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  • Car Bip

    Russian fairy tale

    For her birthday, Lena was presented with a beautiful toy car. He was almost like a real one, only small. As soon as Lenya saw new car, he immediately exclaimed loudly: "Beep-Beep!" - just like the honking of cars on the street. So the little car got its name. Like any toy car, Beep dreamed ...

  • Pikh the locomotive

    Russian fairy tale

    Once Lena was presented with a railway. Everything in it was just like the real thing: the rails, and the station with the platform, and the crossing, near which there was a semaphore. The red light of the semaphore warned: stop! The path is closed! But when the green light came on, you could go on. Behind the crossing began a forest of fluffy, ...

  • Truck Tale

    Russian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was a truck. He was big and strong. In order for him to carry more cargo, he had not one axle in the back, but two. Like this! The truck worked from morning to evening. And sometimes he had to work at night. Then he lit the headlights and confidently delivered what was needed and where it was needed. ...

  • Tale for Nikita about the excavator

    Russian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was a small excavator. It was not small in size. The size was just the most suitable for a city excavator. He was small in age, very new, still quite by the machine standards of a child. He worked in a repair team that repairs the water supply. Here's how ...

  • The tale of a dump truck that composed a song

    Russian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was a dump truck. He was very hard-working and funny. This dump truck dreamed of composing a song about himself and about his work. But he was so busy that he didn't have enough time for a song. Then he decided to compose it right at work. Once he was carrying full body sand for new construction. ...

  • Brothers wagons and a fast train

    Russian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was an ordinary suburban electric train. But it was only in the railway schedule that he was called so long and seriously. We usually call him the train, and he calls himself neither this nor that. Because the commuter train is brothers-wagons. This train has motor carriages, ...

  • Machine named Masha

    Russian fairy tale

    In one small garage lived a white car named Masha. This garage was not far from the forest, and Masha often went to the forest to ride along the paths. Most often, she rode along a wide, but very uncomfortable path that led from the garage itself to the river. And this path has become uncomfortable, because ...

  • Masha and flower bed

    Russian fairy tale

    One morning, the machine Mashka saw her old boyfriend, the boy Olezhka, digging the ground with an iron shovel. - Hello, Olezhka! - Masha shouted. - You must have confused something, the sandbox is not here, but on the playground. “I don’t need a sandbox,” Olezhka answered importantly. - I'm making a flower bed. - And what is it ...

  • Masha and Volkswagen

    Russian fairy tale

    One morning, Masha's car went to visit her grandfather, Volkswagen. Grandfather lived in a large garage far from Mashka's garage, and while she was driving to him along the new asphalt road, she managed to get tired. Grandfather was very happy with Masha, immediately sat her down at the table, poured tea and put raspberry jam in a saucer. ...

  • Masha in the port

    Russian fairy tale

    One day the machine Mashka brought Olezhka to the port. - Look, what a big ship - almost like a house! She shouted in delight. - Many floors, many windows, up there even people walk! What is this ship? - This is a ship. Passenger ship, - said Olezhka importantly. - There are cabins for passengers, a swimming pool, ...

  • Masha is stubborn

    Russian fairy tale

    Once Masha's typewriter got lost. It happened like this: that morning, the machine Mashka and the boy Olezhka went for a walk on the river. They played for a long time, rolled along the shore, splashed with water on fry, caught frogs, and then they got tired and sat down in the sun to rest. - Look, Olezhka, there is a bridge! - noticed Masha. ...

  • The Tale of the Little Yellow Car

    Russian fairy tale

    Once, one beautiful summer, the Little Yellow Car was born. She looked around and the world seemed to her so wonderful, so wonderful ... A little later, she asked the mighty old Avtovoz who was taking her into the unknown: -Tell me, who do you think I will ride? Car transporter ...

  • Road repair

    Russian fairy tale

    The roads in the city were poor. Many of them have long been in need of repair. But this requires special cars, and there were no such cars in the city. There was only an asphalt roller. When another hole appeared on the road, which prevented the cars from driving, workers came with shovels and threw it hot ...

  • Tractor and radio

    Russian fairy tale

    The tractor driver Petrovich bought a radio and hung it in the cab. Now on the road he listened to music. The tractor liked it. He even began to sing along. And the motor instead of "TR-r-r - tr - tr - tr" began to pronounce "Tr-r - ram - pam - pa-a - tr-r - ram - pam - pam". The tractor started to go jerkily, and sometimes completely ...

  • How the tower was built

    Russian fairy tale

    Three cranes lived in the same city: the daddy crane, the mother crane and the sonny crane. Mom and dad worked at a construction site, and my son - so, helped them sometimes. He was still small, after all. He wanted to lift the same huge concrete slabs as dad or stacks of bricks, like mom, but he didn’t have enough strength. Here are the pipes ...

  • The locomotive who loved to scream

    Russian fairy tale

    One little steam locomotive was very fond of shouting. He shouted so loudly and shrilly that everyone's ears were clogged. At first, other locomotives were scared, thought that something had happened to him and went to his aid. And then they realized that he was shouting on purpose, and waved the wheel at him. They only frowned when they heard ...

  • Mushroom picking

    Russian fairy tale

    Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees began to turn yellow, but the weather was fine - warm and sunny. It's good to walk in such weather. On Friday evening, the cars gathered in the garage. The MAZ truck said: - My driver, Uncle Kolya, says that it is good in the forest now ... - People go there to pick mushrooms - added the tank. ...

