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Many drivers are faced with a problem when the VAZ-2114 starts up and immediately stalls, the reason can be hidden in any little thing. This is a common situation that should not panic the driver. This happens a lot, and it doesn't depend on how long your car has been in use. There can be many reasons for this, so you should be prepared for the fact that it will take some time. Sometimes the driver is not able to independently figure out the reason for such a failure, so it makes sense to contact the car service to experienced specialists. Sometimes the problem lies in the type of engine or in an untimely technical inspection. Typically, such problems arise abruptly and unexpectedly, and therefore can cause trouble for the driver.

What are the causes of car malfunctions

If such a problem begins to arise in the car that it stalls as soon as it starts, then it is time to drive the car for a technical inspection. In fact, there may be several reasons, and before revealing the true one, you have to sort out almost half of your car. What is worth paying attention to in the first place, we will consider further.

  1. The car alarm is malfunctioning. Modern alarms that are connected to the central control unit have many additional gadgets that can negatively affect engine starting. Sometimes even electronics can malfunction and malfunction. The auto program does not identify the start and stops the supply of electricity to the injectors, which, accordingly, deprives the spark (no ignition).
  2. The idle speed regulator is inoperative. There can be two reasons for its incapacity - either it is too clogged, or inoperative, and it will need to be replaced. Poor quality fuel causes clogging and damage to the valve. Blockages clog the channels through which automobile mixtures, together with oxygen, must flow to the parts, this disrupts the ignition process.

To eliminate this problem, you will need the help of experienced specialists who will carry out the cleaning with ultrasound.

Also, the reason may be low-quality lubricants... Oil can remain on the cylinder walls and interfere with normal piston stroke. To eliminate such a problem, it is necessary to change the oil, after having thoroughly flushed the engine. The fuel pump is unstable. The device will not have the necessary pressure to smooth operation system, so the fuel supply will be intermittent.

  1. Poor fuel quality. This problem leads to engine detonation. The integrity of the heat pipelines is violated, and this entails air leakage and liquefaction of the combustible mixture.
  2. Clogged exhaust system. Failure to remove excess gases will block the operation of the motor. This problem is eliminated only at the service station.
  3. Fuel or air filter clogged. In case of non-observance of the cleanliness of the filters, the system can also malfunction. The filtering parts must be monitored and periodically cleaned or replaced.
  4. The oxygen sensor can fail and become one of the reasons that the car stalls. Correct operation of the sensor depends on the composition of the combustible mixture. If the composition is incorrect, the device will block the further operation of the machine.

The operation of the injection system has always been a weak position of VAZ 2113, 2114, 2115 cars. Poor-quality gasoline, fake consumables, inept DIY repairs or in an unprofessional service - the car stalls for any of these reasons.

On old cars of the Samara-1 generation, a similar problem was solved by adjusting the carburetor and ignition. Less often - by replacing the fuel pump. The VAZ 2114 electronic injector is many times more reliable than a carburetor, it starts up and works in any weather without causing trouble. But if the injection machine still stalls, there can be many reasons for this. Let's analyze them.


If there are problems with the operation of the injection system, you should first make a diagnosis of the ECU. In this regard, the owners of the VAZ 2114 were more fortunate with the German VDO tidy - it has a self-diagnosis mode. On machines with dashboard there is no such functionality from "Schetmash".

The work with the self-diagnosis mode on the VDO panel is carried out according to the following algorithm: ➤ with the ignition off, hold the odometer button for a few seconds; ➤ turn on the ignition to position "1", release the button; ➤ if the arrows run on the display - everything is in order, press once (information message about the firmware version) and release, with the second press the error code will appear; ➤ The error can be cleared by holding the button until "0" appears. Injection problems, due to which the car stalls, can be indicated by the numbers 1 (ECU error), 14,15 (coolant sensor errors), 22, 23 (TPS errors), 33, 34 (DMRV errors), 42 (ignition malfunction) , 44, 45 (poor or rich mixture). The disadvantage of self-diagnosis on the VAZ 2114 is that if there are several errors, the system summarizes the codes. Thus, the number "22" can mean a TPS error or low voltage on-board network and coolant sensor error (8 + 14). For a more accurate diagnosis of the injector, you need to immediately contact the service or purchase a diagnostic scanner (it costs about 1000 rubles).

If you have another machine, you can find the problem sensor by alternately replacing the sensing elements with known good ones.


