogues. As for other types of oils, everyone is free to do their own research and I think that the price tag will be different too.

For someone, the above information may already be enough to draw their own conclusions. Russian manufacturers have stepped forward, they use modern technologies and compositions, which means there is reason to believe that Russian oils are no worse than their counterparts.

Then the matter is in the additives, but, returning to the question of their selection, it is not a fact that the oil made for Europe is also good for the realities of our country. I do not wear rose-colored glasses, but I have a desire and a reason to believe that high-quality products can be made in Russia.

That's all about Rosneft oils. I still have time to choose what I will put in my engine. There is time to evaluate what other manufacturers are offering. I will look, compare, and come back to this entry. In any case, I believe that domestic producers should be given a chance, and not thrown into the well of stereotypes.

Therefore, I have a question for you:

What kind of oil do you pour into your motors and can you trust domestic manufacturers?

A car owner who not only mercilessly exploits his vehicle, but seeks to maintain it in proper technical condition, does not save money when buying Supplies... However, even such a caring owner has to deal with. In particular, when visiting a car shop, the question arises, which oil is better to choose: Lukoil or Rosneft. It is rather difficult for a beginner to find an answer to such a question, so we are ready to facilitate the task, provide ready-made information, after reading which it will be possible to navigate which oil product is better to buy in order to pour it into the engine of your own car.

Comparison of engine oil: Lukoil or Rosneft.

Features of domestic oils

Those who believe that only foreign auto chemical products meet international requirements are seriously mistaken, since domestic oil may turn out to be even better in some technical and operational parameters. In addition, the domestic product not only has good parameters, but its cost is more attractive than that of an expensive one. Also, domestic oil is successfully combined with fuel, which is sold at gas stations. Naturally, the composition and quality of domestic fuel differ significantly from that offered outside the home country.

As practice shows, low-quality domestic fuel can conflict with a good foreign engine oil product. Some car owners deliberately purchase low-quality fuel, not wanting to incur additional costs. The car dealerships offer a wide range of domestic oil products for car engines. Let's analyze the products of two popular manufacturers:

  • Rosneft (has another popular name - TNK);
  • Lukoil.

Both of these manufacturers are very popular with.

Comparison by main characteristics

Realizing that both Lukoil and Rosneft are successful manufacturers offering quality products, one still has to make comparisons to understand which oil to buy. Let's consider how the engine oil copes with the loads under different operating modes of the vehicle.

Running in frost

If nature decides to present an unexpected surprise, accompanied by a sharp drop in temperature, car owners get a chance to check the quality of the engine oil. it turns out to be quite difficult to start the engine of your favorite car. You've probably watched how avid motorists have to abandon their cars and change to public transport to get to work. This is exactly the case when low temperatures prevented the engine from starting.

Rosneft's oil fluid demonstrates good starting characteristics. At the same time, experts draw attention to the fact that even with a strong decrease in the temperature regime, the viscosity of Rosneft oil remains quite high. However, it should be noted that MM Rosneft contains a large amount of sulfur, which provokes serious engine pollution. Lukoil, on the other hand, provides engine oil with a reduced sulfur content, while such a product has a better viscosity index.

Power and consumption

It is useful to pay attention to the characteristics that affect the performance of the engine. Lukoil is also in the lead on this issue, ahead of Rosneft. We also draw attention to the fact that Rosneft oil, during the operation of the engine, provokes higher fuel consumption. For this reason, there are more and more people wishing to purchase Lukoil's product.

Chemical composition

If you compare engine oils by chemical composition, it is useful to pay attention to the ash content. It is significantly lower for Rosneft, but the cleaning performance is much better for Lukoil. Also due to the content of more zinc.

But Rosneft's oil product is ahead of Lukoil in terms of indicators:

  • critical load;
  • welding loads;
  • bully index.

By temperature

The engine oil will match its technical specifications if the vehicle is operated under the agreed conditions. Engine fluid from Lukoil is capable of allowing the engine to function successfully at a maximum temperature drop of minus twenty-five degrees. But Rosneft oil can even withstand a thirty-degree frost. If we compare the focus on the maximum temperature, then Lukoil wins, the product is able to withstand 40-degree heat, while Rosneft retains its characteristics up to the maximum maximum - 35 degrees.


If you pay attention to the price indicator, then the Rosneft product is suitable for those car owners who seek to save on everything. Rosneft motor oils are cheaper than Lukoil products, however, it should be noted that the difference is not very significant.

Popularity comparison

Comparing engine oils from Lukoil and Rosneft in terms of popularity, it is easy to understand that Lukoil's product is sold out faster, since most car owners prefer to purchase this particular one. motor fluid, which is ideal for any domestic car. Although we will not deny that some motorists actively purchase only Rosneft oils, while remaining absolutely satisfied with their performance characteristics.

So, we hope that, having familiarized yourself with the main distinguishing features of these two manufacturers, you can choose for yourself the best option engine oil that ensures the successful functioning of your car.