  • Champion

    Russian fairy tale

    Once some clever city car came up with the idea to organize a figure skating competition. Only not for people, but for cars and not on skates, but simply - on wheels on the asphalt. And someone else liked this idea, and then someone else, and then everyone else. On the outskirts of the city they liberated ...

  • Dream (fairy tale about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    The blue Ferrari, which had everything a car could have - big heavy wheels, four yellow headlights, a powerful engine and whatnot, dreamed of flying to the moon. He liked the moon - big, yellow, round. But Luna sometimes hid, sometimes turned into a month, and Ferrari missed her so much. ...

  • Friendship (a tale about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    Was Cold winter... The yellow Gazelle drove along a snow-covered road. She was bringing gifts to children for the New Year. A cold wind was blowing, but it was warm in the Gazelle, she was cheerfully driving along the road, listening to the radio and humming songs about a blue carriage, a smile and the New Year. On the way, Gazelle recalled a warm summer, a friend's dacha ...

  • Gift (tale about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    In the spring, the ice melted from the river, and the red Lamborghini and yellow Zhiguli went fishing. They dug up worms, took with them fishing rods and a warm cape for the seats, suddenly it gets colder. Cars loved to sit by the river, bask in the spring sun and watch the first bees humming. They are not bees ...

  • Help (tale about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    The pink Volvo was driving along the road, he did not know where. He just liked to drive fast on any road he saw in front of him. On the way, he met many other cars that greeted him with honking honks, and he happily honked them back. On the way he met a lot of interesting things, but to stop ...

  • Victory (a tale about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    A red Lamborghini and a blue Ferrari have always raced, traveled to other countries, pilots led them on highways, and on bends they happily squealed at the speed that their engine developed. Then they were given various prizes and the cars went to the next race. And at this time in the iron garage were ...

  • Journey (tale about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    Our Earth on which we live is round. Apart from roads, there are mountains, rivers, bridges, seas and much more on it. Cars can only drive on roads, on good roads... Only an all-terrain vehicle and a tank can drive on bad roads, but it will not be able to drive everywhere either. And what about a truck, a white Volga and a blue one ...

  • Rules (fairy tales about cars)

    Russian fairy tale

    bottom very stubborn green Gazelle did not want to follow the rules road traffic... I didn't want to, and that's it. The gazelle was very nice, everyone liked it, so I thought that everything was possible, drove through the streets, sang songs and really wanted everyone to see how brave, courageous she was, how beautiful she was, not paying attention ...

  • The tale of a new little tractor

    Russian fairy tale

    People worked at the factory for a long time and made a small tractor. He smelled of paint, engine oil, diesel fuel. The workers wished him luck, and the tractor set off on a long journey. Here he goes along the road and growls so loudly out of happiness: "Dyl, dyl, dyl ...". And cars go to the meeting, laugh and say: - Such ...

  • Tom's Car Adventure

    Russian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was a small car and Tom was overwhelmed. He loved to drive fast. On the road, Tom was always difficult to catch up, and even more so. Tom never understood the machines that work in the fields, maintain construction sites and just drive slowly. He believed that this transport does not know and does not feel full ...

  • The fairy tale about the car Lucy

    Russian fairy tale

    Lucy's car was parked in the garage. It was early morning, the birds began to wake up and chirp lazily. Lucy stood alone in her garage, she was a little sad and lonely, because she had no one to talk to, the birds did not understand her, and she also did not understand their bird language. And she so wanted to have a girlfriend with whom ...

  • Bibishka is a nice friend

    Russian fairy tale

    Among your childish affairs And there is a place for fairy tales. You have already heard and read a lot of them. You learned different fairy tales ... Among them, for sure, You only have not heard this one - About the Glorious Friend. It will seem at times Like a reality; A simple car will rush along it like a hero ...

  • Excavator Tale

    Russian fairy tale

    In the city, among the machines, the Excavator lived alone. I drove noisily, awkwardly Through ditches and puddles. It starts up and thunders, Wakes up everyone who sleeps. He was kind, he helped everyone: he dug, then fell asleep. In the garage, among the cars, He was very unloved. "You are noisy," they kept repeating. And they were not friends with a neighbor. We are beautiful and strong - To People ...

  • Truck story

    Russian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was a truck, Painted barrel. On asphalt and country roads I traveled to the city and villages. I carried important loads. I was in a hurry with all my might. I also drove through the station. Every day there early trains rushed, Rushed to the villages, cities. There was an important traffic light: Crossing! Turn off the engine! If on iron rails, ...

  • Smart cars

    Russian fairy tale

    Smart cars are driving along the road. Smart cars to help people. Here is a KAMAZ carrying a brick, a big toiler. He is a first class assistant, his board is steep. A very interesting fire engine. She went to the fire, signals that there is strength. The aerial platform is also a class, it drives up to the wires. Fixes light bulbs for us humans ...

  • Tales about Bobik and Bibika

    Russian fairy tale

    Acquaintance Once upon a time there was a small yellow car Bibik. Her dad was a truck and her mom was a fire engine. Bibika was very stubborn, and besides, she loved to boast. - Bibika, how can you drive so fast? - Dad kept repeating. “Is it my fault that others drive so slowly?” - objected Bibika. - Drive ...

  • A fairy tale for a son. Red car

    Russian fairy tale

    In a distant, distant city, there were cars. They were all different: big and small, fast and unhurried, talkative and silent. But no matter how different they were, they knew everything and strictly followed one rule: do not wait for a request for help on the road, help yourself. Somehow in this city appeared ...

  • The tale of the red car

    Russian fairy tale

    In one small town there lived a boy named Maksimka, who was a very smart and a little mischievous boy. He had a dad and mom. Parents went to work in the morning, and Maksimka went to kindergarten, which was located next to the house, where he had many friends. Most recently, he turned six years old. He knew...

