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In order to master this method of driving, you need to train a lot, do it constantly, get used to the dimensions of your car. Because driving skill is a practical skill.

In what situations is it forbidden to move in reverse?

rules road traffic clearly stipulate a ban on movement reverse in 2020. This is due to the fact that when performing this complex maneuver, there is a high probability of creating emergency situations and their serious consequences. Any driver knows that reversing is prohibited in places where turning is prohibited, in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Road Traffic Rules (SDA).

Also, so that the vehicle does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles and does not interfere with pedestrians, reverse movement is prohibited:

  • on those marked with zebra crossing or signs due to the traffic of pedestrians and turning vehicles;
  • at intersections due to the large number of maneuvering vehicles;
  • at stops public transport the entire length of the stopping pocket and no closer than 15 m on both sides due to the high traffic of pedestrians, maneuvering public transport and route means movement;
  • in tunnels due to limited space, artificial lighting or lack thereof;
  • on overpasses and under overpasses due to the limited space and increased danger of the structure;
  • on bridges and under bridges due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • on overpasses and under overpasses due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • at level crossings due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • on sections of the road with poor visibility (less than one hundred meters) for the purpose of traffic safety;
  • on motorways due to increased driving speed.

It is also forbidden to drive a car towards the moving stream of vehicles:

  • on the sides;
  • on a specially designated lane for public and other transport;
  • along the dividing lines.

Before reversing, it is necessary to assess the situation on the road according to general rules Traffic rules and pay attention to the presence of road signs permitting or prohibiting certain maneuvers.

If you refer to clause 12. 8 SDA, then reversing is allowed when a vehicle moving in this way does not create any obstacles to the movement of other road users and lets pedestrians pass. At the same time, there are no restrictions on time and distance in the current rules. However, any experienced driver will say that the less time and distance to carry out such maneuvering, the safer your movement will be, and, accordingly, the less likely you are to become the culprit of an accident.

Reversing on roads with two-way traffic outside intersections and pedestrian crossings, and when leaving parking lots, when entering and exiting courtyards and adjacent territories is used everywhere.

Is it permitted to drive in reverse on a one-way road? As a rule, if a driver finds himself on a one-way road and is going to go backwards, it means that he has passed a turn and is trying to get on the desired road. Here it should be understood that he will automatically violate several traffic rules:

  1. When reversing on a one-way road, in order to leave it, the car will definitely get to an intersection. And according to clause 8.12 of the SDA at intersections, you cannot go in reverse.
  2. Reversing on a one-way road, the car reaches the turning point into the adjacent territory. And according to clause 1.2 of the SDA, through traffic in the adjacent territories is prohibited.
  3. Reversing on a one-way road, the car may meet a pedestrian crossing on its way. And according to clause 8.12 of the SDA on pedestrian crossings you cannot go in reverse.
  4. Signs prohibiting reverse movement.
  5. Prohibitory sign 3.1. "NO ENTRY". It prohibits forward and reverse movement on a certain section of the road. Its effect extends to the adjacent road, but also to traffic on the opposite lane of the road with one-way traffic direction.
  6. Prohibitory sign 3.2. "MOVEMENT PROHIBITION". It forbids the further movement of all vehicles forward and reverse.
  7. Road sign 5.1. "AUTOMOTIVE" prohibits reverse movement.
  8. Road sign 5.3. "ROAD FOR CARS" prohibits reversing.

Reversing rules

In addition, two interesting solutions often interfere with practice. The Supreme Court:

  • the first decision of the RF Armed Forces indicates that on a road with a one-way direction of movement, driving in reverse is not prohibited if this is due to an objective necessity. In this case, the circumstances of the emergence of this very "need" are named in the document only two: parking and bypassing the obstacle that does not allow you to go further;
  • in the second decision of the RF Armed Forces it is indicated that entering from an intersection onto a one-way road in reverse is regarded as driving in the opposite direction and is punished accordingly to this violation. That is, any motorist who drove through the entrance to the courtyard, and decided to backtrack on a one-way road, so as not to make a "circle of honor", may lose a driver's license for up to six months.

Use extreme caution when reversing on one-way roads. You can use this method of movement only if it is really necessary and after you are fully convinced of the safety of the maneuver and compliance with the traffic rules. Controversial interpretation of the expression: "Everything is allowed that is not prohibited!" in the case of driving on a one-way road, it can turn into serious proceedings with traffic police officers, a lawsuit, additional costs and even deprivation of a driver's license.

