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Transportation of a child in a car must take into account the rules and regulations of the traffic rules. Sitting in the car, the baby is not able to take care of his own safety, which means that this function is shifted onto the shoulders of the parents.

In 2017, certain amendments were made to the rules for transporting children in the back or front seat, which should be considered in more detail.

In addition, it is worth dwelling on the general issues of the safety of young passengers and listing the restrictions that parents may face when transporting children.

From the beginning of 2017, new requirements will be applied regarding the transportation of a child in a car. In paragraph 22.9 of the SDA it is now specifically noted that the transportation of children under seven years old is carried out using a special restraint device, which must fully correspond to the height and body weight of the child.

What are the differences from the 2016 edition and earlier versions? Now it is possible to carry a young passenger under twelve years old in a car using a restraint device or other structures that would allow him to fasten him through a seat belt.

As you can see, the difference is in two main points:

  1. First, the rules excluded such a concept as "other adaptations." Experts have conducted comprehensive studies that have proven that various devices (excluding a special chair), coupled with standard straps, significantly increase the risk of injury to a child. And, conversely, the use of regular belts for many children is much safer because of the well-thought-out design features... Thus, a child from seven to twelve years old can be transported in the back seat, either using a seat or using standard car belts.
  2. Secondly, the changes also affected the age of the children. In 2017, the rules will become less stringent (in relation to the age bracket), since, again, various studies have shown that it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of the child. A nine-year-old passenger can sometimes be mistaken for a 12-year-old teenager, and an 11-year-old teenager, due to his slender physique, often looks 8-9 years old. That is, the parents themselves will decide how to transport children over 7 years old, focusing on the "density" of their figure.

How to carry a small child in the back seat in 2016-2017 is more or less clear. And how will the transportation of young motorists in the front seat of the car be carried out in 2017?

The rules remain the same - it is possible to transport children under the age of twelve next to the driver only using a special car seat. That is, the use of regular belts in the front seat of a car in relation to a child aged 7 to 12 is completely excluded.

What is the threat for breaking the rule?

In 2017, traffic rules also imply a fine for parents if the transportation of children is in violation of the law.

The amount of the monetary penalty has not changed compared to 2016 and is 3,000 rubles. It is worth saying that a fine is threatened not only for moving a child in a car without a car seat secured in the back or front seat, but also for its incorrect fastening.

The transportation of children over 7 years old, wearing a regular seat belt, in the back seat in the traffic rules-2017 is allowed.

Curiously, at first the developers of the law assumed the introduction of norms for body weight or height, but it is technically impossible to control such characteristics of a child. Will the inspector weigh or measure the kids with a tape measure?

To confirm the age of a small passenger, you need to carry documents in the car - an identity card with a mark about the child or him.

Airbag and children

When placing the restraint in the front seat, do not forget about the device such as the factory airbag. Many parents are confident that such accessories, together with a car seat, will further protect their child from damage in a head-on collision. Are they right? The arguments of the experts say the opposite.

In case of a car accident, the instant deployment of the belay device is fraught with the most serious additional injuries to a child sitting in a chair in the front seat.

The likelihood of an unfavorable outcome increases if a cradle is used to transport an infant, which is placed with its back forward. This position will only intensify the impact if the airbag unfolds during an accident.

What can parents do to secure the child's passage in the car in the front seat? Seat manufacturers and traffic safety experts recommend:

  • when transporting a child, it is better to turn off the mechanism of this protective device in order to reduce the risk of injury when the pillow is deployed;
  • a child seat placed on the front seat must be rolled back so that in the event of a direct collision, the pillow cannot harm the child, and there is an additional distance between it and the traumatic surface.

Traffic rules are allowed to transport young passengers in the front seat of a car, but subject to a special restraint device - most often this is a chair. And all there are a lot of reasons against putting children in a seat next to the drivers, even if you have a seat.