The tale of the jeep hooligans.

We lived in the same parking lot with a large, large Kamaz truck and his little son, a truck, an UAZik. The boy looked a lot like Daddy - and the cockpit was above the engine, and the box was behind the cockpit. The only thing that the little son, the Georgian, did not know how to overturn the box body, like a daddy dump truck. But he really wanted to learn how to unload like a father, and in general the boy really wanted to grow up as soon as possible, become a strong dump truck and work at a construction site. Get up like a dad under an excavator or a crane for loading and have fun joking with a crane his friend. Drive fast on roads loaded with sand or gravel. And listen to how the builders said thanks to my father for bringing the gravel on time. And in the evening a tired Kamaz returned to the parking lot and listened to the little truck sitting on his dad's lap singing songs about the Christmas tree and telling Fedorino grief. The little truck boy often asked Kamaz's dad to tell him some kind of road story and dad, having put his son in the garage to sleep, began his story. So this time, standing next to the crib, daddy Kamaz began to tell:
Once upon a time - when I was a young Kamazyon -in the parking lot with my crane friend we played football. A small white car Oka drove up to the parking gate and asked to accompany her home, because she lived in a neighboring town and was afraid to drive alone in the evening on a deserted road where Jeeps were hooligans. that they did not know how to drive fast. They offended the old ladies of the buses, calling them fatties, blinded high beam headlights all oncoming cars, in general, did all sorts of outrage. Oka's passenger car sadly lowered the headlights and almost burst into tears with frustration, thinking that they would not help her and imagining how she would go home alone, through the terrible deserted roads, where these horrible jeeps rush around and offend everyone. I felt sorry for the little white car and I said that I would take her to the parking lot where she lived with her mother by minibus and grandmother by bus. She was very happy and we went to a neighboring town. Here began the suburbs and outskirts, with their dark streets and back streets. It was already dark and the moon had risen. We were driving alongside and talking quietly when suddenly two jeeps drove out of the corner and blinded us with the bright light of their headlights swept past us. The car turned white even more with fear and clung to me. I reassured her by saying that these were just jeeps and would not offend anyone. And we were all driving along an empty road, and suddenly in the darkness someone growled at the edge of the road. We stopped and began to peer into the dark roadside. I shouted, "Hey, who is there?" “This is me, a row-crop tractor,” a voice said with a strong diesel accent. ”“ And what are you doing there in the dark, ”I asked. they threw me all the glass and headlights with mud and for an hour now I can't find my way. " wow, thank you friends "- said the tractor -" if not for you, I would have had to spend the night here in the fields. " does not want to delay us so that we wait for him. We said goodbye to the tractor and drove on. But not even ten minutes passed when someone was crying from the side of the roadside. When we approached, we saw a scooter-scooter in the bushes by the road. He was crying and tears flowed straight to the ground from his only headlight. He looked scared and sorry. I felt sorry for him and I asked, "What's your name?" In a trembling voice, he answered, "I'm a Hole. My dad, a Honda motorcycle, forbade me to walk when it gets dark, and I didn't listen to him. I was driving along the road and was about to return, when suddenly two cars, very similar to jeeps, caught up with me and began to push me to the side of the road. I slipped on the dump and found myself in the bushes.
My steering wheel and seat hurt a lot, and the wheel is flat. "" Yes, I know his family, "said the passenger car Oka." They live not far from me in a nearby parking lot. " climb into my back later. I'll take you home to your parents, they must have been worried. Oh, and you will get from your dad. "The hole was very happy and climbed into the back." Hey, hold on in the back "- I shouted, deciding that the worst is over, because the suburb of a small car town was lit up ahead. But I was wrong. saw that we were being chased by two cars that looked very similar to jeeps. I asked the car to go faster. But the jeeps were powerful and easily caught up with us. Then I stopped and decided to talk to the hooligans and find out what they wanted. A minute later the jeeps drove up and stopped, impudently looking at the car. These were brand new BMW jeeps. I asked them, "Hey, jeeps, what do you need?" expensive wheels said, "Hey dude, give us this car - we want to play with it, and you go home, we won't touch you." I told them - "Come on, try to drive me away and made the wheels of the dust and frowned the headlights." They stood in indecision not expecting such a turn of events - not knowing what to do. And then a police car appeared from around the corner and the jeeps quickly drove off. A car with beacons drove up and asked sternly - "Young people, is everything all right?" I replied that everything is fine and we drove on. We arrived at the parking lot where Hoyrchik lived with his parents, daddy motorcycle Honda and mom Yamaha. Dad and mom were very glad that everything ended well with their son, and Honda's dad even forgot to scold Hoyrchik. And mother Yamaha kissed and stroked her son. Here is the parking lot where the car lived. The car stood on the tips of the wheels and kissed me right in the cab and said - You helped many people today: the tractor, and little Hole and me. Thank you. My paint almost peeled off on the cab and the body was sweating, I felt so embarrassed. I said - "Any normal dump truck would do this in my place", nodded to her with the cab and drove to my city, to my parking lot.

> Tales about Cars and about Cars

Cars are one of the favorite toys of all little boys. That is why we invite you to acquaint your kid with magical and amazing fairy tales about them.

Online fairy tales about cars can be read in the "Casket of fairy tales". By visiting the portal, you discover a wonderful world that will be interesting both for very young children and for those who are older. And adults will be able to feel like children again by reading these incredible fairy tales. In addition, such fairy tales can be used for home performances, because every boy has several cars among the toys. Fairy tales about toy cars for toddlers are great entertainment that can replace a TV, tablet or computer for a child and awaken a desire in a child to learn to read as soon as possible.

