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A tram is a type of urban (in rare cases, suburban) passenger (in some cases, freight) transport with a maximum permissible load on the line of up to 30,000 passengers per hour, in which a carriage (train of carriages) is driven on rails by electric energy.

At the moment, the term light rail transport (LRT) is often applied to modern trams. Trams appeared at the end of the 19th century. After the heyday, the era of which fell on the period between the world wars, the decline of trams began, however, since the end of the 20th century, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of trams. The Voronezh tram was inaugurated on May 16, 1926 - you can read about this event in detail in the History section, the classic tram was closed on April 15, 2009.The general plan of the city envisages the restoration of tram traffic in all directions that existed until recently.

Tram device
Modern trams are very different from their predecessors in design, but the basic principles of the tram, giving rise to its advantages over other modes of transport, have remained unchanged. The wagon wiring diagram is arranged approximately like this: current collector (pantograph, yoke, or rod) - traction motor control system - traction motors (TED) - rails.

The traction motor control system is designed to change the strength of the current passing through the traction motor - that is, to change the speed. On old cars, a direct control system was used: in the cab there was a driver's controller - a round pedestal with a handle at the top. When the handle was turned (there were several fixed positions), a certain fraction of the current from the network was supplied to the traction motor. In this case, the rest of it turned into heat. Now there are no such cars left. Since the 60s, the so-called rheostat-contactor control system (RCSU) began to be used. The controller was split into two blocks and became more complex. The possibility of parallel and sequential switching of traction motors appeared (as a result, the car develops different speeds), and intermediate rheostat positions - thus, the acceleration process became much smoother. Now it is possible to couple cars according to a system of many units - when all motors and electrical circuits of cars are controlled from one driver's station. From the 1970s to the present, impulse control systems based on semiconductor element base have been introduced all over the world. The motor receives current pulses with a frequency of several tens of times per second. This allows for very high running smoothness and high energy savings. Modern trams equipped with a thyristor-pulse control system (such as the Voronezh KTM-5RM or Tatry-T6V5 in Voronezh until 2003) additionally save up to 30% of electricity due to TISU.

The principles of tram braking are similar to those in railway transport. On older trams, the brakes were pneumatic. The compressor produced compressed air, and with the help of a special system of devices, its energy pressed the brake pads to the wheels - just like on the railway. Now pneumatic brakes are used only on the cars of the Petersburg Tram-Mechanical Plant (PTMZ). Since the 1960s, trams have been using mainly electrodynamic braking. When braking, traction motors generate current, which is converted into thermal energy on rheostats (many series-connected resistors). For braking at low speeds, when electric braking is ineffective (when the car comes to a complete stop), shoe brakes acting on the wheels are used.

Low-voltage circuits (for lighting, signaling and all that) are powered by electric machine converters (or motor-generators - the one that constantly buzzes on Tatra-T3 and KTM-5 cars) or from silent semiconductor converters (KTM-8, Tatra-T6V5 , KTM-19 and so on).

Tram driving

Approximately the control process looks like this: the driver raises the pantograph (arc) and turns on the car, gradually turning the controller handle (on KTM cars), or presses the pedal (on the Tatras), the circuit is automatically assembled to move, more and more current flows to the traction motors, and the car is accelerating. When the required speed is reached, the driver sets the controller knob to zero position, the current is turned off, and the car inertia moves. Moreover, unlike trackless vehicles, it can move in this way for a rather long time (this saves a huge amount of energy). For braking, the controller is set to the braking position, the braking circuit is assembled, the traction motors are connected to the rheostats, and the car starts to brake. When a speed of about 3-5 km / h is reached, the mechanical brakes are automatically applied.

At key points of the tram network - as a rule, in the area of ​​revolving rings or forks - there are dispatch centers that monitor the operation of tram cars and their compliance with a pre-compiled timetable. Tram drivers are subject to fines for being late and overtaking the schedule - this feature of the organization of traffic significantly increases the predictability for passengers. In cities with a developed tram network, where the tram is now the main passenger carrier (Samara, Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk and others), passengers, as a rule, go to the stop from work and to work, knowing in advance the time of arrival of the passing car. Tram traffic throughout the system is monitored by a central dispatcher. In case of accidents on the lines, the dispatcher uses the centralized communication system to indicate the bypass routes, which favorably distinguishes the tram from its closest relative, the metro.

Track and electrical facilities

In different cities, trams use different track gauges, most often the same as conventional railways, as, for example, in Voronezh - 1524 mm. For a tram in different conditions, both conventional railroad rails (only in the absence of paving) and special tram (grooved) rails, with a groove and a sponge, can be used, allowing the rail to be sunk into the pavement. In Russia, tram rails are manufactured from softer steel so that curves of a smaller radius can be made from them than on the railroad.

To replace the traditional - sleeper - laying of the rail, a new one is increasingly used, in which the rail is placed in a special rubber gutter located in a monolithic concrete slab (in Russia this technology is called Czech). Despite the fact that such a laying of the track is more expensive, the track laid in this way serves much longer without repair, completely dampens vibration and noise from the tram line, and eliminates stray currents; moving the line laid according to modern technology is not difficult for motorists. Lines based on Czech technology already exist in Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Samara, Kursk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and other cities.

But even without the use of special technologies, noise and vibration from the tram line can be minimized due to the correct laying of the track and its timely maintenance. The tracks must be laid on a crushed stone base, on concrete sleepers, which must then be covered with crushed stone, after which the line is asphalted or covered with concrete tiles (to absorb noise). The rail joints are welded, and the line itself is sanded as necessary using a rail-grinding car. Such cars were produced at the Voronezh tram-trolleybus repair plant (VRTTZ) and are available not only in Voronezh, but also in other cities of the country. The noise from the line laid in this way does not exceed the noise from the diesel engine of buses and trucks. Noise and vibrations from a carriage moving along a line laid according to Czech technology is less than the noise produced by buses by 10-15%.

In the early period of tram development, electrical networks were not yet sufficiently developed, therefore, almost every new tram economy included its own central power station. Now tram farms receive electricity from general-purpose electrical networks. Since the tram is powered by relatively low voltage direct current, it is too costly to transmit it over long distances. Therefore, traction-step-down substations are placed along the lines, which receive high-voltage alternating current from the networks and convert it into direct current suitable for supply to the overhead network. The rated voltage at the output of the traction substation is 600 volts, the rated voltage at the pantograph of the rolling stock is considered to be 550 V.

Motorized high-floor carriage X with a non-motorized trailer M on Revolyutsii Avenue. Such trams were two-axle, in contrast to the four-axle ones used now in Voronezh.

The KTM-5 tram car is a four-axle high-floor tram car of domestic production (UKVZ). The trams of this model were put into mass production in 1969. Since 1992, such trams have not been produced.

Modern four-axle high-floor carriage KTM-19 (UKVZ). Such trams are now the basis of the fleet in Moscow, they are actively purchased by other cities, including such cars are in Rostov-on-Don, Stary Oskol, Krasnodar ...

Modern articulated low-floor tram KTM-30 manufactured by UKVZ. In the next five years, such trams should become the basis for the high-speed tram network being created in Moscow.

Other features of the organization of tram traffic

Tram traffic is distinguished by a large carrying capacity of the lines. The tram is the second most transportable transport after the subway. Thus, a traditional tram line is capable of transporting a passenger traffic of 15,000 passengers per hour, a high-speed tram line is capable of carrying up to 30,000 passengers per hour, and a metro line is capable of taking out up to 50,000 passengers per hour. Bus and trolleybuses are twice as low as trams in terms of carrying capacity - for them it is only 7,000 passengers per hour.

The tram, like any rail transport, has a greater intensity of rolling stock (SS) turnover. That is, fewer tram cars are required than buses or trolleybuses to serve the same passenger traffic. The tram has the highest urban area efficiency coefficient (the ratio of the number of passengers carried to the area occupied on the carriageway) among the means of urban land transport. The tram can be used in coupling of several cars or in multi-meter articulated tram trains, which makes it possible to transport a mass of passengers with the help of one driver. This further reduces the cost of such transportation.