To maneuver in reverse to be safe both for the driver himself and for those around him, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • the beginning of the maneuver must be indicated by a turn signal signal;
  • before starting the movement, the driver needs to assess the situation on the road, in accordance with the rules of traffic rules;
  • make sure that the car does not touch nearby objects, other vehicles, people;
  • when maneuvering in reverse, the driver must let all other road users pass;
  • make sure that the car will not interfere with moving vehicles and will not force other road users to reduce speed mode or change the trajectory of movement;
  • maneuvering must be controlled using mirrors and your own vision;
  • you need to drive in reverse at low speed;
  • in conditions of limited visibility, you need to resort to the help of third parties;
  • Reversing movement can be accompanied by warning signals or the inclusion of "emergency gang";
  • try to drive in reverse for a short time.

If the driver, when maneuvering in reverse, asks for the help of a third person, the entire responsibility for the safety of this method of movement lies entirely with the driver. Responsibility does not pass to the helping citizen, even if a collision occurs as a result of his actions.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the traffic rules entails administrative responsibility and falls under the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  1. The most serious offense is considered to be leaving (entering) by reversing from the intersection under the prohibitory sign 3.1. to a one-way street. It provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months, or in the form of a fine in the monetary equivalent of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Reversing against oncoming traffic on a motorway marked with a road sign 5.1. is punished with a fine of 2500 rubles.
  3. Reversing on a specially designated lane, sign 5.3., Is punishable in the amount of from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.
  4. Reverse entry into the courtyard, adjacent territory under the action of a prohibition sign 5.2. "NO MOVEMENT" is penalized according to Article 12.16. Administrative Code, a fine of 500 rubles.

Limited visibility, maneuvering by other vehicles, and pedestrian traffic in the vicinity of a reversing vehicle can cause a collision. Therefore, moving in reverse, you need to clearly think about the planned maneuver and show maximum concentration for its safe completion. Light and sound signals can be used to attract the attention of other road users. Some driving school instructors recommend that all novice drivers use an emergency gang to make a maneuver. It is also useful to apply this technique to all drivers when it is difficult to leave the parking place, especially if it is in a roadside pocket.

It is also helpful to involve third parties to safely reverse. This maneuvering method has been used for a long time and has proven to be very effective.

To prevent reversing from ending in a traffic accident, the driver must:

  • assess the overall situation;
  • comply with traffic rules;
  • not interfere with traffic to other road users;
  • be extremely attentive and focused.


Many young drivers ask: “Where is it forbidden to reverse? And where is it allowed to drive in reverse? " In addition to the fact that you need to know the content of clause 12.8. Traffic rules, you need to understand that it is prohibited to drive "against the grain" in those places where:

  • extremely high probability of a road accident and its serious consequences (intersections, stops, pedestrian crossings);
  • in places of limited visibility;
  • in places of increased danger of structures (bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc.);
  • on high-speed roads (motorways).

If the driver decided to maneuver in reverse, he must analyze the future action to the smallest detail and completely eliminate accidents. At the same time, each driver must remember that he must let all other road users pass, indicate his actions with a light and (or) sound signal, and in the case of a significantly limited view, use the help of other citizens.

There are many different situations in which reversing is prohibited. The regulation of the legality of such actions is carried out in accordance with the rules of the road.

Reversing is a very difficult maneuver that requires the driver to concentrate fully. Limited visibility significantly complicates movement, therefore, before making a reception, you must make sure that there are no other cars and pedestrians that may be behind. If visibility is too poor, it is best to resort to the help of others.

Reversing can be accompanied by an audible signal to inform the pedestrian of the driver's intention. V Turning on the emergency gang in this context is also considered as one of the additional methods of notification. Traffic rules do not provide for such actions. Modern car models are equipped with a special system that automatically activates an intermittent sound signal during this maneuver.

Where is reversing prohibited?

The traffic rules indicate the main components of roads where reversing is prohibited. This prohibition is due to the possibility of creating an emergency situation on the road, which can lead to serious consequences. Below is the the main list of places where this maneuver is prohibited:

  • at the crossroads;
  • in the tunnel;
  • at a pedestrian crossing;
  • by motorway;
  • at railway crossings;
  • At the stop;
  • to areas with poor visibility (less than 100 m);
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses.

Clause 8.11 of the SDA also notes that Reversing is not possible in places where U-turn is prohibited... It also says that such a maneuver is possible on a one-way road. Riding will be possible until a tunnel, bridge, motorway or railway crossing appears. Short-term maneuvering on the carriageway is not prohibited by traffic rules.

Important! According to clause 8.12 of Section 8 of the SDA, reverse movement is allowed, provided that such a maneuver does not interfere with other road users and is absolutely safe.