  • For her birthday, Lena was presented with a beautiful toy car. He was almost like a real one, only small. As soon as Lenya saw a new car, he immediately exclaimed loudly: "Beep-Beep!" - just like the honking of cars on the street. So the little car got its name. Like any toy car, Beep dreamed ...

  • Once Lena was presented with a railway. Everything in it was just like the real thing: the rails, and the station with the platform, and the crossing, near which there was a semaphore. The red light of the semaphore warned: stop! The path is closed! But when the green light came on, you could go on. Behind the crossing began a forest of fluffy, ...

  • Once upon a time there was a truck. He was big and strong. In order for him to carry more cargo, he had not one axle in the back, but two. Like this! The truck worked from morning to evening. And sometimes he had to work at night. Then he lit the headlights and confidently delivered what was needed and where it was needed. ...

  • One morning, the machine Mashka saw her old boyfriend, the boy Olezhka, digging the ground with an iron shovel. - Hello, Olezhka! - Masha shouted. - You must have confused something, the sandbox is not here, but on the playground. “I don’t need a sandbox,” Olezhka answered importantly. - I'm making a flower bed. - And what is it ...

  • One morning, Masha's car went to visit her grandfather, Volkswagen. Grandfather lived in a large garage far from Mashka's garage, and while she was driving to him along the new asphalt road, she managed to get tired. Grandfather was very happy with Masha, immediately sat her down at the table, poured tea and put raspberry jam in a saucer. ...

  • One day the machine Mashka brought Olezhka to the port. - Look, what a big ship - almost like a house! She shouted in delight. - Many floors, many windows, up there even people walk! What is this ship? - This is a ship. Passenger ship, - said Olezhka importantly. - There are cabins for passengers, a swimming pool, ...

  • Once Masha's typewriter got lost. It happened like this: that morning, the machine Mashka and the boy Olezhka went for a walk on the river. They played for a long time, rolled along the shore, splashed with water on fry, caught frogs, and then they got tired and sat down in the sun to rest. - Look, Olezhka, there is a bridge! - noticed Masha. ...

  • Once, one beautiful summer, the Little Yellow Car was born. She looked around and the world seemed to her so wonderful, so wonderful ... A little later, she asked the mighty old Avtovoz who was taking her into the unknown: -Tell me, who do you think I will ride? Car transporter ...

  • The roads in the city were poor. Many of them have long been in need of repair. But this requires special cars, and there were no such cars in the city. There was only an asphalt roller. When another hole appeared on the road, which prevented the cars from driving, workers came with shovels and threw it hot ...

  • The tractor driver Petrovich bought a radio and hung it in the cab. Now on the road he listened to music. The tractor liked it. He even began to sing along. And the motor instead of "TR-r-r - tr - tr - tr" began to pronounce "Tr-r - ram - pam - pa-a - tr-r - ram - pam - pam". The tractor started to go jerkily, and sometimes completely ...

  • Our tractor was not a simple tractor. He was a polite tractor. What could not be said about the trailer. Of course, the trailer also knew when to say "Hello" and when to say "Goodbye"; when - "Thank you", and when - "Please". Only he somehow did not succeed in all this. And how can you be polite here ...

  • Once upon a time there was a tractor. Brand new, red, brand "Belarus", with large black wheels. And he had a friend - a trailer. The trailer was not so pretty; the paint on it faded and peeled off, one side was bent. The tractor and trailer were close friends. They didn't even go anywhere without each other. People said about them: ...

  • In winter, the tractor driver Petrovich caught a cold. The doctor forbade him to go to work. Petrovich stayed at home - to rinse his throat and be treated with tea with lemon and raspberries. It happened four days before the New Year. A tractor with a trailer and Petrovich just had to go to the forestry for the fir trees. And then you need these trees ...

  • In the spring, a tractor with a trailer and their tractor driver Petrovich went on a business trip to the village of Mikhailovka. There were not enough workers and equipment too. Mikhailovka was far away; so we arrived at it only in the evening. The guests were greeted and accommodated in the garage, along with the village cars. And the tractor driver Petrovich ...

  • Three cranes lived in the same city: the daddy crane, the mother crane and the sonny crane. Mom and dad worked at a construction site, and my son - so, helped them sometimes. He was still small, after all. He wanted to lift the same huge concrete slabs as dad or stacks of bricks, like mom, but he didn’t have enough strength. Here are the pipes ...

  • It was a cold winter. The yellow Gazelle drove along a snow-covered road. She was bringing gifts to children for the New Year. A cold wind was blowing, but it was warm in the Gazelle, she was cheerfully driving along the road, listening to the radio and humming songs about a blue carriage, a smile and the New Year. On the way, Gazelle recalled a warm summer, a friend's dacha ...

  • In the spring, the ice melted from the river, and the red Lamborghini and yellow Zhiguli went fishing. They dug up worms, took with them fishing rods and a warm cape for the seats, suddenly it gets colder. Cars loved to sit by the river, bask in the spring sun and watch the first bees humming. They are not bees ...

  • The pink Volvo was driving along the road, he did not know where. He just liked to drive fast on any road he saw in front of him. On the way, he met many other cars that greeted him with honking honks, and he happily honked them back. On the way he met a lot of interesting things, but to stop ...

  • A red Lamborghini and a blue Ferrari have always raced, traveled to other countries, pilots led them on highways, and on bends they happily squealed at the speed that their engine developed. Then they were given various prizes and the cars went to the next race. And at this time in the iron garage were ...

