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Not finding the car at the place where it was left, the drivers are shocked. The reason may be the evacuation of the car. Where to call if your car was evacuated? Each driver in Saratov should know the number of the traffic police station on duty: 75-07-44 or by phone 64-33-03. This is the only way you can find out if your car is on the list of evacuees, the address of the traffic police department, the inspector of which executed the offense, and the address of the parking lot where cars are evacuated in Saratov.

How to find out if the car was taken to the parking lot

At the moment, there are 3 parking lots in the city:

  • driver's license;
  • insurance;
  • vehicle registration certificate;

Our article, already due to its name, seems somewhat provocative, but not devoid of logic. Indeed, in fact, without even starting it, even in the very introduction, we can tell you one thing. You can pick up your car almost immediately after the vehicle has been detained and placed in a special parking lot, which everyone stubbornly calls it a penalty parking lot. Right as soon as the car was brought to her. The most important thing here is to exclude all the reasons for which the car was detained.

At the same time, they do not have the right to demand payment from you for picking up the car. But this still does not exempt from the payment of costs incurred by the company transporting your car. In general, about everything in order, so as not to get confused and clarify the situation about whether the driver owes someone and something, or you can "forgive everyone's debts."

Detention of a vehicle at a special parking lot

We will not recall in detail and for a long time all the options for which the vehicle can be detained. Moreover, we have already done this "Detention of the vehicle". Let's just say that if the driver was not there when the car was taken away and the tow truck had time to move, then that's it, it will be possible to pick up the car only at the special parking lot. If the tow truck is still standing and the reasons have been eliminated, then the car MUST be removed from the tow truck and given to the owner or his representative.
They stopped the driver in alcoholic intoxication, while he could not drive the car further, and the vehicle had to be detained. The driver can call any person who is registered in the insurance and has the right to get behind the wheel, while the detention is canceled automatically.

What is the payment for the vehicle's special parking lot in case of detention?

If it was not possible to pick up the car immediately, then it will have to be picked up from the impound. At the same time, the payment for the special parking lot in fact consists of the costs of transportation and storage of the vehicle. That is, in the case when the vehicle did not stand at the parking lot at all, it just arrived and was already taken away, then you still have to pay for a tow truck. And in large cities it can be several thousand. If the car was still in the parking lot, then the payment starts at 2 o'clock.

In general, we can talk about payment only using words more or less, that is, using the example of some comparative values, but not exact ones. The thing is that there is an Order of the FAS Russia of 08/15/2016 N 1145/16 "On the approval of Methodological guidelines for the calculation of tariffs for the movement and storage of detained vehicles and the establishment of payment terms" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 08/26/2016 N 43423) in which is written about the pricing policy.

p. 7 ... The term of payment for the movement and storage of detained vehicles is determined by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but the deadline for payment (deferral of payment) should not be less than 30 days from the date of movement of the detained vehicle.

That is, it all depends on the specific region and city. Here it is already necessary to take municipal documents and look for exact prices for each of the cases separately. Actually, this is not so much important as repeating once again that the payment for the parking lot consists of the transportation and storage of the vehicle.

Is it possible to pick up a car without payment from a special parking lot (impound parking lot)

Let's say the option, if there is no money, but you need to pick up the car. Until 2016, this did not bother anyone, that is, until there was no payment, the car was not given away.

Evacuation of the car in St. Petersburg

That is, the car is standing still, the payment for its parking goes, but there is still no money ... Such a kind of "counter". However, in 2016, Clause 10 of Article 27.13 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation changed. Now there is the following ...

The return of the detained vehicles to their owners, representatives of the owners or to persons who have documents necessary for driving these vehicles is carried out immediately after the reason for their detention has been eliminated.

As a result, it turns out that the main criterion for the car to be returned from the parking lot is not the payment of costs, but the elimination of the reason for the detention. Although this does not exempt the owner of the vehicle from subsequent payment, up to and including collection later through bailiffs. That is, it turns out that you can pick up a car from the impoundment parking lot conditionally free of charge, with subsequent payment. And some of our citizens in the country are so clever in not paying taxes, fines and penalties that it is problematic to collect anything like that from them. And for us, it’s just that our system doesn’t want a damn thing or cannot work. As a result, they all try to eat grass, that is, picking up the car from the impound will be really free.