Also noteworthy is the relatively long service life of the tram substation. The guaranteed service life of the car before overhaul repair is 20 years (unlike a trolleybus or bus, where the service life without CWR does not exceed 8 years), and after CWR the service life is extended the same way. For example, in Samara there are Tatra-T3 cars with a 40-year history. The cost of CWR of a tram car is significantly lower than the cost of buying a new one and is carried out, as a rule, by the TTU. This also allows you to easily purchase used cars abroad (at prices 3-4 times lower than the cost of a new carriage) and use them without problems for about 20 years on the lines. Buying used buses is associated with large expenses for the repair of such equipment, and, as a rule, after purchase, such a bus cannot be used for more than 6-7 years. The factor of significantly longer service life and increased maintainability of the tram fully compensates for the high cost of purchasing a new substation. The present cost of a tram substation turns out to be almost 40% lower than for a bus.

Advantages of the tram

  • Although the initial costs (when creating a tram system) are high, they are nevertheless lower than the costs required for building a metro, since there is no need for complete isolation of the lines (although in some sections and junctions the line can pass in tunnels and on overpasses , but there is no need to arrange them all along the route). However, the construction of a surface tram usually involves the redevelopment of streets and intersections, which increases the cost and leads to a deterioration in the traffic situation during construction.
  • With a passenger traffic of more than 5,000 passengers per hour, operating a tram is cheaper than operating a bus and trolleybus.
  • Unlike buses, trams do not pollute the air with combustion products and rubber dust from wheel friction on the asphalt.
  • Unlike trolleybuses, trams are more electrically safe and more economical.
  • The tram line is naturally isolated by depriving it of the road surface, which is important in conditions of low driving culture. But even in conditions of high driving culture and in the presence of road surface, the tram line is more visible, which helps drivers to keep the designated lane for public transport free.
  • Trams fit well into the urban environment of different cities, including cities with an established historical appearance. Various systems on overpasses, such as the monorail and some types of light rail transport, from an architectural and urban planning point of view, are well suited only for modern cities.
  • The low flexibility of the tram network (provided it is in good condition) has a psychologically beneficial effect on the value of real estate. Property owners assume that the presence of rails guarantees the availability of a tram service, as a result, the property will be provided with transport, which entails a high price for it. According to the bureau Hass-Klau & Crampton, the value of real estate in the area of ​​tram lines is increasing by 5-15%.
  • Trams provide more carrying capacity than buses and trolleybuses.
  • Although a tram car is much more expensive than a bus and a trolleybus, trams have a much longer service life. If a bus rarely serves more than ten years, then a tram can be operated for 30-40 years, and subject to regular upgrades, even at this age, the tram will meet the comfort requirements. So, in Belgium, along with modern low-floor trams, PCC trams produced in 1971-1974 are successfully operated. Many of them have recently been upgraded.
  • The tram can combine high-speed and low-speed sections within one system, and also have the ability to bypass emergency sections, in contrast to the metro.
  • Tram cars can be coupled to trains in a multi-unit system, which saves on wages.
  • A tram equipped with TISU saves up to 30% of electricity, and a tram system that allows the use of recuperation (return to the network during braking, when the electric motor works as an electric generator) of electricity, additionally saves up to 20% of energy.
  • According to statistics, the tram is the safest form of transport in the world.
Disadvantages of the tram
  • Although the tram line in the construction is cheaper than the metro, it is much more expensive than the trolleybus and, moreover, the bus.
  • The carrying capacity of trams is lower than that of the metro: 15,000 passengers per hour for the tram, and up to 30,000 passengers per hour in each direction for the light metro.
  • Tram rails are a hazard to unwary cyclists and motorcyclists.
  • An improperly parked vehicle or a traffic accident can stop traffic on a large section of a tram line. In the event of a tram breakdown, as a rule, it is pushed into the depot or onto a reserve track, followed by a train, which ultimately leads to two rolling stock units leaving the line at once. The tram network is characterized by a relatively low flexibility (which, however, can be compensated for by the branching of the network, which allows avoiding obstacles). The bus network is very easy to change if necessary (for example, in case of street renovation). When using duobuses, the trolleybus network also becomes very flexible. However, this disadvantage is minimized by using the tram on a separate track.
  • The tram economy requires, albeit inexpensive, but constant maintenance and is very sensitive to its absence. Restoring a neglected farm is very expensive.
  • Laying tram lines on streets and roads requires skillful track placement and complicates traffic management.
  • The braking distance of the tram is noticeably longer than the braking distance of the car, which makes the tram a more dangerous road user on the combined track. However, according to statistics, the tram is the safest form of public transport in the world, while the route taxi is the most dangerous.
  • Ground vibrations caused by trams can create acoustic discomfort for the occupants of the surrounding buildings and damage their foundations. With regular maintenance of the track (grinding to eliminate wavelike wear) and rolling stock (turning of wheelsets), vibrations can be greatly reduced, and with the use of improved track laying technologies, they can be minimized.
  • With poor track maintenance, the reverse traction current can flow into the ground. "Stray currents" intensify the corrosion of nearby underground metal structures (cable sheaths, sewer and water pipes, building foundations reinforcement). However, with modern technology of laying rails, they are reduced to a minimum.


Tram- a means of urban (less often suburban, even less often intercity) land transport, which is a motor car (or a motor car with trailer cars), which receives electricity from an overhead wire and moves along a rail track.

The word "tram" is of English origin, and is formed from two words: "tram" - a carriage, a cart; and "way" is the way.

Most modern trams use electric traction with the supply of electricity through an overhead contact network using pantographs (pantographs, or rods, less often - yokes), but there are also trams powered by a contact third rail or batteries.

In addition to electric trams, there are horse trams (horse trams), cable cars and diesel trams. In the past, there were pneumatic, steam and gasoline-powered trams.

Trams! Tram history!

At the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of the growth of cities and industrial enterprises, the removal of places of residence from places of employment, the growth of the mobility of urban residents, the problem of urban transport communication arose.

The first city trams were horse-drawn.

In 1828, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, the first tram route (the first horse tramway) began operating on the horse-drawn railroad.

Baltimore is the first horse tram. 1828 year.

There were also attempts to bring steam-powered railways to the streets of cities, but the experiment was generally unsuccessful and did not spread.

The use of horses as tram traction was associated with many inconveniences, therefore, attempts to introduce some type of mechanical traction on the tram did not stop. In the United States, the cable car was very popular, which has survived to this day in San Francisco as a tourist attraction.

In 1881, the first passenger electric tram line between Berlin and Lichterfeld was launched, which was built by the Siemens electrical company.

In 1885, the electric tramway appeared in the United States.

The electric tram turned out to be a profitable business, and its rapid spread around the world began. This was also facilitated by the creation of practical current collection systems (Spraig's current collector and Siemens' slide collector).

Trams in the Russian Empire!

Moscow horse tram. Late 19th early 20th century.

Samara horse tram. Cathedral street. Late 19th early 20th century.

Electric tram in Russian Empire!

On May 2, 1892, the first electric tram route began operating in Kiev; it was the first in the Russian Empire.

The first electric tram in Kiev and in the Russian Empire.

In 1896, an electric tram was launched in Nizhny Novgorod, in Yekaterinoslav in 1897, in Vitebsk, Kursk, Sevastopol and Orel in 1898, in Kremenchug, Moscow, Kazan, Zhitomir, Liepaja in 1899, Yaroslavl in 1900, and in Odessa and in St. Petersburg - in 1907 (except for the tram, which had been operating on the ice of the Neva in winter since 1894).

Development of tram transport!

In the 20th century, the electric tram developed rapidly, displacing the jumping and the few remaining omnibuses from the cities.