External signs can sometimes tell more about injection problems than computer diagnostics. Pay attention to exactly when the VAZ 2114 car stalls: ➤ on idle; ➤ the car does not start well, after the factory it immediately stalls or works only on the gas supply; ➤ the car stalls in cold mode, in hot mode it works normally; ➤ the car starts up and works normally in neutral, after warming up to a certain temperature it starts to stall; ➤ the car normally works at idle and in motion, but the engine stops when braking, turning off the gear, dumping gas; ➤ the car starts up, but picks up speed poorly and stalls when the gas is pressed sharply. Based on these signs, it is possible, if not to determine the problem for sure, then to reduce the “circle of suspects”.


Sometimes the poor performance of the injection system is trivially associated with inattention to the condition of the car and untimely maintenance. 1. Filters clogged. Replacing the air and fuel filters is a mandatory part Maintenance car for experienced car owners. The average service life of filters on a VAZ is 30,000 km. The real one depends on the quality of the fuel and the filter itself, the operating conditions. If the car has traveled more than 100 thousand kilometers, it is advisable to change the filters more often, once every 10-15 thousand (or once a year). By this mileage, dirt inevitably accumulates in the system. If the car stalls in neutral or immediately after starting the engine, start by inspecting the filters. 2. Lack of gasoline. The critical fuel level must not be allowed. V fuel line dirt may get caught and settle on the bottom of the tank. If the pointer approached the critical mark (or does not work), the car was just driving, and after stopping it does not start or starts and stalls, it may be necessary to refill the fuel. Firstly, the accuracy of the FLS on the VAZ is not perfect. Secondly, if you stop at a low level on a slope, the fuel may not be sucked in by the pump at all or may be mixed with air. 3. Curved arms. If the problem appeared immediately after repairing the machine, carefully check the connection of all chips or the integrity of the wires. The reasons why the engine stalls may lie there.


There are a lot of reasons for the improper operation of the VAZ 2114 with an injector on a cold one. Among them: ➤ "dying" fuel pump; ➤ malfunction of the IAC; ➤ clogging of the injector; ➤ malfunction DTOZH. IAC(idle speed regulator) - one of the "favorites" of VAZ owners. In addition to stalling, its malfunction is indicated by unstable revolutions on Idling... In motion, the car may stall when the transmission is disengaged or throttle is released. The regulator is checked with a multimeter, measuring (with the ignition off) the resistance at the outputs. Should there be a pair of terminals A-B, C-D? 53 Ohm. Between A-C and B-D - infinity. If this is not the case - IAC for cleaning or replacement.

Clogged injector widespread due to fuel of dubious quality at half of the country's gas stations. Often the problem is solved by flushing with an injector or carburetor cleaner. Worse if nozzles are clogged. Sometimes they can be manually cleaned with special chemicals, but more often only ultrasonic cleaning in service or replacement can help. Gasoline pump does not always "die" immediately. More often than not, problems build up gradually. Listen to its sound when you turn the ignition. If it becomes louder or quieter than usual, this is a beep. Fuel pump malfunctions manifest themselves in different ways, up to the fact that the car cannot be started. If the car stalls in neutral or when braking, but operates normally in other modes, the fine filter mesh may be clogged. Ignition... The ignition system at the VAZ does not fail so often, but this option cannot be discarded. The main source of problems is candles. Change them according to the regulations, and there will be no problems. Also, the reason may be high voltage wires and an ignition module. "Broneprovod" never fail at the same time. Due to a malfunction of one or even two of them, the machine is very troit, but it works. But the gradual failure of the ignition coil winding can be the reason that the car will immediately stall, and after the plant it will work as if nothing had happened. If this situation is repeated periodically without visible logic, a short-term loss of spark may occur.


The correct operation of the VAZ 2114 injector depends on several sensors: ➤ DPDZ (throttle position sensor); ➤ DMRV (mass air flow sensor); ➤ DPKV (crankshaft position sensor); ➤ DTOZH (coolant temperature sensor). If the stalling of the car stably depends on the temperature (more often on a hot engine), the cause may be DTOZH... The enriched mixture is fed to the cold injector. If, as the sensor warms up, it does not give the computer correct data, the engine may become dull and stall. DMRV not so often manifests itself as stalling of the car. His "element": failures when pressing the gas, increased consumption fuel, power drop. But the VAZ 2114 can stall when the gas is pressed or released, if there are strong deviations in the real and measured amount of air. When you press the gas real expense air increases. If the sensor gives the computer approximately the same readings as at idle, the mixture becomes very lean and the car may stall.

Most often, the matter is solved by cleaning the mass air flow sensor. You can check it by disconnecting the chip while the engine is running. If the sound of the motor does not change, the source of the problem has been found. DPDZ regulates the amount of fuel entering the engine. Contamination does not affect it as much as it does on the mass air flow sensor, although sticking of moving parts is possible. Its main enemy is mechanical wear, which can only be corrected by replacement. With a faulty TPS, the car usually stalls when shifting gears. This can happen when the gas is released, and the engine speed drops, if the fuel mixture supply is momentarily shut off by the throttle.

