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Every day public transport travels hundreds of kilometers and burns hundreds of liters of fuel. But with the growth of cities, the need for public transport is increasing, the load on the roads is growing, and with this, the number of exhaust gases, soot, dust and grime in the air. Drivers, passengers and pedestrians breathe all this. Probably, in every major city of Russia there is an urgent need for such a system. public transport, which caused minimal damage to the environment, met the environmental requirements of our time.

While in Russia the problem is just beginning to become acute, a number of cities around the world have already taken the first steps to change the situation for the better. For example, in New York, the program of transferring urban transport to alternative energy sources has existed for more than 20 years. According to it, buses on liquefied gas run through the streets of the city, and old diesel buses must be replaced with newer ones, with additional filters.

A similar situation exists in the capital of Great Britain. In March 2006, hybrid buses appeared on the streets of London. All buses have been successfully tested. The city authorities, inspired by this, announced that in the near future all buses, without exception, will run on hybrid engines. More recently, Londoners have become participants in another experiment with public transport - 10 buses have appeared in the city, which are powered by fuel cells running on compressed hydrogen. Passengers have already appreciated their quietness and smooth running. At the same time, ecological buses develop a fairly serious speed - up to 80 km / h.

The capital of China, Beijing, now runs 1,000 hybrid buses. They only use 29.5 liters of gasoline per 100 km. This amount of fuel is used to generate electricity, which is needed to propel the bus. Environmentalists note a significant reduction in harmful emissions into the atmosphere and an improvement in the environmental situation in the city. The mayor of Beijing donated several of these buses to the Moscow government.

The situation is interesting in Hamburg, Germany, where the Clean Urban Transport for Europe program is being implemented quite successfully. As part of the program, 30 hydrogen-powered buses travel around the city. Hydrogen as a fuel is notable for the fact that when it is burned, water is formed. At the same time, no exhaust gases and combustion products are emitted into the atmosphere. The only difficulty is that the separation of pure hydrogen is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but the Hamburg authorities hope to solve this problem soon.

In Russia, since 2010, ecobuses have been operating quite successfully in Krasnodar. It is noteworthy that all of them are the development of the Engels trolleybus plant. These buses run on natural gas and electricity. Like all vehicles powered by electricity, they are silent. Eco-buses are quite friendly to the environment - the emission of harmful substances is significantly reduced.

Experiments on the introduction of eco-buses as public transport are now being carried out in many cities of Russia, including Moscow. Therefore, taking into account global trends, we can safely assume that the public transport systems of large cities in Russia may soon be revised in favor of the introduction of ecological buses.

The city authorities have found a replacement for the usual trolleybuses. Now new ones will move in the center of the capital. eco-friendly buses LIAZ (Euro-5 engine). Modern buses, or rather electric buses, should start moving around the city by the end of December.

Make way for electric buses!

Speaking at the radio station "Moscow speaking", the head of the Moscow Department of Transport Maxim Liksutov spoke about the prospects of the capital's trolleybuses.

During the discussion, he said that the overhead power grid has long been outdated, and this leads to large losses of electricity (about 30%). In addition, the ecological bus, which is planned to be used instead of trolleybuses, will help to purify the air over the city.

Maxim Stanislavovich noted that trolleybus routes will not go anywhere, just new modern buses will appear in their place. And this, in turn, will make life easier for motorists - after all, electric buses have a much greater degree of maneuverability compared to trolleybuses.

Also M. Liksutov emphasized that the tram network has been actively developing in the city for the last few years. Old tracks are being reconstructed, stops appear, a new fleet with modern low-floor trams is purchased.

Ecobuses - the transport of the future

The ecological LIAZ bus with a Man engine of the Euro-5 standard is an excellent alternative to trolleybuses. The new generation Russian bus runs on modern types of fuel (diesel, electricity and gas), it has already passed a number of certification tests and is completely ready for operation.

The new electric bus meets all environmental requirements. The use of the Euro-5 standard will reduce hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere by 143 times! Not to mention the emissions of other substances.

In addition, the new series of buses is distinguished by comfortable cabins, the latest air conditioning and heating systems, as well as other fashionable features.

The importance of transport for humanity can hardly be overestimated. From time immemorial, he played an important role, constantly developing and improving. The scientific and technological revolution that took place in the 20th century, population growth, urbanization and many other factors brought its development to a completely new level.

However, at the same time, a problem arose: a huge number of vehicles caused the deterioration of the ecological situation on a global scale. That is why more and more attention is being paid today to the development of ecological modes of transport.

Any transport for which the production of energy is not associated with the combustion of hydrocarbons can be called environmentally friendly. The exception is atomic reactions, which are not used in land transport. Biodiesel, engine internal combustion alcohol also burns carbon, so they cannot be classified as environmentally friendly modes of transport. It is most correct to classify ecotransportation by engine type.