Along with the electric tram, in some cases, pneumatic, gasoline and diesel engines were used. Trams were also used on local suburban or intercity lines. Urban railways were often used for the delivery of goods (including in wagons supplied directly from the railway).

After a pause caused by the war and political changes in Europe, the tram continued its development, but at a slower pace. Now he has strong competitors - a car and, in particular, a bus. Cars became more and more widespread and affordable, and buses - more and more high-speed and comfortable, as well as economical due to the use of a Diesel engine. At the same time, a trolleybus appeared.

In the increased traffic, the classic tram, on the one hand, began to experience interference from vehicles, and on the other, it itself created significant inconvenience. Tram company revenues began to fall. In response, in 1929, the presidents of the tram companies held a conference in the United States, at which they decided to produce a series of unified, significantly improved carriages, which received the name PCC. These cars, which first saw the light of day in 1934, set a new benchmark in the technical equipment, convenience and appearance of the tram, influencing the entire history of the development of the tram for many years to come.

The photo shows a tram car of the PCC type. USA. 1934.

In the photo there are passengers in a PCC-type carriage. USA. 1934.

Despite this progress in the American tramway, many developed countries have established a view of the tram as a backward, inconvenient form of transport that is not befitting a modern city. The curtailment of tram systems began. In Paris, the last city tram line was closed in 1937. In London, the tram operated until 1952, the reason for the delay in its liquidation was the war. Tram networks in many other large cities around the world were also subject to liquidation and downsizing. Often the tram was replaced by a trolleybus, but trolleybus lines in many places were also soon closed, unable to compete with other road transport.

Trams in the USSR!

In the pre-war USSR, the view of the tram as a backward transport was also established, but the inaccessibility of cars for ordinary citizens made the tram more competitive with a relatively weak street flow. In addition, even in Moscow, the first metro lines opened only in 1935, and its network was still small and uneven in the area of ​​the city, the production of buses and trolleybuses also remained relatively small, so until the 1950s there were practically no alternatives to trams for passenger transportation.

In 1935-1936, the Sokolnichesky carriage repair plant SVARZ in Moscow began the production of new domestic experimental cars, which did not differ in any way from the American RCC cars. Based on the results of the trial operation, a decision was made on the serial production of new cars.

Serial production was started at the Mytishchi Freight Car Building Plant. The name M-38 for serial cars meant "Motor 38 years".

The photo shows the tram car M-38. Moscow. 1938.

A serious factor in the preservation of the key role of the tram in urban passenger transportation in the USSR was the high availability of track material (thanks to the developed metallurgical industry) in combination with the low pace of road construction. Where the tram was removed from the central streets and avenues, its lines were necessarily transferred to neighboring parallel less busy streets and lanes. Until the 1960s, the transportation of goods by tram lines also remained significant, but trams played an especially large role during the Great Patriotic War in besieged Moscow and besieged Leningrad.

Tram after World War II!

After the Second World War, the process of eliminating trams in many countries continued. Many lines damaged by the war were not even rebuilt.

However, the tram continued to perform relatively well in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the countries of the socialist camp.

In Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, mixed-type systems have become widespread, combining the features of a tram and metro (metro, pre-metro, etc.). However, even in these countries, it was not without the closure of tram lines and even entire networks.

Already in the 1970s, there was an understanding in the world that mass motorization brings its own problems - smog, congestion, noise, lack of space. The extensive way to solve these problems required a large investment and had a low return. Gradually, the transport policy began to be revised in favor of public transport.

By that time, new solutions in the field of organizing tram traffic and technical solutions had already appeared, which made the tram a completely competitive type of public passenger transport. The revival of the tram began.

The first new tram systems were opened in Canada: in 1978 in Edmonton and in 1981 in Calgary.

In the 1990s, the tram revival process in the world gained full strength. The tram systems of Paris and London, as well as other most developed cities in the world, have reopened.

The photo shows a tram car of the PCC type. Ghent (Belgium), 2004.

Modern trams in Russia!

In Russia, tram transport is treated rather carefully, trying to make the most of the advantages of tram transport.

In almost all cities where tram routes were established, trams continue to operate and carry out passenger traffic.

In the photo there is a Moscow tram!

Advantages and disadvantages of the tram!

The advantages of the tram.

An important advantage of the tram is its high carrying capacity. The tram provides a greater carrying capacity than a bus or trolleybus.

This is realized due to the capacity of tram cars and the ability to couple them into trains.

The capacity of tram cars is generally higher than that of buses and trolleybuses.

The ability to couple cars into trains contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the use of urban areas. The number of cars in a train is limited only by the construction parameters of the line, which allows tram trains to reach a length comparable to the length of metro trains (for example, in Hanover - 90 m). Most often, however, tram trains of two or three carriages are used.

The prime cost of tram transportation is low, which is ensured by the use of cheap electric traction for tram traffic, and a long service life (in comparison with a bus and a trolleybus) of tram cars.

The initial cost of building a tram system is lower than the cost of building a metro or monorail system, since there is no need to completely separate the lines from the road systems.

Possibility of realizing the speed of communication comparable to that of the railways and subways. A prerequisite is, as a rule, the separation of the tramway track from trackless vehicles. As a result of isolation, the reliability of the message also increases.

Trams, like other electric vehicles, do not pollute the air with combustion products.

High safety of transportation, which is ensured due to the large mass of tram cars (in comparison with a bus and trolleybus) and isolation of tram traffic from traffic (when using an independent or detached track). When a tram is involved in road traffic accidents, tram cars can take a higher shock load compared to trackless transport, so tram passengers are safer.

Potentially small minimum interval (in an isolated system) of movement. On the tram, it is possible to use the interval systems used on the railway and subway. This circumstance also makes it possible to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of tram routes.

The tram is the only type of surface urban transport that can be of variable length due to the coupling of wagons (sections) into trains at rush hour and uncoupling at the rest of the time (in the metro, the length of the platform is the main factor).

The tram can use the railway infrastructure in its routes.

Thanks to the electric drive and relatively small wheels, in small trams that do not use massive twin carriage bogies, it is easier than in a bus and trolleybus to equip a low-floor structure, convenient for boarding disabled people, the elderly and passengers with children.

Disadvantages of the tram.

The construction of a tram line in the conditions of the existing road network is much more expensive than the construction of a trolleybus and, moreover, a bus.

Tram rails pose a hazard to cyclists and motorcyclists trying to cross them at an acute angle.

An improperly parked vehicle or a road accident on the track can stop traffic on a large section of the tram line.

The tram network is characterized by a relatively low flexibility (which can be compensated for by the network's ramifications). On the contrary, the bus network is very easy to change if necessary (for example, in the case of street renovation), and when using duobuses or trolleybuses with autonomous running systems, the trolleybus network also becomes very flexible.

Laying tram lines within the city requires skillful track placement and complicates traffic management. Poor design may make it unnecessary to allocate valuable urban land for tram traffic.

Ground shaking caused by a tram can create acoustic nuisance for residents of nearby buildings, and even damage their foundations. With the use of advanced track laying technologies, vibrations can be minimized (often completely eliminated).

Trams and passengers!

The tram, for many people, is a favorite form of transport, and a modern tram is also a comfortable type of passenger transport!

Trams! The tram is a type of rail transport!

Horse tram on Serpukhovskaya square

So, we put our hand into the bag and what do we see there? Theme from friend rocky_g: I would like to know about the structure of the Moscow tram. about the cars themselves, passenger and special purposes, about the arrangement of the depot, contact lines, their power supply and something like that)

Unfortunately, we managed to find very little information about the detailed arrangement of the modern line and the rolling fleet of the Moscow tramway. I don’t think you are interested in reading the description of modern tram cars. However, in the supplement, check out the blog. And I'll tell you what:

On March 25, according to the old style, from Brestsky, now Belorussky railway station, towards the Butyrsky station, now called Savyolovsky, a tram car, ordered in Germany from Siemens and Halske, went on its first passenger journey.

