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The functional crane equipment provides a mixed control system - pneumatic and hydraulic type. The drums and shaft devices are set in active motion by pneumatic chamber couplings, and the crane can be made to move in the other direction by a reversing mechanism. The crane speed can be easily adjusted by means of a turbo converter. This functional element consumes energy from the crane hydraulics.

The undercarriage receives supports with screw jacks. On the site, a heavy car freely moves with a load at a speed of up to three kilometers per hour. The equipment can be transported by rail on a platform. Before loading on it, craftsmen must remove all wheels and separate the boom sections. They need to be stacked from the top to the bottom. For loading, a crane is used, the lifting capacity of which is twenty-five tons.
If you need to transport KS-4361 or KS-4361A for a decent distance, you will need to use a tractor and hitch, that is, to drag it in tow. To do this, the gearbox is set in neutral, the propeller shaft is retracted, and the steering cylinders are disengaged. Movement often develops at speeds up to twenty kilometers per hour. But when cornering, it is better to reduce it by about six to seven times.

Pneumatic equipment in terms of technical characteristics is fully consistent with its basic model. The body and the driver's cab underwent modernization - significant changes were made to their design, which made it possible to perform lifting operations most efficiently and efficiently.

Despite its decent age, this crane has not yet lost its relevance. Due to the ability to move with the load on the boom with minimal risk of overturning, it is still actively used in various warehouses and harvesting areas when loading timber into vehicles.

Description KS-4361A

The equipment is powered by a diesel engine equipped with a torque converter.

The main set of working equipment includes: a 10 m long boom ( equipped with a motion limiter preventing it from rolling back when operating at minimum reach), a hook with a lifting capacity of 16 t and a grabvolume of 1.5 cubic meters. In addition to the basic kit, the manufacturer supplies a set of replacement equipment, which includes boom extensions in the form of 5-meter sections and a 6-meter jib without adjustment. Removable sections allow to increase the length up to 15 m, 20 m and 25 m.

The Yurginsky Machine-Building Plant equips the lifting equipment of this model with a pneumohydraulic control system. Pneumatic chamber couplings control winch and reverse shafts, drums, rotary and reversing mechanisms. Adjustment of operating speeds is carried out by means of a turbo transformer, which is fed from the hydraulic system of the crane.

Attention! Every 4000 operating hours must be performed Maintenance KS-4361A.

Dimensions of pneumatic

The undercarriage is equipped with jacks adjustable by means of screw jacks, at the ends of which are small shoes. Within the working site, the equipment moves on its own at an approximate speed of up to 3 km / h. The movement of the load on the hook is allowed when the boom length does not exceed 15 m, while the boom must be directed along the longitudinal axis.

Transportation of KS-4361A by road is carried out by towing on a tractor with a movement speed of no more than 20 km / h, and on turns or slopes - no more than 3 km / h. The crane is attached to the tractor using a coupling device. Before towing, it is necessary to remove the propeller shaft of one of the axles and turn off the wheel turning cylinders, and set the gearbox to neutral.

Transportation of equipment by rail is carried out on a four-axle platform. On the platform KS-4361A installed using an assembly crane with a lifting capacity of at least 25 tons. Before loading, it is necessary to remove the pneumatic wheels from the equipment, and disconnect the sections and lay the upper one on the lower one. Replaceable boom jibs are transported on a separate platform.

Kinematic diagram

The mechanisms of this lifting equipment are driven by a turbo transformer 35. The design uses one three-drum winch, on the common shaft of which the drums of the cargo, boom and grab are fixed.

Insofar as crane KS-4361A is equipped with a single-engine drive, it is rather difficult to clearly define the main and auxiliary hoist winches on its kinematic diagram. For this reason, the scheme considers the design of only those mechanisms that have a direct connection with the executive bodies, that is, the drums.

Torque converter device TRK-325

In the case of the TRK-325 torque converter there are three wheels: pump 1, turbine 2 and guide 3, or a reactor. The reactor is rigidly connected to the housing, the pump drive wheel is driven by the motor shaft 4, and the driven turbine wheel is connected to the driven shaft.

For cooling working fluid the device has a radiator 5. The liquid is driven through it by means of a gear pump 6. The transformer circuit also includes hydraulic tanks 7, a filter, a bypass valve and a freewheel. When the turbine and impeller wheels rotate at the same frequency, a clutch starts to move, connecting shafts 4 and 8.

The direction of fluid movement in the system is regulated by a pneumatic pusher, spool, diffuser and ejector. The transformer is turned off by draining the fluid from the system. Additionally, a brake can be installed on the shaft 8, which is controlled by the crane operator KS-4361A.

A pneumatic control system is mounted on the actuators, which includes pneumatic chambers and pipelines and a control panel with a pneumatic valve, as well as a receiver, refrigerator, compressor and oil-moisture separator.

Getting into the compressor 13, the air is compressed in the I stage, passes through the refrigerator and the oil-moisture separator, where it is cleaned of oil and moisture impurities and compressed in the II stage to 0.6-0.7 MPa, after which it enters the receiver, from where it is fed through the pipeline to the control panel 3. From it, compressed air is supplied through pipelines and rotating joints 10 to the pneumatic chamber couplings 7 of the crane mechanisms. When any of the mechanisms is turned off, air from the couplings is released into the atmosphere. Quick release of the brakes is provided by valves 8 installed in the systems of the turbo transformer, brake and pneumatic chamber couplings.

By equipping the systems of mechanisms with flow regulators 18 platform KS-4361A rotates smoothly. The control is carried out from the remote control by means of spools. Mechanisms, the control of which does not require a change in the pressure in the system, are equipped with direct-acting spools. If external forces are required for closing, differential spools are installed on them. Single-motor cranes - motor internal combustion- equipped with differential spools installed on mechanisms with friction clutches.

Control cabin device

The electrical equipment of the crane is used to illuminate the cab and power the headlights, as well as to turn on the light or sound alarm. Operations such as starting the engine, heating the cab, ventilating it and heating the diesel engine are also performed using electrical equipment. As a source direct current the generator G-66 is used, powered by a diesel engine. The generator is driven by a gear train. The G-66 generator is also used for recharging battery 6ST-42.

Voltage regulation on the generator is carried out using a relay device, which includes voltage relay, a current limiter and a reverse current relay used to maintain the battery charge when the diesel engine is not running. The generator is protected against short circuits by fuses.