Where is reversing permitted?

Reversing is permitted on a one-way road. In this case, the driver is obliged to make sure that the maneuver being made does not create inconveniences for other road users. Moving towards the traffic flow, you must first make sure that there are no foreign objects behind. This technique should not force other drivers to slow down or change direction. When maneuvering, the driver must let all other cars and pedestrians pass.

The movement speed should be minimal. Provided that the view is limited to parked cars, it is very important to stop in time without applying emergency braking. In such situations, it is recommended to seek the help of others who will correct the movement. vehicle depending on the changing situation.

Penalties for incorrect reversing

In the event of an accident, with a high degree of probability, the driver of a car moving towards the traffic flow will be recognized as the culprit. The amount of the fine for an accident when reversing and the penalty depends on the details of the offense. According to clause 12.11 of the Administrative Code, when reversing on the motorway, the driver is charged a fine of 2,500 rubles.

In clause 9.9 of the SDA it is noted that driving in reverse on the side of the road or dividing lanes is prohibited. Actions of this type entail the imposition of a fine, the amount of which is is 500 rubles.

What signs prohibit reversing?

Prohibiting reverse movement may no entry sign... Its installation presupposes a ban on the entry of cars on a certain section of the road. At the same time, this prohibition does not apply to route vehicles. If the driver ignores this warning and enters a one-way road, it could cost him deprivation of rights for 4-6 months... Alternatively, you can pay 5000 rubles.

Departure to the route in Moscow and St. Petersburg will cost the driver 3000 rubles. In the regions, an identical violation will have to pay 1,500 rubles.

Reversing "under a brick" on the adjacent territory threatens the driver with a fine of 500 rubles. The punishment presented in the form of deprivation of a driver's license cannot be applied here.

Another prohibitory designation is traffic prohibited sign... It prohibits movement in both directions. Accordingly, when entering a one-way road, such a sign cannot be installed. Violation of this rule threatens the driver with a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Precautionary measures

To avoid an emergency when reversing, it is strongly it is recommended to use a sound signal during the maneuver... If a vehicle is detected that is moving in reverse, you should wait for it to stop. It is also very important to control the position of vehicles located on both sides. Drove along the road passed the store decided to come back came across the first street on the other side of the road with a one-way sign, did not reach the 2 m sign, backed up onto the road from which he turned and drove in the opposite direction, stopped the traffic police, presented a fine of 5,000 or deprivation of rights, whether he was right or not,

Good afternoon, dear reader.

8.12. Reversing of the vehicle is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and will not interfere with others traffic participants. If necessary, the driver must seek the assistance of others.

So, reversing is allowed only if it is will not interfere with others cars, motorcycles, pedestrians and other road users.

A very simple conclusion can be drawn from this point. If, in the process of driving backwards, the car turned out to be a participant in a traffic accident, then the culprit of the accident is the driver who violated the requirements of paragraph 8.12.

Naturally, in the event of a collision, you do not need to immediately give up. Try to find irregularities in the actions of the other driver.

However, the violation of the second participant does not relieve the responsibility of the driver who was driving backwards.

In the case of a complex traffic situation clause 8.12 suggests using help from others, in the capacity of which both passengers of the car and those passing by can act. At the same time, no comments were made regarding the use of the help of others.

In practice, you can ask the pedestrian to ensure that the car does not touch other vehicles or other obstacles when reversing. In addition, your assistant can give a gesture to approaching cars and they will not interfere with the completion of the maneuver.

However, keep in mind that seeking the help of others does not relieve the driver of the obligation not to interfere with other vehicles.

Where is reversing prohibited in 2020?

In clauses 8.12 and 16.1 of the SDA, situations are listed in which reverse movement is prohibited:

  • on ;
  • on ;
  • in tunnels;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them;
  • on ;
  • in places where the visibility of the road in at least one direction is less than 100 m;
  • in places where route vehicles stop;
  • on highways.

In all these cases, movement in the opposite direction can create an emergency.

Please note that the maneuver is not prohibited on one-way roads, however, it can only be performed until an intersection, tunnel, bridge or other structure from the above list appears in the vehicle's path.

Penalty for driving in reverse

The amount of the fine directly depends on the place where the offense was committed. When driving in the opposite direction on the motorway, the fine will be 2 500 rubles(Code of Administrative Offenses).

In all other cases, the amount of the fine will be 500 rubles(Code of Administrative Offenses).

Traffic accidents when driving backwards

Consider the popular reversing road traffic accidents:

A collision can occur if the driver of a parking vehicle is not confident in using the rear-view mirrors (for example, using only the right mirror instead of all three). The most common crash occurs between a car in parallel parking (orange) and a car propped up behind it (green). However, more exotic situations are also possible.

