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License plate illumination, which is a mandatory attribute of cars, often raises questions from drivers related to possible changes or upgrades in its installation. So, according to GOST, you need to adhere to the lighting of the license plate of the rear of the car, while avoiding the backlight front room.

If the light above the "mini-passport" of the car does not light up, or the lighting does not correspond to the standards, the driver vehicle if the traffic police detects these violations, a state fine is imposed. To avoid penalties, you should be fully aware of how to properly install and operate the lighting fixture.

Regulatory aspects

The Regulation of the Road Traffic Rules states that each car must be equipped with special lighting equipment for the rear of the car, capable of turning on when the parking lights are on. It is therefore necessary to activate it in the dark, so that the traffic police inspector can effortlessly distinguish the symbols of the "mini-passport" of the vehicle from a distance of at least 20 meters.

Penalty for lack of backlight rear room and, accordingly, its unreadability is 500 rubles.

The opportunity to lose driving license for a period of 6-12 months with the confiscation of the lighting fixture is also present. The owner of the vehicle may be subject to such a punishment for lighting the front registration plate, since according to regulatory documents it should be absent.

Improving lighting

Illumination of the license plate is not a problem; it can be implemented by upgrading the standard lamps. Today, LEDs are most often installed in the form of strips, rulers and modules. However, going overboard with the number of LED items can be regarded as a change in the design of the vehicle.

There are two things to keep in mind to avoid punishment:

  • Firstly, a violation in the coverage of the state registration number can only be proven if the vehicle is in operation.
  • Secondly, the changes that have passed the traffic police certification cannot be considered illegal.

On the intensity of the illuminated backlight and the allowed colors of the LEDs

According to GOST, the light of the rear registration plates must be white or yellow, or their shades. Thus, any other color of lighting can be regarded as a violation and be subject to a corresponding fine of 3,000 rubles, since colored LEDs can confuse drivers who are following and provoke a road traffic accident (RTA).

Taking into account the standards, you can change the tonality and saturation of the lighting. However, this should be done without attracting the attention of the inspector by too bright light that leaves a mark on the roadway, as well as using an excessive amount of illumination of numbers of other colors.

Lighting Upgrade Attributes

The spiral number illumination used in factory lamps can be replaced with similar LED bulbs of a more powerful spectrum. The standard size of the LED for a light bulb with a standard base ranges from SMD5050 to COB matrices. The main positive quality such bulbs are compatible with the on-board computer (BC), that is, it will not give an error when installing the LEDs. Lamp prices depend on both the desired wattage and the manufacturer. On average, a set of LED devices of two lamps can be purchased within 300-400 rubles.

The vehicle owner will have to pay at least 600-800 rubles for illuminating registration symbols with an LED module. But the advantage of such LED device also available: their geometric dimensions exactly repeat the standard lampshades, i.e. no need to redo the mounts.

A budgetary way to solve the problem of license plate illumination is the ability to glue the LED strip above the number or around the perimeter. It is important to remember that it can only be glued to a place free of dirt and oil, otherwise the durability of the tape is not guaranteed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should strictly adhere to the rules for operating a car, properly treat the lighting devices of a car. Before leaving, always check the headlights to ensure that both the rear license plate and the front license plate light function - this will ensure easy legibility of the license plates. Take timely corrective action for any problems.

According to the requirements of the traffic rules, the vehicle must be provided with high-quality license plate illumination at night - cars that do not have it can be stopped by a traffic police inspector. The rules say that only the back light is needed - the front license plate does not need to be lit.

Let's take a closer look at how the license plate illumination on a car should look like. Awareness will allow you to avoid fines for backlighting and be aware of how you can resolve a misunderstanding with the traffic police if the license plate light is off.

What the rules say

In the rules road traffic it says that the owner of the car is obliged to take care of the readability of the state number plate. In this case, the backlight is required at night - it is not needed in front. For lighting, white or yellow light- blue highlighting of the number is not allowed.

The illumination of the license plate must be sufficient to provide the clearest possible visibility in dark time days

The legibility of license plates is explained as an opportunity for a traffic police inspector to view them from a distance of 20 meters. It is believed that an inoperative light bulb or improper lighting does not provide such an opportunity. One of the following factors can cause a penalty for "illegibility":

  • the backlight of the number is off;
  • blue illumination of the room;
  • the use of funds to impair the readability of the license plate.

