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What emergency mode gearbox? The owners of cars on mechanics do not know this. If you have a classic machine and the indicator lamp on dashboard, your gearbox has gone into Crash mode.

The automatic transmission goes into emergency mode due to many factors, the main ones being overheating of the box or a malfunction of the automation.

It must comply with the manufacturer's quality standards, and its level is set for cutting. If this is an overflow, it must be drained to the mark. Below the specified level - there is an oil leak.

In the event of a malfunction of the mechanical and hydraulic parts of the automatic transmission,

  • Loss of adhesion - the machine slips, the dynamics of the car decreases
  • There are jerks when shifting gears ( Typical problem wrong)
  • Lost reverse or forward gears

The problem is in the operation of the mechanical or hydraulic parts of the automatic transmission. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the problem at the root. The budget will be significantly different if the "disease" is eliminated at an early stage than if the box is ignored. Damage to the body, malfunction of the clutches, there are a lot of options here. It is necessary to remove the box and inspect each group separately.

If problems arise in terms of wear of parts, it should be remembered that every malfunction in modern units, as a rule, leads to a breakdown of the following parts in the chain. When jerks, jerks appear in the automatic transmission, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the less time and money the owner loses.

The indicator lights up when the box warms up to an operating state:

  • Temperature sensor defective (replace)
  • Rare oil change (Leads to increased wear of all internal parts of the automatic transmission)

The box falls into emergency mode, or the indication lights up when the vehicle is moving:

  • Malfunction in the wiring (There is no good contact in the connection of the terminal blocks)

The box is in emergency mode, or the light comes on when changing speeds:

  • Malfunction or poor contact of the sensor (Diagnostics required) The electronic control unit receives an incorrect signal from the sensors

Camshaft positions:

Dull bang when the selector is set to position D

  • The rotation sensor of one of the shafts is faulty (for diagnosis)
  • Poor oil condition (shavings)

If the car does not leave the position of the Accident, then the electronic control unit is most often faulty.

The electronic control unit is one of the important components of the automatic transmission. On his shoulders lies the management of all processes of the box. When a malfunction occurs, the first step is to computer diagnostics ... ECU issues error code, by which you can quickly understand the malfunction and quickly eliminate it.

When problems arise in the electrics, things are a little more complicated. The scanner is not always able to identify places of poor contact (oxidation or short circuit). In case of a malfunction of this kind, it is necessary to inspect the problem contacts and their continuity.

hello,. Tell me please. On am Toyota Carina motor 5a, the A240L gearbox does not shift gears well. switching occurs only when the overdrive mode is turned off and on for a short time. oil changed today with pumping on the machine. flooded with dextron 3 ... what could be the problem?


Used automatic transmission accidentally stuck in?

Try to adjust the throttle valve cable, if it does not react in any way, check its integrity.


Hello. please tell me what could be with my gearbox. F4A42 MMC LANCER '97 ck2a 4g15 1.5 16v. I was just driving at low speed. stopped. drowned out the car. later I decided to go further. I see not a single lamp is on, although everything turns on parking, both rear and neutral, only the drive is going in 3rd gear. there is oil, there is no smell of women's frictions, there is no soot either. how to disable emergency mode. maybe a fuse is provided there ????

please tell me. thanks for earlier ..

1. Automatic transmission works in emergency driving mode, only third gear;

3. The problem is in the electrical equipment, according to the described malfunction, there is no power to the ECU. If you do not find an electrical malfunction on your own, contact a car electrician, he will diagnose on the scanner, count errors, and eliminate the malfunction.


The other day I changed the oil and filter in the automatic transmission Montero Sport, 2002. In principle, the liquid was of a normal color, without a burning smell. But when removing the pallet on three magnets, a viscous black coating with metallic sparkles was found. At the replacement, the foremen said that the production of the box is a natural thing, and there will always be chips. Is it so?


Ps "Automatic" is working normally, no changes have occurred after changing the fluid - neither for the better nor for the worse.

Yes it is.

If the hedgehog with magnets is not big, this is the norm. And a viscous black coating, it just means there is a uniform, slight wear on the steel discs.


And you already answered ... thank you. And I washed the filter. I cut out the gasket myself and under the filter from paranita, and on the pallet made of oil-resistant rubber. The pallet was simply crushed and the filter, respectively, too, the mesh is intact, but in one place it was a bit 5mm apart ... I'll try to search.