It is believed that sitting in the front seat is dangerous for an adult, to say nothing of a child. That is why many motorists, despite the permission of the SDA-2017, are in no hurry to transport the kids, seating them forward. According to statistics and expert research, such fears are quite reasonable:

After reading such arguments, parents need to think about whether they should take their dear child to front seat... In many ways, including technical ones, it is better for a child to sit in the back seat, especially if there is one of the relatives there.

Despite the aforementioned dangers of transporting a child from the front, parents continue to transport children in this position. They argue their choice with the following arguments:

  1. Pivot space deficit. On a long journey, adults have to translate so many different items that the trunk capacity is simply not enough. Therefore, parents are simply forced to store their belongings in the back seat. The chair can take up a lot of free space, so transporting a child in the front seat is a necessary measure.
  2. The absence of relatives in the car who can look after the young passenger. Children in the car are an additional source of irritation (i.e., distraction) for the parent. Firstly, a child for a year and a half constantly needs to be given a bottle, wipe his nose, entertain when he is naughty. Secondly, it's a little scary to transport a baby in the back seat alone, because you never know what can happen.
  3. The child's desire to sit in front. If a baby of one and a half years old can sit relatively calmly on back seat playing with a doll or listening to music, then older children demand from their parents "adult" transportation - on front seat... New impressions, a sense of adulthood await them there. Of course, small passengers do not even think about the potential danger of such a place. For an older child, parents can tell why it is undesirable for children to sit in the front. With a crumb, you still need to negotiate or distract in any way possible.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the reasons that make you carry your baby in the front seat. For some, it is more convenient and calmer, some are simply forced to transport this way due to unforeseen circumstances. If transporting children from the front is unavoidable, it is possible and necessary to create the safest conditions possible.

Is the seat still in the front seat? This means that you need to carefully read and follow the advice of experienced motorists and experts on safe driving techniques. Their unconditional implementation will allow parents, if not to exclude injury in an accident, then significantly protect the baby from the likely consequences.

If you follow these rules, you will reduce the threat to the health of a small passenger when transporting him in a car to a minimum. You can carry your baby in both the front and back seats, but the second option is much more preferable.

And finally, the transportation of the child concerns not only the parent and his offspring directly. Sitting behind the wheel of a car, a person becomes a participant in the road process, which means that he is simply obliged to comply with the traffic rules-2017. Seat or seat belts - important element safety regardless of which seat the child is in.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

You can be fined for transporting a child if the car seat is not used. The fine for sitting in front of a child without a car seat says (paragraph 3) of the RF Code on administrative offenses:

  • The amount of the fine is 3000 rubles if an individual is driving.
  • The situation is more difficult for an official. These are senior officials and government officials. For them, the fine is 25,000 rubles.
  • Legal entities - representatives of organizations are subject to the most serious punishment - 100,000 rubles.

Children transportation rules

rules road traffic do not prohibit transporting a child in the front seat, they prohibit doing this without special devices.

This requirement is justified for security reasons. Sitting in a car, everyone hopes for the complete safety of the trip, but the rules are spelled out, among other things, to protect life and health as much as possible in a possible accident.

Mothers can rely on their instinct in the car, thinking that holding the baby in hands is the safest way to transport... However, in the event of even a minor accident, holding something in your hands is problematic; holding a child in your arms is a potentially dangerous way of driving for many reasons. A special chair allows you to fix the child in a certain position and to minimize the risks in an emergency.

Features of transportation by age

Children can be transported in a car at any age.

  1. Up to 1 year old, a child can sit in a car seat with his back to the movement.
  2. Upon reaching the age of one year, children are seated facing forward, adjusting the length of the seat and the location of the airbag.
  3. After reaching 12 years of age and 150 cm tall, the child can sit in the front without a seat, while wearing a seat belt.

Important! If the child is 12 years of age and less than 150 cm tall, you should continue to use the seat as it is not safe to fasten the seat belt.