What to do if your car was evacuated in Saratov?

Not finding the car at the place where it was left, the drivers are shocked. The reason may be the evacuation of the car. Where to call if your car was evacuated?

The car was evacuated what to do

Each driver in Saratov should know the number of the traffic police station on duty: 75-07-44 or by phone 64-33-03. This is the only way you can find out if your car is on the list of evacuees, the address of the traffic police department, the inspector of which executed the offense, and the address of the parking lot where cars are evacuated in Saratov. At the moment, there are 3 parking lots in the city:

  • at st. Technical, no number, tel .: 25-03-99;
  • st. Shekhurdin, 8, tel .: 46-64-97;
  • Ilyinskaya square, 5, tel .: 46-99-46.

If the vehicle is not found anywhere and is not listed in the lists of detainees, immediately contact the police with a statement about the theft.

The sequence of your actions if the car was evacuated

You found out where your car was evacuated - what next? First of all, you need to go to the local traffic police department responsible for arresting the car. Before that, do not forget to grab a certain amount to pay a fine and pay for the services of a tow truck and a parking lot. In addition, at the department you need to present:

  • documents proving your identity;
  • driver's license;
  • insurance;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • documents confirming ownership or power of attorney;
  • registration coupon or sales contract. If the car has not yet been registered and purchased recently.

Take with you all the paperwork related to your car, including receipts for the payment of previous fines.

For your information! If you managed to catch the evacuation process before the tow truck started moving and correct the offense, then the evacuation should be canceled. It will be enough to sign the protocol and pay the administrative fine within a month.

At the traffic police department, you will be given a protocol on the arrest of the vehicle, an act of evacuation of the car to the parking lot with all the necessary signatures, seals and permission to return the car from the parking lot will be issued, as well as a receipt for payment of the fine, which you must pay within 60 days from the moment of signing the protocol. With these documents, you can already apply directly to the car parking lot.

For your information! Better not to lead the matter to a forced evacuation. If you stay in the wrong place due to car malfunction, call a tow truck and deliver it to the nearest service center or to the parking lot. You can order a tow truck in Saratov here.

What is the correct way to act at the impounded parking lot, where the car was taken by a tow truck?

To pick up your car from an impound parking lot in Saratov, you must:

  • ask the cashier of the parking lot to request an acceptance certificate;
  • make a mark in this act on the permission to hand over the vehicle in the traffic police station on duty;
  • return to the special parking lot, hand over the act with a mark to the cashier and pay for the services of the tow truck and the storage time of the car in the parking lot;

For your information! Taking into account all the features of the detention of the car in Saratov, the following algorithm of actions of the driver of the evacuated vehicle will be optimal:

For your information! When you pick up a car from a parking lot, check the integrity of the seals and inspect the car for the presence of previously non-existent damage. Draw the attention of the parking staff to any malfunctions, scratches and dents that were missing before the evacuation in order to compensate for the damage. To prove your case, you may need independent technical expertise and even go to court. But this is justified only in exceptional cases when the damage is quite significant.

Since 2016, the rules for paying for the evacuation of vehicles have changed. Now, before picking up a car from an impound parking lot, the owners do not need to pay in advance the cost of its location there, because the procedure has become as simplified as possible.

From September 1, 2016, the Federal Law adopted by the State Duma of 06/23/2016 No. 205-FZ began to operate, and according to it, each car owner can pick it up from the impound parking lot without prepayment.

Such innovations, in the opinion of the State Duma deputies, have several advantages:

  • Vehicles will stay in the parking lot for less time, because now the owners can pick it up after receiving information about its evacuation.
  • It will be easier for motorists to appeal against illegal evacuation in court.

There were also opponents of this bill, who believe that now many motorists will simply "forget" to pay the cost of finding their property in the parking lot, and the appeal of its employees to the bailiffs will certainly lead to an increase in the burden on the courts, tk. it is possible to receive money from a person who did not pay for the evacuation only in court.