  • Our Earth on which we live is round. Apart from roads, there are mountains, rivers, bridges, seas and much more on it. Cars can only drive on roads, on good roads. Only an all-terrain vehicle and a tank can drive on bad roads, but it will not be able to drive everywhere either. And what about a truck, a white Volga and a blue one ...

  • the bottom of the very stubborn green Gazelle did not want to follow the rules of the road. I didn't want to, and that's it. The gazelle was very sweet, everyone liked it, so I thought that everything was possible, drove through the streets, sang songs and really wanted everyone to see how brave, courageous she was, how beautiful she was, not paying attention ...

  • Red Zaporozhets walked for a long time, wandered between big cars on the road, because he was small, and now he drove to a place where he had never been. After all, there is always a place where we have never been. The location was amazing. In a large parking lot there were many cars, and even such cars that Zaporozhets had never seen. He came up ...

  • One big red KAMAZ was very fond of singing songs about the long and straight road, about his friends, strong, big and small, about summer and the sea, about everything he saw on the road. But he didn’t succeed very well, rather it didn’t work at all. He just hummed loudly, everyone thought he was asking ...

  • Once upon a time there was a small, hardworking machine, everyone in the district respected it for the fact that it fulfilled any request, any assignment very quickly and with pleasure. For example, an old grandmother asks her granddaughter to go for bread, but the granddaughter has no time, she needs to learn lessons, the machine immediately offers its help, and on the way ...

  • Once a big crane was driving along the road to a construction site. Suddenly his wheel broke. He stood in the middle of the road and stands, does not know what to do. And he called for help, but no one heard, because it was still very early, and he himself tried to go further on three wheels - nothing worked. Tired Crane, and decided to wait ...

  • Once upon a time there was a machine-get-up. She was still quite small and not quite an experienced typewriter. Of course, she had a name, but all her relatives and friends called her simply - an up-and-coming machine. She was a good, kind and glorious typewriter, but like all small typewriters, she loved to play a little. “Mom,” she said ...

  • People worked at the factory for a long time and made a small tractor. He smelled of paint, engine oil, diesel fuel. The workers wished him luck, and the tractor set off on a long journey. Here he goes along the road and growls so loudly out of happiness: "Dyl, dyl, dyl ...". And cars go to the meeting, laugh and say: - Such ...

  • Among your childish affairs And there is a place for fairy tales. You have already heard and read a lot of them. You learned different fairy tales ... Among them, for sure, You only have not heard this one - About the Glorious Friend. It will seem at times Like a reality; A simple car will rush along it like a hero ...

  • In the city, among the machines, the Excavator lived alone. I drove noisily, awkwardly Through ditches and puddles. It starts up and thunders, Wakes up everyone who sleeps. He was kind, he helped everyone: he dug, then fell asleep. In the garage, among the cars, He was very unloved. "You are noisy," they kept repeating. And they were not friends with a neighbor. We are beautiful and strong - To People ...

  • Once upon a time there was a truck, Painted barrel. On asphalt and country roads I traveled to the city and villages. I carried important loads. I was in a hurry with all my might. I also drove through the station. Every day there early trains rushed, Rushed to the villages, cities. There was an important traffic light: Crossing! Turn off the engine! If on iron rails, ...

  • Smart cars are driving along the road. Smart cars to help people. Here is a KAMAZ carrying a brick, a big toiler. He is a first class assistant, his board is steep. A very interesting fire engine. She went to the fire, signals that there is strength. The aerial platform is also a class, it drives up to the wires. Fixes light bulbs for us humans ...

  • Acquaintance Once upon a time there was a small yellow car Bibik. Her dad was a truck and her mom was a fire engine. Bibika was very stubborn, and besides, she loved to boast. - Bibika, how can you drive so fast? - Dad kept repeating. “Is it my fault that others drive so slowly?” - objected Bibika. - Drive ...

  • In a distant, distant city, there were cars. They were all different: big and small, fast and unhurried, talkative and silent. But no matter how different they were, they knew everything and strictly followed one rule: do not wait for a request for help on the road, help yourself. Somehow in this city appeared ...

  • It was a small toy car, in which everything was toy. Wheels and seats, steering wheel and engine everything, everything, everything. Like many other toys, some of its parts came off the assembly line, then someone's skillful hands gathered everything into a single whole, then the toy was packed and sent into the unknown. In the box...

  • One day Racing car decided to take a walk. She drove out of the garage, refueled on gasoline, blinked her headlights and rushed along the road. She followed the rules of the road and followed the requirements of all signs. She stopped at traffic lights and made way for buses and trams. Race car passed ...

  • Once upon a time there was a Fire Engine. She was brand new, red, shiny and very pretty. The car had just recently arrived from the factory and was the most beautiful in the fire department. When a parade, review or other solemn event happened in the city, the Fire Truck was always in the forefront, ...

  • It was a warm summer evening. A Crane and an Excavator were driving along the dusty field road. They rode slowly and talked among themselves. They saw from afar that Kamaz was coming towards them. Having approached closer, Kamaz stopped. - Hey. Where are you going? - He asked. - Hey. - Friends answered. - We're going to a birthday party ...