When the diesel engine is not running, the mains supply is supplied from the storage battery. It also works with an electric starter starting motor... The magnitude of the charging and discharging currents is determined by an ammeter.

The electrical system also includes converters installed on the engine, compressor and oil tank of the turbo transformer. With their help, information is transmitted to devices that control the temperature and pressure of water and oil in a diesel engine, compressor and turbo transformer.

When the diesel engine is running, the system provides power to the electromagnet through a special relay. The solenoid circuit is used to control the boom using a limit switch. Once the arrow KS-4361A reaches the limit position, the switch is triggered - while the spool installed in the electromagnet circuit turns off the turbo transformer and turns on the winch braking device. The braked drum fixes the boom in the end position, preventing it from rolling back onto the platform.

To return the boom to the operating position, a control button is used that bypasses the limit switch. The load capacity limiter OGP-1, which blocks the operation of the cargo winch, is also activated by pressing a button. Another button located on the control panel is designed to turn on the sound signal. The system also includes a socket for a portable lamp for use during repairs. To prevent the boom from falling back onto the platform when working at the minimum reach, stops with flexible elements are used in the design.

Rope traction device

The cable traction 2 passes through the boom 4 along the deflecting rollers 1 and is attached to the platform. The ropes are supported by springs 3, which prevent the traction from sagging. The tension on the rope keeps the boom in an inclined position, preventing it from falling.

Technical characteristics of the mobile crane KS-4361A

Carrying capacity, T:

On supports:


Without supports:

At the smallest hook overhang

At the greatest outreach of the hook

Hook outreach, m:



The greatest

Hook lifting height, m:

At the smallest hook overhang

At the greatest outreach of the hook


Lifting the main hook, m / min

Lowering, m / min

0 - 10

Rotation frequency of the turntable, rpm

0,5 - 2,8

Self-propelled crane movement, km / h

3; 15

Smallest turning radius (outside wheel), m


Greatest angle of ascent of the path, hail




Power, h.p.

Wheel track, m:



Crane weight, T


Including counterweight, T

Carrying capacity when driving and overcoming angle of rise on the way in transport position

* - The lifting capacity is indicated with the boom positioned along the axis of the crane.
** - In the denominator - the permissible angle of inclination of the crane when working on outriggers.

Competitive advantages and technical characteristics of the self-propelled boom crane on the pneumatic drive KS-4361A Yurginets with a lifting capacity of 16 tons.

Crane KS4361, KS4361A - diesel single-engine with a torque converter. The set of working equipment includes a main boom with a length of 10 m, a hook with a lifting capacity of 16 t and a grab with a capacity of 1.5 m3, attached to 10- and 15-meter booms. Replaceable equipment are extended booms 15, 20 and 25 m long, obtained from the main boom by inserting 5-meter sections, and an uncontrolled jib 6 m long.

The KS-4361A crane is a modernized model of the KS-4361 crane with a modified design of the body and driver's cab. All the main characteristics of the crane correspond to the basic model KS4361.

dimensions crane KS-4361A

Running device the crane is equipped with outriggers with screw jacks with small shoes at the ends.
The crane can move around the site under its own power, including with a load on the hook at a speed of up to 3 km / h... Movement with a load on a hook is allowed on the site with an arrow of 10 - 15 m directed along the longitudinal axis of the crane.
Over long distances by road, the crane is transported in tow to the tractor using a coupling device. In the process of relocating the crane, the gearbox is set to the neutral position, the wheel turning cylinders are turned off, the propeller shaft of one of the axles is removed. Towing speed should not exceed 20 km / h, and on inclines and turns, the speed should be reduced to 3 km / h.
The crane is transported by rail on a four-axle platform. Before loading the crane onto the platform, remove all pneumatic wheels, disconnect the boom sections, placing the upper section on the lower one. The crane is loaded onto the platform using an assembly crane with a lifting capacity of 25 T... If there are replaceable boom sections, they are placed on the second platform.

Technical characteristics of the mobile crane KS-4361A

Carrying capacity, T:

On supports:

Without supports:

At the smallest hook overhang

At the greatest outreach of the hook

Hook outreach, m:


The greatest

Hook lifting height, m:

At the smallest hook overhang

At the greatest outreach of the hook


Lifting the main hook, m / min

Lowering, m / min

Rotation frequency of the turntable, rpm

Self-propelled crane movement, km / h

Smallest turning radius (outside wheel), m

Greatest angle of ascent of the path, hail


Power, h.p.

Wheel track, m:


Crane weight, T

Including counterweight, T

Lifting capacity during movement and overcoming angle of rise on the way in the transport position of the KS-4361A crane

* - The lifting capacity is indicated with the boom positioned along the axis of the crane.
** - In the denominator - the permissible angle of inclination of the crane when working on outriggers.

Characteristics of the main and replacement boom equipment of the KS-4361A crane

Device - pneumatic wheel crane KS-4361A

The KS4361A crane is a single-engine diesel crane with a torque converter. The set of working equipment includes a main boom with a length of 10 m, a hook with a lifting capacity of 16 t and a grab with a capacity of 1.5 m3, attached to 10- and 15-meter booms. Replaceable equipment are extended booms 15, 20 and 25 m long, obtained from the main boom by inserting 5-meter sections, and an uncontrolled jib 6 m long. The boom is equipped with a limiter that prevents it from being thrown back onto the platform when operating at minimum outreach.

The KS4361A crane is a modernized model of the KS-4361 crane with a redesigned body and driver's cab. All the main characteristics of the crane correspond to the basic model KS-4361.

The crane is equipped with a mixed pneumohydraulic control system. The shafts of the winches and reverse, as well as drums, are switched on using pneumatic chamber couplings; the direction of movement of the mechanisms of rotation and movement of the crane is changed by a reversing mechanism and bevel gears. The inclusion of the reversing mechanism is also provided by pneumatic chamber couplings. The operating speeds of the crane are regulated within wide limits by means of a turbo transformer powered by the hydraulic system of the crane.

The crane running gear is equipped with outriggers with screw jacks with small shoes at the ends. The crane can move around the site under its own power, including with a load on the hook at a speed of up to 3 km / h. Movement with a load on a hook is allowed on the site with a boom of 10 - 15 m directed along the longitudinal axis of the crane.