It is worth noting that such a system was initially applied in Moscow, but after a series of polls on how to pick up a car from a parking lot - with or without prepayment - the State Duma came to the conclusion that car owners prefer the second option. The innovation allows you to significantly save money by reducing the time spent by the vehicle in the parking lot, and the procedure for obtaining it is now somewhat simplified.

How to pick up a car from a parking lot: documents and a detailed algorithm

To return the detained transport, the owner will have to provide documents:

  • PTS and STS.
  • CTP policy.
  • Purchase agreement (optional).
  • Passport.
  • Permission to issue a car: issued at the traffic police department.
  • Power of attorney if the car is not taken by the owner who registered it.

In general, to pick up a car from a parking lot without payment, you will need to do the following:

  • Find out which parking lot the transport was transported to by calling the traffic police on duty.
  • Obtain a protocol from the traffic police inspector who detained the vehicle. If the employee does not have this document or is not able to find it, it is highly likely that the certificate may be in the on-duty department.
  • You will also need to take a permit for issuance from the traffic police, and with all the documents go to the impoundment and present them to the responsible officer.

Important! Some traffic police inspectors require you to pay in advance a fine for the offense, due to which the car was evacuated, but it should be remembered that in 2016 the deadline for paying the traffic police fine is 70 days - therefore, such requirements are illegal.

To make a fine, you can use any of the convenient methods:

  • Visit a branch of Sberbank and pay through the cashier or terminal on receipt.
  • Use online services.
  • Pay through the website "Gosuslugi". You can also register cars there.

What if all documents are left in the evacuated vehicle?

Such cases are not uncommon, because many drivers prefer to keep all vehicle documents in the glove compartment. If the car was evacuated, and the driver's license, PTS and STS remained in it, the actions of the owner change somewhat:

  • First, you need to go not to the traffic police, but to the parking lot itself in order for its employee to draw up a protocol for opening the vehicle and removing all documents from it.
  • After the seizure of the documents, the car must be sealed until the owner is returned to it.
  • The owner must go to the traffic police, and then proceed according to the scheme described above.

According to the bill adopted by the State Duma, the terms of payment for the parking lot are set separately by each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the cost varies depending on the region, however, the first day of the vehicle's stay on it is free.

When can the vehicle be evacuated?

In order not to burden themselves with additional troubles, car owners should know the cases when their cars can be evacuated:

  • Parking in the second row.
  • Parking on tram tracks or in another place if it interferes with the movement of trams.
  • Parking in tunnels, on the carriageway, if the distance from the solid marking line to the edge of the carriageway is less than 3 m.
  • Parking at pedestrian crossings or at a distance of less than 5 m in front.
  • Long-term presence of the car closer than 15 m from the stop of route vehicles or light taxis, if there are appropriate markings or signs.
  • Parking in any places where the location of the vehicle makes it impossible for other vehicles to leave.
  • Parking in parking spaces reserved for disabled people.
  • Parking on the sidewalk.

Before picking up your car from the impound parking lot, the owner must make sure that there is no damage on it. If there are scratches or dents on the body, any parts are missing or there are other shortcomings, then the actions of the owner should be as follows:

  • You need to apply to an independent examination, which will prove that the damage to the vehicle is fresh.
  • Next, you need to draw up a claim addressed to the head of the evacuation service and attach to it a protocol of detention from the traffic police, a copy of the opinion of an independent expert, an explanatory note from the employee who performed the evacuation (if any).

If the claim was rejected, then the owner of the vehicle, who suffered material damage, has the right to apply to the judicial authority at his place of residence.

Will the insurance pay for the damage to the car caused during the evacuation?

The MTPL policy, which all drivers must have, implies insurance of civil liability risks - therefore, it cannot be used to compensate for damage caused during the evacuation of the car.