The sun rose in the city of cars and cars woke up with it.
Kapusha's truck was standing in the middle of his room. All the toys were taken out of their drawers and lay on the floor with a colored carpet.
- Kapusha, put away your toys, guests will come to us soon, - said my mother.
Today Kapusha's girlfriend was supposed to visit Kapusha - a little pink car, Sonya.
Kapusha set to work. He took the toy box. I put a hippo, a pyramid there ... Then a sunbeam entered the room and ran along the walls. How fun it is to play catch-up with the sun bunny.
Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Cranik Willie was presented with new caterpillars. Black and shiny! And of course Willie wanted to try them. But the caterpillars were brought in in the evening and there was very little time left for the games.

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- Today is the birthday of Sonya's car! And I… I forgot to buy a gift, - with these words Kapusha's truck woke up.
After thinking a little about what girls love, he went for a gift:
- A bow or a doll ... which is better? - he muttered and did not notice how he arrived at the store.
- Can I buy a bow for Sonya's car! - from the doorway he said.
All the buyers and the seller were very surprised, because the store Kapusha drove into was a grocery store!

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Friends invited Kapusha to the amusement park.

Kapusha has never been to an amusement park.
- What should you take with you? He thought.
Kapushi's truck's favorite pastime was playing with sand and so he took a shovel, a rake and a bucket.
Satisfied, he drove towards the park and met Doni on the way.

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Meet! This is Willie's little crawler crane. He lives at a construction site with his mom, dad and grandfather.

There was a lake next to the construction site. And as it should be for a decent lake, in winter it froze and turned into ice. Willie was very fond of playing on the lake. Caterpillars glide so merrily on the frozen lake!
Today Willie's mom said, "Son, it's getting warmer, don't go for a ride on the lake today!"
But Willie didn’t obey. When all the adults started to work, but he went to the lake ...
At first everything went as usual. And Willie rolled along the beach and laughed. But then he heard a crack. And before he had time to recover, his right caterpillar fell through the ice!
- Save! Help! - Willie shouted, but the adult cars were busy at the construction site and did not hear him.
Good thing grandpa Willie, old tower crane, no longer worked and strolled along the shore of the lake. He then heard cries for help. Drawing out his long arrow, he hooked Willie up and hauled him ashore.
Willie was crying, he was scared and angry.
- Why? Why did this harmful ice begin to melt? The little crane was saying, sobbing.
- Because spring is coming, - answered the grandfather.

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- New Years is soon! What do you need to celebrate the New Year? Christmas tree and New Year's mood! - thought the truck Kapusha.
No sooner said than done! He found the most beautiful tree in the forest and sat down to wait for it. But for some reason the New Year did not come, and the New Year's mood did not appear.
Then grandfather's truck appeared in the clearing next to Kapusha.
- Hello! What are you doing in the forest all alone? - asked the grandfather.
- Hello! I am waiting for the New Year, but it still does not come ... - answered Kapusha.
Grandpa smiled and said:
- Have you dressed up a Christmas tree?

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Doni's truck left his house in the morning. It was the most ordinary morning. A warm breeze was blowing, a pleasant sun was shining. And suddenly, from somewhere, with noise and din, three green hedgehogs rolled out.
Doni could not believe his eyes. He thought that he had not yet woken up and that this was a dream. Here the hedgehogs argued:
- It's your fault. No you. No you!
Doni pulled up closer. Deciding that this was a dream, he asked: "What happened, cute hedgehogs?" He wanted to appear as kind as possible, just in case.
Then one of their hedgehogs looked at Doni and said:
- I'm not a hedgehog! I'm a zebra, look!

(fairy tales for boys from 2 to 6)

Cars lived in one large iron garage. Among them were: yellow Lada, red Lamborghini, blue Ferrari, white Ford, silver Toyota and many, many other cars. The garage was large and there was room for everyone.
Many different stories happened to the cars.

The blue Ferrari, which had everything a car could have - big heavy wheels, four yellow headlights, a powerful engine and whatnot, dreamed of flying to the moon. He liked the moon - big, yellow, round. But Luna sometimes hid, sometimes turned into a month, and Ferrari missed her so much. Without her at night on the road, it was dark and boring.

Drove a blue Ferrari to the airfield. Many different planes stood there: single-engine, twin-engine, jet, cargo, passenger, but none of them could fly to the moon.
- We would also like to fly to the moon, but we do not have enough strength and fuel - said the Ferrari planes
- We need to go to the cosmodrome, only rockets can fly to the moon.

Ferrari drove to the cosmodrome. One large silvery rocket was parked at the cosmodrome. She was going to fly to the moon.
- Take me with you - asked Ferrari.
- I can't - the rocket answered, - I take astronauts with me, they need to look at our Earth from above. From above, our Earth is round like a ball, so you can fly around it and come back.
“Then explain why I can't fly myself,” Ferrari asked.
- Because each of us was created for his own business, I can fly into the distant sky, but I cannot drive along the roads faster than everyone else, like you. You don't know how to fly, but you drive the road faster than everyone else, overtaking everyone. You dream of flying to the moon, and my dream is to go to a green lawn, smell white daisies and watch a transparent stream flow.
“Yes,” Ferrari said, “everyone has their own dream and their own business. It would be nice if all dreams come true, but then it was so sad to live without them.

And the blue Ferrari returned to his garage again to drive on the roads, and sometimes look into the sky and dream of flying to the moon.

It was a cold winter. The yellow Gazelle drove along a snow-covered road. She was bringing gifts to children for the New Year. A cold wind was blowing, but it was warm in the Gazelle, she was cheerfully driving along the road, listening to the radio and humming songs about a blue carriage, a smile and the New Year.
On the way, Gazelle recalled a warm summer, the dacha of a good grandmother she knew and her friend white Ford.