There was an old enterprise in Omsk, rebuilt by the hands of captured Germans, for the production of motor oils of the M6G12 type. However, in 2009 the Omsk Lubricant Plant (OZSM) became part of Gazpromneft - Lubricants, and more than 3.5 billion rubles were invested in imported equipment. I saw French - Gazprom's one is no worse! But...

NS an interweaving of pipes with automatic valves, a remote blending control center with large computer screens, robotic filling and filling lines ... operators. Unless the transshipment warehouse for nine thousand tons of products is not automated, and there are no robotic cargo carts scurrying between it and production.

The main mixers (pictured) - from 25 to 40 tons. And small batches of oils are mixed in three-ton containers. For accurate dosing, components are fed automatically from drums on the scales

Well, there are no rectification columns for distilling oil on the territory. Local, Russian, only mineral base for the simplest and inexpensive oils(from 80 to 120 rubles per liter in four-five-liter cans): it comes directly through the pipes from the Omsk oil refinery located nearby, which is also owned by Gazpromneft. Unfortunately, the refinery neighbor cannot help with anything more technologically advanced. And while Lukoil or TNK produce their own hydrocracking base for their semisynthetics, Gazpromneft-SM is still forced to buy it from the Korean company Zic. This, by the way, is not bad: VHVI base oils in Ulsan. It is also good that ready-made Gazprom semi-synthetics are much cheaper than imported purely Korean ones (145-240 versus -240-340 rubles per liter). But its own production of the "base", which is carried out by Lukoil (from 120 rubles) or TNK (from 130 rubles), is even more profitable.

Unlike the Korean plant Zic (AP No. 17, 2010), the filling of oil in large containers is also automated.

And only Tatneft makes polyalphaolefin bases (PJSC) for the top “synthetics” in Russia for its oils: Gazpromneft-Lubricants buys PJSC from Mobil. At the same time, Russian synthetic-based oil is one and a half times cheaper than Mobil 1.

Control and management of oil mixing is carried out remotely

Needless to say, additive packages are purchased only? They are sold ready-made by Infineum, Afton, Lubrizol or Chevron Oronite. By the way, it was from Chevron Global Energy that Gazpromneft in early 2009 acquired a license to use technologies for the production of oils together with a small (with a capacity of only 30 thousand tons per year) Chevron Italia S.p.A. in Italian Bari. They make more high-tech lubricants under the G-Energy brand, while in Omsk they mainly produce oils of the more affordable Gazpromneft brand with a less complex additive package.

In 2009, the patent rights to the Texaso trademark were purchased from Chevron, and today under this brand in Omsk they produce mineral oil for marine engines

In the retail market, the share of Gazprom's oils is small - only 5%: for example, Lukoil and TNK have two to three times more. But "Gazpromneft - Lubricants" supplies lubricants to the Russian conveyors of the Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok, Rostselmash, Derways, KAMAZ and Avtotor plants (for Hyundai cars). We could have competed for the primary filling on the conveyors of foreign manufacturers - but they lose tenders because of the price: the lack of own production of the most demanded hydrocracking base hinders. Gazpromneft intends to launch its “hydrocracking” production in half with Rosneft in Yaroslavl only next year. And only then - in Omsk.

Modern engine oils provide not only effective lubrication of the engine, but also its cleanliness and cooling. This is provided that a suitable lubricant recommended by the manufacturer is used. But not all motorists adhere to these rules, which leads to the most dire consequences. In this article we will consider Gazpromneft oil, consumer reviews, tolerances and other useful information.

general information

As already noted, a quality product must be certified without fail. The presence of counterfeit protection on the packaging also plays a role. Today, branded expensive oils are often counterfeited, selling them at a more affordable price. Many people fall for it. As a result, the grease loses its effectiveness after several thousand runs. It practically does not wash away carbon deposits, since they significantly save on the additive package, and in general, the engine on it will work an order of magnitude worse.

That is why we can say that it is expensive - it is not always of high quality and vice versa. A striking example of this is the oil "Gazpromneft". Consumer reviews are mostly positive, despite the low cost. The thing is that the more famous the manufacturer, the more expensive such a product, although it may not stand out in any way in comparison with cheaper oils.

Viscosity and classification

First of all, you need to be able to correctly select the viscosity of the engine oil. Often, the manufacturer specifies not only this parameter, but also gives a specific lubricant. If you follow this simple recommendations and do not complicate, then power unit the car will thank you in the form of a long smooth operation... On some brands of cars, the suitable viscosity is indicated on the oil filler cap.

The API classification of engine oil is also very important. The fact is that modern diesel and gasoline engines require a certain additive package, which is not required for older engines. For example, the API SM mark of conformity was approved in 2010 and is suitable for the most modern gasoline internal combustion engines. There are also additives against oxidation, and the viscosity characteristics at low temperatures are much improved. Now let's move on.

About Gazpromneft

In 2007, this company appeared; it is a subsidiary of the oil-producing company "Gazprom". In just a few years of work, we managed to achieve high sales. So modern lubricating oils Gazpromneft is in demand not only in the Russian Federation, but also in countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others.

Currently, the Gazpromneft engine oil, reviews of which we will consider, boasts a wide range. There is plenty to choose from for both domestic and foreign cars. Moreover, the company manufactures oils not only for cars, but also trucks which is an added plus. There are usually no problems with the choice, since it is really huge. You can find a suitable option for both a modern diesel engine and an old domestic gasoline engine.