Under an agreement with insurance companies that provide CASCO insurance services, it is quite possible to receive material compensation for damage caused during evacuation, but for this you need to familiarize yourself with its terms. To compensate for damage under CASCO, you need to submit the documents to the insurer:

  • The policy itself.
  • Evacuation certificate completed by the traffic police officer.
  • Vehicle acceptance certificate, received from the employee of the impoundment facility.
  • A certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, testifying to the unlawful actions of the employees of the evacuation service, as well as information about the damage and the Resolution on the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of causing damage to the property of the car owner.

Of course, it is more profitable for the heads of the evacuation services to resolve the conflict out of court, satisfying the citizen's claim and compensating for the damage, because if the matter came to court proceedings, the car owner has the right to demand not only material compensation for damage, but also reimbursement of expenses incurred to pay for the services of a lawyer and state fees ...

They took the car on a tow truck: where to call?

Lawyer, specialist in the field of labor, tax, criminal and business law, practical experience since 2013. Education: National Research University "BelSU", Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.
October 18, 2016.

Questions and answers on the material

We pick up the car from the parking lot: the procedure and the step-by-step algorithm, the required documents, the price of the issue.

Why can a car be evacuated to an impound parking lot?

According to Art. 27.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the car can be evacuated for several reasons:

  • The driver parked in the wrong place: under prohibitory signs, on pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, etc. This reason is considered the most common.
  • There are no documents for the right to drive a vehicle.
  • Defective brake or steering system, i.e. there are breakdowns that prohibit the operation of the machine.
  • During transportation, explosion and fire dangerous goods if the driver does not have the appropriate permits and licenses for this, or there are no special signs.
  • After a medical examination, it was established that the driver was in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication, or he refused to undergo a medical examination.

There is one exception in which they do not take the car - the owner eliminates the reason for the detention of the vehicle until the moment of its evacuation, but this only applies to cases of lack of documents, improper parking or malfunctions.

How to pick up a car from a parking lot: instructions for car owners

Without seeing iron horse in the left place, first of all, you need to call the traffic police department on duty and clarify to which parking lot the car was sent.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • Collect all documents: driver's license, insurance, diagnostic card, certificate of registration, OSAGO or sale and purchase agreement, if the car is not yet insured, as well as a civil passport.
  • The prepared documents should be submitted to the traffic police department, which drew up a protocol on the violation. There, the car owner is issued a receipt, according to which he must pay the cost of evacuation and idle time in the parking lot if the car has been there for more than 24 hours. If there are fines from cameras, inspectors have no right to force them to pay, because for this there must be a court decision.
  • Get a certificate from the inspector in order to go further to the car park and pick up the car.
  • Go to the parking lot and present a certificate issued to the traffic police.
  • Carefully inspect the vehicle: it should not be damaged, and all doors and trunk should be sealed - only after that you can sign a document confirming the absence of claims.

Some car owners are in the habit of keeping all documents in the car, and here everything becomes more complicated: first you need to go to the impounded parking lot, draw up a protocol for opening the vehicle and seizing the driver's license, OSAGO, etc. - i.e. everything that was in it. After that, with the protocol and documents, you need to visit the traffic police, following the above scheme.

What if the car was evacuated illegally?

Of course, such cases are quite rare, but they do happen. If the car owner considers himself innocent, he can do the following:

  • Find a lawyer or represent yourself.
  • Submit a complaint to the court against the actions of the traffic police with a requirement to reimburse the costs of evacuation and parking.

The deadline for filing a complaint is 3 months from the moment the car was illegally sent to the site. To prove the guilt of a motorist, traffic police inspectors must provide photographs taken on the spot and prove that his transport interfered with the movement of other cars, or the driver himself made any violations that are the reason for evacuation.

How much does it cost to pick up a car from an impound parking lot?

The first day you do not need to pay for the car in the parking lot, and any demands for payment are illegal, with the exception of its evacuation itself. Further rates will vary depending on the region and vehicle category. Consider the example of Moscow:

  • Evacuation: cat. A and B up to 80 hp

    Theft or evacuation - how to find out where the car has gone

    - 3,000 rubles; cat. B from 80 to 250 HP - 5,000 rubles; cat. Over 250 hp - 7,000 rubles; cat. D, freight transport, except for oversized - 27,000 rubles; oversized cars - 47,000 rubles.