As a rule, TPS problems are not solved by cleaning. The sensor is checked with a multimeter. The operation is best performed with two people. Select the multimeter mode on the tester and set the probes to ground and the input signal - it should always be 5V. Then put the second probe on the third output (signal in the controller line). Ask your assistant to step on the gas. Voltmeter readings should vary within? 0.5 - 4 V. If there is no 5V power supply, the problem is in the electrical. If the sensor does not respond to pressing the gas or does not react correctly, replace the TPS. DPKV- one of the rare reasons why a VAZ 2114 car stalls. There are several "old-fashioned" (inaccurate, therefore, they are not given here) ways to check it. Ideally, the performance of the DPKV is checked with an oscilloscope, so we recommend that you always keep a spare sensor in the glove compartment. If you have exhausted other options, replace the DPKV with a knowingly working one. If the DPKV is faulty, the ignition does not work correctly: the injection phases are lost, the operation of the injectors and candles does not match. The car may not start (most often) or start extremely badly, triple and immediately stall, or work on a gas pump on two cylinders.

The worst option, why the car stalls when the gas is released or at idle speed - the cylinder head gasket is broken or the "head" is triggered. In this case, engine repair will be required. There are so many reasons for such a malfunction, and the symptoms are so similar that diagnosis is mandatory. But even she does not always give a result, indicating the symptoms, and not the causes of the "disease" of the car. Replacing the sensor can help, but after a while the problem will return. You need to check each element in turn: starting simple options and ending with complex ones (electrical breaks, uneven engine compression and its causes).

Float revolutions on the VAZ 2114

It is not uncommon for the idle speed to float. Such phenomena irritate the driver and lead to unpleasant scenarios on the road. For example, the engine can simply stall at any moment. If idle speed is floating on the injector VAZ 2114, the problem lies in the sensors that send incorrect signals to the electronic control unit. There are three sensors that can cause malfunction of the motor: ➤ Idle speed regulator or IAC; ➤ Mass air flow sensor or mass air flow sensor; ➤ EGR.

Alas, it often happens that the VAZ 2114 stalls on the move, and it is completely incomprehensible why this is happening. This article provides a unique opportunity to understand the probable causes of this negative phenomenon. Plus, options for solving the problem will be offered.

The most common reasons

VAZ 2114 stalls on the move - why is this happening? In fact, there are a number of reasons leading to this.

1. The engine may not be running as expected due to a problem with the idle speed sensor. You can check how it works without much difficulty. The power unit stalls at idle, but if you add a little gas, everything works. In parallel, the rpm on the motor constantly floats, if only you take your foot off the accelerator.
The bottom line is one - you will need to replace the regulator.

2. The throttle valve is likely clogged. Most often, it just needs to be cleaned in order to normalize work. power unit... Only you need to clean it using a special technology. It is recommended to dismantle it, and even then thoroughly rinse it, and then blow it out with a compressor. There are screws on the side and inside the throttle body. It is strictly forbidden to touch them. When cleaning does not bring the desired result, most likely it is time to change the throttle position sensor. By the way, it's easy to do it on your own, and you don't have to go to the service station.

When else can a car stall?

Many drivers are sure that the fuel is of poor quality. Therefore, in search of the reasons for the poor-quality operation of the power unit, you need to start with this. It's good when a malfunction makes itself felt immediately after refueling. If something like this happens, you can safely go to a car shop and buy a fuel filter. Do not forget to drain the fuel from the tank.

Maybe it's not about the fuel. Perhaps the problem is the candles. A knowledgeable motorist will be able to accurately determine the condition of the candles, even by their color. It is very easy to draw a conclusion regarding their performance, relying only on color. When the condition is normal, the deposit is gray-brown in color. The center electrode is light gray. In case of a different color, a replacement will be needed.

Too much dirt has accumulated in fuel filter... No renovation needed here. The only competent way out is to replace it as quickly as possible.

A similar situation can happen with an air filter. When it is too dirty, air does not flow into the motor in the required amount. This causes the mixture in the cylinders to be too rich. As a result, the candles are simply flooded. It is enough to change the filter element.
"Disease" of injection machines - the grid of the gasoline pump gets clogged. Getting to her is not so difficult. You just have to lift backseat, and you can safely replace.

Unstable operation of the engine or its stopping for no specific reason - probably the fact is that the ignition module has broken. To restore it, you should have at least theoretical knowledge of electrical engineering.

Motor problems can be caused by the generator. If it breaks down, the total voltage indicator of the on-board city decreases. As a result, the car is powered exclusively by battery... It's easy enough to understand that the generator has broken down. This will be noticeable on the dashboard.