The year of the appearance of public passenger transport in Moscow should be considered 1847, when the movement of ten-seater summer and winter carriages along 4 radial lines and one diametrical line was opened. From Red Square it became possible to travel by carriages to the Smolensk market, Pokrovsky (now Electrozavodsky) bridge. Rogozhskaya and Krestovskaya outposts. It was possible to travel along the diametrical line in carriages from the Kaluga Gate through the city center to Tverskaya Zastava.

Crews plying in predetermined directions were colloquially called rulers by Muscovites. By this time, the city already had about 337 thousand inhabitants and there was a need to organize public transport. The society of Moscow rulers, created in 1850, has already become more qualified in solving the problem of passenger service. The line could accommodate 10-14 people, there were 4-5 benches. They were wider than ordinary cabbages, had a roof from the rain, and were usually carried by 3-4 horses.

The horse tram line was single-track, had a length of 4.5 km with a track of 1524 mm, there were 9 sidings on the line. There were 10 double-decker cars with imperials on the line, where steep spiral staircases led. The imperial did not have a canopy and the passengers, sitting on the benches, were not protected from snow and rain. Horse trams were purchased in England, where they were produced at the Starbeck plant. A feature of this line of the horse-drawn railway was that it was built by military builders as a temporary one.


At the same time, a steam passenger tram line was built in Moscow from Petrovsko-Razumovsky through the park of the Petrovskaya Academy to the station of the Smolensky railway station. Both lines were supposed to cease to exist immediately after the closure of the Polytechnic Exhibition, but Muscovites liked the new public transport: it was more convenient and cheaper to travel from the center to the Smolensky railway station in a horse tram car than a cab. The first passenger tram line continued to operate after the closure of the Polytechnic Exhibition until 1874, and the steam passenger tram line survived only on the section from the Smolensky railway station to Petrovsky Park.

Moscow tram, 1900s / Inv. KP No. 339

Contrary to popular belief, the launch of the tram was not a simple electrification of the horse tram, which had existed in Moscow since 1872. Until 1912, the horse tram existed parallel to the tram. The fact is that the horse tram brought a significant part of the proceeds to the city treasury, and the then city authorities considered the tram as a competitor to their cash cow. Only in 1910 the city began to buy out horse-drawn railways while preserving the jobs of horse-drawn riders. Kucherov were retrained as carriage drivers, and the conductors, whom there was no need to retrain, remained conductors.

The photo shows a carriage, according to its external characteristics, it is defined as a two-axle motor of the Baltic plant of 1905. or two-axle motor MAN 1905-1906 onwards

In 1918, the length of tram lines in the city was 323 km. However, this year for the Moscow tram began with the fact that the number of tram routes began to decline. Unsettled workshops, a lack of parts and spare parts, materials, the departure of a part of engineering and technical workers - all this together created an extremely difficult situation. The number of wagons on the line in January fell to 200 units.

The number of tram workers fell from 16,475 in January 1917 to 7,960 in January 1919. In 1919, due to lack of fuel in the city, passenger tram traffic was suspended from February 12 to April 16 and from November 12 to December 1. At the end of December, the tram in the city was again stopped. The freed workers were sent to work on cleaning tracks and roads and to procure fuel within an eight-verst strip.

At the same time, for the first time in history, the Moscow tram began to be used for cultural, educational and campaigning events. On May 1, 1919, tram trains with flying circus performances on open trailer cars ran along routes A and B, No. 4. The motor car was turned into a room for a spiritual band, and circus performers, acrobats, clowns, jugglers and athletes were located on the trailed goods platform, giving performances at the stops. The masses of the people enthusiastically greeted the artists.

From June 1, 1919, by order of the Moscow City Council, the City Railways Administration began to provide, at the request of institutions and organizations, a tram for excursions outside the city of workers. Since the fall of 1919, the tram has become the main carrier of firewood, food and other goods for most city institutions.In order to ensure new functions of the tram, access tramways were brought up to all freight stations, wood and food warehouses in Moscow. By the orders of enterprises and organizations, trammen allocated up to 300 freight tram cars. In 1919, about 17 miles of new routes were laid to solve the problems of organizing freight traffic. By the end of 1919, there were also 778 motor and 362 trailers in serviceable 66 motor and 110 tram cars.

Type F tram on the Garden Ring in the Krasnye Vorota area opposite Afremov's house. October 1917.

Tram trains ran on eight lettered routes. They were used mainly by workers in large factories. In December 1920, the inventory included 777 motor and 309 trailed passenger cars. At the same time, 571 motor and 289 trailed tram cars were idle. In 1920, tram travel for workers became free, but due to a lack of rolling stock, the Moscow City Council was forced to organize the movement of special passenger block trains to deliver workers to and from work in the morning and evening. rush hours.

In October 1921, all divisions of the Moscow tram were again transferred to commercial self-sufficiency, which made it possible to significantly increase the number of employees on the Moscow tram, in 1922 there were already more than 10,000 employees.

The production of passenger cars grew rapidly. If in March 1922 only 61 passenger cars were produced on the line, then in December their number was 265 units.
From January 1, 1922, the issuance of free travel tickets for workers was discontinued. The amounts allocated by enterprises for free travel to their workers and employees were included in their wages, and from that time on, city transport became paid for all passengers ..

People in a Moscow tram, 1921

In February 1922, passenger tram traffic was carried out on thirteen tram routes, and it became regular again.

In the spring of 1922, traffic began to be actively restored on the pre-war networks: to Maryina Roshcha, to Kaluzhskaya Zastava, to Vorobyovy Gory, along the entire Garden Ring, in Dorogomilovo. In the summer of 1922, a steam tram line was electrified from Butyrskaya Zastava to Petrovsko-Razumovsky, a line was built from Petrovsky Palace to the village of Vsekhsvyatsky.

By 1926, the length of the tracks increased to 395 km. In 1918, 475 carriages were transported, and in 1926 - 764 carriages. The average speed of trams increased from 7 km / h in 1918 to 12 km / h in 1926. Since 1926, the line began to appear the first Soviet tram type KM, built at the Kolomna steam locomotive plant. The KM differed from its predecessors in its four-axle design.

The Moscow tram reached its highest point of development in 1934. Then he walked not only along the Boulevard Ring, but also along the Garden Ring. The latter was served by tram line B, which was later replaced by the trolleybus route of the same name. At that time, 2.6 million people were transported by trams per day, with a city population of about four million. Freight trams continued to operate, delivering firewood, coal and kerosene around the city.

The M-38 tram had a very futuristic look.

Before the war, a rather futuristic-looking tram appeared in Moscow M-38... The first sample of a tram car M-38 arrived from the Mytishchi plant in November 1938 at the tram depot im. Bauman and began to be tested on route 17 from Rostokin to Trubnaya Square.

In July 1940, due to the threat of war, the whole country switched to an eight-hour working day and a six-day working week. This circumstance has forever determined the mode of operation of tram trains in the capital. The first carriages began work on the route at 5.30 a.m. and finished work at 2 a.m. This work schedule has survived to this day.

After the opening of the first metro lines in the mid-1930s, tram lines were removed to coincide with metro lines. The lines from the northern and western parts of the Garden Ring were also moved to secondary streets.

More radical changes took place in the 1940s, when tram routes were replaced by trolleybus routes in the western part of the Boulevard Ring and removed from the Kremlin. With the development of the underground in the 1950s, some of the lines leading to the outskirts were closed.

Tram MTV-82

Tatra-T2 carriage No. 378.