Motor oil "Gazpromneft": reviews and types

Consumer opinions boil down to the fact that lubricants from this manufacturer are much less likely to be counterfeited. This is due to the low cost of engine oil, therefore, such a counterfeit is not a profitable business. Much more profitable to fake "Motul" or "Castrol". That is why many people prefer a domestic manufacturer, since there is confidence in the authenticity, and therefore, the characteristics will be close to those indicated on the package.

Currently, the most popular oil is Gazpromneft 5w40 (synthetics). Reviews confirm the high quality of the product. In addition, the manufacturer speaks of the following advantages:

  • good additive package;
  • reduced fuel consumption;
  • effective detergent properties;
  • protection of internal combustion engines from corrosion;
  • minimum waste consumption.

In addition, all this is confirmed by laboratory tests, which is extremely important. This is due to the fact that in some cases the characteristics indicated on the manufacturer's website do not always correspond to reality. It is worth noting that 5w40 synthetics are suitable for use in diesel and gasoline engines cars and trucks... It can also be used for motors with API SM / CF class.

Declared benefits

Gazpromneft is responsible for the quality of its products and values ​​its reputation, therefore lubricants have a good quality base. Low cost, which is often repulsive, is due to the minimum cost, which is achieved through the use of modern technologies in production. In addition, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for the protection of the internal combustion engine in all operating modes with timely replacement.

There is also a separate category "Long Life", which provides for a longer interval of oil operation without loss performance characteristics... It costs a little more, but it pays off completely, since you need to change the lubricant in the internal combustion engine a little less often. Decent viscosity-temperature characteristics, this also boasts the oil "Gazpromneft" 5w40. Synthetics, reviews of which we will still consider, are recommended for the efficient operation of the catalytic converter. Such lubrication prolongs the service life of the particulate filter, which breaks down precisely because of the poor quality of fuel and oil.

Oil "Gazpromneft" 5w40: reviews of motorists

For the most part, they talk about low cost and decent quality. Drivers are often compared to Lukoil. The latter costs a little more, but does not stand out in any way. In addition, it is an extremely relevant choice for the Far East and northern regions. Drivers note that even at low temperatures it does not thicken much and allows the engine to start without any problems.

Previously, the company was focused on the sale of lubricating motor and transmission oils to large automobile plants, single products were rare. Now the situation has changed radically. You can find Gazpromneft 5w40 oil at almost every gas station. Consumer reviews often boil down to the fact that if you use a lubricant from this manufacturer for a long time and observe the replacement intervals, then everything will be in order. For example, on 5w40, the engine runs quieter, the hydraulic lifters are almost inaudible.

Semi-synthetic base

This type of engine oil is mainly used for domestic cars and old foreign cars. It is also used on such machines as UAZ and others. In general, it is a very worthy choice. Experts note that semi-synthetics Gazpromneft is no worse than Lukoil's, and even wins in some respects.

It is worth highlighting the following advantages seen in the process of direct use:

  • practically does not burn out;
  • high viscosity-temperature characteristics;
  • removes carbon deposits well;
  • has a low cost.

In general, if you have the necessary approval for your car, then it is definitely worth trying Gazpromneft oil. Semi-synthetics have positive reviews in 70% of cases. Occasionally, a well-founded negative is encountered, which will also be discussed.

Main disadvantages

As noted above, consumers do not always respond positively about Gazpromneft 10w 40 oil. Reviews often indicate that, contrary to the claims of manufacturers, the lubricant goes well enough to waste. But here you also need to take into account the condition of the motor. In some cases, at -30, it was not possible to start the internal combustion engine, which can also indicate the low quality of the viscosity characteristics.

Darkening is noticeable after 1-2 thousand kilometers, while imported oils change in color a little later. But this should not be taken as a negative. Rather, it is an advantage that speaks of high detergents. But if the darkening is accompanied by a deterioration in engine performance, then it is already worth considering.

Oil "Gazpromneft" (synthetics) has more positive reviews. Disgruntled users are extremely rare. If we take from the total mass, then this is approximately 20%. But even here you need to understand that about half of the complaints about engine oil have serious problems with the engine, hence all the consequences.

Let's summarize

So we have reviewed with you the products of the Gazpromneft company. In general, this is an excellent choice, especially in times of crisis, when a 5-liter canister of imported motor oil can cost 3-4 thousand rubles, and a domestic product is 2-3 times cheaper. In this case, it is even possible to reduce the replacement interval to 5-6 thousand kilometers, so that no problems arise at all.

Of course, if you are not at all sure about the quality, then it is better not to use Gazpromneft 5w40 engine oil. Reviews say the opposite. The fact is that some stereotypes have been formed about the low quality of domestic products. Of course, they cannot be called groundless, but in fact, not everything is so bad. The automotive industry in the Russian Federation does not stand still, and the world of motor oils is developing along with it. Perhaps that is why it makes sense to try a cheaper, but no less high-quality alternative to expensive foreign lubricants.


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