  • Penalty parking per day: cat. A - 500 rubles; cat. B and D weighing no more than 3.5 tons - 3,500 rubles; cat. D over 3.5 t - 2,000, similarly for transport cat. C and E. Oversized cars - 3,000 rubles.

Important points for car owners

Every driver faced with a forced evacuation of a car should remember important details:

  • The traffic police is a unit with a round-the-clock operation, and any admonitions by inspectors about holidays and weekends should not interfere with timely picking up the car from the parking lot. As a rule, traffic policemen refer to holidays so that the owner of the vehicle cannot receive his property at the first call - accordingly, he will have to pay more money for his presence on the site.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the condition of your car before the signing of the document on the absence of claims: should be inspected paintwork, the integrity of body parts, etc. In addition, not all tow trucks have the right to load cars with automatic transmission: for such transport, you need loaders that hook them from below, or you need to put special devices under the wheels.
  • Failure to pay transport tax or fines is not grounds for refusing to issue a car.

What to do if the car was damaged during the evacuation?

If you notice a malfunction, a crack in the bumper or other damage that was not there until the moment of evacuation, you should contact an independent examination to fix everything. With the results obtained, you need to go to the impoundment again and write a written complaint, attaching copies of certificates from the appraisers. If the cost of the repair is not reimbursed in the future, you must file a claim in court.

What to do if your car is evacuated

It often happens that the car has to be left in a place where parking is not allowed. And meetings with traffic police officers do not always end with a routine document check. There are a number of situations when a car can end up in an impoundment parking lot, and it is not so easy to pick it up from there. To perform such a task, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements of the traffic police, as well as submit required documents to the department.

If your car was taken to the impound, you should hurry, because for every day, and in some cities and for every hour of downtime, you will have to pay a lot of money from your pocket. Therefore, it is necessary to pick up the car on the day of its seizure, having resolved all legal issues as required by the police and the law.

Cases in which they can pick up a car for a car parking lot

Many drivers mistakenly believe that this can only happen if parking is not correct. In fact, this is only part of the violations in which such a process occurs. It is important to be aware of all possible situations so that you are not surprised when the traffic police officer demands to leave the car and pick it up from the impound.

The most common reason for sending a car to this unpleasant place is the lack of a complete set of documents. For example, the driver does not have a vehicle registration certificate or driver's license. The traffic police officer writes out an appropriate fine, by paying which you can pick up the car. The following situations also often occur:

  • the truck driver does not provide a license card and waybill, as well as documents for the cargo;
  • the car is parked under the “no parking” sign - the car can be evacuated without the knowledge of the owner;
  • while driving, the motorist is drunk or deprived of the right to drive a vehicle;
  • proper work is disrupted brake system, steering or clutch of a car;
  • in case of refusal to undergo an examination for alcohol and drug intoxication.

It turns out that, according to the law, every driver has the right to refuse a medical examination, which, given the honesty and transparency of these medical structures, is quite logical. But in case of refusal, the car will be confiscated from you to the impoundment parking lot until the circumstances and possible committed offenses are determined. How this definition will pass, not a single document fixes.

Therefore, it is better to give up this right and be tested in a medical institution. It is often possible to successfully appeal against the evacuation of a vehicle, but even if you have evidence that you are right and that you have violated the procedure for taking the car to an impound parking lot, it will be difficult to prove something. And the penalty for the services of the car storage area is constantly growing.

We pick up the car from the parking lot correctly

The indicator of the cost of storing a car depends on the type of car. For most cars, the tariff in Moscow will be 1000 rubles per day (cars of categories B and D, the mass of which does not exceed 3.5 tons). But this is not the most high consumption if you have not allowed an idle time in the parking lot for several months.

The most significant expense in this case will be the cost of evacuating the car, as well as the amount of the fine that you will have to pay. It is impossible to get out of this situation in any other way. To pick up your car, evacuated for violation of traffic rules to the parking lot, you must do the following:

  • collect all Required documents for vehicles, including insurance and other papers;
  • come to the department that wrote out the protocol on the violation and pay the fine;
  • contact the inspector with a request to issue a certificate that will allow you to pick up the car from the parking lot;
  • go to the site to which the car was evacuated;
  • provide the parking staff with a document issued to you by the traffic police;
  • inspect the car carefully, only then sign the document on the absence of claims issued to you.