Car seat requirements

The chair should be matched not only by age, but also by the height and weight of the child. Indeed, in the presence of a car seat that does not coincide with the standards, the driver can be fined. Car seat markings allow you to choose a restraint, because there is a division into groups:

  • Zero - up to 10 kg.
  • Zero plus - up to 13 kg.
  • The first is 9-18 kg.
  • The second is 15-25 kg.
  • The third is 22-36 kg.

It is prohibited to use a car seat that does not fit the weight category of the child.

Of course, the traffic police representative is unlikely to put the child on the scales, but the discrepancy between the size of the chair and the height and weight can be noticeable visually. That's why the chair needs to be changed every few years.

Carrying your child in the front seat is convenient because you don't have to constantly look back and watch what he is doing. Buying a car seat will cost significantly less than fines. A comfortable seat not only ensures the safety of the child, but also allows you to control his behavior in the car.

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation in 2018 do not indicate how many years you can ride in the front seat. This means that even a newborn baby is allowed to be carried next to the driver. The main thing is to use a device specially designed for child safety, which is rigidly attached to the stationary car seat with belts or the Isofix system.

The last significant changes regarding the location of the child in the vehicle were made to Article 22.9 of the SDA by Decree No. 761 of 06/28/2017.

The current edition prescribes how old a child can ride in a car in the front seat:

  1. It is allowed to transport babies under the age of 7 only in special devices suitable for the footage and weight. This applies to frontal and rear seats v passenger car as well as the truck cab. Fastening is carried out with standard car belts or using the Isofix system according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Place children from 7 to 11 years old in the back seat of a passenger car or in the cab of a truck without a special device, only if they are fastened with regular belts.
  3. It is allowed to carry a child next to the driver without a locking device from the age of 12.
  4. Only children over the age of 12 can ride behind a motorcyclist.

In Russia, the Gazelle vehicle is widespread, which is classified as a cargo or passenger car. In the car, depending on the model, there is only one row of seats, so it is often not possible to put the child in the back. From the point of view of the SDA point concerning child safety, the Gazelle is subject to the requirements for trucks... This means that from the age of 7, it is allowed to ride in the front seat without a car seat, wearing a regular seat belt.

In addition to direct regulation, there are recommendations from road safety experts, crash test results and common sense from parents who have doubts whether a second-grader can be transported in the front seat.

The main danger, besides the accident itself, for a small passenger is air bags built into the front panel of many car models. The ejection force of the safety device is such that in some cases it can even injure adults.

Therefore, if the child is transported in the front seat, it is recommended to turn off the pillow. And in the absence of the necessary option in the car, it is better to place children behind the driver. The most suitable place is in the center of the row. This location reduces the risk of damage by a third.

A few more tips when installing the car seat in the front:

  • move the seat as far back as possible into the passenger compartment;
  • The infant car seat is rear-facing for the smallest passengers. This provides maximum collision protection.

Responsibility for the safety of children is borne by adults, therefore, even with the transportation standards defined in the traffic rules, the question of how old you can ride in the front seat of a car is up to the parents.

Some people believe that putting the child in their arms and wearing the seat belt together with him, then the problem of safety is solved. In practice, the situation is only becoming more threatening. In the event of an accident, the parent will not be able to hold the baby, the child's body will slip out from under the waist strap. In this case, the injuries are very severe.

In a head-on collision, even at low speeds, the mass of a large person falls sharply on the fragile bones of the passenger, exacerbating the consequences of the accident. If there is no way to put a car seat in the car, then it is better to put the child on the back row yourself and fasten it with a regular seat belt.

It is widely believed among car drivers that child seats of all kinds of brands differ little from each other in terms of technical characteristics.

However, independent expert reviews and crash tests confirm that:

  • expensive models justify their cost and reduce the risk by 60-70% serious damage in children in collisions on the road;
  • cheap analogs do not work so successfully, the injury risk is 30-40% less.

In any case, it is not worth transporting children without special restraint systems. Low speed mode within the city limits creates threatening situations for passengers, and traveling on the highway in violation of safety rules is even more risky.