"On a pallet made of oil-resistant rubber" - THERE IS A LEAK, SOMEONE ALREADY HERE CURRED. Try it, the main thing is not to overtighten the bolts. Align the pallet unambiguously. FILTER NEW, because of it the automatic transmission can burn out. I would advise you to buy a filter kit and not bother.

Reason one: level is not normal.

This means both underfilling and overflow. All this disrupts the operation of the ECU, forcing it to turn on the emergency mode. When overflowing, you just need to get rid of the excess. With a lack of fluid, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon, eliminate leaks.

Reason two: problems with the operation of the hydraulics or the mechanical part of the automatic transmission.

Renovations here can make your budget very lighter. V emergency mode automatic transmission can get up due to damage to the gearbox housing itself, a malfunction of the friction group. We'll have to remove the pallet, inspect for the presence of foreign particles - friction dust, shavings, metal debris, etc. If all this is present, you will have to investigate each element of the transmission separately in search of the cause, or conduct an electronic one. Although, scanning does not always accurately determine mechanical damage.

Reason three: problems at work electronic system management.

The most common reason why Automatic transmission goes into emergency mode... There are several situations that we will analyze separately.

The gearbox is either stably in emergency mode, or goes into it after heating to operating temperatures. This could be due to a defective temperature sensor that should be replaced.

The gearbox is either stably in emergency mode, or goes into it unexpectedly and haphazardly. The reason may be damage to the wiring between the blocks, malfunction of some block connection chips. Eliminated by ringing the wiring, trial replacement of chips in turn, to identify a faulty one.

The gearbox is either stably in emergency mode, or goes into it suddenly, but not when changing gears. The reason may be faulty sensors: camshaft, throttle valve, air flow, ABS. What exactly is faulty helps to identify the scan.

When the lever is moved to "D", a dull blow is heard, after which it turns on emergency mode automatic transmission... Or this mode is turned on when changing from first to second gear. The reason is the breakdown of the input or output shaft rotation sensors. Scanning might show it. Eliminated by replacing the sensors.

The gearbox is stably in emergency mode, does not want to get out of it for any action. Control box defective. Scanning does not always show this, so a trial block replacement helps.

Automatic transmission went into emergency mode, Video

We have looked at typical cases where Automatic transmission went into emergency mode... But it should be noted that the automatic transmission is such a complex mechanism that the same sign can correspond to different damages. And only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. In order not to overpay for repairs, you should still check the car at a car service.

Transmission transition to emergency mode occurs when serious failures occur to protect power plant from damage and signaling to the car owner about the need to visit a service station. At the same time, the car refuses to pick up speed, the gears are not switched when the "D" mode is selected. The dashboard lights up Check indicators AT, HOLD, Check Engine, O / D OFF. The malfunction may disappear after restarting the engine. Emergency operation allows you to deliver the car to the place of repair on its own, without resorting to the services of a tow truck.

The "HOLD" indicator lights up

Abnormal transmission oil level

For normal operation of the gearbox, there is a certain range of the required amount of transmission fluid. An abnormal oil level that can cause an automatic transmission emergency mode may be:

  • overflow when the transmission is above the recommended level;
  • underfilling, which occurs when the amount of oil in the box decreases below normal.

Excess fluid in the automatic transmission leads to foaming. Rubbing surfaces are less lubricated and scuffs form at the points of contact. Increased wear of transmission parts occurs. Excess oil can be discharged through the breather. The malfunction is eliminated by draining excess oil. After that, it is necessary to reset the error recorded in the memory of the electronic control unit.

Reasons why the box is not enough transmission fluid several:

  1. Not enough oil was added during maintenance. Diagnosed by level check. To eliminate the malfunction, it is enough just to top up to the norm. In this case, it is important to use a similar transmission. Otherwise, a chemical reaction may occur between the automatic transmission additives, which will entail a significant deterioration in properties;
  2. The automatic transmission case has mechanical damage. What to do in this case depends on the extent of the damage. If you continue to add oil, then the box will go into emergency mode at regular intervals. To detect a malfunction, an oil leak similar to the one shown below should be detected. Elimination of a breakdown can be equal to the cost of a new automatic transmission;
  3. Failure of the gasket between the engine and the box. It is diagnosed at the place of leakage. Elimination requires replacement of the gasket. It is not so easy to do this, since it may require a complete dismantling of the power plant with related units. It is possible to shoot separately the machine only on some cars. It is recommended to visit the service station, where the craftsmen will make repairs using special equipment;
  4. Does not hold the seal. Repair can be done independently by replacing the failed element.