But suddenly "WHOOT!" truck KAMAZ.
- Whoa ... What should I do now? - thought Gazelle, turning on the wipers so that they brushed her tears on the windshield. The janitors brushed away tears, and Gazelle thought that now the children would be left without gifts for New Year, soon she will run out of gasoline, and she will freeze until summer.
But then she remembered about the radio. Gazelle contacted her friend white Ford by radio and asked to help her out of trouble.

White Ford rushed to help his friend as quickly as possible in winter, especially since his tires were studded and did not slip on the road.
Soon a sad Gazelle appeared, at which the janitors were still working, wiping away her tears.
- Don't be sad, friend, - said the white Ford - I brought you a spare tire.
- Hooray! - the yellow Gazelle was delighted, - you are a real friend and comrade, you came to my aid!

Friends changed the broken wheel. They turned off the wipers, because there was no need to cry, turned on the radio and together, singing songs, took gifts for the children.

In the spring, the ice melted from the river, and the red Lamborghini and yellow Zhiguli went fishing. They dug up worms, took with them fishing rods and a warm cape for the seats, suddenly it gets colder. Cars loved to sit by the river, bask in the spring sun and watch the first bees humming. They were not afraid of bees, because they were made of iron, and the bees could not bite.

Suddenly a motor ship appeared on the river. He slowly moved downstream, probably after winter, he made his first voyage. The ship sometimes hummed with joy so that everyone could see how beautiful and strong it was.
“Eh,” said the yellow Zhiguli, “we've heard that there are cars that can swim, they are called“ amphibians ”. It is a pity that you and I do not know how.
- Yes, - answered the red Lamborghini, - it would be nice now to swim on the river, next to this ship in a race. It would be a real spring gift for me. I have never swum.
And the friends became sad, despite the spring sun and the awakened bees.

The sun looked at them warmly from a height, and the bees, sitting on the hood, decided to ride with their friends.

The pink Volvo was driving along the road, he did not know where. He just liked to drive fast on any road he saw in front of him. On the way, he met many other cars that greeted him with honking honks, and he happily honked them back. On the way, he met a lot of interesting things, but Volvo did not like to stop, so it rushed forward and forward.

One day he was driving along one narrow road, the tank was full of gas, the engine was fine, the road was empty, and the ride was pleasant. And suddenly, in the middle of the road, he saw an old black jeep standing. The jeep was parked in the middle of the road, and there was no way to go around it. Pink Volvo drove up to the jeep and asked him to clear the road.
- I can't, - the jeep sighed heavily and sadly, - it broke down, I ran out of gasoline, and in general, I'm very old. Once upon a time I was new, strong, beautiful, my engine was the strongest, the trunk was the largest, I had the brightest headlights, the loudest horn, the most beautiful spoilers, everything was the best. And yet, - the jeep sighed even heavily, - I had many friends. And now there is none of this. I'm standing on this road, no one needs an old black jeep.
- How so? - exclaimed the pink Volvo, - does it really happen, and I too will become old?
“Of course,” said the jeep, “everybody gets old sometime. And many, those who do not need anyone at all, are taken to the car dump.
- It should not be! - Volvo worried, - Everyone needs someone. He just doesn't know about it. Come on, I need you. We will repair your engine, fill the gas tank with gas, wash you to make you shiny again, and ride the roads together. And when you get tired, wait for me in the garage, I will return with gifts and stories about what I saw, you will listen and rejoice, as if you were with me. And then I also need someone to wait for me. It's so good when someone is waiting for you and rejoices at your return!
“Great idea!” Said the jeep. - Someone will need me. We will need each other.

This is how a black old jeep and a pink Volvo helped each other and became friends.

A red Lamborghini and a blue Ferrari have always raced, traveled to other countries, pilots led them on highways, and on bends they happily squealed at the speed that their engine developed. Then they were given various prizes and the cars went to the next race.

And at this time in the iron garage there were yellow Zhiguli and very, very, very, wanted to participate in races, travel to other countries and receive various prizes. But there was no opportunity for this, because the Zhiguli were old car which is not at all suitable for racing. The Zhiguli were very upset by this circumstance and even sometimes cried. They looked with sadness at their old engine, scratched hood, broken headlight and found many other shortcomings. Yellow Zhiguli considered themselves an ugly and worthless car.

One day, an old smart silver Toyota came to the garage. She looked at how sad the Zhiguli was, and said:
- There are no ugly and worthless cars. You just need to urgently change yourself and really want to become different. Tomorrow we will do this with you.
The next day, a lot of new spare parts, paint and all sorts of other necessary parts were brought to the garage. The yellow Lada was painted, a lot of things were replaced - the headlights, spark plugs, and the battery. And purple McLaren even lent a Zhiguli his powerful engine, since he himself went on vacation and wanted to sleep in the garage.

And now the new Zhiguli were not yellow, but golden in color, shone with new spoilers, shone with headlights and the engine hummed like an airplane. In such a beautiful form, the Lada went to the race with Lamborghini and Ferrari.
The first lap of the race Zhiguli were still afraid of their rivals, but then they remembered how beautiful they were, how they wanted to win, and took the lead. Circle after circle Zhiguli were ahead of everyone and came to the finish line first.
The most modern radio was presented to the winner of the race. It was a very good prize.

And now the Zhiguli know that if you really want to, you can achieve everything, even a very good prize for winning the race.


Our Earth on which we live is round. Apart from roads, there are mountains, rivers, bridges, seas and much more on it.
Cars can only drive on roads, on good roads. Only an all-terrain vehicle and a tank can drive on bad roads, but it will not be able to drive everywhere either. But what should a truck, a white Volga and a blue Ford do, if they so want to travel, go everywhere, see many new different places?