If your car's license plate light is off and you are stopped by the traffic police, you can refer to the fact that you left with an illuminated license plate, but there was a breakdown on the way.

In the event that the number illumination does not work, a fine will be issued if the police can prove that you knew about it when leaving the garage.

If you managed to convince the inspector that the breakdown occurred on the way, the penalty for the lack of backlighting will not be charged. In this case, you will receive a warning and demand that you eliminate the malfunction within 24 hours.

License plate illumination color is allowed either white or pale yellow

Means and methods for impairing the readability of license plates

In addition to the lack of lighting, a number of other methods are known that can worsen or even exclude the readability of the state sign. These include:

  • reflective paints and varnishes - some of them may interfere with the normal reading of data from the plate by a video surveillance camera;
  • folding state signs - when the speed of the vehicle exceeds 50 km / h, the plate simply collapses from the oncoming air flow. Such a violation entails administrative liability and a monetary fine;
  • magnetic frame - it is controlled from inside the car. When the button is pressed, the license plate is closed with a curtain and it is impossible to read it. It is not difficult for a traffic police officer to prove the fact of deliberate hiding of numbers and to bring the driver to justice;
  • infrared lighting - it is generally accepted that video surveillance cameras cannot read data in the light of infrared rays at night, however modern equipment still gives such an opportunity;
  • nets and transparent pads - all this can also impair the visual perception of the state sign, therefore, the use of such means is the reason for the traffic police to stop;
  • additional stickers and badges - it is forbidden to put any extraneous information on the plate with the license plate, there should only be what is provided for in the rules. The presence of extraneous symbols and pictures is a reason for bringing to administrative responsibility;
  • dirty license plates are one of the most common ways to make them difficult to read. The rules provide for a warning to the driver and a fine if it is possible to prove the presence of intent.

In the dark, the traffic police inspector has the right to assess the visibility of the rear license plate only

Penalties for violation of the rules on license plates

The law says about responsibility for failure to comply with the rules regarding registration marks:

  • driving a car with license plates that are unidentifiable, non-standard or placed without observing the requirements of the state standard entails a fine of five rubles or a warning;
  • the absence of state signs on the car, placement in places not provided for by the rules and the presence of means that make it difficult to identify them, entails a fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a car for a period of one to three months;

The installation of knowingly false state signs involves the following fines:

  1. 2500 rubles for individuals;
  2. from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles for officials;
  3. from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles for legal entities.

The requirement of the State Traffic Inspectorate provides for the mandatory illumination of the rear license plate of the car. There may be doubts whether such a lighting is really needed, because road safety does not depend on it? The answer is categorical - you need it. Such a measure is necessary to ensure that the vehicle number is clearly visible even in the dark.

The license plate lamp belongs to external light devices, and driving with faulty light devices is a violation and is subject to a fine. Partial failure is also a violation.

Justification and amount of the fine

It should be noted that the imposition of a fine for the lack of backlighting of the rear license plate can be made only in the dark, when the license plate becomes unreadable. The sign must be easily readable at a distance of 20 meters, and if one light bulb has burned out, but the others sufficiently illuminate the number, then a fine cannot be imposed.

This violation may result in best case the inspector's warning, or a fine of 500 rubles. Most often, the offender receives only a verbal warning, because it is very difficult to prove the fact that the driver knew about the malfunction before starting the movement. It is also difficult to prove the opposite, so you should not risk it again.

Backlight types

Today's cars are equipped with rear license plate illumination already at the production stage, but many are not satisfied with the quality of the illumination. In Soviet-made cars, this function is not provided at all. Or maybe there is a simple desire to update appearance your car? Then you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the types of backlighting.

Standard lighting is incandescent lamps installed in a shade. The modern solution is diodes, LED strips. There is another backlight option - complete with a rear view camera.

How is the license plate light different from the LED light?

  1. The brightness of lighting, for diode lamps, this figure is much higher.
  2. Service life, on average, incandescent lamps serve 2-3 times less.
  3. Colour. For diodes, it is possible to set the backlight of any color.

More and more motorists prefer diode devices (as in the photo below). Replacing a license plate light bulb with such a device is very simple, just unscrew the cover and replace one with another.