Over long distances by road, the crane is transported in tow to the tractor using a coupling device. In the process of relocating the crane, the gearbox is set to the neutral position, the wheel turning cylinders are turned off, the propeller shaft of one of the axles is removed. The towing speed should not exceed 20 km / h, and on slopes and turns the speed should be reduced to 3 km / h.

The crane is transported by rail on a four-axle platform. Before loading the crane onto the platform, remove all pneumatic wheels, disconnect the boom sections, placing the upper section on the lower one. The crane is loaded onto the platform using an assembly crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. If replaceable boom sections are available, they are placed on the second platform.

All executive bodies of the mechanisms on the KS-4361 crane are set in motion through the turbotransformer 35. The landing of the drums of the boom, cargo and auxiliary (grab) mechanisms - on a common shaft; thus, one three-drum winch is used.

The power take-off from the engine to the compressor 32 is carried out using V-belt transmission 43 - 44 and cardan shaft 33. Rotation from the engine 34 to the turbo transformer 35 is transmitted through the clutch 20, the output shaft of the turbo transformer is connected by a chain drive 15 to 36 with the shaft 9 of the reversing mechanism. The shaft 10 of the three-drum winch is connected to the shaft 9 of the bevel gear by a gear 16-22 and a chain gear 18-23, and the gear 16 and the sprocket 23 have a rigid fit on the shafts, and the sprocket 18 and the gear 22 rotate freely. They are switched on using pneumatic chamber couplings 19 and 14, mounted on the shafts. Depending on which gear is engaged (chain or gear), the shaft 10 is imparted with forward or reverse rotation.

As can be seen from the diagram, the boom drum 13, the cargo drum 12 of the main lift and the cargo drum 11 of the auxiliary lift have a free fit on the shaft and are kept from rotation by band brakes. The drums are switched on using pneumatic chamber couplings; the drums are then released. On the shaft 9, bevel gears 8 rotate freely, which are in constant meshing with the gear wheel 7 of the vertical shaft 28. By alternately turning on the pneumatic chamber couplings of the gears 8, the shaft 28 is reversed (clockwise or counterclockwise rotation).

Gears 6, gears 24 and 26 are in constant meshing, and the gear 26 is loosely mounted on the shaft. It is turned on by means of a cam clutch 27, while the shaft 29 begins to rotate. Together with the shaft, the gear 25 rotates, rolling over the ring gear 5; there is a rotation of the slewing part of the crane. The gear wheel 24, being in constant engagement with the gear wheel 26, also rotates during its rotation, and since the gear wheel 24 is keyed to the shaft 30, the shaft also rotates with it. Further, rotation is transmitted by means of an equalizing clutch to the shaft 31, the bevel gear 45 - 46 and the shaft 55 of the gearbox of the running gear. Gears 4 and 48 rotate freely on the shaft 55. Their alternating engagement is performed by means of a cam clutch 49. Depending on which gear is engaged by the clutch, the rotational speed of the shaft 53 changes, and hence the speed of the crane.

The toothed wheel 51 of the intermediate shaft is in constant mesh with the gear 50 of the output shaft 54, which by means of cardan shafts 41 and 52 drives the front and rear axles.

The front and rear axles of the crane include differential devices that allow the right and left wheels to rotate at different speeds, which is very important when the crane moves along curved sections of the track.

The input gear 40 of the final drive is in constant meshing with the gear 42 sitting on the splines of the intermediate shaft. From the intermediate shaft of the main gear, rotation is transmitted through gears 38 and 39 to the differential housing and through the satellites (gears) 3 and the sun gear 2 to the axle shafts of the crane wheels. On a KS-4361 crane with a single-engine drive, when considering the kinematic diagram of its mechanisms, the concept of a main and auxiliary hoist winch is not fully applicable, since the arrangement of mechanisms with a single-motor drive does not allow one or another winch to be clearly identified; many elements of the kinematic chain of mechanisms are transmissions for a number of executive bodies. Therefore, on this crane, only the design of mechanisms directly related to the executive bodies - drums is considered.

Multi-drum winch - KS-4361A.

Three drums are mounted on a common shaft 6: cargo 3, auxiliary (grab) 18 and boom 5. All three drums have a ball bearing fit and rotate freely on the shaft. The drums are turned on with the help of pneumatic chamber couplings 1, 7 and 14, rigidly connected to the shaft, and are kept from free rotation or from rotation under the action of loads (loaded ropes) using band brakes.

The shaft rotates in double-row spherical bearings of bearings 2 and 10 and is driven by a sprocket 9 or a gear 11 with a ball bearing support. The wheel is driven by means of a pneumatic clutch 12. The reversal of the shaft is carried out by engaging the chain drive using a pneumatic chamber clutch 19 mounted on the reversing shaft, or by turning on the gear 11.

The principle of operation of the pneumatic chamber clutch is based on the friction of the tire against the surface of the drum pulley under the action of compressed air. Clutch type by the nature of the connection - frictional; by the nature of the work and the main purpose - to the class of controlled and coupling couplings, which allow you to open and close the connections of the part.

The clutch consists of a pulley 17, a pneumatic chamber 16 and a tire 15. Air is supplied to the pneumatic chambers through rotating articulated joints from the ends of the shaft 6 (through the channels in it) and from the shaft to the chambers (through flexible hoses). When compressed air is supplied through the hose 5 into the chamber, the latter expands and presses the friction band with the tire 15 against the inner surface of the pulley of the drum 3.

Belt brake for cargo and grab drums - KS-4361A

The brake band is attached to the outer surface of the drum pulley. Tape 3 consists of two parts, connected by a tightening bolt 1. One end of the tape is hinged with a pin on the gusset, the other end is connected to the lug 12. The lug is connected to the rod 7 of the hydraulic cylinder 6. The brake control is hydraulic. When the foot is pressed on the pedal of the hydraulic cylinder, the piston moves to the left and through the rod 7 and the fork 9 turns the lever 11. In this case, the eyelet 12 moves up and the brake is tightened (the drum is braked). If you remove your foot from the pedal, the piston of the hydraulic cylinder will return to its original position under the action of the spring 8 (the drum will be released). Spring 2 is used for uniform movement of the brake band from the drum pulley.

A brake of a similar design is installed on a grab (auxiliary) drum.