Often, during transportation or loading, problems and physical damage to the machine arise, which you can eliminate at the expense of the state if you do not immediately sign the vehicle acceptance certificate. Also note that the vehicle must be sealed. The hood, trunk lid and all doors must be pasted over with special stamped papers.

Otherwise, there is an offense on the part of the police, which, in theory, could become the basis for filing documents in court. In practice, such courts are almost never won. Therefore, just check the presence of all valuable things in the car and go on a further trip. Remember that all payments are made through cash desks and banks, there can be no personal settlements in this situation.

See more useful tips from the journalists who figured out the process of getting a car from a car parking lot:

Summing up

The procedure for returning a car that has been evacuated to a car parking lot is rather complicated. You need to act quickly in order to save your funds and not spend an incredible amount of time on all the formalities and procedures. However, the system is specially organized so that you spend a lot of time on trips to traffic police departments and even looking for a parking lot with your car, thereby bringing profit to the state.

But if you know all the intricacies of this task, you can do it in a few hours and pick up the car without paying for storage services. Never put off releasing your car from the police captivity until tomorrow, otherwise you will have to pay a hefty price. Have there been any cases in your practice of evacuating a car to an impound parking lot, and how did you act in such situations?

Social comments Cackle

Unfortunately, drivers are not immune from such a nuisance as It can happen to everyone, because sometimes it is difficult to find parking and you have to park in the wrong place in the hope that nothing will happen. But upon returning, you can find that the car was taken away on a tow truck. Where to call and how to act in such a circumstance? Let's figure it out.

When are cars taken away at all?

Most often, the traffic police inspector calls a tow truck if he notices a car under the sign "Tow truck is working", "Parking is prohibited", etc. Usually, drivers understand this very well, but they believe that after 10 minutes of parking in the wrong place, nothing will happen, because during this time the tow truck will not have time to arrive. However, he may be very close. This is the most common reason for evacuation. It is worth noting that in the event of a car driving away by a tow truck, you need to act quickly and try to return the car as soon as possible, because the cost of the car parking lot is high. Especially it concerns trucks... In Moscow, for example, the evacuation of a cargo vehicle will cost 50,000 rubles, and this is without taking into account the cost of the car's stay at the parking lot.

However, there are other situations when the car can be evacuated:

  1. Faults in the brake or steering system.
  2. Suspicion of If a traffic police officer notices that the driver is drunk, then he has the right to call a tow truck even if the motorist refuses to be examined for the state of intoxication.
  3. Parking in places where the car can interfere with the passage of other vehicles.

They took the car on a tow truck: where to call and where to look for a car?

If the owner manages to return to the car before it has already been driven away, then you can limit yourself to paying. The car will have to be rearranged by yourself. It will come out much cheaper than if she was driven to the impound.

However, if the driver is not able to do this on his own for any reason, then he can at least ask which parking lot his transport is being driven to, and generally follow the evacuation processor.

Most often, it happens that the driver, having come to with his car, does not find either the car, or the tow truck, or the traffic police inspector. And here there are 2 options: either the car was stolen, or the car was taken by a tow truck. Where to call in this case? First of all, you need to call 001 (the duty station). If this happened in Moscow, then there are also numbers of the city service for moving vehicles and the service of evacuators.

By any of these numbers, you can find out to which impoundment site the car was driven, and why it was done at all. To do this, it is enough to name the registration number of the car. Also, the driver can find out in which traffic police department the employee who drew up the evacuation protocol is working. This is necessary for the further return of the car when issuing a permit to issue it from the parking lot. So, if the car was taken by a tow truck in Moscow, where to call, you now know.

If you called, but there is no information regarding your car, then you should not panic. Usually, it appears within an hour after the car is evacuated to the impound parking lot. It takes time for the registration plate to be entered into the database.