The SDA does not give a definition of what a "child restraint system" is. According to the criteria established in the documentation of the Customs Union, for the carriage of a child it is provided:

  1. Infant car seat (group 0)... Designed for babies up to 6 months of age and weighing about 10 kg. It is installed in the machine across the travel direction. The child is fixed in the carrycot with a wide elastic band.
  2. A stand for "increasing the height" of a child, since the standard seat belts are designed for a person with a height of at least 150 cm. It differs from a regular pillow or other elevation by the presence of an attachment to the car seat and side restraints. By its nature, a booster is a backless chair. Sold as a standalone item or converted from a universal restraint model.
  3. for different age categories.

Depending on weight and age, they are divided into:

  • group 0+ - for babies up to one year old and weighing up to 13 kg. The child is not yet sitting upright in it, but is no longer in a horizontal position. Equipped with five-point belts, installed against the direction of travel;
  • group 1 - intended for children from 9 months to 4 years old, weight from 9 to 18 kg. The inclination of the chair is adjustable from sitting to reclining;
  • group 2 - from 3 to 7 years old, body weight 15-25 kg. Devices are equipped. There are models with the ability to change the height of the back;
  • group 3 - from 6 to 12 years old, weight from 22 to 36 kg. The armchairs are collapsible, the lower part is detachable and separately used.

It is allowed to use child seats of mixed groups - from 6 to 14 years old or designed for weight from 9 to 25 kg. The market provides a huge choice for any income level, the main thing is that the model meets European safety standards. For installation of any type in the car, a special Isofix system or a standard belt is used.

Previously, the legislation allowed the use of a guide strap instead of a car seat - an overlay for stationary safety mountings. In Russia, the FEST triangle is a certified adapter for fastening children with car belts. The use of this device is controversial.

Experts pay attention that in case of an accident on the belly of a child, fixed with a guide strap, there is a very strong sharp pressure, not evenly distributed, as when using five-point belts. As a result, injuries to internal organs can be obtained.

In 2018, the requirements for remote control systems became more stringent, as Rosstandart revised the rules for using adapters. Now the straps are allowed to be used only in combination with other restraint systems.

Today, road traffic participants are not only adults, but also children and newborn babies. In accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations (SDA), both the driver and passengers must wear seat belts while driving. Failure to comply with the requirements entails the imposition of a fine on the offender.

Wherein, standard equipment The lashing system is designed exclusively for adult passengers. Until 2014, children and infants were transported in vehicles with a risk to life and health. the updated legal framework made it possible to introduce into the practice of transportation the term child restraint - child restraint.

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With its help, minors are securely fixed in their place during transportation. This innovation has a well-established regulatory framework.

Normative base

The placement of imperfect persons in the passenger compartment is regulated by Article 22.9 of the SDA. It indicates the age at which the child can be transported in the front seat with and without a remote control, and the types Vehicle, on which minors can move.

The penalty system of measures is regulated by such articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as:

For each of the listed offenses, an administrative penalty is provided in the form of a fine.

In case of transportation of a child in violation traffic rules, a fine is imposed on:

  • the driver of the vehicle in cases where he specializes in the transportation of minors (a representative of a law firm), or is a relative of the child;
  • parents, or accompanying persons in cases when the child is transported in public transport, or a taxi without using a child restraint.

The absence of special fasteners in the car interior is not a reason for the withdrawal of a driver's license.

At what age is it allowed

The Traffic Regulations indicate several categories of vehicles suitable for the transport of children:

  • cars;
  • freight vehicles;
  • two-wheeled transport.

Each of these vehicles becomes available to minor passengers only upon reaching a certain age in the regulatory framework. Thus, persons under the age of 12 cannot be transported in a passenger seat on any two-wheeled vehicle: mopeds, scooters, motorcycles, motor scooters.

Upon reaching the established age, the child has the right to ride in a passenger seat if he has the necessary equipment - a motorcycle helmet. The right to drive a two-wheeled vehicle becomes available only upon reaching the age of 16.