The mass air flow sensor has become unusable. This is also the reason why the motor stops working properly. This element is mounted in the branch pipe that connects the air filter and the throttle valve. If it fails, the driver notices that CHECK is lit on the panel.

It is important that you can even identify its breakdown on your own, and not only with the help of computer diagnostics. What is needed for this? Just disconnect the sensor connector and turn the key in the ignition lock. The controller will be put into operation in emergency mode... From this moment on, the air-fuel mixture, or rather its supply, will be controlled exclusively by the throttle valve. It is noteworthy that the revs are greatly increased.


Having carefully read this material, you can really draw the right conclusions for yourself, which will certainly help in case of problems of this kind. It is possible that the reason is completely different. Then it remains to go to the service station and carry out a complete diagnosis of your vehicle.

It is imperative to take care of the machine. If you do everything efficiently and in a timely manner, you will probably be able to avoid the problem when the VAZ 2114 stalls on the go. We can only hope that all drivers love theirs. iron horses and won't let them break!

The idle speed of the VAZ 2114, as in other things and on other cars of the "Samara" family, is regulated using the idle speed sensor. Also, this sensor is responsible for stabilizing the engine idling.

Before, we already talked about, but it was more general information, within the framework of this article, we will consider this issue exclusively with respect to the VAZ 2114 car.

Where is the idle sensor on the VAZ 2114 located?

To regulate and control the idle speed of the VAZ 2114, you need to understand where the unit responsible for them is located: the idle sensor. Finding it is not at all difficult: it is located directly next to throttle... It is fastened with two screws, but in rare cases you can find sensors on the "fourteenth", which are glued to the varnish.

How does the idle speed sensor VAZ 2114 work?

To fully understand how the VAZ 2114 engine works at idle, you need to understand the principle of operation of the idle sensor, which, in fact, creates the conditions for such a mode of operation of the motor.

It all starts when you turn the key in the ignition. At this moment, the rod extends from the idle speed sensor, which enters a special calibration hole, which is located on the throttle pipe. Then the sensor counts a certain number of steps, after which it returns the valve to its original position. For example, you can give the most popular manufacturer of these valves is Bosch... She takes 50 steps on a warm engine.

Further, while the engine is idling, the speed is constantly adjusted by displacement of the rod in the calibration hole. In fact, regulation is carried out by changing the volume of the supplied air.

It is important to note that the idle speed of the VAZ 2114 is regulated not only by the idle speed sensor... Other systems of the car also help him. So, for example, the amount of air supplied is controlled by the mass air flow sensor, it supplies the idle sensor with information about how much air the engine absorbs, and only after that the idle sensor decides to increase or decrease the amount of supplied air masses.

The sensor helps the idle speed sensor to monitor the engine speed crankshaft... From it, the idle speed sensor receives information about the frequency, which it compares with the set rate and, if necessary, corrects the volume of supplied air.

By what signs can you determine the malfunction of the idle speed sensor VAZ 2114?

To the great regret of the owners of the VAZ 2114, the idle speed sensor is not equipped with an automatic fault diagnosis system, so neither the check nor on-board computer car, will not indicate problems with adjusting the idle speed of the VAZ 2114.

Fortunately experience real owners VAZ 2114 made it possible to create a list of typical signs by which it can be determined that the idle speed sensor VAZ 2114 needs attention:

Sign 1: the car began to stall while idling.

Sign 2: while the VAZ 2114 engine is idling, the engine speed is floating.

Sign 3: during the "cold" operation of the engine at idle speed, increased speed is not observed.

Sign 4: while the VAZ 2114 engine is idling, the engine stalls when the car is removed from the gear.

If you find one of the above problems, then first of all you will have to clean the idle sensor, inspect it and decide on further manipulations: repair or complete replacement.

Its useful to note! Even in cases where it is possible to repair the idle sensor, it is better to replace it - it is safer and more durable.

What number of idle turns is considered the norm for the VAZ 2114?

Like any other car, the VAZ 2114 has its own regulated speed of the car's engine at idle speed. In the case of the "fourteenth", this rate is at 800 rpm. Let's say a deviation, 40 rpm are considered, both in plus and minus.

How much will the new idle sensor cost?

As you could already understand, the normal idle speed of the VAZ 2114 cannot exist without a working idle sensor. Just as we noted above, the best solution to the problem with the idle speed of the VAZ 2114 is to replace the idle speed sensor of the car. It is for this reason that we decided to find out how much this machine unit costs. It turned out that this is a fairly cheap spare part: about 350 rubles. At the same time, we note that we have met idle sensors that are much more expensive - a waste of money, and much cheaper - they are unreliable and short-lived.


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