With oil starvation, accelerated wear of the contacting surfaces occurs. Detached debris contaminates the transmission and increases the severity of damage. The automatic transmission overheats and creates an additional load on the engine. Continuous driving with low level oil is fraught with costly repairs.

Hydraulic malfunction or physical damage to the automatic transmission

During self-diagnostics, the electronic control unit can detect a malfunction in the mechanical part of the automatic transmission, as a result of which it goes into emergency mode. Friction clutch wear is the most common reason why the gearbox switches to abnormal mode. Electronic diagnostics do not always work correctly and rarely show an exact breakdown. It is necessary to disassemble the automatic transmission and visually inspect every detail.

Broken gear teeth or pieces of friction clutches increase the wear of associated automatic transmission components. Prolonged driving in a car in which the box has switched to emergency mode leads to costly overhaul, therefore, before the car owner has removed and inspected the automatic transmission parts, the operation of the car is not recommended.

Failure of electronics

The culprit for problems with the electronic component of the gearbox can be:

  • sensors;
  • connecting loops;
  • contact sockets.

The contacts of the sensors can oxidize or come off, and this becomes the reason why the automatic transmission has gone into emergency mode. The wiring used has a small cross-section and is prone to fray and break off. As a result, information ceases to flow to the ECU.

To diagnose the culprit of the automatic transmission in emergency mode, you need to read the error using a special scanner. Self-diagnosis is not always able to indicate a faulty sensor, therefore it is recommended to visually inspect in what condition all the available circuit elements are. If it is impossible to determine the breakdown, it is recommended to alternately change the meters and check whether the emergency mode is turned on or not.

Abrasion of the valve body channels

The box in which the oil has not been changed in a timely manner has contamination of the hydraulic plate channels. The machine works with seized plungers. Through the channels, the transmission is supplied with increased pressure. Small debris in the liquid will damage the aluminum channels. In this case, the box can work in emergency mode.

In order for the problem with contamination not to arise unexpectedly, it is required to monitor the condition of the transmission fluid. The machine only requires quality oil... Modern mechanisms have become highly sensitive to wrong maintenance... Measures must be taken before the automatic transmission goes into emergency mode.

No matter the reasons why automatic transmission switched to emergency mode, be sure to visit service center or repair the damage yourself. If there is a suspicious rattle, it is necessary to turn on the emergency gang and call a tow truck, despite the fact that the machine allows you to move on. In this case, the continuation of operation becomes dangerous for the entire power plant, as it causes accelerated wear of its components. It is important to remember that the breakdown does not go away on its own.

Modern is a complex mechanism with a "smart" electronic filling. And if serious malfunctions occur in the operation of the automatic transmission, a kind of "protective mechanism" turns on - the gearbox goes into emergency mode... For different automatic transmissions, the signs of switching to emergency mode may be different, but in general terms the symptoms look like this: the gears in D mode do not switch, the car "dulls" and does not pick up speed, vibrations can be felt. In addition, the indicators light up (O / D OFF, Check AT, Check Engine, etc.). For automatic transmission, emergency mode is sign of serious malfunction, as well as the ability to get to the service on its own, without resorting to the services of a tow truck. If the automatic transmission goes into emergency mode, the simplest thing you can do is turn off, and then. If the problem goes away, the problem is most likely the speed sensors. If, after restarting, the automatic transmission again went into emergency mode, this is a sure sign that it is time to go for diagnostics. Not only is the operation of the automatic transmission in emergency mode a lot of inconvenience, it can cause serious breakdowns (and therefore expensive repairs).

Reasons for the transition of the automatic transmission to emergency mode

All malfunctions that can cause the "machine" to go into emergency mode can be conditionally divided into three groups:
  • Electronics malfunctioning. Modern car equipped with a huge number of sensors and other electronic components. Any sensor that has failed them, an oxidized contact or a broken wire can damage the system and cause the transmission to go into emergency mode. Accordingly, in order to eliminate the cause of the transition to emergency mode, it is necessary to find the "weak link" and eliminate the malfunction.
  • Problems . The main varieties of this problem are excess or lack of oil as well. In any of these cases, the control unit will put the box into emergency mode. To remedy this situation, it is necessary to fill the box with oil corresponding to the factory tolerances in the required amount.
  • Mehanky problems. This is perhaps the most difficult and expensive type of repair. If the automatic transmission has received some kind of mechanical damage, it will have to be disassembled for repair, and it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

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