When transporting children to trucks mobiles a child's fastening system will be required for passengers under 7 years old, regardless of the space occupied. Persons aged 7 and over must wear a seat belt.

The use of child restraints for minors in light vehicles will depend on the pickup location. For example, a child under 12 years of age in the front seat is transported only using a car seat or other remote controls.

Persons under 7 years old are transported in the back seat using a remote control system, after 7 years old using a seat belt.

No age

In the front seat of cargo and passenger cars children of any age can be transported. As mentioned earlier, in light vehicles, children under 12 are transported in the front seat using an appropriate car seat.

In trucks, the age limit for child restraints is reduced to 7 years. Newborn babies from the hospital are also transported using a car seat or infant carrier.

In the minibus

It is allowed to transport a child in a route gazelle in the front seat from the age of 7, provided that a minor passenger is accommodated and fastened in accordance with the traffic rules.

This is due to the fact that route Gazelles belong to the category freight transport(22.9 article of the SDA), for which the age threshold of passengers has been reduced to 7 years. In this case, the equipment of the car does not matter. It can be either a passenger version with rear rows of seats, or a Farmer-type cabin.

Rules for the carriage of children in the front seat

In accordance with the updated regulatory framework, minors under 12 years of age can only be transported in the front seat using the fastening systems.

The following are used as DUU:

  • car seats, car seats;
  • boosters;
  • adapter system - FEST.

On rear window cars where the child regularly drives, the sign "Carriage of children" is not required. This sticker is required for special vehicles that transport minors on a regular basis.

It is legally prohibited to transport a child under the age of 12 in a car without using a seat belt. Vehicles without seat belts in the cabin are legally unsuitable for transporting children.

Passengers under 12 years old cannot travel without being accompanied by relatives or a guardian.

How a traffic police officer can determine the age of a child

The traffic rules do not prescribe an inquiry procedure, according to which the driver is obliged to provide documentary evidence of the age of the minors being transported.

In accordance with the regulatory framework, the traffic police inspector has the right to demand the following set of documents:

  • driver's license;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • technical passport for the vehicle used;
  • identity card (in some cases).

The car owner is not required to have a child's birth certificate with him.

In disputable cases, the traffic police officer has the right to "punch" the driver on the base and find out the number and age of his children. Another way to identify yourself is to check your passport. If the inspector requires you to prove that you are right, you have the right to refer to article 1.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (clauses 3 and 4).

In accordance with it, all doubts about the driver's innocence are interpreted in his favor, and the driver himself is not obliged to prove his innocence and innocence.

What is the punishment for violation

The penalty is a universal punishment for any violation in the transport of small children.

Legally, it is enshrined in article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which says that violation of the requirements of traffic rules entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of 3,000 rubles - for individuals, 25,000 rubles - for representatives of official organizations and 100,000 rubles - for legal companies specializing in the transportation of children.

  • lack of a seat belt on the child;
  • lack of a car seat for a child under 7 years old;
  • transportation of minors in the front seat up to 7 years old - in cargo vehicles, or up to 12 years old - in a car;
  • transportation of minors under 12 years old on a two-wheeled vehicle.

A complete list of violations is indicated in article 22.9 of the traffic rules. After the traffic inspector records the violation of traffic rules, he undertakes to issue a fine to the driver of the car.

The traffic police officer may require immediate elimination of the error during transportation of the child (transfer to the back seat, buckle up, install the car seat), or allow the driver to continue driving in order to troubleshoot (send for a purchase fastening system for transportation of minors).

According to the law, a police officer cannot keep the owner of a car for a long time, as this is contrary to traffic rules.

The carriage of minors in the front seat is allowed from the age of 0. In this case, persons under 12 years of age are transported using restraining devices.

Some parents are interested in the question: "Why are the requirements for transporting children in the front seat much more stringent than in the back?" This fact is associated with an increased risk of accidents. A loose or poorly secured child can fly from the front seat into the windshield if the vehicle gets into an accident.


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