DIY installation

How to replace the back light? Easily! And you don't even have to contact the service. We will analyze all the necessary manipulations step by step.

  1. Prepare materials (a frame for a car license plate with lighting or separately lighting elements, heat shrink, scissors, silicone sealant, a lighter).
  2. Free all wires from old parts, remove the old frame.
  3. All visible joints with lighting elements and seams on the frame must be sealed to prevent possible contact with water. If this is not done, then the backlight will last a maximum of 4-5 months, the contacts will rust, you will have to change the entire frame.
  4. Twist the wires previously freed from the insulator on the frame and on the trunk of the car. To prevent shorting, insulate them with heat shrink.
  5. Screw the frame onto the existing space on the rear of the car.
  6. Put the number in place.

This procedure will take a little time. In the event that it is planned to install lighting devices on your own, then it will take a little time to mount the diodes on the frame.

The illuminated license plate frame can be made similar to the speaker lighting from the inside. To do this, you will need a frame, a piece of plexiglass by the size of the frame, 3 mm thick, LEDs from 8 pcs., Foil. It will take a little more time, but the result will be more interesting.

  1. Grind the diodes down to the size of the glass.
  2. Cover the back and end of the glass with foil.
  3. Connect the light elements to the glass, direct to the corners, fill with sealant.
  4. Take the wires out of the frame, connect to the car.
  5. Screw on the number, which in turn will hold the glass and diodes.

You need to carefully seal all connections and wires with silicone so that you do not have to disassemble the structure every 2-3 months.

You will find detailed instructions on how to install the backlight on your own in this video:

Illuminated license plate frame

Some people prefer to make a backlit frame on their own, and someone gives preference to mass producers. And if the choice remained outside the ready-made framework, then several criteria for product selection need to be identified:

  • durability - road accidents are common. The frame must be strong so as not to break in a minor accident, as well as withstand temperature changes from summer to winter;
  • dimensional accuracy - in most cases all frames standard size, but it's still worth making sure;
  • brightness and serviceability of the backlight - it is better to check the performance of all lighting elements upon purchase.

Modern frames are able to accommodate not only the license plate, but also additional inscriptions, where the manufacturer, at the request of the buyer, will indicate any information.

Colored backlight

To highlight your car, to make it brighter and more original in the dark, you can also use colored diodes or tape to illuminate the rear license plate of the car.

There are a lot of colors, and such devices do not have any difficulties in installation. There is only one drawback - the installation of such devices does not comply with GOST, which means that it is an offense. GOST 8769-75 speaks about the need to install one or more rear license plate lights, which should emit white or white-yellow color.

Why are there such requirements for a small car part? The use of additional lighting colors can distract the attention of other drivers and thereby provoke an accident. The desire to stand out may cost a fine of 100 rubles or a warning in accordance with the Administrative Code 12.5 Part 1. Do not forget that a car is, first of all, a vehicle.


What is worth learning and remembering after reading all of the above:

  1. The license plate number of the vehicle must be illuminated at the back.
  2. Lack of illumination entails a verbal warning from a traffic police officer or a fine of 500 rubles.
  3. Self-replacement or installation of light elements for license plate illumination is easy and in a short time.
  4. The use of any colors other than white or white and yellow is prohibited and may result in a fine of 100 rubles.

Do not neglect the installation of this lighting element. Yes, after installation, the car number will be clearly visible, and in case of violation, the inspector can easily read and write it down. But even in the event of a car theft, the availability of the license plate will only be beneficial, and, possibly, will affect the speed of searches.

Be attentive to your car's outside lights and good luck on the road.

Your license plate so you can see it in the dark. In addition, some motorists strive to stand out from the crowd and use room lighting for tuning. Today it is possible to install lamps of any color to highlight your individuality. We will tell you how the license plate illumination is done and whether there is a traffic police fine for it.

Room lighting methods

There are two main ways you can use lighting:

  • replacement of license plate lighting lamps (standard devices for LEDs);
  • installation of additional lighting.

Changing incandescent bulbs to LED

If you chose the first method, you just need to unscrew the cover and replace the incandescent lamp. In order to remove the cover, you will need to remove the saber (chrome strip) from the bumper. Try to unscrew the standard bulbs as carefully as possible, since the small holder on the body is very simple and easy to break. Disassemble the shade in half, starting from the middle, using a thin flat screwdriver and a sharp knife. Before installing the bulbs, the plafond must be degreased with a solvent.