For example, the driver of a green car may get scared of a parking car, quickly reverse and crash into a red car that has approached him from behind. Several years ago I happened to see a similar accident in practice, so the situation is not fictional.

Please note that in the event of a collision between green and red cars, the driver performing the parallel parking is not a participant in the accident and there will be no damaged cars. The driver of the green car will pay for the repairs.

2. Reversing in a supermarket or parking lot.

Such accidents occur with enviable regularity near all major stores. The cause of the accident, as in the previous case, is the inattention of the driver of the orange car, backing up.

How to prevent accidents?

1. If a car is driving in reverse on you, do not under any circumstances turn on reverse. Use sound signal... Any adequate driver, having heard the sound signal, will stop driving.

Unfortunately, in practice, you can meet drivers who do not understand the meaning of the sound signal and do not react to it in any way. Just keep in mind that if the vehicle continues to move, it is best to drive away from the deaf driver. In this case, drive off only forward. Turning on reverse gear can make you the culprit of an accident.

And in any case, do not forget about the sound signal. Even if the driver does not react to him, you will at least attract the attention of witnesses who will help to prove your innocence in the future.

2. If you hear a beep while driving in the opposite direction, as soon as possible stop the car... It is better to stay for a couple of minutes, get out of your car and look around, than crash into someone else's car and spend a lot of time on the paperwork on the accident and resolving issues with the insurance company and car service.

3. Use all rearview mirrors(right, left, salon), look at them in turn.

4. When driving between the parking rows, carefully watch the cars left and right. Please note that you should also watch out for neighboring cars if you stop at a parking lot. For example, if you give way to vehicles that have priority.

The fact is that another car can start moving without first looking in the rear-view mirrors. You can only track the maneuvers of other machines by turning the head. Naturally, you should not pay attention to cars that are not driven by anyone.

5. Only use reverse gear when you are do not hurry... When it comes to parking in front of a store, this means that the best solution is to quietly put the car backwards in the parking space before going to the store, and after visiting the store, drive out in front.

Accidents, as a rule, occur precisely when leaving the parking lot, when the driver is in a hurry home or on business. Therefore, such a situation should be excluded.

Let's summarize. Reversing is the most dangerous maneuver for a driver. The penalty for reversing is not great, but the driver of a car driving backwards will be found guilty of any accident.

And finally, I suggest watching a video of an accident caused by the driver's carelessness:

Good luck on the road!


:!: This thread contains comments related to the article

Of course, I'm not an expert, but backing and driving in the opposite direction are two different things. Reversing is driving backward, and driving in the opposite direction is driving forward, but against the movement.

Of course, these are different things.

But here's what the Supreme Court wrote

The driver's violation of the requirements of any road sign, which entailed the movement of the vehicle he controls in the opposite direction on a one-way road, forms the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (for example, violation of the requirements of road signs 3.1 "Entry prohibited", 5.5 " One-way road ", 5.7.1 and 5.7.2" Exit onto a one-way road ").

When applying this rule, it should be borne in mind that, based on the content of paragraph 8.12 of the SDA,. Violation by the driver of the above conditions forms the objective side of the composition of the administrative offense provided for in part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The same norm should be used to qualify the actions of a driver who reversed onto a one-way road in violation of the requirements of road sign 3.1 "Entry prohibited", and in the case when such a maneuver was made at an intersection - also under Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. "

As you can see, the court finds no difference whether you are moving forward or backward.

By the way, Maxim's article says:

Please note that reverse driving is not prohibited on one-way roads, but its use is only possible until an intersection, tunnel, bridge or other structure from the list appears on the road.

VS says something different. Reverse is possible only when there is an OBJECTIVE NEED for this ??? In other words, if you back up on a one-way road, and there is no "intersection, tunnel, bridge or other structure from the list", then you will still be deprived of your "rights" if you do not prove in court that you had the objective need to go in reverse.


Hello! I was moving along the side of the main road in reverse, at a speed of 3 km. in hour. I did everything in accordance with clause 8.12 of the SDA, I moved very slowly with the emergency lights on, I constantly monitored the situation behind the car through the mirrors. A loaded Gazelle decided to leave the adjacent territory on the main road. Weather -35, visibility is good. In order to go to the main road of the Gazelle, it is necessary to overcome a small rise, respectively, the gazelist put on the gas, and when he saw me he braked into a skid (as evidenced by the presence of a braking distance, about a meter and a half), but did not have time to stop and hit my tag in the rear right bumper burdock , just under the hatch from the banzobak leaving at the same time on the main road. I did not expect this, and drove another meter and stopped. The gazelist violated the traffic rules clause 8.3 (he had to let everyone in). In the traffic police, the inspector made a determination who was driving back (that is, I) violated clause 8.12 of the SDA. And the Gazelle driver did not violate anything! The question is, is this definition legal?