Since 1947, wagons have appeared on the lines MTV-82, the body of which was unified with the MTB-82 trolleybus. The first such cars arrived at the Bauman depot in 1947 and began to operate first along the 25th (Trubnaya Square - Rostokino), and then along the 52nd route. However, due to the wider dimensions and the absence of characteristic beveled corners (after all, the tram cabin exactly matched the trolleybus one), the car did not fit into many curves and could only walk in the same place as the car. M-38... For this reason, all cars of this series were operated only in the Bauman depot and were called broad-browed. The very next year they were replaced by a modernized version. MTV-82A... ... the car was lengthened by one additional standard window section (roughly speaking, it became longer by one window), and its capacity increased from 120 (55 seats) to 140 (40 seats). Since 1949, the production of these trams has been transferred to the Riga Carriage Works, which produced them under the old index. MTV-82 until mid-1961.

RVZ-6 tram on Shabolovka, 1961

March 13, 1959 at the depot. Apakov, the first Czechoslovak four-axle motor car T-2 arrived, which was assigned No. 301. Until 1962, T-2 cars arrived exclusively at the Apakov depot, and by the beginning of 1962, 117 of them had already been assembled - more than was acquired by any city in the world ... The arriving cars were assigned the three hundredth and four hundredth numbers. The new cars were sent primarily to routes 14, 26 and 22.

Since 1960, the first 20 RVZ-6 cars have arrived in Moscow. They entered the Apakovsky depot and operated until 1966, after which they were transferred to other cities.
In the mid-1990s, a new wave of tram line removal began. In 1995, the line was closed along Prospekt Mira, then on Nizhnyaya Maslovka. In 2004, due to the forthcoming reconstruction of Leningradka, traffic along Leningradsky Prospekt was closed, and on June 28, 2008, the line on Lesnaya Street, where routes 7 and 19 ran, were closed. It was this section that was part of the very first line of the Moscow electric tram.

KM tram on Krasnoprudnaya Street in 1970. To the right of it, the ZiU-5 Trolleybus is moving in the opposite direction.

As of 2007, trams account for about 5% of passenger traffic in the city, although in some outlying areas it is the main means of transport to get to the metro. In the center, the northern and eastern parts of the large "tram ring" of the 1930s and the line to Chistye Prudy are preserved. The highest density of lines is to the east of the center, in the Yauza region.

On September 22, 2012, tram traffic was restored along Lesnaya Street and Palikha Street. The route number 9 was opened - the metro station "Belorusskaya" - MIIT. For him, a dead end was built near the Belorusskaya metro station, since the ring could not be arranged due to the business center being built in its place. The route is served by tram trains with two cabins - the tram train reaches a dead end, the driver moves to another cab and leads the tram back.

The Moscow tram network is one of the largest in the world. Its length is 416 kilometers of a single track (or in European terms - 208 km along the axis of the streets). Of these, 244 km of tracks are laid on a separate track, and 172 km of tracks are on the same level with the carriageway. The Moscow tram network has 908 turnouts, 499 level crossings for road transport, 11 railroad crossings, 356 equipped stopping sites.

41 tram routes connect the outskirts with metro stations as well as inter-district connections. Many tram routes are 10-15 kilometers long. The tram network is served by five depots, more than 900 carriages and one repair plant.

The complex of works on the technical maintenance, construction and modernization of tram tracks is carried out by a special track service with six distances.

The uninterrupted operation of the tram is ensured by the energy management service, the automation and communication service, the traffic service, the service for the maintenance of linear structures and others.

Overhaul and modernization of tram cars is carried out at the tram repair plant and the Sokolniki car repair plant (SVARZ).

The most common type of Moscow tram track coating is sand-concrete slabs (308 km). The length of asphalt roads is also great (60 km). 8 km of tracks have a block cover (these are sections with a sleeper-free structure), another 8 km are covered with cobblestones (before this type of coverage was much more common, by now it has been replaced by other types). At the intersection of tram tracks with highways, rubber panels are laid (7 km). Large-size reinforced concrete slabs (1 km) and rubber-reinforced concrete slabs (0.02 km) were laid only in a few areas. 25 km of tracks are unpaved

In Moscow, as of June 2012, the following types of wagons are in passenger service:

  • LM-99 series
  1. 71-134A (LM-99AE) - 45 units
  • LM-2008 series - 23 units
  1. 71-153 (LM-2008) - 2 units
  2. 71-153.3 (LM-2008) - 21 units
  • KTM-8 series - 249 units
  1. 71-608K - 53 units
  2. 71-608KM - 185 units
  3. 71-617 - 11 units
  • KTM-19 series - 418 units
  1. 71-619A - 194 units
  2. 71-619K - 125 units
  3. 71-619KS - 2 units
  4. 71-619KT - 95 units
  5. 71-621 - 1 unit
  6. KTMA - 1 unit
  • Series T3 - 188 units
  1. Tatra KT3R - 1 unit
  2. Tatra T3SU - 9 units
  3. MTTA - 14 units
  4. MTTD - 3 units
  5. MTTE -18 units
  6. MTTM - 20 units
  7. MTTCh - 124 units
  • Atypical wagons - 6 units
  1. 71-135 (LM-2000) - 1 unit
  2. 71-405-08 - 3 units
  3. VarioLF - 1 unit
  4. 71-630 - 1 unit

KTM-19 series

Tram device

Modern trams are very different from their predecessors in design, but the basic principles of the tram, giving rise to its advantages over other modes of transport, have remained unchanged. The wagon wiring diagram is arranged approximately like this: current collector (pantograph, yoke, or rod) - traction motor control system - traction motors (TED) - rails.

The traction motor control system is designed to change the strength of the current passing through the traction motor - that is, to change the speed. On old cars, a direct control system was used: in the cab there was a driver's controller - a round pedestal with a handle at the top. When the handle was turned (there were several fixed positions), a certain fraction of the current from the network was supplied to the traction motor. In this case, the rest of it turned into heat. Now there are no such cars left. Since the 60s, the so-called rheostat-contactor control system (RCSU) began to be used. The controller was split into two blocks and became more complex. The possibility of parallel and sequential switching of traction motors appeared (as a result, the car develops different speeds), and intermediate rheostat positions - thus, the acceleration process became much smoother. Now it is possible to couple cars according to a system of many units - when all motors and electrical circuits of cars are controlled from one driver's station. From the 1970s to the present, impulse control systems based on semiconductor element base have been introduced all over the world. The motor receives current pulses with a frequency of several tens of times per second. This allows for very high running smoothness and high energy savings. Modern trams equipped with a thyristor-pulse control system (such as the Voronezh KTM-5RM or Tatry-T6V5 in Voronezh until 2003) additionally save up to 30% of electricity due to TISU.

The principles of tram braking are similar to those in railway transport. On older trams, the brakes were pneumatic. The compressor produced compressed air, and with the help of a special system of devices, its energy pressed the brake pads to the wheels - just like on the railway. Now pneumatic brakes are used only on the cars of the Petersburg Tram-Mechanical Plant (PTMZ). Since the 1960s, trams have been using mainly electrodynamic braking. When braking, traction motors generate current, which is converted into thermal energy on rheostats (many series-connected resistors). For braking at low speeds, when electric braking is ineffective (when the car comes to a complete stop), shoe brakes acting on the wheels are used.

Low-voltage circuits (for lighting, signaling and all that) are powered by electric machine converters (or motor-generators - the one that constantly buzzes on Tatra-T3 and KTM-5 cars) or from silent semiconductor converters (KTM-8, Tatra-T6V5 , KTM-19 and so on).

Tram driving

Approximately the control process looks like this: the driver raises the pantograph (arc) and turns on the car, gradually turning the controller handle (on KTM cars), or presses the pedal (on the Tatras), the circuit is automatically assembled to move, more and more current flows to the traction motors, and the car is accelerating. When the required speed is reached, the driver sets the controller knob to zero position, the current is turned off, and the car inertia moves. Moreover, unlike trackless vehicles, it can move in this way for a rather long time (this saves a huge amount of energy). For braking, the controller is set to the braking position, the braking circuit is assembled, the traction motors are connected to the rheostats, and the car starts to brake. When a speed of about 3-5 km / h is reached, the mechanical brakes are automatically applied.