The modern market offers us options for white, blue, red, green room lighting. They look very interesting and unusual. We recommend that you buy powerful LED bulbs that shine brightly. It is best to give preference to products with lenses. Although this lighting lamp is more expensive, it will illuminate the rooms well. We also note that LED lamps are economical and safe.

Plexiglas backlight

The second option works by speakers and buttons with LEDs. You will need a small piece of plexiglass with diodes built into it. Its thickness should be three millimeters. There must be at least eight LEDs inside to provide bright lighting.

The back of the glass and the end should be sealed with foil, which will act as a reflector. Now direct the LEDs to the corners and fill with sealant. This will prevent moisture from entering. Remember that the diode lens does not need to be filled. At the end, connect the two wires to the backlight itself or to a separate button.

LED strip lighting

You can also create from LED strip. It is sold in different sizes and shades. The installation of the LED strip, as a rule, is carried out directly in the car. Cut off the required amount of material with regular scissors at the cut points. Next, start soldering. Choose a soldering iron with a low power and prepare pieces of wires (length - 20 cm, cross-section - 0.75 mm). Strip the ends of the wires and tin with rosin, then carefully solder to the diode tape.

Single color ribbons connect directly to on-board network: plus to plus, and minus is displayed on the body. A multi-color tape is connected in the same way, but you should install the controller between the battery and the device itself. Voltage is supplied to the battery. To attach the tape to the car body, use special plastic clips or install it in the standard cover. Some LED strips have an adhesive backing for easy attachment.

On the video - DIY LED strip lighting:

Is there a penalty

The backlight is only possible on the back of the car. It must be of a standard color; you cannot use diodes of yellow, red, blue and other shades. Otherwise, you can lose your rights for six months or a year, and the state numbers of the traffic police will be removed along with the lighting devices. At best, you will get off with a fine. Remember, only white or pale yellow bulbs are allowed by law.

Having installed LED room lighting, you need to check how it works. If you did the job correctly, the license plates will be illuminated brightly enough. In accordance with the law, they should be seen as clearly as possible. We do not recommend backlighting around the edges of the rooms. Although she looks much brighter, she can also be fined for it.

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You should not take risks and spoil your mood and nerves for yourself and the guardians road rules... In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements of the traffic rules for the illumination of the room and observe them in practice.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

Every vehicle owner knows that license plate illumination is very important at night. Such an element is not only important in the overall appearance of the car, but also is a strict requirement of the traffic police. It consists not only in the illumination of the license plate for good visibility, but also in its technical characteristics, which must comply with the norms of the adopted laws. A deviation from the norm can easily become the basis for a fine. Despite such harsh conditions, motorists manage to stylishly arrange the lighting moment in the backlight.

Penalty conditions

A certain car model has its own list of external lighting devices. Therefore, the penalties for a malfunction or illegibility of the sign are different. In accordance with clause 3, part 3 of the general list of faults, driving with a switched off or faulty light device is punishable by a fine. Even if the lighting works, but is splashed with mud and does not perform its functions efficiently, this violation is also punishable by fines.

brand-detail-img-title "> According to the standards, the license plate illumination is also an external lighting element

According to the norms, the license plate illumination is also an external lighting element, and its malfunction or any defect is necessarily punishable.

There is an important point in operation road vehicle using lighting. If the back light does not light up at all, and the car owner drove out in such a car, this can be regarded as an obstacle to the performance of the inspector's work. road service... However, the convention applies only to night time. If this happened during the day, then fines and punishments for this offense are not provided. For daylight hours, the cleanliness of the license plate is important.

There are cases that for some reason or due to external factors, even one light bulb in the lighting device does not work, and this does not make it possible to read at least part of the number, this is also punishable by a monetary penalty. The amount of such a fine in 2017 is 500 rubles.