Traffic police issued correct definition, according to clause 8.12 of the SDA:

8.12. Reversing of the vehicle is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must seek the assistance of others.

Comments here:


Good afternoon!

passed an intersection with a one-way (left) 4-lane road. The car in front (2) turned left into the far right lane and stopped in front of the zebra. I drove straight, but that car (2) turned on the back and drove into me.

They gave a determination to refuse to initiate a case.

Where the field is Installed: the driver of the car (2) was not convinced of safety when reversing. 812PDD

Where "Defined": there is no administrative offense in the driver's actions.

how can this be?

Eugene, hello.

Reversing at intersections is prohibited by traffic rules. If you disagree with the documents drawn up by the inspector, write "disagree" in them and state your point of view. Only then sign.

Although in this case it is not clear what you want to achieve in the end. If you clarify this, it will be possible to give more specific advice.

Good luck on the road!

Paul, Hello.

Paul, Hello.

1. What are the road signs and markings on this section of the road?

2. Article 5.5. what regulatory document?


There are no signs. One lane markup.

A document like a protocol.


Paul, explain what the violation of the rules was. Just for driving in reverse on the road, the rights are not deprived.

Maxim, the traffic police officer justified me by the fact that I was moving in a one-way lane.

Paul, Now it is clear.

There is an explanation of the Supreme Court regarding your situation.

Reversing on a one-way road is not prohibited, provided that this maneuver is safe for road users and, taking into account the current traffic situation, is caused by an objective necessity (for example, bypassing an obstacle, parking)

If you prove that your maneuver was caused by an objective necessity, then there will be no deprivation of rights.

Good luck on the road!

Paul, explain what the violation of the rules was. Just for driving in reverse on the road, the rights are not deprived.

Maxim, you are surprised !!! There are no violations of the rules. Everything is left to the discretion of the inspector. They are deprived not for violation of traffic rules, but according to the explanation of the RF Armed Forces. Those. there is no traffic violation point, but deprived by 12.15.4. And this chaos has been working for 2 years already!

wowick Do you know of cases when a driver was deprived of his license simply for reversing?

For example, for the fact that he was driving backwards from a parking space or doing a parallel parking.

For such maneuvers, no. But for the fact that people in reverse traffic jams go around in reverse, yes. Such cases were described on the Internet. Or drove the required exit on the highway ... There is no specifics, everything is left to the discretion of the inspector

That is, on the opposite lane in reverse, is it a deprivation or a fine?

Did I understand correctly?

Tell me, what exactly to say to the judge so as not to be deprived?

In court, you need to cite in your defense an excerpt from:

Reversing on a one-way road is not prohibited, provided that this maneuver is safe for road users and, taking into account the current traffic situation, is caused by an objective necessity (for example, bypassing an obstacle, parking)

You need to explain that this applies to your situation.

Good luck on the road!

Hello! Tell me, is it legitimate to want to deprive me of my rights, or is it a divorce?

I was maneuvering along the Varshavsky highway in the area d107 in reverse to the metro, and drove at a speed of 5 km / h for about 50 meters, parked, and an inspector approached me, who showed me article 5.5. What should I do in this situation? Thanks!

As I understand it, this is a violation of the requirement of sign 5.5 "One-way road". Moving back on such a road 50 m - you will have to prove that the parking place was so far behind the place of your stop, and it was impossible to park in front due to objective circumstances.

Good afternoon.

Tell me please!

there was an accident.

I drove onto the main road from the secondary one, because of the slight rise in the road, there was insufficient visibility. Only when I practically drove to the main one, I saw that the car was rushing in reverse. The road was one-way, but it was not marked with this sign, because (as explained by the traffic police) it is considered a highway junction.

we were assigned a parsing group, where it was recognized that there was a mutual failure, from which I was stunned, of course. they wrote me a fine, they say, I did not give in, they wanted to solder him for driving in reverse.

what can be done in such a situation? Will the insurance company be able to pay at least some% of the repairs or is there no point in waiting for a court decision on his case?

Everything is correct. You are obliged to give way, and it is not said in which direction the other car should go. And he, when reversing, must miss all other road users.

I have not come across, but they say that in this case, the ICs pay half the damage to everyone ...