The boom drum has two band brakes: permanently closed and adjustable. The lug 19 of the permanently closed brake is attached to the bracket 18; the running end of the brake band is tensioned by a spring 4. A ratchet wheel 16 is installed on the drum; with the help of the pawl 15, the drum is kept from rotating. If it is necessary to lower the boom, the pawl is disengaged from the ratchet wheel by means of a rod 1, a lever 2 and a pneumatic chamber 3. The stroke of the pneumatic chamber is limited by an adjustable (screw) stop 17.

The band of the controlled brake, like the brake band of the cargo winch, consists of two parts, connected by a pinch bolt. The uniform withdrawal of the tape from the drum is regulated by the guy spring 6. The brake eyelet is attached to the bracket 10 by means of a roller, on which the lever 12 is also installed, connected at one end to the brake tape eyelet 14, the other to the pneumatic chamber rod 9.

The tension of the brake band (braking of the boom drum) is carried out by the spring 8 through the rod 13, the release of the band is carried out with the help of a pneumatic chamber. The main and auxiliary winches of jib cranes are equipped with special devices - rope-laying devices. They ensure the correct laying of the rope in the grooves of the drum and prevent it from coming off the drum.

The slewing mechanism is driven by a common motor of all crane mechanisms. The bevel gear 27 of the reversing mechanism of rotation and movement of the crane comes into constant engagement with bevel gears sitting on the reversing shaft. The loads on the vertical shaft 14 are supported at the top by a deep groove ball bearing, and at the bottom by a thrust ball bearing and a double row spherical roller bearing. At the lower end of the vertical shaft, a gear 15 is rigidly mounted, which meshes with a gear 8 freely sitting on the vertical shaft 12. On the shaft 12, in addition to the gear 8, there is a brake pulley 13, a toothed clutch 10 and a gear 23; they are all rigidly connected to the shaft. During the rotation of the shaft 14 and when the clutch 10 is off, the gear wheel rotates freely on the shaft 12 and transmits the rotation to the gear wheel 7 rigidly sitting on the shaft 5. Together with the gear wheel 7, the vertical shaft rotates and thus power is transferred to the movement mechanism.

When the clutch 10 is turned on, the shaft 12 comes into rotation and the gear 23 begins to run around the ring gear 22; the turntable begins to rotate relative to the central shaft 5. The ring gear has an internal engagement.

As can be seen from the diagram, the platform rotation reducer simultaneously plays the role of the crane movement reducer. The outer rings 17, 19 are not connected to the frame of the undercarriage, but to the turntable; the inner ring 22 is connected to the fixed frame of the undercarriage. Thus, the inner ring is stationary, it acts as the base of the slewing ring.

Front axle of the KS-4361 crane - controlled, driving; its suspension to the frame is balanced, which improves the traction of the wheels to the ground on uneven roads. Power transmission from the propeller shaft by semi-shafts 12 to front axle it is also carried out by a cylindrical main gear, as well as in the rear. The inner wheels are mounted on the hub 6, which is mounted with the help of tapered bearings on the trunnion fixed in the housing 17. By means of the flange 5, the hub 6 is connected to the axle shaft 4. The outer wheels are mounted on the hub 2, which is mounted on the hub 6 with the help of plain bearings; thus, the outer wheels are not driving, as they are loose fit.

When the decrease in permeability begins to affect the performance of the crane, the outer wheels are blocked with special internal levers 18 mounted on the flanges 5 so that the projection of the leash falls between the wheel rim stops. The leash is fixed with a bolt 19. The lower levers of the bodies 17 are interconnected by a transverse rod 14 of the steering linkage. The upper levers of the bodies are connected to the rods of the reversal hydraulic cylinders, which are installed on the bracket of the axle body.

The rotation of the driving wheels from the semi-axle 12 to the semi-axle 4 is transmitted through the articulated joints 15 and 16. The rear axle of the KS-4361 crane is the driving one. Bridge - automobile type, its suspension to the frame is rigid. It uses the assembly units of the KrAZ vehicle, including the main gear with a differential, semi-axles and brakes. Fastening of travel wheels - diskless; it is carried out with clamps and rings.

main gear rear axle- cylindrical. The bevel gear is used to connect intersecting shafts and control movement. The movement mechanism of the KS-4361 crane does not have a separate motor for the movement mechanism; power take-off in the gearbox is carried out using a vertical shaft 6 with a bevel gear 7 rigidly mounted on it. In engagement with it there is a bevel gear 4, rigidly sitting on the input shaft 5 of the gearbox.

The crane brake KS-4361 is mounted on a bracket fixed to the crane's rear axle body.

On the KS-4361 crane between the engine and the transmission, instead of the main friction-type clutch, a special hydraulic device is installed - a TRK-325 torque converter. The torque converter provides stepless regulation of the speed of lifting and lowering the load, reversing the direction of movement, lifting small loads at an increased speed, changing the speed depending on the resistance to movement.

Torque converter TRK-325 includes a housing in which pump 1, turbine 2 and guide 3 (reactor) wheels are tolerably located. The reactor is rigidly connected to the vessel. The driving impeller receives movement from the motor shaft 4, and the turbine (driven) is connected to the driven shaft.

Radiator 5 serves to cool the working fluid passed through it by means of a gear pump 6. The transformer is provided with a bypass valve, a filter and a hydraulic tank 7, as well as an overrunning clutch. At the same speed of rotation of the turbine and pump wheels, the clutch is switched on, connecting the shafts 4 and 8.

Turn off the torque converter by removing fluid from the system. The shaft 8 can be equipped with a brake controlled by the driver. A pneumatic pusher, a slide valve, an ejector and a diffuser are used to direct the movement of the fluid in the system.

The pneumatic control system of the boom crane KS-4361 includes the following elements: a compressor, a refrigerator and an oil-moisture separator, a receiver, a control panel with a pneumatic valve, pipelines and pneumatic chambers mounted on the crane actuators.

The air is preliminarily compressed in the first stage of the compressor 13, passes through the refrigerator and the oil-moisture separator and is compressed in the second stage to 0.6 - 0.7 MPa, from where it enters the receiver 16 and then through the pipeline 17 to the control panel 3.

In the oil-moisture separator, the air is cleaned of moisture and oil, and then enters the II stage of the compressor. From the control panel, air flows through pipelines and special rotating joints 10 to the pneumatic chamber couplings 7 of the crane mechanisms.

When each mechanism is turned off, the air from the pneumatic chamber couplings is released into the atmosphere. For quick release of crane mechanisms in the systems of the turbo transformer, pneumatic chamber and brake couplings of the boom drum and the crane movement mechanism, special valves 8 are installed.