The cars got together and began to think how to travel for them where there are no roads.
They decided to go to the station and find out how people travel.
The station is noisy, there are a lot of people with suitcases, but even more different trains - passenger, freight, postal.
Cars drove up to a long train, which had the largest number of carriages, and asked:
- Train friend, tell me, please, how do you get over the rivers and mountains? How do people travel? We so want to see other lands.
- It's very simple, - answered the train, - you see, there are sleepers, and these are my rails, on which I am traveling, they are long, long, and lead to other countries. If there is a river on the way, then I ride along the railway bridge, this is a bridge where only trains travel. If there are mountains on the way, then I go through a tunnel that is dug through the mountain. It's dark in the tunnel, but I'm not afraid.
Do you want to go together? You will step on special platforms for cars, and I will take you on a journey.
- Good idea! Great! - the cars were delighted.

They stood on special platforms, and the train took them to see the world.

One very stubborn green Gazelle did not want to follow the traffic rules. I didn't want to, and that's it. The gazelle was very sweet, everyone liked it, so I thought that everything was possible, drove through the streets, sang songs and really wanted everyone to see how brave, courageous she was, how beautiful she was driving, ignoring other cars and even traffic lights ... Therefore, she did not wait for the green light to turn on, she simply did not look around. Neither right nor left.

It was raining, the asphalt was very slippery, after rain the asphalt is always slippery, and the wheels slide on it. The gazelle rode carelessly along the road and sang songs.
There was a very old and smart traffic light at the intersection. The traffic light saw that the Gazelle was rushing very fast, he lit his red eye, because he wanted everyone to be careful. But the Gazelle drove without looking at the traffic light.
And on the other side of the intersection, a KAMAZ truck was driving, and the traffic light's eye showed a green light for it. KAMAZ began to move and suddenly our reckless Gazelle crashed into it.
- Oh-oh-oh! - shouted the Gazelle. She was in great pain. Her headlights were smashed and windshield, a broken wing and something else inside, probably a motor.
The KAMAZ was very large and nothing happened to it.
- Call urgently ambulance! - hummed KAMAZ, - our Gazelle crashed, there is an accident!
An ambulance took Gazelle to a car hospital, a service station.
- Yes ... For a long time now you will not drive, - they told her there, - we will treat you for a long time. You will even miss your birthday and not receive gifts. Didn't you know that you can only drive on a green light?

The green Gazelle is sad, but now she knows for sure that the rules must be followed. And not only traffic, but many other rules - the rule of behavior at the table, the rule to wash and brush your teeth in the morning, the rule to clean up after yourself and many others. Because the rules are designed so that no one gets into trouble.

Red Zaporozhets walked for a long time, wandered between big cars on the road, because he was small, and now he drove to where he had never been. After all, there is always a place where we have never been.

The location was amazing. In a large parking lot there were many cars, and even such cars that Zaporozhets had never seen.
He went up to the old landau and asked:
- Where did these strange machines come from? I've never seen one like this on the road.
- This is museum vintage cars- answered the landau.
- Look, here is the first car that people came up with. He's big and not as handsome as modern cars, he has huge wheels, a loud engine and even no windshield wipers, such cars did not even know how to drive fast. And the engine of the first cars was not gasoline. And these are other cars that have not been made for a long time. They are all very old, so they are standing, resting in the parking lot. Perhaps someday you will also stand next to them.
- Can not be! - Shouted Zaporozhets, - After all, I'm new brilliant, I can do anything.
- Maybe, maybe, - said old car- I used to think so too. People constantly come up with new things, cars are getting better, more beautiful, faster. And they simply stop making old cars and put them in a museum. Here, do not be sad, do not be afraid, many people come here to see what cars used to be, and we proudly show ourselves.

"Well, let it be," thought Zaporozhets. "Now I am needed, I will drive, work, and when new cars come to my place, I will stand in this museum and show everyone how beautiful I was."

One big red KAMAZ was very fond of singing songs about the long and straight road, about his friends, strong, big and small, about summer and the sea, about everything he saw on the road. But he didn’t succeed very well, rather it didn’t work at all. He just hummed loudly, everyone thought that he was asking to clear the road or just imagining, no one heard the music in his beeps, his songs.

Once, because once everything happens, KAMAZ was driving along the yellow road and was carrying a lot of heavy stones for construction. They were waiting for him construction machines- bulldozer, excavator, crane, loader. Therefore, KAMAZ was in a hurry. On the way, he sang a song, as always. This time the song was about strong cars who are friends, so they are good at working together.
A small old Zaporozhets was driving towards KAMAZ.
- Why are you shouting like that? - asked the Zaporozhets, - there is no one on the road.
“I don’t shout, I sing,” KAMAZ answered.
- Who sings like that? Song is music and music of poetry.
“But I don’t know how to do it differently,” KAMAZ was upset.
- Do you want us to compose a song together? - suggested Zaporozhets.
- Come on, - KAMAZ was delighted.
And the song turned out like this:

There are many cars in the world
Trucks and cars
Adults and children know
All colors and brands of them.
There are silver cars
There are green and yellow
There are dirty and clean
There are angry and kind ones.
And for racing cars,
There is for a construction site, for a trip,
And all cars have tires
There is a motor and a suspension.
All cars love to drive
Everyone doesn't like to be in an accident.
Everyone stands together in the garage
Who is closer, who is further

And all the machines are helpers
And in the ride and in the conflagration,
And at the construction site and in the rain
They are all comrades to people.

KAMAZ and Zaporozhets, singing together the song they had composed, drove on.


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