Drawing up an evacuation protocol

In the absence of a driver, the protocol is drawn up by the traffic police officer himself. However, if the owner is present at the same time, but for some reason cannot drive the car away on his own, then he can follow the drawing up of the protocol. In particular, you can ask the traffic police officer to make some clarifications, for example, about the condition of the vehicle. You can fix that there are no body defects on the car, etc. And if the car is damaged during the evacuation, the owner will be able to prove that this happened during the evacuation. If the protocol does not contain information about the state of the machine, then it will be simply impossible to prove anything.

You can also indicate in the protocol all things that are in the cabin at the time of evacuation in order to prevent theft, etc. However, all access points to the salon are in any case sealed, so listing items in the salon is already superfluous. It is much more important to fix the absence of defects in the body, because it often happens that during the evacuation, cars are beaten or scratched.

Where are the cars taken by the tow truck?

There are several dozen car parking lots throughout Moscow, and you can understand which one the car was driven to by the numbers of the evacuation service. Taking into account the fact that the lion's share of evacuations takes place in the center of Moscow, we present a list of addresses of the car parking lots where cars are transported in the central district:

  1. Volgogradsky prospect, 2A.
  2. Podolsk cadets street, ow. 7A.
  3. Baumanskaya street, 47/1 A.
  4. Area ow. 2 A.
  5. Silikatny passage, ow. 9-11 A.
  6. Grayvoronovskaya street, 40 A.
  7. 1st Magistralnaya Street, vl. 6 A.
  8. Kaskadnaya street, vl. 28 A.
  9. Izhora street, ow. 17 A.
  10. Ryabinovaya street, 71A.
  11. Serebryakova passage, ow. 14 A.
  12. Maly Kupavensky proezd, ow. 40 A.

How much will the evacuation cost?

Considering that the cost of the impound parking lot is quite high, then you need to pick up the car as soon as possible. For each day of being in such a "paid parking" a certain amount is charged, without which the owner of the vehicle will not be able to pick up the car. In this case, it is also worth considering that it is necessary to pay for the evacuation service itself.

If the driver can pay the fine on the first day, then nothing will have to be paid for parking. However, in the future, the service of staying a car in the parking lot will be paid, but the price depends on the dimensions of the vehicle:

  1. 3000 rubles per day for large vehicles.
  2. 2000 rubles per day for vehicles of category D and C.
  3. Cars weighing up to 3.5 tons - 1000 rubles per day.
  4. Mopeds, motorcycles, etc. - 500 rubles per day.

As for the evacuation process itself, you will also have to pay for it. Depending on the category of transport, the service can cost the offender 3-27 thousand rubles. Of course, transporting trucks will be expensive.

Return of the car

After the offender pays the fine at the bank or using a special terminal, he will be able to pick up his car by presenting a check. If the car is not taken by the owner, then he needs to present certain documents:

  1. Insurance policy, extracts from the policy.
  2. Power of attorney from the owner of the car.
  3. Driver's license.
  4. Machine registration certificate.

If the documents are left in the car

It also happens that when the car is driven away to the parking lot, the documents remain inside. In such a situation, the driver needs to immediately find out the address of the impound parking lot and go there. Already at the site, you can open your car with the keys, but first a car opening protocol must be drawn up, in which the parking employee and the vehicle owner sign. After that, with the documents, you can go to the traffic police to obtain permission to issue a car.

The distance between these points can be quite decent. Sometimes the traffic police department and the penalty area are generally located in different parts of the city, which greatly complicates the procedure for returning the car. Therefore, documents left in the car can become a serious problem in case of parking in the wrong place.


Of course, it is unpleasant if the car was taken by a tow truck, but there is nothing catastrophic about it. Most often, drivers manage to pick up vehicles from the parking lot on the day of evacuation, so you don't have to pay for the parking lot. The main thing is to act quickly, and if you have already parked your car in the wrong place, then try not to lose sight of it. If you notice a car nearby road service, then it is better to immediately approach the car and overtake it. So it will be possible to get off with just one fine without paying for the evacuation service.

So, now you know what to do if you took your car on a tow truck, and where to call.


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