For smooth rotation of the platform in the systems of the reversing mechanism and the swing brake, as well as the movement mechanism, flow regulators are used 18. The crane mechanisms are controlled from the control panel with special devices - spools (valves). There are two types of spools: differential and direct acting. Differential spools are used for those valve mechanisms that require external forces to be controlled when they are turned on. Such mechanisms are mechanisms with friction clutches used in cranes with a single-motor drive - an internal combustion engine. For mechanisms that do not require a change in pressure in the system, direct acting spools are used.

The electrical equipment of the KS-4361 crane is used to supply internal and external lighting, light and sound alarms, and a load limiter; provides starting of the starting engine, heating and ventilation of the control cabin, heating of the diesel engine. The source of direct current is the G-66 generator, which is also designed to charge the 6ST-42 storage battery. The generator is driven by a diesel engine through a gear train.

To regulate the voltage and protect the generator, a relay-regulator is provided, consisting of a voltage relay, a current limiter and a reverse current relay (prevents the battery from discharging to the generator when the diesel engine is not running). The fuses are used for short-circuit protection.

During the diesel stop period, the electric network of the crane receives power from the battery, which is also used to start the starting engine with an electric starter. The value of the charging and discharging current of the battery is determined using an ammeter.

The electrical system of the crane includes a set of converters installed on the engine, the oil tank of the turbo transformer and the compressor. These converters allow, through appropriate devices, to control the temperature of water and diesel oil, the temperature of the oil in the turbo transformer, the oil pressure in the diesel and compressor systems.

The limit positions of the boom are fixed by a limit switch, which acts on the electromagnet circuit. The latter controls the spool, which, when the boom reaches the end position and the switch is activated, turns off the turbo transformer and turns on the winch brake. The magnet is powered by a running diesel through a relay.

The wiring diagram provides a control button that allows you to bypass the limit switch and return the boom to the operating position, as well as turn on the load limiter when it is triggered.

The control panel has a button to turn on the sound signal. A portable repair lamp is switched on through a power socket.

To limit the lifting capacity of the crane and automatic shutdown The load winch is equipped with an OGP-1 electric load limiter. When the crane is operating at minimum boom outreach, a stop with flexible elements is used to prevent it from tipping over onto the turntable.

The rope rod 2 passes through the deflecting rollers 1 on the boom 4 and is fixed to the platform. Springs 3 support the rope and prevent it from sagging. When the boom reaches the maximum tilt angle (towards the turntable), the rope is tensioned and keeps the boom from further movement

Crane KS-4361 - diesel single-engine with a turbo transformer ( torque converter). Attachment set includes a main boom with a length of 10 m, hook with lifting capacity 16 T and a grab with a capacity of 1.5 m3 mounted on 10- and 15-meter booms. Replaceable equipment are 15, 20 and 25 long booms m obtained from the main boom by inserting 5-meter sections, and a 6-meter long jib m... The boom is equipped with a limiter that protects it from tipping over onto the platform when operating at minimum reach.
The crane is equipped with a mixed pneumohydraulic control system. The shafts of the winches and reverse, as well as drums, are switched on by means of pneumatic chamber couplings; the direction of movement of the mechanisms of rotation and movement of the crane is changed by a reversing mechanism and bevel gears. The inclusion of the reversing mechanism is also provided by pneumatic chamber couplings.
The operating speeds of the crane are regulated within wide limits by means of a turbo transformer powered by the hydraulic system of the crane.

Overall dimensions of the pneumatic-wheeled crane KS-4361

The crane running gear is equipped with outriggers with screw jacks with small shoes at the ends.
The crane can move around the site under its own power, including with a load on the hook at a speed of up to 3 km / h... Movement with a load on a hook is allowed on the site with an arrow of 10 - 15 m directed along the longitudinal axis of the crane.
Over long distances by road, the crane is transported in tow to the tractor using a coupling device. In the process of relocating the crane, the gearbox is set to the neutral position, the wheel turning cylinders are turned off, the propeller shaft of one of the axles is removed. Towing speed should not exceed 20 km / h, and on inclines and turns, the speed should be reduced to 3 km / h.
The crane is transported by rail on a four-axle platform. Before loading the crane onto the platform, remove all pneumatic wheels, disconnect the boom sections, placing the upper section on the lower one. The crane is loaded onto the platform using an assembly crane with a lifting capacity of 25 T... If there are replaceable boom sections, they are placed on the second platform.

Technical characteristics of the crane KS-4361

Carrying capacity, T:
... on supports:
.. 16
.. 3,75
... without supports:
.. at the smallest hook reach 9
.. at the greatest hook reach 2,5
Hook outreach, m:
.. the smallest 3,75
.. the greatest 10
Hook lifting height, m:
.. at the smallest hook reach 8,8
.. at the greatest hook reach 4
.. lifting the main hook, m / min 10
.. sinking, m / min 0 - 10
.. rotation frequency of the turntable, rpm 0,5 - 2,8
.. self-propelled crane movement, km / h 3; 15
Smallest turning radius (outside wheel), m 12,2
The greatest angle of ascent of the path, hail 15
.. brand SMD-14A
.. power, h.p. 75
Wheel track, m:
.. front 2,4
.. back 2,4
Crane weight, T 23,7
Including counterweight, T ---

Carrying capacity when driving and overcoming angle of rise on the way in transport position

* - The lifting capacity is indicated with the boom positioned along the axis of the crane.
** - In the denominator - the permissible angle of inclination of the crane when working on outriggers.

Characteristics of the main and replacement boom equipment of the KS-4361 crane

All executive bodies of the mechanisms on the KS-4361 crane are set in motion through a turbo transformer 35 .
Landing of drums of boom, cargo and auxiliary (grab) mechanisms - on a common shaft; thus, one three-drum winch is used.