At key points of the tram network - as a rule, in the area of ​​revolving rings or forks - there are dispatch centers that control the operation of tram cars and their compliance with a pre-compiled timetable. Tram drivers are subject to fines for being late and overtaking the schedule - this feature of the organization of traffic significantly increases the predictability of passengers. In cities with a developed tram network, where the tram is now the main passenger carrier (Samara, Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk and others), passengers, as a rule, go to the stop from work and to work, knowing in advance the time of arrival of the passing car. Tram traffic throughout the system is monitored by a central dispatcher. In the event of accidents on the lines, the dispatcher uses the centralized communication system to indicate the bypass routes, which favorably distinguishes the tram from its closest relative, the metro.

Track and electrical facilities

In different cities, trams use different track gauges, most often the same as conventional railways, as, for example, in Voronezh - 1524 mm. For a tram in different conditions, both conventional railroad rails (only in the absence of paving) and special tram (grooved) rails, with a groove and a sponge, can be used, allowing the rail to be sunk into the pavement. In Russia, tram rails are manufactured from softer steel so that curves of a smaller radius can be made from them than on the railroad.

To replace the traditional - sleeper - laying of the rail, a new one is increasingly used, in which the rail is placed in a special rubber gutter located in a monolithic concrete slab (in Russia this technology is called Czech). Despite the fact that such a laying of the track is more expensive, the track laid in this way serves much longer without repair, completely dampens vibration and noise from the tram line, and eliminates stray currents; moving the line laid according to modern technology is not difficult for motorists. Lines based on Czech technology already exist in Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Samara, Kursk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and other cities.

But even without the use of special technologies, noise and vibration from the tram line can be minimized due to the correct laying of the track and its timely maintenance. The tracks must be laid on a crushed stone base, on concrete sleepers, which must then be covered with crushed stone, after which the line is asphalted or covered with concrete tiles (to absorb noise). The rail joints are welded, and the line itself is sanded as necessary using a rail-grinding car. Such cars were produced at the Voronezh tram-trolleybus repair plant (VRTTZ) and are available not only in Voronezh, but also in other cities of the country. The noise from the line laid in this way does not exceed the noise from the diesel engine of buses and trucks. Noise and vibrations from a carriage moving along a line laid according to Czech technology is less than the noise produced by buses by 10-15%.

In the early period of tram development, electrical networks were not yet sufficiently developed, therefore, almost every new tram economy included its own central power station. Now tram farms receive electricity from general-purpose electrical networks. Since the tram is powered by relatively low voltage direct current, it is too costly to transmit it over long distances. Therefore, traction-step-down substations are placed along the lines, which receive high-voltage alternating current from the networks and convert it into direct current suitable for supply to the overhead network. The nominal voltage at the output of the traction substation is 600 volts, the nominal voltage at the pantograph of the rolling stock is considered to be 550 V.

Motorized high-floor carriage X with a non-motorized trailer M on Revolyutsii Avenue. Such trams were two-axle, in contrast to the four-axle ones used now in Voronezh.

The KTM-5 tram car is a four-axle high-floor tram car of domestic production (UKVZ). The trams of this model were put into mass production in 1969. Since 1992, such trams have not been produced.

Modern four-axle high-floor carriage KTM-19 (UKVZ). These trams are now the basis of the fleet in Moscow, they are actively purchased by other cities, including such cars in Rostov-on-Don, Stary Oskol, Krasnodar ...

Modern articulated low-floor tram KTM-30 manufactured by UKVZ. In the next five years, such trams should become the basis for the high-speed tram network being created in Moscow.

Other features of the organization of tram traffic

Tram traffic is distinguished by a large carrying capacity of the lines. The tram is the second most transportable transport after the subway. Thus, a traditional tram line is capable of transporting a passenger traffic of 15,000 passengers per hour, a high-speed tram line is capable of carrying up to 30,000 passengers per hour, and a metro line is capable of taking out up to 50,000 passengers per hour. Bus and trolleybuses are twice as low as trams in terms of carrying capacity - for them it is only 7,000 passengers per hour.

The tram, like any rail transport, has a greater intensity of rolling stock (SS) turnover. That is, fewer tram cars are required than buses or trolleybuses to serve the same passenger traffic. The tram has the highest urban area efficiency coefficient (the ratio of the number of passengers carried to the area occupied on the carriageway) among the means of urban land transport. The tram can be used in coupling of several cars or in multi-meter articulated tram trains, which makes it possible to transport a mass of passengers with the help of one driver. This further reduces the cost of such transportation.

Also noteworthy is the relatively long service life of the tram substation. The guaranteed service life of the car before overhaul repair is 20 years (unlike a trolleybus or bus, where the service life without CWR does not exceed 8 years), and after CWR the service life is extended the same way. For example, in Samara there are Tatra-T3 cars with a 40-year history. The cost of CWR of a tram car is significantly lower than the cost of buying a new one and is carried out, as a rule, by the TTU. This also allows you to easily purchase used cars abroad (at prices 3-4 times lower than the cost of a new carriage) and use them without problems for about 20 years on the lines. Buying used buses is associated with large expenses for the repair of such equipment, and, as a rule, after purchase, such a bus cannot be used for more than 6-7 years. The factor of significantly longer service life and increased maintainability of the tram fully compensates for the high cost of purchasing a new substation. The present cost of a tram substation turns out to be almost 40% lower than for a bus.

Advantages of the tram

The initial costs (when creating a tram system), although high, are nevertheless lower than the costs required for building a metro, since there is no need for complete isolation of the lines (although at certain sections and junctions the line can pass through tunnels and overpasses, but there is no need to arrange them along the entire length of the route). However, the construction of a surface tram usually involves the redevelopment of streets and intersections, which increases the cost and leads to a deterioration in the traffic situation during construction.

· With a passenger traffic of more than 5,000 passengers per hour, the operation of a tram is cheaper than the operation of a bus and trolleybus.

· Unlike buses, trams do not pollute the air with combustion products and rubber dust from wheel friction on the asphalt.

· Unlike trolleybuses, trams are more electrically safe and more economical.

· The tram line is naturally detached by depriving it of the road surface, which is important in conditions of low driving culture. But even in conditions of high driving culture and in the presence of road surface, the tram line is more visible, which helps drivers to keep the designated lane for public transport free.

· Trams fit well into the urban environment of different cities, including the environment of cities with an established historical appearance. Various systems on overpasses, such as the monorail and some types of light rail transport, from an architectural and urban planning point of view, are well suited only for modern cities.

· The low flexibility of the tram network (provided it is in good condition) has a psychologically beneficial effect on the value of real estate. Property owners assume that the presence of rails guarantees the availability of a tram service, as a result, the property will be provided with transport, which entails a high price for it. According to the bureau Hass-Klau & Crampton, the value of real estate in the area of ​​tram lines is increasing by 5-15%.

· Trams provide more carrying capacity than buses and trolleybuses.

· Although a tram car is much more expensive than a bus and a trolleybus, trams have a much longer service life. If a bus rarely serves more than ten years, then a tram can be operated for 30-40 years, and subject to regular upgrades, even at this age, the tram will meet the comfort requirements. So, in Belgium, along with modern low-floor trams, PCC trams produced in 1971-1974 are successfully operated. Many of them have recently been upgraded.

· The tram can combine high-speed and non-high-speed sections within one system, and also have the ability to bypass emergency sections, in contrast to the subway.

· Tram cars can be coupled to trains in a multi-unit system, which saves on wages.

· A tram equipped with TISU saves up to 30% of electricity, and a tram system that allows the use of recuperation (return to the network during braking, when the electric motor works as an electric generator) of electricity, additionally saves up to 20% of energy.

· According to statistics, the tram is the safest mode of transport in the world.

Disadvantages of the tram

· Although the tram line in the construction is cheaper than the metro, it is much more expensive than the trolleybus and, moreover, the bus.