Electric drive

At the moment it is the fastest growing type of environmentally friendly transport. A great future is prescribed for him, and this has already been noticed by all major automotive concerns. Several thousand electric vehicles are already on the roads of the world. Moreover, future electric car will not have such large dimensions and cost as the famous Tesla electric car... Rather, it will be a kind of rickshaw with a cab or with an ordinary car body made of plastic. On average, in order for an electric car to compete with a gasoline one, it needs to weigh four times less. There are similar examples in the automotive industry.

The main problem with electric vehicles is batteries. They are already the only limitation to the mass production of electric vehicles. All other technical limitations were overcome 50 and 100 years ago. The electric motor has more efficiency than gasoline. Its resource is much higher, and the complexity of manufacturing is small. In addition, he does not need a checkpoint. Most mass-produced electric vehicles are now manufactured with lithium batteries. They are very expensive. Sodium sulfide batteries have been proposed as an alternative. At the moment, stationary sodium sulfide storage stations with a capacity of more than 1 MW are used in Japan. Perhaps, in the future, they will appear on electric vehicles.

Hydrogen engines

Hydrogen is the most energy-intensive fuel in the world. The calorific value of one weight part of pure gaseous hydrogen is 2.5 times higher than that of gasoline. This means that the weight reserve of hydrogen in the cylinder can be as many times less. Combustion of hydrogen can occur in normal piston engine... At the same time, there are technological difficulties. Due to the high combustion temperature, it is necessary to reinforce the cylinder block with ceramics, which is very difficult and expensive.

For this reason, catalysts - installations for the flameless combustion of hydrogen - are of particular interest. However, they require bottled oxygen and the cost is also high. When hydrogen is oxidized in the catalyst, an electric current is generated. Such an installation works silently and with high efficiency. Unfortunately, the high price tag does not bode well for mainstream hydrogen cars. Nowadays, they also drive on the roads.

There are other solutions in the field of ecotransportation: pneumatic motors, chemical batteries (heat or current is released during metal oxidation), mechanical energy storage, a spring drive. While all of them are at the development stage, giving way to electric vehicles.

Air vehicle

Currently, air vehicles (pneumatic vehicles) are produced, the so-called vehicles that have a pneumatic engine, for the operation of which compressed air is used. The accumulation of energy occurs by pumping it into the cylinders. Then, passing through the distribution system, the compressed air enters the air motor, which drives the machine. Thus, when driving at low speed or a short distance, such a car uses only air, without harming the environment.


In a number of countries, postal workers, golfers, police officers and many other categories of citizens travel by means of transport such as segways. It is a self-balancing scooter with two wheels on either side of the rider. Segway balancing occurs automatically and depends on the position of the rider's body: when it is tilted back, the scooter slows down, stops or moves reverse, and when leaning forward, it starts moving or accelerates. Each wheel of the Segway has its own electric motor, which reacts to the slightest changes in the balance of the vehicle. The engine is powered by lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, they are recharged automatically when descending from the mountain. A full charge is enough for 8 hours. You can also use a regular outlet - 15 minutes of charging is enough for about 1.6 kilometers.

Electric unicycle (segwile)

Monowheel (segwil) - an electric self-balancing scooter with only one wheel and footpegs located on either side of it, first appeared in 2012 in the United States. It is equipped with a powerful electric motor (250-2000 W) and gyroscopes for automatic balancing. When the power is on, the gyroscopes align the wheel with the axis, thus maintaining balance. The scooter also has accelerometers and various sensors.

The vehicle is controlled by changing the inclination of the body: when leaning back, the segvil brakes or changes direction, when the center of gravity is shifted forward, it accelerates. When the scooter stops, the rider must lean on his foot. This type of transport is most widespread in China.

Urban ecotransport

Probably, everyone knows such types of ecological transport as trolleybus and tram. They are both powered by electricity and are designed to carry passengers.

The tram is one of the first types of urban public transport, appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, then it was set in motion with the help of a horse-drawn carriage. First electric tram appeared in 1881 in Germany.

The trolleybus appeared as the first experimental trolleybus line in 1882, also in Germany. Moreover, at first, trolleybuses were operated only as an additional transport to the tram. The first fully trolleybus line opened in 1933 in Moscow.

Bike and scooter

There is probably no person who would never try to ride a scooter or bicycle. These wheeled vehicles are propelled by the subject's muscular strength. In a bicycle, foot pedals are used for this purpose, and in a scooter, movement is ensured by repeatedly pushing the foot off the ground. On a bicycle, a person occupies a sitting position, while on a scooter he stands holding the handlebars. Scooters are now used not only for entertainment by children, but along with bicycles are also used by adults: postal workers, police and even ambulance workers.