Power take-off from engine to compressor 32 carried out by means of a V-belt transmission 43 - 44 and propeller shaft 33 .
Rotation from the engine 34 turbo transformer 35 transmitted through the clutch 20 , the output shaft of the turbo transformer is connected by a chain drive 15 - 36 with shaft 9 reversing mechanism.
Shaft 10 three-drum winch is connected to the shaft 9 bevel gear reverse gear 16 - 22 and chain drive 18 - 23 , and the gear 16 and an asterisk 23 have a rigid fit on the shafts, and the sprocket 18 and cogwheel 22 rotate freely. They are turned on using pneumatic chamber couplings 19 and 14 planted on shafts. Depending on which gear is engaged (chain or gear), the shaft 10 forward or reverse rotation is reported.
As can be seen from the diagram, the boom drum 13 , cargo drum 12 main hoist and cargo drum 11 auxiliary hoist have a free fit on the shaft and are kept from rotation by band brakes. The drums are switched on using pneumatic chamber couplings; the drums are then released.
On the shaft 9 bevel gears rotate freely 8 constantly meshing with a gear wheel 7 vertical shaft 28 ... Alternate engagement of pneumatic chamber gear couplings 8 shaft reversal is provided 28 (clockwise or counterclockwise rotation).
Gears 6 , gear wheels 24 and 26 are in constant mesh, and the gearwheel 26 fits loosely on the shaft. It is turned on by means of a cam clutch 27 , while the shaft 29 starts spinning. Together with the shaft, the gear rotates 25 rolling on the ring gear 5 ; there is a rotation of the slewing part of the crane.
Gear 24 being in constant mesh with a gear wheel 26 , when it rotates, it also rotates, and since the gear wheel 24 has a keyed connection to the shaft 30 , the shaft also rotates with it. Further, the rotation is transmitted by means of an equalizing coupling to the shaft 31 , bevel gear 45 - 46 and shaft 55 gearbox of the running gear.
Gears 4 and 48 freely rotate on the shaft 55 ... They are switched on alternately using a cam clutch 49 ... Depending on which gear is engaged by the clutch, the shaft speed changes 53 and, consequently, the speed of movement of the crane.
Gear 51 the intermediate shaft is in constant mesh with the gear 50 output shaft 54 which by means of cardan shafts 41 and 52 drives the front and rear axles.
The front and rear axles of the crane include differential devices that allow the right and left wheels to rotate at different speeds, which is very important when the crane moves along curved sections of the track.
Input gear 40 the main gear is in constant mesh with a gear wheel 42 sitting on the splines of the intermediate shaft. From the intermediate shaft of the main gear, rotation is transmitted through the gears 38 and 39 on the differential housing and through the satellites (gears) 3 and sun gear 2 - on the axle of the crane wheels.

On a KS-4361 crane with a single-motor drive, when considering the kinematic diagram of its mechanisms, the concept of a main and auxiliary hoist winch is not fully applicable, since the arrangement of mechanisms with a single-motor drive does not allow one or another winch to be clearly distinguished; many elements of the kinematic chain of mechanisms are transmissions for a number of executive bodies. Therefore, on this crane, only the design of mechanisms directly related to the executive bodies - drums is considered.

On a common shaft 6 mounted three drums: cargo 3 , auxiliary (grab) 18 and boom 5 ... All three drums are ball-bearing and rotate freely on the shaft. The drums are switched on using pneumatic chamber couplings 1 , 7 and 14 rigidly connected to the shaft, and are kept from free rotation or from rotation under the action of loads (loaded ropes) using band brakes.
The shaft rotates in double-row spherical bearings of the bearings 2 and 10 and is powered by an asterisk 9 or cogwheel 11 with ball bearing support. The wheel is driven by a pneumatic clutch 12 ... The reversal of the shaft is carried out by engaging a chain drive using a pneumatic chamber clutch 19 mounted on a reversible shaft, or by switching on a toothed wheel 11 .
The principle of operation of the pneumatic chamber clutch is based on the friction of the tire against the surface of the drum pulley under the action of compressed air. Coupling type by the nature of the connection - frictional; by the nature of the work and the main purpose - to the class of controlled and coupling couplings, which allow you to open and close the connections of the part.
The clutch consists of a pulley 17 , pneumatic chambers 16 and tires 15 ... Air is supplied to the pneumatic chambers through rotating articulated joints from the ends of the shaft 6 (through the channels in it) and from the shaft to the chambers (through flexible hoses). When supplying compressed air through a hose 5 the latter expands into the chamber and presses the friction band with a tire 15 to the inner surface of the drum pulley 3 .
The brake band is attached to the outer surface of the drum pulley. ribbon 3 consists of two parts, connected by a tie bolt 1 ... One end of the tape is hinged with a finger on the gusset, the other end is connected to the eyelet 12 ... The lug is connected to the stem by means of a system of levers 7 hydraulic cylinder 6 ... Hydraulic brake control. When the foot is pressed on the pedal of the hydraulic cylinder, the piston moves to the left and through the rod 7 and a plug 9 turns the lever 11 ... In this case, the eyelet 12 moves up and the brake is applied (drum braked). If you take your foot off the pedal, the hydraulic cylinder piston is spring-loaded 8 will return to its original position (the drum will be released). A spring is used for uniform movement of the brake band from the drum pulley. 2 .
A brake of a similar design is installed on a grab (auxiliary) drum.
The boom drum has two band brakes: permanently closed and adjustable.
Eye 19 permanently closed brake mounted on the bracket 18 ; the running end of the brake band is tensioned by a spring 4 ... The drum has a ratchet wheel 16 ; with the help of a dog 15 the drum is kept from rotating. If it is necessary to lower the boom, the pawl is disengaged from the ratchet wheel using a pull 1 , lever 2 and pneumatic chambers 3 ... The stroke of the pneumatic chamber is limited by an adjustable (screw) stop 17 .
The controlled brake band, like the load winch brake band, consists of two parts connected by a pinch bolt. Uniform tape deviation from the drum is regulated by a guy spring 6 ... The brake eyelet is attached to the bracket 10 using a roller, on which the lever is also installed 12 connected at one end to the brake band eyelet 14 , the other - with a pneumatic chamber rod 9 .
The tension of the brake band (braking of the boom drum) is carried out by the spring 8 through the rod 13, the release of the band is carried out with the help of a pneumatic chamber.
The main and auxiliary winches of jib cranes are equipped with special devices - rope-laying devices. They ensure the correct laying of the rope in the grooves of the drum and prevent it from coming off the drum.