There is a lot of fuss ... Confused-Useless ... Thank you Mademoiselle Corruption ... To hell with lawyers: Can we come to an agreement?

If I have a CASCO, then we will not agree.


Does it make sense to appeal ?? The essence:

Complaint against the decision in the case of an administrative offense No. XXXXXXXXXXX

Good day! I earnestly ask you to cancel the specified resolution or mitigate liability (replacing the fine with a warning), due to the fact that the maneuver recorded by the ST-15018 surveillance camera (entering another lane passing direction in violation of the continuous marking line) I HAVE DONE FORCED.

So, at about 16:51 on 06/12/16 I, moving along the far right lane in a car XXXX on the street. Velozavodskaya from the center stopped at an intersection at a red traffic light in the area of ​​6A - this position was recorded by a video camera, I did not leave the stop line.

At this time, an additional section of the green traffic light lit up for cars in the opposite direction, making it possible to turn and turn left (on Avtozavodskaya street). One of these cars, I think by mistake, made a U-turn instead of turning to the left, after which it stopped in the middle of the intersection, leveling with the green lawn dividing the street. Avtozavodskaya on 2 carriageways, AND THEN STARTED REVERSING THROUGH THE CROSSROADS along the lane occupied by me, apparently intending to have time to get up in front of me (while the red light is on), and then turn now to the right on Avtozavodskaya street under the "green arrow". However, by the time he began to move in reverse, the green light had already turned on and I ALREADY STARTED moving forward (the sign "Driving in lanes", installed above the far right lane, allowed me to move both to the right and in the forward direction), Thus, this car actually moved at an intersection in one lane straight to my meeting (only in reverse) - ALL THIS IS VISIBLE IN THE PHOTOS ATTACHED TO THE APPEALED REGULATION.

At the same time, another car was moving behind me, hard braking could lead to a collision from behind, so, avoiding the accident, I had to break the solid line of the marking, driving into another lane in the same direction.

Dmitriy, I do not see much reason to appeal against this fine. You deliberately broke the rules.

1. The most logical option would be to wait until the car driving in reverse through the intersection completes this strange maneuver.

2. Other possible variant... Drive up to this car and stop. If necessary, sound the horn to avoid an accident.

Good luck on the road!

Hello. Here you have it written "the driver of a car moving in reverse will be found guilty of any road accident." Just imagine, I thought so too, BUT today the interrogator surprised me. My story, please help.

Leaving the adjacent territory (courtyard), I stopped in front of Budenovskiy Avenue, letting cars moving along the main road, after which I felt a blow to the front right side of the car. -Something like this I wrote in the explanation. The photo shows that my car is standing perpendicular to the roadway, on straight wheels, only after moving off the curb (special lowered), i.e. the entire hood is obtained on the roadway, and the Gazelle with an open steel body rested against the right tailgate in the middle of the hood (above the center of the right wing).

Inspector, interrogator wrote me a fine of 500 rubles for breaking rules 8.3. And he determined - In the actions of the Gazelle driver, there is no composition of the AP. These circumstances exclude the proceedings on the AP case. The inspector admitted MUCH guilt! Although it turns out the Gazelle was moving in reverse along the lane of public transport. Naturally, no one properly questioned us, but they said like -Write it as it was, -write it in your own words. That's all you can hear from them.

Can you please tell me whether it is worth appealing against such a decision and whether the court will somehow listen to my arguments? I think that the inspector is fundamentally wrong.

Now the approximate text of the statement to the above-standing official and the court at the same time!


Leaving the courtyard, he stopped in front of the roadway of Budenovskiy Avenue, without leaving it. I looked around, on the right there was a parked gazelle on the traffic lane. transport, which I saw in advance at a distance of 25m approaching the roadway. Turning my head to the left, making sure that there was no obstacle, I began to move straight, because a parked gazelle prevented me from immediately making a right turn maneuver. Starting straight ahead, I saw the Gazelle reversing, I sharply pressed the brake pedal and pressed the sound signal on the steering wheel, but the driver did not react and made a collision with my vehicle. Coming out of the car, I saw that in front of the Gazelle there was an absolutely empty road in the direction of Komsomolskaya Square. He explained that he needed to enter the courtyard, from which I was leaving.