Many people in Europe and America prefer to get to work on a bicycle, in Tokyo on a scooter, since, on the one hand, there is no need to stand in traffic jams, and on the other hand, due to physical activity, the body becomes healthier.

Every year the need to use ecological transport is growing, since the functioning of the current transport system with the release of pollutants into the air is increasingly degrading the ecosystem of our planet.

The government of the Russian Federation stubbornly persecutes the owners of old vehicles. This time, the owners of buses and trucks of venerable age may face another increase in the transport tax on this particular type of vehicle.

Thus, the production of new equipment will be further stimulated due to the faster elimination of low-emission vehicles from the market for passenger and freight road transport.

Amendments to the Tax Code are already being developed. According to experts, they will enter into force no earlier than 2019. It is too early to talk about specific tax rates. The document is in the process of being developed by the Ministry of Finance, so the department does not have the final information yet. However, the regions have already received the right to change rates on the basis of their own decision, provided that it does not contradict the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Since 2013, the Ministry of Finance has been persistently trying to implement the idea of ​​linking the transport tax to the characteristics of the engine: its volume, environmental class. The decisive factor should be the age of the car. If we consider trucks that move on Russian roads, then the engine of the overwhelming majority does not even correspond to the Euro-2 class. The age of the majority of commercial vehicles in operation is on average 15 years.

According to representatives domestic auto industry, such a number of trucks, of course, causes enormous environmental damage. However, the interest of such "experts" is quite justified. Sell ​​a new domestic truck it is not so easy for an ordinary Russian buyer.

Therefore, it is better to deprive him of the right to drive an existing old truck or bus. And then the domestic consumer will still turn to a car dealership - on a voluntary-compulsory basis. But the car sales plan will probably be exceeded.

However, such a scenario development is not at all necessary. There is still time until 2019. In the meantime, trucks with a Euro-2 class engine are already deprived of the right to move along Moscow streets. And at the same time, owners of electric vehicles are completely exempted from paying transport tax.

Video: Rent of special equipment and transportation services without intermediaries!

Three quarters of urban passenger traffic by 2030 will be carried out by metro, electric buses, gas buses and other environmentally friendly transport. The Ministry of Transport told Izvestia about such plans. So far, only half of the passenger traffic in Russia is harmless to the environment. The Ministry of Natural Resources records that emissions from vehicles are growing and the current level of pollution is fraught with more than 80 diseases of citizens.

By 2030, in the largest cities and urban agglomerations, at least 70-75% of passenger traffic should be carried out by environmentally friendly transport, according to the Ministry of Transport. The department told Izvestia about this.

We are talking about buses powered by natural gas and vehicles with electric motors - trams, trolleybuses, subways, electric trains, cars and hybrids, funiculars, cable cars, electric buses and so on. According to Rosstat data for 2017, on average across the country, environmentally friendly transport accounted for just over half of urban passenger traffic. About 47% of urban passenger traffic was carried out by buses and route taxis... Most of them are not environmentally friendly: 95% of buses run on diesel fuel, according to the data of the interregional trade union of public transport workers.

The Ministry of Transport assumes that the transition to environmentally friendly transport will reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Motor transport is one of the main sources of air pollution in large cities, according to the latest final report of the Ministry of Natural Resources, presented on the agency's website. The volume of emissions from vehicles continues to increase and in 2017 amounted to 14.5 million tons, the document says.

Impact dangerous factors environmental health is associated with more than 80 diseases and types of injury. Thanks to the provision of a healthier environment, 13 million deaths in the world could be prevented annually, - the report of the Ministry of Natural Resources says.

Almost all buses in Russia run on diesel fuel, their re-equipment will require capital investments, said Yuri Dashkov, chairman of the interregional trade union of public transport workers. Now there are about 30 "gas" passenger car fleets in the country (two of them are in Moscow). Retrofitting diesel bus gas costs 60-80 thousand rubles, the expert said. At the same time, the blue fuel itself is almost one and a half times cheaper, he noted. Also, gas stations for refueling buses will have to be installed in vehicle fleets - they will cost about 1 million rubles each, said Yuri Dashkov.

In many European countries, for example, in the Netherlands and France, urban electric transport is already actively used and Russia should take this experience into service, believes Alexander Lytkin, an expert of the National Expert Council for Training and Testing of Drivers. However, a complete transition to electric transport is impractical due to the high price of electricity, he said.

Gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fuel in the world, as it burns without the formation of smoke, said Alexander Pavlov, director of operations at FM Logistic. When using it engine oil can be changed twice less often, he added. Gas transport is popular in India, Colombia, Pakistan due to the low cost of fuel, the expert said.

Earlier it became known that sales of electric vehicles in Russia increased by 72% in eight months compared to the period from January to August 2017. However, there are still only about 2.5 thousand electric cars in Russia.


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