Slewing mechanism and slewing ring Front axle Transmission

Swing mechanism is driven by a common motor of all crane mechanisms. Bevel gear 27 the reversing mechanism of rotation and movement of the crane is in constant engagement with the bevel gears sitting on the reversing shaft. Vertical shaft loads 14 They are taken at the top by a deep groove ball bearing, and at the bottom by a thrust ball bearing and a double row spherical roller bearing. A gear is rigidly seated at the lower end of the vertical shaft 15 toothed wheel 8 sitting freely on a vertical shaft 12 ... On the shaft 12 in addition to the cogwheel 8 housed brake pulley 13 , gear coupling 10 and gear 23 ; they are all rigidly connected to the shaft. During the rotation of the shaft 14 and with the clutch off 10 the gear wheel rotates freely on the shaft 12 and transfers rotation to a gear wheel 7 rigidly sitting on the shaft 5 ... Together with a cogwheel 7 the vertical shaft rotates and thus the power is transferred to the travel mechanism.
When the clutch is turned on 10 the shaft comes into rotation 12 and gear 23 begins to run around the ring gear 22 ; the turntable starts to rotate about the central shaft 5 ... The ring gear is internally meshed.
As can be seen from the diagram, the platform rotation reducer simultaneously plays the role of the crane movement reducer.
Outer rings 17 , 19 not connected to the frame of the undercarriage, but to the turntable; inner ring 22 connected to the fixed frame of the undercarriage. Thus, the inner ring is stationary, it acts as the base of the slewing ring.

Front axle crane KS-4361 - controlled, leading; its suspension to the frame is balanced, which improves the traction of the wheels to the ground on uneven roads. Power transmission from the propeller shaft by semi-shafts 12 on the front axle it is also carried out by a cylindrical main gear, as well as on the rear. Inner wheels are mounted on the hub 6 , which is fitted with tapered bearings on a trunnion fixed in the frame 17 ... With flange 5 hub 6 connected to the semi-axle 4 ... Outer wheels are mounted on the hub 2 , which is seated on the hub with the help of plain bearings 6 ; thus, the outer wheels are not driving, as they are loose fit.
When a decrease in flotation begins to affect the performance of the crane, the outer wheels are blocked with special inner leashes. 18 mounted on flanges 5 so that the protrusion of the leash falls between the stops of the rim of the wheels. The leash is fixed with a bolt 19 .
Lower body arms 17 interconnected by transverse link 14 steering linkage. The upper levers of the bodies are connected to the rods of the reversal hydraulic cylinders, which are installed on the bracket of the axle body.
Rotation of the driving wheels from the axle shaft 12 to the semi-axis 4 transmitted through articulated joints 15 and 16 .
Rear axle crane KS-4361 - leading. The bridge is of an automobile type, its suspension to the frame is rigid. It uses the assembly units of the KrAZ vehicle, including the main gear with a differential, semi-axles and brakes. Fastening of travel wheels - diskless; it is carried out with clamps and rings.
The main gear of the rear axle is cylindrical. The bevel gear is used to connect intersecting shafts and control movement.

On the KS-4361 crane between the engine and the transmission, instead of the main friction-type clutch, a special hydraulic device is installed - a torque converter TRK-325 .
The torque converter provides stepless regulation of the speed of lifting and lowering the load, reversing the direction of movement, lifting small loads at an increased speed, changing the speed depending on the resistance to movement.

Diagram of the TRK-325 torque converter

The TRK-325 torque converter includes a housing in which the pumping pump is located coaxially. 1 , turbine 2 and guide 3 (reactor) wheels. The reactor is rigidly connected to the vessel. The driving impeller receives movement from the shaft 4 engine, and the turbine (driven) is connected to the driven shaft.
Radiator 5 serves to cool the working fluid passed through it using a gear pump 6 ... The transformer has a bypass valve, filter and hydraulic tank 7 as well as an overrunning clutch. At the same speed of rotation of the turbine and pump wheels, the clutch joins the shafts 4 and 8 .
Turn off the torque converter by removing fluid from the system. On the shaft 8 an operator-controlled brake can be installed. A pneumatic pusher, a slide valve, an ejector and a diffuser are used to direct the movement of the fluid in the system.

V pneumatic control system boom crane KS-4361 includes the following elements: a compressor, a refrigerator and an oil-moisture separator, a receiver, a control panel with a pneumatic distributor, pipelines and pneumatic chambers mounted on the crane actuators.

Schematic diagram of the pneumatic control of the KS-4361 crane

The air is pre-compressed in the first stage of the compressor 13 , passes through the refrigerator and oil-moisture separator and is compressed in the II stage to 0.6 - 0.7 MPa from where it enters the receiver 16 and further through the pipeline 17 to the control panel 3 .
In the oil-moisture separator, the air is cleaned of moisture and oil, and then enters the II stage of the compressor.
From the control panel air through pipelines and special rotating joints 10 goes to pneumatic chamber couplings 7 crane mechanisms.
When each mechanism is turned off, the air from the pneumatic chamber couplings is released into the atmosphere. For quick release of crane mechanisms in the systems of the turbo transformer, pneumatic chamber and brake couplings of the boom drum and the crane movement mechanism, special valves are installed 8 .
For smooth rotation of the platform in the systems of the reversing mechanism and swing brake, as well as the movement mechanism, flow regulators are used 18 .
The crane mechanisms are controlled from the control panel with special devices - spools (valves). There are two types of spools: differential and direct acting. Differential spools are used for those valve mechanisms that require external forces to be controlled when they are turned on. Such mechanisms are mechanisms with friction clutches used in cranes with a single-motor drive - an internal combustion engine. For mechanisms that do not require a change in pressure in the system, direct acting spools are used.

Crane control cabin with a single-motor drive KS-4361

Electrical equipment crane KS-4361 is used to supply internal and external lighting, light and sound alarms, load limiter; provides starting of the starting engine, heating and ventilation of the control cabin, heating of the diesel engine.
The source of direct current is the G-66 generator, which is also designed to charge the 6ST-42 storage battery. The generator is driven by a diesel engine through a gear train.
To regulate the voltage and protect the generator, a relay-regulator is provided, consisting of a voltage relay, a current limiter and a reverse current relay (prevents the battery from discharging to the generator when the diesel engine is not running). The fuses are used for short-circuit protection.
During the diesel stop period, the electric network of the crane receives power from the battery, which is also used to start the starting engine with an electric starter. The value of the charging and discharging current of the battery is determined using an ammeter.
The crane electrical system includes a set of converters installed on the engine, turbo-converter oil tank and compressor. These converters make it possible, through appropriate devices, to control the temperature of water and diesel oil, the temperature of the oil in the turbo transformer, the oil pressure in the diesel and compressor systems.
The limit positions of the boom are fixed by a limit switch, which acts on the electromagnet circuit. The latter controls the spool, which, when the boom reaches the end position and the switch is activated, turns off the turbo transformer and turns on the winch brake. The magnet is powered by a running diesel through a relay.
The wiring diagram provides a control button that allows you to bypass the limit switch and return the boom to the operating position, as well as turn on the load limiter when it is triggered.
The control panel has a button to turn on the sound signal. A portable repair lamp is switched on through a power socket.