First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation P.P. Serkov, having examined the complaint of Zhilin Yu.P. against the ruling of the magistrate of the judicial district N 15 of the Soviet district of Lipetsk dated April 15, 2010, the decision of the judge of the Soviet district court of Lipetsk dated April 28, 2010 and the decision of the chairman of the Lipetsk regional court of June 8, 2010, issued against Yu. NS. in the case of an administrative offense provided for in Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation,


By the decision of the magistrate of the judicial district N 15 of the Soviet district of Lipetsk dated April 15, 2010 Zhilin Yew.P. found guilty of committing an administrative offense, responsibility for which is provided for by part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and subjected to an administrative penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four months.
By the decision of the judge of the Soviet District Court of Lipetsk dated April 28, 2010, the said decision of the magistrate was left unchanged.
By the decision of the chairman of the Lipetsk Regional Court dated June 8, 2010, the ruling of the magistrate of the court section No. 15 of the Soviet District of Lipetsk dated April 15, 2010 and the decision of the judge of the Soviet District Court of Lipetsk dated April 28, 2010 were upheld.
In the complaint filed with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Zhilin Yu.P. asks for the cancellation of the court decisions in the case against him, referring to the absence in his actions of an administrative offense provided for in Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
After examining the case materials about an administrative offense, I find a complaint Zhilin Yew.P. subject to satisfaction on the following grounds.
In accordance with part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an administrative offense is going to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic in violation of the Traffic Rules, except for the cases provided for in part 3 of this article.
Based on the provisions of clause 12 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2006 N 18 "On some issues arising from the courts when applying the Special Part of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses", according to parts 3 and 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses follows qualify actions directly prohibited by the Road Traffic Regulations, which are associated with leaving the side of the carriageway intended for oncoming traffic.
As seen from the materials of the case, on March 20, 2010, the inspector of the DPS OBDPS of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Lipetsk region in relation to Yu.P. Zhilin. a protocol was drawn up on an administrative offense provided for in part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, according to which on March 20, 2010 at 13 hours 45 minutes Zhilin Y.P., driving a vehicle - a car of the brand<...>, state registration plate<...>, in the area of ​​the house N 2 on the street. Nedelina in Lipetsk was driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road marked with road sign 5.5 "One-way road".
From the scheme of the place of the offense available in the case materials, it follows that Zhilin Yew.P. moved in the opposite direction along the road intended for one-way traffic in the area of ​​house No. 2 on the street. Nedelina (l.d. 6). At the same time, information that Zhilin Yu.P. the requirements of the road sign 3.1 "No entry" were violated, the case materials do not contain.
According to the layout of road signs provided by the Municipal Office "Office of the Chief Superintendent of Lipetsk", a section of the road in the area of ​​house No. 2 on the street. Nedelina in Lipetsk is a crossroads, at which, when turning to the left, there is a road sign 5.5 "One-way road", at the end of a one-way road there is a road sign 3.1 "No entry", which prohibits entry in the opposite direction (l.d. 39).
April 15, 2009 at the hearing, when considering an administrative offense case by the magistrate of judicial district N 15 of the Soviet district of Lipetsk, Zhilin Yu.P. He did not admit his guilt and explained that he had carried out a backward maneuver, which is not prohibited by the Rules of the Road, as a result of which his actions cannot be qualified under Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
Interrogated at the hearing as a witness, the traffic police inspector Nesmeyanov S.M. testified that stopped him under the management of Zhilin Yew.P. the vehicle was reversing in the opposite direction on a one-way road.
Qualifying the actions of Zhilin Yu.P. under Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the magistrate concluded that since the car under the control of Zhilin Yew.P. was driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road marked road signs 3.1 "No entry" and 5.5 "One-way road", it does not matter whether the specified maneuver was performed in reverse or forward for the qualification of these actions.
At the same time, with the qualification of actions Zhilin Yu.P. it is impossible to agree on part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
By virtue of clause 8.12 of the Traffic Rules, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On Traffic Rules" (hereinafter - the Rules), reverse movement of a vehicle is allowed provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users ... If necessary, the driver must seek the assistance of others.
Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where a U-turn is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules (at pedestrian crossings; in tunnels; on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them; at railway crossings; in places with road visibility in at least one direction less 100 m; in places of stops of route vehicles).
Since Zhilin Yu.P. there was no ban on reverse movement on a one-way road and at the same time there is no evidence of interference with other traffic participants, the qualification of actions Zhilin Yu.P. under part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is unfounded.