But there are several "saving" moments, in which case the fine is not charged:

  • If one light in the device does not work, but the second is located so that it allows you to read the license plate, then there is no penalty for backlighting the rear license plate. In this case, you can get by with a warning from the inspector. But it is for the non-working condition that they can still be fined.
  • If the lack of sufficient illumination is detected by the driver at the time of the stop by the inspector, then in this case, a verbal warning will also be issued. But it is necessary to provide proof that the driver was not aware of the breakdown.
  • If in technical design the car is not designed for lighting or a place for it and the driver has a corresponding mark in those coupons, this also exempts him from paying a fine.

brand-detail-img-title "> The amount of such a fine in 2017 is 500 rubles

If it is daytime, then the current regulations do not specify a fine for non-burning backlighting of the number. It has only been said that both numbers must be clearly read - front and rear. In the dark, a mandatory norm is a serviceable light on the back canvas. There is also a rule stipulated by the SDA about the unreadability of even one character in the license plate, regardless of the time of day from 20 meters. This fact is also a violation, and you can get a fine for it.

For any car enthusiast, fines and warnings recorded in the protocol are morally unpleasant and can ruin their reputation exemplary driver, but also reflected in the wallet of the car enthusiast. To avoid this, you should carefully inspect your vehicle before driving it out, and eliminate breakdowns in a timely manner. In this case, you can avoid "ugly" marks in the license, including a fine for the lack of backlighting of the rear license plate. This is such a trifle that is easy to track on your own.

Norms for the use of color in backlights

As noted above, the lighting of state registration numbers is an external lighting device, the use of color in it is limited.

The norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which determine the color used in the front lighting, are quite strict. The introduction of a non-standard color scheme in the lighting of the front license plate of a car is punishable by deprivation of rights for a period of 6 to 12 months. The numbers are also withdrawn together with the lighting fixtures. It is forbidden to install the front license plate illumination using red, blue, green, other colors of lamps and reflective elements that are not provided for by the rules.

brand-detail-img-title "> White highlighting of the number is allowed

Today, the fashion for neon and LED lighting in the form of frames and overlays is very common, but you need to use them carefully. If the color is white or light yellow, this is allowed. It is not recommended to put lighting frames or strips with diodes around the edges of the room. It will look brighter and more attractive, but you can "get" and a fine for such illumination of the number from the road patrol service for a tidy sum.

Based on the basic provisions and requirements for the operation and admission of a specific vehicle for operation, equipping the rear part of the car with red lights is a malicious violation. This is regarded as a lack of required room lighting. For such "art" a private person can suffer in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. Individuals those who are in official jobs lose 15-20 thousand, but legal ones can receive a penalty in the amount of 400-500 thousand rubles and the seizure of lighting devices. Is the brightness and attractiveness worth the money? Better to let the backlight of the number go off, and the fine of 500 rubles will not hit your pocket so hard.

It is forbidden to use inappropriate colors in the rear lighting of the license plate, except for:

  • yellow;
  • white;
  • orange.

The same rule applies to reflective devices for better visibility.

brand-detail-img-title "> Number highlighting

Choosing the right backlight

To protect yourself and be sure that such a trifle as the absence or breakdown of light on the license plate will not lead to trouble, you need to install high-quality lighting elements.

Experienced experts advise changing the factory backlights to more modern and high-quality ones. Powerful LED lamps that will meet all your requirements are available in a wide range. They will not flood letters and numbers on the canvas with bright light and will not blind your eyes. Pay attention to light bulbs with lenses. These elements provide good, bright and diffused light that allows you to see the room clearly. Let their cost be higher, but the economy and safety will pay off over time.

Additional elements that will be auxiliary in the lighting around the rear license plate can be cheaper. For this, individual LEDs of specific colors can be used. The source for creating lighting can also serve as a regular LED Strip Light... It is not difficult to install such devices, but they can help reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

brand-detail-img-title "> Lamp LED LED 12V T10 3SMD 2835 White

If the new lighting is installed correctly, tested for operability and resistance to external factors, the result will be bright and noteworthy. But the main thing is that he does not interfere with the examination of the numbered canvas with all the designations.

When using an additional light source in the room area, you need to remember that there is still a risk with self-installation, because you can make a mistake in the choice of color and the correct setting. And such consequences can lead to the close attention of road safety inspectors.

Is it worth repeating that "show off" in the form of neon lights in blue, pink, green and other colors entails a fine, confiscation of devices and deprivation of the right to drive for a certain period?


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