· The carrying capacity of trams is lower than that of the metro: 15,000 passengers per hour for the tram, and up to 30,000 passengers per hour in each direction for the light metro.

· Tram rails are dangerous for unwary cyclists and motorcyclists.

· An improperly parked vehicle or a traffic accident can stop traffic on a large section of the tram line. In the event of a tram breakdown, as a rule, it is pushed into the depot or onto a reserve track, followed by a train, which ultimately leads to two rolling stock units leaving the line at once. The tram network is characterized by a relatively low flexibility (which, however, can be compensated for by the branching of the network, which allows avoiding obstacles). The bus network is very easy to change if necessary (for example, in case of street renovation). When using duobuses, the trolleybus network also becomes very flexible. However, this disadvantage is minimized by using the tram on a separate track.

· The tram economy requires, albeit inexpensive, but constant maintenance and is very sensitive to its absence. Restoring a neglected farm is very expensive.

· Laying tram lines on streets and roads requires skillful track placement and complicates traffic management.

· The braking distance of the tram is noticeably longer than the braking distance of the car, which makes the tram a more dangerous road user on the combined track. However, according to statistics, the tram is the safest form of public transport in the world, while the route taxi is the most dangerous.

· Ground vibrations caused by trams can create acoustic discomfort for the occupants of the surrounding buildings and damage their foundations. With regular maintenance of the track (grinding to eliminate wavelike wear) and rolling stock (turning of wheelsets) vibrations can be greatly reduced, and with the use of improved track laying technologies, they can be minimized.

· If the track is poorly maintained, the reverse traction current can flow into the ground. "Stray currents" intensify the corrosion of nearby underground metal structures (cable sheaths, sewer and water pipes, building foundations reinforcement). However, with modern technology of laying rails, they are reduced to a minimum.


As for trams, I will remind you: and also interesting The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

The tram, in comparison with other types of land transport, has the following advantages: higher carrying capacity and lower specific energy consumption; lower capital construction costs compared to the metro; low cost of passenger transportation. At the same time, the tram also has disadvantages: low maneuverability and higher construction costs in comparison with a bus and a trolleybus; violation of the improvement of streets during the repair of tram tracks; the presence of stray currents that destroy underground structures.
Tram traffic in Russia was opened for the first time in Kiev in 1892. In Moscow, the tram was launched in 1899. By 1914, tram traffic existed in 35 cities of Russia; in Moscow, there were 840 tram cars and 6 tram fleets. However, urban electric transport, including trams, became widespread after the Great October Socialist Revolution. In November 1933, the first trolleybus entered the streets of Moscow, and in 1935 the Moscow Metro began transporting passengers. Tram traffic was also improved.
During the years of Soviet power, the domestic industry has mastered the production of many types of trams. The largest car-building and car-repair factories of the country were engaged in the production of tram cars. In the tram industry, the achievements of science and technology have been widely used and are being applied. In the post-war years, the country's industry serially produced two-axle trams KTM-1 and KTM-2 with trailer cars KTP-1 and KTP-2; four-axle MTV-82 and LM-49 with a trailer LP-49 car.
Beginning in the second half of the fifties, in Leningrad, the serial production of LM-57 cars equipped with multi-position controllers began. In 1960, the Riga Carriage Works (RVZ) began manufacturing comfortable RVZ-6 trams with rubberized wheelsets, silent bogies and equipped with modern electrical equipment.
Since 1959, in many cities of the Soviet Union, trams manufactured in Czechoslovakia have been put into operation: first T-1, T-2, and then T-3. These cars have a quiet running gear, a comfortable interior, an automatic control system and have good dynamic properties.
In the Urals, the production of domestic tram cars KTM-5MZ of large capacity, with high operational qualities, has been mastered.

Section I. General information
Chapter 1. Basic information from mechanics and electric traction
§ 1. Forces acting on the train in the mode of traction, coasting and braking
§ 2. Realization of traction and braking forces. Coupling weight and coefficient of adhesion
Chapter 2. Types of tram cars and their equipment
§ 3. Characteristics of tram cars and their technical data
§ 4. Types of equipment for passenger cars and their main units
Section II. Mechanical equipment of tram cars
Chapter 3. Bodies and trolleys
§ 5. Body structure. Ventilation and heating
§ 6. Types of tram bogies, their purpose and design
§ 7. Wheelsets
§ 8. Axleboxes, springs and shock absorbers
§ 9. Running gears of special-purpose wagons
Chapter 4. Transmission mechanisms
§ 10. General information on traction gears used on trams
§ 11. Transmission with axial support of the traction motor
§ 12. Transmission with frame suspension of the traction motor
§ 13. Cardan transmission
Chapter 5. Mechanical braking devices
§ 14. Purpose and types of mechanical brakes
§ 15. Block-wheel brake
§ 16. Drum brake
§ 17. Electromagnetic rail brake and its suspension
Chapter 6 Auxiliary Mechanical Equipment
§ 18. Coupling and impact traction devices
§ 19. Sandboxes
Section 20. Frontal safety devices
§ 21. Windscreen wiper drive and door mechanisms
Section III. Pneumatic equipment for tram cars
Chapter 7. General information on pneumatic equipment systems
§ 22. Use of compressed air on tram cars
§ 23. Pneumatic diagrams of tram cars
§ 24. Compressors
Chapter 8. Devices of the pressure system
§ 25. Tanks and drain valves. Safety and non-return valves
Section 26. Pressure reducing valve
Section 27. Filter, silencer and oil-moisture separator
Section 28. Electro-pneumatic pressure regulator
Chapter 9. Devices of the pneumatic brake system
Section 29. Driver's brake valve
§ 30. Brake cylinders. Sandbox mechanism
Section 31. Electro-pneumatic valves
§ 32 Changeover valve and automatic braking valve CM-2.
Section 33. Door mechanism drive and door control valve
Section 34. Pneumatic bell, frontal safety nets and wiper mechanism
Chapter 10. Body service devices
Section IV. Electrical equipment of tram cars
Chapter 11. Electric machines
§ 35. Design and characteristics of traction motors
§ 36. The principle of operation of the traction motor. Commutation and sparking of brushes
§ 37. Operation of the traction motor with starting mode, speed control
Section 38. Operation of the traction motor in electric braking mode
Section 39. Auxiliary electrical machines
Chapter 12. Electrical apparatus of power circuits
Section 40. General information
Section 41. Pantographs
Section 42. Controllers
Section 43. Group rheostat controller and accelerator
§ 44. Contactors
§ 45. Starting rheostats. Inductive shunts
Section 46. Protective devices
Chapter 13. Electrical apparatus for control and auxiliary circuits
Chapter 14. Wiring diagrams
Section 51. General information
§ 52. Schemes of blue chains of four-axle cars with a direct control system
§ 53. Diagrams of power circuits of cars with an indirect control system
§ 54. Control circuit of the RVZ-6 car
§ 55. Control furnace of the KTM-5MZ car
§ 56. Control circuit of the LM-68M car
§ 57. Control circuit of car T-3
4 58. The concept of the thyristor-pulse control system of the RVZ-7 car
§ 59. Operation of the KTM-5MZ, LM-68M and T-3 surge circuits according to the system of many units
§ 60. Auxiliary and signaling circuits
Section 47. Relay
Section 48. Storage battery
Section 49. Sound amplifier equipment
Section 50. Certain faults in electrical equipment
Section V. Power supply, track facilities, signaling
Chapter 15. Power supply and contact network
§ 61. Traction substations
§ 62. Power supply and protection of tram contact network
§ 63. The device of the contact network
Chapter 16. Tram tracks. Signaling and communication devices.
§ 64. Arrangement of the tram track
§ 65. Automatic arrows. Signaling and communication devices
Section VI. Traffic organization, driving technique and rules of technical operation of trams. Safety precautions. Fire-fighting measures. First aid
Chapter 17. Organization of Traffic and Tram Driving Technique
§ 66. Technical documentation on the organization of tram traffic. Driver's attendance at work
Section 67. Procedure for accepting a train
Section 68. Technique for driving a tram train
Section 69. Malfunctions of tram cars and their elimination
Section 70. Rules for traffic on the line and return of the train to the depot
Section 71. Special conditions for the operation of trains
Chapter 18. Rules of technical operation of trams. Safety engineering
Section 72. Rules for the technical operation of trams
Section 73. Tram service and repair system
§ 74. Safety and fire safety regulations. First aid

The birthday of this wonderful type of transport is March 25 (April 7, in a new style), 1899, when a carriage bought in Germany at the Siemens and Halske company went on its maiden voyage from Brest (now Belorussky) to Butyrsky (now Savyolovsky) railway station ... However, city transport was in Moscow before. His role was played by the ten-seater horse-drawn carriages that appeared in 1847, popularly nicknamed "rulers".