In such circumstances, the ruling of the magistrate of judicial district No. 15 of the Soviet district of Lipetsk dated April 15, 2010, the decision of the judge of the Soviet district court of Lipetsk dated April 28, 2010 and the decision of the chairman of the Lipetsk regional court of June 8, 2010 are subject to cancellation.
The proceedings on the case shall be terminated on the basis of clause 2 of part 1 of Article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - due to the absence of Yu.P. Zhilin's actions. the composition of an administrative offense provided for in part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.
Based on the foregoing, guided by Articles 30.13, 30.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation,


The complaint of Zhilin Yu.P. to satisfy.
Decision of the magistrate of judicial district N 15 of the Soviet district of Lipetsk dated April 15, 2010, the decision of the judge of the Soviet district court of Lipetsk of April 28, 2010 and the decision of the chairman of the Lipetsk regional court of June 8, 2010, rendered against Zhilin Yu.P. ... in the case of an administrative offense provided for by part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation to cancel.
To terminate the proceedings in this case on the basis of clause 2 of part 1 of article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

A fine for driving a car in reverse at an intersection is a fine that can be received in 2020 in case of violation. There are quite a few situations when a motorist is not allowed to perform such a maneuver. After all, driving in reverse is quite difficult, because visibility is limited and the likelihood of colliding with another car or knocking down a person is increased. It is important to observe traffic rules, otherwise the driver will put himself in danger and will be punished for the violation.

In what cases it is impossible to move in reverse

Reversing is necessary at times, and this is not prohibited as long as the driver knows and observes the traffic rules. It is recommended to exercise caution when performing this maneuver so as not to harm anyone. If visibility is severely limited, then it is wise to use the help of another person who will lead the process. Then the move will have no consequences.

It is important to know where reverse gear cannot be used:

  1. At the crossroads.
  2. In the tunnel.
  3. At the pedestrian crossing.
  4. At level crossings.
  5. For driving on the motorway.
  6. On a bus stop.
  7. On a road where visibility is limited (less than 100 meters).
  8. On overpasses and bridges.

In addition, it should be noted that it is possible to penalize a car moving in reverse in the place where a U-turn is prohibited. So drivers must remember this so that they do not have to be punished. As for one-way traffic, then given maneuver on such roads is permitted. However, exactly until the moment when a bridge, an intersection and other places appear where it is forbidden to go in reverse.

Important! The maneuver is allowed provided that it does not interfere with other motorists. It is also important to make sure that it does not create a hazardous situation that could lead to an accident.

Obviously, you cannot go backwards at an intersection, but in places where this is allowed, specific conditions must be observed. First of all, the driver must make sure that there are no foreign objects on the way. You can only drive at the minimum speed in order to minimize the likelihood of getting into an accident. If other cars are driving along the road, then the motorist should not, by his action, force them to brake or change direction.

By observing these conditions, it will be possible to avoid punishment for violation of traffic rules. But if you have already fined, then it will be useful to know how much you have to pay and how it can be done. It is important to remember that there is a specific period for repayment, for non-compliance with which a penalty is also imposed.

Fine amount

At the moment, the person who was driving the car backwards will have to pay a certain amount of money. They will not take a driver's license for such an action, nor will they be involved in community service. The penalty for reversing at an intersection will be 500 rubles. The exact same amount will have to be paid for a violation committed in other prohibited places.

An exception is the case if a person was moving on a motorway. In such a situation, you will need to pay 2,500 rubles. A similar indication can be found in Article 12.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The amount may increase if a person does not have time to pay off the accrued fine in two months. In such a situation, you will also need to pay for the delay. The fine will be double, but not less than 1,000 rubles. If a person has not paid 500 rubles for a traffic violation, then he will need to pay an additional 1,000 rubles for being late. Therefore, the total amount will be exactly 1,500 rubles.

Payment Methods

Now there are different options for paying the fine, and for some you don't even have to leave your home. For example, you can visit the official website of the traffic police, find your case in the database and transfer money. You can also use the resource of State services. It also allows you to pay a fine for a violation over the Internet.

A person can contact any bank branch to transfer money to the required details. Then you need to fill out a receipt or generate it on the traffic police website, print it out and bring it already ready to the bank. This option is suitable for those who, for some reason, could not pay via the Internet.

You can contact the post office in order to transfer funds for the violation. There, too, you will need to fill out a receipt or bring a ready-made one in order to carry out the procedure. It is extremely important to keep a receipt that the money was transferred, because for various reasons, information about the payment may not be received by the traffic police. Then the person will have to prove that he really paid off the fine in a timely manner.

Naturally, the easiest way will be to confirm your words with a saved receipt, which contains all the necessary information. Then you will not have to worry about attracting bailiffs or the need to pay the funds again. Because they will not take a person's word for it, since there were many people who did not want to pay off the fine. If the problem lies in the illegal actions of the traffic police, then you should contact the traffic police directly or go directly to the court. Because if the driver honestly paid the fine and at the same time can confirm this with a paper or electronic receipt, then justice will be on his side.


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