For carrying capacity limits crane and automatic shutdown of the cargo winch, an electric limiter of the OGP-1 lifting capacity was used.
When the crane is operating at minimum boom outreach, a stop with flexible elements is used to prevent it from tipping over onto the turntable.

Rope traction 2 passes through deflection rollers 1 on the boom 4 and is fixed on the platform. Springs 3 support the rope and prevent it from sagging. When the boom reaches the maximum tilt angle (towards the turntable), the rope is tightened and keeps the boom from further movement.

The author of the site will be grateful for any information and photos of this crane. Email: [email protected]

KS 4361A is a single-engine crane unit designed to perform operations related to the movement of goods in hard-to-reach conditions. This machine is recognized for its endurance and ability to operate off-road, soggy ground and in confined conditions. The advantages of the KS 4361A lie not only in its outstanding cross-country ability, but also in its colossal capabilities in the construction and economic fields, as well as in search and rescue operations. The functions of this self-propelled vehicle have already been appreciated not only by the developers in the course of successful tests, but also by real users, for whom stable and uninterrupted work for a long time. This article presents the device, capabilities and characteristics of the KS4361A self-propelled pneumatic-wheeled crane.

Description and purpose

KS 4361A is a high-performance diesel crane with a torque converter. His responsibilities include moving a variety of goods over certain distances. The model under consideration finds its application in the professional field, including the installation of buildings and structures, as well as the transportation of bulky technical equipment in horizontal or vertical positions. At the same time, the manufacturer says that there are no serious restrictions on the weight, type and dimensions of the transported goods. Moreover, the equipment is in demand in logistics centers and other large organizations where replacement of low-power manipulators is required. KS 4361A can also be used when pulling debris away, and due to this, the truck crane is in well-deserved demand among the special services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Technical and lifting characteristics

  • Carrying capacity - 16 t
  • Boom length - from 10 to 25 m
  • Boom lifting speed - from 20 to 50 m / min
  • Rotation speed of the slewing mechanism - from 0.4 to 2.8 rpm
  • Entry angle - 15 degrees
  • Load on one wheel - from 3950 to 8350 kg depending on the load
  • Front outriggers load 22340 kg
  • Load on the rear outriggers - 19040 kg
  • Maximum speed - 333.3 m / min
  • Turning radius - at least 12 m
  • Weight - 15 kgf / sq. m
  • Dimensions, mm: Length - 14500, Width 3800, Height - 3030.

Features of the device and operation

The KS-4361A truck crane unit is equipped with the following components: booms, hook and grab. These are moving parts with different length parameters. For example, interchangeable booms come in the form of arrows 15, 20 and 25 meters long. Together they form one main boom, in addition to which there is a 6 m long jib. The boom has a built-in limiter for rolling back onto the platform.
KS-4361A - an upgraded version of the popular KS-4361 crane, which received drastic changes, which are noticeable both from the technical and from the outside. The driver's cab received an updated design, as well as the exterior of the entire body. For ease of operation, the crane uses a time-tested pneumohydraulic control system. The operating speeds of the crane can be regulated by means of a turbo converter, which works by means of a hydraulic system.

The undercarriage of the crane includes outriggers with screw jacks, which have so-called shoes at the ends. The crane installation moves around the site on its own at a speed of 3 km / h, including with the hook. Please note that when traveling over long distances, a self-propelled vehicle moves on a coupling device or a tug connected to a tractor. This is due to the fact that, due to its large dimensions, the equipment is not approved for public roads. During transportation, the speed of the tug is no more than 20 km / h, and when cornering, it is reduced to 3 km / h. When transported by rail, the crane is placed on a rail platform. The crane is loaded onto the platform using another (cargo) crane capable of lifting 25 tons.

Please note that all the executive working bodies of the crane operate at the expense of a turbo transformer. To take off the power transmitted from the engine to the compressor, it is carried out using a V-belt transmission.

The common shaft includes three drums - boom, auxiliary and cargo, which rotate freely on the shaft due to ball bearing fit. In addition, the KS4361A model is equipped with a pneumatic chamber clutch with a frictional connection. This type of connection allows you to open and close the connections of the part. The clutch includes a pulley, tire and pneumatic chamber.

Another structural element is the boom drum, on which band brakes are installed - closed and adjustable brakes. The design also includes a cylindrical final drive of the rear axle. The bevel gear is responsible for connecting the intersecting shafts and adjusting the movement. A vertical shaft with a toothed wheel is responsible for the power take-off in the gearbox. The gearbox itself is a two-stage, driven by a clutch.

Between the key parts of the crane installation - the engine and transmission - there is a torque converter, which allows you to adjust the speed in a wide range, raise and lower the load, reverse the direction of the boom, and also change the travel speed depending on the complexity and type of operation. Built into the converter housing are pumping, turbine and idler wheels, which are driven by the engine torque transmitted through the gearbox. The control system includes a compressor, refrigeration equipment, oil-moisture separator, receiver, control panel, pneumatic chambers and pipelines.
The smooth rotation of the rotary mechanism is ensured by the so-called flow regulators, and spools (valves) are used to control the crane mechanisms. So, depending on the type of task, a differential spool, or a direct-acting spool, is used.

The KS4361A truck crane is equipped with auxiliary elements that improve not only the functionality, but also the safety of the crane and the operator himself. In particular, let us pay attention to a set of sensors and devices that monitor the state of all working systems and organs of a self-propelled vehicle. In the event of a deviation from the norm of any of the readings (for example, when the oil pressure drops or overheats), the driver receives a sound signal of a malfunction. This will allow you to fix the problem in advance. Also, the truck crane is equipped with a protection system that is triggered when it approaches power lines.


Average cost of the KS-4361 truck crane for Russian market is 1 million rubles. The price shown is for a supported copy.


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