The first rail horse tram was built in 1872 to serve visitors to the Polytechnic Exhibition, and immediately fell in love with the townspeople. The horse tram car had an upper open area called the imperial, where a steep spiral staircase led. This year at the parade was presented horse car, recreated from old photographs on the basis of a preserved frame, converted into a tower for the repair of the contact network.

In 1886, a steam tram began to run from Butyrskaya Zastava to Petrovskaya (now Timiryazevskaya) Agricultural Academy, affectionately called "steam train" by Muscovites. Due to the fire hazard, he could only walk on the outskirts, and in the center cab drivers were still playing the first violin.

The first regular route of an electric tram in Moscow was laid from Butyrskaya Zastava to Petrovsky Park, and soon the tracks were even laid along Red Square. From the beginning to the middle of the XX century, the tram occupied the niche of the main public transport in Moscow. But the horse tram did not immediately leave the stage, only from 1910 the coachmen were retrained to become carriage drivers, and the conductors simply switched from a horse tram to an electric one without additional training.

From 1907 to 1912, more than 600 were delivered to Moscow cars of brand "F" (lamppost), produced at once by three factories in Mytishchi, Kolomna and Sormovo.

At the 2014 parade showed car "F", recovered from the loading platform, with a trailed car of the MaN type ("Nuremberg").

Immediately after the revolution, the tram network fell into disrepair, passenger traffic was disrupted, the tram was used mainly to transport firewood and food. With the arrival of the NEP, the situation began to improve gradually. In 1922, 13 regular routes were put into operation, the production of passenger cars grew rapidly, and the steam train line was electrified. At the same time, the famous routes "A" (along the Boulevard Ring) and "B" (along the Sadovoye, later replaced by a trolleybus) appeared. And there were also "C" and "D", as well as the grandiose circular route "D", which did not last long.

After the revolution, the aforementioned three factories switched to the production of BF (lampless) carriages, many of which walked along Moscow streets until 1970. Participated in the parade car "BF", since 1970, has been carrying out towing work at the Sokolniki Carriage Repair Plant.

In 1926, the first Soviet tram of the KM type (Kolomensky motor), which was distinguished by its increased capacity, got on the rails. Unique reliability allowed KM trams to remain in service until 1974.

History presented at the parade KM carriage No. 2170 is unique: it was in it that Gleb Zheglov detained pickpocket Kirpich in the television movie "The meeting place cannot be changed", the same tram flashes in "Pokrovskie gates", "The Master and Margarita", "Cold Summer of the 53rd", "The sun shines for everyone", " Legal Marriage "," Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald "," Stalin's Funeral "...

The Moscow tram reached its peak in 1934. It transported 2.6 million people per day (with the then four million population). After the opening of the metro in 1935-1938, the volume of traffic began to decline. In 1940, a tram schedule was formed from 5:30 am to 2:00 am, which is still in effect. During the Great Patriotic War, tram traffic in Moscow was almost never interrupted, even a new line was laid in Tushino. Immediately after the Victory, work began on the transfer of tram lines from all main streets in the city center to less congested parallel streets and lanes. This process continued for many years.

For the 800th anniversary of Moscow in 1947, the Tushino plant developed MTV-82 carriage with a body unified with the MTB-82 trolleybus.

However, due to the wide "trolleybus" dimensions, the MTV-82 did not fit into many curves, and the next year the shape of the cabin was changed, and a year later the production was transferred to the Riga Carriage Works.

In 1960, 20 copies were delivered to Moscow tram RVZ-6... For only 6 years they were operated by the Apakovsky depot, after which they were transferred to Tashkent, which suffered from the earthquake. Shown at the parade RVZ-6 No. 222 was kept in Kolomna as a teaching aid.

In 1959, the first batch of much more comfortable and technologically advanced Tatra T2 wagons who opened the "Czechoslovak era" in the history of the Moscow tram. The prototype of this tram was an American RCC-type carriage. It’s hard to believe, but the “Tatra” # 378 parade, which took part in the parade, was a barn for many years, and enormous efforts were required to restore it.

In our climate, the "Czechs" T2 proved to be unreliable, and practically especially for Moscow, and then for the entire Soviet Union, the Tatra-Smikhov plant began to produce new trams T3... It was the first luxury car with a large spacious driver's cabin. In 1964-76, Czech carriages completely ousted the old types from Moscow streets. In total, Moscow purchased more than 2,000 T3 trams, some of which are still in operation.

In 1993 we acquired several more Tatra cars Т6В5 and Т7В5, which served only until 2006-2008. They also took part in the current parade.

In the 1960s, it was decided to expand the network of tram lines to those residential areas where the metro would not reach soon. This is how high-speed (isolated from the carriageway) lines appeared to Medvedkovo, Horoshevo-Mnevniki, Novogireevo, Chertanovo, Strogino. In 1983, the executive committee of the Moscow City Council decided to build several outbound high-speed tram lines to the Butovo, Kosino-Zhulebino, Novye Khimki and Mitino microdistricts. The subsequent economic crisis did not allow these ambitious plans to come true, and transport problems were already solved in our time during the construction of the metro.

In 1988, due to a lack of funds, purchases of Czech cars were stopped, and the only way out was to purchase new domestic trams of comparatively inferior quality. At this time, the Ust-Katavsky Carriage Works in the Chelyabinsk Region mastered the production of model KTM-8... Especially for the narrow streets of Moscow, the KTM-8M model with a reduced size was developed. Later, new models were delivered to Moscow KTM-19, KTM-21 and KTM-23... None of these cars participated in the parade, but we can see them on the streets of the city every day.

All over Europe, in many Asian countries, in Australia, in the USA, the newest high-speed tram systems with low-floor cars moving along a separate track are now being created. Often, for this purpose, the traffic of cars is specially removed from the central streets. Moscow cannot abandon the global vector of development of public transport, and last year it was decided to purchase 120 Foxtrot cars co-produced by the Polish company PESA and Uralvagonzavod.

The first 100% low-floor cars in Moscow were assigned a numerical item 71-414... The car is 26 meters long with two articulations and four doors and can accommodate up to 225 passengers. The new domestic tram KTM-31 has similar characteristics, but its low floor volume is only 72%, but it costs one and a half times cheaper.

At 9:30 the trams started from the depot. Apakov to Chistye Prudy. I went to MTV-82, simultaneously filming the convoy from the cab and the passenger compartment of the tram.

Behind were the post-war types of carriages.

Ahead - pre-war, on the way meeting with modern cars of the KTM type.

Muscovites watched with amazement the unusual procession; many fans of retro trams with cameras gathered in some areas.

From the photos of the saloons and driver's cabs of the cars participating in the parade presented below, one can estimate what evolution the Moscow tram has made over 115 years of its existence:

Cab of the KM carriage (1926).

Tatra T2 cab (1959).

PESA carriage cabin (2014).

Salon KM (1926).

Salon Tatra T2 (1959).

Salon PESA (2014).

Salon PESA (2014).


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